Wiki source for ProPgStringsTypes

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{{fbdoc item="title" value="Strings (string, zstring, and wstring)"}}----
Of all built-in data-types, **Strings** types are those dedicated to the representation of character chains.

FreeBASIC supplies several strings data types for handling characters chains in various representations.
The fixed-length strings types (string, zstring and wstring) represent fixed-length chains of characters, while the variable-length string type represents a variable-length chain of characters.

{{fbdoc item="section" value="Fixed-length strings"}}
There are 3 types of fixed-length strings:
- Fixed-length string type for 8 bit character (QB-style fixed-length string):
**""-""** ##[[KeyPgString|STRING]] * //size//##
since fbc version 1.20.0, total length of the string: '//size//' characters = '//size//' bytes ##('//size//' useful characters)##
before fbc version 1.20.0, total length of the string: '//size//+1' characters = '//size//+1' bytes ##('//size//' useful characters + '1' final null character)##
- Fixed-length zstring type for 8 bit character:
**""-""** ##[[KeyPgZstring|ZSTRING]] * //size//##
total length of the zstring: '//size//' characters = '//size//' bytes ##('//size-1//' useful characters + '1' final null character)##
**""-""** ##[[KeyPgZstring|ZSTRING]] [[KeyPgPtr|PTR]]##
total length of the pointed zstring: depends on the character chain referenced by the ##pointer## (up to and including the final null character)
- Fixed-length wstring type for wide character:
**""-""** ##[[KeyPgWstring|WSTRING]] * //size//##
total length of the wstring: '//size//' characters = '//size//' x k##(*)## bytes ##('//size-1//' useful characters + '1' final null character)##
**""-""** ##[[KeyPgWstring|WSTRING]] [[KeyPgPtr|PTR]]##
total length of the pointed wstring: depends on the character chain referenced by the ##pointer## (up to and including the final null character)

##(*)## The number of bytes 'k' used by a ##WSTRING## character depends on the platform.

{{fbdoc item="section" value="Variable-length string"}}
There is only one type of variable-length string:
- Variable-length string type for 8 bit character:
**""-""** ##[[KeyPgString|STRING]]##
total length of the string: dynamic length depending on the assigned data characters
(string referenced by an internal descriptor of 1 ##pointer## + 2 ##uinteger## length)

{{fbdoc item="section" value="Example"}}
Size (in bytes) of different strings from all types above:
{{fbdoc item="filename" value="examples/manual/proguide/strings_types.bas"}}%%(freebasic)
' Result depending on fbc version (before/since 1.20.0)

Dim As String * 20 s20 = "FreeBASIC manual"

Dim As ZString * 20 z20 = "FreeBASIC manual"
Dim As ZString Ptr pz = @"FreeBASIC manual"

Dim As WString * 20 w20 = "FreeBASIC manual"
Dim As WString Ptr pw = @WStr("FreeBASIC manual")

Dim As String s = "FreeBASIC manual"

Print Using "'FIXED-LENGTH STRING * 20': ## bytes in total, ## useful characters available"; SizeOf(s20); Len(s20)
#if __FB_VERSION__ < "1.20.0"
Print Using " containing ## user characters of # byte(s) each"; IIf(InStr(s20, Chr(0)) > 0, InStr(s20, Chr(0)) - 1, Len(s20)); SizeOf(s20[0])
Print Using "'FIXED-LENGTH ZSTRING * 20': ## bytes in total, ## useful characters available"; SizeOf(z20); SizeOf(z20) \ SizeOf(z20[0]) - 1
Print Using " containing ## user characters of # byte(s) each"; Len(z20); SizeOf(Z20[0])
Print "'ZSTRING PTR': dereferencing pointer -> "; """" & *pz & """"
Print Using " containing ## user characters of # byte(s) each"; Len(*pz); SizeOf((*pz)[0])
Print Using "'FIXED-LENGTH WSTRING * 20': ## bytes in total, ## useful characters available"; SizeOf(w20); SizeOf(w20) \ SizeOf(w20[0]) - 1
Print Using " containing ## user characters of # byte(s) each"; Len(w20); SizeOf(w20[0])
Print "'WSTRING PTR': dereferencing pointer -> "; """" & *pw & """"
Print Using " containing ## user characters of # byte(s) each"; Len(*pw); SizeOf((*pw)[0])
Type descriptor : Addr As ZString Ptr : UC As UInteger : AC As UInteger : End Type
Print Using "'STRING': ## bytes in descriptor, memory allocated for ## characters right now"; SizeOf(s); Cast(descriptor Ptr, @s)->AC
Print Using " containing ## user characters of # byte(s) each"; Len(s); SizeOf(s[0])

%%Note: For the fixed-length string type only (QB-style fixed-length string), the 'Len()' keyword always returns the declared constant number of characters, regardless of the number of characters assigned to it by user.
(hence the formula only for fixed-length string type before fbc version 1.20.0: ##'""user_characters_length = IIf(InStr(s, Chr(0)) > 0, InStr(s, Chr(0)) - 1, Len(s))""'##)

Output example before fbc version 1.20.0 and for win64 (a wstring character uses 2 bytes):
'FIXED-LENGTH STRING * 20': 21 bytes in total, 20 useful characters available
containing 16 user characters of 1 byte(s) each

'FIXED-LENGTH ZSTRING * 20': 20 bytes in total, 19 useful characters available
containing 16 user characters of 1 byte(s) each
'ZSTRING PTR': dereferencing pointer -> "FreeBASIC manual"
containing 16 user characters of 1 byte(s) each

'FIXED-LENGTH WSTRING * 20': 40 bytes in total, 19 useful characters available
containing 16 user characters of 2 byte(s) each
'WSTRING PTR': dereferencing pointer -> "FreeBASIC manual"
containing 16 user characters of 2 byte(s) each

'STRING': 24 bytes in descriptor, memory allocated for 32 characters right now
containing 16 user characters of 1 byte(s) each
{{fbdoc item="section" value="Implicit conversion from Zstring to Ubyte"}}
When any operand of a binary operator (as assignment, equal, +, *, ...) consists in dereferencing a '##Zstring Ptr##' pointer ('##pz##'), this can give a '##Zstring##' string or a '##Ubyte##' variable, depending on the other operand:
**""-""** If the other operand is numeric, so the dereferenced '##Zstring Ptr##' pointer ('##*pz##') will be treated as a '##Ubyte##' reference to the one character pointed.
**""-""** If in this case a '##Zstring##' pointer indexing '##[]##' operator is used as dereferencing syntax ('##pz[n]##'), it is basically a short-cut version of the '##String##' indexing '##[]##' operator ('##(*pz)[n]##').

Since '##(*pz)[i]##' and '##pz[i][k]##' are always numeric (each an '##Ubyte##'), such equalities are true:
##pz[i] = (*pz)[i]##
##(*pz)[i] = pz[i]##
and even:
##pz[i+k] = pz[i][k]##
##pz[i][k] = pz[i+k]##

Simple code example with a dereferenced '##Zstring Ptr##' converted to an '##Ubyte##' reference (as operand of an 'assignment' operator and a '+' operator):
{{fbdoc item="filename" value="examples/manual/proguide/strings_types2.bas"}}%%(freebasic)
Dim As Zstring * (14+1) z = "FreeBASIC "
Dim As Zstring Ptr pz = @z

Print z
z[10] = Asc("2")
*(pz + 11) = Asc("0") '' *(pz + 11) is converted to an Ubyte reference
(*pz)[12] = Asc("1")
pz[13] = Asc("8") '' pz[13] is converted to an Ubyte reference
Print z

For I As Integer = 10 To 13
Print Str(z[I] - Asc("0"));
Next I
For I As Integer = 10 To 13
Print Str((*pz)[I] - Asc("0"));
Next I
For I As Integer = 10 To 13
Print Str(pz[I] - Asc("0")); '' pz[I] is converted to an Ubyte reference
Next I

FreeBASIC 2018
{{fbdoc item="section" value="See also"}}
- ##[[CatPgString|String Functions]]##
- ##[[TblVarTypes|Standard Data Type Limits]]##

{{fbdoc item="back" value="CatPgProgrammer|Programmer's Guide"}}
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