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{{fbdoc item="title" value="TO"}}----
Statement modifier to specify a range.

{{fbdoc item="syntax"}}##
[[KeyPgFor|For]] //iterator// //intial_value// **To** //ending_value//
[[KeyPgNext|Next]] [ //iterator// ]
[[KeyPgSelectcase|Select Case]] //case_comparison_value//
[[KeyPgCase|Case]] //lower_bound// **To** //upper_bound//
**End Select**
[[KeyPgDim|Dim]] //variable_identifier//( //lower_bound// **To** //upper_bound// ) [[KeyPgAs|As]] //type_specifier//
{{fbdoc item="desc"}}
The ##**To**## keyword is used to define a certain numerical range. This keyword is valid only if used with ##[[KeyPgFornext|For ... Next]]##, ##[[KeyPgCase|Case]]## and ##[[KeyPgDim|Dim]]## statements.

In the first syntax, the ##**To**## keyword defines the initial and ending values of the iterator in a ##[[KeyPgFor|For]]## statement.

In the second syntax, the ##**To**## keyword defines lower and upper bounds for ##[[KeyPgCase|Case]]## comparisons.

In the third syntax, the ##**To**## keyword defines the array bounds in a ##[[KeyPgDim|Dim]]## statement

For more information, see ##[[KeyPgFornext|For...Next]]##, ##[[KeyPgDim|Dim]]## and ##[[KeyPgSelectcase|Select Case]]##.

{{fbdoc item="ex"}}
{{fbdoc item="filename" value="examples/manual/misc/to.bas"}}%%(freebasic)
'' this program uses bound variables along with the TO keyword to create an array, store random
'' temperatures inside the array, and to determine output based upon the value of the temperatures
Randomize Timer

'' define minimum and maximum number of temperatures we will create
Const minimum_temp_count As Integer = 1
Const maximum_temp_count As Integer = 10

'' define the range of temperatures zones in which bacteria breed rapidly (in degrees)
Const min_low_danger As Integer = 40
Const max_low_danger As Integer = 69
Const min_medium_danger As Integer = 70
Const max_medium_danger As Integer = 99
Const min_high_danger As Integer = 100
Const max_high_danger As Integer = 130

'' define array to hold temperatures using our min/max temp count bounds
Dim As Integer array( minimum_temp_count To maximum_temp_count )

'' declare a for loop that iterates from minimum to maximum temp count
Dim As Integer it
For it = minimum_temp_count To maximum_temp_count

array( it ) = Int( Rnd( 1 ) * 200 ) + 1

'' display a message based on temperature using our min/max danger zone bounds
Select Case array( it )
Case min_low_danger To max_low_danger
Color 11
Print "Temperature" ; it ; " is in the low danger zone at" ; array( it ) ; " degrees!"
Case min_medium_danger To max_medium_danger
Color 14
Print "Temperature" ; it ; " is in the medium danger zone at" ; array( it ) ; " degrees!"
Case min_high_danger To max_high_danger
Color 12
Print "Temperature" ; it ; " is in the high danger zone at" ; array( it ) ; " degrees!"
Case Else
Color 3
Print "Temperature" ; it ; " is safe at" ; array( it ) ; " degrees."
End Select

Next it


{{fbdoc item="diff"}}
- none

{{fbdoc item="see"}}
- ##[[KeyPgFornext|For...Next]]##
- ##[[KeyPgDim|Dim]]##
- ##[[KeyPgSelectcase|Select Case]]##

{{fbdoc item="back" value="CatPgMisc|Miscellaneous"}}
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