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{{fbdoc item="title" value="STRIG"}}----
Reads button state from attached gaming devices

{{fbdoc item="syntax"}}##
[[KeyPgDeclare|declare]] [[KeyPgFunction|function]] **Strig** ( [[KeyPgByval|byval]] //button// [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgLong|long]] ) [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgLong|long]]
{{fbdoc item="usage"}}##
//result// = **Strig**( //button// )
{{fbdoc item="param"}}
the button to query for state

{{fbdoc item="ret"}}
Returns -1 (pressed) or 0 (not-pressed) to indicate the state of the ##//button//## requested.

{{fbdoc item="desc"}}
##**Strig**## will retrieve the button state for the first and second buttons on the first and second gaming devices. ##//button//## must be a number between 0 and 7 and has the following meaning:

{{table columns="2" cells="Button;State to return;0;First button on gaming device A pressed since STICK(0) was called;1;First button on gaming device A is pressed;2;First button on gaming device B pressed since STICK(0) was called;3;First button on gaming device B is pressed;4;Second button on gaming device A pressed since STICK(0) was called;5;Second button on gaming device A is pressed;6;Second button on gaming device B pressed since STICK(0) was called;7;Second button on gaming device B is pressed"}}

Calling ##**Stick(0)**## will reset the state returned where ##//button//## is equal to 0, 2, 4, or 6.

{{fbdoc item="ex"}}
{{fbdoc item="filename" value="examples/manual/input/strig.bas"}}%%(freebasic)
'' Compile with -lang qb

'$lang: "qb"

Screen 12

Locate 1, 1
Print "Joystick A-X position : "; Stick(0); " "
Print "Joystick A-Y position : "; Stick(1); " "
Print "Joystick B-X position : "; Stick(2); " "
Print "Joystick B-Y position : "; Stick(3); " "
Print "Button A1 was pressed : "; Strig(0); " "
Print "Button A1 is pressed : "; Strig(1); " "
Print "Button B1 was pressed : "; Strig(2); " "
Print "Button B1 is pressed : "; Strig(3); " "
Print "Button A2 was pressed : "; Strig(4); " "
Print "Button A2 is pressed : "; Strig(5); " "
Print "Button B2 was pressed : "; Strig(6); " "
Print "Button B2 is pressed : "; Strig(7); " "
Print "Press ESC to Quit"

If Inkey$ = Chr$(27) Then
Exit Do
End If

Sleep 1


{{fbdoc item="lang"}}
- Only available in the //[[CompilerOptlang|-lang qb]]// dialect.

{{fbdoc item="diff"}}
- None

{{fbdoc item="see"}}
- ##[[KeyPgGetjoystick|Getjoystick]]##
- ##[[KeyPgStick|Stick]]##

{{fbdoc item="back" value="CatPgGfxInput|User Input Functions"}}
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