Revision history for KeyPgOpIntegerDivide

Revision [21610]

Last edited on 2016-10-29 05:19:17 by fxm [Removed the syntaxes not true for 64-bit]
[[KeyPgDeclare|declare]] [[KeyPgOperator|operator]] **\** ( [[KeyPgByref|byref]] //lhs// [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgLongint|longint]], [[KeyPgByref|byref]] //rhs// [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgLongint|longint]] ) [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgLongint|longint]]
[[KeyPgDeclare|declare]] [[KeyPgOperator|operator]] **\** ( [[KeyPgByref|byref]] //lhs// [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgUlongint|ulongint]], [[KeyPgByref|byref]] //rhs// [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgUlongint|ulongint]] ) [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgUlongint|ulongint]]

Revision [21560]

Edited on 2016-08-15 13:25:34 by DkLwikki [Remove extra tab]

Revision [21037]

Edited on 2016-03-13 06:52:13 by fxm [Formatting]

Revision [20387]

Edited on 2016-02-10 16:04:45 by DkLwikki [Update link format]
Divides two ##[[KeyPgInteger|Integer]]## expressions
[[KeyPgDeclare|declare]] [[KeyPgOperator|operator]] **\** ( [[KeyPgByref|byref]] //lhs// [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgInteger|integer]], [[KeyPgByref|byref]] //rhs// [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgInteger|integer]] ) [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgInteger|integer]]
[[KeyPgDeclare|declare]] [[KeyPgOperator|operator]] **\** ( [[KeyPgByref|byref]] //lhs// [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgUinteger|uinteger]], [[KeyPgByref|byref]] //rhs// [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgUinteger|uinteger]] ) [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgUinteger|uinteger]]
[[KeyPgDeclare|declare]] [[KeyPgOperator|operator]] **\** ( [[KeyPgByref|byref]] //lhs// [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgLongint|longint]], [[KeyPgByref|byref]] //rhs// [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgLongint|longint]] ) [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgLongint|longint]]
[[KeyPgDeclare|declare]] [[KeyPgOperator|operator]] **\** ( [[KeyPgByref|byref]] //lhs// [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgUlongint|ulongint]], [[KeyPgByref|byref]] //rhs// [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgUlongint|ulongint]] ) [[KeyPgAs|as]] [[KeyPgUlongint|ulongint]]
Returns the quotient of an ##[[KeyPgInteger|Integer]]## dividend and divisor.
**##Operator \## (Integer division)** divides two ##[[KeyPgInteger|Integer]]## expressions and returns the result. Float numeric values are converted to ##[[KeyPgInteger|Integer]]## by rounding up or down, and the fractional part of the resulting quotient is truncated.
- In the //[[CompilerOptlang|-lang qb]]// dialect, this operator cannot be overloaded.
- [[KeyPgOpDivide|Operator / (Floating-point divide)]]
- [[KeyPgOpModulus|Operator Mod (Modulus)]]
- [[CatPgMath|Mathematical Functions]]
Divides two ##[[KeyPgInteger Integer]]## expressions
[[KeyPgDeclare declare]] [[KeyPgOperator operator]] **\** ( [[KeyPgByref byref]] //lhs// [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgInteger integer]], [[KeyPgByref byref]] //rhs// [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgInteger integer]] ) [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgInteger integer]]
[[KeyPgDeclare declare]] [[KeyPgOperator operator]] **\** ( [[KeyPgByref byref]] //lhs// [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgUinteger uinteger]], [[KeyPgByref byref]] //rhs// [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgUinteger uinteger]] ) [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgUinteger uinteger]]
[[KeyPgDeclare declare]] [[KeyPgOperator operator]] **\** ( [[KeyPgByref byref]] //lhs// [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgLongint longint]], [[KeyPgByref byref]] //rhs// [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgLongint longint]] ) [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgLongint longint]]
[[KeyPgDeclare declare]] [[KeyPgOperator operator]] **\** ( [[KeyPgByref byref]] //lhs// [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgUlongint ulongint]], [[KeyPgByref byref]] //rhs// [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgUlongint ulongint]] ) [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgUlongint ulongint]]
Returns the quotient of an ##[[KeyPgInteger Integer]]## dividend and divisor.
**##Operator \## (Integer division)** divides two ##[[KeyPgInteger Integer]]## expressions and returns the result. Float numeric values are converted to ##[[KeyPgInteger Integer]]## by rounding up or down, and the fractional part of the resulting quotient is truncated.
- In the //[[CompilerOptlang -lang qb]]// dialect, this operator cannot be overloaded.
- [[KeyPgOpDivide Operator / (Floating-point divide)]]
- [[KeyPgOpModulus Operator Mod (Modulus)]]
- [[CatPgMath Mathematical Functions]]

Revision [17455]

Edited on 2015-03-25 08:57:22 by CountingPine [[u]integer/[u]longint overloads]
[[KeyPgDeclare declare]] [[KeyPgOperator operator]] **\** ( [[KeyPgByref byref]] //lhs// [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgUinteger uinteger]], [[KeyPgByref byref]] //rhs// [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgUinteger uinteger]] ) [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgUinteger uinteger]]
[[KeyPgDeclare declare]] [[KeyPgOperator operator]] **\** ( [[KeyPgByref byref]] //lhs// [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgLongint longint]], [[KeyPgByref byref]] //rhs// [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgLongint longint]] ) [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgLongint longint]]
[[KeyPgDeclare declare]] [[KeyPgOperator operator]] **\** ( [[KeyPgByref byref]] //lhs// [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgUlongint ulongint]], [[KeyPgByref byref]] //rhs// [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgUlongint ulongint]] ) [[KeyPgAs as]] [[KeyPgUlongint ulongint]]

Revision [16243]

Edited on 2012-08-10 10:57:09 by FxMwikki ["Operator \ (Floating-point divide)" instead of "Operator / (Floating-point divide)" in the footer l]
- [[KeyPgOpDivide Operator / (Floating-point divide)]]
- [[KeyPgOpDivide Operator \ (Floating-point divide)]]

Revision [13854]

Edited on 2008-11-01 03:11:46 by DoS386 [minor]
**##Operator \## (Integer division)** divides two ##[[KeyPgInteger Integer]]## expressions and returns the result. Float numeric values are converted to ##[[KeyPgInteger Integer]]## by rounding up or down, and the fractional part of the resulting quotient is truncated.
If the divisor (##//rhs//##) is zero (##0##), a division by zero error (crash) will be raised.
**##Operator \## (Integer division)** divides two ##[[KeyPgInteger Integer]]## expressions and returns the result. Numeric values are converted to ##[[KeyPgInteger Integer]]## by rounding up or down, and the fractional part of the resulting quotient is truncated.
If the divisor (##//rhs//##) is zero (##0##), a division by zero error will be raised.

Revision [13805]

Edited on 2008-10-22 07:03:04 by CountingPine [Operator links]
If the divisor (##//rhs//##) is zero (##0##), a division by zero error will be raised.
- [[KeyPgOpDivide Operator \ (Floating-point divide)]]
- [[KeyPgOpModulus Operator Mod (Modulus)]]
If the divisor (##//rhs//##) is zero (0), a division by zero error will be raised.
- [[KeyPgOpDivide Float division]]

Revision [13794]

Edited on 2008-10-22 03:15:53 by DoS386 [+see]
- [[KeyPgOpDivide Float division]]

Revision [12397]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2008-01-18 14:21:29 by JeffMarshall [+see]
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