Community Code Library
FreeBASIC Code, Games, and Libraries. Written in FreeBASIC, by FreeBASIC Community Members.
Code Editors & IDEs
Graphics Code
Island Generation by rdc
Plasma Generation by Zamaster
Tree Generation by Zamaster
Antialiased Circles by Acetoline
Ellipse Renderer by Pritchard
Catmull-rom Splines by relsoft Bezier vs Catmull-rom by relsoft
Accurate Image Scaler by KristopherWindsor
Spline Curve by Zamaster
Rotozoom by Dr_D
HSV Color Space by Antoni
FBImage static Win/Lin 32/64-bit by by D.J.Peters
Chain-Like Animation Tutorial by Lachie Dazdarian
Sound Code
Math Code
Text/Parser Code
FBEdit, an IDE for FB by KetilO (Win32)
WinFBE Editor and Visual Designer, an IDE for FB by Paul Squires (Win32,Win64)
VISG GUI Builder (WIN) by mrhx
List of FreeBASIC IDEs/Editors on the forum
WinFBE Editor and Visual Designer, an IDE for FB by Paul Squires (Win32,Win64)
VISG GUI Builder (WIN) by mrhx
List of FreeBASIC IDEs/Editors on the forum
Graphics Code
Animated Clouds by ZamasterIsland Generation by rdc
Plasma Generation by Zamaster
Tree Generation by Zamaster
Graphics Functions and Primitives
AntiAliased Bezier Curves by AcetolineAntialiased Circles by Acetoline
Ellipse Renderer by Pritchard
Catmull-rom Splines by relsoft Bezier vs Catmull-rom by relsoft
Accurate Image Scaler by KristopherWindsor
Spline Curve by Zamaster
Rotozoom by Dr_D
Colors and Palettes
24bit to 16bit color width by Eternal_PainHSV Color Space by Antoni
fbpng library by yetifootFBImage static Win/Lin 32/64-bit by by D.J.Peters
ASCII Animation Example by PritchardChain-Like Animation Tutorial by Lachie Dazdarian
Sound Code
Math Code
FBMath by jdebord
A* Pathfinding by dumbledore
Fraction Library by Zamaster
Big Number Wrapper by Yetifoot
BCD arithmetics by srvaldez
10Byte extended float by srvaldez, included in FB examples
CRC Calculation by Fragmeister
2d rigid body library by coderjeff
Irrlicht wrapper + Newton Intergrated by SiskinEDGE
A* Pathfinding by dumbledore
Fraction Library by Zamaster
Big Number Wrapper by Yetifoot
BCD arithmetics by srvaldez
10Byte extended float by srvaldez, included in FB examples
CRC Calculation by Fragmeister
Physics simulation
Atom smash simulation by coderjeff2d rigid body library by coderjeff
Irrlicht wrapper + Newton Intergrated by SiskinEDGE
Text/Parser Code
Expression Parser by yetifoot
Turing Machine by Zamaster
Roman Numeral to Integer Conversion by stylin
Unicode console calender, by zippy and voodooattack
FB source to highlighted HTML by Kristopher Windsor
Portable help (not .chm) viewer by coderjeff
Lisp interpreter by coderjeff
AES Encryption/Decryption by Zamaster
DES/LUCIFER Encryption/Decryption by Zamaster
MD5 Calculator by DOS386
Tiger Hash by Mindless
Turing Machine by Zamaster
Roman Numeral to Integer Conversion by stylin
Unicode console calender, by zippy and voodooattack
FB source to highlighted HTML by Kristopher Windsor
Portable help (not .chm) viewer by coderjeff
Lisp interpreter by coderjeff
MARS encryption by ZamasterAES Encryption/Decryption by Zamaster
DES/LUCIFER Encryption/Decryption by Zamaster
MD5 Calculator by DOS386
Tiger Hash by Mindless
FreeBASIC Games
GUI Code
Networking- Web Code
I/O Code
OS Specific Code
FBWinPrint 1.0 by vdecampo
In memory dialogs by MichaelW
Talking program usin Win Voice API, by coder guy
Using GfxLib in Windows API by MichaelW
Print a bitmap file by MichaelW
ShellExecute wrapper by RayBritton
FBWiki to chm format converter by coderjeff
FB ODBC library by KaraK
Get a file from an URL by Sisophon
Using GfxLib on Gtk by caseih
Calling an Interrupt requiring a pointer by DrV
Access BTRIEVE files by mjs
"GetDiskFreeSpaceEx" Check for disk total/free space on FAT32 by DOS386
DPMI host detection version/capabilities by DrV
Data structures and special-purpose UDTs
Miscellaneous Code
Community Websites/Links
FreeBASIC Games Directory by Lachie Dazdarian
Lynn's Legacy by cha0s and Josiah Tobin
Relativity by Lithium
Star Cage by Lachie Dazdarian
100 Line Tetris by Deleter
Any PNG or JPEG as a Jigsaw Puzzle by Mysoft
Featured Games:
Kingdoms by PiptolLynn's Legacy by cha0s and Josiah Tobin
Relativity by Lithium
Star Cage by Lachie Dazdarian
100 Line Tetris by Deleter
Any PNG or JPEG as a Jigsaw Puzzle by Mysoft
GUI Code
In Game GUI by coderJeff
Zine GUI by VonGodric
WX GUI example by ciw1973
KwikGUI (WIN/LIN/DOS) by Vincent DeCampo
FB_GUI by BasicScience
Zine GUI by VonGodric
WX GUI example by ciw1973
KwikGUI (WIN/LIN/DOS) by Vincent DeCampo
FB_GUI by BasicScience
Networking- Web Code
FB Web Server (Win) by parakeet
FB Server side scripting (uses the server above) by fishhf
ChiSock portable sockets library by cha0s
FB Server side scripting (uses the server above) by fishhf
ChiSock portable sockets library by cha0s
I/O Code
Text Input by Pritchard & sir_mud
ConLib Console library with PCopy by cha0s
Lock Mouse to Grid Positions by Pritchard
Modbus device finder by Antoni
Serial port terminal program by Antoni
ConLib Console library with PCopy by cha0s
Lock Mouse to Grid Positions by Pritchard
Serial Port
Drive a Parallax servo controller by phishguyModbus device finder by Antoni
Serial port terminal program by Antoni
OS Specific Code
ServiceFB (Win) by zerospeedFBWinPrint 1.0 by vdecampo
In memory dialogs by MichaelW
Talking program usin Win Voice API, by coder guy
Using GfxLib in Windows API by MichaelW
Print a bitmap file by MichaelW
ShellExecute wrapper by RayBritton
FBWiki to chm format converter by coderjeff
FB ODBC library by KaraK
Get a file from an URL by Sisophon
Printing on Linux by coderJeffUsing GfxLib on Gtk by caseih
Detect system codepage by DrVCalling an Interrupt requiring a pointer by DrV
Access BTRIEVE files by mjs
"GetDiskFreeSpaceEx" Check for disk total/free space on FAT32 by DOS386
DPMI host detection version/capabilities by DrV
Data structures and special-purpose UDTs
Boolean Type by Imortis
Safe FBstring Type by stylin
FreeBASIC Memory Leak Detector by DrV & Others
Auto-deallocating 'Smart' Pointers by stylin
UDTs for Properties by Pritchard
Safe FBstring Type by stylin
FreeBASIC Memory Leak Detector by DrV & Others
Auto-deallocating 'Smart' Pointers by stylin
UDTs for Properties by Pritchard
Miscellaneous Code
FreeBASIC Extended Library
FB CAD by owen
FBstd C++ Lib Port (W.I.P.) by stylin
Testly by zerospeed
Portable way to add a resource to a program by voodooattack
CPU Identification by MichaelW
Cpu Cycle counter for benchmarking of code by MichaelW
Use of the FBGfx built-in LZW routines by Lillo
Using FB dll's in RapidQ programs by JohnK
FB CAD by owen
FBstd C++ Lib Port (W.I.P.) by stylin
Testly by zerospeed
Portable way to add a resource to a program by voodooattack
CPU Identification by MichaelW
Cpu Cycle counter for benchmarking of code by MichaelW
Use of the FBGfx built-in LZW routines by Lillo
Using FB dll's in RapidQ programs by JohnK
Community Websites/Links
This is a place to post worthy projects/code snippets for FreeBASIC, in their relative categories. To add a page, link to either its wiki page, website, or thread on the FreeBASIC Forums. State the project name and who it's by. Sections may be broken down into their own separate pages some time in the future. Note: Due to FB being in Beta stage of development, earlier coded projects may need to be reconfigured or recompiled to work on later versions of FreeBASIC.
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