critique for my palette

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critique for my palette

Post by dafhi »

i've been exploring the idea of a 'universal' palette for pixel art, as well as photography

any objections to having full brightness blue arrive in last half of 16 colors?

[edit] - i have an objection. pal size 4 looks amazing but the others, not so much.

Code: Select all

'' can view 2 files at once, but only .bmp
#define file1 ".bmp"
#define file2 ".bmp"

'' you may also want to change this
#define file_dir "photos/"

/' -- About 

  universal palette conceptualization - 2023 Sep 28 - by dafhi

' ====================

#define sng         as single
#define dbl         as double

#define min( a, b)        iif( (a)<(b), (a), (b) )
#define max( a, b)        iif( (a)>(b), (a), (b) )

function bclamp( i sng ) as ubyte '' Feb 23
  return min( max( i, 0), 255 )
End Function

function clamp( in sng, hi sng = 1, lo sng = 0) sng
  return min( max(in, lo), hi ) '' Mar 8
End Function

union uptrs
  as any ptr          a
  as ubyte ptr        b
  as ushort ptr       sho
  as ulong ptr        ul
  as ulongint ptr     uli
  As Single Ptr       s
  as double ptr       d
End Union
' -------- boilerplate

' ------- util.bas continued ..
function triwave( i sng ) sng
  return abs( i - int(i) - .5 ) - .25  '' triwave by Stonemonkey
end function

function _cchsv(h sng, s sng, v sng) as ubyte
  var wave_hgt = s * v
  var elevate = v - wave_hgt
  return 255.499 * (wave_hgt * clamp(triwave(h)*6 + .5) + elevate)
end function

function hsv( h sng=0, s sng=1, v sng=1 ) as ulong '' 2023 April 8
    return rgb( _
  _cchsv( h + 0/3, s,v ), _
  _cchsv( h + 2/3, s,v ), _
  _cchsv( h + 1/3, s,v ) )
end function

  sub grad( a() sng, v0 sng, v1 sng, steps as long = 1, _
idx as long = 0, delta_flag as boolean = true )
  if idx + steps - 1 > ubound(a) then redim preserve a(idx+steps-1)
  v1 = iif( delta_flag, (v1-v0)/(steps-1), v1 )
  for j as long = 0 to steps - 1
    a(j+idx) = v0 + j * v1
end sub

const h_red = 0/12
const h_orange = 1/12
const h_yellow = 1/6
const h_green = 1/3
const h_blue = 2/3
' -------- util.bas

type imagevars '2022 Mar 15 - by dafhi
  '1. quick reference for ScreenInfo & ImageInfo
  '2. encapsulate standard metrics
  '3. convenient additional vars, subs and functions
  as long            w,h, bpp,bypp,pitch, rate
  as string             driver_name
  as any ptr            im
  as any ptr            pixels    'same address
  as ulong ptr          p32       '
  as single             wh,hh, diagonal
  as integer            pitchBy, wm = -1, hm = -1, u = -1, is_screen
  declare sub           create(w as integer=0, h as integer=0, col as ulong=&HFF000000)
  declare sub           bmp_load( ByRef filename As String )
                        '2017 Aug 17
  declare sub           get_info(im as any ptr=0)
  declare               destructor
  declare sub           _release
  as any ptr            hRelease
  declare sub           _specialized
end type

Destructor.imagevars:  _release
End Destructor

sub imagevars._release                             '2016 Aug 30
  w=0: h=0: bpp=0: bypp=0: im=0: pixels=0
  If ImageInfo(hRelease) = 0 Then ImageDestroy hRelease:  hRelease = 0
End Sub

sub imagevars._specialized
  wm = w - 1:  wh = w/2
  hm = h - 1:  hh = h/2
  pitchBy = pitch \ bypp:  u = h*pitchBy - 1
  p32 = pixels:  diagonal = sqr(w*w + h*h)
End Sub

sub imagevars.get_info(im as any ptr)
  if im=0 then
    ScreenInfo w,h, bpp, bypp, pitch, rate, driver_name:  pixels=screenptr
    is_screen = -1: im=0
  elseif Imageinfo(im)=0 then
    ImageInfo im, w, h, bypp, pitch, pixels:  bpp = bypp * 8 = im:  is_screen = 0
  endif: hRelease = im:  p32=pixels
  wm=w-1:  wh=w/2:  pitchBy=pitch/bypp '' crashes if \ and bypp = 0
  hm=h-1:  hh=h/2:  u = h*pitchBy - 1
end sub

sub imagevars.create(_w as integer, _h as integer, col as ulong)
  if _w<1 or _h<1 then exit sub '2017 sep 1
  release:  get_info imagecreate(_w,_h,col)
End Sub

sub imagevars.bmp_load( ByRef filename As String )  'modified fb example
  Dim As integer filenum = FreeFile()', w,h '2017 Sep 28 .. long to integer
  for i as integer = 1 to 2
    If Open( filename For Binary Access Read As #filenum ) = 0 Then
      dim as ushort w,h
      Get #filenum, 19, w
      Get #filenum, 23, h
      create w, abs(h)
      bload filename, im:  close #filenum: exit for
    Close #filenum
    filename = exepath & "\" & filename
End sub

' --- floyd steinberg dithering - 2023 Sep 19 - by dafhi
'  Input:  truecolor image metrics and target color (per pixel)
'  output:  truecolor quantized and dithered

' ---------------------

type tFloydSteinberg
  as long             wm,hm,pitch
  as ubyte ptr        r0,g0,b0
  as long             offa,offb,offc,offd
  declare sub         metrics(w as long, h as long, pitch as long, pixels as ubyte ptr)
  declare sub         drop_it(x as long, y as long, newcol as ulong)
  declare sub         n(off as long, amount as long)
  as long             re,ge,be, r,g,b, cen
End Type

sub tFloydSteinberg.metrics(w as long, h as long, _pitch as long, pixels as ubyte ptr)
  wm=w-1: hm=h-1: pitch=_pitch
  b0=pixels: g0=pixels+1: r0=pixels+2
  offa=4: offb=pitch+4: offc=pitch: offd=pitch-4
End Sub

sub tFloydSteinberg.n(off as long, amount as long)
  r=r0[off] + (re*amount)shr 4:  r0[off] = bclamp(r)
  g=g0[off] + (ge*amount)shr 4:  g0[off] = bclamp(g)
  b=b0[off] + (be*amount)shr 4:  b0[off] = bclamp(b)
End Sub

sub tFloydSteinberg.drop_it(x as long, y as long, newcol as ulong)
  r=(newcol shr 16)and 255
  g=(newcol shr 8)and 255
  b= newcol and 255
  cen=x*4 + y*pitch
  re=r0[cen]-r:  r0[cen]=r
  ge=g0[cen]-g:  g0[cen]=g
  be=b0[cen]-b:  b0[cen]=b
  if x<wm then n offa+cen, 7  '' 2023 Sept 19
  if y<hm then                ''
    n offb+cen, 1             ''
    n offc+cen, 5
    if x>0 then n offd+cen, 3
End Sub
' -----------------

#Ifndef UnionARGB
  Union UnionARGB
    As Ulong        col
    Type: As UByte  B,G,R,A
    End Type
    declare operator cast as string
    declare operator let( as ulong)
  End Union
  operator unionARGB.let( in as ulong )
    r = (in shr 16) and 255
    g = (in shr 8) and 255
    b = in and 255
  end operator
  operator unionARGB.cast as string
    return str(r) + " " + str(g) + " " + str(b)
  end operator

function qdr(a as any ptr, b as any ptr) as longint
  dim as unionargb ptr uara = a, uarb = b
  const pow = 2
  dim as longint dr = abs(uara->r - uarb->r)
  dim as longint dg = abs(uara->g - uarb->g)
  dim as longint db = abs(uara->b - uarb->b)
    return _
  (dr * 3/3)^pow+_
  (dg * (3/3 + .08))^pow+_
  (db * (3/3 - .08))^pow
End Function

  namespace gp_pal

dim as tFloydSteinberg  fs
dim as ulong    _pal256(255)
dim as ulong    palsrc()

dim as ubyte    group_size(7) = {2,2,4,8,16,32,64,128}
dim as ubyte    group_start(ubound(group_size))
dim as byte     i_group
dim as string     str_pal_size
dim as string     str_value

type tPicGroup
  as imagevars  im(any)
end type

  dim as tPicGroup  pic_group
function f_ubound_from_group as long
  dim as long u = group_size(0)-1
  for i as long = 1 to i_group
    u += group_size(i)
  return u
end function

sub _set_groups_pos0
  static as long initialized:  if initialized then exit sub
  group_start(0) = 0
  for i as long = 1 to ubound(group_size)
    group_start(i) = group_start(i-1) + group_size(i-1)
  initialized = true
end sub

sub visual_palette
  const size = 11
  const size1 = size + 1
  const sizem = size - 1
  for y as long = 0 to i_group
    for x as long = 0 to group_size(y) - 1
        line _
      (size1*x, size1*y) - _
      (size1*x+ sizem, size1*y + sizem),  _
      _pal256( group_start(y) + x ), bf
end sub

sub show

  redim palsrc( f_ubound_from_group )
  for i as long = 0 to ubound(palsrc)
    palsrc(i) = _pal256(i)
    dim as unionargb uar: uar = palsrc(i)

  dim as uptrs  upr
  dim as long   lx
  for i as long = 0 to ubound(
    put (lx,1),, pset
    var wm = min(lx +, fs.wm)

    for y as long = 1 to min( 1 +,
      upr.a = fs.b0 + y*fs.pitch
      for x as long = lx to wm

        var i = 0
        var s = qdr( @palsrc(i), @upr.ul[x] )
        for j as long = 1 to ubound( palsrc )
          var d = qdr( @palsrc(j), @upr.ul[x] )
          if d<s then s=d: i=j

        fs.drop_it(x,y, palsrc(i))
    lx += + 1
  #if 1


end sub

sub add_bmp( file as string )
  var u = ubound( + 1
  redim preserve u ) file_dir + file
end sub

dim sng hsv_h(255)
dim sng hsv_s(255)
dim sng hsv_v(255)

  sub to_pal( i as long )
    for j as long = group_start(i) to group_start(i) + group_size(i)-1
      _pal256(j) = hsv( hsv_h(j), hsv_s(j), hsv_v(j) )
  end sub

sub depth_change( amt as long, _show as boolean = true )
    if amt < 0 and i_group = 0  orelse _
  amt > 0 and i_group = ubound(group_size) then exit sub
  i_group += amt
  to_pal i_group
  if _show then show
  str_pal_size = "pal size " + str( 2 shl i_group )
  var str_group_start = str( group_start(i_group+0) )
  windowtitle str_pal_size '+ ", group_start " + str_group_start
end sub

sub _groups_0to3
  const delta_flag = 0
  grad hsv_v(), 1, 1, 8, 0 '' 1.0..1.0 for 8 elements

  hsv_v(1) = 1/4 '' dark blue when hue becomes 2/3
  hsv_v(4) = 0 '' black @ elem 5
  '' hue 1/3, incr 1/3
  grad hsv_h(), 1/3, 1/3, 4, 0, delta_flag 
  grad hsv_s(), 1, 1, 15, 1 '' 15 elems of full saturaation
  '' C M Y
  grad hsv_h(), 1/6, 1/3, 3, 5, delta_flag
  '' R c G m B y
  grad hsv_h(), 0/3, 1/6, 6, 8, delta_flag 
  grad hsv_v(), 1/4, 1/4, 8, 8
  hsv_v(12) = 1 '' full bright blue
  grad hsv_h(), 1/12, 0/6, 2, 14, delta_flag '' 2 orange (1 half-bright)
  hsv_v(14) = 1/2 '' half bright orange (brown)
  hsv_v(15) = 1/1 '' orange

  to_pal 0
  to_pal 1
  to_pal 2
  to_pal 3
end sub

sub pal_init

end sub

end namespace

#include "" '' key codes

sub Main

  screenres 1400,900, 32
  dim as imagevars buf

    using gp_pal
  fs.metrics buf.w, buf.h, buf.pitch, buf.pixels
  add_bmp file1
  add_bmp file2
  var render_flag = false
  for i as long = 1 to iif(1, 0, ubound(group_size)-0)
    depth_change 1, render_flag
  locate 2,7
  ? "keys: left, right"
  dim as string*2 kstr
  #define extchar chr(255)
    kstr = inkey
      var ctrl_or_shift = multikey(fb.sc_lshift) _
    or multikey(fb.sc_control) or multikey(fb.sc_rshift)
    select case (kstr)
    case extchar + chr(75) '' left
      depth_change -1
    case extchar + chr(77) '' right
      depth_change 1
    end select
    sleep 15
  loop until kstr = chr(27)

end sub


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