Xs and Os (or Tic-Tac-Toe)

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Xs and Os (or Tic-Tac-Toe)

Post by NorbyDroid »

Here is a REALLY simple game where the computer plays itself at Xs and Os. Nothin special.

Computer is dumb and just randomly chooses a position to play without thinkin of the "best" move.

Code: Select all

Randomize Timer

Dim as String Text="Simple Xs and Os by Norby Droid"

Color 9 : Locate 2, 40-Len(Text)\2, 0 : Print Text;

Function GetMove(Board as String) as Integer
  Dim as Integer tPos, tVal

  While tVal=0
    If Mid(Board, tPos, 1)=" " then tVal=1

  Return tPos
End Function

Function WinTest(Board as String) as Integer
  Dim as String tStr

  For t as Integer=0 to 7
    tStr=Mid("123456789147258369159357", 3*t+1, 3)

    tStr=Mid(Board, Val(Left(tStr, 1)), 1)+   _
         Mid(Board, Val(Mid(tStr, 2, 1)), 1)+ _
         Mid(Board, Val(Right(tStr,1)), 1)

    If tStr="XXX" then WinTest=1
    If tStr="OOO" then WinTest=2
End Function

Sub UpdateBoard(Board as String)
  Color 13
  Locate 11, 34, 0 : Print "   |   |   ";
  Locate 12, 34, 0 : Print "---+---+---";
  Locate 13, 34, 0 : Print "   |   |   ";
  Locate 14, 34, 0 : Print "---+---+---";
  Locate 15, 34, 0 : Print "   |   |   ";

  For t as Integer=0 to 2
    Locate 11, 4*t+35, 0 : Print Mid(Board, t+1, 1);
    Locate 13, 4*t+35, 0 : Print Mid(Board, t+4, 1);
    Locate 15, 4*t+35, 0 : Print Mid(Board, t+7, 1);
End Sub

Sub Main(Board as String)
  Dim as Integer Moves=0
  Dim as Integer Winner=0
  While Winner=0
    DIm as String Player=Mid("XO", (Moves Mod 2)+1, 1)

    Dim as Integer tPos=GetMove(Board)
    Mid(Board, tPos, 1)=Player
    UpdateBoard Board

    If Instr(Board, " ")=0 then Winner=3

    Sleep 50 : If Inkey=Chr(27) then End
End Sub

Dim as String Board=Space(9)
UpdateBoard Board

Dim as Integer x, o, t


  Main Board
  Dim as Integer Winner=WinTest(Board)

  ' Display Winner ot non winner
  Locate 17, 35, 0
  If Winner=0 then Print "No Winner" : t+=1
  If Winner=1 then Print " X  Wins " : x+=1
  If Winner=2 then Print " O  Wins " : o+=1

  Locate 20, 2, 0 : Print "X:"; Str(x)
  Locate 20, 32, 0 : Print "O:"; Str(o)
  Locate 20, 62, 0 : Print "Tie:"; Str(t)

  Sleep 500
  Locate 17, 35, 0: Print Space(10);
Updated: There were a few gremlins in the code and they have been fixed and tested in WinFBE. Thanks to PaulDoe on Discord.
Last edited by NorbyDroid on May 03, 2023 12:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Xs and Os (or Tic-Tac-Toe)

Post by integer »

in main:
player is defined twice
winner is not defined

the subroutine/macro "incr" is not defined
believe it should be: moves += 1

The player with the first move has the advantage.
Posts: 70
Joined: May 21, 2016 22:55

Re: Xs and Os (or Tic-Tac-Toe)

Post by NorbyDroid »

integer wrote: May 03, 2023 8:25 in main:
player is defined twice
winner is not defined

the subroutine/macro "incr" is not defined
believe it should be: moves += 1

The player with the first move has the advantage.
You are correct:

Code: Select all

"Incr Moves, 1" -> "Moves+=1"
Player has been fixed along with other issues. Thanks for your reply.
Posts: 70
Joined: May 21, 2016 22:55

Re: Xs and Os (or Tic-Tac-Toe)

Post by NorbyDroid »

Here is a small update to the Xs and Os game.

It adds Players:
0) Computer vs Computer
1) Player vs Computer
2) Player vs Player
When choosin Players 1 or 2 a random player is chosen to start.

Simple brain to play intelligently.

Changes here and there.

Code: Select all

Randomize Timer

Dim as String Text="Simple Xs and Os by Norby Droid"

Color 9 : Locate 2, 40-Len(Text)\2, 0 : Print Text;

Sub Message(Text as String)
  Color 12 : Locate 24, 40-Len(Text)\2, 0 : Print Text;
  Sleep 1000 : Locate 24, 1 : Print Space(80);
End Sub

Function GetMove(Board as String) as Integer
  Dim as Integer tPos, tVal

  While tVal=0
    If Mid(Board, tPos, 1)=" " then tVal=1

  Return tPos
End Function

Function Brain(Board as String, Think as Integer) as Integer
  Dim tPos as Integer

  If Trim(Board)="" then
    If Think=1 then Message "Pick a Corner Position"
    Return Val(Mid("1379", Int(4*Rnd)+1, 1)) : Exit Function
  If Len(Trim(Board))=1 and _
     (Mid(Board, 1, 1)<>" " or Mid(Board, 3, 1)<>" " or _
      Mid(Board, 1, 1)<>" " or Mid(Board, 3, 1)<>" ") then
      If Think=1 then Message "Pick the Center Position"
      Return 5
      Exit Function

  Dim as String tMoves="123456789147258369159357"
  If Think=1 then Message "Check for a possible Block"
  For t as Integer=0 to 7
    Dim as String Block=Mid(tMoves, 3*t+1, 3)
    Dim as Integer p1=Val(Left(Block, 1))
    Dim as Integer p2=Val(Mid(Block, 2, 1))
    Dim as Integer p3=Val(Right(Block, 1))
    Block=Mid(Board, p1, 1)+Mid(Board, p2, 1)+Mid(Board, p3, 1)
    If Think=1 then Message "["+Str(p1)+Str(p2)+Str(p3)+" }"+Block+"{"
    If Block=" XX" or Block=" OO" then
        If Think=1 then Message "Left Block"
        Return p1 : Exit Function

    If Block="X X" or Block="O O" then 
        If Think=1 then Message "Middle Block"
        Return p2 : Exit Function
    If Block="XX " or Block="OO " then
        If Think=1 then Message "Right Block"
        Return p3 : Exit Function
  If tPos=0 then
    If Think=1 then Message "Pick a Random Position"
    Return GetMove(Board) : Exit Function
End FUnction

Function WinTest(Board as String) as Integer
  Dim as String tStr

  For t as Integer=0 to 7
    tStr=Mid("123456789147258369159357", 3*t+1, 3)

    tStr=Mid(Board, Val(Left(tStr, 1)), 1)+   _
         Mid(Board, Val(Mid(tStr, 2, 1)), 1)+ _
         Mid(Board, Val(Right(tStr,1)), 1)

    If tStr="XXX" then WinTest=1
    If tStr="OOO" then WinTest=2
End Function

Sub UpdateBoard(Board as String)
  Color 13
  Locate 11, 34, 0 : Print "   |   |   ";
  Locate 12, 34, 0 : Print "---+---+---";
  Locate 13, 34, 0 : Print "   |   |   ";
  Locate 14, 34, 0 : Print "---+---+---";
  Locate 15, 34, 0 : Print "   |   |   ";

  For t as Integer=0 to 2
    Locate 11, 4*t+35, 0 : Print Mid(Board, t+1, 1);
    Locate 13, 4*t+35, 0 : Print Mid(Board, t+4, 1);
    Locate 15, 4*t+35, 0 : Print Mid(Board, t+7, 1);
End Sub

Sub Player0(Board as String)
  Dim as Integer Moves=Int(2*Rnd)
  Dim as Integer Winner=0
  Dim as String Player

  While Winner=0
    Mid(Board, Brain(Board, 0), 1)=Mid("XO", (Moves Mod 2)+1, 1)
    UpdateBoard Board

    Moves+=1 : Winner=WinTest(Board)
    If Instr(Board, " ")=0 then Winner=3

    Sleep 50 : If Inkey=Chr(27) then End
End Sub

Sub Computer
  Dim x as Integer, o as Integer, t as Integer

  Locate 13, 2, 0 : Print Space(40);

    Dim as String Board=Space(9)

    Player0 Board
    Dim as Integer Winner=WinTest(Board)

    ' Display Winner ot non winner
    Locate 17, 35, 0
    If Winner=0 then Print "No Winner" : t+=1
    If Winner=1 then Print " X  Wins " : x+=1
    If Winner=2 then Print " O  Wins " : o+=1

    Locate 20, 2, 0 : Print "X: "; Str(x)
    Locate 20, 32, 0 : Print "O: "; Str(o)
    Locate 20, 62, 0 : Print "Tie: "; Str(t)

    Sleep 500
    Locate 17, 35, 0: Print Space(10);
end sub

Sub Players1
  Dim as String Touch

  Dim as String Board=Space(9)
  UpdateBoard Board
  DIm as Integer Winner=0
  Dim as Integer CurPlayer=Int(2*Rnd)+1
  If CurPlayer=1 then Message "Computer Starts" else Message "Player Starts"

  While Winner=0
    If CurPlayer=1 then 
      Mid(Board, Brain(Board, 0), 1)="O"
      Dim as Integer tPos=0

      Locate 17, 28 : Print "Choose a Position (1-9)"
      While tPos=0

        If Touch="" then
          If tPos<1 or tPos>9 then tPos=0
        end if

        If Mid(Board, tPos, 1)<>" " then tPos=0
      Mid(Board, Asc(Touch)-48, 1)="X"

      Locate 17, 28 : Print Space(24);

    UpdateBoard Board

    If Instr(Board, " ")=0 then Winner=3

    CurPlayer=(CurPlayer+1) Mod 2
    Sleep 500

  Print : Print
  If Winner=1 then Message "Player Wins"
  If Winner=2 then Message "Computer Wins"
  If Winner=3 then Message "Tie Game"
end sub

Sub Players2
  Dim Touch as String

  Dim as String Board=Space(9)
  UpdateBoard Board

  Dim as Integer CurPlayer=Int(2*Rnd)+1
  If CurPlayer=1 then Message "Player "+Mid("XO", CurPlayer, 1)+" Starts"

  Dim as Integer Winner=0

  While Winner=0
    Dim as Integer tPos=0

    Locate 17, 28 : Print "Player "; Str(CurPlayer); " Choose a Position (1-9)"
    While tPos=0

      If Touch="" then
        If tPos<1 or tPos>9 then tPos=0
      end if

      If Mid(Board, tPos, 1)<>" " then tPos=0
    Locate 17, 28 : Print Space(32);

    Mid(Board, Asc(Touch)-48, 1)=Mid("XO", CurPlayer+1, 1)
    UpdateBoard Board

    If Instr(Board, " ")=0 then Winner=3

    CurPlayer=(CurPlayer+1) Mod 2
    Sleep 500
end sub

Dim as Integer Quit=0
Dim as Integer Players

Locate 13, 2, 0 : Input "Number of Players (0, 1, 2)"; Players
Locate 13, 2, 0 : Print Space(40);

If Players=0 then Computer
If Players=1 then Players1
If Players=2 then Players2

While Quit=0
  Locate 13, 2, 0 : Input "Play again (0=Yes | 1=No)"; Quit
  If Quit=0 then
    If Players=0 then Computer
    If Players=1 then Players1
    If Players=2 then Players2
Created in DOS and tested and transfered to Windows and Tested in WinFBE.
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Joined: Jan 31, 2022 17:59

Re: Xs and Os (or Tic-Tac-Toe)

Post by anjexosdefrgos »

I like the idea of randomly selecting a player to start when choosing Players 1 or 2. It adds an element of surprise and fairness to the gameplay. Introducing a simple brain to play intelligently is also intriguing. It would be interesting to see how the computer makes strategic moves and provides a challenging experience for players. Overall, these updates seem like they would enhance the Xs and Os game and make it more engaging for players of different preferences and skill levels.
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Location: Scotland

Re: Xs and Os (or Tic-Tac-Toe)

Post by dodicat »

I did this a few years ago (around the time of the Olympic games).
The first several lines compensated for a bug in version 1.08.0, but they could be removed now as time has moved on.
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