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Joined: May 21, 2016 22:55


Post by NorbyDroid »

Here is some helpful code for those who still does text-based (console) programs.

This program shows 16 different possible boxes (Four styles and 4 exaples per style).

Use it, abuse it, critique it, whatever ya like. I hope ya find it useful.

Code: Select all

' Title: ASCII Box Routine for Text Mode (Screen 0) and Console Programs

' Program Code by Norby Droid
' Tested in FreeBasic 1.09

' Created in MS-DOS usimg Pedit 4.0 - The Program Editor

' 16 examples of different boxes available

' Subroutine: BoxPrint
'             Replaces Print to Show the Text

' ix      - x Position
' iy      - y Position

' iText   - Text to Print

' iColour - Text Colour

Sub BoxPrint(ix as Integer, iy as Integer, iText as String, _
             iColour as Integer)
  Color iColour : Locate iy, ix, 0
  If Len(iText)>80 then Print Left(iText, 80); else Print iText;
End Sub

' Subroutine: CenterText
'             Centers Text on the screen

' iy      - y Position

' iText   - Text Message

' iColour - Colour for the Text

Sub Center(iy as Integer, iText as String, iColour as Integer)
  Dim as Integer ix=40-Len(iText)\2
  If ix+Len(iText)>80 then _
    ix=80-Len(iText): If ix<1 then ix=1

  If iy>25 then Exit Sub

  Color iColour : Locate iy, ix, 0 : Print iText;
End Sub

' Subroutine: SimpleBox
'             Draws a Simple Box on the Screen

' BoxChars - ASCII Chars used to Draw the Boxes

' ix       - x Position
' iy       - y Position

' iWidth   - Width for the Box
' iHeight  - Height for the Box

' iColour  - Text Colour

Sub SimpleBox( BoxChars() as String,ix as Integer, iy as Integer, _
              iWidth as Integer, iHeight as Integer, iColour as Integer)
  BoxPrint ix, iy, _
           Left(BoxChars(0), 1)+String(iWidth, Mid(BoxChars(0), 2, 1))+ _
           Right(BoxChars(0), 1), iColour
  For y as Integer=1 to iHeight
    BoxPrint ix, iy+y, _
             Left(BoxChars(1), 1)+String(iWidth, 32)+ _
             Right(BoxChars(1), 1), iColour

  BoxPrint ix, iy+iHeight+1, _
           Left(BoxChars(3), 1)+String(iWidth, Mid(BoxChars(3), 2, 1))+ _
           Right(BoxChars(3), 1), iColour
End Sub

' Subroutine: HorLine

' BoxChars - ASCII Chars used to Draw the Boxes

' ix      - x Position
' iy      - y Position

' iWidth  - Width Position for the Line

' iColour - Text Colour

Sub HorLine(BoxChars() as String, ix as Integer, iy as Integer, _
            iWidth as Integer, iColour as Integer)

  BoxPrint ix, iy, Left(BoxChars(2), 1)+            _
           String$(iWidth, Mid(BoxChars(2), 2, 1))+ _
           Right(BoxChars(2), 1), iColour

End Sub

' Subroutine: VertLine

' BoxChars - ASCII Chars used to Draw the Boxes

' ix      - x Position
' iy      - y Position

' iWidth  - Width Position for Line
' iHeight - Height Position for Line

' iColour - Line Colour

Sub VertLine(BoxChars() as String, ix as Integer, iy as Integer, _
             iWidth as Integer, iHeight as Integer, iColour as Integer)

  BoxPrint ix+iWidth+1, iy, Mid(BoxChars(0), 3, 1), iColour
  For y as Integer=1 to iHeight
    BoxPrint ix+iWidth+1, iy+y, Mid(BoxChars(1), 3, 1), iColour
  BoxPrint ix+iWidth+1, iHeight+2, Mid(BoxChars(3), 3, 1), iColour
End Sub

' Subroutine: TestBox
'             Tests that the Box is Drawn Properly

' ix      - x Position
' iy      - y Position

' iWidth  - Box Inside Width
' iHeight - Box Inside Height

Sub TestBox(ix as Integer, iy as Integer, _
            iWidth as Integer, iHeight as Integer)

  Color 7
  For x as Integer=1 to iWidth
    If x Mod 10=0 or x=iWidth then _
      Locate iy, ix+x-1 : Print Left(Str(x), 1); : _
      Locate iy+1, ix+x-1, 0 : Print Right(Str(x), 1);
  For y as Integer=1 to iHeight
    If (y=1 or y=iHeight) or y Mod 10=0 then _
      Locate iy+y-1, ix, 0 : Print Str(y);
End Sub

' Subroutine      - DrawBox

' Input: ix       - x Position
'        iy       - y Position
'        iWidth1  - Width of the Box(es)
'        iWidth2  - Width of the Box(es)

'        iHeight1 - Height of the Box(es)
'        iHeight2 - Height of the Box(es)
'        iColour  - Colour of the Box(es)
'        This perameter is optional.  Default Colour: 7 (White)

'        iStyle   - Used to determine which Style of Box to display
'        This perameter is optional.  Default Style: 0 (Simple Box)

Sub DrawBox(ix as Integer, iy as Integer,              _
              iWidth1 as Integer,  iWidth2 as Integer, _
             iHeight1 as Integer, iHeight2 as Integer, _
            iColour as Integer, iStyle as Integer)
  Dim as String BoxLine=""
  Dim BoxChars(4) as String
  Select Case iStyle

    ' Single Lines Horizontal & Vertical
    Case 0, 1, 2, 3

    ' Single Line Horizontal & Dual Lines Vertical
    Case 4, 5, 6, 7

    ' Dual Lines Horizontal & Single Line Vertical
    Case 8, 9, 10, 11

    ' Dual Lines Horizontal & Vertical
    Case 12, 13, 14, 15

  End Select

  ' Simple Box
  If iStyle Mod 4=0 then
    SimpleBox BoxChars(), ix, iy, _
              iWidth1+iWidth2, iHeight1+iHeight2, iColour
    TestBox ix+1, iy+1, iWidth1+iWidth2, iHeight1+iHeight2

  ' Split Box - Horizontal
  If iStyle Mod 4=1 then
    SimpleBox BoxChars(), ix, iy, _
              iWidth1+iWidth2, iHeight1+iHeight2+1, iColour
    HorLine BoxChars(), ix, iy+iHeight1+1, iWIdth1+iWidth2, iColour
    TestBox ix+1, iy+1, iWidth1, iHeight1
    TestBox ix+1, iy+iHeight1+2, iWidth1, iHeight2
  ' Split Box - Vertical
  If  iStyle Mod 4=2 then
    SimpleBox BoxChars(), ix, iy, iWidth1+iWidth2+1, _
              iHeight1+iHeight2, iColour
    VertLine BoxChars(), ix, iy, iWidth1, iHeight1+iHeight2, iColour
    TestBox ix+1, iy+1, iWidth1, iHeight1
    TestBox ix+iWidth1+2, iy+1, iWidth2, iHeight1
  ' Split Box - Horizontal & Vertical
  If  iStyle Mod 4=3 then
    SimpleBox BoxChars(), ix, iy, _
              iWidth1+iWidth2+1, iHeight1+iHeight2+1, iColour
    HorLine BoxChars(), ix,  iy+iHeight1+1, iWIdth1+iWidth2+1, iColour
    VertLine BoxChars(), ix, iy, iWidth1, iHeight1+iHeight2+1, iColour
    BoxPrint ix+iWidth1+1, iy+iHeight1+1, Mid(BoxChars(2), 3, 1), iColour

    TestBox iy+1, ix+1, iWidth1, iHeight1
    TestBox iy+iWidth1+2, ix+1, iWidth1, iHeight1
    TestBox iy+1, ix+iHeight1+2, iWidth1, iHeight1
    TestBox iy+iWidth1+2, ix+iHeight1+2, iWidth1, iHeight1
  Center 20, "DrawBox Position: "+Str(ix)+", "+Str(iy), 7

  If iWidth2=0 then                                 _
    Center 21, "DrawBox   Width : "+Str(iWidth1), 7 _
  Else                                              _
    Center 21, "DrawBox   Width : "+Str(iWidth1)+" & "+Str(iWidth2), 7

  If iHeight2=0 then                                 _
    Center 22, "DrawBox  Height : "+Str(iHeight1), 7 _
  Else                                               _
    Center 22, "DrawBox  Height : "+Str(iHeight1)+" & "+Str(iHeight2), 7

  Center 23, "DrawBox  Colour : "+Str(iColour), 7
  Center 24, "DrawBox   Style : "+Str(iStyle\4+1), 7

   Locate 24, 67, 0 : Print "Example: "; Str(4*(iStyle Mod 4)+iStyle\4+1);
End Sub

' Subroutine: Main
'             Main Loop

Sub Main
  ' Simple Box Examples
  DrawBox 1, 1, 78,  0, 23,  0, 9, 0
  Sleep 1000 : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 78,  0, 23,  0, 9, 4
  Sleep 1000 : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 78,  0, 23,  0, 9, 8
  Sleep 1000 : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 78,  0, 23,  0, 9, 12
  Sleep 1000 : CLS

  ' Split Horizontal Examples
  DrawBox 1, 1, 78,  0, 11, 11, 11, 1
  Sleep 1000 : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 78,  0, 11, 11, 11, 5
  Sleep 1000 : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 78,  0, 11, 11, 11, 9
  Sleep 1000 : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 78,  0, 11, 11, 11, 13
  Sleep 1000 : CLS

  ' Split Vertical Examples
  DrawBox 1, 1, 38, 38, 23,  0, 13, 2
  Sleep 1000 : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 38, 38, 23,  0, 13, 6
  Sleep 1000 : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 38, 38, 23,  0, 13, 10
  Sleep 1000 : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 38, 38, 23,  0, 13, 14
  Sleep 1000 : CLS

  ' Split Horizontal & Vertical Examples
  DrawBox 1, 1, 38, 38, 11, 11, 15, 3
  Sleep 1000 : CLS

  DrawBox 1, 1, 38, 38, 11, 11, 15, 7
  Sleep 1000 : CLS

  DrawBox 1, 1, 38, 38, 11, 11, 15, 11
  Sleep 1000 : CLS

  DrawBox 1, 1, 38, 38, 11, 11, 15, 15
  Sleep 1000 : CLS
End Sub
' Start

' These lines may be Removed
' Added to restore the cursor upon exit
Locate 25, 1, 1
Posts: 70
Joined: May 21, 2016 22:55

Re: ASCII Boxes

Post by NorbyDroid »

Okay call me bad. I know I uploaded the code not too long ago, but thought I would do a quick update. I have no more updates to do unless I am asked for it.

The changes are the BoxChars is now a simple String and not an array as before. Some lines are combined. Little changes here and there and I added new comments for the new code changes.

If ya think of somethin I could add, find an issue I need to fix, etc. Please let me know and I will get to it.


Code: Select all

' Title: ASCII Box Routine for Text Mode (Screen 0) and Console Programs

' Program Code by Norby Droid
' Tested in FreeBasic 1.09

' Created in MS-DOS usimg Pedit 4.0 - The Program Editor

' 16 examples of different boxes available

' Subroutine: BoxPrint
'             Replaces Print to Show the Text

' ix      - x Position
' iy      - y Position

' iText   - Text to Print

' iColour - Text Colour

Sub BoxPrint(ix as Integer, iy as Integer, iText as String, _
             iColour as Integer)
  Color iColour : Locate iy, ix, 0
  If Len(iText)>80 then Print Left(iText, 80); else Print iText;
End Sub

' Subroutine: CenterText
'             Centers Text on the screen

' iy      - y Position

' iText   - Text Message

' iColour - Colour for the Text

Sub Center(iy as Integer, iText as String, iColour as Integer)
  Dim as Integer ix=40-Len(iText)\2
  If ix+Len(iText)>80 then _
    ix=80-Len(iText): If ix<1 then ix=1

  If iy>25 then Exit Sub

  Color iColour : Locate iy, ix, 0 : Print iText;
End Sub

' Subroutine: SimpleBox
'             Draws a Simple Box on the Screen

' BoxChars - ASCII Chars used to Draw the Boxes

' ix       - x Position
' iy       - y Position

' iWidth   - Width for the Box
' iHeight  - Height for the Box

' iColour  - Text Colour

Sub SimpleBox(BoxChars as String,ix as Integer, iy as Integer, _
              iWidth as Integer, iHeight as Integer, iColour as Integer)
  ' Top Left & Right Corners
  Dim as String c1=Left(BoxChars, 1)
  Dim as String c2=Mid(BoxChars, 4, 1)

  ' Top/Botom Character
  Dim as String tb=Mid(BoxChars, 2, 1)
  ' Left/Right Character
  Dim as String lr=Mid(BoxChars, 5, 1)
  ' Bottom Left/Right Corners
  Dim as String c3=Mid(BoxChars, 9, 1)
  Dim as String c4=Right(BoxChars, 1)

  BoxPrint ix, iy, c1+String(iWidth, tb)+c2, iColour
  For y as Integer=1 to iHeight
    BoxPrint ix, iy+y, lr+Space(iWidth)+lr, iColour
  BoxPrint ix, iy+iHeight+1, c3+String(iWidth, tb)+c4, iColour
End Sub

' Subroutine: HorLine

' BoxChars - ASCII Chars used to Draw the Boxes

' ix      - x Position
' iy      - y Position

' iWidth  - Width Position for the Line

' iColour - Text Colour

Sub HorLine(BoxChars as String, ix as Integer, iy as Integer, _
            iWidth as Integer, iColour as Integer)

  ' Left, Center, and Right Horizontal Line Characters
  Dim as String ls=Mid(BoxChars, 6, 1)  
  Dim as String cs=Mid(BoxChars, 2, 1)
  Dim as String rs=Mid(BoxChars, 8, 1)  

  BoxPrint ix, iy, ls+String(iWidth, cs)+rs, iColour
End Sub

' Subroutine: VertLine

' BoxChars - ASCII Chars used to Draw the Boxes

' ix      - x Position
' iy      - y Position

' iWidth  - Width Position for Line
' iHeight - Height Position for Line

' iColour - Line Colour

Sub VertLine(BoxChars as String, ix as Integer, iy as Integer, _
             iWidth as Integer, iHeight as Integer, iColour as Integer)

  ' Top, Center, and Bottom Vertical Characters
  Dim as String ts=Mid(BoxChars,  3, 1)
  Dim as String cs=Mid(BoxChars,  5, 1)
  Dim as String bs=Mid(BoxChars, 10, 1)

  BoxPrint ix+iWidth+1, iy, ts, iColour
  For y as Integer=1 to iHeight
    BoxPrint ix+iWidth+1, iy+y, cs, iColour

  BoxPrint ix+iWidth+1, iHeight+2, bs, iColour
End Sub

' Subroutine: TestBox
'             Tests that the Box is Drawn Properly

' ix      - x Position
' iy      - y Position

' iWidth  - Box Inside Width
' iHeight - Box Inside Height

Sub TestBox(ix as Integer, iy as Integer, _
            iWidth as Integer, iHeight as Integer)

  Color 7
  For x as Integer=1 to iWidth
    If x Mod 10=0 or x=iWidth then _
      Locate iy, ix+x-1 : Print Left(Str(x), 1); : _
      Locate iy+1, ix+x-1, 0 : Print Right(Str(x), 1);
  For y as Integer=1 to iHeight
    If (y=1 or y=iHeight) or y Mod 10=0 then _
      Locate iy+y-1, ix, 0 : Print Str(y);
End Sub

' Subroutine      - DrawBox

' ix       - x Position
' iy       - y Position
' iWidth1  - Width of the Box(es)
' iWidth2  - Width of the Box(es)

' iHeight1 - Height of the Box(es)
' iHeight2 - Height of the Box(es)
' iColour  - Colour of the Box(es)

' iStyle   - Used to determine which Style of Box to display

Sub DrawBox(ix as Integer, iy as Integer,             _
            iWidth1 as Integer, iWidth2 as Integer,   _
            iHeight1 as Integer, iHeight2 as Integer, _
            iColour as Integer, iStyle as Integer)
  Dim as String BoxChars
  ' BoxChars Format:
  ' Numbrs 1-11 indicate position within the BoxChars string

  ' 1 Top Left Corner    | 4 Top Right Corner
  ' 9 Bottom Left Corner | 11 Bottom Right Corner
  ' 2 Top/Bottom | 5 Left/Right
  ' 3 Top Vertical Split | 10 Bottom Vertical Split
  ' 6 Left Horizontal Split | 8 Right Horizontal Split
  ' 7 Center Horizontal/Vertical Split
  Select Case iStyle

    ' Single Lines Horizontal & Vertical
    Case 0, 1, 2, 3
      BoxChars=Chr(218)+Chr(196)+Chr(194)+Chr(191)+Chr(179)+ _

    ' Single Line Horizontal & Dual Lines Vertical
    Case 4, 5, 6, 7
      BoxChars=Chr(214)+Chr(196)+Chr(210)+Chr(183)+Chr(186)+ _

    ' Dual Lines Horizontal & Single Line Vertical
    Case 8, 9, 10, 11
      BoxChars=Chr(213)+Chr(205)+Chr(209)+Chr(184)+Chr(179)+ _

    ' Dual Lines Horizontal & Vertical
    Case 12, 13, 14, 15
      BoxChars=Chr(201)+Chr(205)+Chr(203)+Chr(187)+Chr(186)+ _

  End Select

  ' Simple Box
  If iStyle Mod 4=0 then
    SimpleBox BoxChars, ix, iy, _
              iWidth1+iWidth2, iHeight1+iHeight2, iColour
    TestBox ix+1, iy+1, iWidth1+iWidth2, iHeight1+iHeight2

  ' Split Box - Horizontal
  If iStyle Mod 4=1 then
    SimpleBox BoxChars, ix, iy, _
              iWidth1+iWidth2, iHeight1+iHeight2+1, iColour
    HorLine BoxChars, ix, iy+iHeight1+1, iWIdth1+iWidth2, iColour
    TestBox ix+1, iy+1, iWidth1, iHeight1
    TestBox ix+1, iy+iHeight1+2, iWidth1, iHeight2
  ' Split Box - Vertical
  If  iStyle Mod 4=2 then
    SimpleBox BoxChars, ix, iy, iWidth1+iWidth2+1, _
              iHeight1+iHeight2, iColour
    VertLine BoxChars, ix, iy, iWidth1, iHeight1+iHeight2, iColour
    TestBox ix+1, iy+1, iWidth1, iHeight1
    TestBox ix+iWidth1+2, iy+1, iWidth2, iHeight1
  ' Split Box - Horizontal & Vertical
  If  iStyle Mod 4=3 then
    SimpleBox BoxChars, ix, iy, _
              iWidth1+iWidth2+1, iHeight1+iHeight2+1, iColour
    HorLine BoxChars, ix,  iy+iHeight1+1, iWIdth1+iWidth2+1, iColour
    VertLine BoxChars, ix, iy, iWidth1, iHeight1+iHeight2+1, iColour
    BoxPrint ix+iWidth1+1, iy+iHeight1+1, Mid(BoxChars, 7, 1), iColour

    TestBox iy+1, ix+1, iWidth1, iHeight1
    TestBox iy+iWidth1+2, ix+1, iWidth1, iHeight1
    TestBox iy+1, ix+iHeight1+2, iWidth1, iHeight1
    TestBox iy+iWidth1+2, ix+iHeight1+2, iWidth1, iHeight1
  Center 20, "DrawBox Position: "+Str(ix)+", "+Str(iy), 7

  If iWidth2=0 then                                 _
    Center 21, "DrawBox   Width : "+Str(iWidth1), 7 _
  Else                                              _
    Center 21, "DrawBox   Width : "+Str(iWidth1)+" & "+Str(iWidth2), 7

  If iHeight2=0 then                                 _
    Center 22, "DrawBox  Height : "+Str(iHeight1), 7 _
  Else                                               _
    Center 22, "DrawBox  Height : "+Str(iHeight1)+" & "+Str(iHeight2), 7

  Center 23, "DrawBox  Colour : "+Str(iColour), 7
  Center 24, "DrawBox   Style : "+Str(iStyle\4+1), 7

  Locate 24, 67, 0 : Print "Example: "; Str(4*(iStyle Mod 4)+iStyle\4+1);
End Sub

' Subroutine: Main
'             Main Loop

Sub Main
  ' Simple Box Examples
  DrawBox 1, 1, 78,  0, 23, 0, 9,  0 : Sleep : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 78,  0, 23, 0, 9,  4 : Sleep : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 78,  0, 23, 0, 9,  8 : Sleep : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 78,  0, 23, 0, 9, 12 : Sleep : CLS

  ' Split Horizontal Examples
  DrawBox 1, 1, 78,  0, 11, 11, 11,  1 : Sleep : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 78,  0, 11, 11, 11,  5 : Sleep : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 78,  0, 11, 11, 11,  9 : Sleep : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 78,  0, 11, 11, 11, 13 : Sleep : CLS

  ' Split Vertical Examples
  DrawBox 1, 1, 38, 38, 23, 0, 13,  2 : Sleep : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 38, 38, 23, 0, 13,  6 : Sleep : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 38, 38, 23, 0, 13, 10 : Sleep : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 38, 38, 23, 0, 13, 14 : Sleep : CLS
  ' Split Horizontal & Vertical Examples
  DrawBox 1, 1, 38, 38, 11, 11, 15,  3 : Sleep : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 38, 38, 11, 11, 15,  7 : Sleep : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 38, 38, 11, 11, 15, 11 : Sleep : CLS
  DrawBox 1, 1, 38, 38, 11, 11, 15, 15 : Sleep : CLS
End Sub
' Start

' These lines may be Removed
' Added to restore the cursor upon exit
Locate 25, 1, 1
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