polymorphism revisit - 2023

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polymorphism revisit - 2023

Post by dafhi »

huge thanks to fxm

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/' -- polymorphism emulation -- 2023 April 11 revisit - by dafhi

    once upon a time i asked if it was possible to call a UDT function,
  having the code redirect via pointer.
  fxm provided a solution for pre-polymorph version of freebasic.
  i'm not sure anymore that this qualifies for polymorphism,
  but its functionality is more elegant.
    this is probably more polymorphic

#define flo(x)      (((x)*2.0-0.5)shr 1) '' replaces (and faster) int - http://www.freebasic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=118633

#undef int
#define int         as integer
#define sng         as single

function sw_wave( i sng ) sng
  return i - flo(i) - .5
End function

function tr_wave( i sng ) sng
  return abs(i - flo(i) - .5) - .25 '' by Stonemonkey
End function

type layer
  declare constructor
  as function(sng) sng wave
  sng     freq = 3 + rnd * 5
end type

constructor layer
  if rnd < .5 then
    this.wave = @tr_wave
    this.wave = @sw_wave
  end if
end constructor

var w = 800
var h = 600

screenres w,h

dim as layer      a()

var               u = 9
redim             a(u)

for x int = 0 to w-1
  var f = x / w
  for j int = 0 to u
    var aj = a(j)
    var y = h/2*( 1 - aj.wave( aj.freq*f ) )
    pset ( x, y )

Last edited by dafhi on Apr 11, 2023 7:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: polymorphism revisit - 2023

Post by fxm »

Why not use true polymorphism which is more compact.
An emulation of polymorphism was interesting in FreeBASIC as long as it was not supported (before version 0.90.0).
If "pointer" instances put you off, you can use "reference" instances instead:

Code: Select all

'' replaces int - http://www.freebasic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=118633
#define flo(x)      (((x)*2.0-0.5)shr 1)

#undef int
#define int         as integer
#define sng         as single

type myPolyEM extends object
  declare abstract function wave( sng ) sng
End Type

type func_sw extends myPolyEM:  declare virtual function wave( sng ) sng
End Type

type func_tr extends myPolyEM:  declare virtual function wave( sng ) sng
End Type

function func_sw.wave( i sng ) sng
  return i - flo(i) - .5
End function

function func_tr.wave( i sng ) sng
  return abs(i - flo(i) - .5) - .25 '' by Stonemonkey
End function

var w = 800
var h = 600

screenres w,h

dim byref as myPolyEM saw = *New func_sw
dim byref as myPolyEM tri = *New func_tr

for y int = 0 to h-1
  for x int = 0 to w-1
    var freq = 1
    var xpos = freq * x / w
    pset (x, h/2*( 1 - saw.wave(xpos) )), 1
    pset (x, h/2*( 1 - tri.wave(xpos) )), 2

delete @saw
delete @tri
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Re: polymorphism revisit - 2023

Post by dodicat »

I think I have found a bug in trying to compact dafhi's code
This shouldn't work:

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'' replaces int - http://www.freebasic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=118633
#define flo(x)      (((x)*2.0-0.5)shr 1)

type func_sw extends object  
     declare  function wave( as single ) as single
End Type

type func_tr extends object 
    declare  function wave( as single ) as single
End Type

function func_sw.wave( i as single ) as single
  return i - flo(i) - .5
End function

function func_tr.wave( i as single ) as single
  return abs(i - flo(i) - .5) - .25 '' by Stonemonkey
End function

var w = 800
var h = 600

screenres w,h

for y as integer = 0 to h-1
  for x as integer = 0 to w-1
    var freq = 1
    var xpos = freq * x / w
    pset (x, h/2*( 1 - (func_sw).wave(xpos) )), 1
    pset (x, h/2*( 1 - (func_tr).wave(xpos) )), 2

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Re: polymorphism revisit - 2023

Post by fxm »

This works and must work.
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Re: polymorphism revisit - 2023

Post by dodicat »

I have had a think about it, the hidden constructor when using extends object allows this.
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Re: polymorphism revisit - 2023

Post by dafhi »

i do like the more compact form

if there was version where i wouldn't have to delete stuff, that would be preferred.
i've run into so many problems with objects created as such


i remember my vision. create an array, having function reference be assigned one of 2 ways
1. randomly, within parameterless constructor

Code: Select all

type layer extends myPolyEM
  declare         constructor
  sng             freq = 3 + rnd * 5
end type


  #define _
    polymorph_hack( fname ) _
      Cptr(any ptr ptr, @this)[0] = Cptr(any ptr ptr, @fname() )[0]
  if rnd < .5 then
  End if
  #undef polymorph_hack
end constructor
2. user
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Re: polymorphism revisit - 2023

Post by fxm »

dafhi wrote: Apr 09, 2023 22:29 i do like the more compact form

if there was version where i wouldn't have to delete stuff, that would be preferred.
i've run into so many problems with objects created as such


i remember my vision. create an array, having function reference be assigned one of 2 ways
1. randomly, within parameterless constructor
2. user

You can add a pointer wrapper class 'user' (smart pointer with implicit delete):
- calling constructor without parameter => 1. randomly
- calling constructor with parameter => 2. user

Code: Select all

'' replaces int - http://www.freebasic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=118633
#define flo(x)      (((x)*2.0-0.5)shr 1)

#undef int
#define int         as integer
#define sng         as single

type myPolyEM extends object
  declare abstract function wave( sng ) sng
End Type

type func_sw extends myPolyEM:  declare virtual function wave( sng ) sng
End Type

type func_tr extends myPolyEM:  declare virtual function wave( sng ) sng
End Type

function func_sw.wave( i sng ) sng
  return i - flo(i) - .5
End function

function func_tr.wave( i sng ) sng
  return abs(i - flo(i) - .5) - .25 '' by Stonemonkey
End function

type user
  pt as myPolyEM ptr
  declare constructor(p as myPolyEM ptr = 0)
  declare destructor()
end type

constructor user(p as myPolyEM ptr)
  if p <> 0 Then
    this.pt = p
  elseif rnd < .5 then
    this.pt = New func_tr
    this.pt = New func_sw
  End if
end constructor

destructor user()
  delete this.pt
end destructor

operator ->(byref u as user) byref as myPolyEM
  return *u.pt
end operator

var w = 800
var h = 600

screenres w,h

dim as user saw = New func_sw
dim as user tri = New func_tr

for y int = 0 to h-1
  for x int = 0 to w-1
    var freq = 1
    var xpos = freq * x / w
    pset (x, h/2*( 1 - saw->wave(xpos) )), 1
    pset (x, h/2*( 1 - tri->wave(xpos) )), 2

In this example, adding virtual destructors in 'myPolyEM'/'func_sw'/'func_tr' is useless because there in no specific member to destroy in 'func_sw'/'func_tr'.
Last edited by fxm on Apr 10, 2023 8:24, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: Improved polymorphism code to support the two ways: randomly or user.
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Re: polymorphism revisit - 2023

Post by dafhi »

fxm, thank you for your time

i now get " .. non-parameterless.." error on the redim

[edited] .. was: dim as layer

Code: Select all

dim as user  a()

var           u = 9
redim         a(u)

Also, creating instances seems wasteful in this case.
Could .wave() reference a regular function?
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Re: polymorphism revisit - 2023

Post by fxm »

REDIM of UDT array requests a true default constructor (not a constructor with default parameter).
My 'user' Type so modified:

Code: Select all

type user
  pt as myPolyEM ptr
  declare constructor()
  declare constructor(p as myPolyEM ptr)
  declare destructor()
end type

constructor user()
  if rnd < .5 then
    this.pt = New func_tr
    this.pt = New func_sw
  End if
end constructor

constructor user(p as myPolyEM ptr)
  this.pt = p
end constructor

destructor user()
  delete this.pt
end destructor

operator ->(byref u as user) byref as myPolyEM
  return *u.pt
end operator

For the rest, a code example would be welcome.
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Re: polymorphism revisit - 2023

Post by dafhi »

90% of the way there, maybe.

now i get a segfault

Code: Select all

type layer '' renamed user -> layer
  sng                 freq = 3 + rnd * 8
  as myPolyEM ptr     pt
  declare constructor()
  declare constructor(p as myPolyEM ptr)
  declare destructor()
end type

constructor layer()
  if rnd < .5 then
    this.pt = New func_tr
    this.pt = New func_sw
  End if
end constructor

constructor layer(p as myPolyEM ptr)
  this.pt = p
end constructor

destructor layer()
  delete this.pt
end destructor

operator ->(byref u as layer) byref as myPolyEM
  return *u.pt
end operator

var w = 800
var h = 600

screenres w,h

dim as layer  a()

var           u = 9
redim         a(u)

for x int = 0 to w-1
  var f = x / w
  for j int = 0 to u
    var aj = a(j)
    var y = h/2*( 1 - aj.pt->wave( aj.freq ) )
    pset ( x, y )
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Re: polymorphism revisit - 2023

Post by fxm »

Don't use:

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    var aj = a(j)
because an explicit copy-constructor is not defined for 'layer' (the implicit (shallow) copy construction induces crash because of the pointer member: the pointer value being only copied, when 'aj' is destroyed, that also destroys 'a(j)'):

Code: Select all

for x int = 0 to w-1
  var f = x / w
  for j int = 0 to u
'    var aj = a(j)
'    var y = h/2*( 1 - aj.pt->wave( aj.freq ) )
    var y = h/2*( 1 - a(j).pt->wave( a(j).freq ) )
    pset ( x, y )
Good debug suite.

Otherwise, an example of explicit copy-constructor that works:

Code: Select all

constructor layer(l as layer)
  this.freq = l.freq
  if *l.pt is func_tr then
    this.pt = New func_tr
    this.pt = New func_sw
  end if
end constructor

Note: With your code above, defining an overload '->' operator ('operator ->(byref u as layer) byref as myPolyEM') is useless.
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Re: polymorphism revisit - 2023

Post by dafhi »

very cool. i suspected that var aj = would be an issue but didn't realize it was causing the fault xD

also, i forgot something

Code: Select all

    var aj = a(j)
    var y = h/2*( 1 - aj.pt->wave( aj.freq * f ) )

still prefer the hack. its clean, except for my segfault

Code: Select all

#define flo(x)      (((x)*2.0-0.5)shr 1) '' replaces (and faster) int - http://www.freebasic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=118633

#undef int
#define int         as integer
#define sng         as single

type myPoly extends object
  declare constructor
  declare virtual function wave( sng ) sng
end type

type func_sw extends myPoly:  declare virtual function wave( sng ) sng
End Type

type func_tr extends myPoly:  declare virtual function wave( sng ) sng
End Type

function func_sw.wave( i sng ) sng
  return i - flo(i) - .5
End function

function func_tr.wave( i sng ) sng
  return abs(i - flo(i) - .5) - .25 '' by Stonemonkey
End function

'' .. myPoly continued ..
function myPoly.wave( i sng ) sng:  return 0 '' default
End Function

  #define _
    polymorph_hack( fname ) _
      Cptr(any ptr ptr, @this)[0] = Cptr(any ptr ptr, @fname() )[0]
  if rnd < .5 then
  End if
  #undef polymorph_hack
end constructor

type layer extends myPoly
  declare constructor
  declare constructor( l as layer )
  sng     freq = 3 + rnd * 5
end type

end constructor

constructor.layer( l as layer )
  this = l
end constructor

var w = 800
var h = 600

screenres w,h

dim as layer      a()

var               u = 9
redim             a(u)

for x int = 0 to w-1
  var f = x / w
  for j int = 0 to u
    var aj = a(j)
    var y = h/2*( 1 - aj.wave( aj.freq*f ) )
    pset ( x, y )


if there was a way to reference normal functions, that would be preferred
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Re: polymorphism revisit - 2023

Post by fxm »

dafhi wrote: Apr 10, 2023 23:10 still prefer the hack. its clean, except for my segfault

Your above code cannot work because there is an infinite loop in the 'constructor myPoly' body (because '@func_tr()' and '@func_sw()' also call this same constructor).

But you can put the corresponding code in the 'constructor layer' for example.
And if you want also use 'var aj = a(j)', you must also define a proper copy-constructor.
Proposed code:

Code: Select all

#define flo(x)      (((x)*2.0-0.5)shr 1) '' replaces (and faster) int - http://www.freebasic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=118633

#undef int
#define int         as integer
#define sng         as single

type myPoly extends object
  declare virtual function wave( sng ) sng
end type

type func_sw extends myPoly:  declare virtual function wave( sng ) sng
End Type

type func_tr extends myPoly:  declare virtual function wave( sng ) sng
End Type

function func_sw.wave( i sng ) sng
  return i - flo(i) - .5
End function

function func_tr.wave( i sng ) sng
  return abs(i - flo(i) - .5) - .25 '' by Stonemonkey
End function

'' .. myPoly continued ..
function myPoly.wave( i sng ) sng:  return 0 '' default
End Function

type layer extends myPoly
  declare constructor()
  declare constructor(mp as myPoly)
  declare constructor(l as layer)
  sng     freq = 3 + rnd * 5
end type

constructor layer()
  #define _
    polymorph_hack( fname ) _
      Cptr(any ptr ptr, @this)[0] = Cptr(any ptr ptr, @fname() )[0]
  if rnd < .5 then
  End if
  #undef polymorph_hack
end constructor

constructor layer(mp as myPoly)
  Cptr(any ptr ptr, @this)[0] = Cptr(any ptr ptr, @mp )[0]
end constructor

constructor layer(l as layer)
  this.freq = l.freq
  Cptr(any ptr ptr, @this)[0] = Cptr(any ptr ptr, @l )[0]
end constructor

var w = 800
var h = 600

screenres w,h

dim as layer      a()

var               u = 9
redim             a(u)

for x int = 0 to w-1
  var f = x / w
  for j int = 0 to u
    var aj = a(j)
    var y = h/2*( 1 - aj.wave( aj.freq*f ) )
    pset ( x, y )

Last edited by fxm on Apr 11, 2023 8:21, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added manual constructor.
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Location: Paris suburbs, FRANCE

Re: polymorphism revisit - 2023

Post by fxm »

dafhi wrote: Apr 10, 2023 23:10 if there was a way to reference normal functions, that would be preferred

Simply for example (with a function pointer member):

Code: Select all

#define flo(x)      (((x)*2.0-0.5)shr 1) '' replaces (and faster) int - http://www.freebasic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=118633

#undef int
#define int         as integer
#define sng         as single

function sw_wave( i sng ) sng
  return i - flo(i) - .5
End function

function tr_wave( i sng ) sng
  return abs(i - flo(i) - .5) - .25 '' by Stonemonkey
End function

type layer
  declare constructor()
  declare constructor(p as function(sng) sng)
  as function(sng) sng wave
  sng     freq = 3 + rnd * 5
end type

constructor layer()
  if rnd < .5 then
    this.wave = @tr_wave
    this.wave = @sw_wave
  end if
end constructor

constructor layer(p as function(sng) sng)
  this.wave = p
end constructor

var w = 800
var h = 600

screenres w,h

dim as layer      a()

var               u = 9
redim             a(u)

for x int = 0 to w-1
  var f = x / w
  for j int = 0 to u
    var aj = a(j)
    var y = h/2*( 1 - aj.wave( aj.freq*f ) )
    pset ( x, y )

Last edited by fxm on Apr 11, 2023 8:14, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added manual constructor.
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Re: polymorphism revisit - 2023

Post by dodicat »

Polymorphism has gone I note.
Maybe just back to basics.

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#define flo(x)      (((x)*2.0-0.5)shr 1) '' replaces (and faster) int - http://www.freebasic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=118633

Function sw_wave( i As Single ) As Single
    Return i - flo(i) - .5
End Function

Function tr_wave( i As Single ) As Single
    Return Abs(i - flo(i) - .5) - .25 '' by Stonemonkey
End Function

Function other(i As Single) As Single
    return sin(tr_wave(i)*sw_wave(i))
End Function

Dim As Function(As Single) As Single a(1 To 3)={@sw_wave,@tr_wave,@other}
Var w = 800
Var h = 600

Screenres w,h

var k=0

For y As Single = 0 To h-1 Step (1/4)
    For x As Single = 0 To w-1 Step (1/4)
        Var freq = 7
        Var xpos = freq * x / w
        Var aj = a(k)
        Pset (x, h/2*( 1 - aj(xpos) )), k+4
        if k=3 then k=0
I have seen similar before coder jeff + fxm I think
Was it threading perhaps?
I forget.
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