playing with the C compiler explorer

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playing with the C compiler explorer

Post by srvaldez »

just for fun go to and once you are in, select x86-64 clang 15.0.0 as the compiler and for the compiler options: -O3
click on the cogwheel and put a check on Intel asm syntax and maybe also on Demangle identifiers
then paste in the following

Code: Select all

int m4(__m128 *result, __m128 *x, __m128 *y) {
*result =(*x)/(*y);
return 0;
the output will be something like this

Code: Select all

m4(float __vector(4)*, float __vector(4)*, float __vector(4)*):                      # @m4(float __vector(4)*, float __vector(4)*, float __vector(4)*)
        vmovaps xmm0, xmmword ptr [rsi]
        vdivps  xmm0, xmm0, xmmword ptr [rdx]
        vmovaps xmmword ptr [rdi], xmm0
        xor     eax, eax
to use the code in FB you need to replace rdx with r8, rsi with rdx and rdi with rcx
see ... ntion.html and
here's the FB code

Code: Select all

#Define NULL 0

Extern "c"
	Declare Function _aligned_malloc(Byval size As Uinteger, Byval alignment As Uinteger) As Any Ptr
	Declare Sub _aligned_free(Byval memblock As Any Ptr)
End Extern

	Dim As Single Ptr x, y, z
	Dim alignment As Uinteger
	alignment = 16
	'' x
	x = _aligned_malloc(16, alignment)
	If x = NULL Then
		Print "Error allocation aligned memory."
		End -1
	End If
	If (Cuint(x) Mod alignment) = 0 Then
		Print "pointer x, ";Hex(x,16);", is aligned on ";alignment
		Print "pointer x, ";Hex(x,16);", is not aligned on ";alignment
	End If

	'' y
	y = _aligned_malloc(16, alignment)
	If y = NULL Then
		Print "Error allocation aligned memory."
		End -1
	End If
	If (Cuint(y) Mod alignment) = 0 Then
		Print "pointer y, ";Hex(y,16);", is aligned on ";alignment
		Print "pointer y, ";Hex(y,16);", is not aligned on ";alignment
	End If

	'' z
	z = _aligned_malloc(16, alignment)
	If z = NULL Then
		Print "Error allocation aligned memory."
		End -1
	End If
	If (Cuint(z) Mod alignment) = 0 Then
		Print "pointer z, ";Hex(z,16);", is aligned on ";alignment
		Print "pointer z, ";Hex(z,16);", is not aligned on ";alignment
	End If

	x[0]=3.141593 : x[1]=2.718282 : x[2]=8888888 : x[3]=9999999
	y[0]=2 : y[1]=0.5 : y[2]=2 : y[3]=3

	Sub m128f_div Naked Cdecl(Byval result_rcx As Single Ptr, Byval num_rdx As Single Ptr, Byval den_r8 As Single Ptr)
			vmovaps xmm0, xmmword Ptr [rdx]
			vdivps  xmm0, xmm0, xmmword Ptr [r8]
			vmovaps xmmword Ptr [rcx], xmm0
			Xor     eax, eax
		End Asm
	End Sub

	m128f_div(z, x, y)

	Print x[0];"/";y[0];" = ";z[0]
	Print x[1];"/";y[1];" = ";z[1]
	Print x[2];"/";y[2];" = ";z[2]
	Print x[3];"/";y[3];" = ";z[3]


Code: Select all

pointer x, 0000000000FF1C20, is aligned on 16
pointer y, 0000000000FF1CB0, is aligned on 16
pointer z, 0000000000FF1CE0, is aligned on 16
 3.141593/ 2 =  1.570796
 2.718282/ 0.5 =  5.436564
 8888888/ 2 =  4444444
 9999999/ 3 =  3333333
you can do a similar thing with

Code: Select all

int m8(__m256 *result, __m256 *x, __m256 *y) {
*result =(*x)/(*y);
return 0;
which will divide 8 singles by 8 singles
<< edit >>
if you have a big screen then I suggest that you click on +Add new and select Clone Compiler, then you can have different compilers and options side by side, I have the gcc compiler on one and the clang on the other
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