How to combine fbgfx with windows controls

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Posts: 667
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How to combine fbgfx with windows controls

Post by aurelVZAB »

I hope that my question is not to stupid ...i saw some examples but i don't understand them
my main program is simple bitmap editor made by basicCoder2 and work well
but i want to add few static controls to represent commands like LOAD ,SAVE currently pressing keyboard buttons
all that is fine is there a way to add standard win api shape of program with this fbgfx?

i have this one full of warnings and not working...

Code: Select all

''' simple bitmap editor by basicCoder2 /mod by Aurel
#include ""
#include "win/"
#include ""

Using FB
const IDC_STATIC_1      = 2001

Dim e As EVENT
Dim As Integer x0, y0, x, y 
Dim as integer static1, parent ,button1
'' global data.
dim shared instance as hmodule
dim shared h_font as HFONT

'' main code.
'instance = GetModuleHandle(null)

chdir exepath()

SCREENRES 640,480,32
color rgb(0,0,0),rgb(255,255,255)       'white paper, black ink

cls 'implements color command

'Const NULL As Any Ptr = 0
dim shared as string dirPath      'path to folder containing bitmap images
dirPath = curDir
dim shared as string images(0 to 100)  'list of bitmap images in folder
dim shared as integer MAX_IMAGES = 100

const wImage = 32  'width of Image
const hImage = 32  'height of Image
const SIZE   = 12 'size of grid pixel.
const POSX   = 220 'top/left position of grid on screen
const POSY   = 8

dim shared as integer bmCount
dim shared as integer  mx,my,ox,oy,mb   'mouse variables
dim shared as uinteger selectedColor    'current color selected
selectedColor = rgb(0,0,0)

'draw palette 1
dim shared as any ptr palette1
palette1 = imagecreate(153,96)
bload "palette1.bmp",palette1

'make Image image
dim shared as any ptr Image
Image = imagecreate(32,32,rgb(255,255,255))

'get window handler from fbgfx

'create static controls

instance = GetModuleHandle(null)

static1 = CreateWindowEx(&h00000000, "Static", "text", &h50000300, 20, 100, 64, 24, hwin, cast(hmenu, IDC_STATIC_1), instance, null)
ShowWindow(static1, SW_SHOW)
'SendMessage wnd, WM_SETFONT, cast(wparam, h_font), TRUE  
'create button
'Button1 = CreateWindow("BUTTON", "Copy", WS_VISIBLE Or WS_CHILD, 60, 80, 100, 32, Win, 0, 0, 0 )

sub makeImagesList()
    bmCount = 0
    dim as string file
    CONST attrib_archive    = 32
    CHDIR dirPath  'Change this to the directory you want to browse
    file = dir("*", attrib_archive)
'    'get first image
    if mid(file,len(file)-3,4) = ".bmp" then
        bmCount = bmCount + 1
    end if
    'get the rest of the images
        file = dir("", attrib_archive)
        if mid(file,len(file)-3,4) = ".bmp" then
            if bmCount<MAX_IMAGES then
                bmCount = bmCount + 1
            end if
        end if
    loop while file <> ""
end sub

sub upDate()
    dim as uinteger r,g,b,p
    'copy pixel values from Image to grid display
    line (POSX-2,POSY-2)-(POSX+SIZE*wImage+2,POSY+SIZE*hImage+2),rgb(10,10,10),b
    for j as integer = 0 to hImage-1
        for i as integer = 0 to wImage-1
            p = point(i,j,Image)
            r = p shr 16 and 255
            g = p shr  8 and 255
            b = p and 255
            line (i*SIZE+POSX+1,j*SIZE+POSY+1)-(i*SIZE+SIZE+POSX-1,j*SIZE+SIZE+POSY-1),rgb(r,g,b),bf
            line (i*SIZE+POSX,j*SIZE+POSY)-(i*SIZE+SIZE+POSX,j*SIZE+SIZE+POSY),rgb(100,100,255),b
        next i
    next j
    locate 4,8 : print "preview"
    locate 32,2
    print "[S] to save image"
    locate 34,2
    print "[L] to load image"
    locate 36,2
    print "[C] to clear image"
    locate 38,2
    print "[ESC] TO END PROGRAM"

    'display Image
    line (4,4)-(37,37),rgb(10,10,10),b
    line (2,2)-(39,39),rgb(10,10,10),b
    put (5,5),Image,pset
    put (8,360),palette1,trans
    line (8,360)-(8+152,360+95),rgb(0,0,255),b
    'draw select color
    line (170,416)-(170+30,416+30),selectedColor,bf
    line (170,416)-(170+30,416+30),rgb(0,0,0),b
end sub

sub SaveImage()
    locate 2,2
    dim as string fileName
    INPUT "ENTER Image FILE NAME:";fileName
    if right(fileName,4)<>".bmp" then
        fileName = fileName + ".bmp"
    end if
    bsave fileName,Image
end sub

sub LoadImageFB()
    dim as string fileName
    'print list of images
    locate 1,1
    for i as integer = 0 to bmCount-1
        print images(i)
    next i
    INPUT "ENTER Image FILE NAME:";fileName
    if right(fileName,4)<>".bmp" then
        fileName = fileName + ".bmp"
    end if
    bload fileName,Image
	'creturn 1
end sub

getmouse mx,my,,mb
ox = mx
oy = my

dim as integer i,j
dim as string key


'key press...
    key = inkey   
    if ucase(key) = "S" then
    end if   
    if ucase(key) = "L" then
    end if   
    if ucase(key) = "C" then
            line Image,(0,0)-(wImage,hImage),rgb(255,255,255),bf
    end if

    getmouse mx,my,,mb

    'over drawing area?
    if mx>POSX and mx<POSX+wImage*SIZE+SIZE-1 and my>POSY and my<POSY+hImage*SIZE+SIZE-1 then
        if mb = 1 then
            pset Image,((mx-POSX)\SIZE,(my-POSY)\SIZE),selectedColor
            ox = mx
            oy = my
            while mb=1
                getmouse mx,my,,mb
                if ox<>mx or oy<>my then
                    line Image,((mx-POSX)\SIZE,(my-POSY)\SIZE)-((ox-POSX)\SIZE,(oy-POSY)\SIZE),selectedColor
                    ox = mx
                    oy = my
                end if
                sleep 2
        end if
    end if

    'is mouse over palette?
    if mx>8 and mx<152 and my>360 and my<360+95 then
        if mb=1 then
            selectedColor = point(mx,my)
        end if
    end if
    If (ScreenEvent(@e)) Then

        Select Case e.Type
        '' user pressed the mouse button

           ' If (shakes = 0) Then
                '' set to do 20 shakes
               ' shakes = 20

                '' find current window coordinates to shake around
               ' ScreenControl GET_WINDOW_POS, x0, y0
            'End If

        '' user closed the window or pressed a key
            '' exit to end of program
            Exit Do

        End Select
    End If
    sleep 2
loop until multikey(&H01) 
Posts: 667
Joined: Jul 02, 2008 14:55

Re: How to combine fbgfx with windows controls

Post by aurelVZAB »

Then i tried to push it into standard widow procedure ..but still not work ..
any clue ..or can i add fgfx widow as child window and how
any help?
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Location: Australia

Re: How to combine fbgfx with windows controls

Post by BasicCoder2 »


That looks like some code I wrote some time ago. I wouldn't try and mix it with windows api code. Learn the windows programming or use FreeBASIC like you might have used QBASIC which was the original reason I liked FreeBASIC. No window's api to have to figure out.
Posts: 667
Joined: Jul 02, 2008 14:55

Re: How to combine fbgfx with windows controls

Post by aurelVZAB »

hi basicCoder ,,yes that is your program
and i know very well how to make win gui program ..but i don't know how to connect it
i see here on forum example GFX_demo where in which are used both at same time ...
so far i get this :

Code: Select all

'' GFX_NULL demo with the fbgfx output displayed in an SS_OWNERDRAW
'' static control.
'' An essential starting point for this code was a GFX_NULL example
'' by Antoni Gual.

#include ""
#include ""

'Dim e As EVENT
Dim As Integer x0, y0, x, y 
Dim as integer static1, parent ,button1
Declare sub upDate()
Declare Function WindowProc(byval  as hwnd, byval message as uint, byval w_param as wparam, byval l_param as lparam) as LRESULT

chdir exepath()

'SCREENRES 640,480,32
color rgb(0,0,0),rgb(255,255,255)       'white paper, black ink

cls 'implements color command

'Const NULL As Any Ptr = 0
dim shared as string dirPath      'path to folder containing bitmap images
dirPath = curDir
dim shared as string images(0 to 100)  'list of bitmap images in folder
dim shared as integer MAX_IMAGES = 100

const wImage = 32  'width of Image
const hImage = 32  'height of Image
const SIZE   = 12 'size of grid pixel.
const POSX   = 220 'top/left position of grid on screen
const POSY   = 8

dim shared as integer bmCount
dim shared as integer  mx,my,ox,oy,mb   'mouse variables
dim shared as uinteger selectedColor    'current color selected
selectedColor = rgb(0,0,0)

'draw palette 1
dim shared as any ptr palette1
palette1 = imagecreate(153,96)
bload "palette1.bmp",palette1

'make Image image
dim shared as any ptr Image
Image = imagecreate(32,32,rgb(255,255,255))
dim as HWND hWnd
dim as MSG wMsg
dim as WNDCLASSEX wcx
dim as integer wx, wy, nWidth, nHeight
dim as string className = "test_class"

with wcx
    .cbSize = sizeof( WNDCLASSEX )
    .lpfnWndProc = cast(WNDPROC, @WindowProc)
    .cbClsExtra = null
    .cbWndExtra = null
    .hInstance = GetModuleHandle( null )
    .hbrBackground = cast(HBRUSH,COLOR_BTNFACE + 1)
    .lpszMenuName = null
    .lpszClassName = strptr( className )
    .hIcon = LoadIcon( null, IDI_APPLICATION )
    .hCursor = LoadCursor( null, IDC_ARROW )
    .hIconSm = 0
end with

RegisterClassEx( @wcx )

nWidth = 800
nHeight = 600
wx = (GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ) / 2) - nWidth / 2
wy = (GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ) / 2) - nHeight / 2
'create main window....................................................................................................................
hWnd = CreateWindowEx( 0, strptr( className ), "Test", WS_OVERLAPPED or WS_SYSMENU, wx, wy ,nWidth, nHeight, null, null, null, null )

ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL )
UpdateWindow( hWnd )

getmouse mx,my,,mb
ox = mx
oy = my

dim as integer i,j
dim as string key

' //////     Message Loop and Events    /////////////////////////////

    '' GetMessage cannot be used to retrieve messages here because,
    '' unlike PeekMessage, it will wait for a message to be posted
    '' before it returns, stalling the message loop.
    '' TranslateMessage and DispatchMessage are not needed for this
    '' code because IsDialogMessage performs all of the necessary
    '' processing. They are included because they are needed for
    '' some code, to process messages from toolbars for example,
    '' and they will called only if they are needed.

    if PeekMessage( @wMsg, null, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) then
        if wMsg.message = WM_QUIT then exit do
        if IsDialogMessage( hWnd, @wMsg ) = 0 then
            TranslateMessage( @wMsg )
            DispatchMessage( @wMsg )
        end if

        '' This code runs whenever there is no message to process.


        sleep 10

        '' Force a redraw of the owner-draw static control.

       ' InvalidateRect( g_hwndODS, null, true )

    end if

function WindowProc( byval hwnd as HWND, byval uMsg as UINT, byval wParam as WPARAM, byval lParam as LPARAM ) as LRESULT

    Select case uMsg

        case WM_CREATE
              'SCREENRES 640,480,32
              ' color rgb(0,0,0),rgb(255,255,255)       'white paper, black ink

               'cls 'implements color command
        case WM_COMMAND 

            '' The low-order word of wParam specifies the identifier
            '' of the menu item, control, or accelerator that sent
            '' the WM_COMMAND message.
            '' The IDCANCEL functionality, which allows the user to
            '' close the window by pressing the Escape key, depends
            '' on the message loop calling IsDialogMessage.

            select case Loword(wParam)
                case IDCANCEL
                    DestroyWindow( hwnd )
            end select

        case WM_CLOSE
            DestroyWindow( hWnd )

        case WM_DESTROY
            PostQuitMessage( null )

        case else

            return DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam )

    end select

    return 0

end function

sub makeImagesList()
    bmCount = 0
    dim as string file
    CONST attrib_archive    = 32
    CHDIR dirPath  'Change this to the directory you want to browse
    file = dir("*", attrib_archive)
'    'get first image
    if mid(file,len(file)-3,4) = ".bmp" then
        bmCount = bmCount + 1
    end if
    'get the rest of the images
        file = dir("", attrib_archive)
        if mid(file,len(file)-3,4) = ".bmp" then
            if bmCount<MAX_IMAGES then
                bmCount = bmCount + 1
            end if
        end if
    loop while file <> ""
end sub
sub upDate()
    dim as uinteger r,g,b,p
    'copy pixel values from Image to grid display
    line (POSX-2,POSY-2)-(POSX+SIZE*wImage+2,POSY+SIZE*hImage+2),rgb(10,10,10),b
    for j as integer = 0 to hImage-1
        for i as integer = 0 to wImage-1
            p = point(i,j,Image)
            r = p shr 16 and 255
            g = p shr  8 and 255
            b = p and 255
            line (i*SIZE+POSX+1,j*SIZE+POSY+1)-(i*SIZE+SIZE+POSX-1,j*SIZE+SIZE+POSY-1),rgb(r,g,b),bf
            line (i*SIZE+POSX,j*SIZE+POSY)-(i*SIZE+SIZE+POSX,j*SIZE+SIZE+POSY),rgb(100,100,255),b
        next i
    next j
    locate 4,8 : print "preview"
    locate 32,2
    print "[S] to save image"
    locate 34,2
    print "[L] to load image"
    locate 36,2
    print "[C] to clear image"
    locate 38,2
    print "[ESC] TO END PROGRAM"

    'display Image
    line (4,4)-(37,37),rgb(10,10,10),b
    line (2,2)-(39,39),rgb(10,10,10),b
    put (5,5),Image,pset
    put (8,360),palette1,trans
    line (8,360)-(8+152,360+95),rgb(0,0,255),b
    'draw select color
    line (170,416)-(170+30,416+30),selectedColor,bf
    line (170,416)-(170+30,416+30),rgb(0,0,0),b
end sub
sub SaveImage()
    locate 2,2
    dim as string fileName
    INPUT "ENTER Image FILE NAME:";fileName
    if right(fileName,4)<>".bmp" then
        fileName = fileName + ".bmp"
    end if
    bsave fileName,Image
end sub
sub LoadImageFB()
    dim as string fileName
    'print list of images
    locate 1,1
    for i as integer = 0 to bmCount-1
        print images(i)
    next i
    INPUT "ENTER Image FILE NAME:";fileName
    if right(fileName,4)<>".bmp" then
        fileName = fileName + ".bmp"
    end if
    bload fileName,Image
	'creturn 1
end sub


Posts: 667
Joined: Jul 02, 2008 14:55

Re: How to combine fbgfx with windows controls

Post by aurelVZAB »

i can't find this example again and i re-arange original ...oh snap
i will look again
Posts: 7983
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Location: Scotland

Re: How to combine fbgfx with windows controls

Post by dodicat »

Child windows can be used with opengl.
For bitmaps you could use fb images and textured quads.
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