Protected UDT's are not really secure

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Protected UDT's are not really secure

Post by mrminecrafttnt »

I've got the example form here:
And it was an easy task to "hack" it..

Code: Select all

' Example to illustrate the access control 'Protected' with a token provided by an admin right for an user right:
'    - The 'admin_right' type extends the 'user_right' type.
'    - Create directly an 'user_right' object is forbidden.
'         ('default user_right.constructor' access and 'copy user_right.constructor' access are 'Protected')
'    - The 'user_right' type has only the access right to get the token.
'         ('user_right.token' get-property access is 'Public' and 'user_right.token' set-property access is 'protected')
'    - The 'admin_right' type has the access rights to set and to get the token.
'         ('admin_right.token' get-property access and 'admin_right.token' set-property access are 'Public')
' An 'admin_right' object is created, and then a reference of type 'user_right' to this object is defined.
'    (create directly an 'user_right' object is forbidden)

Type user_right
    Declare Property token () As String          '' 'Public' to authorize user_right token get
    Declare Constructor ()                       '' 'Protected' to forbid user_right object default-construction
    Declare Constructor (ByRef u As user_right)  '' 'Protected' to forbid user_right object copy-construction
    Declare Property token (ByRef s As String)   '' 'Protected' to forbid user_right token set
    Dim As String user_right_token               '' 'Private' to forbid access from outside user_right
End Type

Constructor user_right ()  '' Default-constructor
End Constructor

Constructor user_right (ByRef u As user_right)  '' Protected copy-constructor
  This.user_right_token = u.user_right_token
End Constructor

Property user_right.token () As String  '' Public property user_right token get
Return This.user_right_token
End Property

Property user_right.token (ByRef s As String)  '' Protected property user_right token set
  This.user_right_token = s
End Property

Type admin_right Extends user_right
    Declare Property token () As String         '' 'Public' to authorize admin_right token get
    Declare Property token (ByRef s As String)  '' 'Public' to authorize admin_right token set
End Type

Property admin_right.token () As String  '' Public property admin_right token get
  Return Base.token                      '' 'Base.' to access to the base type property shadowed by this property name
End Property

Property admin_right.token (ByRef s As String)  '' Public property admin_right token set
  Base.token = s                                '' 'Base.' to access to the base type property shadowed by this property name
End Property

Dim As admin_right ar       '' Create an admin_right type object 'ar'
ar.token = "fxm123456789"   '' admin_right set the token for user_right
Print "'" & ar.token & "'"  '' admin_right get the user_right token

print "USER"
Dim ByRef As user_right ur = ar  '' Create a user_right type reference 'ur' to the 'ar' instance of admin_right type
Print "'" & ur.token & "'"       '' user_right get its token

'ur.token = "fxm0"               '' Error: Illegal member access, (user_right cannot set its token)
'Dim As user_right ur1       '' Error: The default constructor has no public access
'Dim As user_right ur2 = ar  '' Error: Constructor has no public access

'*** NOW LETS HACK :) ***
PRINT """HACKIING"" 'ur'.."
dim as any ptr urrawadr = @ur
dim as string ptr urraw = urrawadr
*urraw = "fxm0"
if ur.token = "fxm0" then 
    print "HACK FAILED"
end if

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Re: Protected UDT's are not really secure

Post by fxm »

Obviously, this is not a protection against a hacking code, but only against a normal user code which would try to directly access the members declared protected without going through the procedures declared public.
In these public procedures, we can for example impose notions of data control/filtering, which we could not do with direct access to member data.
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Re: Protected UDT's are not really secure

Post by dodicat »


Code: Select all

Type user_right
    Declare Property token () As String          '' 'Public' to authorize user_right token get
    Declare Constructor ()                       '' 'Protected' to forbid user_right object default-construction
    Declare Constructor (ByRef u As user_right)  '' 'Protected' to forbid user_right object copy-construction
    Declare Property token (ByRef s As String)   '' 'Protected' to forbid user_right token set
    Dim As String user_right_token               '' 'Private' to forbid access from outside user_right
End Type

Constructor user_right ()  '' Default-constructor
End Constructor

Constructor user_right (ByRef u As user_right)  '' Protected copy-constructor
  This.user_right_token = u.user_right_token
End Constructor

Property user_right.token () As String  '' Public property user_right token get
Return This.user_right_token
End Property

Property user_right.token (ByRef s As String)  '' Protected property user_right token set
  This.user_right_token = s
End Property

declare sub setusertoken alias "_ZN10USER_RIGHT12TOKEN__set__ER8FBSTRING"(u as user_right,s as string)

declare function getusertoken alias "_ZN10USER_RIGHT12TOKEN__get__Ev"(p as user_right) as string

dim as user_right p=any
setusertoken(p,"Who needs admin_rights for this?")
print getusertoken(p)

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