Christmas Star Challange

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Christmas Star Challange

Post by ShawnLG »

This challenge is popular on a Facebook group that I am in.
Can you print out the Christmas star in a few bites of code as possible? A particular Language is not a requirement.

Code: Select all

#Define a(x)Abs(x)<5
#Define f(i)For i As Integer=-8 To 8
Print IIf((a(x-y)Or a(x+y))And(a(x)Or a(y)),"*"," ");
Roland Chastain
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Re: Christmas Star Challange

Post by Roland Chastain »

Thank you for your code. I can't do better, except maybe removing the Sleep at the end. :)

Merry Christmas to you, and to all forum members!
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Re: Christmas Star Challange

Post by exagonx »

ShawnLG wrote: Dec 23, 2022 21:48 This challenge is popular on a Facebook group that I am in.
Can you print out the Christmas star in a few bites of code as possible? A particular Language is not a requirement.
Im too noob for make something better than your

Anyway I tryed another way as you see a bad way ^_^

Code: Select all

dim as integer x(9,3), y,z
do while ( z > -1 )
	if y < 1 then z += 1:read x(z,0):read x(z,1):read x(z,2):read x(z,3) else z -= 1
	if ( z > -1 ) then print space(x(z,0)) & string(x(z,1),"*") & space(x(z,2)) & string(x(z,3),"*")
	if z > 8 then y = 1
data 4,1,7,1,4,2,5,2,4,3,3,3,4,4,1,4,0,8,0,8,1,7,0,7,2,6,0,6,3,5,0,5,4,4,0,4,0,0,0,0
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Re: Christmas Star Challange

Post by badidea »

I probably failed the challenge. Was fun to make anyway.

Code: Select all

#define dbl double

#define RGBA_R( c ) ( CULng( c ) Shr 16 And 255 )
#define RGBA_G( c ) ( CULng( c ) Shr  8 And 255 )
#define RGBA_B( c ) ( CULng( c )        And 255 )
#define RGBA_A( c ) ( CULng( c ) Shr 24         )

#define max(a, b) (iif((a) > (b), (a), (b)))
#define min(a, b) (iif((a) < (b), (a), (b)))

const PI = atn(1) * 4

const as ulong C_BK = rgb(0,0,0)
const as ulong C_WH = rgb(255,255,255)
const as ulong C_YE = rgb(255,255,0)

const SW = 800, SH = 600
screenres SW, SH, 32

sub limit(byref v as dbl, vmin as dbl, vmax as dbl)
	if v > vmax then v = vmax
	if v < vmin then v = vmin
end sub

function distSq(x1 as dbl, y1 as dbl, x2 as dbl, y2 as dbl) as dbl
	dim as dbl dx = x1 - x2
	dim as dbl dy = y1 - y2
	return dx * dx + dy * dy
end function

function interpol(c1 as ulong, c2 as ulong, f1 as dbl) as ulong
	limit(f1, 0, 1)
	dim as dbl f2  = 1 - f1
	dim as long r = clng(RGBA_R(c1) * f1 + RGBA_R(c2) * f2)
	dim as long g = clng(RGBA_G(c1) * f1 + RGBA_G(c2) * f2)
	dim as long b = clng(RGBA_B(c1) * f1 + RGBA_B(c2) * f2)
	return rgb(r, g, b)
end function

function merge(c1 as ulong, c2 as ulong) as ulong
	dim as long r = max(RGBA_R(c1), RGBA_R(c2))
	dim as long g = max(RGBA_G(c1), RGBA_G(c2))
	dim as long b = max(RGBA_B(c1), RGBA_B(c2))
	return rgb(r, g, b)
end function

'(x0,y0) = point, (x1,y1,x2,y2) = line
function distToLineSeg(x0 as dbl, y0 as dbl, x1 as dbl, y1 as dbl, x2 as dbl, y2 as dbl) as dbl
	dim as dbl lineLengthSquared = (x2-x1) * (x2-x1) + (y2-y1) * (y2-y1)
	dim as dbl rfactor = ((x0-x1) * (x2-x1) + (y0-y1) * (y2-y1)) / lineLengthSquared
	dim as dbl dist
	if ((rfactor >= 0) and (rfactor <= 1)) then
		dist = abs((x2-x1) * (y1-y0) - (y2-y1) * (x1-x0)) / sqr(lineLengthSquared)
		dim as dbl d1 = sqr((x1-x0) * (x1-x0) + (y1-y0) * (y1-y0))
		dim as dbl d2 = sqr((x2-x0) * (x2-x0) + (y2-y0) * (y2-y0))
		if (d1 < d2) then dist = d1 else dist = d2
	end if
	return dist
end function

dim as dbl px(0 to 7), py(0 to 7)
for i as integer = 0 to 7
	dim as dbl r = 0.45
	if i mod 2 = 1 then r = 0.3
	px(i) = cos((i / 8) * (2 * PI)) * (SH * r) + (SW / 2)
	py(i) = sin((i / 8) * (2 * PI)) * (SH * r) + (SH / 2)
	'circle (px(i), py(i)), 3, C_WH

dim as integer linSeg(0 to 7, 0 to 1) 'number, endpoint
for i as integer = 0 to 7
	linSeg(i, 0) = (i * 3) mod 8
	linSeg(i, 1) = (i * 3 + 3) mod 8

dim as dbl r1 = 2, r2 = r1 + 8

'define line segment end points
dim as dbl x1 = SW * .3, y1 = SH * .3
dim as dbl x2 = SW * .8, y2 = SH * .6

dim as ulong c, cBack
dim as dbl d

for y as integer = 0 to SH - 1
	for x as integer = 0 to SW - 1
		for i as integer = 0 to 7
			c = C_BK
			x1 = px(linSeg(i, 0))
			y1 = py(linSeg(i, 0))
			x2 = px(linSeg(i, 1))
			y2 = py(linSeg(i, 1))
			d = distToLineSeg(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2)
			if d < r1 then
				c = C_WH
				if d < r2 then
					c = interpol(C_BK, C_YE, (d - r1) / (r2 - r1))
				end if 
			end if
			if c <> C_BK then 'no need to plot black pixel
				cBack = point(x,y)
				pset(x, y), merge(c, cBack)
			end if
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Re: Christmas Star Challange

Post by exagonx »

badidea wrote: Dec 28, 2022 1:58 I probably failed the challenge. Was fun to make anyway.
But your makes his damn scene!!!
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Re: Christmas Star Challange

Post by dodicat »

Another graphics method checked (sic) out.

Code: Select all

Screenres 525,500
Draw "C4BM2,185M+190,-13M+65,-166M+67,169M+197,8M+-150,121M+47,189M+-159,-102M+-160,100M+48,-189M+-146,-118BM+259,81"
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