Ideal VPE (Virtual Print Engine) and FreeBasic

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Ideal VPE (Virtual Print Engine) and FreeBasic

Post by EdgarMartins »

Hello everybody. I'm new to FreeBasic, but I'm really enjoying it.
I would like to use Ideal Software's VPE functions with FreeBasic as a library.
I already use it with other languages. (ABL Progress and Visual Dataflex) ... ngine.html
They have a community version.
They have examples in PowerBasic, VB and
Can you help me create a library (.bi)?
Here is a part of the code for PowerBasic file:

Code: Select all

' Automatically generated by mk_dll_api(Power Basic)

      ' Private Window Messages Start Here:
      %WM_USER = &H400

         nLeft AS LONG
         nTop AS LONG
         nRight AS LONG
         nBottom AS LONG
      END TYPE

         x AS LONG
         y AS LONG
      END TYPE


DECLARE SUB VpeLicense LIB "vpec3272.dll" ALIAS "VpeLicense" _
DECLARE FUNCTION VpeGetVersion LIB "vpec3272.dll" ALIAS "VpeGetVersion" _
    () AS LONG
DECLARE FUNCTION VpeGetReleaseNumber LIB "vpec3272.dll" ALIAS "VpeGetReleaseNumber" _
    () AS LONG
DECLARE FUNCTION VpeGetBuildNumber LIB "vpec3272.dll" ALIAS "VpeGetBuildNumber" _
    () AS LONG
DECLARE FUNCTION VpeGetEdition LIB "vpec3272.dll" ALIAS "VpeGetEdition" _
    () AS LONG
DECLARE FUNCTION VpeOpenDoc LIB "vpec3272.dll" ALIAS "VpeOpenDoc" _
DECLARE FUNCTION VpeOpenDocFile LIB "vpec3272.dll" ALIAS "VpeOpenDocFile" _
DECLARE FUNCTION VpeCloseDoc LIB "vpec3272.dll" ALIAS "VpeCloseDoc" _
DECLARE SUB VpeSetPageFormat LIB "vpec3272.dll" ALIAS "VpeSetPageFormat" _
    (BYVAL hDoc AS LONG, BYVAL page_dimension AS LONG)
DECLARE FUNCTION VpeGetPageFormat LIB "vpec3272.dll" ALIAS "VpeGetPageFormat" _
DECLARE SUB VpeSetPageWidth LIB "vpec3272.dll" ALIAS "VpeSetPageWidth" _
    (BYVAL hDoc AS LONG, BYVAL page_width AS DOUBLE)
DECLARE SUB VpeSetPageHeight LIB "vpec3272.dll" ALIAS "VpeSetPageHeight" _
    (BYVAL hDoc AS LONG, BYVAL page_height AS DOUBLE)
DECLARE FUNCTION VpeGetPageWidth LIB "vpec3272.dll" ALIAS "VpeGetPageWidth" _
Como converter para .bi file?
Thank you very much!
Posts: 3383
Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Re: Ideal VPE (Virtual Print Engine) and FreeBasic

Post by srvaldez »

fbfrog translates the vpiface.h without any problem but you may need to tweak it to make it work

Code: Select all

#pragma once

#include once "crt/"

extern "C"

#define EXPO
type HWND as any ptr
type VpeCoord as double
type VpeHandle as any ptr
type VPE_MSG_CALLBACK as function(byval Msg as UINT, byval wParam as WPARAM, byval lParam as LPARAM) as LRESULT
type VpeAnsiString as zstring ptr
type VpeCAnsiString as const zstring ptr
type VpeChar as zstring
type VpeString as VpeChar ptr
type VpeCString as const VpeChar ptr

declare sub VpeLicense(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval serial1 as VpeCAnsiString, byval serial2 as VpeCAnsiString)
declare function VpeGetVersion() as long
declare function VpeGetReleaseNumber() as long
declare function VpeGetBuildNumber() as long
declare function VpeGetEdition() as long
declare function VpeOpenDoc(byval hWndParent as HWND, byval title as VpeCAnsiString, byval flags as clong) as VpeHandle
declare function VpeOpenDocFile(byval hWndParent as HWND, byval file_name as VpeCAnsiString, byval title as VpeCAnsiString, byval flags as clong) as VpeHandle
declare function VpeCloseDoc(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetPageFormat(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval page_dimension as long)
declare function VpeGetPageFormat(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetPageWidth(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval page_width as VpeCoord)
declare sub VpeSetPageHeight(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval page_height as VpeCoord)
declare function VpeGetPageWidth(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as VpeCoord
declare function VpeGetPageHeight(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as VpeCoord
declare sub VpeSetPageOrientation(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval orientation as long)
declare function VpeGetPageOrientation(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetPaperBin(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval bin as long)
declare function VpeGetPaperBin(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetDefOutRect(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord)
declare sub VpeSetOutRect(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord)
declare function VpeGet(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval what as VpeCoord) as VpeCoord
declare sub VpeSet(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval what as VpeCoord, byval value as VpeCoord)
declare sub VpeStorePos(byval hDoc as VpeHandle)
declare sub VpeRestorePos(byval hDoc as VpeHandle)
declare sub VpeSetPen(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval pen_size as VpeCoord, byval pen_style as long, byval color as COLORREF)
declare sub VpeSetPenSize(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval pen_size as VpeCoord)
declare function VpeGetPenSize(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as VpeCoord
declare sub VpePenSize(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval pen_size as VpeCoord)
declare sub VpeSetPenStyle(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval pen_style as long)
declare sub VpePenStyle(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval pen_style as long)
declare sub VpeSetPenColor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval color as COLORREF)
declare sub VpePenColor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval color as COLORREF)
declare sub VpeNoPen(byval hDoc as VpeHandle)
declare sub VpeLine(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord)
declare function VpePolyLine(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval size as ulong) as VpeHandle
declare sub VpeAddPolyPoint(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval p as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord)
declare function VpePolygon(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval size as ulong) as VpeHandle
declare sub VpeAddPolygonPoint(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval p as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord)
declare sub VpeSetBkgColor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval color as COLORREF)
declare sub VpeSetBkgGradientStartColor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval color_start as COLORREF)
declare sub VpeSetBkgGradientEndColor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval color_end as COLORREF)
declare sub VpeSetBkgGradientRotation(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval angle as long)
declare sub VpeSetBkgGradientPrint(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval mode as long)
declare sub VpeSetBkgGradientPrintSolidColor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval color as COLORREF)
declare sub VpeSetTransparentMode(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval on_off as long)
declare sub VpeSetBkgMode(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval mode as long)
declare sub VpeSetHatchStyle(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval style as long)
declare sub VpeSetHatchColor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval color as COLORREF)
declare sub VpeBox(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord)
declare sub VpeEllipse(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord)
declare sub VpePie(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord, byval begin_angle as long, byval end_angle as long)
declare sub VpeSetBarcodeParms(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval main_text as long, byval add_text as long)
declare sub VpeSetBarcodeAlignment(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval alignment as long)
declare sub VpeBarcode(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord, byval code_type as long, byval code as VpeCAnsiString, byval add_code as VpeCAnsiString)
declare sub VpeGetPictureTypes(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval s as VpeAnsiString, byval size as long)
declare function VpePicture(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord, byval file_name as VpeCAnsiString) as VpeCoord
declare sub VpeSetFont(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval name as VpeCAnsiString, byval size as long)
declare sub VpeSelectFont(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval name as VpeCAnsiString, byval size as long)
declare sub VpeSetFontName(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval name as VpeCAnsiString)
declare sub VpeSetFontSize(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval size as long)
declare sub VpeSetCharset(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval charset as clong)
declare sub VpeSetFontAttr(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval alignment as long, byval bold as long, byval underlined as long, byval italic as long, byval strikeout as long)
declare sub VpeSetTextAlignment(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval alignment as long)
declare sub VpeSetAlign(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval alignment as long)
declare sub VpeSetBold(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval bold as long)
declare sub VpeSetUnderlined(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval underlined as long)
declare sub VpeSetStrikeOut(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval strikeout as long)
declare sub VpeSetItalic(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval italic as long)
declare sub VpeSetTextColor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval color as COLORREF)
declare function VpePrint(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval s as VpeCAnsiString) as VpeCoord
declare function VpePrintBox(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval s as VpeCAnsiString) as VpeCoord
declare function VpeWrite(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord, byval s as VpeCAnsiString) as VpeCoord
declare function VpeWriteBox(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord, byval s as VpeCAnsiString) as VpeCoord
declare sub VpeDefineHeader(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord, byval s as VpeCAnsiString)
declare sub VpeDefineFooter(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord, byval s as VpeCAnsiString)
declare sub VpeSetEmbeddedFlagParser(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval on_off as long)
declare function VpeGetEmbeddedFlagParser(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare function VpePageBreak(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare function VpeGetPageCount(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare function VpeGetCurrentPage(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare function VpeGotoPage(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval page as long) as long
declare sub VpeStoreSet(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval id as long)
declare sub VpeUseSet(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval id as long)
declare sub VpeRemoveSet(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval id as long)
declare sub VpeSetAutoBreak(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval mode as long)
declare function VpeWriteDoc(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval file_name as VpeCAnsiString) as long
declare function VpeReadDoc(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval file_name as VpeCAnsiString) as long
declare sub VpeSetRotation(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval angle as long)
declare sub VpeSetPictureCacheSize(byval size as clong)
declare sub VpeSetPicCacheSize(byval size as clong)
declare function VpeGetPictureCacheSize() as clong
declare function VpeGetPicCacheSize() as clong
declare function VpeGetPictureCacheUsed() as clong
declare function VpeGetPicCacheUsed() as clong
declare sub VpeSetPrintOffset(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval offset_x as VpeCoord, byval offset_y as VpeCoord)
declare sub VpeSetPrintOffsetX(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval offset_x as VpeCoord)
declare sub VpeSetPrintOffsetY(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval offset_y as VpeCoord)
declare function VpeGetPrintOffsetX(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as VpeCoord
declare function VpeGetPrintOffsetY(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as VpeCoord
declare function VpeGetLastError(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as clong
declare function VpeRenderPrint(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval s as VpeCAnsiString) as long
declare function VpeRenderPrintBox(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval s as VpeCAnsiString) as long
declare function VpeRenderWrite(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord, byval s as VpeCAnsiString) as long
declare function VpeRenderWriteBox(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord, byval s as VpeCAnsiString) as long
declare sub VpeRenderPicture(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval width as VpeCoord, byval height as VpeCoord, byval file_name as VpeCAnsiString)
declare function VpeGetPicturePageCount(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval file_name as VpeCAnsiString) as clong
declare sub VpeSetPicturePage(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval page_no as clong)
declare function VpeGetPicturePage(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as clong
declare sub VpeSetPictureType(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval picture_type as clong)
declare sub VpeSetDocFileReadOnly(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval yes_no as long)
declare function VpeGetPenStyle(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare function VpeGetPenColor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as COLORREF
declare function VpeGetBkgMode(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare function VpeGetBkgColor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as COLORREF
declare function VpeGetHatchStyle(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare function VpeGetHatchColor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as COLORREF
declare function VpeGetBkgGradientStartColor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as COLORREF
declare function VpeGetBkgGradientEndColor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as COLORREF
declare function VpeGetBkgGradientRotation(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeGetFontName(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval value as VpeAnsiString, byval size as UINT ptr)
declare function VpeGetFontSize(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare function VpeGetCharset(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as clong
declare function VpeGetTextAlignment(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare function VpeGetBold(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare function VpeGetUnderlined(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare function VpeGetStrikeOut(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare function VpeGetItalic(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare function VpeGetTextColor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as COLORREF
declare function VpeGetRotation(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetBarcodeMainTextParms(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval main_text as long)
declare function VpeGetBarcodeMainTextParms(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetBarcodeAddTextParms(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval add_text as long)
declare function VpeGetBarcodeAddTextParms(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare function VpeGetBarcodeAlignment(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetBarcodeAutoChecksum(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval yes_no as long)
declare function VpeGetBarcodeAutoChecksum(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetBarcodeThinBar(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval n as long)
declare function VpeGetBarcodeThinBar(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetBarcodeThickBar(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval n as long)
declare function VpeGetBarcodeThickBar(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare function VpeGetPictureType(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as clong
declare function VpeGetTransparentMode(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetUnderline(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval underline as long)
declare function VpeGetUnderline(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare function VpeGetAutoBreak(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare function VpeGetDocExportPictureQuality(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetDocExportPictureQuality(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval quality as long)
declare sub VpeSetDocExportType(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval doc_type as long)
declare function VpeGetDocExportType(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare function VpeGetDocExportPictureResolution(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetDocExportPictureResolution(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval dpi_resolution as long)
declare function VpeGetFastWebView(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetFastWebView(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval yes_no as long)
declare function VpeGetUseTempFiles(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetUseTempFiles(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval yes_no as long)
declare function VpeGetCompression(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetCompression(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval compression as long)
declare function VpeGetEmbedAllFonts(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetEmbedAllFonts(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval yes_no as long)
declare function VpeGetSubsetAllFonts(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetSubsetAllFonts(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval yes_no as long)
declare sub VpeSetFontControl(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval font_name as VpeCAnsiString, byval subst_font_name as VpeCAnsiString, byval do_embed as long, byval do_subset as long)
declare sub VpeResetFontControl(byval hDoc as VpeHandle)
declare function VpeGetProtection(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as clong
declare sub VpeSetProtection(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval protection_flags as clong)
declare function VpeGetEncryption(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetEncryption(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval enc_type as long)
declare function VpeGetEncryptionKeyLength(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetEncryptionKeyLength(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval key_length as long)
declare sub VpeSetUserPassword(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval user_password as VpeCAnsiString)
declare sub VpeSetOwnerPassword(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval owner_password as VpeCAnsiString)
declare sub VpeSetAuthor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval author as VpeCAnsiString)
declare sub VpeSetTitle(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval title as VpeCAnsiString)
declare sub VpeSetSubject(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval subject as VpeCAnsiString)
declare sub VpeSetKeywords(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval keywords as VpeCAnsiString)
declare sub VpeSetCreator(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval creator as VpeCAnsiString)
declare sub VpeEnableMultiThreading(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval yes_no as long)
declare function VpeGetPDFVersion(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as clong
declare sub VpeSetPDFVersion(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval version as clong)
declare sub VpeSetBookmarkDestination(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval bkm_type as long, byval left as VpeCoord, byval top as VpeCoord, byval right as VpeCoord, byval bottom as VpeCoord, byval zoom_factor as double)
declare function VpeGetBookmarkStyle(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetBookmarkStyle(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval style as long)
declare function VpeGetBookmarkColor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as COLORREF
declare sub VpeSetBookmarkColor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval color as COLORREF)
declare function VpeAddBookmark(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval parent as VpeHandle, byval title as VpeCAnsiString) as VpeHandle
declare function VpeExtIntDA(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval i as LPARAM, byval s as LPARAM) as LRESULT
declare sub VpeSetPictureCache(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval on_off as long)
declare function VpeGetPictureCache(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetPictureX2YResolution(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval on_off as long)
declare function VpeGetPictureX2YResolution(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetPictureBestFit(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval on_off as long)
declare function VpeGetPictureBestFit(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetPictureEmbedInDoc(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval on_off as long)
declare function VpeGetPictureEmbedInDoc(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetPictureDrawExact(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval on_off as long)
declare function VpeGetPictureDrawExact(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetPictureKeepAspect(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval on_off as long)
declare function VpeGetPictureKeepAspect(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetPictureDefaultDPI(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval dpix as long, byval dpiy as long)
declare sub VpeSetCornerRadius(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval radius as VpeCoord)
declare function VpeGetCornerRadius(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as VpeCoord
declare sub VpeSetUnitTransformation(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval factor as double)
declare function VpeGetUnitTransformation(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as double
declare sub VpeSetBkgGradientTriColor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval on_off as long)
declare function VpeGetBkgGradientTriColor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetBkgGradientMiddleColor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval color_middle as COLORREF)
declare function VpeGetBkgGradientMiddleColor(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as COLORREF
declare sub VpeSetBkgGradientMiddleColorPosition(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval position as long)
declare function VpeGetBkgGradientMiddleColorPosition(byval hDoc as VpeHandle) as long
declare sub VpeSetMsgCallback(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval callback as VPE_MSG_CALLBACK)
declare sub VpeSetFontSubstitution(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval original_font as VpeCAnsiString, byval subst_font as VpeCAnsiString)
declare sub VpePurgeFontSubstitution(byval hDoc as VpeHandle)
declare function VpeCreateTextBlock(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval text as VpeCAnsiString) as VpeHandle
declare function VpeTextBlockHasText(byval hTextBlock as VpeHandle) as long
declare function VpeTextBlockGetWidth(byval hTextBlock as VpeHandle) as VpeCoord
declare sub VpeTextBlockSetWidth(byval hTextBlock as VpeHandle, byval width as VpeCoord)
declare function VpeTextBlockGetHeight(byval hTextBlock as VpeHandle) as VpeCoord
declare function VpeTextBlockGetLineCount(byval hTextBlock as VpeHandle) as long
declare function VpeTextBlockGetRangeHeight(byval hTextBlock as VpeHandle, byval nFirstLine as long, byval nLineCount as long) as VpeCoord
declare sub VpeTextBlockReset(byval hTextBlock as VpeHandle)
declare sub VpeTextBlockRelease(byval hTextBlock as VpeHandle)
declare function VpeWriteTextBlock(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval hTextBlock as VpeHandle, byval Left as VpeCoord, byval Top as VpeCoord, byval nLineCount as long) as VpeCoord
declare function VpeRenderTextBlock(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval hTextBlock as VpeHandle, byval nLineCount as long) as VpeCoord
declare function VpeComputeSingleLineChars(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval text as VpeCAnsiString, byval width as VpeCoord, byval mode as long) as long
declare sub VpeLicenseU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval serial1 as VpeCString, byval serial2 as VpeCString)
declare function VpeOpenDocU(byval hWndParent as HWND, byval title as VpeCString, byval flags as clong) as VpeHandle
declare function VpeOpenDocFileU(byval hWndParent as HWND, byval file_name as VpeCString, byval title as VpeCString, byval flags as clong) as VpeHandle
declare sub VpeBarcodeU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord, byval code_type as long, byval code as VpeCString, byval add_code as VpeCString)
declare sub VpeGetPictureTypesU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval s as VpeString, byval size as long)
declare function VpePictureU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord, byval file_name as VpeCString) as VpeCoord
declare sub VpeSetFontU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval name as VpeCString, byval size as long)
declare sub VpeSelectFontU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval name as VpeCString, byval size as long)
declare sub VpeSetFontNameU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval name as VpeCString)
declare function VpePrintU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval s as VpeCString) as VpeCoord
declare function VpePrintBoxU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval s as VpeCString) as VpeCoord
declare function VpeWriteU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord, byval s as VpeCString) as VpeCoord
declare function VpeWriteBoxU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord, byval s as VpeCString) as VpeCoord
declare sub VpeDefineHeaderU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord, byval s as VpeCString)
declare sub VpeDefineFooterU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord, byval s as VpeCString)
declare function VpeWriteDocU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval file_name as VpeCString) as long
declare function VpeReadDocU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval file_name as VpeCString) as long
declare function VpeRenderPrintU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval s as VpeCString) as long
declare function VpeRenderPrintBoxU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval s as VpeCString) as long
declare function VpeRenderWriteU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord, byval s as VpeCString) as long
declare function VpeRenderWriteBoxU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval x as VpeCoord, byval y as VpeCoord, byval x2 as VpeCoord, byval y2 as VpeCoord, byval s as VpeCString) as long
declare sub VpeRenderPictureU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval width as VpeCoord, byval height as VpeCoord, byval file_name as VpeCString)
declare function VpeGetPicturePageCountU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval file_name as VpeCString) as clong
declare sub VpeGetFontNameU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval value as VpeString, byval size as UINT ptr)
declare sub VpeSetFontControlU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval font_name as VpeCString, byval subst_font_name as VpeCString, byval do_embed as long, byval do_subset as long)
declare sub VpeSetUserPasswordU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval user_password as VpeCString)
declare sub VpeSetOwnerPasswordU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval owner_password as VpeCString)
declare sub VpeSetAuthorU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval author as VpeCString)
declare sub VpeSetTitleU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval title as VpeCString)
declare sub VpeSetSubjectU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval subject as VpeCString)
declare sub VpeSetKeywordsU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval keywords as VpeCString)
declare sub VpeSetCreatorU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval creator as VpeCString)
declare function VpeAddBookmarkU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval parent as VpeHandle, byval title as VpeCString) as VpeHandle
declare sub VpeSetFontSubstitutionU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval original_font as VpeCString, byval subst_font as VpeCString)
declare function VpeCreateTextBlockU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval text as VpeCString) as VpeHandle
declare function VpeComputeSingleLineCharsU(byval hDoc as VpeHandle, byval text as VpeCString, byval width as VpeCoord, byval mode as long) as long

end extern
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