Road Game Skeleton

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Joined: Feb 24, 2010 10:08
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Road Game Skeleton

Post by jepalza »


Using this code, with my own interpretation:

Did make several changes in order to simplify the code, and get one more simple code.
This example is only with freebasic code, no external libraries, only road, no sprites:

Code: Select all

#Include ""
#if __FB_LANG__ = "fb"
Using FB '  Scan code constants are stored in the FB namespace in lang FB

Dim Shared As Integer w_ancho= 1024 
Dim Shared As Integer w_alto= 768 
Dim Shared As Integer roadW= 2500 
Dim Shared As Integer segL= 500  ' Road different between length
Dim Shared As Single  camD= 0.84  ' camera depth

ScreenRes w_ancho,w_alto,32,2
ScreenSet 1, 0

Dim Shared fill(4,1) As integer
Sub drawQuad(micolor As uinteger , x1 As Integer , y1 As Integer , w1 As Integer , x2 As Integer , y2 As Integer , w2 As Integer)

    Dim As Integer xa=x1-w1
    Dim As Integer xb=x2-w2
    Dim As Integer xc=x2+w2
    Dim As Integer xd=x1+w1
    If xa<0 Then xa=0
    If xa>w_ancho Then xa=w_ancho

    If xb<0 Then xb=0
    If xb>w_ancho Then xb=w_ancho
    If xc<0 Then xc=0
    If xc>w_ancho Then xc=w_ancho
    If xd<0 Then xd=0
    If xd>w_ancho Then xd=w_ancho
    If y1<0 Then y1=0
    If y1>w_alto Then y1=w_alto

    If y2<0 Then y2=0
    If y2>w_alto Then y2=w_alto    
    Line (xa,y1)-(xb,y2),micolor
    Line (xb,y2)-(xc,y2),micolor
    Line (xc,y2)-(xd,y1),micolor
    Line (xd,y1)-(xa,y1),micolor
    Dim As Integer mx=(Abs(xa+xc) \2)
    Dim As Integer my=(Abs(y2+y1) \2)
    Paint (mx,my),micolor,micolor

End Sub


Type Linea 
    As Single x, y, z  ' 3d center of line
    As Single X2, Y2, W2  ' screen coord
    As Single curve, scale 
    Declare Sub project(camX As Integer , camY As Integer , camZ As Integer)
End Type 

Sub Linea.project(camX As Integer , camY As Integer , camZ As Integer)
     scale = camD / (z - camZ) 
     X2 = (1 + scale * (x - camX)) * w_ancho / 2 
     Y2 = (1 - scale * (y - camY)) * w_alto  / 2 
     W2 = scale * roadW * w_ancho / 2 
End Sub

	 Dim As Integer num_lineas=1600
    Dim As Linea lineas(num_lineas)
    ' matrix road create
    for i As integer = 0 To num_lineas-1    
        Dim As linea temp
        temp.z = i * segL 

        if (i > 300) And (i < 700) Then temp.curve = 0.5 
        if (i > 1100)              Then temp.curve = -0.7 
        if (i > 750) Then temp.y = sin(i / 30.0) * 1500 


    Dim As Single  playerX  = 0 
    Dim As Integer posicion = 0 
    Dim As Integer altura   = 1500 ' altura de vision, desde el suelo(0) al cielo(1500)
	 Dim As UInteger grass
	 Dim As UInteger rumble
	 Dim As UInteger road
	 Dim As Integer speed = 10
	 Dim As Integer startPos 
    Dim As Integer camH 

    Dim As Integer maxy = w_alto 
    Dim As Single x = 0
    Dim As Single dx = 0 
    Dim As Linea Ptr Lin
    Dim As Linea Ptr Pin
    Dim As Linea Ptr Xin
    while (1)

        if (multikey(SC_RIGHT)) Then playerX += 0.1 ':Cls
        if (MultiKey(SC_LEFT))  Then playerX -= 0.1 ':Cls
        if (MultiKey(SC_UP))    Then speed = 200    ':cls
        if (MultiKey(SC_DOWN))  Then speed = -200   ':cls
        if (MultiKey(SC_CONTROL)) Then speed *= 3 
        if (MultiKey(SC_W)) Then altura += 100      ':Cls
        if (MultiKey(SC_S)) Then altura -= 100      ':cls
        if (MultiKey(SC_ESCAPE)) Then End

        posicion += speed 
        while (posicion >= num_lineas * segL) 
        	posicion -= num_lineas * segL
        while (posicion < 0) 
        	posicion += num_lineas * segL
        startPos = posicion \ segL 
        camH = lineas(startPos).y + altura 
        Dim As Integer fondo=400
        Line(0,0)-(w_ancho,fondo), rgb(15, 100, 205),bf
        Color ,RGB(15, 100, 205)
        maxy = w_alto 
        x = 0
        dx = 0 

        ' /////Design Road////////
        for n As Integer = startPos To (startPos + 300)-1       
            lin = @lineas(n Mod num_lineas) 
            lin->project(playerX * roadW - x, camH, startPos * segL - IIf(n >= num_lineas , num_lineas * segL , 0)) 
            x  += dx 
            dx += lin->curve 
            ' recorte del fondo
            If (lin->Y2 >= maxy) Then continue For
            maxy = lin->Y2 

            grass  = IIf( (n \ 3) Mod 2 , RGB(20, 200, 20) , RGB(20, 154, 20) )
            rumble = IIf( (n \ 3) Mod 2 , RGB(255, 255, 255) , RGB(0, 0, 0) )
            road   = IIf( (n \ 3) Mod 2 , RGB(0, 0, 0) , RGB(100, 100, 100) )

            Pin = @lineas((n - 1) Mod num_lineas)  ' previous line

            drawQuad(grass , 0           , Fix(pin->Y2), w_ancho           , 0           , Fix(lin->Y2), w_ancho   ) 
            drawQuad(rumble, Fix(pin->X2), Fix(pin->Y2), Fix(pin->W2 * 1.2), Fix(lin->X2), Fix(lin->Y2), Fix(lin->W2 * 1.2)) 
            drawQuad(road  , Fix(pin->X2), Fix(pin->Y2), Fix(pin->W2)      , Fix(lin->X2), Fix(lin->Y2), Fix(lin->W2)      ) 

			ScreenCopy 1, 0

			speed = 0

And this one is with sprites using external libraries to get textures in PNG format and sprites routine scale:
viewtopic.php?t=24479 (thanks to Joshy "D.J.Peters")
This code has a bug when the textures are behind the hills. They should be trimmed in height, but it's just a demo.

Code: Select all

#Include ""
#if __FB_LANG__ = "fb"
Using FB '  Scan code constants are stored in the FB namespace in lang FB

' carga JPG, PNG
#Inclib "FBImage-32-static"
extern "C"
	Declare function LoadRGBAFile(byval filename as const zstring ptr) as any Ptr
end Extern

#Include ""

Dim Shared As Integer w_ancho= 1024 
Dim Shared As Integer w_alto= 768 
Dim Shared As Integer roadW= 2500 
Dim Shared As Integer segL= 500  ' Road different between length
Dim Shared As Single  camD= 0.84  ' camera depth

ScreenRes w_ancho,w_alto,32,2
ScreenSet 1, 0

Dim Shared fill(4,1) As integer
Sub drawQuad(micolor As uinteger , x1 As Integer , y1 As Integer , w1 As Integer , x2 As Integer , y2 As Integer , w2 As Integer)

    Dim As Integer xa=x1-w1
    Dim As Integer xb=x2-w2
    Dim As Integer xc=x2+w2
    Dim As Integer xd=x1+w1
    If xa<0 Then xa=0
    If xa>w_ancho Then xa=w_ancho

    If xb<0 Then xb=0
    If xb>w_ancho Then xb=w_ancho
    If xc<0 Then xc=0
    If xc>w_ancho Then xc=w_ancho
    If xd<0 Then xd=0
    If xd>w_ancho Then xd=w_ancho
    If y1<0 Then y1=0
    If y1>w_alto Then y1=w_alto

    If y2<0 Then y2=0
    If y2>w_alto Then y2=w_alto    
    Line (xa,y1)-(xb,y2),micolor':ScreenCopy:sleep
    Line (xb,y2)-(xc,y2),micolor':ScreenCopy:Sleep
    Line (xc,y2)-(xd,y1),micolor':ScreenCopy:Sleep
    Line (xd,y1)-(xa,y1),micolor':ScreenCopy:Sleep

    Dim As Integer mx=(Abs(xa+xc) \2)
    Dim As Integer my=(Abs(y2+y1) \2)
    Paint (mx,my),micolor,micolor

End Sub


Type Linea 
    As Single x, y, z  ' 3d center of line
    As Single X2, Y2, W2  ' screen coord
    As Single curve, scale 
    As Single clip ' escala de sprites
    As single spriteX 
    As Any Ptr sprite
    Declare Sub project(camX As Integer , camY As Integer , camZ As Integer)
    Declare Sub drawSprite()
End Type 

Sub Linea.project(camX As Integer , camY As Integer , camZ As Integer)
     scale = camD / (z - camZ) 
     X2 = (1 + scale * (x - camX)) * w_ancho / 2 
     Y2 = (1 - scale * (y - camY)) * w_alto  / 2 
     W2 = scale * roadW * w_ancho / 2 
End Sub

Sub Linea.drawSprite()

    If sprite=0 Then Exit sub

    Dim As Integer w = *Cast(UShort Ptr ,sprite+8)  ' posiciones 7-8 tenemos el ancho de la imagen
    Dim As Integer h = *Cast(UShort Ptr ,sprite+12) ' y en las 11-12 el alto

    Dim As Single destX = X2 + scale * spriteX * w_ancho / 2 
    Dim As Single destY = Y2 + 4 
    Dim As Single destW = w * W2 / 366 
    Dim As Single destH = h * W2 / 366 

    destX += destW * spriteX  ' offsetX
    destY += destH * (-1)     ' offsetY

    Dim As Single clipH = destY + destH - clip 
    if (clipH < 0) Then clipH = 0 

    if (clipH >= destH) Then Exit Sub 
    ' "multiput" emplea el centro de la textura, asi que necesito 
    ' compensarlos llevandolo a la esquina inferior-izquierda
    destX = destX +(destW/2)
    destY = destY +(destH/2)  

    ' y aqui ponemos el grafico y aplicamos la escala en X e Y
    ' los dos parametros finales son "0"=giro 0 grados y "1"=transparencia en el color "0"
    multiput ,destX, destY, sprite,(destW / w),(destH / h), 0,1

End Sub

    'Texture t(100) 
    Dim Shared As Any ptr objects(7) 
    for i As Integer= 1 To 7      
        objects(i)=LoadRGBAFile(".\images\" + Trim(Str(i)) + ".png") 

	 Dim myImage As Any Ptr 
	 myImage = LoadRGBAFile(".\images\bg1.png")

	 Dim As Integer num_lineas=1600
    Dim As Linea lineas(num_lineas)
    for i As integer = 0 To num_lineas-1    
        Dim As linea temp
        temp.z = i * segL 

        if (i > 300) And (i < 700) Then temp.curve = 0.5 
        if (i > 1100)              Then temp.curve = -0.7 
        If (i < 300) And (i mod 20 = 0) Then temp.spriteX = -2.5: temp.sprite = objects(5)  
        If (i Mod 17 = 0)               Then temp.spriteX =  2.0: temp.sprite = objects(6)  
        If (i > 300) And (i mod 20 = 0) Then temp.spriteX = -0.7: temp.sprite = objects(4)  
        If (i > 800) And (i mod 20 = 0) Then temp.spriteX = -1.2: temp.sprite = objects(1)  
        if (i = 400)                    Then temp.spriteX = -1.2: temp.sprite = objects(7) 
        if (i > 750) Then temp.y = sin(i / 30.0) * 1500 


    Dim As Single  playerX  = 0 
    Dim As Integer posicion = 0 
    Dim As Integer altura   = 1500 ' altura de vision, desde el suelo(0) al cielo(1500)
	 Dim As Integer bgpos    = 300  ' posicion inicial del fondo en relacion a las curvas
	 Dim As UInteger grass
	 Dim As UInteger rumble
	 Dim As UInteger road
	 Dim As Integer speed = 10
	 Dim As Integer startPos 
    Dim As Integer camH 

    Dim As Integer maxy = w_alto 
    Dim As Single x = 0
    Dim As Single dx = 0 
    Dim As Linea Ptr Lin
    Dim As Linea Ptr Pin
    Dim As Linea Ptr Xin
    while (1)

        if (multikey(SC_RIGHT)) Then playerX += 0.1 ':Cls
        if (MultiKey(SC_LEFT))  Then playerX -= 0.1 ':Cls
        if (MultiKey(SC_UP))    Then speed = 200    ':cls
        if (MultiKey(SC_DOWN))  Then speed = -200   ':cls
        if (MultiKey(SC_CONTROL))   Then speed *= 3 
        if (MultiKey(SC_W)) Then altura += 100      ':Cls
        if (MultiKey(SC_S)) Then altura -= 100      ':cls
        if (MultiKey(SC_ESCAPE)) Then End

        posicion += speed 
        while (posicion >= num_lineas * segL) 
        	posicion -= num_lineas * segL
        while (posicion < 0) 
        	posicion += num_lineas * segL
        startPos = posicion \ segL 
        camH = lineas(startPos).y + altura 

		  bgpos=bgpos+(lineas(startPos).curve * 2)
        If (speed > 0) Then Put (-bgpos, 0), myImage,PSet 
        If (speed < 0) Then Put ( bgpos, 0), myImage,PSet 

        maxy = w_alto 
        x = 0
        dx = 0 

        ' /////Design Road////////
        for n As Integer = startPos To (startPos + 300)-1       
            lin = @lineas(n Mod num_lineas) 
            lin->project(playerX * roadW - x, camH, startPos * segL - IIf(n >= num_lineas , num_lineas * segL , 0)) 
            x  += dx 
            dx += lin->curve 

				' sprites
            lin->clip = maxy 
            ' recorte del fondo
            If (lin->Y2 >= maxy) Then continue For
            maxy = lin->Y2 

            grass  = IIf( (n \ 3) Mod 2 , RGB(20, 200, 20) , RGB(20, 154, 20) )
            rumble = IIf( (n \ 3) Mod 2 , RGB(255, 255, 255) , RGB(0, 0, 0) )
            road   = IIf( (n \ 3) Mod 2 , RGB(0, 0, 0) , RGB(100, 100, 100) )

            Pin = @lineas((n - 1) Mod num_lineas)  ' previous line

            drawQuad( grass , 0           , Fix(pin->Y2), w_ancho           , 0           , Fix(lin->Y2), w_ancho   ) 
            drawQuad( rumble, Fix(pin->X2), Fix(pin->Y2), Fix(pin->W2 * 1.2), Fix(lin->X2), Fix(lin->Y2), Fix(lin->W2 * 1.2)) 
            drawQuad( road  , Fix(pin->X2), Fix(pin->Y2), Fix(pin->W2)      , Fix(lin->X2), Fix(lin->Y2), Fix(lin->W2)      ) 

        ' //////draw objects////////
        For n As Integer = startPos + 300 To startPos step -1    
        	   lineas(n Mod num_lineas).drawSprite()

			ScreenCopy 1, 0

			speed = 0

And this is the best result, using CSFML (again, thanks to Joshy "D.J.Peters" ;-) ):

Code: Select all

#Include ""

Dim Shared As Integer w_ancho= 1024 
Dim Shared As Integer w_alto= 768 
Dim Shared As Integer roadW= 2500 
Dim Shared As Integer segL= 500  ' Road different between length
Dim Shared As Single  camD= 0.84  ' camera depth

   dim Shared As sfVideoMode mode
   	mode=type(w_ancho, w_alto, 32)
	dim Shared As sfRenderWindow ptr win
	'dim Shared As sfTexture ptr texture
	'dim Shared As sfSprite ptr sprite
	'dim Shared As sfFont ptr font
	'dim Shared As sfText ptr text
	'dim Shared As sfMusic ptr music
	dim Shared As sfEvent EVENT

Sub drawQuad( micolor As sfColor , x1 As Integer , y1 As Integer , w1 As Integer , x2 As Integer , y2 As Integer , w2 As Integer)

    Dim As sfConvexShape Ptr shape '= allocate(sizeof(sfConvexShape) * 5000)
    'sfConvexShape_setOutlineColor(shape,Type (Int(Rnd(1)*256),Int(Rnd(1)*256),Int(Rnd(1)*256)))
    sfConvexShape_setPoint(shape, 0, Type<sfVector2f>(x1 - w1, y1) )
    sfConvexShape_setPoint(shape, 1, Type<sfVector2f>(x2 - w2, y2) )
    sfConvexShape_setPoint(shape, 2, Type<sfVector2f>(x2 + w2, y2) )
    sfConvexShape_setPoint(shape, 3, Type<sfVector2f>(x1 + w1, y1) )
    'sfConvexShape_setPosition(shape, Type(0,0) )
    'sfConvexShape_setRotation(shape, 0 )
    'sfConvexShape_setScale(shape, Type(1,1) )

End Sub


Type Linea 
    As Single x, y, z  ' 3d center of line
    As Single X2, Y2, W2  ' screen coord
    As Single curve, scale 
    As Single clip ' altura de Sprite (recorte con el camino)
    As single spriteX ' X pos. de Sprite
    As sfSprite ptr sprite
    Declare Sub project(camX As Integer , camY As Integer , camZ As Integer)
    Declare Sub drawSprite()
End Type 

Sub Linea.project(camX As Integer , camY As Integer , camZ As Integer)
     scale = camD / (z - camZ) 
     X2 = (1 + scale * (x - camX)) * w_ancho / 2 
     Y2 = (1 - scale * (y - camY)) * w_alto  / 2 
     W2 = scale * roadW * w_ancho / 2 
End Sub

Sub Linea.drawSprite()

    If sprite=0 Then Exit Sub

    Dim As sfIntRect imgsize=sfSprite_getTextureRect(sprite)
    Dim As Integer w=imgsize.width
    Dim As Integer h=imgsize.height

    Dim As Single destX = X2 + scale * spriteX * w_ancho / 2 
    Dim As Single destY = Y2 + 4 
    Dim As Single destW = w * W2 / 366 
    Dim As Single destH = h * W2 / 366 

    destX += destW * spriteX  ' offsetX
    destY += destH * (-1)     ' offsetY

    Dim As Single clipH = destY + destH - clip 
    if (clipH < 0) Then clipH = 0 

    if (clipH >= destH) Then Exit Sub 
    ' recorta la parte inferior de la imagen en altura, para que no se vea detras de las colinas
    sfSprite_setTextureRect(sprite,Type<sfIntRect>(0, 0, w, h - h * clipH / destH)) 
    sfSprite_setScale(sprite,Type<sfVector2f>((destW / w),(destH / h)))  
    sfSprite_setPosition(sprite,Type<sfVector2f>(destX, destY))

	 sfRenderWindow_drawSprite(win, sprite, 0)
	 ' deja la textura en su medida original
	 sfSprite_setTextureRect(sprite,Type<sfIntRect>(0, 0, w, h))
End Sub

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' principal
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   win = sfRenderWindow_create(mode, "Out Run demo", sfResize or sfClose, 0)

   'sfRenderWindow_setFramerateLimit(win,60) ' limita la maxima velocidad

    Dim As sfTexture Ptr texture(1 To 7) 
    Dim As sfSprite Ptr objects(1 To 7) 
    for i As Integer= 1 To 7      
        texture(i)=sfTexture_createFromFile(".\images\" + Trim(Str(i)) + ".png",0) 
        sfSprite_setTexture(objects(i), texture(i), sfTrue)

	 Dim montanas As sfTexture Ptr
	 montanas = sfTexture_createFromFile(".\images\bg1.png",0)
	 Dim As sfSprite Ptr sprite_montanas=sfSprite_create()
	 sfSprite_setTexture(sprite_montanas, montanas, sfTrue)
	 sfSprite_setTextureRect(sprite_montanas,type(0, 0, 5000, 411)) ' type = sfIntRect
	 sfSprite_setPosition(sprite_montanas,Type(-2000, 0)) 'type = sfVector2f

	 Dim As Integer num_lineas=1600
    Dim As Linea lineas(num_lineas)
    for i As integer = 0 To num_lineas-1    
        Dim As linea temp
        temp.z = i * segL 

        if (i > 300) And (i < 700) Then temp.curve =  0.5 
        if (i > 1100)              Then temp.curve = -0.7 
        If (i < 300) And (i mod 20 = 0) Then temp.spriteX = -2.5: temp.sprite = objects(5)  
        If (i Mod 17 = 0)               Then temp.spriteX =  2.0: temp.sprite = objects(6)  
        If (i > 300) And (i mod 20 = 0) Then temp.spriteX = -0.7: temp.sprite = objects(4)  
        If (i > 800) And (i mod 20 = 0) Then temp.spriteX = -1.2: temp.sprite = objects(1)  
        if (i = 400)                    Then temp.spriteX = -1.2: temp.sprite = objects(7) 
        if (i > 750) Then temp.y = sin(i / 30.0) * 1500 


    Dim As Single  playerX  = 0 
    Dim As Integer posicion = 0 
    Dim As Integer altura   = 1500 ' altura de vision
	 Dim As Integer bgpos    = 300    ' posicion del fondo
	 Dim As sfColor grass
	 Dim As sfColor rumble
	 Dim As sfColor road
	 Dim As Integer speed = 10
	 Dim As Integer startPos 
    Dim As Integer camH 

    Dim As Integer maxy = w_alto 
    Dim As Single x  = 0
    Dim As Single dx = 0 
    Dim As Linea Ptr Lin
    Dim As Linea Ptr Pin
    Dim As Linea Ptr Xin
    ' --------------------------------- bucle ------------------------------------
    while (sfRenderWindow_isOpen(win))
			while (sfRenderWindow_pollEvent(win, @event))
			  if (event.type = sfEvtClosed) then
			  end if  

			If (sfKeyboard_isKeyPressed(sfKeyRight)) Then playerX += 0.1
			if (sfKeyboard_isKeyPressed(sfKeyLeft))  Then playerX -= 0.1
			if (sfKeyboard_isKeyPressed(sfKeyUp))    Then speed =  200   
			if (sfKeyboard_isKeyPressed(sfKeyDown))  Then speed = -200  
			if (sfKeyboard_isKeyPressed(sfKeyLControl)) Then speed *= 3 
			if (sfKeyboard_isKeyPressed(sfKeyq)) Then altura += 100 
			if (sfKeyboard_isKeyPressed(sfKeya)) Then altura -= 100 
			if (sfKeyboard_isKeyPressed(sfKeyEscape)) Then End
			posicion += speed 
			while (posicion >= num_lineas * segL) 
				posicion -= num_lineas * segL
			while (posicion < 0) 
				posicion += num_lineas * segL
			startPos = posicion \ segL 
			camH = lineas(startPos).y + altura 

			sfRenderWindow_clear(win, type(105, 205, 4,255))
			bgpos=bgpos+(lineas(startPos).curve * 2)
			If (speed > 0) Then sfSprite_setPosition (sprite_montanas ,Type<sfVector2f>(-bgpos, 0) )
			If (speed < 0) Then sfSprite_setPosition (sprite_montanas ,Type<sfVector2f>( bgpos, 0) )
			maxy = w_alto 
			x = 0
			dx = 0 

			' /////Design Road////////
			for n As Integer = startPos To (startPos + 300)-1       
			   lin = @lineas(n Mod num_lineas) 
			   lin->project(playerX * roadW - x, camH, startPos * segL - IIf(n >= num_lineas , num_lineas * segL , 0)) 
			   x  += dx 
			   dx += lin->curve 
				' sprites
			   lin->clip = maxy 
			   ' recorte del fondo
			   If (lin->Y2 >= maxy) Then continue For
			   maxy = lin->Y2 
			   grass  = IIf( (n \ 3) Mod 2 , type(20, 200, 20,255) , type(20, 154, 20,255) )
			   rumble = IIf( (n \ 3) Mod 2 , Type(255, 255, 255,255) , Type(0, 0, 0,255) )
			   road   = IIf( (n \ 3) Mod 2 , Type(0, 0, 0,255) , Type(100, 100, 100,255) )
			   Pin = @lineas((n - 1) Mod num_lineas)  ' previous line
			   drawQuad(grass , 0           , Fix(pin->Y2), w_ancho           , 0           , Fix(lin->Y2), w_ancho   ) 
			   drawQuad(rumble, Fix(pin->X2), Fix(pin->Y2), Fix(pin->W2 * 1.2), Fix(lin->X2), Fix(lin->Y2), Fix(lin->W2 * 1.2)) 
			   drawQuad(road  , Fix(pin->X2), Fix(pin->Y2), Fix(pin->W2)      , Fix(lin->X2), Fix(lin->Y2), Fix(lin->W2)      ) 
			' //////draw objects////////
			For n As Integer = startPos + 300 To startPos step -1    
				   lineas(n Mod num_lineas).drawSprite()

			speed = 0


A curious detail:
if you download the new version 2.5.1 of CSFML from:
And you take the "new" DLLs (version 2.5) the code works much faster than with the original DLLs version 2.2. ;-)

Use cursors for move, and CTRL for max speed. 'Q' and 'A' for up and down terrain hight.

You can get full code and images from my "google drive": ... sp=sharing
Posts: 2329
Joined: Jun 21, 2005 19:04

Re: Road Game Skeleton

Post by angros47 »

Nice! I tried the first example in pure FreeBasic: it can also be compiled under Emscripten, but you need to add a "sleep 1" after the line "ScreenCopy 1, 0"
Post Reply