How to translate this C To FREEBASIC

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How to translate this C To FREEBASIC

Post by 77jari »

Code: Select all

// -GDI Starfield-
// Illustrates the basics of Windows programming
// Written by J. Farrell

#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // the coolest line of code ever ^_^

// INCLUDES //////////////////////////////////////
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// DEFINES ///////////////////////////////////////
#define WIN_CLASS_NAME "MyClass" // window class name
#define KEYSTATE(n) ((GetAsyncKeyState(n) & 0x8000) ? TRUE: FALSE) // that macro I told you about

// GLOBALS ///////////////////////////////////////
HDC hMainDC;
HINSTANCE hInstance; // Windows stuff
HWND hWnd;

float stars[300][5]; // starfield - I made this out of floats simply
                     // because of all the divisions, to keep things a
                     // little more accurate and avoid a horde of casts.
                     // Columns 0, 1, and 2, are 3D coordinates (x, y, z),
                     // and columns 3 and 4 are screen coordinates.

int nWidth = 400, nHeight = 300; // current window size

// PROTOTYPES ////////////////////////////////////
LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
void DeleteStars(void);
void DrawStar(int x, int y, int z, int color);
void InitStars(void);
void MoveStars(void);
void PlotStars(void);

// This is the message handler for the window class. Nothin' fancy,
// just the basics.
							WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
	PAINTSTRUCT ps;  // used to paint the window
	HDC hdc;         // device context handle

	case WM_CREATE:  // any initialization functions could go here

	case WM_PAINT:
		hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);  // validate window - just let BeginPaint use the brush
		EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);          // release DC

	case WM_DESTROY: // any shutdown functions could go here

	case WM_SIZE:
		// extract new window size
		nWidth = LOWORD(lparam);
		nHeight = HIWORD(lparam);

	case WM_CLOSE:
		// confirm quit
		if (MessageBox(hwnd, "Are you sure you want to quit?",
			"Quit Starfield", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION |
			return(DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam));

	// call the default message handler for anything else
	return(DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam));

// Program entry point. Defines a window class, creates a window, sets
// the stars' initial positions, and runs the main loop.
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hinstance,     // app instance
				   HINSTANCE hprevinstance, // previous app instance
				   LPSTR lpcmdline,         // command line string
				   int ncmdshow)            // display parameter
	WNDCLASSEX winclass; // our window class
	HWND hwnd;           // handle to our window
	MSG msg;             // a message variable
	DWORD nStartTime;

	winclass.cbSize =        sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); =         CS_DBLCLKS | CS_OWNDC | CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
	winclass.lpfnWndProc =   WindowProc;     // message handler
	winclass.cbClsExtra =    0;              // extra class info
	winclass.cbWndExtra =    0;              // extra window info
	winclass.hInstance =     hinstance;	     // application handle
	winclass.hIcon =         LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_WINLOGO);
	winclass.hCursor =       LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
	winclass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH);
	winclass.lpszMenuName =  NULL;           // no menu, thanks
	winclass.lpszClassName = WIN_CLASS_NAME; // identifier
	winclass.hIconSm =       LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_WINLOGO); // small icon
	// register class
	if (!RegisterClassEx(&winclass))
	// create a window
	if (!(hwnd = CreateWindowEx(NULL,            // extended style
			     WIN_CLASS_NAME,                 // class identifier
				 "Learning Windows GDI - Starfield", // window title
				                                 // parameters
				 CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT,   // initial position (I think I forgot to tell you that you can do this, heh, sorry)
				 nWidth, nHeight,                // initial size
				 NULL,                           // handle to parent (desktop)
				 NULL,                           // handle to menu (none)
				 hinstance,                      // app handle
				 NULL)))                         // extra parameters
	// set globals
	hWnd = hwnd;
	hInstance = hinstance;
	hMainDC = GetDC(hWnd);

	// initialize starfield

	// main loop - inifinite (can only be exited by encountering WM_QUIT)
		// check the message queue
		if (PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE))
			if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) // exit loop on quit

			// send the message on its merry way

		// check the time - this is another thing I should have told you
		// about! GetTickCount() returns the number of milliseconds since
		// the system was started. It's a good way to lock your display
		// to a certain frame rate, although higher-resolution timers are
		// available.
		nStartTime = GetTickCount();

		// update the display - no double-buffering here because I'm
		// keeping things simple, and because the simplicity of this
		// program means it runs pretty fast, so you probably won't
		// even notice the flicker

		// lock to 30 FPS - 33ms per frame
		while ((GetTickCount() - nStartTime) < 33);

		// post a WM_CLOSE message if escape key is being pressed
			PostMessage(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);

	// release the device context
	ReleaseDC(hWnd, hMainDC);

	// return to Windows - this is the exit code of the WM_QUIT message

// DeleteStars()
// Simply runs through the array of stars and plots them all in black.
void DeleteStars(void)
	int a;
	for (a=0; a<300; a++)
		DrawStar((int)stars[a][3], (int)stars[a][4], (int)stars[a][2], 0);

// DrawStar()
// Draws a star at the specified coordinates using the specified color.
void DrawStar(int x, int y, int z, int color)
	int a, b, max;

	// size based on distance from camera
	max = 3 - (int)(z/33);

	// draw one pixel at a time
	for (a=0; a<max; a++)
		for (b=0; b<max; b++)
			SetPixel(hMainDC, x+a, y+b, RGB(color, color, color));

// InitStars()
// Assigns all the stars random locations.
void InitStars(void)
	int a;
	// seed random number generator

	// choose random coordinates for each star
	for (a=0; a<300; a++)
		stars[a][0] = (float)(rand()%70 - 35);
		stars[a][1] = (float)(rand()%70 - 35);
		stars[a][2] = (float)(rand()%100 + 1);

// MoveStars()
// Decreases every star's z-coordinate by 3, bringing them closer. If a
// star's z-coordinate becomes zero, it has reached the "camera" and so
// is re-initialized with a z-coordinate of 100 greater than its current
// z-coordinate.
void MoveStars(void)
	int a;
	for (a=0; a<300; a++)
		stars[a][2] -= 3;
		if (stars[a][2] <= 0)
			// re-initialize if star is too close
			stars[a][0] = (float)(rand()%70 - 35);
			stars[a][1] = (float)(rand()%70 - 35);
			stars[a][2] += 100;

		// perspective transformation - this is interesting! Note the
		// transformation from 3D coordinates to 2D:
		// x2D = x3D / z3D * (screen width) + (half of screen width)
		// y2D = y3D / z3D * (screen height) + (half of screen height)
		// Pretty neat, hey?

		// Note also that since I'm using the variable screen dimensions,
		// the starfield changes size automatically if you resize the
		// window. 
		stars[a][3] = (stars[a][0] / stars[a][2]) * nWidth + (nWidth>>1);
		stars[a][4] = (stars[a][1] / stars[a][2]) * nHeight + (nHeight>>1);

// PlotStars()
// Plots all the stars with colors based on their distances from the
// user's point of view.
void PlotStars(void)
	int a, col;
	for (a=0; a<300; a++)
		// assign color based on z-coordinate and draw the star
		col = 255 - (int)(stars[a][2]*2);
		DrawStar((int)stars[a][3], (int)stars[a][4], (int)stars[a][2], col);

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Re: How to translate this C To FREEBASIC

Post by Imortis »

Do you know any C or FB? If so, maybe you can show us the parts you are having trouble with.
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Re: How to translate this C To FREEBASIC

Post by 77jari »

I did this translation, but it didn't work correctly

Code: Select all

#include ""
#define WIN_CLASS_NAME "MyClass"

Dim Shared hMainDC As HDC
Dim Shared g_hInstance As HINSTANCE
Dim Shared g_hWnd As HWND

Dim Shared nWidth As Integer = 640
Dim Shared nHeight As Integer = 480

Function WndProc ( ByVal hWnd As HWND, _
                   ByVal message As UINT, _
                   ByVal wParam As WPARAM, _
                   ByVal lParam As LPARAM ) As LRESULT
	Dim hdc As HDC
    Select Case( message )
        Case WM_CREATE  
			return 0
            Exit Function
        Case WM_PAINT
            hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd,@ps)
			return 0
			Exit Function

        Case WM_DESTROY
            PostQuitMessage( 0 )
            Exit Function
        Case WM_SIZE
			nWidth = LOWORD(lparam)
			nHeight = HIWORD(lparam)
            Exit Function            
			Function = DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam)
    End Select
    Function = DefWindowProc( hWnd, message, wParam, lParam )    
End Function

Function WinMain ( ByVal hInstance As HINSTANCE, _
                   ByVal hPrevInstance As HINSTANCE, _
                   szCmdLine As String, _
                   ByVal iCmdShow As Integer ) As Integer    
    Dim winclass As WNDCLASSEX
	Dim hwnd As HWND
	Dim wMsg As MSG 
	Dim As DWORD nStartTime
    With winclass
		.cbSize =        sizeof(WNDCLASSEX)
        .style         = CS_OWNDC Or CS_HREDRAW Or CS_VREDRAW
        .lpfnWndProc   = @WndProc
        .cbClsExtra    = 0
        .cbWndExtra    = 0
        .hInstance     = hInstance
        .hIcon         = LoadIcon( NULL, IDI_APPLICATION )
        .hCursor       = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW )
        .hbrBackground = GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH)
        .lpszMenuName  = NULL
        .lpszClassName = StrPtr( WIN_CLASS_NAME )
    End With
    If( RegisterClassEx( @winclass ) = FALSE ) Then
       MessageBox( null, "Failed to register wcls!", WIN_CLASS_NAME, MB_ICONERROR )
       Exit Function
    End If
    hWnd = CreateWindowEx( 0, _
                           WIN_CLASS_NAME, _
                           "The Hello Program", _
                           WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW OR WS_VISIBLE, _
                           CW_USEDEFAULT, _
                           CW_USEDEFAULT, _
                           nWidth, _
                           nHeight, _
                           NULL, _
                           NULL, _
                           hInstance, _
                           NULL )
	g_hWnd = hWnd
	g_hInstance = hInstance
	hMainDC = GetDC(hWnd)

    ShowWindow( hWnd, iCmdShow )
    UpdateWindow( hWnd )
	While True
		If(PeekMessage(@wMsg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE)) Then
			TranslateMessage( @wMsg )
			DispatchMessage( @wMsg )
		nStartTime = GetTickCount()
		while ((GetTickCount() - nStartTime) < 33)
	ReleaseDC(hWnd, hMainDC)
    Function = wMsg.wParam

End Function

WinMain( GetModuleHandle( null ), null, Command$, SW_NORMAL )
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Re: How to translate this C To FREEBASIC

Post by caseih »

What didn't work correctly? Please be more specific. Post any error messages you get.
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Re: How to translate this C To FREEBASIC

Post by dodicat »

For win api you need
instead of
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Re: How to translate this C To FREEBASIC

Post by 77jari »

caseih wrote: Jun 29, 2022 0:31 What didn't work correctly? Please be more specific. Post any error messages you get.
It just dont draw anything
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Re: How to translate this C To FREEBASIC

Post by PaulSquires »

Here you go. I have commented out the unneeded lines and replaced them and moved a couple of things. You should also do all of your graphics drawing in WM_PAINT.

Code: Select all

#include ""
#define WIN_CLASS_NAME "MyClass"

Dim Shared hMainDC As HDC
Dim Shared g_hInstance As HINSTANCE
Dim Shared g_hWnd As HWND

Dim Shared nWidth As Integer = 640
Dim Shared nHeight As Integer = 480

Function WndProc ( ByVal hWnd As HWND, _
                   ByVal message As UINT, _
                   ByVal wParam As WPARAM, _
                   ByVal lParam As LPARAM ) As LRESULT
	Dim hdc As HDC
    Select Case( message )
        Case WM_CREATE  
			return 0
         'Exit Function
        Case WM_PAINT
         hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd,@ps)
			return 0
			'Exit Function

        Case WM_DESTROY
            PostQuitMessage( 0 )
            Exit Function
        Case WM_SIZE
			nWidth = LOWORD(lparam)
			nHeight = HIWORD(lparam)
            Exit Function            

		'Case WM_CLOSE
	'		Function = DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam)
    End Select
    Function = DefWindowProc( hWnd, message, wParam, lParam )    
End Function

Function WinMain ( ByVal hInstance As HINSTANCE, _
                   ByVal hPrevInstance As HINSTANCE, _
                   szCmdLine As String, _
                   ByVal iCmdShow As Integer ) As Integer    
   Dim winclass As WNDCLASSEX
	Dim hwnd As HWND
	Dim wMsg As MSG 
	Dim As DWORD nStartTime
    With winclass
		.cbSize =        sizeof(WNDCLASSEX)
        .style         = CS_OWNDC Or CS_HREDRAW Or CS_VREDRAW
        .lpfnWndProc   = @WndProc
        .cbClsExtra    = 0
        .cbWndExtra    = 0
        .hInstance     = hInstance
        .hIcon         = LoadIcon( NULL, IDI_APPLICATION )
        .hCursor       = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW )
        .hbrBackground = GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH)
        .lpszMenuName  = NULL
        .lpszClassName = StrPtr( WIN_CLASS_NAME )
    End With
    If( RegisterClassEx( @winclass ) = FALSE ) Then
       MessageBox( null, "Failed to register wcls!", WIN_CLASS_NAME, MB_ICONERROR )
       Exit Function
    End If
    hWnd = CreateWindowEx( 0, _
                           WIN_CLASS_NAME, _
                           "The Hello Program", _
                           WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW OR WS_VISIBLE, _
                           CW_USEDEFAULT, _
                           CW_USEDEFAULT, _
                           nWidth, _
                           nHeight, _
                           NULL, _
                           NULL, _
                           hInstance, _
                           NULL )
	g_hWnd = hWnd
	g_hInstance = hInstance
	hMainDC = GetDC(hWnd)

    ShowWindow( hWnd, iCmdShow )
    UpdateWindow( hWnd )
	'While True
   While (GetMessage(@wMsg, NULL, 0, 0) <> FALSE)
		'If(PeekMessage(@wMsg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE)) Then
			TranslateMessage( @wMsg )
			DispatchMessage( @wMsg )
		'nStartTime = GetTickCount()
		' Change FROM:
      ' Change TO and move to WM_PAINT
		'while ((GetTickCount() - nStartTime) < 33)
	ReleaseDC(hWnd, hMainDC)
    Function = wMsg.wParam

End Function

WinMain( GetModuleHandle( null ), null, Command$, SW_NORMAL )

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Re: How to translate this C To FREEBASIC

Post by dodicat »

Peekmessage suggests the op wants some free running graphics (for a game for example)
Reminder bgr, not rgb
Using peekmessage

Code: Select all

#include ""
#define WIN_CLASS_NAME "MyClass"

declare sub ClearScreen(h as hdc,colour as ulong)
Dim Shared hMainDC As HDC
Dim Shared g_hInstance As HINSTANCE
Dim Shared g_hWnd As HWND

Dim Shared nWidth As Integer = 640
Dim Shared nHeight As Integer = 480

Function WndProc ( ByVal hWnd As HWND, _
                   ByVal message As UINT, _
                   ByVal wParam As WPARAM, _
                   ByVal lParam As LPARAM ) As LRESULT
	Dim hdc As HDC
    Select Case( message )
        Case WM_CREATE  
			return 0
            Exit Function
        Case WM_PAINT
            hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd,@ps)
			return 0
			Exit Function

        Case WM_DESTROY
            PostQuitMessage( 0 )
            Exit Function
        Case WM_SIZE
			nWidth = LOWORD(lparam)
			nHeight = HIWORD(lparam)
            Exit Function            
			Function = DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam)
    End Select
    Function = DefWindowProc( hWnd, message, wParam, lParam )    
End Function

Function WinMain ( ByVal hInstance As HINSTANCE, _
                   ByVal hPrevInstance As HINSTANCE, _
                   szCmdLine As String, _
                   ByVal iCmdShow As Integer ) As Integer    
    Dim winclass As WNDCLASSEX
	Dim hwnd As HWND
	Dim wMsg As MSG 
	Dim As DWORD nStartTime
    With winclass
		.cbSize =        sizeof(WNDCLASSEX)
        .style         = CS_OWNDC Or CS_HREDRAW Or CS_VREDRAW
        .lpfnWndProc   = @WndProc
        .cbClsExtra    = 0
        .cbWndExtra    = 0
        .hInstance     = hInstance
        .hIcon         = LoadIcon( NULL, IDI_APPLICATION )
        .hCursor       = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW )
        .hbrBackground = GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH)
        .lpszMenuName  = NULL
        .lpszClassName = StrPtr( WIN_CLASS_NAME )
    End With
    If( RegisterClassEx( @winclass ) = FALSE ) Then
       MessageBox( null, "Failed to register wcls!", WIN_CLASS_NAME, MB_ICONERROR )
       Exit Function
    End If
    hWnd = CreateWindowEx( 0, _
                           WIN_CLASS_NAME, _
                           "Press escape to quit", _
                           WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW OR WS_VISIBLE, _
                           CW_USEDEFAULT, _
                           CW_USEDEFAULT, _
                           nWidth, _
                           nHeight, _
                           NULL, _
                           NULL, _
                           hInstance, _
                           NULL )
	g_hWnd = hWnd
	g_hInstance = hInstance
	'hMainDC = GetDC(hWnd)

    ShowWindow( hWnd, iCmdShow )
    UpdateWindow( hWnd )
    const pi=4*atn(1)
    dim Membitmap as HBITMAP
    var WorkingScreen=GetDC(hwnd)
    hmaindc = CreateCompatibleDC(WorkingScreen)
    Membitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(WorkingScreen,nwidth,nheight)
    dim as single x,y
    SelectObject(hMainDC, Membitmap)
	While True
		If(PeekMessage(@wMsg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE)) Then
			TranslateMessage( @wMsg )
			DispatchMessage( @wMsg )
		End if
		nStartTime = GetTickCount()
             for x as single=0 to 2*pi step 2*pi/60
             BitBlt(WorkingScreen, 0, 0, nwidth,nheight,hMainDC, 0, 0,SRCCOPY)
		If (GetAsyncKeyState(&h1B)<>0) Then exit while ' escape key
		while ((GetTickCount() - nStartTime) < 33)
	ReleaseDC(hWnd, hMainDC)
    Function = wMsg.wParam

End Function

WinMain( GetModuleHandle( null ), null, Command$, SW_NORMAL )

sub ClearScreen(h as hdc,colour as ulong)
End sub 
Last edited by dodicat on Jul 01, 2022 11:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to translate this C To FREEBASIC

Post by PaulSquires »

dodicat wrote: Jul 01, 2022 10:24 Peekmessage suggests the op wants some free running graphics (for a game for example)
In that case, then the OP would also need to add this code that he did not translate in order to exit the WHILE TRUE loop otherwise the process will never exit.

if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) // exit loop on quit

if wMsg.message = WM_QUIT then exit while '// exit loop on quit
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Re: How to translate this C To FREEBASIC

Post by dodicat »

Thanks, while must be exited cleanly, I have adjusted my code to do this.
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Re: How to translate this C To FREEBASIC

Post by 77jari »

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