Using Libusb

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Using Libusb

Post by bfuller »

In the "transistor" thread, Dinosaur offered
If you are interested I can list the actual code I used for specific devices.
I have only used USB in a very simple way as a serial COM port. I would like to see how you do it with Libusb please. It would also be a good practical way to see how to use a library.

Edit-------------never mind, I think I found enough info to get started here.......
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Re: Using Libusb

Post by Dinosaur »

Hi All

bfuller I hope the detail below is enough to get you going.
Firstly the;

Code: Select all

Type usbPort
    Handle(0 to 7)      As Long Ptr
    Found               As Short
    usbFlag             As Short
    EndFlag             As Short
    PrintFlag           As Short
    RxBytes             As Long
    TxBytes             As Long
    RetBytes            As Long
    RetValue            As Long
    ChrByte             As String * 1
    ValString(0 to 7)   As String * 24
    SerialNbr(0 to 7)   As String * 6
    Vendor (0 to 7)     As String * 4
    Product(0 to 7)     As String * 4
End Type
Dim Shared usbPort as usbPort
Type usbErrors
    Module      As UShort               '' Which Module did the error happen
    Routine     As ZString * 40         '' Which Routine created the Error
    ErrMsg      As ZString * 40         '' Description of Error
    Message     As ZString * 40         '' General Progress Message
    Errer       As Long                 '' Err Nbr (-1 to -5)
    Prints      As UShort               '' Flag to allow screen prints.
End Type
Dim Shared usbError as usbErrors
''  After confirming with lsusb (in Linux Terminal) assign .Vendor / .Product Numbers
    With usbPort
        .Vendor(0) = "0A07":.Product(0) = "0046"  'Ontrak ADU70 24 bit A2D Load Cell interface
        .Vendor(1) = "0A07":.Product(1) = "0046"  '           ditto
        .Vendor(2) = "1605":.Product(2) = "8018"  'AccesIO USB-IDIO-16L.(32 bit I/O Board)
        .Vendor(3) = "1605":.Product(3) = "8077"  'AccesIO USB-AO16-4E. (16 bit I/O + 4 bit A/O)
        .Vendor(4) = "":.Product(4) = ""
        .Vendor(5) = "":.Product(5) = ""
        .Vendor(6) = "":.Product(6) = ""
        .Vendor(7) = "":.Product(7) = ""
    End With
    usbPort.PrintFlag = 0
dim shared Buffer As UByte Ptr
dim shared as Any Ptr ThreadHandle
dim shared as libusb_device Ptr dev
dim shared as const libusb_version ptr version
dim shared as libusb_device_descriptor desc
dim shared as libusb_device_handle ptr pHandle
dim shared as libusb_device ptr pDevice
dim shared as libusb_device ptr ptr ppList
dim shared as ssize_t cnt = 0, i = 0
dim shared as short ix = 0 , MyDev = 0, Hd = 0

The usbIO.bas file.

Code: Select all

''------Compiled with--------------------------------------------------------------------
''  FreeBASIC Compiler - Version 1.05.0 (01-31-2016), built for linux-x86_64 (64bit)
''  This has only been tested on Linux Mint 18.3
''  Note: Comments are double '' to avoid problem with Gede debugger.
''  By setting .PrintFlag to 1 detail is printed to Terminal.(Errors are always printed)
''This program does the following:
''  0: Do some Main Thread stuff before creating usbThread.
''  In the usbThread does the following.
''  ------------------------------------
''  1: Initialize: Libusb,
''  2: Gets List of usb devices attached.
''  3: Uses 0-7 idVendor/idProduct's to find matches in list in
''  4: Opens matches found and assign's .Handle(n).
''  5: Uses .Handle(n) to check if Kernel has control, then releases it.
''  6: Uses .Handle(n) to Claim Interface & load ascii string desc to get iSerialNumber.
''  7: Uses usbAccesInit to send init cmnds to possible AccesIO devices.
''  8: Now .Handle(n) is available to Write & Read Control Transfers to devices attached.
''  9: usbThread checks flags to confirm all OK, then sits in loop until Quit.
'' 10: WriteOntrak & ReadOnTrak are dedicated to Ontrak ADU70 Load Cell's.
''     Read & WriteAcces are dedicated to AccesIO USB-IDIO-16L. and USB-AO16-4E
'' 11: Quit Deallocates Buffer, and closes Interface's and Libusb.
Sub usbPortsInit
    With usbPort
        ''----First init the Lib-----
        .Found = libusb_init(0)
        If .Found = 0 Then
                .usbFlag = 1
                If .PrintFlag > 0 Then
                    version = libusb_get_version()
                    libusb_version = *version
                    Print libusb_version.major;".";libusb_version.minor;".";libusb_version.micro;".";libusb_version.nano
                Print "libusb_Init     = Failed"
                Exit Sub
        If .Found = 0 Then
            For cnt = 0 to 7
                .Handle(cnt) = 0
            cnt = 0
            ''-----Get list of all usb devices (always succeeds)----------
            cnt = libusb_get_device_list(NULL, @ppList)
            If .PrintFlag > 0 Then Print "----Reading all usb devices to assign pDevice to MyDev numbers----"
            For i = 0 to cnt-1
                pDevice = ppList[i]
                ''-----Load found device one at a time------
                .RetValue = libusb_get_device_descriptor(pDevice, @desc)
                If .PrintFlag > 0 Then Print "Load desc.;";Hex(desc.idVendor,4);":";Hex(desc.idProduct,4);" From Device";i
                ''-----Check 8 possible matches-------------
                For MyDev = 0 to 7
                    If Hex(desc.idVendor,4) = .Vendor(MyDev) And Hex(desc.idProduct,4) = .Product(MyDev) Then
                        ''----If not been selected before, assign desc to this Hd number----
                        If .Handle(MyDev) = 0 Then
                            Print Hex(desc.idVendor,4);":";Hex(desc.idProduct,4)
                            Print "Found MyDev ";MyDev;"; Device Nbr ";pdevice
                            .Found += 1
                            ''----Open device(i) with .Handle(Hd)----
                            .RetValue = libusb_open(pDevice, @pHandle)
                            '---If an error opening------
                            If .RetValue < 0 Then
                                Print "dev_handle      ;"; pHandle
                                Print "Error Detail    ;";.RetValue
                                Print *(libusb_error_name(.RetValue))
                            .Handle(MyDev) = pHandle
                            pHandle = 0
                            .usbFlag += 1
                            Exit For
                    End if
                Next MyDev
            Next i
            ''------Use .Handle to release from Kernel and get Serial Number----
            If .PrintFlag > 0 Then
                If .usbFlag = 1 Then
                    Print "----No devices match the list in"
                    Exit Sub
                Print "----Claiming MyDev's and getting Serial Numbers----"
            For i = 0 to 7
                If .Handle(i) > 0 Then
                    .usbFlag += 1
                    .RetValue = libusb_kernel_driver_active(.Handle(i),0)          ''check if kernel has attached a driver
                    If .RetValue > 0 Then                                          ''if so
                        .RetValue = libusb_detach_kernel_driver(.Handle(i), 0)     ''detach it
                        If .PrintFlag > 0 Then Print "Detach from Kernel"
                    .RetValue = libusb_claim_interface(.Handle(i), 0)               ''now we can claim the interface
                    If .RetValue = 0 Then
                            .usbFlag += 1                                           ''This allows usbThread to proceed
                            Print "Claimed I/F ";i
                            Print "Claim I/F Fail   "
                    ''------value 3 in call = index of descriptor for iSerialNumber--------
                    .RetValue = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(.Handle(i),3,Buffer,64)
                    MyDev = i
                    ''---RetValue = number of char's in iSerialNumber string------
                    If .RetValue > 0 Then
                            Dim Nbr as Ushort
                            If .PrintFlag > 0 Then Print "Chr's in Serial =";.RetValue
                            .SerialNbr(MyDev) = ""
                            For Nbr = 0 to .RetValue
                                .SerialNbr(MyDev) += Chr(Buffer[Nbr])
                            If .PrintFlag > 0 Then Print "----string_descriptor not supported on this device----"
            If cnt > 0 Then libusb_free_device_list(ppList,1)
            '' If Initialize succeeded Then set EndFlag to allow usbThread to run.
            If .usbFlag > 2 Then .EndFlag= 1
            Print "Load Cell i/f 0 =";.SerialNbr(0)
            Print "Load Cell i/f 1 =";.SerialNbr(1)
            ''When the Hd looks for Wt,
            ''assign the correct usb port (and thus the SerialNbr)
            Print "Settings.SerialNbr1 ;";Settings.SerialNbr1
            Print "Settings.SerialNbr2 ;";Settings.SerialNbr2
            If Instr(Settings.SerialNbr1,.SerialNbr(0)) > 0 Then
                    Status.usbPort(1)   = 0
                    Status.usbPort(2)   = 1
                    If Instr(Settings.SerialNbr1,.SerialNbr(1)) > 0 Then
                        Status.usbPort(1)   = 1
                        Status.usbPort(2)   = 0
    End With
End Sub
Sub usbAccesInit
    ''This Init's USB-AO16-4E board.
    usbError.Routine = "usbAOinit"
    usbError.Module  = 1
    With libusb_control_setup                                       '' With / End With , saves lots of typing.
        If usbPort.Handle(3) > 0 Then
            '' First set up the DIO bits
            .bmRequestType = &B01000000                             '' Direction is Vendor OUT from Host to Device
            .bRequest      = &H12                                   '' Tell device it is DIO Config.
            .wValue        = &H00                                   '' These only need to be done once
            .wIndex        = &H00                                   '' for the life of the program.
            .wLength       = &H03                                   '' Only 3 bytes sent / returned
            Buffer[0] = &B00000000                                  '' Data Array (none during init)
            Buffer[1] = &B00000000                                  '' Ignored as it will be set as I/P's
            Buffer[2] = &B00000001                                  '' Direction Control Array O/P 0-7 , I/P 8-15
            Buffer[3] = &H00                                        '' No Data
            usbPort.RetBytes  = libusb_control_transfer(usbPort.Handle(3),.bmRequestType,.bRequest,.wValue,.wIndex,Buffer,.wLength,100)
            If usbPort.RetBytes < 0 Then
                usbError.Message = "Control Transfer Failed"
                usbError.Errer   = usbPort.RetBytes
                Exit Sub
            '' Then set up the Analog O/P's
            .bmRequestType = &B01000000                             '' Direction is Vendor OUT from Host to Device
            .bRequest      = &HB7                                   '' Tell device AO is unipolar.(0-10v)
            .wValue        = &H00                                   '' 0 for Unipolar 1 for BiPolar
            .wIndex        = &H00                                   ''
            .wLength       = &H00                                   '' No Data sent
            Buffer[0] = &H00
            Buffer[1] = &H00
            Buffer[2] = &H00
            Buffer[3] = &H00
            usbPort.RetBytes  = libusb_control_transfer(usbPort.Handle(3),.bmRequestType,.bRequest,.wValue,.wIndex,Buffer,.wLength,100)
            If usbPort.RetBytes < 0 Then
                    usbError.Message = "Control Transfer Failed"
                    usbError.Errer   = usbPort.RetBytes
                    usbPort.usbFlag += 1
    End With
End Sub
Sub ReadOntrak
    'This Sub reads a Control Transfer from endpoint &h81
    'as a result of the request done in WriteOnce previously
    With usbPort
        If (MyDev = 0) Or (MyDev = 1) Then
            If .Handle(MyDev) > 0 Then
                .RetValue = libusb_interrupt_transfer(.Handle(MyDev), &H81, Buffer, 64, @.RxBytes, 500 )
                If .PrintFlag > 0 Then Print "Bytes Rx = ";.RxBytes
                If .RetValue = 0 Then
                    If .RxBytes = 64 Then
                        .ValString(MyDev) = ""
                        For i as Integer = 1 to .RxBytes-1                  '-1 for zero terminated string
                            If (Buffer[i] > 47) And (Buffer[i] < 58) Then   'if 0-9
                                .ValString(MyDev) += Chr(Buffer[i])
                            If (i > 8) and Buffer[i] = 0 Then Exit For      'dont read trailing zeroes
                        Cycle.TempCount(MyDev) = Val(.ValString(MyDev))     'put data in place for other thread.
                        If .PrintFlag > 0 Then
                            Print "Value of Read of MyDev ";MyDev;" ";Val(.ValString(MyDev))
                    End If
                If .RetValue < 0 Then
                    Print "Read Control Transfer Failed"
    End With
End Sub
Sub WriteOntrak
    ''This Sub writes a Control Transfer request to endpoint 1
    ''value of 8 is bytes expected, .TxBytes = actual sent.
    With usbPort
        If (MyDev = 0) Or (MyDev = 1) Then
            Buffer[0] = &H01
            Buffer[1] = 82      '' 'R'
            Buffer[2] = 68      '' 'D'
            If .Handle(MyDev) > 0 Then
                .RetValue = libusb_interrupt_transfer(.Handle(MyDev), &H01, Buffer, 8, @.TxBytes, 500 )
                If .RetValue < 0 Then
                    Print "Write Control Transfer Failed"
                    Print "Bytes Sent = ";.TxBytes
                If .PrintFlag > 0 Then Print "Bytes Tx = ";.TxBytes
    End With
End Sub
Sub ReadAcces
    usbError.Routine = "ReadAcces"
    usbError.Module  = 1
    If MyDev = 2 Then
        If usbPort.Handle(MyDev) > 0 Then
            With libusb_control_setup
                .bmRequestType = &B11000000                                   '' Direction is IN from Device to Host
                .bRequest      = &H11                                         '' Give Device a Read request.
                .wValue        = &H00                                         '' These only need to be done once
                .wIndex        = &H00                                         '' for the life of the program.
                .wLength       = &H04                                         '' Indicating we expect 4 bytes
                Buffer[0] = &H00                                              '' Reset these so READ values can be filled in.
                Buffer[1] = &H00                                              ''
                Buffer[2] = &H00                                              '' I/P 0-7
                Buffer[3] = &H00                                              ''     8-15
                usbPort.RetBytes  = libusb_control_transfer(usbPort.Handle(MyDev),.bmRequestType,.bRequest,.wValue,.wIndex,Buffer,.wLength,1000)
                If IOCtrl.InputDone < 6 Then IOCtrl.InputDone += 1
                If usbPort.RetBytes < 0 Then
                    usbError.Errer   = usbPort.RetBytes
                    Print "Read Control Transfer Failed"
                IOCtrl.IPValue = Buffer[2] + (Buffer[3] shl 8)              '' Combine LoByte & HiByte to create a UShort of 16 bits
                For IPCount As UShort = 0 To 15                             ''for the I/P bits returned by usbController
                    If Bit(IOCtrl.IPValue,IPCount) Then                     ''if bit returned is ON
                                                '  + 16     bit 0 input becomes bit 24 (same as IA3125)
                            IOCtrl.PortBit(IPCount + 16) = 1                ''set the result for Main thread
                            IOCtrl.PortBit(IPCount + 16) = 0                ''otherwise reset    "       "
                If IOCtrl.PortBit(Settings.LevelBit1) <  1 Then
                        IOCtrl.PortBit(Settings.LevelBit1) = 1
                        IOCtrl.PortBit(Settings.LevelBit1) = 0
                If IOCtrl.PortBit(Settings.LevelBit2) < 1 Then
                        IOCtrl.PortBit(Settings.LevelBit2) = 1
                        IOCtrl.PortBit(Settings.LevelBit2) = 0

            End With
    If MyDev = 3 Then
        If usbPort.Handle(MyDev) > 0 Then
            With libusb_control_setup
                ''----Common values set first , then lib call-----
                .bmRequestType = &B11000000                              '' Direction is IN from Device to Host
                .bRequest      = &H11                                    '' Give Device a Read request.
                .wValue        = &H00                                    '' These only need to be done once
                .wIndex        = &H00                                    '' for the life of the program.
                .wLength       = &H04                                    '' Indicating we expect 4 bytes
                Buffer[0] = &H00                                         '' Reset these so READ values can be filled in.
                Buffer[1] = &H00                                         ''
                Buffer[2] = &H00                                         '' I/P 0-7
                Buffer[3] = &H00                                         ''     8-15
                usbPort.RetBytes  = libusb_control_transfer(usbPort.Handle(MyDev),.bmRequestType,.bRequest,.wValue,.wIndex,Buffer,.wLength,1000)
                ''----If it is the AccesIO USB-AO16-4E.(16 bit I/O + 4 bit A/O)----
                IOCtrl.OPValue = Buffer[0]
                IOCtrl.IPValue = Buffer[1]
                For IPCount As UShort = 8 To 15                      ''for the I/P bits returned by usbController
                    If Bit(IOCtrl.IPValue,IPCount - 8 ) Then         ''if bit returned is ON
                            IOCtrl.PortBit(IPCount) = 0              ''set the result for Main thread
                            IOCtrl.PortBit(IPCount) = 1              ''otherwise reset    "       "
                If IOCtrl.InputDone < 6 Then IOCtrl.InputDone += 1
                If usbPort.RetBytes < 0 Then
                        usbError.Message = "Control Transfer Failed"
                        usbError.Errer   = usbPort.RetBytes
                        If usbPort.PrintFlag > 0 Then Print "OpValue ,IpValue = ";IOCtrl.OPValue,IOCtrl.IPValue
            End With
End Sub
Sub WriteAcces
    usbError.Routine = "WriteAcces"
    usbError.Module  = 1
    If usbPort.Handle(MyDev) > 0 Then
        With libusb_control_setup                                   '' With / End With , saves lots of typing.
            '' If Either Device 2 or 3 we can set the OPValue.
            '' MyDev 3 ,the USB-AO16-4E, ignores O/P bits > 7
            For BitCount As UShort = 0 To 15                        '' only for 16 output bits
                If IOCtrl.PortBit(BitCount) = 1 Then                '' test for On/Off request.
                        IOCtrl.OPValue = BitReSet(IOCtrl.OPValue,BitCount) ''Acces usb-IDIO-16 requires 0 for O/P ON
                    Else                                            '' and 1 for O/P OFF
                        IOCtrl.OPValue = BitSet(IOCtrl.OPValue,BitCount) ''or reset bit
            If MyDev = 2 Then
                If IOCtrl.OPValue <> IOCtrl.OldOPValue Then         '' We only Write if there is a change in Bit values.
                    IOCtrl.OldOPValue = IOCtrl.OPValue              '' Save for next comparison.
                    .bmRequestType = &B01000000                     '' Direction is Vendor OUT from Host to Device
                    .bRequest      = &H10                           '' Give Device a Write request.
                    .wValue        = &H00                           '' These only need to be done once
                    .wIndex        = &H00                           '' for the life of the program.
                    .wLength       = &H04                           '' Only 4 bytes sent / returned
                    Buffer[0] = LoByte(IOCtrl.OPValue)              ''O/P 0- 7
                    Buffer[1] = HiByte(IOCtrl.OPValue)              ''O/P 8-15
                    Buffer[2] = &H00                                ''I/P 0-7 ignored when setting O/P's
                    Buffer[3] = &H00                                ''I/P 8-15    "           "
                    usbPort.RetBytes  = libusb_control_transfer(usbPort.Handle(MyDev),.bmRequestType,.bRequest,.wValue,.wIndex,Buffer,.wLength,100)
                    If usbPort.RetBytes < 0 Then
                        usbError.Message = "Control Transfer Failed"
                        usbError.Errer   = usbPort.RetBytes
                        Print "Write Control Transfer Failed"
            If MyDev = 3 Then
                If IOCtrl.OPValue <> IOCtrl.OldOPValue Then         '' We only Write if there is a change in Bit values.
                    IOCtrl.OldOPValue = IOCtrl.OPValue              '' Save for next comparison.
                    .bmRequestType = &B01000000                     '' Direction is Vendor OUT from Host to Device
                    .bRequest      = &H10                           '' Give Device a Write request.
                    .wValue        = &H00                           '' These only need to be done once
                    .wIndex        = &H00                           '' for the life of the program.
                    .wLength       = &H02                           '' Only 4 bytes sent / returned
                    Buffer[0] = LoByte(IOCtrl.OPValue)              '' O/P 0- 7
                    Buffer[1] = &H00                                '' O/P 8-15
                    Buffer[2] = &H00                                '' I/P 0-7 ignored when setting O/P''s
                    Buffer[3] = &H00                                '' I/P 8-15    "           "
                    usbPort.RetBytes  = libusb_control_transfer(usbPort.Handle(MyDev),.bmRequestType,.bRequest,.wValue,.wIndex,Buffer,.wLength,100)
                For Feeder as Short = 0 to 3
                    If IOCtrl.AOValue(Feeder) <> IOCtrl.OldAOValue(Feeder) Then
                        IOCtrl.OldAOValue(Feeder) = IOCtrl.AOValue(Feeder)
                        .bmRequestType = &B01000000                         '' Direction is Vendor OUT from Host to Device
                        .bRequest      = &HB3                               '' Give Device a DAC Write (Simple Form) request.
                        .wValue        = IOCtrl.AOValue(Feeder)             '' DAC output value
                        .wIndex        = Feeder                             '' DAC Channel
                        .wLength       = &H00                               '' No Data sent
                        Buffer[0] = &H00
                        Buffer[1] = &H00
                        Buffer[2] = &H00                                    ''
                        Buffer[3] = &H00                                    ''
                        usbPort.RetBytes  = libusb_control_transfer(usbPort.Handle(MyDev),.bmRequestType,.bRequest,.wValue,.wIndex,Buffer,.wLength,100)
                        If usbPort.RetBytes < 0 Then
                            usbError.Message = "Control Transfer Failed"
                            usbError.Errer   = usbPort.RetBytes
                Next Feeder
        End With
End Sub
Sub usbQuit
    With usbPort
        Dim i as uShort
        '----First must release i/f Then close device------------
        For i = 0 To 7
            If .Handle(i) > 0 Then
                .RetValue = libusb_release_interface(.Handle(i), 0)
                If .RetValue = 0 Then
                        If .PrintFlag > 0 Then Print "I/F ";i;" Release=; Success"
                        Print "I/F ";i;" Release=; Failed"
        Deallocate Buffer
        Print "Buffer Closed"
        Print "libusb Closed"
        Print "libusb exited"
        .EndFlag = -1
    End With
End Sub
Sub usbthread( ByVal userdata As Any Ptr )
    usbTimer.CalTime = Timer                                        '' Starting Calibration Time of Program
    Buffer = Allocate(64)
    usbPortsInit                                                    '' sets usbFlag if succesfull
    Sleep 100                                                       '' let things settle before
    With usbPort
        If .PrintFlag > 0 Then Print "usbFlag;";.usbFlag            '' If > 0 Then Initialize was OK
        If .usbFlag > 2 Then
            Print "usb Thread Running"
            Print "------------------"
        If .usbFlag < 2 Then
            print "usb Error "
            print "?  Handle =";ThreadHandle
            ThreadHandle = 0
            .usbFlag     = 0                                         '' Tells Main to quit
            Print "Quiting usbThread "
        '' Here write your own code to call each device using
        '' usbPort.Handle(MyDev)
        While .usbFlag                                              '' Hangs here for duration of Thread
            With usbTimer
                .mSec = (Timer - usbTimer.CalTime ) * 1000
                .StartTime = .mSec
                For MyDev = 0 to 3
                Next MyDev
                .mSec = (Timer - usbTimer.CalTime ) * 1000
                .Elapsed = .mSec - .StartTime
                IOCtrl.OldBeat = IOCtrl.HeartBeat ''let screen led know Rx was OK.
            End With
        Wend                                                        '' Main program loop cancels .usbFlag
        usbTimer.mSec = (Timer - usbTimer.CalTime ) * 1000
        Print "Elapsed = ;";usbTimer.mSec - usbTimer.StartTime
    End With
    usbQuit                                                         '' Go release the port.
End Sub

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