Numeric/String Eval function

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Ed Davis
Posts: 37
Joined: Jul 28, 2008 23:24

Numeric/String Eval function

Post by Ed Davis »

Numeric/String Eval function, supports all QBasic operators, as well as
selected numeric and string functions, and numeric and string variables and

String functions:
chr$ date$ hex$ lcase$ left$ ltrim$ mid$ right$ rtrim$ space$ str$ string$ time$
trim$ ucase$

Numeric functions:
abs atan cos exp fix int len log rnd sgn sin sqr tan val

Simple to add additional single parameter functions
Just a little busy work to add multiple parameter functions

Precedence - highest to lowest:
unary -, +
*, /
+, -
=, <>, <, >, <=, >=
unary not

Example usage:

dim st as string

st = "abs(1+2*3+(5-1) + sin(42))"
print eval(st)

To Create variables:

st = "num1 = 42"
print eval(st)

st = "st1$ = " + chr$(34) + "hello" + chr$(34)
print eval(st)

Code features a simple demonstration program.

Code: Select all

'Numeric/String Eval function, supports all QBasic operators, as well as
' selected numeric and string functions, and numeric and string variables and
' assignment.
'String functions:
'chr$ date$ hex$ lcase$ left$ ltrim$ mid$ right$ rtrim$ space$ str$ string$ time$
'trim$ ucase$
'Numeric functions:
'abs atan cos exp fix int len log rnd sgn sin sqr tan val
'Simple to add additional single parameter functions
'Just a little busy work to add multiple parameter functions
'Precedence - highest to lowest:
' ^
' unary -, +
' *, /
' \
' mod
' +, -
' =, <>, <, >, <=, >=
' unary not
' and
' or
' xor
' eqv
' imp
'Example usage:
'dim st as string
'st = "abs(1+2*3+(5-1) + sin(42))"
'print eval(st)
'To Create variables:
'st = "num1 = 42"
'print eval(st)
'st = "st1$ = " + chr$(34) + "hello" + chr$(34)
'print eval(st)
'Written by Ed Davis.  Contact: ed_davis2 at that yahoo place.
'Use at your own risk.

declare function eval(userstr as string) as string
declare function numeric_expr(p as integer, userstr as string, sym as string) as double
declare function str_expr(userstr as string, sym as string) as string

declare sub dump_tables
declare sub help
declare sub store_numeric_var(vname as string, nvalue as double)
declare sub store_string_var(vname as string, svalue as string)

' simple demonstration
dim userstr as string
    line input "Enter expression: ", userstr
    select case userstr
        case "list":  dump_tables
        case "help":  help
        case "cls":   cls
             case "": exit do
        case else
            print eval(userstr)
    end select

const rightassoc=0, leftassoc=1
const tyunknown=0,tystring=1,tynum=2

const max_store=256

type names_t
    vname    as string
    index   as integer
end type

' used by expression parser
dim shared num_stack(1 to max_store) as double
dim shared str_stack(1 to max_store) as string
dim shared str_stk_ndx as integer, num_stk_ndx as integer

' variable store
dim shared numeric_store(1 to max_store) as double
dim shared string_store(1 to max_store) as string
dim shared str_store_ndx as integer, num_store_ndx as integer, var_names_ndx as integer
dim shared var_names(1 to max_store) as names_t

sub help
    print "Eval function, supports string and numeric variables and assignment"
    print "All QBasic operators are supported"
    print "String functions:"
    print "chr$ date$ hex$ lcase$ left$ ltrim$ mid$ right$ rtrim$ space$ str$ string$"
    print "time$ trim$ ucase$"
    print "Numeric functions:"
    print "abs atan cos exp fix int len log rnd sgn sin sqr tan val"
    print "cls  -- clear the screen"
    print "help -- this screen"
    print "list -- list assigned variables"
    print "Examples:"
    print "(1+(2-5)*3+8/(5+3)^2)/sqr(4^2+3^2)"
    print "s$ = " + chr(34) + "abc" + chr(34) + " + space$(9/3) + " + chr(34) + "def" + chr(34)
end sub

sub dump_tables
    dim i as integer

    print "Variables: "; var_names_ndx
    for i = 1 to var_names_ndx
        print var_names(i).vname, " index: "; var_names(i).index; " "
        if right(var_names(i).vname, 1) = "$" then
            print string_store(var_names(i).index)
            print numeric_store(var_names(i).index)
        end if

    print "String store: "; str_store_ndx
    for i = 1 to str_store_ndx
        print i, string_store(i)

    print "Numeric store: "; num_store_ndx
    for i = 1 to num_store_ndx
        print i, numeric_store(i)
end sub

' get the value of a string variable
function get_string_var(vname as string) as string
    dim i as integer

    for i = 1 to var_names_ndx
        if var_names(i).vname = vname then
            get_string_var = string_store(var_names(i).index)
            exit function
        end if
    get_string_var = ""
end function

' get the value of a numeric variable
function get_numeric_var(vname as string) as double
    dim i as integer

    for i = 1 to var_names_ndx
        if var_names(i).vname = vname then
            get_numeric_var = numeric_store(var_names(i).index)
            exit function
        end if
    get_numeric_var = 0
end function

' Create or update a string variable
sub store_string_var(vname as string, svalue as string)
    dim i as integer

    for i = 1 to var_names_ndx
        if var_names(i).vname = vname then
            string_store(var_names(i).index) = svalue
            exit sub
        end if

    str_store_ndx = str_store_ndx + 1
    var_names_ndx = var_names_ndx + 1
    var_names(var_names_ndx).vname = vname
    var_names(var_names_ndx).index = str_store_ndx
    string_store(str_store_ndx) = svalue
end sub

' Create or update a numeric variable
sub store_numeric_var(vname as string, nvalue as double)
    dim i as integer

    for i = 1 to var_names_ndx
        if var_names(i).vname = vname then
            numeric_store(var_names(i).index) = nvalue
            exit sub
        end if

    num_store_ndx = num_store_ndx + 1
    var_names_ndx = var_names_ndx + 1
    var_names(var_names_ndx).vname = vname
    var_names(var_names_ndx).index = num_store_ndx
    numeric_store(num_store_ndx) = nvalue
end sub

' lexical analyzer functions

function isdigit(ch as string) as integer
    isdigit = left(ch, 1) >= "0" and left(ch, 1) <= "9"
end function

function isnumeric(ch as string) as integer
    isnumeric = isdigit(ch) or left(ch, 1) = "."
end function

function isalpha(ch as string) as integer
    isalpha = lcase(left(ch, 1)) >= "a" and lcase(left(ch, 1)) <= "z"
end function

function is_str_var(s as string) as integer
    is_str_var = isalpha(s) and right(s, 1) = "$"
end function

function is_str_lit(s as string) as integer
    is_str_lit = left(s, 1) = chr(34)
end function

sub takechar(userstr as string, sym as string)
    sym = sym + left(userstr, 1)
    userstr = right(userstr, len(userstr) - 1)
end sub

function peekch(userstr as string) as string
    peekch = left(ltrim(userstr), 1)
end function

sub finish_number(userstr as string, sym as string)
    if lcase(left(userstr, 1)) = "e" then
        takechar userstr, sym
        if left(userstr, 1) = "+" or left(userstr, 1) = "-" then
            takechar userstr, sym
        end if
        while isdigit(userstr)
            takechar userstr, sym
    end if
end sub

sub nextsym(userstr as string, sym as string)
    sym = ""
    userstr = ltrim(userstr)
    takechar(userstr, sym)
    select case sym
        case "%", "(", ")", "*", "+", ",", "-", "/", "=", "\", "^"   'all set
        case "0" to "9"
            while isdigit(userstr)
                takechar(userstr, sym)
            if left(userstr, 1) = "." then
                takechar(userstr, sym)

                while isdigit(userstr)
                    takechar(userstr, sym)
            end if

            finish_number(userstr, sym)

        case "."
            while isdigit(userstr)
                takechar(userstr, sym)

            finish_number(userstr, sym)

        case "<"
            if left(userstr, 1) = "=" or left(userstr, 1) = ">" then
                takechar(userstr, sym)
            end if

        case ">"
            if left(userstr, 1) = "=" then
                takechar(userstr, sym)
            end if

        case "a" to "z", "A" to "Z"
            while isalpha(userstr) or isdigit(userstr) or left(userstr, 1) = "_"
                takechar(userstr, sym)
            if left(userstr, 1) = "$" then
                takechar(userstr, sym)
            end if
            sym = lcase(sym)
        ' literal strings keep the double quotes at begin/end
        case chr(34)
            while left(userstr, 1) <> chr(34) and userstr <> ""
                takechar(userstr, sym)
            if left(userstr, 1) <> chr(34) then
                print "Closing: '"; chr(34); "' expected"
                takechar(userstr, sym)
            end if

        case ""
        case else
            print "unrecognized character:", sym
            sym = ""
    end select
end sub

' parser starts here

function accept(s as string, userstr as string, sym as string) as integer
  accept = 0
  if sym = s then accept = -1: nextsym(userstr, sym)
end function

sub expect(s as string, userstr as string, sym as string)
  if not accept(s, userstr, sym) then print "expecting "; s; " but found "; sym
end sub

function unaryprec(op as string) as integer
    select case op
        case "+", "-": unaryprec = 13
        case "not":    unaryprec =  6
        case else:     unaryprec =  0  ' not a unary operator
    end select
end function

function binaryprec(op as string) as integer
    select case op
        case "^":                              binaryprec = 14
        case "*", "/":                         binaryprec = 12
        case "\" :                             binaryprec = 11
        case "mod":                            binaryprec = 10
        case "+", "-":                         binaryprec =  9
        case "=", "<>", "<", ">", "<=", ">=":  binaryprec =  7
        case "and":                            binaryprec =  5
        case "or":                             binaryprec =  4
        case "xor":                            binaryprec =  3
        case "eqv":                            binaryprec =  2
        case "imp":                            binaryprec =  1
        case else:                             binaryprec =  0 ' not a binary operator
    end select
end function

' all QBasic operators are left associative
function associativity(op as string) as integer
    'if op = op then :
    associativity = leftassoc
end function

' parse a parenthesized one argument numeric expression
function getvalue(userstr as string, sym as string) as double
    getvalue = 1
    nextsym(userstr, sym)    ' skip fun
    expect("(", userstr, sym)

    getvalue = numeric_expr(0, userstr, sym)

    expect(")", userstr, sym)
end function

' parse a parenthesized one argument string expression
function getstring(userstr as string, sym as string) as string
    getstring = ""
    nextsym(userstr, sym)    ' skip fun
    expect("(", userstr, sym)

    getstring = str_expr(userstr, sym)

    expect(")", userstr, sym)
end function

' Handle string operands - functions, variables, literal strings
function strfactor(userstr as string, sym as string) as string
  dim x as integer, y as integer, s as string, n as double

  select case sym
    case "chr$":       n = getvalue(userstr, sym):  strfactor = chr(n)
    case "date$":      nextsym(userstr, sym):       strfactor = date
    case "hex$":       n = getvalue(userstr, sym):  strfactor = hex(n)
    case "lcase$":     s = getstring(userstr, sym): strfactor = lcase(s)
    case "left$"
        nextsym(userstr, sym)
        expect("(", userstr, sym)
        s = str_expr(userstr, sym)
        expect(",", userstr, sym)
        x = numeric_expr(0, userstr, sym)
        strfactor = left(s, x)
        expect(")", userstr, sym)
    case "ltrim$":     s = getstring(userstr, sym): strfactor = ltrim(s)
    case "mid$"
        nextsym(userstr, sym)
        expect("(", userstr, sym)
        s = str_expr(userstr, sym)
        expect(",", userstr, sym)
        x = numeric_expr(0, userstr, sym)
        if accept(",", userstr, sym) then
          y = numeric_expr(0, userstr, sym)
          strfactor = mid(s, x, y)
          strfactor = mid(s, x)
        end if
        expect(")", userstr, sym)
    case "right$"
      nextsym(userstr, sym)
      expect("(", userstr, sym)
      s = str_expr(userstr, sym)
      expect(",", userstr, sym)
      x = numeric_expr(0, userstr, sym)
      strfactor = right(s, x)
      expect(")", userstr, sym)
    case "rtrim$": s = getstring(userstr, sym): strfactor = rtrim(s)
    case "space$"
      nextsym(userstr, sym)
      expect("(", userstr, sym)
      strfactor = space(numeric_expr(0, userstr, sym))
      expect(")", userstr, sym)
    case "str$": n = getvalue(userstr, sym): strfactor = str(n)
    case "string$"
      nextsym(userstr, sym) ' string$(n [, strexpr])
      expect("(", userstr, sym)
      x = numeric_expr(0, userstr, sym)
      expect(",", userstr, sym)
      if is_str_lit(sym) or is_str_var(sym) then
        strfactor = string(x, str_expr(userstr, sym))
        strfactor = string(x, numeric_expr(0, userstr, sym))
      end if
      expect(")", userstr, sym)
    case "time$":  nextsym(userstr, sym):       strfactor = time
    case "trim$":  s = getstring(userstr, sym): strfactor = ltrim(rtrim(s))
    case "ucase$": s = getstring(userstr, sym): strfactor = ucase(s)

    case else
      if is_str_lit(sym) then
        strfactor = mid(sym, 2, len(sym) - 2)
        nextsym(userstr, sym)
      elseif is_str_var(sym) then
        if peekch(userstr) = "(" then
            print "strfactor, unknown function: "; sym
            strfactor = get_string_var(sym)
            nextsym(userstr, sym)
        end if
        print "strfactor, expecting an operand, found: "; sym
      end if
  end select
end function

' handle numeric operands - numbers, variables, functions and unary operators
function primary(userstr as string, sym as string) as double
    dim op as string, prec as integer, n as double, s as string

    primary = 0                    'prepare for errors
    prec = unaryprec(sym)
    if prec > 0 then
        op = sym
        nextsym(userstr, sym)
        select case op
            case "-":   primary =     -numeric_expr(prec, userstr, sym)
            case "+":   primary =      numeric_expr(prec, userstr, sym)
            case "not": primary =  not numeric_expr(prec, userstr, sym)
        end select
    elseif isnumeric(sym) then
        primary = val(sym)
        nextsym(userstr, sym)
        select case sym
            case "abs":  n = getvalue(userstr, sym):  primary = abs(n)
            case "atan": n = getvalue(userstr, sym):  primary = atn(n)
            case "cos":  n = getvalue(userstr, sym):  primary = cos(n)
            case "exp":  n = getvalue(userstr, sym):  primary = exp(n)
            case "fix":  n = getvalue(userstr, sym):  primary = fix(n)
            case "int":  n = getvalue(userstr, sym):  primary = int(n)
            case "len":  s = getstring(userstr, sym): primary = len(s)
            case "log":  n = getvalue(userstr, sym):  primary = log(n)
            case "rnd"
                if peekch(userstr) = "(" then
                    n = getvalue(userstr, sym): primary = rnd(n)
                    nextsym(userstr, sym)
                    primary = rnd
                end if
            case "sgn":  n = getvalue(userstr, sym):  primary = sgn(n)
            case "sin":  n = getvalue(userstr, sym):  primary = sin(n)
            case "sqr":  n = getvalue(userstr, sym):  primary = sqr(n)
            case "tan":  n = getvalue(userstr, sym):  primary = tan(n)
            case "val":  s = getstring(userstr, sym): primary = val(s)
            case else
                if isalpha(sym) then
                    if peekch(userstr) = "(" then
                        print "primary, unknown function: "; sym
                        primary = get_numeric_var(sym)
                        nextsym(userstr, sym)
                    end if
                    print "syntax error: expecting a primary, found:", sym
                end if
        end select
    end if
end function

sub push_str(s as string)
  str_stk_ndx = str_stk_ndx + 1
  str_stack(str_stk_ndx) = s
end sub

sub push_num(n as double)
  num_stk_ndx = num_stk_ndx + 1
  num_stack(num_stk_ndx) = n
end sub

function pop_str as string
  pop_str = str_stack(str_stk_ndx)
  str_stk_ndx = str_stk_ndx - 1
end function

function pop_num as double
  pop_num = num_stack(num_stk_ndx)
  num_stk_ndx = num_stk_ndx - 1
end function

' evaluate binary string operators, operands on the stack
function evalstrexpr(op as string) as integer
  dim s as string, s2 as string, n as double, val_type as integer

  val_type = tynum ' most operators give a numeric result
  s2 = pop_str
  s = pop_str
  select case op
    case "=":   n = s = s2
    case "<>":  n = s <> s2
    case "<":   n = s <  s2
    case ">":   n = s >  s2
    case "<=":  n = s <= s2
    case ">=":  n = s >= s2
    case "+":   s = s +  s2: val_type = tystring
    case else
      print "evalstrexpr: expecting a string operator, found: "; op
  end select
  if val_type = tynum then
    evalstrexpr = tynum
  elseif val_type = tystring then
    evalstrexpr = tystring
  end if
end function

' evaluate binary numeric operators, operands on the stack
function evalnumericexpr(op as string) as integer
  dim n as double, n2 as double

  n2 = pop_num
  n = pop_num
  select case op
    case "^":   n = n ^   n2
    case "*":   n = n *   n2
    case "/":   if n2 = 0 then print "division by 0" else n = n /   n2
    case "\":   if n2 = 0 then print "division by 0" else n = n \   n2
    case "mod": if n2 = 0 then print "division by 0" else n = n mod n2
    case "+":   n = n +   n2
    case "-":   n = n -   n2
    case "=":   n = n =   n2
    case "<>":  n = n <>  n2
    case "<":   n = n <   n2
    case ">":   n = n >   n2
    case "<=":  n = n <=  n2
    case ">=":  n = n >=  n2
    case "and": n = n and n2
    case "or":  n = n or  n2
    case "xor": n = n xor n2
    case "eqv": n = n eqv n2
    case "imp": n = n imp n2
    case else: print "evalnumericexpr: unexpected operator: "; op
  end select
  evalnumericexpr = tynum
end function

' main expression parsing routine
function any_expr(p as integer, userstr as string, sym as string) as integer
    dim op as string, q as integer, prec as integer
    dim left_type as integer, right_type as integer

    ' we need to decide which primary to call - numeric or string
    ' leading parens don't tell us which primary, so just do recursive call
    if accept("(", userstr, sym) then
      left_type = any_expr(0, userstr, sym)
      expect(")", userstr, sym)
    elseif is_str_lit(sym) or is_str_var(sym) then
      push_str(strfactor(userstr, sym))
      left_type = tystring
    elseif isnumeric(sym) or sym = "-" or sym = "+" or sym = "not" or isalpha(sym) then
      push_num(primary(userstr, sym))
      left_type = tynum
    elseif sym = "" then
      print "In expr, unexpected end-of-input found: "
      print "In expr, unexpected symbol found: "; sym
    end if

    do  ' while binary operator and precedence of sym >= p
        prec = binaryprec(sym)
        if prec = 0 or prec < p then exit do
        op = sym

        nextsym(userstr, sym)
        select case associativity(op)
            case rightassoc : q = binaryprec(op)
            case leftassoc  : q = binaryprec(op) + 1
        end select

        right_type = any_expr(q, userstr, sym)

        if left_type = tystring and right_type = tystring then
            left_type = evalstrexpr(op)
        elseif left_type = tynum and right_type = tynum then
            left_type = evalnumericexpr(op)
            print "type missmatch in expr - left_type:"; left_type; " right_type:"; right_type
        end if

    any_expr = left_type
end function

function numeric_expr(p as integer, userstr as string, sym as string) as double
  if any_expr(p, userstr, sym) = tynum then
    numeric_expr = pop_num
    print "numeric expression expected"
    numeric_expr = 0
  end if
end function

function str_expr(userstr as string, sym as string) as string
  if any_expr(0, userstr, sym) = tystring then
    str_expr = pop_str
    print "string expression expected"
    str_expr = ""
  end if
end function

function eval(userstr as string) as string
    dim sym as string, save_sym as string, val_type as integer, nresult as double, sresult as string

    eval = ""
    ' reset the stacks used during expression parsing
    str_stk_ndx = 0: num_stk_ndx = 0
    nextsym(userstr, sym)

    ' does it look like an assignment?  "var = expression"
    save_sym = ""
    if peekch(userstr) = "=" then
        save_sym = sym      ' save the left side variable
        nextsym(userstr, sym) ' skip the variable
        nextsym(userstr, sym) ' skip "="
    end if

    ' evalualte the expression
    val_type = any_expr(0, userstr, sym)

    if sym <> "" then
        print "error: extra symbols found: "; sym; userstr
    elseif val_type = tystring then
        sresult = pop_str
        eval   = sresult
    elseif val_type = tynum then
        nresult = pop_num
        eval   = str(nresult)
    end if

    ' was it an assignment?
    if save_sym <> "" then
        if is_str_var(save_sym) and val_type = tystring then
            store_string_var(save_sym, sresult)
        elseif isalpha(save_sym) and val_type = tynum then
            store_numeric_var(save_sym, nresult)
            print "Type mismatch in assignment"
        end if
    end if
end function
Posts: 3381
Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Re: Numeric/String Eval function

Post by srvaldez »

nice :-)
Posts: 3381
Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Re: Numeric/String Eval function

Post by srvaldez »

@Ed Davis
here's challenge for you, how would you add functions of more than one argument like hypot and atan2 ?
Ed Davis
Posts: 37
Joined: Jul 28, 2008 23:24

Re: Numeric/String Eval function

Post by Ed Davis »

srvaldez wrote:@Ed Davis
here's challenge for you, how would you add functions of more than one argument like hypot and atan2 ?
For functions with 2 numeric arguments (like atan2(x, y)), add a new routine:

Code: Select all

sub get2values(userstr as string, sym as string, byref n1 as double, byref n2 as double)
    nextsym(userstr, sym)    ' skip fun
    expect("(", userstr, sym)
    n1 = numeric_expr(0, userstr, sym)
    expect(",", userstr, sym)
    n2 = numeric_expr(0, userstr, sym)
    expect(")", userstr, sym)
end sub
In routine primary, add a new double, n2. And then add the following case:

Code: Select all

case "atan2": get2values(userstr, sym, n, n2): primary = atan2(n, n2)

Enter expression: atan2(1, 1)
Posts: 3381
Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Re: Numeric/String Eval function

Post by srvaldez »

thanks Ed :-)
Posts: 2158
Joined: Feb 26, 2007 5:32

Re: Numeric/String Eval function

Post by caseih »

I always thought exponentiation was always evaluated right to left. Low and behold, about half the languages I looked at do it left to right and half do it right to left. QBasic, VB, and FB all do it left to right. Python does it right to left. Most mathematicians insist on right to left as well although Matlab and Mathematical differ from each other. Very interesting!

Many years ago I wrote a nice recursive-descent parser for math expressions, before I even knew what recursive-descent parsing was formally. Was a fun challenge. I used my handheld scientific calculator as the model. I think I implemented about a dozen levels of precedence and both left and right associativities. A fun project.
Posts: 3381
Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Re: Numeric/String Eval function

Post by srvaldez »

hi caseih
I just tried 2^2^3 on Maple 2016 but it complains with "syntax error, ambiguous use of `^`, please use parentheses"
pari/gp evaluates 2^2^3 to 256, FB and C++ give 64
just noticed that Ed's Eval can easily be changed to associativity = rightassoc
Last edited by srvaldez on Mar 01, 2021 21:29, edited 3 times in total.
Ed Davis
Posts: 37
Joined: Jul 28, 2008 23:24

Re: Numeric/String Eval function

Post by Ed Davis »

caseih wrote:I always thought exponentiation was always evaluated right to left. Low and behold, about half the languages I looked at do it left to right and half do it right to left. QBasic, VB, and FB all do it left to right. Python does it right to left. Most mathematicians insist on right to left as well although Matlab and Mathematical differ from each other. Very interesting!
The one that has bitten me is that integer divide and mod have lower (instead of the same) precedence than multiplication and division. I was expecting them to be the same.
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Re: Numeric/String Eval function

Post by MrSwiss »

The only certain expectation is as described in FB-Manual/Operator precedence.
Posts: 54
Joined: Aug 27, 2019 22:22

Re: Numeric/String Eval function

Post by StillLearning »

What do you do about overflow and underflow?
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