Simple Game framework

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Re: Simple Game framework

Post by BasicCoder2 »

Although the routine label is called testCollision we are really just testing for the presence of an obstacle. When the player moves into a square next to a block they may be waiting for the right time to push the block to squish or trap the enemy we don't want blocks flying off at every contact. The block might be an object in another game to be picked up or have a button to press to open a door.

At the moment I am working on my sprite animator editor to refine animations of a walking sprites with 8 frames with 8 directions.
Pixel level art can be a tedious business and I am trying to think of ways of speeding it up.
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Re: Simple Game framework

Post by BasicCoder2 »

Have updated the source code in the first post of the thread.
What I left out in the previous version was killing the bad guy when hit with a block. The addition is on line 207,
Probably should add graphics to the moving block of a squashed bad guy if it is hit :) At this stage the bad guy just vanishes.
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Re: Simple Game framework

Post by thesanman112 »

i really like the agent dude running around. You gotta make the green blobs look like burgulars...hehehhe
And have little sprites that look like household items that they are trying to steal. You gotta collect them all first!!!
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Re: Simple Game framework

Post by thesanman112 »

Or you could be the burglar and have a bunch of agents trys to catch you as to rob stores or
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Re: Simple Game framework

Post by BasicCoder2 »

Yes you could do all sorts of games so have a go.
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Re: Simple Game framework

Post by leopardpm »

BasicCoder2 wrote:At the moment I am working on my sprite animator editor to refine animations of a walking sprites with 8 frames with 8 directions.
Pixel level art can be a tedious business and I am trying to think of ways of speeding it up.
been thinking alot about making a Sprite Animator/Pixel Drawing program as well. I think my idea has grown a bit complex as I am trying to incorporate some additional things like animation timings (on a per frame basis) as well as 'onion skinning' which is the term (I think) used to describe having the current working frame overlayed either the previous or the next frame to better see the transitions for smoother animations... I am afraid if I get too involved in the concept then I may never make it at all though... I do think such a FreeBasic program would be a boon to all of us amateur artists etc....
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Re: Simple Game framework

Post by Boromir »

leopardpm wrote:been thinking alot about making a Sprite Animator/Pixel Drawing program as well. I think my idea has grown a bit complex as I am trying to incorporate some additional things like animation timings (on a per frame basis) as well as 'onion skinning' which is the term (I think) used to describe having the current working frame overlayed either the previous or the next frame to better see the transitions for smoother animations... I am afraid if I get too involved in the concept then I may never make it at all though... I do think such a FreeBasic program would be a boon to all of us amateur artists etc....
I like the idea of a sprite editor.
I made an attempt at a vector sprite animation tool a while back but didn't get far. The idea behind it was to reduce pixel level drawing monotony.
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Re: Simple Game framework

Post by leopardpm »

BasicCoder2: What is your screen size again? I know you prefer it smaller, something like 1024 x 600... but forget the actual dimensions... I figure if I am going to make something 'useful' then it should at least work well with the one possible main user that I know!

Here is the basic layout I am considering:
The boxes across the top will show each animation (for instance: idle, walking, attacking, chopping wood, etc) - these will animate through all the frames of each animation, with the animation to be controlled (on/off) by a button selection. User can click on any animation and it will then show an enlarged version in the MAIN area - the 'grid' of this area will show a sprite frame of maximum 128 x 128 at each grid cell being sized to a max of 4 pixels. This means that the total top to bottom screen area consumed is: 128 pix for the top row of sprites + main area of 128*4= 512pix.... 640 pix total. This is why I am asking for your max screen dimensions....
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Re: Simple Game framework

Post by BasicCoder2 »

Probably maximum window would be 1280x600 to fit ok.
The reason I haven't finished any sprite editor is because I found they did not turn me into a better artist or animator.
A tool is only as good as the user.
Drawing a nice version of all those isometric frames would take forever.
A 3D creation tool like Blender is probably a better path for someone with limited artistic abilities.
Having costumed actors carry out the actions would be the easiest approach for the isometric characters

The efforts below I hadn't posted as they were unfinished. They were just skeletons of ideas to be expanded.

This is an older one 2015. Animation does not require the character be painted until after the outlines are done.

Code: Select all

screenres 640,480,32
color rgb(0,0,0),rgb(255,255,255)       'white paper, black ink
cls 'implements color command

const nFrames = 8   'number of frames
const wSprite = 32  'width of sprite
const hSprite = 32  'height of sprite
const SIZE    =  12 'size of grid pixel.
const POSX    = 220 'top/left position of grid on screen
const POSY    = 64

dim shared as integer  mx,my,ox,oy,mb   'mouse variables
dim shared as uinteger selectedColor    'current color selected
dim shared as any ptr  sprite(nFrames)  'current sprite image
dim shared as integer  currentFrame     'current image being edited
selectedColor = rgb(0,0,0)

for i as integer = 0 to nFrames-1
    sprite(i) = imageCreate(wSprite,hSprite,rgb(255,255,255))  'frames
next i

sub upDate(fade as integer)
    dim as uinteger r,g,b,p
    'copy pixel values from sprite to grid display
    line (POSX-2,POSY-2)-(POSX+SIZE*wSprite+2,POSY+SIZE*hSprite+2),rgb(10,10,10),b 
    for j as integer = 0 to hSprite-1
        for i as integer = 0 to wSprite-1 
            p = point(i,j,sprite(currentFrame))
            r = p shr 16 and 255
            g = p shr  8 and 255
            b = p and 255
            line (i*SIZE+POSX+1,j*SIZE+POSY+1)-(i*SIZE+SIZE+POSX-1,j*SIZE+SIZE+POSY-1),rgb(r,g,b),bf
            line (i*SIZE+POSX,j*SIZE+POSY)-(i*SIZE+SIZE+POSX,j*SIZE+SIZE+POSY),rgb(100,100,255),b
            if currentFrame<>0 and fade = 1 then  'show previous drawing
                if point(i,j,sprite(currentFrame))=rgb(255,255,255) then
                    p = point(i,j,sprite(currentFrame-1)) 
                    if p<>rgb(255,255,255) then
                        r = p shr 16 and 255
                        g = p shr  8 and 255
                        b = p and 255 
                        r = r*4 and &HFFFFFF
                        g = g*4 and &HFFFFFF
                        b = b*4 and &HFFFFFF
                        line (i*SIZE+POSX+1,j*SIZE+POSY+1)-(i*SIZE+SIZE+POSX-1,j*SIZE+SIZE+POSY-1),rgb(127,127,127),bf
                    end if
                end if
            end if
        next i
    next j
    locate 38,2
    print "[.] move forward one frame"
    locate 40,2
    print "[,] move back one frame"
    locate 42,2
    print "[S] to save sprites" 
    locate 44,2
    print "[L] to load sprites"
    locate 46,2
    print "[C] to clear sprites"
    locate 48,2
    print "[ESC] TO END PROGRAM"
    locate 50,2
    print "[A] TO ANIMATE"
    'display sprite
    line (4,4)-(37,37),rgb(10,10,10),b
    line (2,2)-(39,39),rgb(10,10,10),b
    put (5,5),sprite(currentFrame),pset
    locate 10,3
    print "FRAME =";currentFrame;"       "
end sub

sub SaveSprites()
    for i as integer = 0 to nFrames-1
        bsave "C:/FreeBasic/bitmaps/tSprite"+str(i)+".bmp",sprite(i)
    next i
end sub

sub LoadSprites()
    for i as integer = 0 to nFrames-1
        bload "C:/FreeBasic/bitmaps/tSprite"+str(i)+".bmp",sprite(i)
    next i
end sub

sub animate(delay as double)
    dim as double now1
    currentFrame = 0
    now1 = timer
        if timer > now1 + delay then
            now1 = timer
            currentFrame = currentFrame + 1
            if currentFrame >= nFrames-1 then
                currentFrame = 0
            end if
        end if
        sleep 2
    loop until multikey(&H01)
end sub



getmouse mx,my,,mb
ox = mx
oy = my

dim as integer i,j

dim as string key

    key = inkey
    if ucase(key) = "S" then
    end if
    if ucase(key) = "L" then
    end if
    if ucase(key) = "C" then
        for i as integer = 0 to nFrames-1
            line sprite(i),(0,0)-(wSprite,hSprite),rgb(255,255,255),bf
        next i
    end if
    if ucase(key) = "A" then
    end if
    if key = "," then
        currentFrame = currentFrame-1
        if currentFrame < 0 then
            currentFrame = nFrames-1
        end if
    end if
    if key = "." then
        currentFrame = currentFrame+1
        if currentFrame > (nFrames-1) then
            currentFrame = 0
        end if
    end if

    getmouse mx,my,,mb
    'over drawing area?
    if mx>POSX and mx<POSX+wSprite*SIZE+SIZE-1 and my>POSY and my<POSY+hSprite*SIZE+SIZE-1 then
        if mb = 1 then
            pset sprite(currentFrame),((mx-POSX)\SIZE,(my-POSY)\SIZE),selectedColor
            while mb=1
                getmouse mx,my,,mb
                if ox<>mx or oy<>my then
                    pset sprite(currentFrame),((mx-POSX)\SIZE,(my-POSY)\SIZE),selectedColor
                    upDate(1)  'copy sprite pixel values to grid, display result with fade
                    ox = mx
                    oy = my
                end if
                sleep 2
        end if
    end if
    sleep 2
loop until multikey(&H01)
And this was a more recent one which has numbers to fit the sprite block that Boromir has been using without the standing still frames.
The idea was you could edit the whole block.
There is no sprite block bitmap here so I just filled it with rectangles.
There is also no palette bitmap here so I just filled it with random colors.

All the routines to make it into a proper editor exist elsewhere in various paint programs I have done in the past.
These were very rudimentary experiments into how I might go about it and as I mention above I realized they were not going to work unless I magically became better at drawing animations.

Code: Select all

screenres 768,480,32
color rgb(0,0,0),rgb(255,255,255):cls  'black ink, white paper
dim shared as integer mx,my,mb

const TILEW = 25
const TILEH = 45

dim shared as any ptr spriteBlock
spriteBlock = imagecreate(8*TILEW,8*TILEH,rgb(255,0,255))
for j as integer = 0 to 7      'directions
    for i as integer = 0 to 7  'frames
        line spriteBlock,(i*TILEW,j*TILEH)-(i*TILEW+TILEW-1,j*TILEH+TILEH-1),rgb(0,0,0),b
    next i
next j

'bload "animBlock.bmp",spriteBlock

dim shared as any ptr palette1
palette1 = imagecreate(512,16)
for i as integer = 0 to 31
    line palette1,(i*16,0)-(i*16+15,15),rgb(int(rnd(1)*256),int(rnd(1)*256),int(rnd(1)*256)),bf
next i

'bload "palette1.bmp",palette1

dim shared as integer frame, direction
dim shared as integer selectedColor
selectedColor = rgb(0,0,0)

sub drawImage()
    for j as integer = 0 to TILEH-1
        for i as integer = 0 to TILEW-1
            line (i*8,j*8)-(i*8+7,j*8+7),point(frame*TILEW+i,direction*TILEH+j,spriteBlock),bf
        next i
    next j
    locate 50,1
    print " FRAME =";frame;"  DIRECTION =";direction
    put (400,0),spriteBlock,trans
    line (frame*TILEW+400,direction*TILEH)-(frame*TILEW+TILEW-1+400,direction*TILEH+TILEH-1),rgb(255,0,0),b
    put (320,240),spriteBlock,(frame*TILEW,direction*TILEH)-(frame*TILEW+TILEW-1,direction*TILEH+TILEH-1),trans
    'show palette
    put (0,460),palette1,trans
    line (380,390)-(380+40,390+40),selectedColor,bf
    line (380,390)-(380+40,390+40),rgb(0,0,0),b
end sub

dim as double time1
dim as integer x,y
time1 = timer
    getmouse mx,my,,mb
    if mx<384 and my<384 and mb=1 then 'down over drawing area
        mx = mx\8
        my = my\8
        pset spriteBlock,(mx+(frame*TILEW),my+(direction*TILEH)),selectedColor
    end if
    if mb = 2 then
        selectedColor = point(mx,my)
    end if

    if timer - time1 > 0.1 then
        time1 = timer
        If MultiKey(&H4B)  Then frame = frame - 1
        If MultiKey(&H4D)  Then frame = frame + 1
        If MultiKey(&H48)  Then direction = direction - 1
        If MultiKey(&H50)  Then direction = direction + 1
        if frame < 0 then frame = 7
        if frame > 7 then frame = 0
        if direction < 0 then direction = 7
        if direction > 7 then direction = 0
    end if
    sleep  2
loop until multikey(&H01)

bsave "test.bmp",spriteBlock
imagedestroy spriteBlock
imagedestroy palette1
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Joined: Feb 28, 2009 20:58

Re: Simple Game framework

Post by leopardpm »

BasicCoder2 wrote:The reason I haven't finished any sprite editor is because I found they did not turn me into a better artist or animator.
A tool is only as good as the user.
Drawing a nice version of all those isometric frames would take forever.
A 3D creation tool like Blender is probably a better path for someone with limited artistic abilities.
This all is true, and points me straight back to why I was creating that IsoVox idea/routines: using voxels you get the added benefit of 3D info which means all the rotation frames could be automatically generated instead of by hand, yet still get the precise 'handdrawn pixelart' quality of regular pixel sprites, and also then has the possibility of incorporating a bone/joint rigging system on down the line to make the creation of the animations themselves much simpler much like how Blender would do it in full 3D. The advantage of using simple voxel models over full 3D is that they are much easier for a novice to make, almost like making a straight 2D sprite drawing yet having the 3rd dimension added. The real issue with voxel models is that, just like 2D pixelart, they are 'set' at a given resolution and get pixelated when enlarged, unlike true 3D models...

I will take a look at your code, hopefully later today - thanks for your screen size, I think that will be large enough to show enough useful information for manipulating animations easily. I will run the small sized animation frames vertically alongside of the enlarged, current drawing frame, instead of across the top to accomodate your limited height (600 vs 640), that should work well and perhaps even be easier for the user to understand.
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Re: Simple Game framework

Post by badidea »

I tried your demo in the first post, but it was not easy to get it running. The first code part created 'agent.bmp', but that was not needed. What was needed is 'greenBlob1.bmp" and 'redPenguin1.bmp'. I found the code for that in follow-up posts.

But when I run it, there are 2 issues:
- "Aborting due to runtime error 6 (out of bounds array access) at line 149 of demo.bas::TILECOLLISION()" when running with -exx
- The animation speed depends on the sleep time (2 ms). Not all systems will do 2 ms by default.
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Re: Simple Game framework

Post by aurelVZAB »

I don't know how i overview this very good example of simple bitmap editor .

is there a simple way to connect this 2 programs into one
which should be just bitmap editor in which we can draw small bitmap for
buttons or for bitmap static control nothing special
i mean how to add color picker from second program to first program and draw bitmap?
I am not very good in that gfx graphic ,by the way is gfx just a wrapper for GDI on Windows?
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Re: Simple Game framework

Post by aurelVZAB »

I fogured that i need to copy this block to first progie:

Code: Select all

'draw palette 1
dim shared as any ptr palette1
palette1 = imagecreate(512,16)
for i as integer = 0 to 31
   line palette1,(i*16,0)-(i*16+15,15),rgb(int(rnd(1)*256),int(rnd(1)*256),int(rnd(1)*256)),bf
next i
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Re: Simple Game framework

Post by aurelVZAB »

Posts: 667
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Re: Simple Game framework

Post by aurelVZAB »

i figured where to put getmouse to pick color

Code: Select all

screenres 640,480,32
color rgb(0,0,0),rgb(255,255,255)       'white paper, black ink
cls 'implements color command

const nFrames = 8   'number of frames
const wSprite = 32  'width of sprite
const hSprite = 32  'height of sprite
const SIZE    =  12 'size of grid pixel.
const POSX    = 220 'top/left position of grid on screen
const POSY    = 64

dim shared as integer  mx,my,ox,oy,mb   'mouse variables
dim shared as uinteger selectedColor    'current color selected
dim shared as any ptr  sprite(nFrames)  'current sprite image
dim shared as integer  currentFrame     'current image being edited
selectedColor = rgb(0,0,0)

for i as integer = 0 to nFrames-1
    sprite(i) = imageCreate(wSprite,hSprite,rgb(255,255,255))  'frames
next i

'draw palette 1
dim shared as any ptr palette1
palette1 = imagecreate(512,16)
for i as integer = 0 to 31
   line palette1,(i*16,0)-(i*16+15,15),rgb(int(rnd(1)*256),int(rnd(1)*256),int(rnd(1)*256)),bf
next i

'show palette
    put (0,460),palette1,trans

sub upDate(fade as integer)
    dim as uinteger r,g,b,p
    'copy pixel values from sprite to grid display
    line (POSX-2,POSY-2)-(POSX+SIZE*wSprite+2,POSY+SIZE*hSprite+2),rgb(10,10,10),b
    for j as integer = 0 to hSprite-1
        for i as integer = 0 to wSprite-1
            p = point(i,j,sprite(currentFrame))
            r = p shr 16 and 255
            g = p shr  8 and 255
            b = p and 255
            line (i*SIZE+POSX+1,j*SIZE+POSY+1)-(i*SIZE+SIZE+POSX-1,j*SIZE+SIZE+POSY-1),rgb(r,g,b),bf
            line (i*SIZE+POSX,j*SIZE+POSY)-(i*SIZE+SIZE+POSX,j*SIZE+SIZE+POSY),rgb(100,100,255),b
            if currentFrame<>0 and fade = 1 then  'show previous drawing
                if point(i,j,sprite(currentFrame))=rgb(255,255,255) then
                    p = point(i,j,sprite(currentFrame-1))
                    if p<>rgb(255,255,255) then
                        r = p shr 16 and 255
                        g = p shr  8 and 255
                        b = p and 255
                        r = r*4 and &HFFFFFF
                        g = g*4 and &HFFFFFF
                        b = b*4 and &HFFFFFF
                        line (i*SIZE+POSX+1,j*SIZE+POSY+1)-(i*SIZE+SIZE+POSX-1,j*SIZE+SIZE+POSY-1),rgb(127,127,127),bf
                    end if
                end if
            end if
        next i
    next j
    locate 38,2
    print "[.] move forward one frame"
    locate 40,2
    print "[,] move back one frame"
    locate 42,2
    print "[S] to save sprites"
    locate 44,2
    print "[L] to load sprites"
    locate 46,2
    print "[C] to clear sprites"
    locate 48,2
    print "[ESC] TO END PROGRAM"
    'locate 50,2
    'print "[A] TO ANIMATE"
    'display sprite
    line (4,4)-(37,37),rgb(10,10,10),b
    line (2,2)-(39,39),rgb(10,10,10),b
    put (5,5),sprite(currentFrame),pset
    locate 10,3
    print "FRAME =";currentFrame;"       "
end sub

sub SaveSprites()
    for i as integer = 0 to nFrames-1
        bsave "C:/FreeBasic/bitmaps/tSprite"+str(i)+".bmp",sprite(i)
    next i
end sub

sub LoadSprites()
    for i as integer = 0 to nFrames-1
        bload "C:/FreeBasic/bitmaps/tSprite"+str(i)+".bmp",sprite(i)
    next i
end sub

sub animate(delay as double)
    dim as double now1
    currentFrame = 0
    now1 = timer
        if timer > now1 + delay then
            now1 = timer
            currentFrame = currentFrame + 1
            if currentFrame >= nFrames-1 then
                currentFrame = 0
            end if
        end if
        sleep 2
    loop until multikey(&H01)
end sub



getmouse mx,my,,mb
ox = mx
oy = my
'if mb = 2 then
    '    selectedColor = point(mx,my)
'end if

dim as integer i,j
dim as string key

    key = inkey
    if ucase(key) = "S" then
    end if
    if ucase(key) = "L" then
    end if
    if ucase(key) = "C" then
        for i as integer = 0 to nFrames-1
            line sprite(i),(0,0)-(wSprite,hSprite),rgb(255,255,255),bf
        next i
    end if
    if ucase(key) = "A" then
    end if
    if key = "," then
        currentFrame = currentFrame-1
        if currentFrame < 0 then
            currentFrame = nFrames-1
        end if
    end if
    if key = "." then
        currentFrame = currentFrame+1
        if currentFrame > (nFrames-1) then
            currentFrame = 0
        end if
    end if

    getmouse mx,my,,mb
    'select color right click -----------------------
    if mb = 2 then
        selectedColor = point(mx,my)
    end if
    'over drawing area?
    if mx>POSX and mx<POSX+wSprite*SIZE+SIZE-1 and my>POSY and my<POSY+hSprite*SIZE+SIZE-1 then
        if mb = 1 then
            pset sprite(currentFrame),((mx-POSX)\SIZE,(my-POSY)\SIZE),selectedColor
            while mb=1
                getmouse mx,my,,mb
                if ox<>mx or oy<>my then
                    pset sprite(currentFrame),((mx-POSX)\SIZE,(my-POSY)\SIZE),selectedColor
                    upDate(1)  'copy sprite pixel values to grid, display result with fade
                    ox = mx
                    oy = my
                end if
                sleep 2
        end if
    end if
    sleep 2
loop until multikey(&H01)
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