Polynomium Roots by Eigenvalue

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Polynomium Roots by Eigenvalue

Post by dodicat »

Normally, when Dodicat gathers scraps of code here and there and fiddles around with them, they come to grief.
However, this time they seem to have survived the onslaught.
Here is an assemblage which returns the N roots of a polynomium degree N.
The Eigenvalue sub can be used for, well, -- er-- Eigenvalues, if required.
By extracting the roots of a polynomium via Eigenvalues, the quality of the Eigenvalue can then easily be checked by testing the Zeros of the Polynomium.
Have fun!

Code: Select all

type complex
    as double re,im
end type

declare sub balance(A()as double,d() as double)
declare sub GET_HESSENBERG(A() as double)
declare sub ITERATE_BY_QR(A() as double,wr() as double,wi() as double)
declare sub GET_EIGENVALUES(A() as double,Eigen() as complex)
declare sub makecompanion(polynomium() as double,mat() as double)
declare Function Cpoly(coff() As complex,number As complex)As complex
declare sub equalize(m1() as double,m2() as double)
declare Function decround ( a As Double, b As Integer) As Double 
declare operator +(n1 as complex,n2 as complex) as complex
declare operator -(n1 as complex,n2 as complex) as complex
declare operator *(n1 as complex,n2 as complex) as complex
declare operator /(n1 as complex,n2 as complex) as complex
sub printout(bu()as double)  'only used for de-bugging.
    for x as integer=1 to ubound(bu)
      for y as integer=1 to ubound(bu) 
        print bu(x,y);
    next y
    next x
end sub

dim n as integer
input "Enter degree of polynomium";n
dim as double poly(n)
for z as integer=n to 0 step -1
    if z<>0 then
    print "Enter coefficient of x^";str(z);" ";
    input poly(z)
    print "Enter constant term      ";
        input poly(z)
        end if
    next z
    dim as double val1=poly(n)
    for z as integer=n to 0 step -1
      next z
    redim companion(0,0) as double
redim as complex roots(0)
print "                   ROOTS"
print "REAL PART                       IMAGINARY PART"
for x as integer=1 to n
    print roots(x).re,roots(x).im
next x

Print "Press a key"

dim as complex polyC(n),result
for z as integer=0 to n
    next z
print "Check the roots by evaluating polynomium at the above roots (6 decimal places)"
print "        REAL RETURN       IMAGINARY RETURN"
for z as integer=1 to n
print "Root";z,decround(result.re,6),decround(result.im,6)
next z
print "DONE"


#macro EXC(m)
  d(m) = 1# * j
  IF j <> m THEN
    FOR ii as integer = 1 TO k
      f = A(ii, j)
      A(ii, j) = A(ii, m)
      A(ii, m) = f
    NEXT ii
    FOR ii as integer = l TO n
      f = A(j, ii)
      A(j, ii) = A(m, ii)
      A(m, ii) = f
    NEXT ii

sub balance(A() as double,d() as double)
   dim n as integer = ubound(A) 
dim as double b = 2    
dim as integer low,ihi,noconv
dim as integer i,j,k,l,m        
dim as double b2,c,f,g,r,s  

dim as double zero=0
b2 = b * b
l = 1
k = n

lab1: FOR j = k TO 1 STEP -1
  r = ZERO
  FOR i = 1 TO j - 1
    r = r + ABS(A(j, i))
  NEXT i
  FOR i = j + 1 TO k
    r = r + ABS(A(j, i))
  NEXT i
  IF (r = 0) THEN
    m = k
    k = k - 1
    GOTO lab1

lab2: FOR j = l TO k
  c = ZERO
  FOR i = l TO j - 1
    c = c + ABS(A(i, j))
  NEXT i
  FOR i = j + 1 TO k
    c = c + ABS(A(i, j))
  NEXT i
  IF (c = 0) THEN
    m = l: Exc(l)
    l = l + 1
    GOTO lab2

  low = l
  ihi = k
  FOR i = 1 TO k
    d(i) = 1#
  NEXT i
lab3:  noconv = 0
  FOR i = l TO k
    c = ZERO
    r = c
    FOR j = l TO i - 1
      c = c + ABS(A(j, i))
      r = r + ABS(A(i, j))
    NEXT j
    FOR j = i + 1 TO k
      c = c + ABS(A(j, i))
      r = r + ABS(A(i, j))
    NEXT j
    g = r / b
    f = 1#
    s = c + r
lab4: IF c < g THEN
      f = f * b
      c = c * b2
      GOTO lab4
    END IF
    g = r * b
lab5: IF c >= g THEN
      f = f / b
      c = c / b2
      GOTO lab5
    END IF

    IF (c + r) / f < .95 * s THEN
      g = 1# / f
      d(i) = d (i) * f
      noconv = 1
      FOR j = l TO n
        A(i, j) = A(i, j) * g
      NEXT j
      FOR j = 1 TO k
        A(j, i) = A(j, i) * f
      NEXT j
    END IF
  NEXT i
  IF noconv = 1 THEN GOTO lab3
end sub

sub GET_HESSENBERG(A() as double)

    dim n as integer=ubound(a)
    dim as integer m,j,i
    dim as double y,x,ZERO=0
  IF n > 2 THEN
    FOR m = 2 TO n - 1
      x = ZERO
      i = m
      FOR j = m TO n
        IF ABS(A(j, m - 1)) > ABS(x) THEN
          x = A(j, m - 1)
          i = j
        END IF 'IF Abs
      NEXT j 'FOR j= m TO n
      IF i <> m THEN
        FOR j = m - 1 TO n
          y = A(i, j)
          A(i, j) = A(m, j)
          A(m, j) = y
        NEXT j
        FOR j = 1 TO n
          y = A(j, i)
          A(j, i) = A(j, m)
          A(j, m) = y
        NEXT j
      END IF 'IF i <> m
      IF x <> ZERO THEN
        FOR i = m + 1 TO n
          y = A(i, m - 1)
          IF y <> ZERO THEN
            y = y / x
            A(i, m - 1) = y
            FOR j = m TO n
              A(i, j) = A(i, j) - y * A(m, j)
            NEXT j
            FOR j = 1 TO n
              A(j, m) = A(j, m) + y * A(j, i)
            NEXT j
          END IF  'IF y
        NEXT i  'FOR i
      END IF  'IF x
    NEXT m  'FOR m
  END IF 'if n>2
end sub
sub ITERATE_BY_QR(A() as double,wr() as double,wi() as double)
dim as double y,r,u,v,mmin
dim as string res
dim sign as double
dim as double ZERO=0
dim n as integer=ubound(A)
dim as double anorm,itsmx,t,its,s,x,p,q,nn,z,w
dim as integer i,j,l,m,k
dim as double aa,bb
#macro _SIGN(aa,bb)
  IF bb < 0 THEN
    Sign = -ABS(aa)
    Sign = ABS(aa)
  itsmx = 50

  anorm = ABS(A(1, 1))
  FOR i = 2 TO n
    FOR j = i - 1 TO n
      anorm = anorm + ABS(A(i, j))
    NEXT j
  NEXT i
  nn = n
  t = ZERO

label4: its = 0
label2: FOR l = nn TO 2 STEP -1
    s = ABS(A(l - 1, l - 1)) + ABS(A(l, l))
    IF (s = 0!) THEN s = anorm
    IF ((ABS(A(l, l - 1)) + s) = s) THEN GOTO label3
  NEXT l
  l = 1
label3: x = A(nn, nn)
  IF (l = nn) THEN
    wr(nn) = x + t
    wi(nn) = ZERO
    nn = nn - 1
    y = A(nn - 1, nn - 1)
    w = A(nn, nn - 1) * A(nn - 1, nn)
    IF (l = nn - 1) THEN
      p = .5# * (y - x)
      q = p * p + w
      z = SQR(ABS(q))
      x = x + t
      IF q >= ZERO THEN
        aa = z: bb = p:  _SIGN(aa,bb)
        z = p + Sign
        wr(nn) = x + z
        wr(nn - 1) = wr(nn)
        IF z <> ZERO THEN wr(nn) = x - w / z
        wi(nn) = ZERO
        wi(nn - 1) = ZERO
        wr(nn) = x + p
        wr(nn - 1) = wr(nn)
        wi(nn) = z
        wi(nn - 1) = -z
      END IF
      nn = nn - 2
      IF its = itsmx THEN
        PRINT " Pause"
        PRINT " Too many iterations!"
        INPUT res
      END IF
      IF (its = 10) OR (its = 20) THEN
        t = t + x
        FOR i = 1 TO nn
          A(i, i) = A(i, i) - x
        NEXT i
        s = ABS(A(nn, nn - 1)) + ABS(A(nn - 1, nn - 2))
        x = .75# * s
        y = x
        w = -.4375# * s * s
      END IF
      its = its + 1
      FOR m = nn - 2 TO 1 STEP -1
        z = A(m, m)
        r = x - z
        s = y - z
        p = (r * s - w) / A(m + 1, m) + A(m, m + 1)
        q = A(m + 1, m + 1) - z - r - s
        r = A(m + 2, m + 1)
        s = ABS(p) + ABS(q) + ABS(r)
        p = p / s
        q = q / s
        r = r / s
        IF m = 1 THEN GOTO label1
        u = ABS(A(m, m - 1)) * (ABS(q) + ABS(r))
        v = ABS(p) * (ABS(A(m - 1, m - 1)) + ABS(z) + ABS(A(m + 1, m + 1)))
        IF u + v = v THEN GOTO label1
      NEXT m
label1:  FOR i = m + 2 TO nn
        A(i, i - 2) = ZERO
        IF i <> (m + 2) THEN A(i, i - 3) = ZERO
      NEXT i
      FOR k = m TO nn - 1
        IF k <> m THEN
          p = A(k, k - 1)
          q = A(k + 1, k - 1)
          r = ZERO
          IF k <> (nn - 1) THEN r = A(k + 2, k - 1)
          x = ABS(p) + ABS(q) + ABS(r)
          IF x <> ZERO THEN
            p = p / x
            q = q / x
            r = r / x
          END IF
        END IF
        aa = SQR(p * p + q * q + r * r): bb = p:  _SIGN(aa,bb)'GOSUB 2900
        s = Sign
        IF s <> ZERO THEN
          IF k = m THEN
            IF l <> m THEN A(k, k - 1) = -A(k, k - 1)
            A(k, k - 1) = -s * x
          END IF
          p = p + s
          x = p / s
          y = q / s
          z = r / s
          q = q / p
          r = r / p
          FOR j = k TO nn
            p = A(k, j) + q * A(k + 1, j)
            IF k <> (nn - 1) THEN
              p = p + r * A(k + 2, j)
              A(k + 2, j) = A(k + 2, j) - p * z
            END IF
            A(k + 1, j) = A(k + 1, j) - p * y
            A(k, j) = A(k, j) - p * x
          NEXT j
          IF nn < k + 3 THEN
            mmin = nn
            mmin = k + 3
          END IF
          FOR i = 1 TO mmin
            p = x * A(i, k) + y * A(i, k + 1)
            IF k <> (nn - 1) THEN
              p = p + z * A(i, k + 2)
              A(i, k + 2) = A(i, k + 2) - p * r
            END IF
            A(i, k + 1) = A(i, k + 1) - p * q
            A(i, k) = A(i, k) - p
          NEXT i
        END IF
      NEXT k
      GOTO label2:
    END IF
  IF nn >= 1 THEN GOTO label4:
end sub

sub GET_EIGENVALUES(MAT() as double,Eig() as complex)
    dim n as integer=ubound(MAT)
    redim Eig(n)
    dim as double A(n,n)
    dim as double wr(n),wi(n),d(n)
    FOR i as integer = 1 TO n
  Eig(i).re= wr(i):Eig(i).im= wi(i)
end sub

sub makecompanion(polynomium() as double,mat() as double) 
    dim as integer di=ubound(polynomium)
    dim as double one,null=0
    redim mat (1 to di,1 to di) as double
    for a as integer=1 to di
        for b as integer=1 to di
            if a=b+1 then mat(a,b)=one
            if b>1 then
            end if
        next b
        next a
    end sub
    Function Cpoly(coff() As complex,number As complex)As complex
    Dim count As Integer                'evaluates the polynomial
    Dim pol As complex
    Dim deg As Integer=Ubound(coff)
    dim temp as complex
    For count = 1 To DEG + 1
        for k as integer=1 to count-1
        next k
        pol = pol + coff(count-1) * temp
    Next count
    Cpoly = pol
End Function

sub equalize(m1() as double,m2() as double)
    for x as integer=1 to ubound(m1)
      for y as integer=1 to ubound(m1) 
    next y
    next x
end sub

Function decround ( a As Double, b As Integer) As Double 
Dim y As Double
Dim i As Double
Dim r As Double
y = (Abs(a) - Int(Abs(a))) * (10 ^ b)
i = Int(y)
y = y - i
If y >= .5 Then i = i + 1
i = i / (10 ^ b)
r = Int(Abs(a)) + i
If a < 0 Then r = -r
decround = r
End Function
operator +(n1 as complex,n2 as complex) as complex
dim as complex n
return n
end operator

operator -(n1 as complex,n2 as complex) as complex
dim as complex n
return n
end operator

operator *(n1 as complex,n2 as complex) as complex
dim as complex n
n.re=n1.re*n2.re - n1.im*n2.im
n.im=n1.im*n2.re + n1.re*n2.im
return n
end operator

operator /(n1 as complex,n2 as complex) as complex
dim as complex n
dim as double d
n.im=(n1.im*n2.re - n1.re*n2.im)/d
return n
end operator
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