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Post by smagin »

Did anyone try this? ... ...

From readme file:
PMODE 3.07 is Copyright (c) 1994, by Tran (a.k.a. Thomas Pytel).
PMODE/DJ modifications are Copyright (c) 2000, by Charles Sandmann.
PMODE/DJ modifications are Copyright (c) 1996, by Matthias Grimrath.
PMSTUB.ASM is Copyright (c) 1995, by DJ Delorie, distributed with permission.

License Information

PMODE/DJ is free software. It may be used or distributed in any manner you
wish, as long as you do not try to sell an extender based on PMODE. You
may use this software in for profit productions. If you use this software
in any package, you MUST give credit to Thomas Pytel and Matthias Grimrath.

If you use it in for profit productions, you are encouraged to email
the authors of PMODE/DJ. All others may give feedback, too, of course!

PMODE/DJ comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; excluding any and all implied
warranties, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose. There is no warranty or representation, either express
or implied, with respect to this code, its quality, performance,
merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk
of using this program is with you. There will be no liability for special,
incidental, or consequential damages arising out of or resulting from the use
or modification of this code.

What is PMODE/DJ?

PMODE/DJ is an enhanced version of Tran's PMODE 3.07 for DJGPP. It provides
DPMI 0.9 services which are needed for a DJGPP image to run under DOS, where
DPMI services usually are not available. PMODE/DJ was designed for speed and
small size, so it is ideal for demos, games and time critical programs.
PMODE/DJ is an alternative to CWSDPMI which allows an imbedded DPMI provider
in the stub instead of being in a separate image.

PMODE/DJ comes in two forms:

- A stubonly version (pmodstub.exe) is a stub that can be bound to the
coff image produced by DJGPP V2's gcc. No other programs are required
to run the DJGPP app, you need just the single executable file.

- A TSR version. This is more or less a direct replacement of CWSDPMI,
which does not require existing images to have the stub replaced.

The main porting was done by Matthias Grimrath. (
Release 1.3 was made by Charles Sandmann. (

Thanks must go to:
- Thomas Pytel for writing such excellent code.

- Chris Matrakidis ( who corrected the cpu
identification, wrote the DPMI functions 0xE00 + 0xE01, improved
exception handling and FPU emulation.

- Charles Sandmann ( who made the TSR version
together with Chris Matrakidis and distributed PMODE/DJ.



PMODSTUB.EXE Stubonly version


PMODE.ASM Kernel of PMODE/DJ 1.3
PMODSTUB.ASM Stubonly source
CRT1.C Patch for startup code (only needed for djgpp 2.0)
MAKEFILE Makefile for GNU Make (also requires tasm/tlink)
MAKEFILE.BOR Makefile for Borland Make (requires tcc/tasm/tlink)


How to use:

- If you want a single executable file, type
'copy /B pmodstub.exe + a.out prog.exe'
This assumes 'a.out' is the coff(*) image and 'prog.exe' the name of the
final executable. Voila! 'prog.exe' should be fully operational.

Another way would be to copy 'pmodstub.exe' in the same directory of your
program, possibly renaming it, and change the PMODE/DJ stub to load your
program - here "myprogram" - by using 'stubedit' and changing the runfile.
Example: 'stubedit pmodstub.exe -runfile=myprogram'
Now you can run your program under two names, in this example 'pmodstub'
and 'myprogram'.

This way you can easily test your program both with PMODE/DJ and with the
standard stub.

(*) Since gcc comes from Un*x, it produces so called coff files, which
are executable files on some Unices. Obviously DOS is not Un*x, that's
why each DJGPP produced program has a stub in front of it which DOS can
execute. The stub itself then executes the coff file.

DJGPP's gcc makes both the plain coff file and a DOS
executable, unless you specify to omit the coff file.

'gcc file1 file2 file3 ... -o prog' creates both 'prog' and
'prog.exe', where 'prog' is the plain coff file and 'prog.exe' the
same coff file prepended a DOS stub to it.

'gcc file1 file2 file3 ... -o app.exe' by contrast will only produce
a stubbed coff file called 'app.exe'. (You may get the plain coff file
from it by running 'exe2coff' on it)

- To use the TSR version, copy it into the same directory of your
program, or somewhere in your path. Then stubedit your program to change
the filename of the DPMI provider to PMODETSR.EXE. For quick testing, run
PMODETSR.EXE by hand, followed by your program. You can also rename
PMODETSR.EXE to CWSDPMI.EXE and place it in the same directory as the
image being executed. The TSR will only stay resident for a single DPMI
program execution (it's really designed to be dynamically loaded) and is
not specific to DJGPP (it follows the DPMI 0.9 specification).

The optimal setup for PMODE/DJ is a plain DOS system, loaded with HIMEM.SYS
or without any memory utility at all. (no EMM386 or other EMS Memory Manager)

If you want to compress the stub, you will have to pad the compressed exefile
on a 512 byte boundary. Otherwise you cannot execute the file, at least not
from other DJGPP programs. You have to change both the filesize and the

Replacing CWSDPMI with PMODETSR for all programs and development is usually
a bad idea, since PMODE/DJ doesn't free allocated resources itself, and it
has some other limitations listed below. If your program crashes many times,
you may run out of memory.

You should also note that PMODE/DJ is a bit incompatible with
DJGPP version 2.0. Versions 2.01 or higher shouldn't cause trouble. See
Pitfalls for details.

One last word: PMODE/DJ is out for quite a while now, but there was little to
no feedback. We would really like to know if anyone is using this program,
and if so, what experiences you have made. Don't be shy, we won't bite you!


Pitfalls in PMODE/DJ:

Following up are some things to take care of when using PMODE/DJ. Mostly
they deal with practices allowed by true DPMI hosts but cause PMODE/DJ
to hang.

The following list is quite long; however, most programs will run smoothly.
Unless your are doing tricky things you won't run into trouble. As a general
guide, if you don't understand one of the sections below, you may ignore it.
(Because you are probably not doing the things described there)

Just try if PMODE/DJ works for you!

) PMODE/DJ doesn't offer virtual memory. For ported Unix/Windows/OS2 or
other memory consuming apps PMODE/DJ probably is the wrong choice. But
it is the right thing for demos and freaky stuff! :=)

Often people think that using PMODE/DJ (or CWSDPR0) makes locking memory(*)
unnecessary. THIS IS NOT TRUE! A user may choose to run your program
under a DPMI host (Windows for example), which requires memory to be locked
AND has complete control over the system. PMODE/DJ has no choice and must
pass control to that DPMI host, and so your program MUST lock memory!

(*) If you don't know what "locking memory" means and why it must be used,
please get the latest FAQ (2.02 as of this writing) and read the
chapters about interrupts and low-level programming. It's too complex
to describe here.

) The stack registers 'ss:esp' must always contain valid values, or
interrupts must be disabled. So if your last-ounce-of-speed-optimized
assembler routine (mis)uses 'esp' to get another register, disable
interrupts before. The 'ceil()' and 'floor()' functions of 'libm.a' have
a bug and use memory below the stack pointer. Do not use these functions
unless you disable interrupts or use CWSDPMI (even then, these functions
won't work with FPU emulation).(*) The reason is that PMODE/DJ doesn't
switch stacks on interrupts for speed reasons. All other DPMI hosts which
don't run at ring 0 seem to change stacks.

(*) They might be fixed as of this writing

) You might consider writing your own versions of malloc/free.
(Or write your own new/delete operator, if you are talking C++).
The default functions often allocate much more memory than actually
needed. Quite ok for systems with virtual memory, but annoying under

) Avoid allocation of small and many DPMI memory blocks. DPMI memory
allocation calls are made with each call to sbrk which itself is
called by 'malloc()' or 'new' if the current heap is not big enough.
There's a strict number of memory handles under a XMS system (booted
only with HIMEM.SYS). You can get away from this problem if you use
the unix sbrk algorithm (see <ctr0.h> for details). However, when you
use the unix sbrk algorithm the base address of your program may change;
using 4GB nearpointers gets complicated. (Nothing is perfect... :( )

This problem only occurs under XMS (aka HIMEM.SYS). Under VCPI or raw
mode (other types of memory modes PMODE/DJ handles) you can allocate
as many blocks as fit into the memory.

Newer versions of HIMEM.SYS doesn't seem to have a limited number of
memory handles. If you face problems with memory you might try to
upgrade your HIMEM.SYS.

) DJGPP V2.0 startup code is incompatible with the stubonly version.
If you have V2.01 (or higher) installed you may safely skip this paragraph.
You may also delete the 'crt1.?' files.

If you still have V2.0 it's a good idea to upgrade to V2.01. It has fixes
for many bugs found in V2.0.

In V2.0 the psp address in _go32_info_block is not valid (it's computed
based on an assumption of the layout of the stub which isn't true).
Even though you may not use the psp address, it is implicitly
used by the library function fstat() and routines which may call it.

As a work around, use the TSR version, or relink the image using the
included CRT1.o which contains a fix for the bug. You might want to
insert the fixed CRT1.o into your libc.

) One word ahead: The following section smells like a troublemaker, but in
fact it isn't. For your information, CWSDPMI is reprogramming the PIC too,
and CWSDPMI runs well.

PMODE/DJ attempts to reprogram the first interrupt controller to give
exception handling. Even though you can use the standard PIC
mappings for hardware interrupt hooking, you should know that the
interrupt numbers are mapped internally. You'll only notice it
if you try to set a protected mode interrupt that is occupied by the
reprogrammed PIC (most likely ints from 0x88 to 0x8F). In such a case
the setting of such an interrupt will fail. However, if you specify
'int $8' directly, PMODE/DJ recognizes it as a software int and passes
it down to the real mode int handler.

If the master base interrupt controller was reprogrammed before
PMODE/DJ started, PMODE/DJ will not reprogram it and will report the
unusual base. Most programs would fail in this case. If you want
to be completely compatible use the following method to set an hardware

1. Get master PIC base from
_go32_info_block.master_interrupt_controller_base, or from DPMI
function 0x400 directly.
2. Add the IRQ number (for example 0 = timer, 1 = keyboard).
3. Use this number to set a real or protected mode interrupt.
4. Don't forget to unhook interrupts at exit! (Both real and protected)

PMODE/DJ hooks real mode hardware interrupts if your program hooks the
protected mode hardware interrupt. This means your protected mode
hardware IRQ handler gets called even if the CPU is in real mode.
However, whenever a hardware interrupt occurs in real mode, each time
a mode switch happens before your IRQ handler gets called. PMODE/DJ is
quite fast in mode switching, but if the IRQ's frequency is too high
(>1kHz), consider installing a bimodal handler (see FAQ for details),
or make sure your program stays in protected mode all the time.

All other real mode interrupts are not hooked by PMODE/DJ. If you want
to trap these, use a callback.

) Free any extended memory blocks that were allocated. Unless you don't
use the DPMI allocation functions directly you needn't care about
that. All memory that was allocated through library functions gets
freed automatically at exit.

) Instead of issuing ints directly use the DPMI translation function
0x300. In particular, use __dpmi_int() instead of int86() to call real
mode services (for protected mode services still use int86()).
Software interrupts are recognized as such, so this is more an advice.

) DPMI calls that switch to real mode may clobber the coprocessor.
This is a problem for assembler code only.

) PMODE/DJ checks for the presence of a DPMI host first. In that case
your program talks to the DPMI host and not PMODE/DJ. As discussed above,
PMODE/DJ doesn't support all DPMI 0.9 features, so if you develop under a
DPMI host be sure you sometimes test with PMODE/DJ being active!

) DOS4GW (tm) doesn't work with PMODETSR.EXE (or CWSDPR0.EXE either).

) PMODE/DJ 1.0 has a serious bug. When using software interrupts,
the flags are not passed back correctly.

If you have PMODE/DJ 1.0 installed, simply delete it and use this one.


Changes from 1.0 to 1.1:

- software interrupt bug fixed. The flags from realmode haven't been passed
back correctly. Functions 30xh are not affected.
- Hooking a protected mode hardware interrupt transparently hooks the
real mode interrupt also. To be compatible with CWSDPMI.
- Function 50Ah removed, because it was dead code.

Changes from 1.1 to 1.2:

- numerous bugs fixed that probably will have never showed up.
- functions 0x00E,0x00F (get/set multiple descriptors) turned off.
These functions won't be used by DJGPP programs.
- callback of int 24 turned off. Since CWSDPMI doesn't callback this
interrupt, PMODE/DJ needn't support it either. To turn it on you have to
rebuild PMODE/DJ, setting the appropiate option in the config section of
- Use of conventional memory as DPMI memory if extended memory is exhausted.
- probably the last release of PMODE/DJ.

Changes from 1.2 to 1.3:

- fixed bug which zeroed memory when running under another DPMI provider.
This caused PMODE/DJ programs running under CWSDPMI to trash it's code.
- upgraded the stub loader code to 2.02 functionality and made it consistent
(as much as possible) with the stub loader code used by CWSDSTUB.
- fixed several bugs in the stub with missing segment overrides, causing
variables to be stored in the wrong places.
- added support for more than 64Mb of raw memory using extended BIOS functions.
If more than 64Mb is available the int 15 hook won't return the proper values.
- added support for more than 64Mb of XMS memory using extended XMS functions.
- probably the last release of PMODE/DJ.


Differences between PMODE/DJ and the DPMI 0.90 specification:

- descriptors reside in the GDT.
- no allocation of specific LDT descriptors, as descriptor reside in the
GDT. Function 0x00D was probably only put in for some old dosextenders.
- no debug register support. (functions 0xB00h - 0xB03h)
- Only int 0x23 is callbacked to protected mode. Int 0x1C isn't. If you
need the timer, hook the hardware irq instead.
PMODE/DJ handles int 0x24 itself (like CWSDPMI). If you really need it,
you have to get the sources and change a variable in the config section of
- DPMI 1.0 error codes.
- get/set multiple descriptors. (0x00E,0x00F) (turned off by default)
- function 0x801. (free physical address mapping)
- coprocessor functions. (0xE00,0xE01)
- interrupts are off while executing int 31h functions.


Differences between PMODE/DJ and CWSDPMI:

- no virtual memory
- no NULL pointer protection
- no debug support
+ faster than CWSDPMI
+ smaller than CWSDPMI (in size and consumed DOS memory if not nested)
+ much smaller memory requirements in raw/XMS modes on large memory systems
+ comes in a ring-0 version which can be imbedded in the stub
- does not support nesting (new version loaded for each task)


Differences between PMODE/DJ and Tran's PMODE v3.07:

Sad things first:-(
- PMODE/DJ is bigger in size. (about 7K)
- mode switching is a bit slower.
- dos execute call hooked. The interrupt controller must be reset when
the application shells out.

Happy things 2nd:-)
- exception handling with no slowdown to the irq process.
- dos memory allocation.
- physical address mapping. (VBE 2.0!!)
- dynamic allocation of pagetables at startup. You don't need to
increase the # of pagetables by yourself.
- Use of folds, structs and macros.
- Use of dos memory for DPMI memory.
- A certain protected mode switch type can be forced or forbidden.
- A 16 bit DPMI host is ignored. (No special error code)
- Transparent hooking of real mode hardware interrupts.
- DPMI function 002h added. (Segment to Selector)
The selector maximum is 16.
- DPMI functions 100h-102h added. (DOS memory services)
- DPMI functions 300h-302h rewritten.
- DPMI function 50Ah removed.
- DPMI functions 600h-603h,70xh added. They only clear the carry as PMODE/DJ
doesn't support virtual memory. (so far?)
- callback code rewritten.
- DPMI functions 202h-203h added. (Get/Set Exception vectors)
The standard exceptionhandler will only turn on the PC speaker.
- error code 3 (DPMI host not 32bit) means now that PMODE/DJ has found
no way to switch into protected mode. Can only happen if some
switchtypes have been forbidden by the caller.
- When using the raw mode switching routines, keep in mind that they use
some stack space on both the real mode and protected mode stacks.
Unlike the original PMODE it is possible now to use the same stack for
real and protected mode. (The stacks can still be different of course)
- Int 23h and 24h are now callbacked to protected mode. Int 1Ch isn't still.
I don't see a real reason why.
- Int 0,1,3-15 are all treated as fatal exceptions. (Like CWSDPMI treats
them). Int 2 (NMI) is passed down to real mode. (It wasn't that easy...)
- returned DPMI version is 0.9.
- Interrupts may be enabled in a callback. The selector in DS is still the
same for all callbacks, but it is a selector with a fixed base of zero.


Still to do:

- Int 0x24: If the flags say that fail is not possible, DOS will
terminate PMODE/DJ which will result in loss of extended memory and
probably in a system crash. Anyone any idea on how to get rid of this
- Int 0x1c: Call back to PM if hooked


Bugs (or strange things) found in PMODE v3.07:
correct this text if they're not bugs.

Bug 1: VCPI installation check. Some EMS Memory Managers (e.g EMM386
V5.0) doesn't offer their VCPI interface when no EMS page is
allocated. Or is it possible then to switch into protected mode
by XMS?
Bug 2: Forgot to clear the carry at successful exit at pm_info!
Bug 3: On entry: If DS = SS, two selectors instead of one are created!
Bug 4: I am not sure, if the caller can modify or free the initial
cs, ds, and ss selectors in the original source
Bug 5: Not sure. At exit with int21, ah=4c, forgot to free the allocated
memoryblock at startup. Also forgot to restore A20 state.
Bug 6: When copying stack params in function 300h - 302h, you can see
'lea esi,[esp+36h-2]'. -2 is wrong, 36h is the correct stack
Bug 7: int31testaccess: code 'test cl,90h; jz... jpo...'
Is it illegal to clear the present bit of descriptors?
My DPMI doc says no!
Bug 8: int31testaccess: the test if codesegments are non-conform and
readable is wrong. It is possible to create a codesegment that
is non-conform but not readable!
Bug 9: After switching to protected mode, forgot to clear the TS bit
in CR0. This bit is set after a task-switch (the VCPI switch is
done via a task switch) and thus would cause an exception if a
program uses the copro!
Bug 10: After raw mode switching to protected mode, forgot to set up
the taskregister and the local descriptor table. OK, in
PMODE v3.07 a task switch never happens, but in PMODE/DJ.
(This is why mode switching is bit slower in PMODE/DJ :(


Minor differences between PMODE/DJ and DPMI:
(Some lines are copied from Tran's doc of PMODE v3.07. Do you mind, Tran? ;)

) DPMI: IRET(D) and POPF(D) may not affect the interrupt flag. PUSHF(D)
may not store the interrupt flag.
PMODE/DJ: IRET(D) and POPF(D) affect the real interrupt flag.
PUSHF(D) stores the real interrupt flag.

) In protected mode, ESP must always be the stack pointer. Meaning, even if
using a 16bit stack segment, the high word of ESP MUST be 0.

) When calling the raw mode switching routine to switch into protected mode,
you must supply the full ESP and EIP. Even if the stack or code segments
being switched to are 16bit.

) DPMI 1.0 will reload any segment registers for which the descriptor is
changed through an INT 31h function. PMODE/DJ reloads only ds,es,fs,gs,
but not ss. Both will zero the segment registers freed with function 0001h.
DPMI 0.9 may or may not.

) Remember that DPMI 0.9 does not return error codes as DPMI 1.0/PMODE/DJ

) Under PMODE/DJ, the AVL bit of descriptors is used to keep track of
free and used descriptors. The value you pass for this bit when
setting descriptor access rights will be ignored.

) When switching modes using the raw mode switching routines, make sure
there is some space on both stacks (real and protected). Specific DPMI
requirements may vary, but 32 bytes is enough for PMODE/DJ.

) Under XMS an extra 15 bytes will be allocated for possible aligning of
the XMS memory block on a paragraph. Though an XMS block will probably
already be aligned on at least a paragraph boundary, this is not
defined in the XMS standard. And to keep the possibility of problems
at nil, this is done.

) Be aware that memory allocation functions under XMS use real mode
calls and real mode stack space. If there is not enough stack space
for the call to the real mode XMS driver, error code 8010h
(resource unavailable) will be returned.

) If an XMS memory lock fails, which is used in memory allocation
functions, error 8010h will be returned. A memory lock failure is not
due to memory not being available. But rather, some internal XMS crap.
But it should never happen anyway.

) The raw system checks both INT 15h and the VDISK low to high extended
memory allocation scheme to get its available extended memory area.

) The raw system allocates extended memory on an as-needed basis from
the top down. INT 15h function 88h is hooked and the total amount of
memory allocated using the kernel function 0501h is subtracted from
the amount of memory returned from the previous INT 15h handler. This
is so that you can execute other protected mode programs from within
your programs and they will have extended memory available (if you
left any).

) A protected mode IRQ handler or real mode callback must return on the
same stack it was called with.

) A real mode routine called with functions 0300h, 0301h, or 0302h must
return on the same stack it was called with.

) You should make no assumptions about the low memory protected mode
data area needed by PMODE. It can range from very small to very large.
And if a DPMI host is present, it is unpredictable.

) Make sure you do not access, read or write, extended memory outside
the blocks you allocate. Even if there is no physical memory there,
you will probably get exceptions under DPMI/VCPI.

) When setting descriptor access rights, remember that the B bit of
stack descriptors determines whether PUSHes and POPs use SP (B=0) or
ESP (B=1).

) The reserved field between EBP and EBX in the register structure used
during a callback is used by PMODE to preserve the high word of ESP
for real mode.

) You should assume the INT 31h extended memory functions to be slow.
Especially under VCPI, where a call has to be made to the VCPI server
for each 4k of memory allocated or freed, and two calls for each 4k

) Under PMODE/DJ, software INT redirection calls only pass back the
carry, parity, aux, zero, sign, and overflow flags from the real mode
interrupt handler.

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Post by DrV »

I tried out the non-TSR version, and it worked fine:

Code: Select all

fbc-dos test.bas
exe2coff test.exe
copy /b pmodstub.exe+test test2.exe
I tried it on a bootable floppy without any DPMI server and it ran correctly.

I'm not sure if this is exceptionally useful, but it does work, and it results in a dependency-free executable. If you try the TSR version (requires stubedit-ing a regular executable to use PMODETSR.EXE as the DPMI host), report on your success or failure. Thanks. :)
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Post by mjs »

Can you please test it with FBC for DOS and try compiling + linking an example?

I tested this with WDOSX. The application executes but with FBC, starting another application fails ... (as + ld).

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Post by DrV »

You'd have to use the TSR for that, I think. The embedded stub version won't provide DPMI to child programs, I guess.
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Post by mjs »

Hmm ... strange ...

I tried it again with a FBC.EXE compiled by me and now it works :-?

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Tried it out under dosbox emulator

Post by lassar »

Tried it out under dosbox emulator and seems to be one of the fastest extenders for freebasic dos.

I think it would be good for multiplatform support.
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Post by Dinosaur »

Hi all

I have developed an application that uses FB for Dos, and Cgui.
The application is 1.37 mB and has been running under Cwsdpmi.

The test bed is a DX2 133mHz industrial cpu board, running Win95 dos.
I was contemplating using a faster cpu on site.
Reading the doc, the words "faster" got me in.

So followed Drv 's instruction and all worked OK.
BUT, the loop time of my program (when nothing is happening) was 5mSec and now it is 6mSec.

Before I make further comments the following is my compile bat file.

Code: Select all

Path c:\FreeBasic;

Fbcdos -c Win01.bas
Fbcdos -c Win02.bas
Fbcdos -c Win03.bas
Fbcdos -c WinHelp.bas
Fbcdos -c RunMod00.bas
Fbcdos -c RunMod01.bas
Fbcdos -c RunMod02.bas
Fbcdos Win00.bas -a Win01.o Win02.o Win03.o WinHelp.o RunMod00.o RunMod01.o RunMod02.o -v -l cgui -l alleg  -x FrontEnd.exe
Exe2Coff FrontEnd.exe
copy /b pmodstub.exe+FrontEnd FrontEnd.exe
PS. The reason why I am compiling & then linking has to do with an error that was never resolved.(seperate post)

I will modify my millisecond counter & change it to microseconds and get a more accurate picture, particularly when executing certain commands.
But at this stage there is no reason to change from Cwsdpmi.

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Re: Tried it out under dosbox emulator

Post by rugxulo »

lassar wrote:Tried it out under dosbox emulator and seems to be one of the fastest extenders for freebasic dos.
I think WDOSX is so fast (according to the author) partially because it's ring 0, which some people here (DrV) dislike. Anyways, not 100% sure, but you may also have to stub each auxiliary .EXE that the main .EXE tries running (e.g. GCC's AS.EXE or LD.EXE) in order to work, which isn't ideal but whatever.

BTW, not sure about memory limits, but I do know that PMODE/DJ is reported to support 2 GB easily. But it's not quite as compatible as CWSDPMI due to slimmer DPMI support as well as less testing and no good debug support. But it's slightly smaller (at least only needing to use the non-stub version). Personally, I prefer CWSDPMI (which supports virtual memory), but they both have their uses.

(Sorry for some info overlap in here as in other thread, but it relates.)

CWSDPMI r5 needs to swap out page tables (hint: you can point that to RAM disk) once using > 512 MB, but then it can access 2 GB. The r6 testing release is twice as fast for > 512 MB, though, and doesn't swap due to using 4 MB pages instead (but 4 MB pages aren't 100% VCPI or DPMI 1.0 compliant); however, that's less tested.

None of these (except the new but unreleased CWSDPMI r5 update + SSE) turn on SSE support for you. (At least in ring 0, you can turn it on yourself.) If anybody wants to try it, e-mail cwsdpmi AUGHT earthlink DAUGHT net.
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