5 New OpenGL Programs!!! :-)

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5 New OpenGL Programs!!! :-)

Post by KristopherWindsor »

These are small demos since I am just learning OpenGL.
They should all run even on Lachie's computer. ;-)
In all of the programs, the space bar toggles the camera mode.

1) Maze


This is a 3D maze with one level.
Controls: left, right, and up
This uses Inkey, so don't hold the keys down.

Code: Select all

' 3D Maze in OpenGL! v1.0
' (C) 2008 Innova and Kristopher Windsor

#include "GL/gl.bi"
#include "GL/glu.bi"

'undefine this to see 2D FBGFX display
#define d3

Const screenx = 640, screeny = 480
Const true = -1, false = 0, pihalf = Atn(1) * 2

Const map_max = 64

Type camera_type
  As Double eye(1 To 3)
  As Double see(1 To 3)
  As Double up(1 To 3)
  As Double teye(1 To 3)
  As Double tsee(1 To 3)
  As Double tup(1 To 3)
End Type

Type finish_type
  As Integer x, y
End Type

Type map_type
  As Integer c
  As Integer ison
End Type

Type player_type
  As Integer x, y
  As Integer angle '0 - 3 (multiply by pi / 2)
  As Double tx, ty
  As Double tangle, tav '0 - 3.999...
End Type

Dim Shared As Integer map_total_x, map_total_y
Dim Shared LightDiffuse(0 To 3) As Single => {2, 2, 2, 1}
Dim Shared LightPosition(0 To 3) As Single => {0, 0, 0, 1}
Dim Shared As String key
Dim Shared As camera_type camera 'openGL mode only
Dim Shared As finish_type finish
Dim Shared As map_type map(1 To map_max, 1 To map_max)
Dim Shared As player_type player

Sub map_reset
  Dim As String l
  map_total_x = 0
  map_total_y = 0
    Read l
    If l <> "END" Then
      map_total_y += 1
      If map_total_y = 1 Then map_total_x = Len(l)
      For a As Integer = 1 To map_total_x
        With map(a, map_total_y)
          .c = Rgb(Rnd * 256, Rnd * 256, Rnd * 256)
          .ison = (Mid(l, a, 1) = "0")
          If Mid(l, a, 1) = "X" Then
            With finish
              .x = a
              .y = map_total_y
            End With
          End If
        End With
      Next a
    End If
  Loop Until l = "END"
End Sub

Sub player_reset
  With player
    .x = 2
    .y = 2
    .angle = 0
    .tx = .x
    .ty = .y
    .tangle = .angle
    .tav = 0
  End With
End Sub

Sub player_move
  Dim As Integer x, y
  With player
    Select Case key
    Case Chr(255, 75)
      .angle -= 1
      If .angle = -1 Then .angle = 3
      .tav = -.15
    Case Chr(255, 77)
      .angle += 1
      If .angle = 4 Then .angle = 0
      .tav = .15
    Case Chr(255, 72)
      x = .x
      y = .y
      Select Case .angle
      Case 0
        x += 1
      Case 1
        y += 1
      Case 2
        x -= 1
      Case 3
        y -= 1
      End Select
      If map(x, y).ison = false Then
        .x = x
        .y = y
      End If
    End Select
    .tx += (.x - .tx) / 10
    .ty += (.y - .ty) / 10
    If Abs(.angle - .tangle) < .15 Then
      .tav = 0
      .tangle += .tav
      If .tangle >= 4 Then .tangle -= 4
      If .tangle < 0 Then .tangle += 4
    End If
  End With
End Sub

#ifdef d3
  Sub display_start
    Screenres screenx, screeny, 32,, 2
    glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION
    gluPerspective 35.0, screenx / screeny, .1, 300
    glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW
    glClearColor 0, 0, 0, 1
    glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST 'properly handles overlapping polygons (draw order for layering)
    glEnable GL_LIGHT1
    glLightfv GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, @LightDiffuse(0)
    glEnable GL_LIGHTING
  End Sub
  Sub display_go
    Static As Integer camera_mode
    Dim As Double r, g, b
    Dim As Double cx, cy, pa
    If key = " " Then camera_mode = Not camera_mode
    'coords are set for bird's eye view
    'top left of map is at (0, 0, 0)
    'all parts of map are 1un cubed
    With camera
      If camera_mode Then
        pa = player.tangle * pihalf
        .eye(1) = player.tx + .5
        .eye(2) = player.ty + .5
        .eye(3) = -.5
        .see(1) = player.tx + Cos(pa) + .5
        .see(2) = player.ty + Sin(pa) + .5
        .see(3) = -.5
        .up(1) = 0
        .up(2) = 0
        .up(3) = -1 '-1 keeps y-coords like fbgfx (not like graphing coords)
        .eye(1) = map_total_x / 2
        .eye(2) = map_total_y / 2
        .eye(3) = -map_total_x * 1.4
        .see(1) = map_total_x / 2
        .see(2) = map_total_y / 2
        .see(3) = 0
        .up(1) = 0
        .up(2) = -1 '-1 keeps y-coords like fbgfx (not like graphing coords)
        .up(3) = 0
      End If
      LightPosition(0) = .eye(1) 'player.tx + .5'
      LightPosition(1) = .eye(2) 'player.ty + .5'
      LightPosition(2) = .eye(3) '-.5'
      glLightfv GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, @LightPosition(0)
      For a As Integer = 1 To 3
        .teye(a) += (.eye(a) - .teye(a)) / 8
        .tsee(a) += (.see(a) - .tsee(a)) / 8
        .tup(a) += (.up(a) - .tup(a)) / 8
      Next a
      gluLookat .teye(1), .teye(2), .teye(3), .tsee(1), .tsee(2), .tsee(3), .tup(1), .tup(2), .tup(3)
    End With
    glBegin GL_QUADS
      For x As Integer = 1 To map_total_x
        For y As Integer = 1 To map_total_y
          With map(x, y)
            If .ison Then
              r = ((.c And &HFF0000) Shr 16) / 255
              g = ((.c And &HFF00) Shr 8) / 255
              b = (.c And &HFF) / 255
              glColor3f r, g, b
              glNormal3f 0, 0, 1
              glVertex3f x,     y,     -1
              glVertex3f x + 1, y,     -1
              glVertex3f x + 1, y + 1, -1
              glVertex3f x,     y + 1, -1
              'left wall
              glColor3f r, g, b
              glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
              glVertex3f x,     y,     0
              glVertex3f x,     y + 1, 0
              glVertex3f x,     y + 1, -1
              glVertex3f x,     y,     -1
              'right wall
              glColor3f r, g, b
              glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
              glVertex3f x + 1, y,     0
              glVertex3f x + 1, y + 1, 0
              glVertex3f x + 1, y + 1, -1
              glVertex3f x + 1, y,     -1
              'north wall
              glColor3f r, g, b
              glNormal3f 0, -1, 0
              glVertex3f x,     y,     0
              glVertex3f x + 1, y,     0
              glVertex3f x + 1, y,     -1
              glVertex3f x,     y,     -1
              'south wall
              glColor3f r, g, b
              glNormal3f 0, 1, 0
              glVertex3f x,     y + 1, 0
              glVertex3f x + 1, y + 1, 0
              glVertex3f x + 1, y + 1, -1
              glVertex3f x,     y + 1, -1
            End If
          End With
        Next y
      Next x
    glBegin GL_TRIANGLES
      With finish
        glColor3f 1, 1, 1
        glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
        glVertex3f .x + .5, .y + .5, -1
        glVertex3f .x,      .y,      0
        glVertex3f .x,      .y + 1,  0
        glColor3f 1, 1, 1
        glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
        glVertex3f .x + .5, .y + .5, -1
        glVertex3f .x + 1,  .y,      0
        glVertex3f .x + 1,  .y + 1,  0
        glColor3f 1, 1, 1
        glNormal3f 0, -1, 0
        glVertex3f .x + .5, .y + .5, -1
        glVertex3f .x,      .y,      0
        glVertex3f .x + 1,  .y,      0
        glColor3f 1, 1, 1
        glNormal3f 0, 1, 0
        glVertex3f .x + .5, .y + .5, -1
        glVertex3f .x,      .y + 1,  0
        glVertex3f .x + 1,  .y + 1,  0
      End With
    glBegin GL_QUADS
      With player
        cx = .tx + .5
        cy = .ty + .5
        pa = .tangle * pihalf
        glColor3f 1, 1, 1
        glNormal3f 0, 0, -1
        glVertex3f cx - Cos(pa) * .2, cy - Sin(pa) * .2, -.2
        glVertex3f cx + Cos(pa + pihalf) * .5, cy + Sin(pa + pihalf) * .5, -.2
        glVertex3f cx + Cos(pa) * .6, cy + Sin(pa) * .6, -.2
        glVertex3f cx + Cos(pa - pihalf) * .5, cy + Sin(pa - pihalf) * .5, -.2
      End With
  End Sub
  Sub display_start
    Screenres screenx, screeny, 32
  End Sub
  Sub display_go
    For x As Integer = 1 To map_total_x
      For y As Integer = 1 To map_total_y
        With map(x, y)
          If .ison Then
            Line (x * 12, y * 12) - Step(11, 11), .c, BF
          End If
        End With
      Next y
    Next x
    With finish
      Line (.x * 12 + 2, .y * 12 + 2) - Step(7, 7), &HFFFFFFFF, BF
    End With
    With player
      Circle (.tx * 12 + 6, .ty * 12 + 6), 6, &HFFFFFFFF,,, 1
      Line Step(0, 0) - Step(Cos(.tangle * pihalf) * 6, Sin(.tangle * pihalf) * 6), &HFFFFFFFF
    End With
  End Sub

Sub game_play
    Sleep 10
    key = Inkey
  Loop Until key = Chr(27) Or (player.x = finish.x And player.y = finish.y)
End Sub


Data "00000000000000000000000000000"
Data "0  0  0   0            0    0"
Data "0  0  0   0   0000000  0 0000"
Data "0  0  0   00  0             0"
Data "0  0    0 00  0000000000000 0"
Data "0  0    0 00  0         0   0"
Data "0       0 00  0  000000 0 000"
Data "000000000 00  0       0 0   0"
Data "0         0   0  000000 000 0"
Data "000000000 0  00  0      0   0"
Data "0         0  00  0 000000 000"
Data "0 000000000  00  0 0   0    0"
Data "0            00 X0   0   0  0"
Data "00000000000000000000000000000"
Data "END"
2) Ride the Train


This is a ride around the city demo.
Of course, since you're on the train, you can't see the train. :-P
This program has no controls, except the space bar.

Code: Select all

' Ride the Train Walkaround OpenGL Demo! v1.0
' (C) 2008 Innova and Kristopher Windsor

#include "GL/gl.bi"
#include "GL/glu.bi"

Const screenx = 640, screeny = 480
Const mapx = 10, mapy = 10
Const true = -1, false = 0, pihalf = Atn(1) * 2
Const building_max = 12, road_max = 48, tree_max = 40

Type camera_type
  As Double eye(1 To 3)
  As Double see(1 To 3)
  As Double up(1 To 3)
End Type

Type coord_type
  As Double x, y
End Type

Type train_type
  As Integer road_current
  As Double angle
  As coord_type p
End Type

Dim Shared LightDiffuse(0 To 3) As Single => {2, 2, 2, 1}
Dim Shared LightPosition(0 To 3) As Single => {0, 0, 0, 1}
Dim Shared As String key
Dim Shared As camera_type camera
Dim Shared As coord_type building(1 To building_max)
Dim Shared As coord_type road(1 To road_max)
Dim Shared As coord_type tree(1 To tree_max)
Dim Shared As train_type train

Sub start
  Dim As Integer can
  Dim As Double x, y, xv, yv
  Screenres screenx, screeny, 32,, 2
  glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION
  gluPerspective 35.0, screenx / screeny, .1, 20
  glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW
  glClearColor 0, 0, 0, 1
  glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST 'properly handles overlapping polygons (draw order for layering)
  glEnable GL_LIGHT1
  glLightfv GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, @LightDiffuse(0)
  glEnable GL_LIGHTING
  Randomize Timer
  x = 2: y = 2
  xv = .5
  For a As Integer = 1 To road_max
    Select Case a - 1
    Case 12
      Swap xv, yv
    Case 18
      Swap xv, yv
      xv *= -1
    Case 24
      Swap xv, yv
      yv *= -1
    Case 30
      Swap xv, yv
      xv *= -1
    Case 36
      Swap xv, yv
    End Select
    x += xv
    y += yv
    With road(a)
      .x = x
      .y = y
    End With
  Next a
  For a As Integer = 1 To building_max
    With building(a)
        .x = Rnd * mapx
        .y = Rnd * mapy
        can = true
        For b As Integer = 1 To road_max
          If Abs(.x - road(b).x) + Abs(.y - road(b).y) < 1 Then can = false
        Next b
      Loop Until can
    End With
  Next a
  For a As Integer = 1 To tree_max
    With tree(a)
        .x = Rnd * mapx
        .y = Rnd * mapy
        can = true
        For b As Integer = 1 To road_max
          If Abs(.x - road(b).x) + Abs(.y - road(b).y) < 1 Then can = false
        Next b
        For b As Integer = 1 To building_max
          If Abs(.x - building(b).x) + Abs(.y - building(b).y) < 1 Then can = false
        Next b
      Loop Until can
    End With
  Next a
  With train
    .road_current = 2
    .p.x = road(1).x
    .p.y = road(1).y
  End With
End Sub

Sub go
  Dim As Double a
  'coords are set for bird's eye view
  'top left of map is at (0, 0, 0)
  'all parts of map are 1un cubed
  Static As Double xx
  With train
    a = Atan2(road(.road_current).y - .p.y, road(.road_current).x - .p.x)
    If Abs(a - .angle) > .02 Then
      .angle += Sgn(a - .angle) * .02
      .angle = a
      .p.x += Cos(a) * .05
      .p.y += Sin(a) * .05
      If Abs(.p.y - road(.road_current).y) + Abs(.p.x - road(.road_current).x) < .1 Then
        .p.y = road(.road_current).y
        .p.x = road(.road_current).x
        .road_current += 1
        If .road_current = road_max Then .road_current = 1
      End If
    End If
    LightPosition(0) = .p.x
    LightPosition(1) = .p.y
    LightPosition(2) = -1
    glLightfv GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, @LightPosition(0)
  End With
  With camera
    If Multikey(&H39) Then
      .eye(1) = mapx / 2
      .eye(2) = mapy / 2
      .eye(3) = -mapx * 1.4
      .see(1) = mapx / 2
      .see(2) = mapy / 2
      .see(3) = 0
      .up(1) = 0
      .up(2) = 1
      .up(3) = 0
      .eye(1) = train.p.x
      .eye(2) = train.p.y
      .eye(3) = -.2
      .see(1) = train.p.x + Cos(train.angle)
      .see(2) = train.p.y + Sin(train.angle)
      .see(3) = -.2
      .up(1) = 0
      .up(2) = 0
      .up(3) = -1
    End If
    gluLookat .eye(1), .eye(2), .eye(3), .see(1), .see(2), .see(3), .up(1), .up(2), .up(3)
  End With
  glBegin GL_QUADS
    glColor3d .4, .2, 0
    glNormal3f 0, 0, -1
    glVertex3d 0,    0,    0
    glVertex3d mapx, 0,    0
    glVertex3d mapx, mapy, 0
    glVertex3d 0,    mapy, 0

    For a As Integer = 1 To road_max
      With road(a)
        glColor3d 1, .6, .2
        glNormal3f 0, 0, -1
        glVertex3d .x - .25, .y - .25, -.04
        glVertex3d .x + .25, .y - .25, -.04
        glVertex3d .x + .25, .y + .25, -.04
        glVertex3d .x - .25, .y + .25, -.04
      End With
    Next a
    For a As Integer = 1 To building_max
      With building(a)
        glColor3d .6, .6, .8
        glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
        glVertex3d .x - .5, .y - .5, 0
        glVertex3d .x - .5, .y + .5, 0
        glVertex3d .x - .5, .y + .5, -1
        glVertex3d .x - .5, .y - .5, -1
        glColor3d .6, .6, .8
        glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
        glVertex3d .x + .5, .y - .5, 0
        glVertex3d .x + .5, .y + .5, 0
        glVertex3d .x + .5, .y + .5, -1
        glVertex3d .x + .5, .y - .5, -1
        glColor3d .6, .6, .8
        glNormal3f 0, 1, 0
        glVertex3d .x - .5, .y + .5, 0
        glVertex3d .x + .5, .y + .5, 0
        glVertex3d .x + .5, .y + .5, -1
        glVertex3d .x - .5, .y + .5, -1
        glColor3d .6, .6, .8
        glNormal3f 0, -1, 0
        glVertex3d .x - .5, .y - .5, 0
        glVertex3d .x + .5, .y - .5, 0
        glVertex3d .x + .5, .y - .5, -1
        glVertex3d .x - .5, .y - .5, -1
        glColor3d .6, .6, .8
        glNormal3f 0, 0, -1
        glVertex3d .x - .5, .y - .5, -1
        glVertex3d .x + .5, .y - .5, -1
        glVertex3d .x + .5, .y + .5, -1
        glVertex3d .x - .5, .y + .5, -1
      End With
    Next a
    For a As Integer = 1 To tree_max
      With tree(a)
        glColor3d .2, 1, .2
        glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
        glVertex3d .x,      .y,      -.5
        glVertex3d .x - .1, .y - .1, 0
        glVertex3d .x - .1, .y + .1, 0
        glColor3d .2, 1, .2
        glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
        glVertex3d .x,      .y,      -.5
        glVertex3d .x + .1, .y - .1, 0
        glVertex3d .x + .1, .y + .1, 0
        glColor3d .2, 1, .2
        glNormal3f 0, -1, 0
        glVertex3d .x,      .y,      -.5
        glVertex3d .x - .1, .y - .1, 0
        glVertex3d .x + .1, .y - .1, 0
        glColor3d .2, 1, .2
        glNormal3f 0, 1, 0
        glVertex3d .x,      .y,      -.5
        glVertex3d .x - .1, .y + .1, 0
        glVertex3d .x + .1, .y + .1, 0
      End With
    Next a
    With train
      glColor3d 1, 1, 1
      glNormal3f 0, 0, -1
      glVertex3d .p.x, .p.y, -.2
      glVertex3d .p.x + Cos(.angle + .1), .p.y + Sin(.angle + .1), -.2
      glVertex3d .p.x + Cos(.angle - .1), .p.y + Sin(.angle - .1), -.2
    End With
End Sub

Sub main
    Sleep 10
    key = Inkey
  Loop Until key = Chr(27)
End Sub

3) Space Wars


This is another demo without controls (except the space bar).
The space ships were inspired by Star Wars, although they only have 3 polygons. xD

Code: Select all

' Watch the Space Wars OpenGL Demo! v1.0
' (C) 2008 Innova and Kristopher Windsor

#include "GL/gl.bi"
#include "GL/glu.bi"

Const screenx = 640, screeny = 480
Const true = -1, false = 0, pi = Atn(1) * 4
Const missile_max = 256, pod_max = 8

Type camera_type
  As Double eye(1 To 3)
  As Double see(1 To 3)
  As Double up(1 To 3)
End Type

Type coord_type
  As Double x, y
End Type

Type missile_type
  As coord_type p, v
  As Integer killme
End Type

Dim Shared As Integer missile_total
Dim Shared LightDiffuse(0 To 3) As Single => {3, 3, 3, 1}
Dim Shared LightPosition(0 To 3) As Single => {0, 0, 0, 1}
Dim Shared As Double pod(1 To pod_max)
Dim Shared As String key

Dim Shared As camera_type camera
Dim Shared As missile_type missile(1 To missile_max)

Sub start
  Screenres screenx, screeny, 32,, 2
  glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION
  gluPerspective 35.0, screenx / screeny, .05, 8
  glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW
  glClearColor 0, 0, 0, 1
  glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST 'properly handles overlapping polygons (draw order for layering)
  glEnable GL_LIGHT1
  glLightfv GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, @LightDiffuse(0)
  glEnable GL_LIGHTING
  Randomize Timer
  For a As Integer = 1 To pod_max
    pod(a) = Rnd * pi * 2
  Next a
End Sub

Sub go
  Dim As Integer i
  Dim As Double d, cx, cy
  'coords are set for bird's eye view
  'top left of map is at (0, 0, 0)
  'all parts of map are 1un cubed
  'process space ships
  For a As Integer = 1 To pod_max
    pod(a) += .01
    If Rnd < .1 Then
      If missile_total + 2 <= missile_max Then
        cx = Cos(pod(a))
        cy = Sin(pod(a))
        d = pod(a) + pi / 2
        missile_total += 1
        With missile(missile_total)
          .p.x = cx + Cos(d + 1 * pi / 4) * .02
          .p.y = cy + Sin(d + 1 * pi / 4) * .02
          .v.x = Cos(d) * .1
          .v.y = Sin(d) * .1
          .killme = false
        End With
        missile_total += 1
        With missile(missile_total)
          .p.x = cx + Cos(d + 5 * pi / 4) * .02
          .p.y = cy + Sin(d + 5 * pi / 4) * .02
          .v.x = Cos(d) * .1
          .v.y = Sin(d) * .1
          .killme = false
        End With
      End If
    End If
  Next a
  'process missiles
  For a As Integer = 1 To missile_total
    With missile(a)
      .p.x += .v.x
      .p.y += .v.y
      If .p.x < -5 Or .p.y < -5 Or .p.x > 5 Or .p.y > 5 Then .killme = true
    End With
  Next a
  i = 1
  While i <= missile_total
    If missile(i).killme Then
      Swap missile(i), missile(missile_total)
      missile_total -= 1
      i += 1
    End If
  'start drawing
  LightPosition(0) = 0
  LightPosition(1) = 0
  LightPosition(2) = 3
  glLightfv GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, @LightPosition(0)
  With camera
    If Multikey(&H39) Then
      .eye(1) = 0
      .eye(2) = 0
      .eye(3) = 4
      .see(1) = 0
      .see(2) = 0
      .see(3) = 0
      .up(1) = 0
      .up(2) = 1
      .up(3) = 0
      d = Timer * .6
      .eye(1) = Cos(d) + 1 '+ 1 centers on corner of blue ground
      .eye(2) = Sin(d) + 1
      .eye(3) = .5
      .see(1) = 1
      .see(2) = 1
      .see(3) = .4 + Sin(d * .4) * .25
      .up(1) = 0
      .up(2) = 0
      .up(3) = 1
    End If
    gluLookat .eye(1), .eye(2), .eye(3), .see(1), .see(2), .see(3), .up(1), .up(2), .up(3)
  End With
  glBegin GL_QUADS
    'ground (blue)
    glColor3d .2, .2, .8
    glNormal3f 0, 0, 1
    glVertex3d -1, -1, 0
    glVertex3d 1,  -1, 0
    glVertex3d 1,  1,  0
    glVertex3d -1, 1,  0
    'extended ground (green)
    glColor3d .2, .8, .2
    glNormal3f 0,  0, 1
    glVertex3d -2, -2, -.3
    glVertex3d 2,  -2, -.3
    glVertex3d 2,  2,  -.3
    glVertex3d -2, 2,  -.3
    For a As Integer = 1 To pod_max
      cx = Cos(pod(a))
      cy = Sin(pod(a))
      d = pod(a) + pi / 2
      glColor3d 1, 1, 1
      glNormal3f 0, 0, 1
      glVertex3d cx + Cos(d + 1 * pi / 4) * .02, cy + Sin(d + 1 * pi / 4) * .02, .3
      glVertex3d cx + Cos(d + 3 * pi / 4) * .02, cy + Sin(d + 3 * pi / 4) * .02, .3
      glVertex3d cx + Cos(d + 5 * pi / 4) * .02, cy + Sin(d + 5 * pi / 4) * .02, .3
      glVertex3d cx + Cos(d + 7 * pi / 4) * .02, cy + Sin(d + 7 * pi / 4) * .02, .3
      glColor3d 1, 1, 1
      glNormal3f Cos(d + pi / 2), Sin(d + pi / 2), 0
      glVertex3d cx + Cos(d + 1 * pi / 4) * .02, cy + Sin(d + 1 * pi / 4) * .02, .25
      glVertex3d cx + Cos(d + 1 * pi / 4) * .02, cy + Sin(d + 1 * pi / 4) * .02, .35
      glVertex3d cx + Cos(d + 3 * pi / 4) * .02, cy + Sin(d + 3 * pi / 4) * .02, .35
      glVertex3d cx + Cos(d + 3 * pi / 4) * .02, cy + Sin(d + 3 * pi / 4) * .02, .25
      glColor3d 1, 1, 1
      glNormal3f Cos(d + 3 * pi / 2), Sin(d + 3 * pi / 2), 0
      glVertex3d cx + Cos(d + 5 * pi / 4) * .02, cy + Sin(d + 5 * pi / 4) * .02, .25
      glVertex3d cx + Cos(d + 5 * pi / 4) * .02, cy + Sin(d + 5 * pi / 4) * .02, .35
      glVertex3d cx + Cos(d + 7 * pi / 4) * .02, cy + Sin(d + 7 * pi / 4) * .02, .35
      glVertex3d cx + Cos(d + 7 * pi / 4) * .02, cy + Sin(d + 7 * pi / 4) * .02, .25
    Next a
    For a As Integer = 1 To missile_total
      With missile(a)
        glColor3d 1, .2, .2
        glNormal3f 0, 0, 1 'would take some rotation to be correct
        glVertex3d .p.x,            .p.y,            .303
        glVertex3d .p.x - .v.x / 2, .p.y - .v.y / 2, .303
        glVertex3d .p.x - .v.x / 2, .p.y - .v.y / 2, .297
        glVertex3d .p.x,            .p.y,            .297
      End With
    Next a
End Sub

Sub main
    Sleep 20
    key = Inkey
  Loop Until key = Chr(27)
End Sub

Tags: kristopherwindsor_program_graphics kristopherwindsor_feature_program
Last edited by KristopherWindsor on Mar 22, 2008 6:37, edited 2 times in total.
Lachie Dazdarian
Posts: 2338
Joined: May 31, 2005 9:59
Location: Croatia

Post by Lachie Dazdarian »

Well, to my shock all these programs runs quite smooth on my wretched PC. And all are very cool and interesting. Love those simple vector-like GFX.

BTW, why is zooming so crazy in the maze game? Like the movement there.
Posts: 236
Joined: Jul 22, 2005 3:53
Location: Minnesota Arizona

Post by JohnB »

Very nice demos !

Posts: 695
Joined: Jun 10, 2005 2:13
Location: Louisville, KY

Post by Ryan »

Great demos... train was my favorite. ^_^
Posts: 2428
Joined: Jul 19, 2006 19:17
Location: Sunnyvale, CA

Post by KristopherWindsor »

I modeled a (literally) primitive car in OpenGL, and made two more programs!! :-)

4) Car Show


This is a demo without controls.
The lighting looks great, but ironically, I found out you have to set the camera before positioning the lights while writing this, but I left it incorrect here since it looked so nice. :-)

Code: Select all

' Car Show OpenGL Demo! v1.0
' (C) 2008 Innova and Kristopher Windsor

#include "GL/gl.bi"
#include "GL/glu.bi"

Const screenx = 640, screeny = 480
Const true = -1, false = 0, pihalf = Atn(1) * 2

Type camera_type
  As Double eye(1 To 3)
  As Double see(1 To 3)
  As Double up(1 To 3)
End Type

Type coord_type
  As Double x, y
End Type

Dim Shared LightDiffuse(0 To 3) As Single => {3, 3, 3, 1}
Dim Shared LightPosition(0 To 3) As Single => {0, 0, 0, 1}
Dim Shared As String key
Dim Shared As camera_type camera

Sub start
  Screenres screenx, screeny, 32,, 2
  glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION
  gluPerspective 35.0, screenx / screeny, .01, 8
  glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW
  glClearColor 0, 0, 0, 1
  glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST 'properly handles overlapping polygons (draw order for layering)
  glEnable GL_LIGHT1
  glLightfv GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, @LightDiffuse(0)
  glEnable GL_LIGHTING
  Randomize Timer
End Sub

Sub show_car (Byval x As Double, Byval y As Double, Byval spin As Double)
  Const w = .4, h = .6
  #define c glColor3d 1, 1, 1
  #define c2(px, py, pz) glColor3d px, py, pz
  #macro v(px, py, pz)
      Dim As Double a, d, px2
      px2 = px * w
      a = Atan2(py, px2) + spin
      d = Sqr(px2 * px2 + py * py)
      glVertex3d x + Cos(a) * d, y + Sin(a) * d, pz * h
    End Scope
  'rear bumper
  glNormal3f 0, -1, 0
  v(1,  -1,  .6)
  v(-1, -1,  .6)
  v(-1, -1,  .3)
  v(1,  -1,  .3)
  'rear license plate
  c2(0, 1, 0)
  glNormal3f 0, -1, 0
  v(.4,  -1.02, .53)
  v(-.4, -1.02, .53)
  v(-.4, -1.02, .37)
  v(.4,  -1.02, .37)
  'fin above rear bumper
  c2(1, 0, 0)
  glNormal3f 0, -1, 0
  v(1, -1, .6)
  v(-1, -1, .6)
  v(-1, -1.04, .7)
  v(1, -1.04, .7)
  'top of trunk
  glNormal3f 0, 0, 1
  v(-1, -.7, .6)
  v(1,  -.7, .6)
  v(1,  -1,  .6)
  v(-1, -1,  .6)
  'rear window
  c2(.8, .8, 1)
  glNormal3f 0, -1, 0
  v(1,  -.5, 1)
  v(-1, -.5, 1)
  v(-1, -.7,  .6)
  v(1,  -.7,  .6)
  glNormal3f 0, 0, 1
  v(-1, -.5, 1)
  v(1,  -.5, 1)
  v(1,  .25,  1)
  v(-1, .25,  1)
  c2(.8, .8, 1)
  glNormal3f 0, 1, 0
  v(1,  .25, 1)
  v(-1, .25, 1)
  v(-1, .6,  .6)
  v(1,  .6,  .6)
  glNormal3f 0, 0, 1
  v(-1, .6, .6)
  v(1,  .6, .6)
  v(1,  1,  .6)
  v(-1, 1,  .6)
  'front bumper
  glNormal3f 0, 1, 0
  v(1,  1,  .6)
  v(-1, 1,  .6)
  v(-1, 1,  .3)
  v(1,  1,  .3)
  'front license plate
  c2(0, 1, 0)
  glNormal3f 0, 1, 0
  v(.4,  1.02, .53)
  v(-.4, 1.02, .53)
  v(-.4, 1.02, .37)
  v(.4,  1.02, .37)
  'left side
  c2(1, 0, 0)
  glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
  v(-1, -1, .6)
  v(-1, -1, .3)
  v(-1, 1,  .3)
  v(-1, 1,  .6)
  c2(1, 1, 0)
  glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
  v(-1, -.5, 1)
  v(-1, -.7, .6)
  v(-1, .6,  .6)
  v(-1, .25,  1)
  'right side
  c2(1, 0, 0)
  glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
  v(1, -1, .6)
  v(1, -1, .3)
  v(1, 1,  .3)
  v(1, 1,  .6)
  c2(1, 1, 0)
  glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
  v(1, -.5, 1)
  v(1, -.7, .6)
  v(1, .6,  .6)
  v(1, .25,  1)
  'front left wheel
  c2(.5, 1, .5)
  glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
  v(-1, .59, .1)
  v(-1, .65, 0)
  v(-1, .7, 0)
  v(-1, .76, .1)
  c2(.5, 1, .5)
  glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
  v(-1, .55, .3)
  v(-1, .59, .1)
  v(-1, .76, .1)
  v(-1, .8, .3)
  'front right wheel
  c2(.5, 1, .5)
  glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
  v(1, .59, .1)
  v(1, .65, 0)
  v(1, .7, 0)
  v(1, .76, .1)
  c2(.5, 1, .5)
  glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
  v(1, .55, .3)
  v(1, .59, .1)
  v(1, .76, .1)
  v(1, .8, .3)
  'rear left wheel
  c2(.5, 1, .5)
  glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
  v(-1, -.59, .1)
  v(-1, -.65, 0)
  v(-1, -.7, 0)
  v(-1, -.76, .1)
  c2(.5, 1, .5)
  glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
  v(-1, -.55, .3)
  v(-1, -.59, .1)
  v(-1, -.76, .1)
  v(-1, -.8, .3)
  'rear right wheel
  c2(.5, 1, .5)
  glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
  v(1, -.59, .1)
  v(1, -.65, 0)
  v(1, -.7, 0)
  v(1, -.76, .1)
  c2(.5, 1, .5)
  glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
  v(1, -.55, .3)
  v(1, -.59, .1)
  v(1, -.76, .1)
  v(1, -.8, .3)
End Sub

Sub go
  Dim As Double angle
  'coords are set for bird's eye view
  'top left of map is at (0, 0, 0)
  'all parts of map are 1un cubed

  LightPosition(0) = 0
  LightPosition(1) = 0
  LightPosition(2) = -1
  glLightfv GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, @LightPosition(0)
  angle = -Timer * .4
  With camera
    .eye(1) = Cos(angle) * 3
    .eye(2) = Sin(angle) * 3
    .eye(3) = .8
    .see(1) = 0
    .see(2) = 0
    .see(3) = .4
    .up(1) = 0
    .up(2) = 0
    .up(3) = 1
    gluLookat .eye(1), .eye(2), .eye(3), .see(1), .see(2), .see(3), .up(1), .up(2), .up(3)
  End With
  glBegin GL_QUADS
    glColor3d .4, .2, 0
    glNormal3f 0, 0, 1
    glVertex3d -1, -1, 0
    glVertex3d 1,  -1, 0
    glVertex3d 1,  1,  0
    glVertex3d -1, 1,  0
    show_car 0, 0, 0
End Sub

Sub main
    Sleep 10
    key = Inkey
  Loop Until key = Chr(27)
End Sub

5) Car Highway


This is the first demo that allows free - form navigation.
You can control the car with the up, left, and right arrow keys.
You will only see your car in bird's eye view mode, which you can use by holding down the space bar.

Code: Select all

' Car Highway OpenGL Demo! v1.0
' (C) 2008 Innova and Kristopher Windsor

#include once "fbgfx.bi"
#include once "GL/gl.bi"
#include once "GL/glu.bi"

Const screenx = 640, screeny = 480
Const true = -1, false = 0, pi = Atn(1) * 4, mapsize = 8
Const car_max = 4, tree_max = 8

Type camera_type
  As Double eye(1 To 3)
  As Double see(1 To 3)
  As Double up(1 To 3)
End Type

Type coord_type
  As Double x, y
End Type

Type player_type
  As coord_type p, v
  As Double angle
End Type

Dim Shared LightDiffuse(0 To 3) As Single => {1, 1, 1, 1}
Dim Shared LightPosition(0 To 3) As Single => {0, 0, 0, 1}
Dim Shared As Double car(1 To car_max)
Dim Shared As String key
Dim Shared As camera_type camera
Dim Shared As player_type player
Dim Shared As coord_type tree(1 To tree_max)

Sub start
  Dim As Integer can
  Screenres screenx, screeny, 32,, 2
  glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION
  gluPerspective 35.0, screenx / screeny, .01, 24
  glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW
  glClearColor 0, 0, 0, 1
  glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST 'properly handles overlapping polygons (draw order for layering)
  glEnable GL_LIGHT1
  glLightfv GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, @LightDiffuse(0)
  glEnable GL_LIGHTING
  Randomize Timer
  For a As Integer = 1 To car_max
      can = true
      car(a) = Rnd * mapsize * 2 - mapsize
      For b As Integer = 1 To a - 1
        If Abs(car(b) - car(a)) < 2 Then can = false
      Next b
    Loop Until can
  Next a
  For a As Integer = 1 To tree_max
    With tree(a)
        .x = Rnd * mapsize * 2 - mapsize
        .y = Rnd * mapsize * 2 - mapsize
        can = true
        If Abs(.x) < 1 Then can = false
      Loop Until can
    End With
  Next a
End Sub

Sub show_car (Byval x As Double, Byval y As Double, Byval spin As Double)
  Const w = .4, h = .6
  #define c glColor3d 1, 1, 1
  #define c2(px, py, pz) glColor3d px, py, pz
  #macro v(px, py, pz)
      Dim As Double a, d, px2
      px2 = px * w
      a = Atan2(py, px2) + spin - pi / 2
      d = Sqr(px2 * px2 + py * py)
      glVertex3d x + Cos(a) * d, y + Sin(a) * d, pz * h
    End Scope
  'rear bumper
  glNormal3f 0, -1, 0
  v(1,  -1,  .6)
  v(-1, -1,  .6)
  v(-1, -1,  .3)
  v(1,  -1,  .3)
  'rear license plate
  c2(0, 1, 0)
  glNormal3f 0, -1, 0
  v(.4,  -1.1, .53)
  v(-.4, -1.1, .53)
  v(-.4, -1.1, .37)
  v(.4,  -1.1, .37)
  'fin above rear bumper
  c2(1, 0, 0)
  glNormal3f 0, -1, 0
  v(1, -1, .6)
  v(-1, -1, .6)
  v(-1, -1.04, .7)
  v(1, -1.04, .7)
  'top of trunk
  glNormal3f 0, 0, 1
  v(-1, -.7, .6)
  v(1,  -.7, .6)
  v(1,  -1,  .6)
  v(-1, -1,  .6)
  'rear window
  c2(.8, .8, 1)
  glNormal3f 0, -1, 0
  v(1,  -.5, 1)
  v(-1, -.5, 1)
  v(-1, -.7,  .6)
  v(1,  -.7,  .6)
  glNormal3f 0, 0, 1
  v(-1, -.5, 1)
  v(1,  -.5, 1)
  v(1,  .25,  1)
  v(-1, .25,  1)
  c2(.8, .8, 1)
  glNormal3f 0, 1, 0
  v(1,  .25, 1)
  v(-1, .25, 1)
  v(-1, .6,  .6)
  v(1,  .6,  .6)
  glNormal3f 0, 0, 1
  v(-1, .6, .6)
  v(1,  .6, .6)
  v(1,  1,  .6)
  v(-1, 1,  .6)
  'front bumper
  glNormal3f 0, 1, 0
  v(1,  1,  .6)
  v(-1, 1,  .6)
  v(-1, 1,  .3)
  v(1,  1,  .3)
  'front license plate
  c2(0, 1, 0)
  glNormal3f 0, 1, 0
  v(.4,  1.1, .53)
  v(-.4, 1.1, .53)
  v(-.4, 1.1, .37)
  v(.4,  1.1, .37)
  'left side
  c2(1, 0, 0)
  glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
  v(-1, -1, .6)
  v(-1, -1, .3)
  v(-1, 1,  .3)
  v(-1, 1,  .6)
  c2(1, 1, 0)
  glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
  v(-1, -.5, 1)
  v(-1, -.7, .6)
  v(-1, .6,  .6)
  v(-1, .25,  1)
  'right side
  c2(1, 0, 0)
  glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
  v(1, -1, .6)
  v(1, -1, .3)
  v(1, 1,  .3)
  v(1, 1,  .6)
  c2(1, 1, 0)
  glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
  v(1, -.5, 1)
  v(1, -.7, .6)
  v(1, .6,  .6)
  v(1, .25,  1)
  'front left wheel
  c2(.5, 1, .5)
  glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
  v(-1, .59, .1)
  v(-1, .65, 0)
  v(-1, .7, 0)
  v(-1, .76, .1)
  c2(.5, 1, .5)
  glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
  v(-1, .55, .3)
  v(-1, .59, .1)
  v(-1, .76, .1)
  v(-1, .8, .3)
  'front right wheel
  c2(.5, 1, .5)
  glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
  v(1, .59, .1)
  v(1, .65, 0)
  v(1, .7, 0)
  v(1, .76, .1)
  c2(.5, 1, .5)
  glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
  v(1, .55, .3)
  v(1, .59, .1)
  v(1, .76, .1)
  v(1, .8, .3)
  'rear left wheel
  c2(.5, 1, .5)
  glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
  v(-1, -.59, .1)
  v(-1, -.65, 0)
  v(-1, -.7, 0)
  v(-1, -.76, .1)
  c2(.5, 1, .5)
  glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
  v(-1, -.55, .3)
  v(-1, -.59, .1)
  v(-1, -.76, .1)
  v(-1, -.8, .3)
  'rear right wheel
  c2(.5, 1, .5)
  glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
  v(1, -.59, .1)
  v(1, -.65, 0)
  v(1, -.7, 0)
  v(1, -.76, .1)
  c2(.5, 1, .5)
  glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
  v(1, -.55, .3)
  v(1, -.59, .1)
  v(1, -.76, .1)
  v(1, -.8, .3)
End Sub

Sub go
  'Dim As Double angle
  'coords are set for bird's eye view
  'top left of map is at (0, 0, 0)
  'all parts of map are 1un cubed

  With player
    .v.x *= .95
    .v.y *= .95
    If Multikey(fb.sc_left) Then .angle += .06
    If Multikey(fb.sc_right) Then .angle -= .06
    If Multikey(fb.sc_up) Then
      .v.x += Cos(.angle) * .02
      .v.y += Sin(.angle) * .02
    End If
    .p.x += .v.x
    If .p.x < -mapsize Then .p.x = -mapsize
    If .p.x > mapsize Then .p.x = mapsize
    .p.y += .v.y
    If .p.y < -mapsize Then .p.y = -mapsize
    If .p.y > mapsize Then .p.y = mapsize
  End With
  For a As Integer = 1 To car_max Step 2
    car(a) += .1
    If car(a) > mapsize + 1 And Rnd < .1 Then car(a) = -mapsize - 1
    car(a + 1) -= .1
    If car(a + 1) < -mapsize - 1 And Rnd < .1 Then car(a + 1) = mapsize + 1
  Next a
  With camera
    If Multikey(&H39) Then
      .eye(1) = player.p.x
      .eye(2) = player.p.y
      .eye(3) = mapsize * 1.4
      .see(1) = player.p.x
      .see(2) = player.p.y
      .see(3) = 0
      .up(1) = 0
      .up(2) = 1
      .up(3) = 0
      .eye(1) = player.p.x
      .eye(2) = player.p.y
      .eye(3) = .4
      .see(1) = player.p.x + Cos(player.angle) * 4
      .see(2) = player.p.y + Sin(player.angle) * 4
      .see(3) = .4
      .up(1) = 0
      .up(2) = 0
      .up(3) = 1
    End If
    gluLookat .eye(1), .eye(2), .eye(3), .see(1), .see(2), .see(3), .up(1), .up(2), .up(3)
    LightPosition(0) = player.p.x
    LightPosition(1) = player.p.y
    LightPosition(2) = mapsize
    glLightfv GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, @LightPosition(0)
  End With
  glBegin GL_QUADS
    glColor3d .4, .2, 0
    glNormal3f 0, 0, 1
    glVertex3d -mapsize, -mapsize, 0
    glVertex3d mapsize,  -mapsize, 0
    glVertex3d mapsize,  mapsize,  0
    glVertex3d -mapsize, mapsize,  0
    'edge north
    glColor3d .5, 1, .5
    glNormal3f 0, 0, 1
    glVertex3d -mapsize, mapsize, 0
    glVertex3d -mapsize, mapsize * 1.4, 2
    glVertex3d mapsize, mapsize * 1.4, 2
    glVertex3d mapsize, mapsize, 0
    'edge south
    glColor3d .5, 1, .5
    glNormal3f 0, 0, 1
    glVertex3d -mapsize, -mapsize, 0
    glVertex3d -mapsize, -mapsize * 1.4, 2
    glVertex3d mapsize, -mapsize * 1.4, 2
    glVertex3d mapsize, -mapsize, 0
    'edge east
    glColor3d .5, 1, .5
    glNormal3f 0, 0, 1
    glVertex3d mapsize, -mapsize, 0
    glVertex3d mapsize * 1.4, -mapsize, 2
    glVertex3d mapsize * 1.4, mapsize, 2
    glVertex3d mapsize, mapsize, 0
    'edge west
    glColor3d .5, 1, .5
    glNormal3f 0, 0, 1
    glVertex3d -mapsize, -mapsize, 0
    glVertex3d -mapsize * 1.4, -mapsize, 2
    glVertex3d -mapsize * 1.4, mapsize, 2
    glVertex3d -mapsize, mapsize, 0
    With player
      If Multikey(&H39) Then show_car .p.x, .p.y, .angle
    End With
    For a As Integer = 1 To car_max Step 2
      show_car car(a), .5, 0
      show_car car(a + 1), -.5, pi
    Next a
    For a As Integer = 1 To tree_max
      With tree(a)
        glColor3d .2, 1, .2
        glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
        glVertex3d .x,      .y,      1
        glVertex3d .x - .1, .y - .1, 0
        glVertex3d .x - .1, .y + .1, 0
        glColor3d .2, 1, .2
        glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
        glVertex3d .x,      .y,      1
        glVertex3d .x + .1, .y - .1, 0
        glVertex3d .x + .1, .y + .1, 0
        glColor3d .2, 1, .2
        glNormal3f 0, -1, 0
        glVertex3d .x,      .y,      1
        glVertex3d .x - .1, .y - .1, 0
        glVertex3d .x + .1, .y - .1, 0
        glColor3d .2, 1, .2
        glNormal3f 0, 1, 0
        glVertex3d .x,      .y,      1
        glVertex3d .x - .1, .y + .1, 0
        glVertex3d .x + .1, .y + .1, 0
      End With
    Next a
End Sub

Sub main
    Sleep 10
    key = Inkey
  Loop Until key = Chr(27)
End Sub

Maybe I should do real modeling now. :-P xD
Posts: 74
Joined: Dec 19, 2007 6:55

Post by phycowelder »

Very impressed! i like! ive been trying to learn GL! and i think i can do some more learning with these examples!

Nice Work!
Posts: 209
Joined: May 18, 2007 13:01
Location: India

Post by nkk_kan »

gee..that's cool!
those 3d images intimidate me XD
certainly, it's worth learning openGL for this.
Posts: 2428
Joined: Jul 19, 2006 19:17
Location: Sunnyvale, CA

Post by KristopherWindsor »

Thanks! If you can't beat them (OpenGL programmers), join them! :-)

These weren't too hard to write; you just need to understand the concept of 3D, and visually imagine / conceptualize it.
Essentially you just need 4 3D coords (since I use GL_QUADS) to draw each polygon.

I was playing with some code that loads bitmaps to GL texture, and - why is Metaknight in the windshield??? :-P xD

Posts: 408
Joined: Feb 01, 2007 16:54
Location: usa

Post by integer »

Those are impressive!
Cool & neat.

The CarShow is most meaningful.

The local elementary school 6th grade science class students are creating
models of atoms -- made of clay. The nucleus, protons & neutrons, are lumps of clay rolled into balls. Some students have the clay spheres about the size of BB's and others have them about table-tennis ball size.
Obviously, they didn't all read the same quantum physics book!

Several of us adult volunteers made the observation that a computer generated image showing several protons/neutrons clumped together and rotating, MIGHT be as instructive/entertaining as the clay models.

Unfortunately, none of us are imaging/graphic programmers.
I have searched the forum, the internet, etc., and have found an enormous amount of information -- over whelming & over my head. The open gl tutorial seems to be the best, but Simply put -- I do not know where to start.

The rotating car -- WOW!
This really opens the door. I need to lean gl.

However, in the short term (short-cut) how could your car be replaced with
several spheres (neutrons,protons, two to eight clumped together) in the 3d view?
Posts: 362
Joined: Jun 02, 2007 12:35
Location: Sydney, Australia

Post by bfuller »

I just played with OpenGL for the first time--its fun.

For your atoms, go have a look in the GL folder of the examples. Lesson 26 in NeHe is probably most useful for you I would think.
Posts: 698
Joined: Oct 22, 2005 21:12
Location: Denmark

Post by h4tt3n »

integer wrote: However, in the short term (short-cut) how could your car be replaced with
several spheres (neutrons,protons, two to eight clumped together) in the 3d view?
Spheres are easy to make with the openGL utility library, also called glu.

I'll hack something together for you today.

*** Edit ***

Here is an example with a scientific touch to it. It's originally a demo by Dr_D that I've spiced up. If you want your atoms to move around I wouldn't mind helping you out setting up an atomic physics simulation.

Code: Select all

''Simulation of a solar system with gravitational attraction

Randomize Timer 

#include "GL/gl.bi" 
#include "GL/glu.bi"

Type Vector_3D 
  As Single X, Y, Z
End Type 

Type EntityType 
  As Vector_3D LookAt, DVector, UVector, RVector, acc, Vel, pos
  As Single Mass, GM, Density, Radius, Col(3), Emission(3)  
End Type 

Declare Sub Vector_Normalize (v As Vector_3D) 
Declare Sub Rot_X(Entity As EntityType, Angle As Single) 
Declare Sub Rot_Y(Entity As EntityType, Angle As Single) 
Declare Sub Rot_Z(Entity As EntityType, Angle As Single) 
Declare Function Vector_Cross (v1 As Vector_3D, v2 As Vector_3D) As Vector_3D
Declare Function Vector_Magnitude(V As Vector_3D) As Single 

Const Pi = 4*atn(1), twopi = 2*pi, Spec_Grav = 6.6742e-11, Timestep = 0.01
Dim As Integer i, i2, Button, TempX, TempY, Scrn_Wid, Scrn_Hgt, Cam_Speed, MidX, MidY
Dim as Single Distance, Dist_sqared, Dist_Cubed, Dist_Min, Spawn_Angle, Spawn_Dist, Light_pos(3)
Dim as EntityType Cam, Body(1 To 100)
Dim As Vector_3D Factor, Dist

'Initialize the camera's vectors for a right-handed system,
'and give it an initial Pos...
Cam.Pos.X = 0
Cam.Pos.Y = 0
Cam.Pos.Z = 10000

Cam.DVector.X = 0
Cam.DVector.Y = -1
Cam.DVector.Z = 0

Cam.UVector.X = 0
Cam.UVector.Y = -1
Cam.UVector.Z = 0

Cam.RVector.X = 0
Cam.RVector.Y = 0
Cam.RVector.Z = 1

Cam_Speed = 100

Light_pos(0) = 0 
Light_pos(1) = 0 
Light_pos(2) = 0 
Light_pos(3) = 1

''  The Sun
With Body(1)
  .Mass = 1e20
  .GM = .Mass * Spec_Grav
  .Density = 1e11
  .Radius = (((.Mass/.Density)/((4/3)*pi))^(1/3))
  .Col(0) = 1 
  .Col(1) = 1
  .Col(2) = 1
  .Col(3) = 1 
  .Emission(0)= 1 
  .Emission(1)= 1 
  .Emission(2)= 1
  .Emission(3)= 1 
End With

For i = 2 To Ubound(Body)
  With Body(i)
    Spawn_Angle = Rnd*Twopi
    Spawn_Dist = 12000 - (rnd*(10000)^(1/3))^3
    .Mass = 5e15 + (rnd*(95e15)^(1/6))^6
    .GM = .Mass * Spec_Grav
    .Density = 1e10
    .Radius = (((.Mass/.Density)/((4/3)*pi))^(1/3))
    .Pos.X = Body(1).Pos.X+Spawn_Dist*Sin(Spawn_Angle)
    .Pos.y = Body(1).Pos.y+Spawn_Dist*Cos(Spawn_Angle)    
    .Pos.z = Body(1).Pos.z+10-Rnd*20
    .Vel.X = Body(1).Vel.X+sqr(Body(1).GM/Spawn_Dist)*cos(Spawn_Angle)
    .Vel.y = Body(1).Vel.y+sqr(Body(1).GM/Spawn_Dist)*sin(-Spawn_Angle) 
    .Col(0) = 0.2+Rnd*0.8
    .Col(1) = 0.2+Rnd*0.8
    .Col(2) = 0.2+Rnd*0.8
    .Col(3) = 1                
  End With

ScreenInfo Scrn_Wid, Scrn_Hgt
ScreenRes Scrn_Wid, Scrn_Hgt, 16,, 1 or &h2
MidX = Scrn_Wid\2
MidY = Scrn_Hgt\2

glViewport 0, 0, Scrn_Wid, Scrn_Hgt
gluPerspective 60.0, Scrn_Wid/Scrn_Hgt, 25, 1000000
glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW 

glShadeModel GL_SMOOTH
glClearColor 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 
glClearDepth 1.0 
glEnable Gl_LIGHTING 
glEnable GL_LIGHT0 
glDepthFunc GL_LEQUAL 

Dim As GLUquadricObj Ptr Sphere
Sphere = gluNewQuadric 

  Getmouse(TempX, TempY,, Button) 
  Factor.Y = (MidX-TempX)/500
  Factor.X = (MidY-TempY)/500
  If Button And 1 Then 
    Factor.Z = .01 
  Elseif Button And 2 Then 
    Factor.Z = -.01 
    Factor.Z = 0 
  End If    
  SetMouse(MidX, MidY, 0) 
  Rot_X Cam, Factor.X 
  Rot_Y Cam, Factor.Y 
  Rot_Z Cam, Factor.Z 
  If Multikey(&h11) Then 
    Cam.pos.X += Cam.DVector.X*Cam_Speed
    Cam.pos.Y += Cam.DVector.Y*Cam_Speed 
    Cam.pos.Z += Cam.DVector.Z*Cam_Speed
  End If 
  If Multikey(&h1F) Then 
    Cam.pos.X -= Cam.DVector.X*Cam_Speed
    Cam.pos.Y -= Cam.DVector.Y*Cam_Speed 
    Cam.pos.Z -= Cam.DVector.Z*Cam_Speed
  End If 
  If Multikey(&h20) Then 
    Cam.pos.X += Cam.RVector.X*Cam_Speed
    Cam.pos.Y += Cam.RVector.Y*Cam_Speed
    Cam.pos.Z += Cam.RVector.Z*Cam_Speed
  End If 
  If Multikey(&h1E) Then 
    Cam.pos.X -= Cam.RVector.X*Cam_Speed
    Cam.pos.Y -= Cam.RVector.Y*Cam_Speed
    Cam.pos.Z -= Cam.RVector.Z*Cam_Speed
  End If 
  glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW 
  Cam.LookAt.X = Cam.Pos.X + Cam.DVector.X 
  Cam.LookAt.Y = Cam.Pos.Y + Cam.DVector.Y 
  Cam.LookAt.Z = Cam.Pos.Z + Cam.DVector.Z 
  gluLookAt Cam.Pos.X, Cam.Pos.Y, Cam.Pos.Z, _ 
  Cam.LookAt.X, Cam.LookAt.Y, Cam.LookAt.Z, _ 
  Cam.UVector.X, Cam.UVector.Y, Cam.UVector.Z 
  Light_pos(0) = Body(1).Pos.X
  Light_pos(1) = Body(1).Pos.Y 
  Light_pos(2) = Body(1).Pos.Z 
  glLightfv GL_LIGHT0, GL_Position, @Light_pos(0) 
  For i = Lbound(Body) to Ubound(Body)-1
    For i2 = i+1 To Ubound(Body)
      Dist.X = Body(i).Pos.X-Body(i2).Pos.X
      Dist.Y = Body(i).Pos.Y-Body(i2).Pos.Y
      Dist.Z = Body(i).Pos.Z-Body(i2).Pos.Z
      Dist_sqared = Dist.X*Dist.X+Dist.Y*Dist.Y+Dist.Z*Dist.Z
      Distance = sqr(Dist_Sqared)
      Dist_Cubed = Distance*Dist_sqared
      Dist_Min = Body(i).Radius+Body(i2).Radius
      If Distance < Dist_Min then dist_cubed = dist_min*dist_min*dist_min
      Body(i).acc.X -= Body(i2).GM*Dist.X/Dist_Cubed
      Body(i).acc.Y -= Body(i2).GM*Dist.Y/Dist_Cubed
      Body(i).acc.Z -= Body(i2).GM*Dist.Z/Dist_Cubed
      Body(i2).acc.X += Body(i).GM*Dist.X/Dist_Cubed
      Body(i2).acc.Y += Body(i).GM*Dist.Y/Dist_Cubed
      Body(i2).acc.Z += Body(i).GM*Dist.Z/Dist_Cubed

  For i = Lbound(Body) to Ubound(Body)
    With Body(i)
      .Vel.X += .Acc.X*Timestep
      .Vel.Y += .Acc.Y*Timestep
      .Vel.Z += .Acc.Z*Timestep
      .Pos.X += .Vel.X*Timestep
      .Pos.Y += .Vel.Y*Timestep
      .Pos.Z += .Vel.Z*Timestep
      .acc.X = 0
      .acc.y = 0
      .acc.z = 0
      glTranslatef .Pos.X, .Pos.y, .Pos.Z 
      glColor4fV @.Col(0) 
      glMaterialfv GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, @.Emission(0) 
      gluSphere Sphere, .Radius, 16, 16
    End With
  Sleep 1, 1
Loop until multikey(1)

gluDeleteQuadric Sphere 



Function Vector_Cross (v1 As Vector_3D, v2 As Vector_3D) As Vector_3D
    Dim v As Vector_3D
    v.x = (v1.y * v2.z) - (v2.y * v1.z)
    v.y = (v1.z * v2.x) - (v2.z * v1.x)
    v.z = (v1.x * v2.y) - (v2.x * v1.y)
    Return v
End Function

Function Vector_Magnitude(V As Vector_3D) As Single 
    Dim As Single _
    Mag_sqr = v.x*v.x+v.y*v.y+v.z*v.z, _
    Mag = Sqr(mag_sqr)
    If Mag = 0 Then Mag = 1 
    Vector_Magnitude = Mag 
End Function 

Sub Vector_Normalize (v As Vector_3D) 
    Dim Mag As Single 
    Mag = Vector_Magnitude(V)    
    v.x = v.x / Mag 
    v.y = v.y / Mag 
    v.z = v.z / Mag 
End Sub 

Sub Rot_X(Entity As EntityType, Angle As Single) 
    Dim tDir As Vector_3D, tSin As Single, tCos As Single
    tCos = Cos(Angle)
    tSin = Sin(Angle)
    tDir.X = Entity.DVector.X*tCOS+Entity.UVector.X*tSin
    tDir.Y = Entity.DVector.Y*tCOS+Entity.UVector.Y*tSin
    tDir.Z = Entity.DVector.Z*tCOS+Entity.UVector.Z*tSin
    Vector_Normalize tDir
    Entity.DVector.X = tDir.X 
    Entity.DVector.Y = tDir.Y 
    Entity.DVector.Z = tDir.Z    
    Entity.UVector = Vector_Cross( Entity.DVector, Entity.RVector )
    Entity.UVector.X =-Entity.UVector.X
    Entity.UVector.Y =-Entity.UVector.Y
    Entity.UVector.Z =-Entity.UVector.Z
End Sub 

Sub Rot_Y(Entity As EntityType, Angle As Single) 
    Dim tDir As Vector_3D, tCos As Single, tSin As Single 
    tCos = Cos(Angle)
    tSin = Sin(Angle)
    tDir.X = Entity.DVector.X*tCOS-Entity.RVector.X*tSin
    tDir.Y = Entity.DVector.Y*tCOS-Entity.RVector.Y*tSin
    tDir.Z = Entity.DVector.Z*tCOS-Entity.RVector.Z*tSin
    Vector_Normalize tDir 
    Entity.DVector.X = tDir.X
    Entity.DVector.Y = tDir.Y
    Entity.DVector.Z = tDir.Z

    Entity.RVector = Vector_Cross( Entity.DVector, Entity.UVector )
End Sub 

Sub Rot_Z(Entity As EntityType, Angle As Single) 
    Dim tRight As Vector_3D, tCos As Single, tSin As Single 
    tCos = Cos(Angle) 
    tSin = Sin(Angle) 
    tRight.X = Entity.RVector.X*tCOS+Entity.UVector.X*tSin
    tRight.Y = Entity.RVector.Y*tCOS+Entity.UVector.Y*tSin
    tRight.Z = Entity.RVector.Z*tCOS+Entity.UVector.Z*tSin
    Vector_Normalize tRight

    Entity.RVector.X = tRight.X 
    Entity.RVector.Y = tRight.Y 
    Entity.RVector.Z = tRight.Z 
    Entity.UVector = Vector_Cross( Entity.DVector, Entity.RVector )
    Entity.UVector.X =-Entity.UVector.X 
    Entity.UVector.Y =-Entity.UVector.Y 
    Entity.UVector.Z =-Entity.UVector.Z 
End Sub
Cheers, Michael
Posts: 408
Joined: Feb 01, 2007 16:54
Location: usa

Post by integer »


That looks great! I am impressed.

I looked at the code. However, at this stage of understanding what is going on, I am overwhelmed with the vast amount of information. I do not grasp what parts are generating which results.

At the moment, there would be no requirement for factual or actual graphics for atomic/molecular movement. You have to remember, the students are sixth graders, and only one of 58 has an idea of what the word calculus means. This phase of the science class will end during the last week of this month (February).

I am using super glue and marbles to create the visual aid.
A computer generated model would be a vast improvement.
If you have the time and can help it would be greatly appreciated.
What I really need help with is an example of how to create two spheres, how to "glue" then together, and how to rotate them to view as 3D objects.

Posts: 362
Joined: Jun 02, 2007 12:35
Location: Sydney, Australia

Post by bfuller »

OK, after a lot of experimentation, I hacked the Car demo by replacing the contents of the "show car" Subroutine with some code that draws two spheres. Not pretty, but it works.

Code: Select all

' Atom Show OpenGL Demo! v0.1
' (C) 2008 Innova and Kristopher Windsor
'hacked by Brad Fuller

#include "GL/gl.bi"
#include "GL/glu.bi"

Const screenx = 640, screeny = 480
Const true = -1, false = 0, pihalf = Atn(1) * 2

Type camera_type
  As Double eye(1 To 3)
  As Double see(1 To 3)
  As Double up(1 To 3)
End Type

Type coord_type
  As Double x, y
End Type

Dim Shared LightDiffuse(0 To 3) As Single => {3, 3, 3, 1}
Dim Shared LightPosition(0 To 3) As Single => {0, 0, 0, 1}
Dim Shared As String Key
Dim Shared As camera_type camera

Sub start
  Screenres screenx, screeny, 32,, 2
  glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION
  gluPerspective 35.0, screenx / screeny, .01, 8
  glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW
  glClearColor 0, 0, 0, 1
  glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST 'properly handles overlapping polygons (draw order for layering)
  glEnable GL_LIGHT1
  glLightfv GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, @LightDiffuse(0)
  glEnable GL_LIGHTING
  Randomize Timer
End Sub

Sub show_car (Byval x As Double, Byval y As Double, Byval spin As Double)
            '' Draw two spheres instead of the car
	dim as GLUquadricObj ptr q                                  '' Quadratic For Drawing A Sphere

    q = gluNewQuadric()                          '' Initialize Quadratic
        glColor3b(127,0,0)                      ''set colour red
        gluSphere(q, 0.3, 32, 16)                         '' Draw A Sphere
		glColor3b(0,127,0)                      ''set colour green
        glTranslatef(0, -0.3, 0)                '' move the position
        gluSphere(q, 0.3, 32, 16)                         '' Draw A second Sphere

End Sub

Sub go
  Dim As Double angle
  'coords are set for bird's eye view
  'top left of map is at (0, 0, 0)
  'all parts of map are 1un cubed

  LightPosition(0) = 0
  LightPosition(1) = 0
  LightPosition(2) = -1
  glLightfv GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, @LightPosition(0)
  angle = -Timer * .4
  With camera
    .eye(1) = Cos(angle) * 3
    .eye(2) = Sin(angle) * 3
    .eye(3) = .8
    .see(1) = 0
    .see(2) = 0
    .see(3) = .4
    .up(1) = 0
    .up(2) = 0
    .up(3) = 1
    gluLookat .eye(1), .eye(2), .eye(3), .see(1), .see(2), .see(3), .up(1), .up(2), .up(3)
  End With
  glBegin GL_QUADS
    glColor3d .4, .2, 0
    glNormal3f 0, 0, 1
    glVertex3d -1, -1, 0
    glVertex3d 1,  -1, 0
    glVertex3d 1,  1,  0
    glVertex3d -1, 1,  0
    show_car 0, 0, 0
End Sub

Sub main
    Sleep 10
    Key = Inkey
  Loop Until Key = Chr(27)
End Sub

At least you can see how the spheres are drawn--there is probably a better way to do it. I would not have a clue how to add electrons orbiting!
Posts: 2428
Joined: Jul 19, 2006 19:17
Location: Sunnyvale, CA

Post by KristopherWindsor »

bfuller wrote:OK, after a lot of experimentation, I hacked the Car demo by replacing the contents of the "show car" Subroutine with some code that draws two spheres. Not pretty, but it works.
Ha, I didn't know there was a built-in method for drawing spheres.
Fortunately, I didn't try to make them from polygons yet. xD

If you just want to display a few spheres, you can position and draw them manually without attaching them into an object or linking them. ;-)
Posts: 408
Joined: Feb 01, 2007 16:54
Location: usa

Post by integer »

@ bfuller
after a lot of experimentation ... some code that draws two spheres. Not pretty, but it works.
At least you can see how the spheres are drawn--there is probably a better way to do it.

I would not have a clue how to add electrons orbiting!

from my view: it is beautiful.

There is no need for electron orbits. At the proton/electron scale the charged particles (electrons) no longer follow a smooth elliptical orbit -- and the relative sizes,... etc.
It isn't needed/wanted.

The modifications clarify some of my problems in understanding the manual.
I have done a lot of trial+error experimentation and still can't get the simple pieces to work.
The GLUT book might as well have been written in hieroglyphics, since I do not understand the functional basics. Your demo helps.


If you just want to display a few spheres, you can position and draw them manually without attaching them into an object or linking them.
That is exactly what I'm trying to do, but finding the doorway is at this point very difficult.
It's as if I am at the side of the house searching for the door that is not there.

Any SIMPLE example demo will help me get to the door.
I like what you have done.

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