Roman numeral to integer conversion

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Roman numeral to integer conversion

Post by stylin »

Hello ! In honor of black history month and the superbowl (go Colts), here's a procedure that returns an integer representation of a roman numerical string. Enjoy ! (an integer to roman numerical string procedure is coming shortly..)

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'' Copyright(c) 2007 Laanan Fisher

namespace numeric

	'' Returns true if the string passed represents a valid roman numeral.
	declare function IsValidRomanNumeral (byref n as string) as integer
	'' Returns the integer representation of a roman numerical string.
	'' If the string contains invalid characters, as much of the string will be
	'' interpretted as possible. Upper and lower case roman numerals are
	'' accepted.
	declare function RomanToInteger(byref n as string) as integer

	'' Returns a roman numerical string representation of an integer value.
	declare function IntegerToRoman (n as integer) as string

end namespace

'' numeric-roman.bas
namespace numeric

	'' Returns the integer representation of a roman numerical digit, or
	'' 0 if the digit is not a roman numeral.
	private _
	function RomanDigitToInteger(d as ubyte) as integer
		select case asc(ucase(chr(d)))
		case asc("M") : return 1000
		case asc("D") : return 500
		case asc("C") : return 100
		case asc("L") : return 50
		case asc("X") : return 10
		case asc("V") : return 5
		case asc("I") : return 1
		case else
			return 0
		end select
	end function
	function IsValidRomanNumeral (byref n as string) as integer
		' assume an invalid numeral
		function = 0
		for it as ubyte ptr = @n[0] to @n[len(n) - 1]
			if (0 = RomanDigitToInteger(*it)) then
				exit function
			end if
		function = -1
	end function
	function RomanToInteger (byref n as string) as integer
		dim result as integer = 0
		dim it as ubyte ptr = @n[0]
		while (it <  @n[len(n)])
			' we're at the last digit
			if (it = @n[len(n) - 1]) then
				result += RomanDigitToInteger(*it)
				return result
			end if
			' look ahead in case of 'subtraction principle'
			dim cur as integer = RomanDigitToInteger(*it)
			dim nxt as integer = RomanDigitToInteger(*(it + 1))
			' parse as many valid numerals as possible
			if (0 = cur) then return result
			if (0 = nxt) then return result + cur
			' if we need to apply 'subtraction principle'..
			if (cur < nxt) then
				result += nxt - cur
				it += 2
				result += cur
				it += 1
			end if
		return result
	end function

	function IntegerToRoman (n as integer) as string
		static romanNumeralTable(6) as ubyte = _
		{ asc("M"), asc("D"), asc("C"), asc("L"), asc("X"), asc("V"), asc("I") }

		dim result as string
		dim cur as integer = 0
		while (0 < n)
			dim curValue as integer = RomanDigitToInteger(romanNumeralTable(cur))
			' if we need more than 3 numerals..
			if (3 < (n \ curValue)) then
				' and they're not 'M', use the 'subtraction principle'
				if (0 <> cur) then
					result += chr(romanNumeralTable(cur), romanNumeralTable(cur - 1))
					n -= RomanDigitToInteger(romanNumeralTable(cur - 1)) _
						- curValue
				end if
			' or if we only need 1..
			elseif (1 = (n \ curValue)) then
				' somehow check for subtraction principle of next and previous
				' numeral, eg, VIV -> IX, DCD-> CM
			' or if we need 2 or 3, just add them one by one
			elseif (0 < (n \ curValue)) then
				result += chr(romanNumeralTable(cur))
				n -= curValue
			' else try the next smallest numeral
				cur += 1
			end if
		return result
	end function

end namespace
edit: OK, apparently there are quite a few variations of the conversion over the centuries. The one presented here is the one I learned in school - the letters MDLCXVI, in decreasing order, adjacent letters in increasing order are subtracted, no multiplication with duplicated numerals, etc.

I might refactor to allow different parsing algorithms if anyone really wants the more obscure of them..
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Joined: Nov 06, 2005 5:19

Post by stylin »

Integer to roman numerical string procedure added, first post updated.

The new procedure is not fully optimised yet, eg. 9 converts to 'VIV' instead of 'IX'. Perhaps it might be a nice feature to allow both types of conversions.. OOP to the rescue..
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Post by Mysoft »


i made the same exercice for my freebasic students, and i made one of this too, the code is pretty small, if you want to see i can post the code here, when i found it (is somewhat old) ^^"
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Post by acetoline »

Nice prog.
The roman numerals we were taught were a bit different, but hey.
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Post by Veggiet »

I remember writing one in qbasic when I first learned about roman numerals in school.
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Post by ytwinky »

nice program for my first experiments with namespaces :D
But I think four lines of code are enough for RomanDigitToLong:

Code: Select all

  Private Function RomanDigitToLong(RomanDigit As UByte) As Long
  	Static DecValue(7) As Long={0, 1000, 500, 100, 50, 10, 5, 1}
  	Return DecValue(InStr("MDCLXVI", UCase(Chr(RomanDigit))))
  End Function
tested with the build from yesterday
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Post by counting_pine »

This is great stuff. Let's add the "&R" number format to FreeBASIC!
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