Some Animated Cloud Action, Improved Again!

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Some Animated Cloud Action, Improved Again!

Post by Zamaster »

Okay, I know its sloppy, poorly organized and very inefficient. I powered through this in an hour just for fun. Enjoy, and the texture is seamless too in the event that anybody would have a use for it.

One of the reasons its not very fast is because its employs realtime bi-linear filtering, resampling, smoothing and dynamic interpolation.

Code: Select all

Option Explicit


Const IndSZM  As INTEGER = IndSZ-1

Dim shared as integer Tile(1 To IndSZ, 1 To IndSZ), FinalIMG(1 to FinalSZ, 1 To FinalSZ)
Dim shared as integer PT(1 To 4, 1 To 3, 1 To FinalSZ, 1 To FinalSZ)
Dim shared as integer QuickSelect(1 to 4)
QuickSelect(1) = 1
QuickSelect(2) = 2
QuickSelect(3) = 4
QuickSelect(4) = 8
Sub SmoothNoise()
    Dim as integer x,y
    For y = 1 to IndSZ
        For x = 1 To IndSZ
            Tile(x,y) = int(rnd * 256) - 128
        Next x
    Next y
    dim as integer x1, x2, y1, y2, c, s, m, Temp(1 To IndSZ, 1 To IndSZ)
    For y = 1 to IndSZ
        If y=1 Then 
            y1 = IndSZ
            y2 = 2
        Elseif y=IndSZ then
            y1 = IndSZM
            y2 = 1
            y1 = y-1
            y2 = y+1
        For x = 1 To IndSZ
            If x=1 Then 
                x1 = IndSZ
                x2 = 2
            Elseif x=IndSZ then
                x1 = IndSZM
                x2 = 1
                x1 = x-1
                x2 = x+1
            c = (Tile(x1,y1)+Tile(x2,y1)+Tile(x1,y2)+Tile(x2,y2)) SHR 4
            s = (Tile(x ,y1)+Tile(x2,y )+Tile(x ,y2)+Tile(x1,y )) SHR 3
            m = Tile(x,y) SHR 2
            Temp(x,y) = c+s+m
        Next x
    Next y

    For y=1 To IndSZ:For x=1 To IndSZ:Tile(x,y)=Temp(x,y):Next x:Next y 

End Sub

Sub Resample(byval tle as integer, byval wne as integer, byval amt as double)
    dim as double  fz, fzm, xm, ym, xd, yd, v1,v2,v3,v4,l1,l2
    dim as integer Temp(1 To FinalSZ, 1 To FinalSZ),x,y,xs,ys,f1
    fz  = FinalSZ / amt
    fzm = IndSZ/fz
    ym = 1
    For y = 1 to FinalSZ
        ym += fzm
        If int(ym) = IndSZ+1 Then ym = 1
        ys  = Int(ym)
        yd  = ym-ys
        xm  = 1
        For x = 1 To FinalSZ
            xm += fzm
            If int(xm) = IndSZ+1 Then xm = 1
            xs  = Int(xm)
            xd  = xm-xs
            v1 = Tile(xs,ys)
            If xs >= IndSZ and ys <> IndSZ Then
                v2 = Tile(1   ,ys  )
                v3 = Tile(1   ,ys+1)
                v4 = Tile(xs  ,ys+1)
            Elseif xs >= IndSZ and ys >= IndSZ then
                v2 = Tile(1   ,ys  )
                v3 = Tile(1   ,1   )
                v4 = Tile(xs  ,1   )
            Elseif xs <> IndSZ and ys >= IndSZ Then
                v2 = Tile(xs+1,ys  )
                v3 = Tile(xs+1,1   )
                v4 = Tile(xs  ,1   )
                v2 = Tile(xs+1,ys  )
                v3 = Tile(xs+1,ys+1)
                v4 = Tile(xs  ,ys+1)
            l1 = (v2-v1) * xd + v1
            l2 = (v3-v4) * xd + v4
            f1 = (l2-l1) * yd + l1
            PT(tle,wne,x,y) = f1
        Next x
    Next y  
End Sub

Sub AddToFinal(byval tle2 as integer)
    Dim as integer x,y
    For y=1 To FinalSZ:For x=1 To FinalSZ 
        FinalIMG(x,y)+=(PT(tle2,3,x,y) / QuickSelect(tle2))
        If FinalIMG(x,y)<-128 Then FinalIMG(x,y)=-128
        If FinalIMG(x,y)> 127 Then FinalIMG(x,y)= 127
    Next x:Next y 
End Sub
Sub ResetFinal()
    Dim as integer x,y
    For y=1 To FinalSZ:For x=1 To FinalSZ:FinalIMG(x,y)=0:Next x:Next y 
End Sub

Dim shared as integer EX(0 To 255) 
Sub Exponential()
    Dim as integer c,d,cv
    For cv = 0 To 255
        c = cv-128
        If c<0 Then c=0
        d = 255-((0.95^c)*255)
    Next cv
End Sub

Sub CreateFinal()
    Dim as integer x,y
    For y=1 To FinalSZ
        For x=1 To FinalSZ
        Next x
    Next y 
End Sub

Sub DrawFinal(byval ox as integer, byval oy as integer)
    Dim as integer x,y,c,xx,yy
    For y=1 To FinalSZ
        For x=1 To FinalSZ
            PSET (xx,yy), RGB(c,c,c)
        Next x
    Next y 
End Sub

Sub SwapChannels(byval tle as integer)
    Dim as integer x,y
    For y=1 To FinalSZ
        For x=1 To FinalSZ
            PT(tle,1,x,y) = PT(tle,2,x,y)
        Next x
    Next y 
End Sub

Sub InterpolateChannels(byval tle as integer, byval amt as double)
    Dim as integer x,y, itf
    For y=1 To FinalSZ
        For x=1 To FinalSZ
            PT(tle,3,x,y) = (PT(tle,2,x,y)-PT(tle,1,x,y)) * amt + PT(tle,1,x,y)
        Next x
    Next y 
End Sub

screenres 320,200,32,2,1
screenset 1,0
Randomize Timer
Dim as double  iT(1 to 4), iTs(1 to 4)
Dim as integer i, b
iT(1) = 100: iTs(1)=.001: SmoothNoise: Resample 1,2,1
iT(2) = 100: iTs(2)=.002: SmoothNoise: Resample 2,2,2
iT(3) = 100: iTs(3)=.005: SmoothNoise: Resample 3,2,4
iT(4) = 100: iTs(4)=.010: SmoothNoise: Resample 4,2,8

    b = 0
    If multikey(&H39) Then b = 1
    For i = 1 To 4
        If iT(i) >= 1 Then
            iT(i) = 0
            SwapChannels i
            Resample i,2,QuickSelect(i)
            If b = 1 Then
                iT(i) += iTs(i)*10
                iT(i) += iTs(i)
            InterpolateChannels i, iT(i)
        AddToFinal i
    Next i
    Locate 13,3: Print "FAUX ClOUDS -->"
    Line (155,32)-(284,161),&HFFFF00,B
    Line (156,33)-(283,160),rgb(100,120,255),B
    DrawFinal 155,32

Loop until multikey(&h01)

Last edited by Zamaster on Dec 31, 2006 21:32, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by n00b »

Thats pretty cool. And what do you mean by sloppy, poorly organized, and inefficient. Thats some of the cleaness code I have seen in a long time. (Probally because the only code I have seen lately is mine)
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Post by anonymous1337 »

Zamaster. You think ANY code that isn't full of 100 GOTOs is spaghetti code, for whatever reason. Did you use any GOTO's at all? Trust me, GOTO's are your inefficiencies. Anyways, lemme actually run this code.

That's very nice looking code, actually. However, what's it's speed? It took a fair while over here for changes to be made. I see no sleep so I imagine it's just not as fast as it could be. Perhaps what you meant by it's inefficiency?

Wow. Those clouds are amazing. I had no idea that clouds could even be rendered with that little code.
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Post by Zamaster »

Its not changing very fast partially because its sposed to, try holding down the spacebar : )
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Post by cha0s »

it's cool, the alpha makes them look fluffy...
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Post by KristopherWindsor »

I notice the program tries to run in full screen, but it can't for me, so it runs in a window. Can other people see this in full-screen?
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Post by anonymous1337 »

KristopherWindsor wrote:I notice the program tries to run in full screen, but it can't for me, so it runs in a window. Can other people see this in full-screen?
You probably don't support 320 x 200 resolution.
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Post by badmrbox »

Yeah, it's probably like that. It runs in fullscreen for me and I no prob with 320x200. The program looks nice -the clouds looks like clouds and it runs in a good speed. I would also say that the code looks good to :)
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Post by E.K.Virtanen »

Cool one.
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Post by Zamaster »

I said what I did about the code because I planned it badly. I didnt take into account how the cloud cover would morph while I was creating the method to generate them. So I ended up using the slowest combination of methods to draw the clouds >_<. The algorithm re-samples smaller images to create a smoother cloud cover, they morph by generating similar large bitmaps in which the original maps interpolate to. If I had thought about it before I started coding, I wouldve cut out the re-sampling and just gone straight perlin noise bitmaps. Than just lowered the octaves in each successive layer. Ah well, it still works, just not as well as I had hoped.
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Post by Veggiet »

very cool :) would be cool if you mapped it onto a globe
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Post by Zamaster »

not a bad idea, ill see if it still doesnt yutz along at 2 fps or something If I ceiling map it.
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Post by Zamaster »

Okay, just for kicks, heres a serene little scene with ceiling mapped faux clouds... and FAUX BUSHES!!!!

^^^^download link^^^^
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Post by Dr_D »

That's pretty damn cool man! I like that little scene. ;)
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Post by acetoline »

That is a VERY neat effect. I'm definitely going to use that at some point in the future. I hope you don't mind ;)
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