FBC command list?

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FBC command list?

Post by Rattrapmax6 »

I noticed there is a long list of options that come up after calling the FBC.exe with the commandline. But, as it scrolls down, the top part of it gets cut off.. How do I get it to show?.. or is there anywhere I can get a copy of the list?
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Post by D.J.Peters »

click here

in console mode you can do this

fbc | more

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Joined: May 27, 2005 12:11

Post by helpy »

Und Windows in the command window:

Code: Select all

fbc >fbc_help.txt
Open the file fbc_help.txt and you will get:

Code: Select all

Usage: fbc [options] inputlist

inputlist:    xxx.a = library, xxx.o = object, xxx.bas = source
              xxx.rc = resource script, xxx.res = compiled resource

-a <name>     Add an object file to linker's list
-arch <type>  Set target architecture (default: 486)
-b <name>     Add a source file to compilation
-c            Compile only, do not link
-d <name=val> Add a preprocessor's define
-dll          Same as -dylib
-dylib        Create a DLL, including the import library
-e            Add error checking
-ex           Add error checking with RESUME support
-exx          Same as above plus array bounds and null-pointer checking
-export       Export symbols for dynamic linkage
-g            Add debug info
-i <name>     Add a path to search for include files
-l <name>     Add a library file to linker's list
-lib          Create a static library
-m <name>     Main file w/o ext, the entry point (def: 1st .bas on list)
-map <name>   Save the linking map to file name
-mt           Link with thread-safe runtime library
-nodeflibs    Do not include the default libraries
-noerrline    Do not show source line where error occured
-o <name>     Set output name (in the same number as source files)
-p <name>     Add a path to search for libraries
-profile      Enable function profiling
-r            Do not delete the asm file(s)
-s <name>     Set subsystem (gui, console)
-t <value>    Set stack size in kbytes (default: 1M)
-target <name> Cross-compile to: dos linux xbox
-v            Be verbose
-version      Show compiler version
-x <name>     Set executable/library name
-w <value>    Set min warning level
cu, helpy
Posts: 334
Joined: May 29, 2005 1:45
Location: At my Computer

Post by Rattrapmax6 »

^_^.. Aye, thanks!
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