I stick to my opinion, it's dirty programming
something just a little bit more acceptable in my opinion would be to use the FasmDLL
years ago I made a test, 32-bit only
you will need to change the path of the FasmDLL in line 179 to wherever you placed it
Code: Select all
#Include "Windows.Bi"
#Include "Crt.Bi"
' the following structure resides at the beginning of memory block provided
' to the fasm_assemble function. the condition field contains the same value
' as the one returned by function.
' when function returns fasm_ok condition, the output_length and
' output_data fields are filled - with pointer to generated output
' (somewhere within the provided memory block) and the count of bytes stored
' there.
' when function returns fasm_error, the error_code is filled with the
' code of specific error that happened and error_line is a pointer to the
' line_header structure, providing information about the line that caused
' the error.
Type Fasm_State
As Integer Condition
As Integer Output_Length
As Integer Error_Code
End Union
As Any Ptr Output_Data
As Any Ptr Error_Line
End Union
End Type
' the following structure has two variants - it either defines the line
' that was loaded directly from source, or the line that was generated by
' macroinstruction. first case has the highest bit of line_number set to 0,
' while the second case has this bit set.
' in the first case, the file_path field contains pointer to the path of
' source file (empty string if it's the source that was provided directly to
' fasm_assemble function), the line_number is the number of line within
' that file (starting from 1) and the file_offset field contains the offset
' within the file where the line starts.
' in the second case the macro_calling_line field contains the pointer to
' line_header structure for the line which called the macroinstruction, and
' the macro_line field contains the pointer to line_header structure for the
' line within the definition of macroinstruction, which generated this one.
Type Line_Header
As Integer File_Path
As Integer Line_Number
As Integer File_Offset
As Integer Macro_Calling_Line
End Union
As Integer Macro_Line
End Type
' General Errors And Conditions
Function Fasm_Error(Byval Error_Code As Integer) As String
Select Case Error_Code
Case 0
Return "Fasm Ok"
Case 1
Return "Fasm Working"
Case 2
Return "Fasm Error"
Case -1
Return "Fasm Invalid Parameter"
Case -2
Return "Fasm Out Of Memory"
Case -3
Return "Fasm Stack Overflow"
Case -4
Return "Fasm Source Not Found"
Case -5
Return "Fasm Unexpected End Of Source"
Case -6
Return "Fasm Cannot Generate Code"
Case -7
Return "Fasm Format Limitations Excedded"
Case -8
Return "Fasm Write Failed"
' Error Codes For Fasm Error Condition
Case -101
Return "Fasm error: File Not Found"
Case -102
Return "Fasm error: Error Reading File"
Case -103
Return "Fasm error: Invalid File Format"
Case -104
Return "Fasm error: Invalid Macro Arguments"
Case -105
Return "Fasm error: Incomplete Macro"
Case -106
Return "Fasm error: Unexpected Characters"
Case -107
Return "Fasm error: Invalid Argument"
Case -108
Return "Fasm error: Illegal Instruction"
Case -109
Return "Fasm error: Invalid Operand"
Case -110
Return "Fasm error: Invalid Operand Size"
Case -111
Return "Fasm error: Operand Size Not Specified"
Case -112
Return "Fasm error: Operand Sizes Do Not Match"
Case -113
Return "Fasm error: Invalid Address Size"
Case -114
Return "Fasm error: Address Sizes Do Not Agree"
Case -115
Return "Fasm error: Disallowed Combination Of Registers"
Case -116
Return "Fasm error: Long Immediate Not Encodable"
Case -117
Return "Fasm error: Relative Jump Out Of Range"
Case -118
Return "Fasm error: Invalid Expression"
Case -119
Return "Fasm error: Invalid Address"
Case -120
Return "Fasm error: Invalid Value"
Case -121
Return "Fasm error: Value Out Of Range"
Case -122
Return "Fasm error: Undefined Symbol"
Case -123
Return "Fasm error: Invalid Use Of Symbol"
Case -124
Return "Fasm error: Name Too Long"
Case -125
Return "Fasm error: Invalid Name"
Case -126
Return "Fasm error: Reserved Word Used As Symbol"
Case -127
Return "Fasm error: Symbol Already Defined"
Case -128
Return "Fasm error: Missing End Quote"
Case -129
Return "Fasm error: Missing End Directive"
Case -130
Return "Fasm error: Unexpected Instruction"
Case -131
Return "Fasm error: Extra Characters On Line"
Case -132
Return "Fasm error: Section Not Aligned Enough"
Case -133
Return "Fasm error: Setting Already Specified"
Case -134
Return "Fasm error: Data Already Defined"
Case -135
Return "Fasm error: Too Many Repeats"
Case -136
Return "Fasm error: Symbol Out Of Scope"
Case -140
Return "Fasm error: User Error"
Case -141
Return "Fasm error: Assertion Failed"
End Select
End Function
#Define Lf Chr(10)
#Define Cr Chr(13)
Dim Fasm_Getversion As Function Stdcall () As Integer
Dim Fasm_Assemble As Function Stdcall _
(Byval Lpsource As Any Ptr, _
Byval Lpmemory As Any Ptr, _
Byval Cbmemorysize As Integer, _
Byval Npasslimit As Integer, _
Byval Hdisplaypipe As Any Ptr ) As Integer
Dim Fasm_Assemblefile As Function Stdcall _
(Byval Lpsourcefile As Any Ptr, _
Byval Lpmemory As Any Ptr, _
Byval Cbmemorysize As Integer, _
Byval Npasslimit As Integer, _
Byval Hdisplaypipe As Any Ptr ) As Integer
Dim As Any Ptr Library
'Library = Dylibload("F:\FreeBASIC Programs\fasmDLL\DEMO\FASM" )
Library = Dylibload("D:\MyDocuments\FreeBASIC Programs\fasmDLL\DEMO\FASM.DLL" )
If( Library = 0 ) Then
Print "Cannot Load The Fasm Dynamic Library, Aborting Program..."
Print "Press Return To End ";
Fasm_Getversion = Dylibsymbol( Library, "fasm_GetVersion")
If Fasm_Getversion = 0 Then
Print "Cannot Get Fasm_Getversion Function Address From Fasm Library, Aborting Program..."
Print "Press Return To End ";
End 1
End If
Fasm_Assemble = Dylibsymbol( Library, "fasm_Assemble")
If Fasm_Assemble = 0 Then
Print "Cannot Get Fasm_Assemble Function Address From Fasm Library, Aborting Program..."
Print "Press Return To End ";
End 1
End If
Fasm_Assemblefile = Dylibsymbol( Library, "fasm_AssembleFile")
If Fasm_Assemblefile = 0 Then
Print "Cannot Get Fasm_Assemblefile Function Address From Fasm Library, Aborting Program..."
Print "Press Return To End ";
End 1
End If
End If
Dim Asm_Source As Zstring Ptr = Allocate(1024)
Dim Buffer As Fasm_State Ptr = Allocate(8388608)
Dim Line_Error As Line_Header Ptr
Dim Machine_Code As Any Ptr
Dim As Integer Result
Dim As Integer I
Dim Myfunction As Function Cdecl() As Integer
*Asm_Source+="Org 100H"+Lf
*Asm_Source+="Mov Eax,100"+Lf
*Asm_Source+="Add Eax,20"+Lf
*Asm_Source+="Ret"+Lf 'Of Myfunction Is Changed To Double Then It Returns Pi
Result=Fasm_Assemble(Asm_Source, Buffer,8388608,100,0)
Print "Buffer->Condition = ";Buffer->Condition
If Buffer->Condition=0 Then
Print "Buffer->Output_Length = ";Buffer->Output_Length
If Result=0 Then
Machine_Code=Virtualalloc(Null, Buffer->Output_Length, Mem_Commit, Page_Execute_Readwrite)
?"Machine_Code = ";Machine_Code
Memcpy(Machine_Code, Buffer->Output_Data, Buffer->Output_Length)
For I=0 To Buffer->Output_Length-1
'Poke ubyte,(Machine_Code+I),peek(ubyte,@Buffer->Output_Data+i)
Print hex(peek(ubyte,Buffer->Output_Data+i),2)
Print "Asm Source"
Print *Asm_Source
Print "Machine Code ";
For I=0 To Buffer->Output_Length-1
Print Hex(Peek(Ubyte,Machine_Code+I),2);" ";
Print "Result Of Myfunction = ";
Print Myfunction()
End If
ElseIf Buffer->Condition=2 Then
Print Fasm_Error(Buffer->Error_Code);" In Line ";Line_Error->Line_Number
End If
'Another Way Of Calling The Asm Code
If Buffer->Condition=0 Then
Call [Machine_Code]
Mov [I],Eax
End Asm
End If
Print "Result From Calling Machine Code = ";I
Print "Press Return To End ";
Buffer->Condition = 0
Buffer->Output_Length = 9
Machine_Code = 83165184
Asm Source
Org 100H
Mov Eax,100
Add Eax,20
Machine Code B8 64 00 00 00 83 C0 14 C3
Result Of Myfunction = 120
Press Return To End