Adapting to change

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Re: Adapting to change

Post by dodicat »

I filled the boxes-INTP
The personality type descriptions I think are a bit vague, like some poetry, you could fit pretty much anything into it.
However the $14.99 to upgrade to a better personality is clear enough.
Thanks deltarho{} for the fun test.
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by deltarho[1859] »

Carl Jung published his typology way back in 1921. It got a significant overhaul with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) by the mother and daughter team Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers. MBTI was introduced in 1962 after many years of development and subject to further development since. The four-letter code, INTP for example, is a MBTI.

With such a long history many tests are now available with some lengthy ones giving more detailed descriptions.

I took a lengthy test a few years ago, taking over 45 minutes producing a 20-page report. It was a paid for report, $39, before I took the test, but is now free. They don't even ask for our email address: personalitymax

This at the top of my report:


As you can I am very strongly introverted. BasicCoder2 and dodicat are also INTP. I dont think that it is possible to be 100% introverted, and if it was, that would be exceedingly rare. When it comes to making judgements, my comfort zone is thinking. BasicCoder2 or dodicat may have a higher Thinking metric than me. Having a function percentage gives us the opportunity for a closer description.

What we have is a Dominant function, an Auxiliary function, a Tertiary function and an Inferior function.

The inferior function is primitive. As a teenager, I remember a news correspondent on television asking a witness to a traumatic event how they felt. I thought that was a really stupid question. There was only one way someone would feel. I was wrong. I learnt a few years later that some people can experience several feelings at the same time. They can juggle more than one ball at a time. Their feelings were 'coming in' asynchronously. Having feeling as the Inferior function saw me with one feeling at a time, juggling just the one ball at a time. My feelings were 'coming in' synchronously.

Before making an important feeling judgement, I have found asking a feeling type for their opinion a worthwhile exercise. Conversely, we won't find many feeling types asking the opinion of a thinking type.

Only five members have reported test results so far in this thread. That is too small a sample to draw conclusions, but I cannot help notice that all are introverts. It has always bugged me that there is greater feedback amongst PowerBASIC members than FreeBASIC members. The US population is more extroverted than Europe - 61% compared with 50% in the UK, for example. More telling may be that commercial coders may be more extroverted than hobbyist coders. I doubt that I have the answer, but I may be getting closer.

Here is an example report by There is a lot in that report, and some of you may be surprised how detailed it is.
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by deltarho[1859] »

In the table above, we have Judging/Perceiving. They were introduced by Myers-Briggs. They are not what you may think they are.: Judging versus Perceiving.

My perceiving dominates, and by quite a margin. That has me off to a tee. I was surprised at the high value of Judging.

An extroverted Auxiliary function is an interesting one. When we meet such a type, our first impression is we are meeting someone with the Auxiliary function as dominant because they are extroverting the Auxiliary function. With an introverted Auxiliary function, we see the dominant function, which is extroverted. With an extroverted dominant function, 'what we see is what we get'.

It takes a little longer to 'fathom out' introverts because we see the 'second in command' and not the 'commander in chief' and there you were thinking that typology was easy. :)
Lost Zergling
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by Lost Zergling »

Your Personality Type is INTP (Engineer) Introverted (I) + Intuitive (N) + Thinking (T) + Perceiving (P)
Strength of Lost's Preferences
Your Temperament is NT (Intellectual) Intuitive (N) + Thinking (T)
Extraversion 21% - Introversion 79%
Sensing 5% - Intuition 95%
Thinking 53% - Feeling 47%
Judging 16% - Perceiving 84%

nb : I think I may be close to INFP (dreamers) because thinking & feeling are close to equilibrium
I suspect some bias (english not mother language, musicians in my family making appreciations on myself more humble than average) ... 93340345ed
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by deltarho[1859] »

@Lost Zergling

I don't know what the statistics are, but I should imagine that the very near balance of Thinking and Feeling is not common.

Your typology is close to INFP and getting close to a neighbouring typology should be fairly common, but I don't know what the probability of that is either.

The Intuition value of 95% is "somewhat high" and noted in the link. I am also an INTP with an Intuition value of 58% but still noted as "somewhat high"; but in your rearview mirror. There is quite a lot on the internet examining Extroverted Intuition.

Although we are both INTPs my guess is that you are a 'nicer' INTP than I am. My Introversion of 95% is very high, and my Feeling value is low at 11%.

Thanks for posting your profile - that was interesting. :wink:
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by Lost Zergling »

Yes, that was really instructive for me.
The 'Enneagram' is explaining almost perfectly my behaviour in some circumstances :
4w3 : sharing idea because my désire being recognised
4w5 : attracted by original work and ready to achieve intellectual effort when necessary to défend my thought.
I got the type 4 :P

Second point I do much better understand how I'm proceeding :
Sounds like I have a well balanced mind between :
- thinking & feeling
- left and right
- learning méthodes
- IQ dispatching between abilities
So it seems to be intended to be versatile, then it is send to 'extraverted intuition'

Third point which probably is the most instructive is the exemple you gave and some comparaisons and understandings I can havearound it.
What is evaluated is what I would call 'main default mode of thinking' but spirit can move to adjacent abilities.
I strongly suspect an ability to move to 'introverted intuition' and 'extraverted feelings' as second onewhen I'm ragging...
I consider using extraverted feelings for personnal interest is an ethic fault so it shall only be reserved for the best human can produce which is NOT ideology.
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by deltarho[1859] »

@Lost Zergling

It looks like Jung's typology is working for you, and the personalitymax test was a worthwhile venture.

I think that it is a worthwhile venture for anyone but getting an extrovert to take it would be a bit of a struggle. :)

Having a better understanding of our own personality must be beneficial in our dealings with others. It would be good to know that a clash with someone may be our fault, giving us an opportunity to do something about it. In other words, remove the plank from our own eye. We may not be able to do that, but we may be able to reduce its size. Of course, we could not do that if we did not know the plank existed. :)
Lost Zergling
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by Lost Zergling »

I think maybe with age and expérience of life we tend to be more and more introverted as well as according less importance to feeling and more to 'thinking'. This might be a reflex of defense against the accumulation of outside offenses : lies, love deceptions, social trahisons, business fails, professional stress, death of loved ones, and so on.
A personality test might be a bit like a photography, at a moment.
Why spirit should necessarily be static or unique ? Sounds like a médiocre vision of being.
I wonder how people with several personae (schizophrènes or related) would be analysed or detected by personality tests
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by deltarho[1859] »

Lost Zergling wrote:I think maybe with age and expérience of life we tend to be more and more introverted...
I am not sure that we do. I think as we get older, we have a tendency to become more introspective. In psychology, introspection has been considered in its own right and is not one of Jung's metrics.
Lost Zergling
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by Lost Zergling »

Sounds like introspective + extraversion would requires serious defenses...
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by deltarho[1859] »

In coding terms, I like to think of extraversion/introversion as global and introspection as local. :)
Lost Zergling
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by Lost Zergling »

I see your point. I'm not sure the wall between introspection and introversion is so easy to set up.
The more the introversion the less necessary the defense to protect your mind from ie INFJ extraverted feelings.
One needs to keep safe from others 'judgments', not meaning take no account just meaning keep safe.
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by deltarho[1859] »

One example of introspection is meditation.

I have eight mp4s for meditation. The ones that I use most are designed to remove all negative blocks which most of us suffer from time to time.

When listening, I like to imagine that I am travelling through a wormhole to a McDonald's on the other side of the Milky Way. :)

Breathing correctly is important, and I use the method by Dr Michael Mosley; that is the 4(inhale)/2(hold)/4(exhale) method. Some think that this is a new idea, but it isn't - it is hatha yoga and I have used it for over 50 years. I found it especially useful in heavy traffic. I use my own technique for the exhalation part.

This was mentioned at PowerBASIC some years ago, but everyone thought it rubbish. It isn't - it is like removing useless files from a hard drive and then defragmenting it.

Sometimes I go to bed late and know that it will probably take some time to fall asleep. I have mp4s which use delta brain waves to get me into the right frame of mind for a good sleep.

If anyone is interested, just shout, and I'll knock out a post to set you up.
Lost Zergling
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by Lost Zergling »

Your approach is respectable, thank you for sharing ideas.
My opinion is that the path that one finds oneself is to be favored.
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Re: Adapting to change

Post by deltarho[1859] »

Lost Zergling wrote:My opinion is that the path that one finds oneself is to be favored.
Can you elaborate on that - I don't understand.
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