I have successfully installed FreeBasic under Linux (bullseye) on multiple Raspberry Pi 4 and 3B units trying to sort my issue.
Raspi-config has Serial Console disabled, Serial enabled, /boot/config.txt has enable_uart=1 and dtoverlay=disable-bt
using a USB to Serial dongle, my code works as intended sending data to a led matrix message board. The command
Code: Select all
put #comport,,content
I am trying eliminate the USB to Serial dongle and use a TTL to RS232 converter connected to GPio pins 14 and 15 (uart_Tx, uart_Rx)
The target device uses only Gnd and Tx lines so I actually need a single Gpio pin configured (GPIO 14) to allow /dev/ttyAMA0 to pass the data
My problem is that I know little to nothing about wiringPi or PiGpio and how to activate the pins properly.
The more online tutorials I read or watch, the more confused this becomes to me.
Using FreeBasic;
what #include <filename> do I use?
what directory do I place the <filename> in?
how and where to configure/setup/declare the (GPIO14, Output)