They are part of a bigger framework, but they can be used standalone as well, so here they are. Collections included:
- Array
- List
- Doubly Linked List
- Dictionary (aka Hash Table or Associative Array)
- Priority Queue (ascending and descending)
StackUnordered map (like an Array but the order of the elements is not guaranteed to be contiguous)
Code: Select all
template( List, of string ) '' Templates a list of strings
template( Dictionary, of string, of string ) '' Templates a dictionary that associates strings to strings
Code: Select all
#include once "../inc/"
'' This is how you template them for basic data types
'' Templates a list of strings
template( List, string )
'' Templates a dictionary that associates a string to a number
template( Dictionary, of integer, of string )
'' More advanced templating can be done also. This templates a dictionary that
'' associates lists of strings to a string.
template( Dictionary, of string, of List( of string ) )
sub show( l as List( of string ) ptr )
if( l <> 0 ) then
for i as integer = 0 to l->count - 1
? ( *l )[ i ]
? "Not found!"
end if
end sub
dim as string items( ... ) = { _
"Pears", "Apples", "Milk", "Meat", "Paul", "Jane" }
var d = Dictionary( of string, of List( of string ) )
d.add( "fruits", new List( of( string ) )->add( items( 0 ) ).add( items( 1 ) ) )
d.add( "groceries", new List( of( string ) )->add( items( 2 ) ).add( items( 3 ) ) )
d.add( "people", new List( of( string ) )->add( items( 4 ) ).add( items( 5 ) ) )
? "Fruits:"
show( d[ "fruits" ] )
? "Groceries:"
show( d[ "groceries" ] )
? "People:"
show( d[ "people" ] )
? "Whatever:"
show( d[ "whatever" ] )
This trait is important when working with some collections like the Priority Queue, so pay attention and you won't have any troubles.
A small set of examples is included in the repo, but I can add more as requested. Any comments (especially bug reports) are appreciated and encouraged.