Extensible ForEach iterator

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Extensible ForEach iterator

Post by shadow008 »

Requires most recent freebasic compiler 1.20 Pick up a copy here (find your applicable distro, get latest at least 6/17): https://users.freebasic-portal.de/stw/builds/win64/

Many have been written before, but none have been properly extensible like this one. Trivially extend any UDT to have ForEach iteration with a neat BASIC-esque syntax fully parsed with preprocessor shenaigans. Feel free to use it however you wish. I present (probably) the most comprehensive ForEach macro in Freebasic (examples are at the bottom):

Code: Select all

#ifndef ForEach_bi
#define ForEach_bi

'The ultimate FOREACH iterator macro in FreeBasic!

'Usage is like so:

'FOREACH <positional argument 1>, [positional argument 2, 3, 4] <in iterator> [with index as integer [= number]]

'Each positional argument can be declared as either pattern:
'var item
'item as type

'FOREACH var key, value as float, thing as UDT, otherThing as string in bigType with i as integer = 0
'    key, value, thing, otherThing will be the
'    resultant iterated items from variable "bigType"
'    i will represent the index into "bigType".
'    i may not be uniformly incremental depending on your implementation of ForEachNextArg0

'See more examples at the bottom of the code

'User must define the following functions in a UDT with the following features:


'declare function ForEachNextArg0(byref as integer, as <some_type> ptr) as <some_type> ptr

' - First argument is the BYREF index that will be passed in by the macro.
'   The index will start at 0 unless specified by the user.
'   Since it is byref, this function may modify the index as needed
'   for example to pass over empty items in a sparse array.

' - Second argument is a pointer to the previous iteration's first positional argument.
'   If you wish to do:
'   foreach item as string in list
'   then the "type" of the first positional argument is type of 'string' 
'   and you will do "function ForEachNextArg0(..., item as string ptr) as string ptr

' - Returns the pointer type of the first positional type in the foreach iterator.
'   This must be the same type as the second argument.
'   If the return is 0, the foreach loop terminates.  This function MUST conditionally
'   return a null (0) pointer, no subsequent pointers are checked for null.
'   If this function returns a non-null pointer, all subsequent ForEachNextArg functions
'   must also return a non-null pointer.

'declare function ForEachNextArg1(as integer, as <some_type> ptr) as <some_type> ptr
'  - First argument is the index resulting from ForEachNextArg0 call
'  - Second argument is a pointer to the previous iteration's second positional argument
'  - Returns a pointer to the "next item", whatever that is.

'declare function ForEachNextArg2(as integer, as <some_type> ptr) as <some_type> ptr
'declare function ForEachNextArg3(as integer, as <some_type> ptr) as <some_type> ptr
'  - See above for details


'The keywords I'm using to denote where the
'iterator is and where the index is

'Extracts out a variable token from a _STATEMENT and

	'Undefine it so we can re-use this macro multiple times
	'Determine if the statement is of the pattern "var blah" (vs "blah as type")
		'Extract the token to the right of the "var"
		'Extract the token to the left of the "as"
		'Extract out the type (tokens to the right of "as")

'Extract out the initial variables (a as integer, b as integer ...)

'Extract out if there is an optional index (... with i as integer)
	'Extract anything after a "with" keyword
	'Check that whatever is after a with actually exists
	#define _FOREACH_HAS_INDEX __FB_IIF__(__FB_QUOTE__(_FOREACH_INDEX) <> "", 1, 0)
		'Note that janky hanging quotation mark, it's necessary
		'This is due to the fact that the args themselves are entirely
		'quoted, and this __FB_ARG_LEFTOF__ will chop off the right quotation mark
		'so we gotta slap it back on.
		'I couldn't figure out a way to make it more readable so enjoy the jank
		'There is no optional index, so the args get effectively passed as-is

'Extract out the variable being iterated over
	'Everything after the word "in" (excluding an optional index)
	'Again, that hanging quotation mark

'Get the terms using the extracted variables
'dim a as integer
'var b
	'Create a token for the shadow pointer variable

'Defines the index
		'Create the index symbol as _VARIABLE_IDINDEX
		'We declared something like "i as integer" so here's where
		'it gets defined
		dim _INDEX_ARG
		'We also need the correct internal index
		'We need to set up the internal indexes
		'(these names suck)
		dim _FOREACH_INTERNAL_INDEX as integer = 0

	'Scope block of the entire foreach iteration
	'Extract the optional index
	'Extract the variable we're iterating over
	'Define the index, either using the optionally supplied one
	'or the internally named one


	'Declare the variable terms based on number of arguments
		#error Unsupported number of arguments ##_FOREACH_VARIABLE_COUNT, only supports 1 to 4 arguments
	'Using a fallthrough pattern here
		'Declare the first argument's terms

		'Explicitly declare the shadow pointer as the return
		'value of the next argument function
		dim _FOREACHPTR##_FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID0 as typeof(_FOREACH_ITERATOR.ForEachNextArg0(*cast(typeof(_FOREACH_VARIABLE_IDINDEX) ptr, 0), 0))
		'Ensure that the user supplied type is actually correct
		#if _FOREACH_IS_VAR0 = 0 ANDALSO typeof(_FOREACHPTR##_FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID0) <> typeof(any ptr)
				'Surely there's a better way than splitting this
				'into three different error messages
				#error Invalid assignment/conversion at Argument 1 of FORNEXT:
				#error _FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID0 is not type 
				#error typeof(*_FOREACHPTR##_FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID0)

		dim _FOREACHPTR##_FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID1 as typeof(_FOREACH_ITERATOR.ForEachNextArg1(*cast(typeof(_FOREACH_VARIABLE_IDINDEX) ptr, 0), 0))
		'Ensure that the user supplied type is actually correct
		#if _FOREACH_IS_VAR1 = 0 ANDALSO typeof(_FOREACHPTR##_FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID1) <> typeof(any ptr)
				'Surely there's a better way than splitting this
				'into three different error messages
				#error Invalid assignment/conversion at Argument 2 of FORNEXT:
				#error _FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID1 is not type 
				#error typeof(*_FOREACHPTR##_FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID1)

		dim _FOREACHPTR##_FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID2 as typeof(_FOREACH_ITERATOR.ForEachNextArg2(*cast(typeof(_FOREACH_VARIABLE_IDINDEX) ptr, 0), 0))
		'Ensure that the user supplied type is actually correct
		#if _FOREACH_IS_VAR2 = 0 ANDALSO typeof(_FOREACHPTR##_FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID2) <> typeof(any ptr)
				'Surely there's a better way than splitting this
				'into three different error messages
				#error Invalid assignment/conversion at Argument 3 of FORNEXT:
				#error _FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID2 is not type 
				#error typeof(*_FOREACHPTR##_FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID2)

		dim _FOREACHPTR##_FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID3 as typeof(_FOREACH_ITERATOR.ForEachNextArg3(*cast(typeof(_FOREACH_VARIABLE_IDINDEX) ptr, 0), 0))
		'Ensure that the user supplied type is actually correct
		#if _FOREACH_IS_VAR3 = 0 ANDALSO typeof(_FOREACHPTR##_FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID3) <> typeof(any ptr)
				'Surely there's a better way than splitting this
				'into three different error messages
				#error Invalid assignment/conversion at Argument 4 of FORNEXT:
				#error _FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID3 is not type 
				#error typeof(*_FOREACHPTR##_FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID3)
	'Start the loop
	while 1

	'Using a fallthrough pattern here
		'First ForEachNext.. return value determines whether or not
		'the rest of the loop is executed
		'Similarly, if arg0 is evaluated as non-null, then all subsequent
		'arguments are assumed to also be non-null
			exit while
		end if
		'Set up the user facing variable
			#if typeof(_FOREACHPTR##_FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID0) = typeof(any ptr)
				'Catch incomplete type errors
				#error Incomplete type,
				#error _FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID0 cannot be set to the "any" type
				#error change return type of procedure _FOREACH_ITERATOR.ForEachNextArg0 or explicitly specify type
		'Note that we actually pass the old index value (_FOREACH_VARIABLE_IDINDEX)
		'to the subsequent NextArg functions as opposed to the one passed
		'to the first function (_FOREACH_INTERNAL_INDEX), this is because
		'the index will be properly updated in the NextArg0 function,
		'and these all need to be given the original index.
			#if typeof(_FOREACHPTR##_FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID1) = typeof(any ptr)
				'Catch incomplete type errors
				#error Incomplete type,
				#error _FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID1 cannot be set to the "any" type
				#error change return type of procedure _FOREACH_ITERATOR.ForEachNextArg1 or explicitly specify type
			#if typeof(_FOREACHPTR##_FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID2) = typeof(any ptr)
				'Catch incomplete type errors
				#error Incomplete type,
				#error _FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID2 cannot be set to the "any" type
				#error change return type of procedure _FOREACH_ITERATOR.ForEachNextArg2 or explicitly specify type
			#if typeof(_FOREACHPTR##_FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID3) = typeof(any ptr)
				'Catch incomplete type errors
				#error Incomplete type,
				#error _FOREACH_VARIABLE_ID3 cannot be set to the "any" type
				#error change return type of procedure _FOREACH_ITERATOR.ForEachNextArg3 or explicitly specify type
		'Keep the user facing index on the previous loops value
		'This is what the user expects, as the alternative is seeing
		'the index as +1 per iteration.
		'This also works with the internal variables as I reused
		'the _FOREACH_VARIABLE_IDINDEX token to just be an integer
		'if an index wasn't explicitly declared
	'Increment the internal index past our item
	'All set!

'The ? allows the parenthesis to be optional
#macro FOREACH ? (ARGS...)

	#if __FB_ARG_COUNT__(ARGS) < 1
		#error "Insufficient arguments, expected FOREACH( <[variable as type | var variable], ...> <in iterator> [: index as integer] )"



	end scope


'A test of the max positional arguments
type MultiListType

	const count as integer = 2
	dim x(count) as string
	dim y(count) as integer
	dim z(count) as single ptr
	dim a(count) as any ptr
	declare function ForEachNextArg0(byref i as integer, a as string ptr) as string ptr	
	declare function ForEachNextArg1(i as integer, b as integer ptr) as integer ptr
	declare function ForEachNextArg2(i as integer, c as single ptr ptr) as single ptr ptr
	declare function ForEachNextArg3(i as integer, d as any ptr) as any ptr ptr
end type

function MultiListType.ForEachNextArg0(byref i as integer, a as string ptr) as string ptr
	if i > count then
		return 0
	end if
	return @this.x(i)
end function

function MultiListType.ForEachNextArg1(i as integer, b as integer ptr) as integer ptr
	return @this.y(i)
end function

function MultiListType.ForEachNextArg2(i as integer, c as single ptr ptr) as single ptr ptr
	return @this.z(i)
end function

function MultiListType.ForEachNextArg3(i as integer, d as any ptr) as any ptr ptr
	return @this.a(i)
end function

type DictionaryType
	const count as integer = 9
	dim keys(count) as string
	dim vals(count) as single
	declare function ForEachNextArg0(byref i as integer, key as string ptr) as string ptr
	declare function ForEachNextArg1(i as integer, value as single ptr) as single ptr
end type

function DictionaryType.ForEachNextArg0(byref i as integer, key as string ptr) as string ptr
	'Search for the next item in the sparse array
	while i <= this.count ANDALSO this.keys(i) = ""
		'Increment the index, this is BYREF!!!
		'Thus the changes will be visible outside this function
		i += 1
	'Return if we've gone over every item
	if i > this.count then
		return 0
	end if
	'Return our item
	return @this.keys(i)
end function

function DictionaryType.ForEachNextArg1(i as integer, val as single ptr) as single ptr
	'Index is the same as was passed onto from ForNextArg0
	print "index: ";i
	return @this.vals(i)
end function

type ErasedType
	const count as integer = 4
	'Pretend this uses actual type erasure...
	dim array1(sizeof(string) * count) as ubyte
	dim array2(sizeof(single) * count) as ubyte
	declare function ForEachNextArg0(byref i as integer, in as any ptr) as any ptr
	declare function ForEachNextArg1(i as integer, in as any ptr) as any ptr
end type

function ErasedType.ForEachNextArg0(byref i as integer, in as any ptr) as any ptr
	if i >= count then
		return 0
	end if
	return cast(any ptr, @this.array1(i * sizeof(string)))
end function

function ErasedType.ForEachNextArg1(i as integer, in as any ptr) as any ptr
	return cast(any ptr, @this.array2(i * sizeof(single)))
end function

'Max variable iteration test
dim list as MultiListType

list.x(0) = "asdf"
list.x(1) = "zcxv"
list.x(2) = "qwer"

list.y(0) = 1
list.y(1) = 2
list.y(2) = 3

list.z(0) = cast(single ptr, &hffff0000)
list.z(1) = cast(single ptr, &hf0f0f0f0)
list.z(2) = cast(single ptr, &habcdef00)

list.a(0) = cast(any ptr, &h12345678)
list.a(1) = cast(any ptr, &h88888888)
list.a(2) = cast(any ptr, &h55555555)

'Also acceptable (preferrable sometimes), explicit types:
'FOREACH a as string, b as integer, c as single ptr, d as any ptr in list with i as integer

'Also doable, explicit starting index
'FOREACH var a, var b, var c, var d in list with i as integer = 1

FOREACH var a, var b, var c, var d in list with i as integer

	print a;" ";b;" ";hex(c);" ";hex(d)
	#print typeof(a)
	#print typeof(b)
	#print typeof(c)
	#print typeof(d)
	print "list index: ";i


'Sparse data set test (dictionary)
dim dict as DictionaryType

'Pretend we hashed some values into it
dict.keys(1) = "hello"
dict.vals(1) = 1.1111

dict.keys(4) = "from"
dict.vals(4) = 3.14159

dict.keys(7) = "for"
dict.vals(7) = 8.675309

dict.keys(9) = "each"
dict.vals(9) = 0.9999999

'Demonstrate sparse iteration
foreach var key, var value in dict with i as integer
	print "key: ";key;" value: ";value;" index: ";i


'Index is optional
foreach var key, var value in dict
	print "key: ";key;" value: ";value


'Type erasure test
dim erased as ErasedType

dim as string ptr arr1 = cast(string ptr, @erased.array1(0))
dim as single ptr arr2 = cast(single ptr, @erased.array2(0))

arr1[0] = "type"
arr1[1] = "erasure"
arr1[2] = "is kinda"
arr1[3] = "neat"

arr2[0] = 9.8
arr2[1] = 7.6
arr2[2] = 5.4
arr2[3] = 3.2

'Illegal, if the return type of the ForNext is "any ptr", then
'you must specify the actual type you expect to use
'FOREACH var s, var f in erased
FOREACH s as string, f as single in erased
	print s;": ";f

Posts: 107
Joined: Nov 26, 2013 2:43

Re: Extensible ForEach iterator

Post by shadow008 »

With some rather straightforward changes handling type erasure and explicit type conversion was easy. Updated original post to showcase handling erased types.
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