The keyboard input buffer is not disabled while you use MultiKey; that is, pressed keys will be stored and subsequently returned by your next call to Inkey or GetKey or Input. This means you have to empty the keyboard input buffer manually when you finish using MultiKey, using something like the following method:
While Inkey <> "": Wend '' loop until the keyboard input buffer is empty
Keeping Inkey to work while you use MultiKey allows more flexibility and can be useful to detect Chr(255)+"k" combo returned on window close button click, if a windowed graphics mode has been set via the Screen (Graphics) statement.
Moving a 2d circle using keyboard example
Re: Moving a 2d circle using keyboard example
I did not say it was impossible, I just said it was not recommended for a beginner like Briscoedjs:
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Re: Moving a 2d circle using keyboard example
Are you gaslighting me right now? Because that's not what you said. You said, in its entirety:
(Emphasis added)To close the graphic window with its close button, you have to detect the sequence: Chr(255) + "k", or: Chr(255, Asc("k"))
Multikey does not work with the close button, but only Inkey.
Since it is not recommended to use Multikey and Inkey simultaneously, I have rewritten the code to use only Inkey:
And regardless of if you supposedly meant something other than what you wrote, you're still wrong. Using multikey for movement is exactly what you would use it for.
Inkey and multikey do very different things. You never want to use inkey for user input that is supposed to react to keys being held (e.g. continuous movement)
And, you never want to use multikey for things that should only react when the user input is a press (e.g. pressing escape, opening inventory, etc)
There is literally no reason why you can't use both at the same time, for their intended uses: multikey if you want to see if something is held, and inkey if you want to see if something was pressed.
Yes, they do different things. Why would multikey do anything to the inkey buffer? You're the one who claim it's not recommended to use both at the same time.fxm wrote: ↑Aug 31, 2024 14:12The keyboard input buffer is not disabled while you use MultiKey; that is, pressed keys will be stored and subsequently returned by your next call to Inkey or GetKey or Input. This means you have to empty the keyboard input buffer manually when you finish using MultiKey, using something like the following method:
While Inkey <> "": Wend '' loop until the keyboard input buffer is empty
Keeping Inkey to work while you use MultiKey allows more flexibility and can be useful to detect Chr(255)+"k" combo returned on window close button click, if a windowed graphics mode has been set via the Screen (Graphics) statement.
And the proper solution, as opposed to that absolute 'buffer clearing' nonsense, is to just have an inkey in your main input loop.
This works perfectly fine, as expected, without any weird forced buffer clearing. And with both multikey and inkey working at the same time.
Code: Select all
#include once ""
using fb
screenres 320,200,32,2
dim as integer c
dim as string userKey
userKey = inkey
if multikey(SC_PLUS) then
c += 1
end if
if userKey = "-" then
c -= 1
end if
locate 1,1: print "Press + to increase with multikey,"
print "press - to decrease with inkey"
print "ESC to exit"
locate 5,10: print c
loop until multikey(SC_ESCAPE) or userKey = chr(27)
Re: Moving a 2d circle using keyboard example
The example works with the + of the numeric keypad, not with the + of the main keyboard. Should my keyboard be broken?
Re: Moving a 2d circle using keyboard example
With Multikey you can detect 'Shift' And '=', but on the other hand the state of 'Caps Lock' activated is not reported.
Re: Moving a 2d circle using keyboard example
Using inkey and screenevent
Here using main keyboard + does nothing also with multikey
Code: Select all
#include once ""
using fb
dim x as event
screenres 1024,200,32,2
screenset 1,0
dim as single key
dim as integer c=512
dim as string userKey
userKey = inkey
select case userkey
case "+"
case "-"
end select
if x.type=EVENT_KEY_RELEASE then key=0
if c>1024 or c<0 then c=512:key=0
locate 1,1: print "Press + to increase with multikey,"
print "press - to decrease with inkey"
print "ESC to exit"
locate 5,10: print c
loop until userKey = chr(27)
Re: Moving a 2d circle using keyboard example
Code: Select all
dim as ubyte i
if multikey(i) then print i, hex(i)
i += 1
In the example of Jattenalle I can change line 11:
Code: Select all
if multikey(SC_PLUS) or multikey(SC_EQUALS) then
Re: Moving a 2d circle using keyboard example
I can get it to work with:
Note I used a flag to stop multikey at each keypress so it behaves like userkey = "-"
Win 11, Linux might be different, or indeed different countries with different keyboards.
Like SARG, here = and + are on the same key, and shift must be pressed to get +
Code: Select all
#include once ""
using fb
screenres 320,200,32,2
screenset 1,0
dim as integer c,flag
dim as string userKey
userKey = inkey
if (multikey(SC_EQUALS) and multikey(SC_LSHIFT) and multikey(SC_RSHIFT)) and flag=1 then
c += 1
end if
if userKey = "-" then
c -= 1
end if
locate 1,1: print "Press + to increase with multikey,"
print "press - to decrease with inkey"
print "ESC to exit"
locate 5,10: print c
loop until multikey(SC_ESCAPE) or userKey = chr(27)
Win 11, Linux might be different, or indeed different countries with different keyboards.
Like SARG, here = and + are on the same key, and shift must be pressed to get +
Re: Moving a 2d circle using keyboard example
Now I understand, thanks. The German keyboard is a bit misleading.
Re: Moving a 2d circle using keyboard example
The loop bit of this is by fxm a few years ago.
Just briefly touch keys.
For gaming probably the arrows are the best choice for multikey in general.
Just briefly touch keys.
Code: Select all
function ret(n as long) as string
dim as string s
select case n
case &h01: s= "SC_ESCAPE "
case &h02: s= "SC_1 "
case &h03: s= "SC_2 "
case &h04: s= "SC_3 "
case &h05: s= "SC_4 "
case &h06: s= "SC_5 "
case &h07: s= "SC_6 "
case &h08: s= "SC_7 "
case &h09: s= "SC_8 "
case &h0A: s= "SC_9 "
case &h0B: s= "SC_0 "
case &h0C: s= "SC_MINUS "
case &h0D: s= "SC_EQUALS "
case &h0E: s= "SC_BACKSPACE "
case &h0F: s= "SC_TAB "
case &h10: s= "SC_Q "
case &h11: s= "SC_W "
case &h12: s= "SC_E "
case &h13: s= "SC_R "
case &h14: s= "SC_T "
case &h15: s= "SC_Y "
case &h16: s= "SC_U "
case &h17: s= "SC_I "
case &h18: s= "SC_O "
case &h19: s= "SC_P "
case &h1A: s= "SC_LEFTBRACKET "
case &h1B: s= "SC_RIGHTBRACKET "
case &h1C: s= "SC_ENTER "
case &h1D: s= "SC_CONTROL "
case &h1E: s= "SC_A "
case &h1F: s= "SC_S "
case &h20: s= "SC_D "
case &h21: s= "SC_F "
case &h22: s= "SC_G "
case &h23: s= "SC_H "
case &h24: s= "SC_J "
case &h25: s= "SC_K "
case &h26: s= "SC_L "
case &h27: s= "SC_SEMICOLON "
case &h28: s= "SC_QUOTE "
case &h29: s= "SC_TILDE "
case &h2A: s= "SC_LSHIFT "
case &h2B: s= "SC_BACKSLASH "
case &h2C: s= "SC_Z "
case &h2D: s= "SC_X "
case &h2E: s= "SC_C "
case &h2F: s= "SC_V "
case &h30: s= "SC_B "
case &h31: s= "SC_N "
case &h32: s= "SC_M "
case &h33: s= "SC_COMMA "
case &h34: s= "SC_PERIOD "
case &h35: s= "SC_SLASH "
case &h36: s= "SC_RSHIFT "
case &h37: s= "SC_MULTIPLY "
case &h38: s= "SC_ALT "
case &h39: s= "SC_SPACE "
case &h3A: s= "SC_CAPSLOCK "
case &h3B: s= "SC_F1 "
case &h3C: s= "SC_F2 "
case &h3D: s= "SC_F3 "
case &h3E: s= "SC_F4 "
case &h3F: s= "SC_F5 "
case &h40: s= "SC_F6 "
case &h41: s= "SC_F7 "
case &h42: s= "SC_F8 "
case &h43: s= "SC_F9 "
case &h44: s= "SC_F10 "
case &h45: s= "SC_NUMLOCK "
case &h46: s= "SC_SCROLLLOCK "
case &h47: s= "SC_HOME "
case &h48: s= "SC_UP "
case &h49: s= "SC_PAGEUP "
case &h4B: s= "SC_LEFT "
case &h4D: s= "SC_RIGHT "
case &h4E: s= "SC_PLUS "
case &h4F: s= "SC_END "
case &h50: s= "SC_DOWN "
case &h51: s= "SC_PAGEDOWN "
case &h52: s= "SC_INSERT "
case &h53: s= "SC_DELETE "
case &h57: s= "SC_F11 "
case &h58: s= "SC_F12 "
'' Extra scancodes not compatible with DOS scancodes
case &h5B: s= "SC_LWIN "
case &h5C: s= "SC_RWIN "
case &h5D: s= "SC_MENU "
end select
return s
end function
screen 19
Print "<Esc> to exit othewise test the keyboard"
'This bit by fxm
Dim K As Integer
For I As Integer = 0 To 127
If Multikey(I) Then
If K = 0 Then
K = 1
Print " And ";
End If
Print ret(i);
If I = 1 Then
Exit Do
End If
End If
Next I
If K = 1 Then
K = 0
End If
Sleep 500
While Inkey <> ""
Print "Any key to exit."
- Posts: 18
- Joined: Apr 16, 2022 4:38
Re: Moving a 2d circle using keyboard example
Thanks everyone for your detailed replies.