MiniB3d for FreeBasic

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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by badidea »

Trying out meshCsg (subtract and intersect). Works well:

Code: Select all

#include ""

#ifdef __FB_64BIT__
	#include "openb3d-64/"
	#include "openb3d-32_old/"

const ENTITY_FX_NONE = 0
const ENTITY_FX_NO_FOG = 8

const CSG_OP_UNION = 1

const LIGHT_POINT = 2
const LIGHT_SPOT = 3

declare sub createRings(ring() as any ptr, parent as any ptr, r as integer, g as integer, b as integer)
declare sub createSamples(sample() as any ptr, parent as any ptr, r as integer, g as integer, b as integer)
declare sub createHeatsink(heatsink as any ptr, parent as any ptr, r as integer, g as integer, b as integer)

const SW = 800, SH = 600
Graphics3d(SW, SH, 32, 1, 1)


var cam = createCamera() 'any ptr
moveEntity(cam, 0, 0, -200)
cameraZoom(cam, 1.0)
CameraFogRange(cam, +100, +300.0)
CameraFogMode(cam, 1)

var light = createlight(LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL) 'any ptr
turnEntity(light, 0, 45, 0)

var pivot = CreatePivot()

dim as any ptr ring(0 to 4)
createRings(ring(), pivot, 100, 100, 100)

dim as any ptr sample(0 to 4)
createSamples(sample(), pivot, 50, 50, 50)

dim as any ptr heatsink
createHeatsink(heatsink, pivot, 150, 100, 50)

	turnEntity(pivot, 0.5, 0, 0.5)
	'turnEntity(pivot, 0.5, 0, 0) 'rotate around x-axis
	'turnEntity(pivot, 0, 0, 0.5) 'rotate around z-axis
loop until multikey(1)


'create 5 clamping rings
sub createRings(ring() as any ptr, parent as any ptr, r as integer, g as integer, b as integer)
	var cylOut = createCylinder(32, 1)
	scaleMesh(cylOut, 30, 2.5, 30)
	var cylIn = createCylinder(32, 1)
	scaleMesh(cylIn, 14, 10, 14)
	for i as integer = 0 to ubound(ring)
		ring(i) = meshCsg(cylOut, cylin, CSG_OP_SUBTRACT)
		positionMesh(ring(i), 0, 80, 0)
		rotateEntity(ring(i), i*45, 0, 0)
		entityParent(ring(i), parent)
		entityColor(ring(i), r, g, b)
end sub

'samples / targets
sub createSamples(sample() as any ptr, parent as any ptr, r as integer, g as integer, b as integer)
	for i as integer = 0 to ubound(sample)
		sample(i) = createCylinder(32, 1, parent)
		scaleMesh(sample(i), 15, 0.5, 15)
		positionMesh(sample(i), 0, 78, 0)
		rotateEntity(sample(i), i * 45, 0, 0)
		entityColor(sample(i), r, g, b)
end sub

'copper heat sink
sub createHeatsink(heatsink as any ptr, parent as any ptr, r as integer, g as integer, b as integer)
	var cube1 = createcube()
	moveEntity(cube1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
	scaleMesh(cube1, 32.0, 77.5, (32.0+77.5)/2)
	positionMesh(cube1, 0, 0, (32-77.5)/2)
	entityColor(cube1, 150, 100, 50)
	var cube2 = createcube()
	scaleMesh(cube2, 33.0, 77.5, 77.5)
	rotateEntity(cube2, 45, 0, 0)
	heatsink = meshCsg(cube1, cube2, CSG_OP_INTERSECT)
	entityParent(heatsink, parent)
	entityColor(heatsink, r, g, b)
end sub
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by badidea »

Continuation of the project above.
Control keys: up/down, left/right, a/z.
Any idea how to best simulate a laser beam spot? A light cone with small angle does not look so nice.

Code: Select all

#include ""

#ifdef __FB_64BIT__
	#include "openb3d-64/"
	#include "openb3d-32_old/"

const ENTITY_FX_NONE = 0
const ENTITY_FX_NO_FOG = 8

const CSG_OP_UNION = 1

const LIGHT_POINT = 2
const LIGHT_SPOT = 3

const SHAPE_SOLID = 1

declare sub createRings(ring() as any ptr, parent as any ptr, r as integer, g as integer, b as integer)
declare sub createSamples(sample() as any ptr, parent as any ptr, r as integer, g as integer, b as integer)
declare sub createHeatsink(heatsink as any ptr, parent as any ptr, r as integer, g as integer, b as integer)
declare sub createTiltAxle(tiltAxle as any ptr, parent as any ptr, r as integer, g as integer, b as integer)
declare sub createSideFork(sideFork as any ptr, parent as any ptr, r as integer, g as integer, b as integer)

const SW = 960, SH = 720
Graphics3d(SW, SH, 32, 1, 1)



var pivotCenter = CreatePivot() 'at pos 0,0,0 center of TEAC

'source camera
var cam1 = createCamera() 'any ptr
CameraViewport(cam1, 0, 0, SW\2, SH\2) 'bottom-left
moveEntity(cam1, 0, 0, -200) 'move cam back
cameraZoom(cam1, 1.0)
'CameraFogRange(sourceCam, +100, +1000.0)
'CameraFogMode(sourceCam, 1)
cameraClsColor(cam1, 20, 0, 0)

'top TEAC camera
var cam2 = createCamera(pivotCenter) 'any ptr
CameraViewport(cam2, SW\2, 0, SW\2, SH\2) 'bottom-right
turnEntity(cam2, -90, 0, 0)
moveEntity(cam2, 0, 0, -400) 'move cam back
cameraZoom(cam2, 1.0)
cameraClsColor(cam2, 0, 0, 20)

'LIBS / beam line cam
var cam3 = createCamera(pivotCenter) 'any ptr
CameraViewport(cam3, 0, SH\2, SW\2, SH\2) 'top-left
turnEntity(cam3, 0, -120, 0)
moveEntity(cam3, 0, 0, -200) 'move cam back
cameraZoom(cam3, 1.0)
cameraClsColor(cam3, 0, 0, 20)

'East view 60 degC
var cam4 = createCamera(pivotCenter) 'any ptr
CameraViewport(cam4, SW\2, SH\2, SW\2, SH\2) 'top-right
turnEntity(cam4, 0, +60, 0)
moveEntity(cam4, 0, 0, -200) 'move cam back
cameraZoom(cam4, 1.0)
cameraClsColor(cam4, 20, 0, 0)


var light1 = createlight(LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL) 'any ptr
turnEntity(light1, 0, 45, 0)
lightColor(light1, 200, 150, 150)

var light2 = createlight(LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL) 'any ptr
turnEntity(light2, 45, 0, 0)
lightColor(light2, 150, 200, 150)

'plasma light, not so good
var light3 = createlight(LIGHT_SPOT) 'any ptr
turnEntity(light3, 0, 0, 0)
moveEntity(light3, 0, 0, -300) 'move back
lightConeAngles(light3, 0, 2)
lightColor(light3, 155, 0, 155) 'pink

'ion beam light, not so good
var light4 = createlight(LIGHT_SPOT) 'any ptr
turnEntity(light4, 0, 0, 0)
turnEntity(light4, 0, -120, 0)
moveEntity(light4, 0, 0, -300) 'move back
lightConeAngles(light4, 0, 2)
lightColor(light4, 0, 155, 0) 'green


var pivotTube = CreatePivot() 'Also at pos 0,0,0, but z can be different

dim as any ptr tiltAxle
createTiltAxle(tiltAxle, pivotTube, 125, 125, 125)

dim as any ptr sideFork
createSideFork(sideFork, pivotTube, 150, 150, 150)


var pivotHolder = CreatePivot(pivotTube) 'at pos 0,0,0

dim as any ptr ring(0 to 4)
createRings(ring(), pivotHolder, 100, 100, 100)

dim as any ptr sample(0 to 4)
createSamples(sample(), pivotHolder, 50, 50, 50)

dim as any ptr heatsink
createHeatsink(heatsink, pivotHolder, 150, 100, 50)


dim as double dpitch, dyaw, droll, dz
dim as double pitch, yaw, roll, z
	dpitch = 0 'rotate around x-axis
	dyaw = 0 'rotate around y-axis
	droll = 0 'rotate around z-axis
	dz = 0
	if multikey(FB.SC_UP) then
		if pitch < 95.1 then dpitch = +1.0
	end if
	if multikey(FB.SC_DOWN) then
		if pitch > -95.1 then dpitch = -1.0
	end if
	if multikey(FB.SC_LEFT) then
		if roll < 120.1 then droll = +1.0
	end if
	if multikey(FB.SC_RIGHT) then
		if roll > -120.1 then droll = -1.0
	end if
	if multikey(FB.SC_A) then
		if z < 290.1 then dz = +1.0
	end if
	if multikey(FB.SC_Z) then
		if z > -290.1 then dz = -1.0
	end if
	'if multikey(FB.SC_SPACE) then turnEntity(cam2, 1, 0, 0)
	if dpitch <> 0 then
		turnEntity(pivotHolder, dpitch, 0, 0)
		pitch += dpitch
	end if
	if droll <> 0 then
		turnEntity(pivotTube, 0, 0, droll)
		roll += droll
	end if
	if dz <> 0 then
		moveEntity(pivotTube, 0, 0, dz)
		z += dz
	end if
loop until multikey(1)


'create 5 clamping rings
sub createRings(ring() as any ptr, parent as any ptr, r as integer, g as integer, b as integer)
	var cylOut = createCylinder(SHAPE_SEGMENTS, SHAPE_SOLID)
	scaleMesh(cylOut, 30, 2.5, 30)
	var cylIn = createCylinder(SHAPE_SEGMENTS, SHAPE_SOLID)
	scaleMesh(cylIn, 14, 10, 14)
	var cone = createCone(SHAPE_SEGMENTS, SHAPE_SOLID)
	scaleMesh(cone, 30, 30, 30)
	rotateMesh(cone, 0, 0, 180)
	positionMesh(cone, 0, 82, 0)
	for i as integer = 0 to ubound(ring)
		var ring1 = meshCsg(cylOut, cylin, CSG_OP_SUBTRACT) '<<<<<<<<<<<<< CHANGE THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
		positionMesh(ring1, 0, 80, 0)
		ring(i) = meshCsg(ring1, cone, CSG_OP_SUBTRACT)
		rotateEntity(ring(i), i*45, 0, 0)
		entityParent(ring(i), parent)
		entityColor(ring(i), r, g, b)
end sub

'samples / targets
sub createSamples(sample() as any ptr, parent as any ptr, r as integer, g as integer, b as integer)
	for i as integer = 0 to ubound(sample)
		sample(i) = createCylinder(SHAPE_SEGMENTS, SHAPE_SOLID, parent)
		scaleMesh(sample(i), 15, 0.5, 15)
		positionMesh(sample(i), 0, 78, 0)
		rotateEntity(sample(i), i * 45, 0, 0)
		entityColor(sample(i), r, g, b)
end sub

'copper heat sink
sub createHeatsink(heatsink as any ptr, parent as any ptr, r as integer, g as integer, b as integer)
	var cube1 = createcube()
	moveEntity(cube1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
	scaleMesh(cube1, 32.0, 77.5, (32.0+77.5)/2)
	positionMesh(cube1, 0, 0, (32-77.5)/2)
	entityColor(cube1, 150, 100, 50)
	var cube2 = createcube()
	scaleMesh(cube2, 33.0, 77.5, 77.5)
	rotateEntity(cube2, 45, 0, 0)
	heatsink = meshCsg(cube1, cube2, CSG_OP_INTERSECT)
	entityParent(heatsink, parent)
	entityColor(heatsink, r, g, b)
end sub

sub createTiltAxle(tiltAxle as any ptr, parent as any ptr, r as integer, g as integer, b as integer)
	tiltAxle = createCylinder(SHAPE_SEGMENTS, SHAPE_SOLID, parent)
	rotateMesh(tiltAxle, 0, 0, 90)
	scaleMesh(tiltAxle, 60, 20/2, 20/2)
	positionMesh(tiltAxle, -25, 0, 0)
	entityColor(tiltAxle, r, g, b)
end sub

sub createSideFork(sideFork as any ptr, parent as any ptr, r as integer, g as integer, b as integer)
	'mamipulator tube flange
	var flange = createCylinder(SHAPE_SEGMENTS, SHAPE_SOLID)
	rotateMesh(flange, 90, 0, 0)
	scaleMesh(flange, 160/2, 160/2, 10/2)
	positionMesh(flange, 0, 0, +250)
	'fork head
	var forkHead = createCube()
	scaleMesh(forkHead, 40/2, 120/2, 60/2) 'x,y,z
	positionMesh(forkHead, -(40+40/2), 0, 0) 'move left (-x)
	'add fork stems, front (at head)
	var stem1 = createCube()
	scaleMesh(stem1, 20/2, 30/2, 120/2) 'x,y,z
	positionMesh(stem1, -(40+40/2), (40+30)/2, (120+60)/2)
	var stem1b = createCube()
	scaleMesh(stem1b, 20/2, 30/2, 60/2) 'x,y,z
	rotateMesh(stem1b, 0, -45, 0)
	positionMesh(stem1b, -40, (40+30)/2, 190-60/2)
	addMesh(stem1b, stem1)
	'back (at flange)
	var stem1c = createCube()
	scaleMesh(stem1c, 20/2, 30/2, 80/2) 'x,y,z
	positionMesh(stem1c, -40/2, (40+30)/2, 250-(80/2))
	addMesh(stem1c, stem1)
	'second fork
	var stem2 = copyMesh(stem1)
	positionMesh(stem2, 0, -(40+30), 0)
	'merge all
	var sideForkA = meshCsg(flange, stem1, CSG_OP_UNION)
	var sideForkB = meshCsg(forkHead, stem2, CSG_OP_UNION)
	'merge the 2 parts
	sideFork = meshCsg(sideForkA, sideForkB, CSG_OP_UNION)
	entityParent(sideFork, parent)
	entityColor(sideFork, r, g, b)
end sub
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by angros47 »

I think you already achieved the best you could, with the default fixed function pipeline. The reason it doesn't look nice is that light is computed per vertex: basically, a surface is rendered as a group of triangles, for each triangle the incidence it is computed how the light affect each of the three vertices, and the result is interpolated per every pixel (actually, pixels are called "fragments" in this situation) of the rendered triangle. That approach allows to reduce the amount of calculations needed, and makes the rendering faster, but it doesn't work well when the light source is small, and close, because if the light cone falls in the middle of a triangle, but its vertices are outside, it won't be rendered (since all vertices are not lightened, the interpolation will erroneously suppose all the triangle is not lightened)

The only way to avoid this issue is to calculate how the light affect each pixel individually, and this can be done by reprogramming the rendering on the GPU: it can be done with a shader, specifically, you need a shader to perform "per fragment lightning"
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by badidea »

Ok, I will also try a particle emitter.
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by Gunslinger »

I have a new project the physics got to complex with mij space game. (for the time i have)
Make a tile world now but run into shadow problems.
Everting looks fine when i set camera view range bigger then my world.
When i set the view range to max 60 then shadow have problems close to edge before becoming invisible.
Think something is wrong, look at screenshot

The green bloks dont have shadow on them.
Only stone and white bloks have dynamic createchadow on them.

As i don't know if shadow becomes child of the parent mesh.
I think because if will disappear outside of view range.
Why is it going wrong at edge of view range.
Maybe setting the view range of shadow to 30 wil fix this problem?
This not possible now i think?
Shadow is not needed most of the time at edge of view anyway.
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by angros47 »

Shadows are not children of a mesh, they are managed aside. From the screenshot I cannot tell for sure what happens, although I can make a hypothesis: the algorithm used by OpenB3D is called Stencil Shadows, and it basically work by creating a mesh that is not visible, and is shaped like the shadow volume: such mesh is rendered on the stencil buffer (that is not visible), and it is rendered twice: once using front face culling, and once using back face culling: one rendering pass increases the value in the buffer, the other pass decreases it. As result, most of the volume of the shadow does not change the buffer value. But if the shadow volume intersects any visible surface, the front and back face rendered don't overlap anymore, and the mismatching area has the stencil buffer altered. In the last pass, the altered areas (that are the ones where the shadow is visible) are darkened.

When a shadow is close to the edge of the camera, I guess it's possible that the back faces are beyond the camera range, and not rendered, while the front face are within the range, and rendered, and that is misinterpreted as an object affected by the shadow

I guess the best solution would be to increase the camera range
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by Gunslinger »

Thanks, camera bigger range works not a real solution for everything.
So i have to add some kind of chunk world system again like i did with my other game.

One other thing, shadow and fog is not working nice together.
When object is complete in think fog it is still darker in shadow looks strange.
Result of the stencil buffer..

Later in the project i try to search for shader code for shadow.
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by angros47 »

An example of shader code for shadows (although pretty bare) is included in OpenB3D Plus add on

Regarding the chunk world system. have also a look at built in octrees (blocks cannot cast shadows, but meshes inside octrees can, I think)
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by Gunslinger »

angros47 wrote: Apr 30, 2024 21:59 An example of shader code for shadows (although pretty bare) is included in OpenB3D Plus add on

Regarding the chunk world system. have also a look at built in octrees (blocks cannot cast shadows, but meshes inside octrees can, I think)
Sorry i cant not find OpenB3D plus add-on examples.
i know i seen some in the past on sourceforge, looking forward to find good example, best way for my to learn.
plus v0.13 has no example with it, here -> ... p/download

Also on your github it only source code.
do you mean this one? ... shadow.cpp

Octrees yes, i still have find hard to work with them, don't like resolution update in close front of the camera.
there seem a way to set octrees parameters to change that by setting near to higher value.
Maybe near is it visible range, i don't know.
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by angros47 »

Yes, that's the file, a demo could be something like:

Code: Select all

#include ""

declare function CreateShadowMap cdecl alias "CreateShadowMap" (byval light as any ptr) as any ptr
declare sub UpdateShadows cdecl alias "UpdateShadows" () 

screen 18,  32, , &h10002 

Graphics3d 640,480,32,1,1

var camera=createcamera(0)
cameraclscolor camera,0,0,255

var cube=createcube()
entitycolor cube,255,0,0

var plane=createplane()'cube():scaleentity plane, 100,.1,100
moveentity plane,0,-1.4,15
scalemesh plane, .001,1,.001

var light=createlight()

moveentity light,10,10,-3
pointentity light,cube
moveentity camera,-2,0,-5

var shadow=createshadowmap(light)
shadeentity plane, shadow

shadeentity cube, shadow
entitytexture cube, loadtexture("diffuse.png")

dim key as string

	'depthbuffertotex ShadowMap, CamLight

        if key="a" then moveentity cube,0,0,1
        if key="z" then moveentity cube,0,0,-1

        if key=chr(255)+"H" then turnentity cube,1,0,0,0
        if key=chr(255)+"P" then turnentity cube,-1,0,0,0
        if key=chr(255)+"M" then turnentity cube,0,-1,0,0
        if key=chr(255)+"K" then turnentity cube,0,1,0,0
	updateworld 1
sleep 1
loop until key=chr(27)

Regarding Octrees, the rule is: "any node closer than Near won’t be rendered. Any node fartherthan Far will stop the recursive rendering, so blocks smaller than it won’t be rendered"
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by Gunslinger »

angros47 wrote: May 05, 2024 22:59 Yes, that's the file, a demo could be something like:

Code: Select all

#include ""

declare function CreateShadowMap cdecl alias "CreateShadowMap" (byval light as any ptr) as any ptr
declare sub UpdateShadows cdecl alias "UpdateShadows" () 

screen 18,  32, , &h10002 

Graphics3d 640,480,32,1,1

var camera=createcamera(0)
cameraclscolor camera,0,0,255

var cube=createcube()
entitycolor cube,255,0,0

var plane=createplane()'cube():scaleentity plane, 100,.1,100
moveentity plane,0,-1.4,15
scalemesh plane, .001,1,.001

var light=createlight()

moveentity light,10,10,-3
pointentity light,cube
moveentity camera,-2,0,-5

var shadow=createshadowmap(light)
shadeentity plane, shadow

shadeentity cube, shadow
entitytexture cube, loadtexture("diffuse.png")

dim key as string

	'depthbuffertotex ShadowMap, CamLight

        if key="a" then moveentity cube,0,0,1
        if key="z" then moveentity cube,0,0,-1

        if key=chr(255)+"H" then turnentity cube,1,0,0,0
        if key=chr(255)+"P" then turnentity cube,-1,0,0,0
        if key=chr(255)+"M" then turnentity cube,0,-1,0,0
        if key=chr(255)+"K" then turnentity cube,0,1,0,0
	updateworld 1
sleep 1
loop until key=chr(27)

Regarding Octrees, the rule is: "any node closer than Near won’t be rendered. Any node fartherthan Far will stop the recursive rendering, so blocks smaller than it won’t be rendered"
Hello again,
this last shadow code only gives me a black cube and black floor with blue sky.

Today i found more problems with other functions.
if i use the function createshadow on cubes in a world with openb3d 1.261
Then i have a camera with CAMERAZOOM(camera, 0.5) set
This gives a wide angle of view. but there is only shadow in standard viewed area.
seems like the shadow stencil buffer need to be set again for CAMERAZOOM call.

Also multi texture seem to break when i include ""
no more texture blending second textures.

More troubles with function ActMoveTo(player, 100, 0, 100, 1)
1 = rate is like 1 second of movement very fast for movement of a player over a 100 units.
problem is player entity never really arrives at the end point end up at 99.7 or something close.
seem the final position is not set when movement is time is over.

And this declaration is still missing in "declare sub FreeAction alias "FreeAction" (byval act1 as any ptr)"

I really try to make a game give a lot of problems

Here my last little project, feel free to do what you like with it.
problem are visible here. shaders do work. strange thing happens to particalemiter always haveing one at spawn point.

Update fixed stucked CreateParticleEmitter sprite by this LoadSprite(_Entitytexture+"spark_64x64.bmp",1, player)
win64 here: ... p-v0.31.7z
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Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by angros47 »

I'll check on it
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Joined: Jun 21, 2005 19:04

Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by angros47 »

Ok, found the issues
Gunslinger wrote: Nov 02, 2024 20:47 Hello again,
this last shadow code only gives me a black cube and black floor with blue sky.
My fault, I forgot to include the file "diffuse.png". Any texture could work, but the shader is supposed to have a texture applied on the object. If there is no texture, the object is rendered to black by default.

Today i found more problems with other functions.
if i use the function createshadow on cubes in a world with openb3d 1.261
Then i have a camera with CAMERAZOOM(camera, 0.5) set
This gives a wide angle of view. but there is only shadow in standard viewed area.
Good work, you have found a bug.
In "shadow.cpp", the lines

Code: Select all

#ifndef GLES2
	    glOrtho(0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1);
Should be:

Code: Select all

#ifndef GLES2
	    glOrtho(0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1);
You can patch it yourself and recompile, otherwise I'll fix it in next version

Also multi texture seem to break when i include ""
no more texture blending second textures.
Most custom shaders use only one texture. In some case extra textures are for specific purposes (for example, interiors in interior mapping shader)

More troubles with function ActMoveTo(player, 100, 0, 100, 1)
1 = rate is like 1 second of movement very fast for movement of a player over a 100 units.
problem is player entity never really arrives at the end point end up at 99.7 or something close.
seem the final position is not set when movement is time is over.
You should use a smaller rate. The reason it stops before reaching the end point is because an action is considered complete, and halted, when the next iteration would move the object beyond the end point. So, by moving the object at rate=1, the next step after 99.7 would be 100.7, that is above 100, so the action is considered complete. With a rate of .1, for example, the next step would be 99,8, so it would continue to 99.9, then to 100 and then would stop.
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Joined: Mar 08, 2016 19:10
Location: The Netherlands

Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by Gunslinger »

Nice work with CAMERAZOOM(camera, 0.5) bug fix.
Also shadows now work in orthographic projection mode camera.

Still have problem with OpenB2D sometimes all 2d render text disappears.
using multiple sprites seems to give problems.

I have difficulty understanding types in al functions return any pointers a lot
Better is to steel D.J.peters work in header file :) ... libopenb3d

For example ActMoveTo function = tAction ptr
an it needs a tEntity ptr

Code: Select all

declare function ActMoveTo (byval _Entity as tEntity ptr, _
                            byval fXPos   as single, _
                            byval fYPos   as single, _
                            byval fZPos   as single, _
                            byval fRate   as single) as tAction ptr
This helps me a lot, not making mistakes
instead of

Code: Select all

declare function ActMoveTo cdecl alias "ActMoveTo" (byval ent as any ptr, _
				byval a as single, _
				byval b as single, _
				byval c as single, _
				byval r as single) as any ptr
Posts: 2355
Joined: Jun 21, 2005 19:04

Re: MiniB3d for FreeBasic

Post by angros47 »

I am glad to hear

About mixing 2d and 3d, the issue is that OpenB3D can set several states of OpenGL, and expects to find them unchanged at the next RenderWorld. FreeBasic temporarily sets some states for 2d rendering, and then restores the original ones, but since not all versions of OpenGL implements all the states, and FreeBasic is designed to be universal, it doesn't set some parameters like multiple textures (since the oldest versions of OpenGL don't implement them): if OpenB3D has implemented more than one texture, you might have to disable them by hand after calling the Flip command and re-enable them after

Regarding the include file: when I designed it, my original goal was to make OpenB3D as close as I could to the original Blitz3D. And Blitz3D had implicit declarations of variables. So, I made an include file designed to work on FBLITE mode as well, and that's why I declared every pointer as "any ptr". Now that FreeBasic can access also C++ libraries, perhaps an OOP include file could be made. The issue is that strings in C++ are not compatible with FreeBasic strings, and in the internal OOP structure OpenB3D uses C++ strings
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