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array-less simulacra - 2024 Apr 30 by dafhi
inspired by one line code challenge
simulacra means likeness, semblance ..
function modu( in as double, m as double = 1 ) as double
return in - m * int( in / m )
end function
sub _temporals( byref s as double, byref f as double, t as double )
randomize int(t)
f = rnd '' p1
randomize int(t)+1
' p1 + lerp * (p2 - p1)
f = f + (t - int(t)) * (rnd - f)
s = t '' graph: s is horizontal, and f vertical
end sub
dim as short w=800, h=600
screenres w,h,32
const Tau = 8*atn(1)
const win_extend = 200
const exBy2 = win_extend / 2
dim as short w_ext = w + win_extend
dim as short h_ext = h + win_extend
dim as double x,y,f,s,m,cosa,sina,t,t0=timer
t = timer-t0
for seed as long = 0 to 1999
randomize seed '' store some pre-temporal randoms
dim as double _x = rnd, _y = rnd, _c = rnd, _r = rnd, _a = rnd*tau
var freq = 9
_temporals s,f, seed + freq * t * (_c + .3) '' _c for random speed
' "seed +" for high entropy likeness at t=0
'' direction
m = 19 * s / freq
cosa = cos(_a) * m
sina = sin(_a) * m
x = _x * w_ext + cosa
y = _y * h_ext + sina
_r = .7 + f * 50 * _x*_y*_c*_r * (h/800) '' multiplied rnds for non-linear
circle ( modu(x,w_ext)-exBy2, modu(y,h_ext)-exBy2 ), _r, _c * culng(-1)
sleep 1
if inkey<>"" then end
loop while t < 30
? "fin!"
sleep 1500