staged fireworks (July 24 u2)

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staged fireworks (July 24 u2)

Post by dafhi »

[update: delta-time incongruency remarks]

Code: Select all

/' -- staged fireworks - 2023 Aug 14 - by dafhi
  known issue:  movement is not congruent at different frame rates

  gcc optimization recommended - try these by UEZ / deltarho[1859]
  -arch native -Wc -Ofast,-mfpmath=sse,-funroll-loops
  be sure to check out stereo / quality settings below

  update:  stereo / x-eye needed switching


  #define stereo  '' comment this out for regular view
'  #define quality '' comment this out for flat particles

/' -- boilerplate.bas - 2023 May 12 - by dafhi

  + ------------------------ +
  |  freebasic  |  c++       |
  + ----------- + ---------- +
  |  true = -1  |  true = 1  |
  |  0.99 =  1  |  0.99 = 0  | .. i hope that covers it
  +------------- ----------- +


'' replaces int (and faster) -
#define flo(x)      (((x)*2.0-0.5)shr 1)
''  gcc make this obsolete with speed options

#undef int

#define int         as integer
#define sng         as single
#define dbl         as double

#define decl    declare
#define oper    operator
#define prop    property
#define csr     constructor
#define ac      as const

function min( a as double, b as double ) as double
  return iif( a < b, a, b)
end function

function max( a as double, b as double ) as double
  return iif( a > b, a, b)
end function

sub change_filename_if_exists( byref filename_out as string ) '' March 5
  var f = freefile
  open filename_out for input as f
  if lof(f) > 0 then filename_out = "-" + filename_out
  close f
end sub

function clamp( in dbl, hi dbl = 1, lo dbl = 0) dbl
  return min( max(in, lo), hi ) '' June 12
End Function

function bclamp( i sng ) as ubyte '' Feb 23
  return min( max( i, 0), 255 )
End Function

function int2float( i as ulong) as single
  return i / (2 ^ 32 + 128)
end function

function round(in dbl, places as ubyte = 2) as string
  dim as integer mul = 10 ^ places
  return str(csng(flo(in * mul + .5) / mul))
End Function

const tau = 8 * atn(1)

#macro sw( a, b, tmp )
  tmp = a: a = b: b = tmp

  namespace defocus_dot

   - defocus dot - 2023 June 12 - by dafhi --

  effect of a dot passing through a focus
  1. var a = defocus_dot.new_alpha( rad, z )
  2. var m = defocus_dot.rad_mul
  renamed:  alpha_thresh -> pixel_budget

dim as single     iris_diam = .1
dim as single     focus_z = 10

  dim as single _m, _a

function new_alpha( rad as single, z as single ) as single
  var r_expan = rad + iris_diam * abs(z - focus_z)
  _m = r_expan / rad
  _a = rad^2 / r_expan^2
  return _a
End function
function rad_mul( pixel_budget as single = 1 / 60 ) as single
  '' pixel budget -> reduce radius
  return iif( _a < pixel_budget, _m * _a / pixel_budget, _m )
end function

end namespace

type imvars
  declare constructor
  declare constructor( byref as any ptr = 0 )
  decl sub      get_info( byref p as any ptr = 0 )
  as long           w '' apparently imageinfo no longer likes integer
  as long           h
  as long           pitch,rate
  as long              bypp,bpp
  as any ptr    pixels
  as any ptr    im
  as string     driver_name
end type

constructor imvars
end constructor

constructor imvars( byref p as any ptr )
  get_info p
end constructor

sub imvars.get_info( byref p as any ptr )
  if p = 0 then
    ScreenInfo w,h, bpp, bypp, pitch, rate, driver_name
    pixels = screenptr
    ImageInfo p, w, h, bypp, pitch, pixels
    if bypp = 0 then p = 0
  im = p
end sub

function triwave( i sng ) sng
  return abs( i - flo(i) - .5 ) - .25  '' by Stonemonkey
end function

function _cchsv(h sng, s sng, v sng) as ubyte
  var wave_hgt = s * v
  var elevate = v - wave_hgt
  return 255.499 * (wave_hgt * clamp(triwave(h)*6 + .5) + elevate)
end function

function hsv( h sng=0, s sng=1, v sng=1 ) as ulong '' 2023 April 8
    return rgb( _
  _cchsv( h + 0/3, s,v ), _
  _cchsv( h + 2/3, s,v ), _
  _cchsv( h + 1/3, s,v ) )
end function

Union UnionARGB
  As Ulong        col
  Type: As UByte  B,G,R,A
  End Type
  declare operator cast as ulong
  declare operator let( as ulong )
End Union
operator unionargb.cast as ulong
  return col
end operator
operator unionargb.let( i as ulong )
  col = i
end operator

#Macro Alpha256(ret,back, fore, a256) '2017 Mar 26
  (fore And &Hff00ff) * a256 + _
  (back And &Hff00ff) * (256-a256) + &H800080) And &Hff00ff00 Or (_
  (fore And &H00ff00) * a256 + _
  (back And &H00ff00) * (256-a256) + &H008000) And &H00ff0000) Shr 8

type tStackInfo '' 2023 July 12
  declare constructor
  declare sub       reset
  declare function  yep_resize( int = 0) as boolean
  dim int           i, u
end type

constructor tStackInfo: reset
end constructor

sub tStackInfo.reset: u = -1: i = -1
end sub

function tStackInfo.yep_resize( _u int ) as boolean
  i = max(i,_u):  var ret_val = i > u
  u = iif( ret_val, 1.2*i, u )
  return ret_val
end function

type v3float sng

type v3 '' dodicat introduced us to this wild nomenclature
  declare operator cast as string
  declare function  rodrigues( as v3, sng, sng) as v3
  as v3float        x,y,z
  declare prop      magSq as v3float '' 2023 June 24
  declare prop      norm as v3
End Type

operator v3.cast as string
  return "x: "+str(x)+" y: "+str(y)+" z: "+str(z)
end operator

prop v3.magSq as v3float
  return (x*x+y*y+z*z)
end prop

prop v3.norm as v3
  var s = 1/ max( sqr(magSq), .001 )
  return type(x*s,y*s,z*s)
end prop

function v3.rodrigues( _norm as v3, cosa sng, sina sng) as v3
  static sng dot:  dot=(1-cosa)*(_norm.x*x+_norm.y*y+_norm.z*z)
  return type(_
    _norm.x*dot + x*cosa + (_norm.y*z - _norm.z*y)*sina, _
    _norm.y*dot + y*cosa + (_norm.z*x - _norm.x*z)*sina, _
    _norm.z*dot + z*cosa + (_norm.x*y - _norm.y*x)*sina)
End function

  function v3rnd( mag sng=1 ) as v3
    static sng _y, a, r
    _y=2*(rnd-.5): r = sqr(1-_y*_y) * mag
    return type( r*cos(a), _y*mag, r*sin(a) )
  end function

operator -(r as v3) as v3: return type(-r.x, -r.y, -r.z): end operator
operator -(l as v3,r as v3) as v3: return type(l.x-r.x,l.y-r.y,l.z-r.z): end operator
operator +(l as v3,r as v3) as v3: return type(l.x+r.x, l.y+r.y, l.z+r.z): end operator
operator /(l as v3,r as v3float) as v3: dim as v3float s = 1/r: return type(l.x*s,l.y*s,l.z*s): end operator
operator *(l as v3,r as v3float) as v3: return type(l.x*r,l.y*r,l.z*r): end operator
operator *(l as v3float, r as v3) as v3: return type(l*r.x,l*r.y,l*r.z): end operator
operator *(l as v3,r as v3) as v3: return type(l.x*r.x,l.y*r.y,l.z*r.z): end operator

type axis3
  declare constructor
  declare function pt_rot8( byref as v3 ) as v3
  declare sub self_rot8( byref as v3, sng, sng )

  as v3   vx,vy,vz
  as v3   pos
end type

constructor axis3
  vx = type(1,0,0)
  vy = type(0,1,0)
  vz = type(0,0,1)
end constructor

function axis3.pt_rot8( byref i as v3 ) as v3
  #if 1
  return vx * i.x + vy * i.y + vz * i.z
    return type( _
  vx.x * i.x + vy.x * i.y + vz.x * i.z, _
  vx.y * i.x + vy.y * i.y + vz.y * i.z, _
  vx.z * i.x + vy.z * i.y + vz.z * i.z)
end function

sub axis3.self_rot8( byref n as v3, cosa sng, sina sng )
  vx = vx.rodrigues( n, cosa, sina )
  vy = vy.rodrigues( n, cosa, sina )
  vz = vz.rodrigues( n, cosa, sina )
end sub

  namespace curve_funcs

function impulse( s sng ) sng '' - inigo quilez
  return s*exp(1.0-s)
end function

function parabola( s sng ) sng '' - inigo quilez
  return ( 1 - 4*(.5-s)^2 )
end function

end namespace ' ------ curve_funcs

type statRand '' development

  '' read like a normal variable
  declare operator    cast ac single
  declare operator    cast as string
  '' output range (base, variance)
  sng                 b
  sng                 v
  '' call .new_epoch to make adjustments to b, v
  declare sub         new_epoch
  '' adjustment amounts
  sng                 bv_epoch
  sng                 vv_epoch
  declare sub         set_unit_range( sng = .0, sng = .0 )
  declare sub         set_epoch_range( sng = .0, sng = .0 )
  declare sub         set_vals( sng = .0, sng = .0, sng = .0, sng = .0 )
  '' used by cast()
  sng                 _bas, _vari
end type

operator statRand.cast as string
  return str( cast(single, this) )
end operator

operator statRand.cast ac single
  return _bas + _vari * rnd
end operator

sub statRand.set_vals( a sng, b sng, c sng, d sng )
  set_epoch_range b, c '' July 23
  set_unit_range a, d
end sub

sub statRand.set_epoch_range( bve sng, vve sng )
  bv_epoch = bve
  vv_epoch = vve
end sub

sub statRand.set_unit_range( _b sng, _v sng )
  b = _b
  v = _v
end sub

sub statRand.new_epoch
  _bas  = b + bv_epoch * rnd
  _vari = v + vv_epoch * rnd
end sub

function gsum(k sng = .5, t sng = 1) sng

  /' --- geometric sum ---
    1. s    =  k +k^2 ..  k^t
    2. s-ks =  k +k^2 ..  k^t
                 -k^2 .. -k^(t+1)
            =  k  -   k^(t+1)
  return (k-k^(t+1)) / (1-k)
end function

function sgs(k sng, n sng) sng

  /'   -- sum of geometric sum
     inputs    particle density, time
     output:   position
      k*(1-k^1)/(1-k) + .. k*(1-k^n)/(1-k)
    static sng r:  r = k/(1*(1-k))
  return r * ( n - r*(1-k^n) )
end function
' ------------------- util

' - sRGB_workspace.bas continued ..
  namespace sRGB_workspace

function c( _c as ubyte) int
  return _c
end function

type pixel
  sng                 x,y,z
  decl oper           cast as ulong
  decl sub            in_rgb( as ulong, sng = 1)
  decl sub            subm_rgb( as ulong, sng = 1)  '' Feb 19
  decl sub            add( as pixel, sng = 1)       '' Feb 19
end type

sub pixel.add( in as pixel, alpha sng)      '' Feb 19
  x += alpha * in.x
  y += alpha * in.y
  z += alpha * in.z
end sub

sub pixel.subm_rgb( col as ulong, alpha sng) '' Feb 19 (old name add_rgb)
  x += alpha * ( c( col shr 16 )-127.5 )
  y += alpha * ( c( col shr 8 )-127.5 )
  z += alpha * ( c( col shr 0 )-127.5 )
end sub

sub pixel.in_rgb( col as ulong, alpha sng)
  x = alpha * c( col shr 16 )
  y = alpha * c( col shr 8 )
  z = alpha * c( col shr 0 )
end sub

oper pixel.cast as ulong
  return rgb( bclamp(x), bclamp(y), bclamp(z) )
end oper

dim as pixel          buf(any, any)

dim int               wm
dim int               hm

sub setup( w as short, h as short )
  const dimension_thresh = 11000
  if w > dimension_thresh orelse h > dimension_thresh then exit sub
  if w < 1 orelse h < 1 then exit sub
  wm = w - 1
  hm = h - 1
  redim buf(wm, hm)
end sub

sub fill( col as ulong = rgb(128,128,128), stren sng = 0.5)
  dim as pixel iwa:  iwa.in_rgb col, stren
  for p as pixel ptr = @buf(0,0) to @buf(wm,hm)
    *p = iwa
end sub

sub render( byref imv as imvars )
  var wm = imv.w - 1
  dim as any ptr pp = imv.pixels
    for y int = 0 to imv.h-1
  dim as ulong ptr p = pp + y * imv.pitch
    for x int = 0 to wm
  p[x] = sRGB_workspace.buf(x,y)
end sub

end namespace ' ------ sRGB_workspace

type t_cliprect field = 2
  as ushort    x0, x1
  as ushort    y0, y1
  decl oper    cast as string
end type

oper t_cliprect.cast as string
  #if 1
    return _
  "x0: " + str(x0) + _
  " x1:" + str(x1) + _
  " y0:" + str(y0) + _
  " y1:" + str(y1)
  return "rect (" + str(x0) + "," + str(y0) + _
  ") - "  + str(x1) + "," + str(y1) + ")"
end oper

  namespace  metaball2D
/' -- unique metaballs - 2023 June 27 - by dafhi

  no alpha blending here .. just adds, where r,g,b can be negative.    

dim as t_cliprect       _clipped '' namespace globals

dim sng               _slope_by_rad', _clipSQ '' April 11
dim sng               _metaball_alpha_scalar '' March 21
dim sng               draw_dist_from_center '' May 12

dim sng               dx, dy, dx0, dySQ

function _cliplo( s sng, lim sng = 0) as typeof(_clipped.x0)
  return clamp( flo( s ), 9999, lim )
end function

function _cliphi( s sng, lim sng ) as typeof(_clipped.x0)
  return clamp( flo( s ), lim )
end function

sub _cliprect_calc( x sng, y sng, rad_multed sng ) '' Feb 24
  _clipped.x0 = _cliplo( x - rad_multed )
  _clipped.x1 = _cliphi( x + rad_multed, sRGB_workspace.wm )
  _clipped.y0 = _cliplo( y - rad_multed )
  _clipped.y1 = _cliphi( y + rad_multed, )
end sub
dim as sRGB_workspace.pixel sRGBpel '' March 24

sub _precalcs( x sng, y sng, col as ulong = -1, rad sng = 10)
  draw_dist_from_center = .45 '' .65 for large metas
  _metaball_alpha_scalar = min( rad, .003 ) * (col shr 24) / 255
  _cliprect_calc x, y, rad * draw_dist_from_center
  _slope_by_rad = 1 / max(rad, .001)
  dx0 = (_clipped.x0 - x) * _slope_by_rad
  sRGBpel = type(0,0,0)
  sRGBpel.subm_rgb col '' Feb 19
end sub
sub _scan( col as ulong, plot_y int )
  dySQ = dy * dy
  dx = dx0
  for plot_x int = _clipped.x0 to _clipped.x1
    var alpha = _metaball_alpha_scalar / ((dx*dx+dySQ)^2 + .001)
    sRGB_workspace.buf(plot_x, plot_y).add sRGBpel, alpha '' Feb 19
    dx += _slope_by_rad
  dy += _slope_by_rad
end sub

sub _draw( x sng, y sng, col as ulong = -1, rad sng = 10)
  dy = (_clipped.y0 - y) * _slope_by_rad
  for plot_y int = _clipped.y0 to _clipped.y1
    _scan col, plot_y
end sub

sub draw( x sng, y sng, col as ulong = -1, rad sng = 10)
  _precalcs x, y, col, rad
  dy = (_clipped.y0 - y) * _slope_by_rad
  for plot_y int = _clipped.y0 to _clipped.y1
    _scan col, plot_y
end sub

end namespace ' ---- metaball2D  

  namespace fireworks

'' putting as many randomize-worthy properties discovered in dev process
type _species_randomization
  declare constructor
  declare sub       new_eco_common
  '' a species may use all or none of these
  as statRand       hue, sat
  as statRand       accel, accel_dura
  as statRand       brightness_formula
  as statRand       dens, size
  as statRand       pps, lifetime
  as statRand       explo
  sng               ratio
end type

constructor _species_randomization
end constructor

sub _species_randomization.new_eco_common
  '' params 1,2: base, layer fuzz variance
  '' params 3,4: layer max distance, base fuzz
  brightness_formula.set_vals 0, 0, 0, 1.5 '' c++ .. 2
  hue.set_vals 0, .03, 1, 0
  sat.set_vals  0,1
end sub

type _ecosystem
  declare sub         set_species_count( as byte = 1 )
  declare property    rand_index_from_ratios int
  int                 _i
  declare sub         _create_softmax '' ML terminology
  as _species_randomization sr( any )
end type

property _ecosystem.rand_index_from_ratios int
  var         s = csng(rnd)
  for i int = 0 to ubound( sr )
    if s <= sr(i).ratio then return i
end property

sub _ecosystem.set_species_count( c as byte )
  c = max(c, 1)
  redim sr(c-1)
end sub

sub _ecosystem._create_softmax
  var s = 0f
  for i int = 0 to ubound(sr)
    s += rnd
    sr(i).ratio = s
  for i int = 0 to ubound(sr)
    sr(i).ratio /= s
end sub

  enum en_stage
  end enum

sub defs_fw( byref e as _ecosystem, stage int, c_specie int = 1 )
  e.set_species_count c_specie
    for i int = 0 to ubound( )
  '' .explo parameter only used in defs_emi() and defs_par()
  '' glomping before select case for convenience 1 1,90 1.9, 1.4 .3, .45
  select case ac stage '' ac ~ as const
  case fuse
  '' params 1,2: base, layer fuzz variance
  '' params 3,4: layer max distance, base fuzz 1', 4, 0, 0
  case tube_eject .7, 1.2 80,50 .01, .02
  case propel 1.3, 3.4 50, 60 .7, 2.5
  case explode 1, 250 .0, 1.1
  end select
end sub

sub defs_emi( byref e as _ecosystem, stage int, c_specie int = 2 )
  e.set_species_count c_specie
    for i int = 0 to ubound( ) 1 1.1, .9 .4, .4 0, 3
  select case ac stage '' ac ~ as const
  case fuse .1, 2.5
  case tube_eject .01, .3
  case propel 0, 340 * rnd '* rnd .1, 4 0, 70 * rnd
  case explode .1, 8 0, 50 40, 120
  end select
end sub

sub defs_par( byref e as _ecosystem, stage int, c_specie int = 2 )
  e.set_species_count c_specie
    for i int = 0 to ubound( ) .9, .6 .01, .7 .1, 2.3
  select case ac stage '' ac ~ as const
  case fuse .01, 1.1
  case tube_eject '1',45*rnd*rnd
  case propel 0,15*rnd
  case explode 0, 49 * rnd'*rnd
  end select
end sub
  dim as v3       wind, grav
  dim as double   t, tp, dt, dt2, t0
  dim as _species_randomization ptr gsr

type _particle
  declare constructor
  declare function  dp( dbl, byref as v3 = type(0,0,0) ) as v3
  declare function  fv( dbl, byref as v3 = type(0,0,0) ) as v3
  as v3           p
  as v3           v
  sng             hue
  sng             sat
  sng             dens
  sng             lifetime
  sng             size
  dbl             t
  declare sub     _exotic_propulsion( as long = false )
  declare sub     _procedural_stats( byref as _ecosystem, sng = 0 )', byref as v3, byref as v3 )
  declare sub     _phys_update( dbl, byref as v3 = type(0,0,0) )
  as function ( as _particle, as double, as v3 = type(0,0,0) ) ac v3 _dpos
  as function ( as _particle, as double, as v3 = type(0,0,0) ) ac v3 _fvel
  as function ( sng ) sng bright
end type

constructor _particle
  _exotic_propulsion false
'  bright = @curve_funcs.parabola
end constructor

  '' physics
  function f_vel( byref p as _particle, t as double, byref accel as v3 = type(0,0,0) ) as v3
    return p.v * p.dens^t + wind * gsum( 1-p.dens, t) + accel * gsum( p.dens, t )
  end function
  function f_dpos( byref p as _particle, t as double, byref accel as v3 = type(0,0,0) ) as v3
    return p.v * gsum(p.dens,t) + wind * sgs( 1-p.dens, t) + accel * sgs( p.dens, t )
  end function
  '' fuse physics
  function f_vel_nowind( byref p as _particle, t as double, byref accel as v3 = type(0,0,0) ) as v3
    return p.v * p.dens^t + accel * gsum( p.dens, t )
  end function

  function f_dpos_nowind( byref p as _particle, t as double, byref accel as v3 = type(0,0,0) ) as v3
    return p.v * gsum(p.dens,t) + accel * sgs( p.dens, t )
  end function
'' class funcs point to regular funcs
function _particle.dp( _t dbl, byref accel as v3 ) as v3
  return _dpos( this, _t, accel )
end function

function _particle.fv( _t dbl, byref accel as v3 ) as v3
  return _fvel( this, _t, accel )
end function

'' set pointed-to funcs
sub _particle._exotic_propulsion( i as long )
  _dpos = iif( i, @f_dpos_nowind, @f_dpos )
  _fvel = iif( i, @f_vel_nowind, @f_vel )
end sub

sub _particle._procedural_stats( byref src as _ecosystem, hue_base sng )', byref vel as v3, byref acc as v3 )
  src._i = src.rand_index_from_ratios
  gsr = src._i ) '' gsr for reduced text
    with *gsr
  hue = .hue + hue_base
  sat = .sat
  size = max(.size, .3)
  lifetime = .lifetime
  dens = .dens / ( 1 + 1 / size ^ 3 )
  dim int j = .brightness_formula
  select case j
    case 0
  bright = @curve_funcs.impulse
    case 1
  bright = @curve_funcs.parabola
  end select
    end with
end sub

sub _particle._phys_update( dt dbl, byref accel as v3 )
  p += dp(  dt, accel )
  v = fv( dt, accel )
  t += dt
end sub

  type eco_pair
    as _ecosystem   e,et
  end type
type emitter extends _particle
  as eco_pair     ep
  as v3           accel
  sng             accel_dura
  sng             pps
  int             i_stage
  int             is_fw_base
  sng             y0, dy0, explo_pps', y_explo
  as _ecosystem   ett
end type

type firework extends emitter
  declare constructor
end type

constructor firework
  is_fw_base = 1
end constructor

sub _dy0( byref e as emitter )
  e.dy0 = ( e.p.y - e.y0 ) / 999 + .1
end sub
sub _emi_startvals( byref des as emitter )
  dim as v3 acc
  select case des.i_stage
  case tube_eject
    acc = type(0, 7+rnd,0) + v3rnd
  case propel
    acc = type(0, .4+rnd,0) + v3rnd + des.v
  end select

  _dy0 des
  with des
  ._procedural_stats .ep.e
  .explo_pps = .dy0 * gsr->explo / 199 + 1
  .accel_dura = gsr->accel_dura
  .accel = (acc.norm) * (gsr->accel / .accel_dura) / .dens
  .pps = (.explo_pps * gsr->pps + .0) / gsr->lifetime
  select case .i_stage
  case fuse
    ._exotic_propulsion true
  case else
    ._exotic_propulsion false
    .accel += grav
  end select
  end with
end sub

sub _split_accel( t1 dbl, byref e as emitter, dt dbl )
  if t1 > e.accel_dura then
    dim sng st = e.accel_dura - e.t
    if st > 0 then
    e._phys_update st, e.accel
    e.accel = iif( e.i_stage = fuse, type(0,0,0), grav ) '' stop accel
    e._phys_update dt - st, e.accel
    e.accel = iif( e.i_stage = fuse, type(0,0,0), grav ) '' stop accel
    e.accel_dura += e.lifetime '' move the finish line so no retrigger
    e._phys_update dt, e.accel
end sub

#macro _possible_stage_chamge( _dt )
    t1 = e.t + _dt
    if t1 > e.lifetime then
      if e.i_stage = explode orelse e.is_fw_base = false then e.t = t1: exit sub
      e.t -= e.lifetime
      e.i_stage += 1
      defs_fw   e.ep.e, e.i_stage, 1 '' species count
      defs_emi, e.i_stage, .5 + rnd * 2
      defs_par  e.ett, e.i_stage, 1 + rnd
      _emi_startvals e
      t1 = e.t + dt

#macro _fw_emi_common()
    static int k
    k = (e.dy0 + 1) * iif( e.i_stage = explode, _
  e.pps * dt * curve_funcs.parabola( e.t / e.lifetime ), _
  e.pps * dt ) + rnd - .5
  static dbl tt, t1
  if k = 0 then
    _possible_stage_chamge( dt )
    _split_accel t1, e, dt
    exit sub
  static dbl ddt:     ddt = dt / k
'  static dbl t0: t0 = e.t
'  static int k0: k0=k

sub emit_emitters( byref appen as sub( byref as firework), _
  byref si as tStackInfo, des() as emitter, byref e as firework )

  while k > 0
    appen( e )
    des(si.i).i_stage = e.i_stage
    des(si.i).t = min( rnd, rnd * min( ddt, des(si.i).lifetime ) )
    tt = des(si.i).t
    _emi_startvals des(si.i)
    des(si.i).p =  e.p + e.dp( tt )
      des(si.i).v = e.fv( tt, e.accel ) + _
    v3rnd * ( gsr->explo * e.dy0 )'* (1-des(si.i).dens)/e.dens )
    des(si.i).y0 = e.y0 '' for explosion intensity

    _possible_stage_chamge( ddt )
    _split_accel t1, e, ddt

    k -= 1

end sub

sub emit_particles( appen as sub( byref as emitter), _
  byref si as tStackInfo, des() as _particle, byref e as emitter )

  while k > 0

#if 1
    appen( e )
    des(si.i).t = min( rnd, rnd * min( ddt, des(si.i).lifetime ) )

    tt = des(si.i).t
    des(si.i)._procedural_stats, e.hue
      des(si.i).v = e.fv( tt, e.accel ) + _
    v3rnd * ( ( gsr->explo ) * (1-des(si.i).dens)/e.dens )
    des(si.i).p = e.p + e.dp( tt )

    t1 = e.t + ddt
    if t1 > e.lifetime then e.t = t1: e.i_stage += 1: exit while
    _split_accel t1, e, ddt
    _dy0 e

    k -= 1
end sub
  dim as _particle      par(any)
  dim as emitter    emi()
  dim as firework   fw()
  dim as tStackInfo     si
  dim as tStackInfo emi_si
  dim as tStackInfo fw_si

sub fw_append( byref p as v3=type(0,0,0), _
  stage_type int = en_stage.fuse )
  if fw_si.yep_resize( fw_si.i+1) then redim preserve fw(fw_si.u)
  with fw( fw_si.i )
  .t = 0
  defs_fw   .ep.e, stage_type, 1 '' species count
  defs_emi, stage_type, 1 + rnd
  defs_par  .ett, stage_type, 1 + rnd
  .i_stage = stage_type
  .p = p
  .y0 = p.y '' height as explosion variable
  .v = type(0,0,0)
  _emi_startvals fw( fw_si.i )
  end with
end sub
sub par_append( byref e as emitter )
  if si.i > 4999 then exit sub
  if si.yep_resize(si.i+1) then redim preserve par( si.u )
  with par(si.i)
  end with
end sub

sub emi_append( byref fw as firework )
  if emi_si.i > 3500 then exit sub
  if emi_si.yep_resize( emi_si.i+1) then redim preserve emi(emi_si.u)
  with emi(emi_si.i)
    .ep.e = = fw.ett
    .i_stage = fw.i_stage
  end with
end sub
sub par_remove( i int ):  static as _particle tmp
  if si.i < 0 then exit sub
  sw( par(i), par( si.i), tmp )
  si.i -= 1
end sub

sub emi_remove( i int ):  static as emitter tmp
  if i < 0 then exit sub
  sw( emi(i), emi( emi_si.i ), tmp )
  emi_si.i -= 1
end sub

sub fw_remove( i int ):  static as firework tmp
  if i < 0 then exit sub
  sw( fw(i), fw( fw_si.i ), tmp )
  fw_si.i -= 1
end sub

dim sng         scale_2d = 1

dim sng         w, h', wh, hh

dim sng         _scalar
  dim as axis3          world

sub initialize( _w int, _h int )
  w = _w': wh = w/2
  h = _h': hh = h/2
  world.pos.z = 550
  _scalar = world.pos.z * scale_2d
  defocus_dot.focus_z = _scalar
  defocus_dot.iris_diam = .002
  world.vy.y = -1
  grav = type(0,-1,0).norm * 9.8 * 2
  t0 = timer: tp = 0
end sub

sub _update_time
  t = timer - t0
  dt2 = dt
  dt = t - tp
  tp = t
end sub

    '' output format
  type _pdata extends v3
    as v3         p
    sng           hue
    sng           sat
    sng           r
    sng           f '' age / lifetime
    as function( sng ) sng bright
  end type

  dim as _pdata     pdata()
  dim as tStackInfo pd_si

sub _par_to_pdata( byref src as _particle )
  pd_si.i += 1
    with src
  pdata(pd_si.i).p = src.p'world.pt_rot8( src.p )
  pdata(pd_si.i).hue = .hue
  pdata(pd_si.i).sat = .sat
  pdata(pd_si.i).f = .t / .lifetime
  pdata(pd_si.i).bright = src.bright
  pdata(pd_si.i).r = .size
    end with
end sub

#macro to_pdata__common( _si, a )
  for i int = 0 to _si.i
    _par_to_pdata a(i)

sub _all_to_pdata
    if pd_si.yep_resize( si.i + 1 + emi_si.i + 1 + fw_si.i ) then _
  redim preserve pdata(pd_si.u)
  pd_si.i = -1
  to_pdata__common( fw_si, fw  )
  to_pdata__common( emi_si, emi  )
  to_pdata__common( si, par )
end sub

sub _fw_phys
  dim int i
  while i <= fw_si.i
    emit_emitters @emi_append, emi_si, emi(), fw(i)
    if fw(i).t > fw(i).lifetime then
      fw_remove i
      i += 1
end sub

sub _emi_phys
  dim int i

  while i <= emi_si.i
    emit_particles @par_append, si, par(), emi(i)
    if emi(i).t > emi(i).lifetime then
      emi_remove i
      i += 1

end sub

sub _par_phys
  dim int i
  while i <= si.i
    par(i)._phys_update dt, grav
    if par(i).t > par(i).lifetime then
      par_remove i
      i += 1
end sub
sub calc
end sub

end namespace ' ------- fireworks

' -------------------------------------
Type sort_type   as fireworks._pdata
' -------------------------------------

'' comment out the .z for plain var type
#define dot   .p.z

'' sort direction
#define direction >

  namespace sorts '' namespacing allows local globals

#macro pred(x,y)
  clng( x dot direction y dot )

#macro sw2(x,y)
  tmp= x: x= y: y=tmp
type sortindex as integer

dim as sortindex   j, k, m

dim as sort_type   piv, tmp

Sub qs_osp(a() as sort_type, r int, L int=0)

  if r<=L then exit sub '' 2023 July 20
  '' one swap partition quicksort - by dafhi

  if r-L = 1 andalso pred( a(r), a(L) ) then sw2( a(r), a(L) ): exit sub

  j = (L+1+r)\2 '' int divide
  if pred( a(L), a(j) ) then sw2( a(L), a(j) )
  piv = a(L) '' global piv
  j = r
  var i = L
    while pred( piv, a(j) ): j-=1: wend
    a(i) = a(j)
    i += 1
    while pred( a(i), piv )andalso i<j: i+=1: wend
    if i>=j then exit do
    a(j) = a(i)
    j -= 1

  i = (i+j)\2 '' integer divide
  if clng( a(i)dot <> piv dot ) then a(i) = piv
  qs_osp a(), i-1, L
  qs_osp a(), r, i+1
end sub

end namespace

sub test_draw( byref imv as imvars, byref axis as axis3 )

  if imv.h < 1 then exit sub
  var wh = imv.w / 2
  var hh = imv.h / 2
  #ifdef quality
    srgb_workspace.fill hsv(.65,.5,.1), .4
    line,(0,0)-(imv.w,imv.h),hsv(.65,.5,.1), bf

  static as unionargb uar
  static sng          bright
  static as v3        p
    using fireworks
  for i int = 0 to pd_si.i
    with pdata(i)
  p = axis.pt_rot8(.p) + axis.pos
  if p.z < .1 then continue for
  var z_inv = _scalar / p.z
  var x = p.x * z_inv + wh
  var y = p.y * z_inv + hh
  uar = hsv( .hue, .sat, 1 )
  bright = 255.5 * pdata(i).bright( pdata(i).f ) '' c++ 256
  ''  defocus_dot example
  ''  new_alpha must be first
  uar.a = (1 - pdata(i).f) * bright * defocus_dot.new_alpha( .r, p.z )

  var r = pdata(i).r * z_inv * defocus_dot.rad_mul
  #ifdef quality
    metaball2d.draw x,y,uar, r*2.9
    circle, (x, y), r, uar,,,, f
    end with
  #ifdef quality
    srgb_workspace.render imv

end sub
' ----------- test draw

#ifdef stereo
  const scalar = .8
  const             w = 1280 * scalar
  const scalar = 1
  const             w = 800 * scalar
  const             h = 720 * scalar
dim shared sng diagonal = sqr(w*w+h*h)

sub fw_next
  using fireworks
    var a = tau * rnd
    var r = 250 * sqr(rnd)
    fw_append r*type( cos(a), 0, 1*sin(a) )', propel
end sub

  #include ""
screenres w,h,32,, fb.gfx_alpha_primitives

#ifdef stereo
  dim as imvars imv = imagecreate(w/2,h)
  dim as imvars imv = imagecreate(w,h)

var demo_seconds = 200


fireworks.scale_2d = scalar
fireworks.initialize w,h += 290 '' towards bottom

fireworks.wind = type(-1,0,0).norm * 0

dim as string kstr
dim as double report_next = .5, pps
dim as double firework_next = 1, cfps, afps = 0
dim as double print_next = 4
dim as long c = 0

#ifdef quality
srgb_workspace.setup w,h


dim as axis3 eye
  using fireworks
  dim int stereo_parallel = true

while fireworks.t < demo_seconds
  sorts.qs_osp fireworks.pdata(), fireworks.pd_si.i
  eye =
  dim sng angle = tau / 59 '' world top slightly toward viewer
  angle = 0
  eye.self_rot8 eye.vx, cos(angle), sin(angle)
  angle = iif(stereo_parallel,1,-1) * tau / 300
  eye.self_rot8 world.vy, cos(angle), sin(angle)
'  eye.pos = world.pos - type( w/80,0,0)
'  eye.self_rot8 eye.vy, cos(angle), sin(angle)
  test_draw imv, eye
  put (0,0),, pset
  #ifdef stereo
'    eye.pos = world.pos + type( w/80,0,0)
    angle = iif(stereo_parallel,-1,1) * tau / 150
    eye.self_rot8 world.vy, cos(angle), sin(angle)
    test_draw imv, eye
    put (imv.w,0),, pset

  locate 2,2
  if fireworks.t < 2.1 then
    ? "demo runs "; demo_seconds; " seconds"
  elseif fireworks.t < 4 then
    #ifdef stereo
      ? "keys: X (x-eye / parallel)"
  elseif fireworks.t < print_next then
    #ifdef stereo
      ? iif( stereo_parallel, "parallel", "x-eye" )
  if fireworks.t > firework_next then
    firework_next += .05 + (rnd*rnd) * 2.7

  if fireworks.t > report_next then
    cfps = 2 / (fireworks.dt + fireworks.dt2)
    afps += cfps
      windowtitle "time: " + round( fireworks.t ) + _
    "  .. FPS: " + round( cfps ) + ", " + round(afps / c)
    report_next += 1
    c += 1

  kstr = lcase(inkey)
  select case kstr
  case chr(27)
  case "v"
  case "z", "x", "c"
    stereo_parallel = not stereo_parallel
    print_next = fireworks.t + 1
  end select
  sleep 20

? " Done !"

Last edited by dafhi on Aug 15, 2023 8:14, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: kinetic transfer particles

Post by hhr »

Very interesting.
Is it hard to rebuild the program to repeat instead of showing 'Done!'?
I have not been able to do that.
I also like 'defocus dot'. That's where I got it to work myself.
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Re: kinetic transfer particles

Post by dafhi »

overhauling the entire system to make it organized & easy to use.
defocus dot is a by-product of this effort

expect an update in the next few weeks hopefully xD
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Re: staged fireworks (July 23)

Post by dafhi »

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Re: staged fireworks (July 23)

Post by BasicCoder2 »

Looks good. All it needs now is sound and smell of smoke :)
Last edited by BasicCoder2 on Jul 24, 2023 9:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: staged fireworks (July 23)

Post by UEZ »

Looks very nice - well done.

Running on Win11 x64 ~30 fps with suggested compile settings.
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Re: staged fireworks (July 24)

Post by dafhi »

BasicCoder2 wrote: Jul 24, 2023 8:26 Looks good. All it needs now is sound and smell of smoke :)
yep. sound. lol ..
would be insanely cool. that's some cool footage.

thanks foe the info! i get abt 35 (MX Linux 1165g7)

be sure to try out the quality / stereo settings near the top
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Re: staged fireworks (July 24)

Post by deltarho[1859] »

I wouldn't bank on these:

Code: Select all

-Wc -Ofast -Wc -march=native
On my machine, -Ofast is often slower than -O2.

-march=native is slower than -march=i686. I could never figure that one out, but I do not use native now.
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Re: staged fireworks (July 24)

Post by UEZ »

dafhi wrote: Jul 24, 2023 11:28
BasicCoder2 wrote: Jul 24, 2023 8:26 Looks good. All it needs now is sound and smell of smoke :)
yep. sound. lol ..
would be insanely cool. that's some cool footage.

thanks foe the info! i get abt 35 (MX Linux 1165g7)

be sure to try out the quality / stereo settings near the top
By enabling quality the result is even nicer - well done. What is the purpose having stereo view?

@deltarho[1859]: agreed, it depends on the CPU you have. On my AMD Ryzen 5 Pro Mobile 3500U CPU -gen gcc -Wc -Ofast -Wc -march=native -Wc -funroll-loops -Wc -mfpmath=sse seems to be the fastest setting. For other settings the FPS is below 10!
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Re: staged fireworks (July 24)

Post by deltarho[1859] »

UEZ wrote:it depends on the CPU you have.
It is a pity we have to experiment.

This is my default:

Code: Select all

-w all -fpmode fast -fpu sse -arch 686 -gen gcc -O 2
and I am 'topping out' at 35fps.
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Re: staged fireworks (July 24)

Post by dafhi »

UEZ - a quick response to your question while i try different compile options.

stereo (short for stereoscopic) means slightly rotated view for each eye.

there are 2 ways to view stereo pairs for true vr experience:
cross eye or parallel. parallel means your left eye looks at the left image.

if the window is too large you can reduce the scalar constant
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Re: staged fireworks (July 24)

Post by dafhi »

-Wc does seem to make a difference

initial fps: 47
average run 35
spikes into 39, rare to 42
low 33


Code: Select all

-Wc -Ofast -fpmode fast -fpu sse -Wc -march=native -Wc -funroll-loops -Wc -mfpmath=sse
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Re: staged fireworks (July 24)

Post by UEZ »

dafhi wrote: Jul 24, 2023 13:18 stereo (short for stereoscopic) means slightly rotated view for each eye.

there are 2 ways to view stereo pairs for true vr experience:
cross eye or parallel. parallel means your left eye looks at the left image.
That was my guess. :)

Anyhow, to make a real comparison I suggest to comment out the sleep in the main loop.

No quality, no stereo, x64, -gen gcc -Wc -Ofast -Wc -march=native -Wc -funroll-loops -Wc -mfpmath=sse: ~150 fps.

Maybe you can add also an average fps counter to get a better value, something like this here:

Code: Select all

dim as double firework_next = 1, cfps, afps = 0
dim as long c = 0
  if fireworks.t > report_next then
    'var m = str(report_next)
	cfps = 2 / (fireworks.dt + fireworks.dt2)
	afps += cfps
    windowtitle "FPS: " + str( cfps ) + ", " + str(afps / c)
    report_next += 1
	c += 1
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Re: staged fireworks (July 24)

Post by BasicCoder2 »

@dafhi wrote: "be sure to try out the quality / stereo settings near the top"
I had to move away from the screen to do the cross eyed technique. Usually I look beyond the screen.
Have you used those auto stereograms? ... grams.html
The cross eyed technique actually makes everything look further away where as the looking beyond the screen makes everything look larger.
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Re: staged fireworks (July 24)

Post by deltarho[1859] »


Code: Select all

-Wc -Ofast -fpmode fast -fpu sse -Wc -march=native -Wc -funroll-loops -Wc -mfpmath=sse
-fpu sse and -mfpmath=sse are equivalent.

We don't need to use -Wc if the option is in the manual's 'Compiler Options'. -Wc is for additional options.

We don't need to use '-Wc -march=native' – we can use '-arch native' as per the manual's 'Compiler Options'.

Looking at the compiler log file (WinFBE) some of your options are being ignored. I cannot see Ofast anywhere.

I would rather not ruin your day but have a look at UEZ's post here. -gen gcc is used – you do not – you are actually running gas. Ouch!
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