Controlling two characters at once

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Controlling two characters at once

Post by IvanisIvan »

In freeBASIC, is it possible to do two calculations at once or close? I have been testing it with the draw string command as well as the circle command but when I draw two of each, I only control the first mentioned in the code.
Thank you for any help I receive!
- Ivan
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Re: Controlling two characters at once

Post by badidea »

Not sure I understand the question.

With FreeBASIC you can make anything form your own OS to your own World of Craft. (if you have the time and motivation, both years of work for a group of developers).

The limit to your question seems input hardware. How are the players going to control the characters? Sharing the same keyboard is technically[1] and piratically inconvenient. Like a game computers (e.g. xbox) you probably need multiple joysticks or game-pads. (I never tried this with a normal PC). Another option is link computers via network, but building network code into your game is not trivial.

[1]There is maximum numbers of keys that can be pressed (and detected) at ounce.
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Re: Controlling two characters at once

Post by grindstone »

If using a multi-core-processor, it could help to do every calculation in an own thread.
paul doe
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Re: Controlling two characters at once

Post by paul doe »

IvanisIvan wrote:In freeBASIC, is it possible to do two calculations at once or close? I have been testing it with the draw string command as well as the circle command but when I draw two of each, I only control the first mentioned in the code.
Would help immensely (and resolve the issue faster) if you showed us a code snippet with your intent...

For example:

Code: Select all

#include once ""

type as long _

type Player
  as integer _
    x, y, _
  as double _
  as ulong _
  as Control _
    up, _
    down, _
    left, _
end type

type _
  as integer _
    width, _
end type

sub _
  renderAsCircle( _
    aPlayer as Player )
  circle _
    ( aPlayer.x, aPlayer.y ), _
    aPlayer.radius, _
    aPlayer.color, , , , f
end sub

sub _
  updateFrame( _
    byref extents as Bounds, _
    players() as Player, _
    byval dT as double )
  for _
    i as integer => 0 _
    to ubound( players )
    with players( i )
      if( multiKey( .up ) ) then
        .y => iif( .y > 0, _
          .y - .speed * dT, 0 )
      end if
      if( multiKey( .down ) ) then
        .y => iif( .y < extents.height, _
          .y + .speed * dT, extents.height )
      end if
      if( multiKey( .left ) ) then
        .x => iif( .x > 0, _
          .x - .speed * dT, 0 )
      end if
      if( multiKey( .right ) ) then
        .x => iif( .x < extents.width, _
          .x + .speed * dT, extents.width )
      end if
    end with
end sub

sub _
  renderFrame( _
    byref extents as Bounds, _ 
    players() as Player )
    for _
      i as integer => 0 _
      to ubound( players )
      renderAsCircle( players( i ) )
end sub

var _
  displayBounds => type <Bounds> ( _
    800, 600 )
dim as Player _
  players( ... ) => { _
    type <Player> ( _
      50, displayBounds.height \ 2 , _
      25, 1.0, rgb( 255, 0, 0 ), _
      Fb.SC_W, _
      Fb.SC_S, _
      Fb.SC_A, _
      Fb.SC_D ), _
    type <Player> ( _
      displayBounds.width - 50, displayBounds.height \ 2 , _
      25, 1.0, rgb( 0, 0, 255 ), _
      Fb.SC_UP, _
      Fb.SC_DOWN, _
      Fb.SC_LEFT, _
      Fb.SC_RIGHT ) }

screenRes( _
  displayBounds.width, _
  displayBounds.height, _
  32 )

dim as double _

  dT => timer()
  renderFrame( _
    displayBounds, _
    players() )
  sleep( 1, 1 )
  dT => timer() - dT
    The delta time here is expressed in milliseconds, so the speed of a
    player is interpreted as pixels/second. Thus, if you specify a speed
    of 1.0, it will move at a rate of 1000 pixels/second.
  updateFrame( _
    displayBounds, _
    players(), _
    dT * 1000.0 )
loop until( multiKey( Fb.SC_ESCAPE ) )
Move the red player with the WASD keys, the blue player with the arrow keys.
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