
General FreeBASIC programming questions.
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Re: Squares

Post by dodicat »

My string tally is a bit slow so here's another way.

Code: Select all

Function pop_cnt( Byval x As Ulongint ) As Integer  ''richard
    Dim As Integer count = 0
    Do While x
        If x And 1 Then count += 1
        If x And 2 Then count += 1
        If x And 4 Then count += 1
        If x And 8 Then count += 1
        x = x Shr 4
    Return count
End Function

function countbits(num as ulongint) as integer
      dim as integer count
       while num 
           count+= num and 1
           num shr=1
       return count
end function

randomize 1
dim as double t
dim as long ctr

For i As Integer = 0 To 1000000
    if pop_cnt(int(rnd*1000000000))=7 then ctr+=1  'richard's
Next i
print timer-t,ctr

randomize 1
For i As Integer = 0 To 1000000
    if countbits(int(rnd*1000000000))=7 then ctr+=1
Next i
print timer-t,ctr

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Re: Squares

Post by Richard »

Avoid 2/3 of the unlikely tests.

Code: Select all

Function count_bits( Byval x As Ulongint ) As Integer 
    Dim As Integer count = 0
    While x
        count += x And 1
        x Shr= 1
        count += x And 1
        x Shr= 1
        count += x And 1
        x Shr= 1
    Return count
End Function
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Re: Squares

Post by Richard »

Avoiding the terminal test 2/3 of the time only made it 7% faster, but here, even with the terminal test always done, it is about 33% faster.

Code: Select all

' Brian Kernighan’s Algorithm
Function fast_bitcount( Byval x As Ulongint ) As Integer
    Dim As Integer count = 0
    While x
        x And= x - 1
        count += 1
    Return count
End Function
I conjured up "x Xor= x And -x" which worked OK, but then I found Brian Kernighan’s Algorithm which uses the simpler to understand "x And= x-1". They are both about the same speed.
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Re: Squares

Post by dodicat »

Where do all these names come from?
Brian Kernighan’s Algorithm
Brent's algorithm.
Hopcroft carp algorithm
and . . .
Knuth, Bellman-ford, Floyd-Warshall . . .
There are millions of them.
I notice many are double barrelled which I presume means that a couple of people have went through hellish stages of arguing, including, I suppose, which name appears first.
I propose an Albert-Richard algorithm about something or other. It is time, after all those exhausting years on circles and now squares.

I have my own suggestion for (Dodicat), the law of partial mental pressures, which suggests that no matter how fast you get your algorithm to run, somebody on the freebasic forum comes up with a faster one, and the total mental pressure is then the sum of all these disappointments, which over time will result in a crack up.
I have yet to put it in code form of course.
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Re: Squares

Post by Richard »

If dodicat had not shown While...Wend was faster than Do While .. Loop and eliminated the If, I would not have looked for and found x Xor= x And -x. When I found that I went looking to see if it was already in play. That is when I found Brian Kernighan’s x And= x-1. So if Albert hadn't asked, dodicat wouldn't have challenged my speed and I wouldn't have searched for and invented a zero-jumping version, then found the best yet already in use. There are faster ways that use look up tables of nybbles or bytes. It is your turn.
If anyone on the FB forum comes up with a faster algorithm we are all winners. The forum is greater than sum of it's members.
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Re: Squares

Post by dodicat »

Once more he stepped into the street, and to his lips again he raised his pipe of long straight cane.
(Pied piper~ ish)
32 bits compiler.

Code: Select all


' Brian Kernighan’s Algorithm
Function fast_bitcount( Byval x As Ulongint ) As Integer
    Dim As Integer count = 0
    While x
        x And= x - 1
        count += 1
    Return count
End Function

'Dodicat and Google cheatam's algorithm
Function getbits(num As Integer) As Integer
    num=num-((num Shr 1) And &h55555555)
    num= (num And &h33333333) + ((num Shr 2) And &h33333333)
    Return (((num + (num Shr 4)) And &h0F0F0F0F) * &h01010101) Shr 24 
End Function

Randomize 1
Dim As Double t
Dim As Long ctr

For i As Integer = 0 To 1000000
    If fast_bitcount(Int(Rnd*1000000000))=7 Then ctr+=1  
Next i
Print Timer-t,ctr

Randomize 1
For i As Integer = 0 To 1000000
    If getbits(Int(Rnd*1000000000))=7 Then ctr+=1
Next i
Print Timer-t,ctr

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Re: Squares

Post by badidea »

dodicat wrote:... I notice many are double barrelled which I presume means that a couple of people have went through hellish stages of arguing, including, I suppose, which name appears first ...
If too much persons are involved, the algorithm names become boring abbreviations, e.g.: DPLL algorithm LZSS algorithm
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Re: Squares

Post by jj2007 »

A table-based solution is fastest:

Code: Select all

31 ms for popcounting a total of 159997056 bits
31 ms for popcounting a total of 159982282 bits
31 ms for popcounting a total of 160004121 bits
30 ms for popcounting a total of 159992999 bits
31 ms for popcounting a total of 160005776 bits
31 ms for popcounting a total of 159994165 bits
32 ms for popcounting a total of 160011071 bits
31 ms for popcounting a total of 160002935 bits
31 ms for popcounting a total of 160013670 bits
31 ms for popcounting a total of 160008316 bits
This is PopCount (assembly) for 10 Million random integers, approx. 16*10 Mio bits.

P.S.: Adapted to FB, 25 Mio integers:

Code: Select all

0.741 seconds   50599 popcnt
0.662 seconds   50599 popcnt8
0.991 seconds   50599 countbits
0.090 seconds   50599 PopCount asm
0.149 seconds   50599 PopCount FB
0.119 seconds   50599 PopCount asm
0.142 seconds   50599 PopCount FB
0.094 seconds   50599 PopCount asm
0.146 seconds   50599 PopCount FB
Full source (btw Do ... Loop until is a tick faster than While ... Wend):

Code: Select all

#define elements 25000000
Dim Shared As Integer values(elements)
  for ct as integer=0 to elements

Function pop_cnt( Byval x As Ulongint ) As Integer  ''richard
    Dim As Integer count = 0
    Do While x
        If x And 1 Then count += 1
        If x And 2 Then count += 1
        If x And 4 Then count += 1
        If x And 8 Then count += 1
        x = x Shr 4
    Return count
End Function

Function pop_cnt8( Byval x As Ulongint ) As Integer  ''richard
    Dim As Integer count = 0
    Do While x
        If x And 1 Then count += 1
        If x And 2 Then count += 1
        If x And 4 Then count += 1
        If x And 8 Then count += 1
        If x And 16 Then count += 1
        If x And 32 Then count += 1
        If x And 64 Then count += 1
        If x And 128 Then count += 1
        x = x Shr 8
    Return count
End Function

function countbits(num as ulongint) as integer
      dim as integer count
       while num 
           count+= num and 1
           num shr=1
       return count
end function

Dim Shared As Integer pcTable(256) 

for ct as integer=0 to 255

function PopCountAsm naked cdecl (num as ulongint) as integer
  push esi
  lea esi, pcTable[0]
  mov ecx, [esp+8]
  movzx edx, cl
  mov eax, [esi+4*edx]
  movzx edx, ch
  add eax, [esi+4*edx]
  bswap ecx
  movzx edx, cl
  add eax, [esi+4*edx]
  movzx edx, ch
  add eax, [esi+4*edx]
  pop esi
  end asm
end function

function PopCount(num as ulongint) as integer
  dim as integer count
  #if 0
	While num
		count+=pcTable(num and 255)
		num shr=8
		count+=pcTable(num and 255)
		num shr=8
	Loop Until num=0
  return count
end function

randomize 1
dim as double t
dim as long ctr

For i As Integer = 0 To elements
    if pop_cnt(values(i))=7 then ctr+=1  'richard's
Next i
print using "#.### seconds	##### pop_cnt"; timer-t; ctr

randomize 1
For i As Integer = 0 To elements
    if pop_cnt8(values(i))=7 then ctr+=1  'richard's
Next i
print using "#.### seconds	##### pop_cnt8"; timer-t; ctr

randomize 1
For i As Integer = 0 To elements
    if countbits(values(i))=7 then ctr+=1
Next i
print using "#.### seconds	##### countbits"; timer-t; ctr

for outerct as integer =0 to 2
	randomize 1
	For i As Integer = 0 To elements
	  if PopCountAsm(values(i))=7 then ctr+=1
	Next i
	print using "#.### seconds	##### PopCount asm"; timer-t; ctr
	randomize 1
	For i As Integer = 0 To elements
	  if PopCount(values(i))=7 then ctr+=1
	Next i
	print using "#.### seconds	##### PopCount FB"; timer-t; ctr
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Re: Squares

Post by albert »

Thanks ; all you guys...For the help...
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Re: Squares

Post by albert »

Whats the fastest way , to bubble sort an array()?
Smallest value to biggest value.
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Location: Scotland

Re: Squares

Post by dodicat »

You forgot the Dodicat and Google cheatam's algorithm, now known as DaG-ca beta (an idea from badidea)
Works now on 64 bits, I got it returning integer<8>, which is big enough.

Code: Select all

 #define elements 25000000
Dim Shared As Integer values(elements)
  for ct as integer=0 to elements

Function pop_cnt( Byval x As Ulongint ) As Integer  ''richard
    Dim As Integer count = 0
    Do While x
        If x And 1 Then count += 1
        If x And 2 Then count += 1
        If x And 4 Then count += 1
        If x And 8 Then count += 1
        x = x Shr 4
    Return count
End Function

Function pop_cnt8( Byval x As Ulongint ) As Integer  ''richard
    Dim As Integer count = 0
    Do While x
        If x And 1 Then count += 1
        If x And 2 Then count += 1
        If x And 4 Then count += 1
        If x And 8 Then count += 1
        If x And 16 Then count += 1
        If x And 32 Then count += 1
        If x And 64 Then count += 1
        If x And 128 Then count += 1
        x = x Shr 8
    Return count
End Function

function countbits(num as ulongint) as integer
      dim as integer count
       while num 
           count+= num and 1
           num shr=1
       return count
end function

'Dodicat and Google cheatam's algorithm
Function getbits(num As integer<32>) As integer<8>
    num=num-((num Shr 1) And 1431655765)
    num= (num And 858993459) + ((num Shr 2) And 858993459)
    Return (((num + (num Shr 4)) And 252645135l) * 16843009l) Shr 24 
End Function

Dim Shared As Integer pcTable(256) 

for ct as integer=0 to 255

function PopCountAsm naked cdecl (num as ulongint) as integer
  push esi
  lea esi, pcTable[0]
  mov ecx, [esp+8]
  movzx edx, cl
  mov eax, [esi+4*edx]
  movzx edx, ch
  add eax, [esi+4*edx]
  bswap ecx
  movzx edx, cl
  add eax, [esi+4*edx]
  movzx edx, ch
  add eax, [esi+4*edx]
  pop esi
  end asm
end function

function PopCount(num as ulongint) as integer
  dim as integer count
  #if 0
   While num
      count+=pcTable(num and 255)
      num shr=8
      count+=pcTable(num and 255)
      num shr=8
   Loop Until num=0
  return count
end function

randomize 1
dim as double t
dim as long ctr

For i As Integer = 0 To elements
    if pop_cnt(values(i))=7 then ctr+=1  'richard's
Next i
print using "#.### seconds   ##### pop_cnt"; timer-t; ctr

randomize 1
For i As Integer = 0 To elements
    if pop_cnt8(values(i))=7 then ctr+=1  'richard's
Next i
print using "#.### seconds   ##### pop_cnt8"; timer-t; ctr

randomize 1
For i As Integer = 0 To elements
    if countbits(values(i))=7 then ctr+=1
Next i
print using "#.### seconds   ##### countbits"; timer-t; ctr

randomize 1
For i As Integer = 0 To elements
    if getbits(values(i))=7 then ctr+=1
Next i
print using "#.### seconds   ##### DaG-ca beta"; timer-t; ctr

for outerct as integer =0 to 2
   randomize 1
   For i As Integer = 0 To elements
     if PopCountAsm(values(i))=7 then ctr+=1
   Next i
   print using "#.### seconds   ##### PopCount asm"; timer-t; ctr
   randomize 1
   For i As Integer = 0 To elements
     if PopCount(values(i))=7 then ctr+=1
   Next i
   print using "#.### seconds   ##### PopCount FB"; timer-t; ctr
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Joined: Sep 28, 2006 2:41
Location: California, USA

Re: Squares

Post by albert »

I got it figured out...
This prints all the number of bits set for for the different numbers.

Code: Select all

        screen 19
        redim as string tally(0 to 255)
        dim as string ins
        dim as ubyte count=0
        for a as longint = 0 to 255
            ins = bin(a)
            for b as longint = 0 to len(ins)-1
                if ins[b]-48=1 then count+=1
            tally(a)=str(count) + " " + right("000"+str(a),3)
        for a as longint = 0 to ubound(tally)
            for b as longint = a to ubound(tally)
                if tally(b) < tally(a) then swap tally(a),tally(b)
        for a as longint = 0 to ubound(tally)
            print tally(a);" ";
        for a as longint = 0 to ubound(tally)
            print left(tally(a),1);
            if left(tally(a+1),1) <> left(tally(a),1) then print ; "  " ;count:count=0

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Location: Roma, Italia

Re: Squares

Post by jj2007 »

dodicat wrote:You forgot the Dodicat and Google cheatam's algorithm, now known as DaG-ca beta (an idea from badidea)

Code: Select all

0.106 seconds   50599 DaG-ca beta
0.096 seconds   50599 PopCount asm
0.142 seconds   50599 PopCount FB
0.097 seconds   50599 DaG-ca beta
0.093 seconds   50599 PopCount asm
0.141 seconds   50599 PopCount FB
0.107 seconds   50599 DaG-ca beta
0.090 seconds   50599 PopCount asm
0.145 seconds   50599 PopCount FB
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Re: Squares

Post by albert »

Here's number of bits set for ( 0 to 65,535 ) , and how many numbers have that number of bits set.

The bubble sort takes like 8 minutes... Any ideas as how to speed it up?

Code: Select all

screen 19

    print "counting 1's"
    redim as string*8 tally(0 to 65535)
    dim as string ins
    dim as ubyte count=0
    for a as longint = 0 to 65535
        ins = bin(a)
        for b as longint = 0 to len(ins)-1
            if ins[b]-48=1 then count+=1
        tally(a) = right("00" + str(count),2) + " " + right("00000"+str(a),5)
        if a mod 256 = 0 then print a
    print "bubble sorting"
    for a as longint = 0 to ubound(tally)
        for b as longint = a to ubound(tally)
            if tally(b) < tally(a) then swap tally(a),tally(b)
        if a mod 1024 = 0 then print 65535 - a
    'for a as longint = 0 to ubound(tally)
    '    print tally(a);" ";
    for a as longint = 0 to ubound(tally)
        'print left(tally(a),1);
        if left(tally(a+1),2) <> left(tally(a),2) then print left(tally(a),2); " " ; count : count=0


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Re: Squares

Post by albert »

Does anyone have a faster INSTR() function... The FB builtin INSTR() , is taking several minutes..

I know there's processor function scan-string? i think its called SCASB ??