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Re: Squares

Post by Richard »

Until you get an algorithm working correctly, and find a real use for it, speed is not important.

To access strings Mid(,,) will be slow; string[index] will be faster for single bytes; pointers will be fastest for 1 to 8 bytes.

When you convert 4 random bits to bcd = digits 0 to 9, what do you do with the hexadecimal values A to F? What you do will introduce a statistical distribution error so the bcd will not be random.
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Re: Squares

Post by albert »


Hi, Richard!! , i haven't posted in a few days..


If i have a file that's 100,000 KB , and i compress 16 bits to 13 bits, whats the file output size?
Would it be 100,000 \ ( 16 \ 13 ) ?

Can you give me a formula?
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Re: Squares

Post by Haubitze »

i think this will work

100.000Kb * 0.8125=81.250Kb

oh yeah you calculate it right :D
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Data Compressor

Post by albert »


I got a data compressor working... It can't decompress yet , it just compresses so far..

For different file types , you need to adjust the "size" var ; size = 256 works for *.exe files.
And you can compress the output more , with a normal zip program..

See the Compress() function to set the size var.

Thanks for the load file code.. I incorporated it into the program..

Code: Select all

#Include "windows.bi"
#Include "File.bi"

declare sub getfilename()
declare sub compress()
declare sub decompress()
declare function MultiBase_Number( byval Number as ulongint , byval Number_Base as ulongint ) as string

dim shared as string file , extension , file_data , bytes , file_name
dim as ubyte value1

Dim As MSG msg
Dim shared As HWND hWnd

screen 19


if FileExists(file) then
    for a as ulongint = len(file)-1 to 0 step -1
        if bytes = "\" then file_name = mid(file,a+2):exit for
    print file_name

    'Dodicat LoadFile
    file_data = ""
    var f = freefile
    Open file For Binary Access Read As #f
        file_data = String(Lof(f), 0)
        Get #f, , file_data
    Close #f

    if extension = ".BDC" then
        print "DECOMPRESSING:" , len(file_data)
        print "COMPRESSING:" , len(file_data)
    end if

end if
'END Program

sub compress()
    dim as double time1 , time2
    time1 = timer
        dim as longint size = 256 
        print "Turning file into Hexadecimal"
        dim as string binari = ""
        dim as string bin_in
        dim as string b1,b2 
        for a as longint = 1 to len(file_data) step 2
            b1 = right("00000000" + bin(asc(mid(file_data,a+0,1))),8)
            b2 = right("00000000" + bin(asc(mid(file_data,a+1,1))),8)
            bin_in = hex(valulng("&B"+b1+b2))
        print "Done turning file into Hexadecimal"
        print "Begin compressing"
        redim as string dict(0) : dict(0) = left(binari,size)
        dim as string val_in
        dim as ubyte toggle
        dim as string sub_out = "" 
        dim as string ascii
        for a as longint = 1 to len(binari) step size
            val_in = mid(binari,a,size)
            toggle = 0
            for b as longint = 0 to ubound(dict)
                if val_in = dict(b) then 
                    ascii = right(string(size*8,"0") + bin(b),size*8)
                    toggle = 1
                    exit for
                end if
            if toggle = 0 then 
                redim preserve dict(ubound(dict)+1) : dict(ubound(dict)) = val_in
                ascii = right(string(size*8,"0") + bin(ubound(dict)),size*8)
            end if
        print "Done compresing"
        dim as longint bits = len(bin(ubound(dict)))
        print "Output Bits = " ; bits
        print "Building putput"
        dim as string mid_out=""
        for a as longint = 1 to len(sub_out) step size*8
            ascii = mid(sub_out,a,size*8)
            ascii = right(ascii,bits)
            mid_out+= ascii
        dim as string outputs=""
        for a as longint = 1 to len(mid_out) step 8
            ascii = mid(mid_out,a,8)
        dim as string dict_out = str(size) + "_" + str(bits) + "_"
        for a as longint = 0 to ubound(dict)
            ascii = dict(a)
            for b as longint = 1 to len(ascii) step 2
                dict_out+= chr(val("&H"+mid(ascii,b,2)))
        print "Done building output"
    time2 = timer
    print "Dictionary Elements = " ; ubound(dict) , "Dictionary Size   = " ; len(dict_out)
    print "Output Size = " ; len(outputs) + len(dict_out)
    print "Time = " ; time2 - time1
    print file_name ; "  " ; len(file_data)
        open file_name+".ZZZ" for output as #1
            print #1, dict_out + "!~END~!"
            print #1,outputs
        close #1
end sub
sub decompress()
'not written yet
end sub
'Get File Name
sub getfilename()
        dim ofn as OPENFILENAME
        dim filename as zstring * MAX_PATH+1
        with ofn
                .lStructSize            = sizeof( OPENFILENAME )
                .hwndOwner              = hWnd
                .hInstance              = GetModuleHandle( NULL )
                .lpstrFilter            = strptr( !"All Files, (*.*)\0*.*\0\0" )
                .lpstrCustomFilter      = NULL
                .nMaxCustFilter         = 0
                .nFilterIndex           = 1
                .lpstrFile              = @filename
                .nMaxFile               = sizeof( filename )
                .lpstrFileTitle         = NULL
                .nMaxFileTitle          = 0
                .lpstrInitialDir        = NULL
                '.lpstrTitle            = @"File Open Test"
                .lpstrTitle             = @"File to Compress/Decompress"
                .Flags                  = OFN_EXPLORER 'or OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST or OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST
                .nFileOffset            = 0
                .nFileExtension         = 0
                .lpstrDefExt            = NULL
                .lCustData              = 0
                .lpfnHook               = NULL
                .lpTemplateName         = NULL
        end with
        if( GetOpenFileName( @ofn ) = FALSE ) then
            file = ""
            file = filename
            extension = right$(filename,4)
    end if

end sub

Last edited by albert on Mar 07, 2019 3:03, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Squares

Post by Richard »

Albert wrote:I got a data compressor working... It can't decompress yet , it just compresses so far..
I like your confidence. But how do you know it is not just a hash function?
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Re: Squares

Post by albert »


My compressor:

It converts the file to hex and then steps through it by a size =??
it then checks the dictionary to see if its already in there.
If it's in the dictionary , then it records the binary value of the dict(element)
if its not in the dictionary , then it redims the dictionary+1 , and adds the value to the dictionary , then it records the binary value of the dict(element)

After the compression routine, when you know the ubound of the dictionary , var "bits"
it then trims the leading 0's off the recorded value according to the "bits" var , and then converts the binary recorded value into chrs(0 to 255).
It then turns the hex dictionary(elements) into chrs(0 to 255).

Then it prints the result , to a file with a .ZZZ extension.
You can load a *.ZZZ file , and it will compress it a little more , up to a point..
You can load a *.ZIP file and it will knock off a few hundred bytes.
You can ZIP a *.ZZZ file an it will knock off several kilobytes.

( Now i have to work on the de-compressor. )
Last edited by albert on Mar 06, 2019 21:14, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Squares

Post by albert »

I Edited the Compressor above... And corrected some errors with the dict( elements ).
Now it starts the routine with the dict( 0 ) value preset.
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Re: Squares

Post by albert »

To decompress it:

I think i need to turn the dict_out , from ascii , back into hex.
Then turn the outputs , back into binary.

Then create an output where the binary outputs ( dict( element pointers) ) turn back into hex dict values.
Then turn the output hex , back into ascii chars; for the final decompressed output.

The problem is ; it takes so long to compress.
I have to figure out how to speed it up.
A mega byte file , takes several minutes to compress..
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Re: Squares

Post by albert »


Here's an explanation of my old data compressor idea, i came up with back in 2005.
I still can't fathom how to rebuild the data from the outputs....

Code: Select all

data bit grid..

1 0 1 > 2
1 1 0 > 2
0 1 1 > 2
v v v
2 2 2

0 2 3 0 1 bottom left & up diag
1 1 2 1 1 top left across & down diag

total = 2+2+2 + 2+2+2 + 0+2+3+0+1 + 1+1+2+1+1
bits  = 2 2 2   2 2 2   2 2 2 2 2   2 2 2 2 2 = 32 bits
grid = 9 bits in , 32 bits out.

When the grid gets up above a certain level , like 256 x 256 bits  = 65,536 bits.
Then the outputs are less than the number of bits in the grid.
Then it compresses..

a 256 x 256 grid = 256 bytes + 256 bytes + 511 bytes + 511 bytes = 1,534 bytes , compared to the grids 8,192 bytes.

The problem i`m having is fathoming how to address and utilize the diagonals? and jimmy the bits around till it equals out..

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Re: Squares

Post by Richard »

Data compression is trivial. You and many others have imaginative ideas for data compression. It is reversing the compression to regenerate the original data that is difficult. You should not post compression code unless you can reliably regenerate the data.

Try writing some code that looks for the longest repeated string in a file. Count those repeats.
Then look for the next longest repeating string, ignoring those you identified earlier.
Continue the process until you have a dictionary of all repeated strings.

The best data compressors take a long time to compress data because they are looking for patterns in the data that can be described very simply and so recorded in a smaller space.
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Post by albert »

I wrote a Tri-nary odometer.. values = 0 , 1 , 2

You can adjust it to any base..

Code: Select all

screen 19

dim as longint size = 8 'set size of odometer here'

dim as ubyte bases = 3 'set base here 2 to 256
dim as string num = string(size,chr(0))
dim as longint count=-1
    if num[size-1] = bases then
        for a as longint = size-1 to 0 step -1
            if num[a] = bases then num[a] = 0 : num[a-1]+=1
    end if
    print num , count
    sleep 10
    if num = string(size,chr(bases-1)) then exit do
loop until inkey = chr(27)
print num
print"Done" , count ; " elements" , "bits = " ; len(bin(count))


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Re: Squares

Post by albert »


Is there a formula to figure out how many bits are set to 1 in a binary number??

Without looping through the number.

I need to determine how many bits are set in a number , and what all numbers , have that number of bits set.
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Re: Squares

Post by badidea »

albert wrote:Is there a formula to figure out how many bits are set to 1 in a binary number??
It is called the Hamming weight (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamming_weight), apparently some processors have a instruction for that e.g. POPCNT.
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Re: Squares

Post by dodicat »

While you wait for a formula Albert, you could use this:

Code: Select all

Function TALLY(SomeString As String,PartString As String) As Long
    Dim As Long LenP=Len(PartString),count
    Dim As Long position=Instr(SomeString,PartString)
    If position=0 Then Return 0
    While position>0
    Return count
End Function

for n as long=1 to 1000
    dim as string i=bin(n)
    if tally(i,"1")=5 then
        print i;tab(30);n
    end if
next n

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Re: Squares

Post by Richard »

Given k set bits, the smallest number with k bits set is (2^k)-1, the biggest number with k bits set is decided by the size of your representation of a binary number.
It requires factorials to count the number of different permutations of k set bits in an n place binary number.
Count = n! / ( k! * ( n – k)! ); but that probably does not help you.

To generate all numbers with k bits set requires shuffling all k bits from the RHS to the LHS using a permutation program. Shuffling more than 20 bits can get very slow and inefficient.

The algorithm to count bits will depend on how you represent the binary number.
As advised by @badidea, popcnt is the assembly code instruction for intel PCs.
A fast itterative equivalent for integer variables is;

Code: Select all

Function pop_cnt( Byval x As Ulongint ) As Integer
    Dim As Integer count = 0
    Do While x
        If x And 1 Then count += 1
        If x And 2 Then count += 1
        If x And 4 Then count += 1
        If x And 8 Then count += 1
        x = x Shr 4
    Return count
End Function

For i As Integer = 0 To 20
    Print i, pop_cnt( i )
Next i
