Is there existing an inputroutine?

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Re: Is there existing an inputroutine?

Post by jj2007 »

TmpFb.bas(65) error 57: Type mismatch, at parameter 2:

Code: Select all

            Locate y, x: Print String$(Len(bb), "*"); " ";
It compiles when commenting out this line. This is a known bug, FreeBasic has a problem with STRING and Utf8.

Furthermore, when you go back in the string and start typing, the position does not change, i.e. the cursor does not advance.
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Re: Is there existing an inputroutine?

Post by Jawade »

I have never problems with String, Maybe I am a locky one.

If you will write between the letters, use Insert. It is not a bug.
I can make so he makes free space, 2 modes with Insert, but it
is a choice.
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Re: Is there existing an inputroutine?

Post by jj2007 »

1. If you don't have the problem with STRING$, it means you are using an editor or IDE that is not Utf8-aware. You can test that by printing some text after your Cls:
print "Привет, мир" ' Russian
print "Hällo Wörld" ' Görmän
If you don't see that text on screen, think about using another IDE.

2. I know that you can INSERT an empty space. But
a) it's not standard behaviour (Insert mode = typing ANY letter inserts)
b) once you have inserted a space there, typing produces one letter always at the same position.

Of course, I cannot exclude the possibility that my Gcc and Gas compilers produce different results than yours, or that your machine/your OS behave differently. Anybody else willing to test his code and give feedback?
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Re: Is there existing an inputroutine?

Post by grindstone »

Just a little Christmas gift: Added a graphical cursor.

Code: Select all

Dim Shared nn As String
Dim Shared pp As String
Declare Sub xText(x As Integer, y As Integer, bb As String, s As Integer)

    ScreenRes 640, 480, 32: Width 80, 30: Color 0, -1
    Locate 5, 6: Print "Name: ";
    xText(12, 5, nn, 0)
    Locate 7, 2: Print "Password: ";
    xText(12, 7, pp, 1)
    Locate 14, 1: Print nn: Print pp'www

Sub xText(x As Integer, y As Integer, bb As String, s As Integer)
    Dim a As Integer = x - 1
    Dim i As Integer = 1
    Dim aa As String
    Locate y, x: bb = ""
    	Dim As Integer cl = CsrLin, po = Pos
	    	aa = InKey$
	    	Sleep 3
	    	Line ((Pos - 1) * 8, CsrLin * 16 - 2) - (Pos * 8, CsrLin * 16 - 1), IIf(Frac(Timer) < .5, 0, -1), bf
    	Loop Until aa <> ""
    	Line ((Pos - 1) * 8, CsrLin * 16 - 2) - (Pos * 8, CsrLin * 16 - 1), -1, bf
        If Len(aa) = 1 Then
            If Asc(aa) = 8 Then
                If i < Len(bb) + 1 Then
                    i = i - 1
                    bb = Left$(bb, i - 1) + Mid$(bb, i + 1)
                    bb = Left$(bb, Len(bb) - 1): i = i - 1
                    If i < 1 Then i = 1
                End If
            End If
            If Asc(aa) > 31 Then
                If i < Len(bb) + 1 Then
                    Mid$(bb, i, 1) = aa
                    bb = bb + aa: i = i + 1
                End If
            End If
        End If
        If Len(aa) = 2 Then
            If aa = Chr$(255, 71) Then i = 1
            If aa = Chr$(255, 79) Then i = Len(bb) + 1
            If aa = Chr$(255, 75) Then
                Print Chr$(8);
                i = i - 1: If i < 1 Then i = 1
            End If
            If aa = Chr$(255, 77) Then
                Print Chr$(11);
                i = i + 1: If i > Len(bb) + 1 Then i = Len(bb) + 1
            End If
            If aa = Chr$(255, 82) Then
                bb = Left$(bb, i - 1) + " " + Mid$(bb, i + 0)
            End If
            If aa = Chr$(255, 83) Then
                bb = Left$(bb, i - 1) + Mid$(bb, i + 1)
            End If
        End If
        If s Then
            Locate y, x: Print String$(Len(bb), "*"); " ";
            Locate , i + a
            Locate y, x: Print bb; " ";: Locate , i + a
        End If
    Loop Until aa = Chr$(27) Or aa = Chr$(13)
End Sub
INSERT definitely needs improvement.
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Re: Is there existing an inputroutine?

Post by jj2007 »

The cursor is nice! Just for curiosity: If you use arrow left to go into the middle of the word, and then start typing, does it overwrite the rest of the word, or does it get stuck at that position as on my PC?
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Re: Is there existing an inputroutine?

Post by Jawade »

Okay, thanks. Now it works for tekst mode and graphics mode.
Here i have the insertmode made all right, the only thing is
the lengt limitation.

Code: Select all

Dim Shared nn As String
Dim Shared pp As String
Declare Sub xText(x As Integer, y As Integer, bb As String, s As Integer)

    ScreenRes 640, 480, 32: Width 80, 30: Color 0, -1
    Locate 5, 6: Print "Name: ";
    xText(12, 5, nn, 0)
    Locate 7, 2: Print "Password: ";
    xText(12, 7, pp, 1)
    Locate 14, 1: Print nn: Print pp'www

Sub xText(x As Integer, y As Integer, bb As String, s As Integer)
    Dim a As Integer = x - 1
    Dim i As Integer = 1
    Dim aa As String
    Locate y, x: bb = ""
       Dim As Integer cl = CsrLin, po = Pos
          aa = InKey$
          Sleep 3
          Line ((Pos - 1) * 8, CsrLin * 16 - 2) - (Pos * 8, CsrLin * 16 - 1), IIf(Frac(Timer) < .5, 0, -1), bf
       Loop Until aa <> ""
       Line ((Pos - 1) * 8, CsrLin * 16 - 2) - (Pos * 8, CsrLin * 16 - 1), -1, bf
        If Len(aa) = 1 Then
            If Asc(aa) = 8 Then
                If i < Len(bb) + 1 Then
                    i = i - 1
                    bb = Left$(bb, i - 1) + Mid$(bb, i + 1)
                    bb = Left$(bb, Len(bb) - 1): i = i - 1
                    If i < 1 Then i = 1
                End If
            End If
            If Asc(aa) > 31 Then
                If i < Len(bb) + 1 Then
                    bb = Left$(bb, i - 1) + aa + Mid$(bb, i + 0)
                    i = i + 1
                    bb = bb + aa: i = i + 1
                End If
            End If
        End If
        If Len(aa) = 2 Then
            If aa = Chr$(255, 71) Then i = 1
            If aa = Chr$(255, 79) Then i = Len(bb) + 1
            If aa = Chr$(255, 75) Then
                Print Chr$(8);
                i = i - 1: If i < 1 Then i = 1
            End If
            If aa = Chr$(255, 77) Then
                Print Chr$(11);
                i = i + 1: If i > Len(bb) + 1 Then i = Len(bb) + 1
            End If
            If aa = Chr$(255, 83) Then
                bb = Left$(bb, i - 1) + Mid$(bb, i + 1)
            End If
        End If
        If s Then
            Locate y, x: Print String$(Len(bb), "*"); " ";
            Locate , i + a
            Locate y, x: Print bb; " ";: Locate , i + a
        End If
    Loop Until aa = Chr$(27) Or aa = Chr$(13)
End Sub
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Re: Is there existing an inputroutine?

Post by jj2007 »

Now it's almost working. If you type a long string, then go to the beginning using arrow left, and then press repeatedly backspace, you will see unexpected behaviour.
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Re: Is there existing an inputroutine?

Post by badidea »

Yep, press 'a', 'left', 'backspace', 'right' for a funny character.
And if I remove 'ScreenRes 640, 480, 32', the cursor keys don't work as expected.
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Re: Is there existing an inputroutine?

Post by Jawade »

Now I have a length variable added. Now I think He 's ready.
Now I go working with it with a larger font. Thanks for all
the ideas and help.

Code: Select all

Dim Shared nn As String
Dim Shared pp As String
Declare Sub xText(x As Integer, y As Integer, bb As String, s As Integer, l As integer)

    ScreenRes 640, 480, 32: Width 80, 30: Color 0, -1
    Locate 5, 6: Print "Name: ";
    xText(12, 5, nn, 0, 16)
    Locate 7, 2: Print "Password: ";
    xText(12, 7, pp, 1, 20)
    Locate 14, 1: Print nn: Print pp'www

Sub xText(x As Integer, y As Integer, bb As String, s As Integer, l As integer)
    Dim a As Integer = x - 1
    Dim i As Integer = 1
    Dim aa As String
    Locate y, x: bb = ""
        Dim As Integer cl = CsrLin, po = Pos
            aa = InKey$
            Sleep 3
            Line ((Pos - 1) * 8, CsrLin * 16 - 2) - (Pos * 8, CsrLin * 16 - 1), IIf(Frac(Timer) < .5, 0, -1), bf
        Loop Until aa <> ""
        Line ((Pos - 1) * 8, CsrLin * 16 - 2) - (Pos * 8, CsrLin * 16 - 1), -1, bf
        If Len(aa) = 1 Then
            If Asc(aa) = 8 Then
                If i < Len(bb) + 1 Then
                    i = i - 1
                    bb = Left$(bb, i - 1) + Mid$(bb, i + 1)
                    bb = Left$(bb, Len(bb) - 1): i = i - 1
                    If i < 1 Then i = 1
                End If
            End If
            If Asc(aa) > 31 Then
                If Len(bb) < l Then
                    If i < Len(bb) + 1 Then
                        bb = Left$(bb, i - 1) + aa + Mid$(bb, i + 0)
                        i = i + 1
                        bb = bb + aa: i = i + 1
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
        If Len(aa) = 2 Then
            If aa = Chr$(255, 71) Then i = 1
            If aa = Chr$(255, 79) Then i = Len(bb) + 1
            If aa = Chr$(255, 75) Then
                Print Chr$(8);
                i = i - 1: If i < 1 Then i = 1
            End If
            If aa = Chr$(255, 77) Then
                Print Chr$(11);
                i = i + 1: If i > Len(bb) + 1 Then i = Len(bb) + 1
            End If
            If aa = Chr$(255, 83) Then
                bb = Left$(bb, i - 1) + Mid$(bb, i + 1)
            End If
        End If
        If s Then
            Locate y, x: Print String$(Len(bb), "*"); " ";
            Locate , i + a
            Locate y, x: Print bb; " ";: Locate , i + a
        End If
    Loop Until aa = Chr$(27) Or aa = Chr$(13)
End Sub
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Re: Is there existing an inputroutine?

Post by jj2007 »

Same problem as before.
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Re: Is there existing an inputroutine?

Post by grindstone »

jj2007 wrote:Now it's almost working. If you type a long string, then go to the beginning using arrow left, and then press repeatedly backspace, you will see unexpected behaviour.
badidea wrote:Yep, press 'a', 'left', 'backspace', 'right' for a funny character.
And if I remove 'ScreenRes 640, 480, 32', the cursor keys don't work as expected.
That's easy to fix:

Code: Select all

Dim Shared nn As String
Dim Shared pp As String
Declare Sub xText(x As Integer, y As Integer, bb As String, s As Integer, l As Integer)

    ScreenRes 640, 480, 32: Width 80, 30: Color 0, -1
    Locate 5, 6: Print "Name: ";
    xText(12, 5, nn, 0, 16)
    Locate 7, 2: Print "Password: ";
    xText(12, 7, pp, 1, 20)
    Locate 14, 1: Print nn: Print pp'www

Sub xText(x As Integer, y As Integer, bb As String, s As Integer, l As Integer)
    Dim a As Integer = x - 1
    Dim i As Integer = 1
    Dim aa As String
    Locate y, x: bb = ""
        Dim As Integer cl = CsrLin, po = Pos
            aa = Inkey$
            Sleep 3
            Line ((Pos - 1) * 8, CsrLin * 16 - 2) - (Pos * 8, CsrLin * 16 - 1), IIf(Frac(Timer) < .5, 0, -1), bf
        Loop Until aa <> ""
        Line ((Pos - 1) * 8, CsrLin * 16 - 2) - (Pos * 8, CsrLin * 16 - 1), -1, bf
        If Len(aa) = 1 Then
            If Asc(aa) = 8 Then
                If i = 1 Then '<<<<<<<<<
                	'cursor at pos 1 --> do nothing '<<<<<<<<<
                ElseIf i < Len(bb) + 1 Then '<<<<<<<<<
                    i = i - 1
                    bb = Left$(bb, i - 1) + Mid$(bb, i + 1)
                    bb = Left$(bb, Len(bb) - 1): i = i - 1
                    If i < 1 Then i = 1
                End If
            End If
            If Asc(aa) > 31 Then
                If Len(bb) < l Then
                    If i < Len(bb) + 1 Then
                        bb = Left$(bb, i - 1) + aa + Mid$(bb, i + 0)
                        i = i + 1
                        bb = bb + aa: i = i + 1
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
        If Len(aa) = 2 Then
            If aa = Chr$(255, 71) Then i = 1
            If aa = Chr$(255, 79) Then i = Len(bb) + 1
            If aa = Chr$(255, 75) Then
                Print Chr$(8);
                i = i - 1: If i < 1 Then i = 1
            End If
            If aa = Chr$(255, 77) Then
                Print Chr$(11);
                i = i + 1: If i > Len(bb) + 1 Then i = Len(bb) + 1
            End If
            If aa = Chr$(255, 83) Then
                bb = Left$(bb, i - 1) + Mid$(bb, i + 1)
            End If
        End If
        If s Then
            Locate y, x: Print String$(Len(bb), "*"); " ";
            Locate , i + a
            Locate y, x: Print bb; " ";: Locate , i + a
        End If
    Loop Until aa = Chr$(27) Or aa = Chr$(13)
End Sub
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Re: Is there existing an inputroutine?

Post by D.J.Peters »

No once need a GUI for FreeBASIC ;-)

Code: Select all

#include once ""
var win = Fl_WindowNew(320,200)
Fl_BoxNew(5, 5,110,20,"Fl_Input:")           : Fl_InputNew          (120, 5,128, 20)
Fl_BoxNew(5,30,110,20,"Fl_Int_Input:")       : Fl_Int_InputNew      (120,30,128, 20)
Fl_BoxNew(5,55,110,20,"Fl_Float_Input:")     : Fl_Float_InputNew    (120,55,128, 20)
Fl_BoxNew(5,80,110,20,"Fl_Multiline_Input:") : Fl_Multiline_InputNew(120,80,128,100)
Fl_WindowShow(win) : Fl_Run()
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Re: Is there existing an inputroutine?

Post by jj2007 »

grindstone wrote:That's easy to fix
Works fine, and I see with pleasure that even the character limit is now working! The only thing missing would be a correct Insert vs Overwrite mode implementation.
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Re: Is there existing an inputroutine?

Post by Jawade »

Yes, that is right, but we can miss it.
Nou I have the input routine extended with a big font.
You have to choose mode 0, 1 or 2:

Code: Select all

'Choose 0, 1 Or 2:
Dim Shared mode As Integer = 2
Dim Shared big As Integer
Dim Shared nn As String
Dim Shared pp As String
Declare Sub xText(x As Integer, y As Integer, bb As String, _
s As Integer, l As Integer)
Declare Sub pText(x As Integer, y As Integer, txt As String, _
fg As ulong, bg As ulong, mag As Integer)

    If mode = 0 Then big = 1
    If mode = 1 Then big = 1: ScreenRes 640, 480, 32: Width 80, 30
    If mode = 2 Then big = 2: ScreenRes 640, 480, 32: Width 80, 30
    Color 0, -1: Cls
'   pText(6*16, 5*32, "Name: ", 0, -1, 2)
    xText(12, 5, nn, 0, 16)
'   pText(2*16, 7*32, "Password: ", 0, -1, 2)
    xText(12, 7, pp, 1, 20)
    Locate 18, 1: Print nn: Print pp'www

Sub xText(x As Integer, y As Integer, bb As String, s As Integer, l As integer)
    Dim a As Integer = x - 1
    Dim i As Integer = 1
    Dim aa As String
    Locate y, x: bb = ""
            aa = InKey$
            Sleep 3
            Line ((Pos - 1) * 8*big, CsrLin * 16*big - 2) - (Pos * 8*big, _
            CsrLin * 16*big - 1), IIf(Frac(Timer) < .5, 0, -1), bf
        Loop Until aa <> ""
        Line ((Pos - 1) * 8*big, CsrLin * 16*big - 2) - (Pos * 8*big, _
        CsrLin * 16*big - 1), -1, bf
        If Len(aa) = 1 Then
            If Asc(aa) = 8 Then
                If i = 1 Then '<<<<<<<<<
                   'cursor at pos 1 --> do nothing '<<<<<<<<<
                ElseIf i < Len(bb) + 1 Then '<<<<<<<<<
                    i = i - 1
                    bb = Left$(bb, i - 1) + Mid$(bb, i + 1)
                    bb = Left$(bb, Len(bb) - 1): i = i - 1
                    If i < 1 Then i = 1
                End If
            End If
            If Asc(aa) > 31 Then
                If Len(bb) < l Then
                    If i < Len(bb) + 1 Then
                        bb = Left$(bb, i - 1) + aa + Mid$(bb, i + 0)
                        i = i + 1
                        bb = bb + aa: i = i + 1
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
        If Len(aa) = 2 Then
            If aa = Chr$(255, 134) Then
                big = big Xor 3
                ScreenRes 320*big, 240*big, 32: Width 80, 30: Color 0, -1:Cls
            End If
            If aa = Chr$(255, 71) Then i = 1
            If aa = Chr$(255, 79) Then i = Len(bb) + 1
            If aa = Chr$(255, 75) Then
                Print Chr$(8);
                i = i - 1: If i < 1 Then i = 1
            End If
            If aa = Chr$(255, 77) Then
                If big = 1 Then Print Chr$(11);
                i = i + 1: If i > Len(bb) + 1 Then i = Len(bb) + 1
            End If
            If aa = Chr$(255, 83) Then
                bb = Left$(bb, i - 1) + Mid$(bb, i + 1)
            End If
        End If
        If s Then
            pText(x*16, y*32, String$(Len(bb), "*")+" ", 0, -1, 2)
            Locate , i + a
            pText(x*16, y*32, bb+" ", 0, -1, 2)
            Locate , i + a
        End If
    Loop Until aa = Chr$(27) Or aa = Chr$(13)
End Sub

Sub pText(x As Integer, y As Integer, txt As String, _
    fg As ulong, bg As ulong, mag As Integer)
    If big = 2 Then
        x = x - big*8: y = y - big*16
        If ScreenPtr()=0 Then Return ' no screen
        var n = Len(txt) : If n < 1 Then Return ' no chars
        n Shl = 3 ' nPixels = nChars * fontwidth
        var img = imagecreate(n, 16, bg)
        If img = 0 Then Return
        draw String img,(0, 0), txt, fg
        For j As Integer = 0 To 15
            For i As Integer = 0 To n - 1
                Line (i*mag+x,j*mag+y)-Step(mag-1,mag-1), _
        imagedestroy img
    End If
    If big = 1 Then
        Color fg, bg
        Locate y / 32, x / 16
        Print txt;
    End If
End Sub
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Re: Is there existing an inputroutine?

Post by jj2007 »

Works fine. Btw you can make it compatible with Utf8-aware IDEs:

Code: Select all

            'pText(x*16, y*32, String$(Len(bb), "*")+" ", 0, -1, 2)	' chokes
            pText(x*16, y*32, Left$("*****************", Len(bb))+" ", 0, -1, 2)	' works fine
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