Struggling with classes / types

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Re: Struggling with classes / types

Post by dodicat »

I can't think offhand of any tidy pointer stuff I made up recently.
The latest offering I think was a million boxes via ptr.
I think you can just utilise type without the hype in 90% of cases.

A million boxes:
Press any key for another million.
toggles empty and filled.

Code: Select all

 dim shared as long lim=1000000
 dim shared as long copy 'for the graphical destructor
 dim as ulong black=rgb(0,0,0),white=rgb(255,255,255)
type box
    as ulong ptr p =new ulong[6]              'all the spatial information
    declare sub draw()                        'drawing method
    declare destructor                        'Goodbye, thanks for the memory
end type

sub box.draw()
    dim as ulong colour=rgba(cast(ubyte ptr,@p[4])[2],cast(ubyte ptr,@p[4])[1],cast(ubyte ptr,@p[4])[0],cast(ubyte ptr,@p[4])[3])
   if p[5] then line(p[0],p[1])-(p[0]+p[2],p[1]+p[3]),colour,bf else _
end sub

destructor box
#define map(a,b,x,c,d) ((d)-(c))*((x)-(a))/((b)-(a))+(c)
var x=map(copy,0,lim,100,700)
var y=map(100,700,x,100,500)
delete [] p
end destructor

screen 19,32,,64

#define range(f,l) Int(Rnd*((l+1)-(f))+(f))
dim as byte q=1
dim as box b(1 to lim)
    for n as long=1 to lim
        with b(n)
            .p[0]=range(100,700)         'x
            .p[1]=range(100,500)         'y
            .p[2]=rnd*20                 'width
            .p[3]=rnd*20                 'height
            .p[5]=1+q                    'filler
        end with
    next n
    loop until inkey=chr(27)

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Re: Struggling with classes / types

Post by dafhi »

yep that was it. I remember it had to be in the optimized rect type thread

I'll let it brew while I work on things. great concept
paul doe
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Re: Struggling with classes / types

Post by paul doe »

badidea wrote:Now my question is, what is the best way to link the classes together to get this working?
It all depends on your understanding of what you're trying to accomplish (otherwise it is only Cargo culting):

Code: Select all

type RandomNumberGenerator extends Object
    declare constructor()
    declare destructor()
    declare function one() as double
    declare function between( byval as integer, byval as integer ) as integer
    m_state( 0 to 1 ) as ulongint
    m_x as ulongint
    m_y as ulongint
    static m_invDiv as double
end type

dim as double RandomNumberGenerator.m_invDiv = 1.0 / culngint( -1 )

constructor RandomNumberGenerator()
  for i as integer = 0 to ubound( m_state )
    m_state( i ) = rnd() * culngint( -1 )
  for i as integer = 1 to 100
end constructor

destructor RandomNumberGenerator()
end destructor

function as double
  m_x = m_state( 0 )
  m_y = m_state( 1 )
  m_state( 0 ) = m_y
  m_x xor= m_x shl 23
  m_state( 1 ) = m_x xor m_y xor ( m_x shr 17 ) xor ( m_y shr 26 )
  return( ( m_state( 1 ) + m_y ) * m_invDiv )
end function

function RandomNumberGenerator.between( byval first as integer, byval last as integer ) as integer
  return( int( one() * ( last + 1 - first ) + first ) )
end function

type Application extends Object
    declare constructor()
    declare constructor( byref as Application )
    declare destructor()
    declare function begin() byref as Application
    declare function inWindow( byval as integer, byval as integer ) byref as Application
    declare function withTitle( byref as const string ) byref as Application
    declare operator let( byref as Application )
    static m_title as string
end type

dim as string Application.m_title

constructor Application()
end constructor

constructor Application( byref rhs as Application )
end constructor

destructor Application()
end destructor

operator Application.let( byref rhs as Application )
end operator

function Application.begin() byref as Application
  return( this )
end function

function Application.inWindow( byval w as integer, byval h as integer ) byref as Application
  screenRes( w, h, 32 )
  return( this )
end function

function Application.withTitle( byref title as const string ) byref as Application
  m_title = title
  windowTitle( m_title )
  return( this )
end function

type RGBAColor as ulong

type Rectangle extends Object
    declare virtual destructor()
    declare virtual function draw() byref as Rectangle
    declare function withPosition( byval as integer, byval as integer ) byref as Rectangle
    declare function withSize( byval as integer, byval as integer ) byref as Rectangle
    declare function withColor( byval as RGBAColor ) byref as Rectangle
    static m_x as integer
    static m_y as integer
    static m_w as integer
    static m_h as integer
    static m_color as RGBAColor
end type

dim as integer Rectangle.m_x = 0
dim as integer Rectangle.m_y = 0
dim as integer Rectangle.m_w = 0
dim as integer Rectangle.m_h = 0
dim as RGBAColor Rectangle.m_color = 0

destructor Rectangle()
end destructor

function Rectangle.withPosition( byval x as integer, byval y as integer ) byref as Rectangle
  m_x = x : m_y = y
  return( this )
end function

function Rectangle.withSize( byval w as integer, byval h as integer ) byref as Rectangle
  m_w = w : m_h = h
  return( this )
end function

function Rectangle.withColor( byval aColor as RGBAColor ) byref as Rectangle
  m_color = aColor
  return( this )
end function

function Rectangle.draw() byref as Rectangle
  return( this )
end function

type HollowRectangle extends Rectangle
    declare constructor()
    declare destructor() override  
    declare virtual function draw() byref as Rectangle override
end type

constructor HollowRectangle()
end constructor

destructor HollowRectangle()
end destructor

function HollowRectangle.draw() byref as Rectangle
  line( m_x, m_y ) - ( m_x + m_w - 1, m_y + m_h - 1 ), m_color, b
  return( this )
end function

type FilledRectangle extends Rectangle
    declare constructor()
    declare destructor() override
    declare virtual function draw() byref as Rectangle override
end type

constructor FilledRectangle()
end constructor

destructor FilledRectangle()
end destructor

function FilledRectangle.draw() byref as Rectangle
  line( m_x, m_y ) - ( m_x + m_w - 1, m_y + m_h - 1 ), m_color, bf
  return( this )
end function

type RenderLayer extends Object
    declare constructor()
    declare destructor()
    declare function shape( byref as Rectangle ) byref as RenderLayer
end type

constructor RenderLayer()
end constructor

destructor RenderLayer()
end destructor

function RenderLayer.shape( byref aRectangle as Rectangle ) byref as RenderLayer
  return( this )
end function

'' This one should be part of an interface, but meh
function alternateBetween( byref aShape as Rectangle, byref anotherShape as Rectangle ) byref as Rectangle
  static alternation as integer
  alternation xor= 1
  select case as const( alternation )
    case 0
      return( aShape )
    case 1
      return( anotherShape )
  end select
end function

  Main code
  This is a quick and dirty example. I omitted most interfaces for brevity.
  Don't try this at home.
var randomNumber = RandomNumberGenerator()

Application() _
  .inWindow( 800, 600 ) _
  .withTitle( "Some fluent boxes" )

var render = RenderLayer()

for i as integer = 1 to 1000000
  render _
    .shape( _
      alternateBetween( HollowRectangle(), FilledRectangle() ) _
        .withColor( * &hffffff ) _ /' <-- MrSwiss suggested this one ;) '/
        .withPosition( randomNumber.between( 100, 700 ), randomNumber.between( 100, 500 ) ) _
        .withSize( randomNumber.between( 1, 20 ), randomNumber.between( 1, 20 ) ) )

That is, if you want flexibility and reusability (at a coarser level than, say, library functions), use OOP techniques ('Patterns'); if you want to write your application framework by describing it, use a (somewhat) fluent interface as above. There's no `right' nor 'wrong' answer, just a bunch of tradeoffs, as usual.
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Re: Struggling with classes / types

Post by dafhi »

nice. Melgo is another interesting generator as can see using 1 as flat initialization.
i've modified your rng to output ulong

Code: Select all

type RandomNumberGenerator extends Object
    declare constructor()
    declare destructor()
    declare function one() as double
    declare function between( byval as integer, byval as integer ) as integer
    declare operator cast() as ulong  ''
    m_state( 0 to 1 ) as ulong        ''
    m_x as ulongint
    m_y as ulong                      ''
    static m_invDiv as double
end type

dim as double RandomNumberGenerator _ ''
.m_invDiv = 1.0 / culng( -1 )

constructor RandomNumberGenerator()
  for i as integer = 0 to ubound( m_state )
    m_state( i ) = 1                  'rnd() * culngint( -1 )
  for i as integer = 1 to -100        ''
end constructor

destructor RandomNumberGenerator()
end destructor

operator RandomNumberGenerator.Cast() as ulong
  m_x = m_state( 0 )
  m_y = m_state( 1 )
  m_state( 0 ) = m_y
  m_x xor= m_x shl 23
  m_state( 1 ) = m_x xor m_y xor ( m_x shr 17 ) xor ( m_y shr 26 )
  return m_state( 1 ) + m_y
End Operator

function as double
  /'m_x = m_state( 0 )
  m_y = m_state( 1 )
  m_state( 0 ) = m_y
  m_x xor= m_x shl 23
  m_state( 1 ) = m_x xor m_y xor ( m_x shr 17 ) xor ( m_y shr 26 )
  return( ( m_state( 1 ) + m_y ) * m_invDiv )'/
  return This * m_invDiv
end function

function RandomNumberGenerator.between( byval first as integer, byval last as integer ) as integer
  return( int( one() * ( last + 1 - first ) + first ) )
end function

' ------------------

type Melgo '' random number generator -
    declare operator    cast as ulongint
    declare operator    cast as string
    declare constructor
    declare sub         sched_new
    as ushort           a,b,c,d = 2^13, n = 2^16-1
    as ulongint         i, m = 2^56, X(any)
    as integer          j
End Type

constructor Melgo
    redim x(n)
    #if 0
      for i as ulong = 0 to n
          x(i) = i*1.1
      for i as ulong = 0 to n
          x(i) = 1
end constructor

sub Melgo.sched_new
    for i as ulong = 0 to n
      a = (a+b+i)mod(n+1)
      b = (b+c)mod(n+1)
      c = (c+a)mod(n+1)
      x(i) = ( x(i) + a*b*c*d + i )mod m
    next:  j = -1:  i = 0
End Sub

operator Melgo.cast as ulongint
    j=(j+1)mod 3
    select case as const j
    case 0
      x(a)=(x(b)+x(c)) mod m
      a=(a+b+i)mod(n+1):  i += 1
      return x(a)+x(b)
    case 1
      return x(b)+x(c)
    case 2
      return x(c)+x(a)
    End Select
End Operator

operator Melgo.cast as string
    return str(culng(this))
End Operator

' ==================================

#if 0
  type tGEN as      RandomNumberGenerator
  WindowTitle       "RandomNumberGenerator"
  type tGEN as      Melgo
  WindowTitle       "Melgo"

const             COLOR_OFF = rgb(0,0,255)
const             COLOR_ON  = rgb(230,230,220)

sub show(valu as ulong, x as short, y as short, size as short=4)
    var lenm = size - 1
    for shift as long = 31 to 0 step -1
      dim as ulong col = IIF( (valu shr shift)and 1, COLOR_ON, color_OFF )
      line (x,y)-(x+lenm, y+lenm),col, bf
      y += size
End Sub

sub Main

    var           w = 800
    var           h = 600

    screenres w, h, 32
    var               border     = 1
    var               pixel_size = 1
    var               col_width = pixel_size * 32
    var               u = (w-border) \ pixel_size - 1
    dim as tGEN       A
    var t1 = timer + 6
    while timer < t1
      var k = 0
      dim as ulong  x = border, y = border
      for i as long = 1 to 1.4e4
        show A, x, y, pixel_size
        if k < u then
          x += pixel_size
          k += 1
          k = 0
          x = border
          y += col_width
          if y+col_width-1 >= h then y = border
      sleep 1000
      if inkey<>"" then end


end sub

paul doe
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Re: Struggling with classes / types

Post by paul doe »

dafhi wrote:i've modified your rng to output ulong
Aha. With what purpose?
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Re: Struggling with classes / types

Post by dafhi »

primarily to visualize the output
secondly, when it comes to math i like to see what i can get away with
paul doe
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Re: Struggling with classes / types

Post by paul doe »

No, no, what I mean is... :sigh:
Nevermind =D
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Re: Struggling with classes / types

Post by dafhi »

infinite 2d starfield. need a reversible generator for that but this whole randomness thing is interesting
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Re: Struggling with classes / types

Post by badidea »

paul doe wrote:That is, if you want flexibility and reusability (at a coarser level than, say, library functions), use OOP techniques ('Patterns'); if you want to write your application framework by describing it, use a (somewhat) fluent interface as above. There's no `right' nor 'wrong' answer, just a bunch of tradeoffs, as usual.
I think I understand the code with all the return( this ) parts, but to get my mind changed in such a way that I could come up with such a solution myself for a certain task, might take a while.
paul doe
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Re: Struggling with classes / types

Post by paul doe »

badidea wrote:I think I understand the code with all the return( this ) parts, but to get my mind changed in such a way that I could come up with such a solution myself for a certain task, might take a while.
The best advice I could give you is to try other languages (besides BASIC/C/C++ lookalikes). Try ones that are really different from BASIC, like LISP, Clojure, Forth, Ruby, and (why not?), Brainf*uck. Learn how those languages perform computation. It'll do wonders for your thought processes. Learn several paradigms. You don't need to be fluent in those languages/paradigms, just competent enough to allow you to understand the implications of using them. OOP can be a lot of fun, when you get past patterns, principles, practices and all that crap, and you're finally able to appreciate the gem behind the glitter ;)
paul doe
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Re: Struggling with classes / types

Post by paul doe »

dafhi wrote:infinite 2d starfield. need a reversible generator for that but this whole randomness thing is interesting
Interesting from which point of view? Artistic, mathematical, content generation?

I was coding an IFS generator to create concepts that could be useful in another thread. It generates interesting and cool stuff (very useful brainstorming!) most of the time, like these two spaceship models:
However, it sometimes generates rather creepy stuff as well:
That have a nice, giger-esque feel, no? It's not for the faint of hearth, though.
(boy, do I see Bob Marley up there? This is really starting to give me the creeps)
paul doe
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Re: Struggling with classes / types

Post by paul doe »

badidea wrote:...I'll try some other stuff...
Hey, mate, did you had a look at this?

AI Block Battle

Since you've coded most of what you'll need for this one, you can use it as a base to practice and integrate more esoteric programming techniques ;)
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Re: Struggling with classes / types

Post by dafhi »

paul doe wrote:
dafhi wrote:infinite 2d starfield. need a reversible generator for that but this whole randomness thing is interesting
Interesting from which point of view? Artistic, mathematical, content generation?
artistic, yes. there's something therapeutic the bits
math, yep.

i need to get a grip on modulus, GCF, LCD, stuff like that, to one day do insta-calcs
have you ever seen fractint's ridiculous speed with large iter max?
I would say it's the same idea but with complex numbers you never know. cheeky bast***s

content gen - yep. i dont know GL but one day ..
paul doe wrote:I was coding an IFS generator to create concepts that could be useful in another thread. It generates interesting and cool stuff (very useful brainstorming!)
nice! noticing the anti-aliased goodness.

dark themes
1. never liked dark stuff
2. i have spiritual energy issues

if i was to use your template design game loop, where would i declare sprites?
I'll consult the metaballs demo
paul doe
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Re: Struggling with classes / types

Post by paul doe »

dafhi wrote:I'll consult the metaballs demo
And also see the animation class demo, which has a better treatment of data.
But I don't think I follow. What do you mean by 'declaring'? Global data (such as sprites, textures, et al) is declared at the global level, of course...
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Re: Struggling with classes / types

Post by dafhi »

the animation and shaders demos crash. i redownloaded animation and same. i can still look at the source. really dont want to use globals and was wondering if there was another option besides adding stuff to MyGameLoop (cause i dont want to mess up your class with unintentional noobie stuff)

i guess i'll just mess it up
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