sub/function as datatype

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Re: sub/function as datatype

Post by fxm »

KeyPgFunctionPtr → fxm [Added an intermediate example]
Tourist Trap
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Re: sub/function as datatype

Post by Tourist Trap »

fxm wrote:KeyPgFunctionPtr → fxm [Added an intermediate example]

There is something I would like to share here again on the subject of procedure pointer. It's the sequel of the previous remark about the fact that the procedure pointer is a typed pointer and we can do almost nothing with it in the form of an "any ptr".

We need the full procedure signature to play the role of the type of the pointer. (That the signature becomes a type is by itself a non trivial concept!)

Note that the term signature seems not to be included in the manual's glossary, so this is what I'm talking about:
---> sig=proc_type + proc_name + proc_arguments_list [ + proc_return_type ]

There is probably a better way to define the term of course, but I wanted to reiterate my concern about the 2 problems that occurs if someone wants to use the procedure with the help of only the address:

Code: Select all

cast( proc_signature_as_type, proc_address_as_anyptr)(<proc_args_list>)
We have seen how to deal with proc_signature_as_type, with the help of TYPEOF if we keep a track of the PROCPTR (typed pointer, not an ANY PTR).
But the proc_args_list is somehow complicated to store in a syntactic structure... (I didn't find a macro to do the job, but maybe someone here will ?)

My question here is about the second aspect. Isn't it possible to pass an argument list to a procedure (sub or function), in the form of a unique pointer (a buffer), so that we can unify the syntax required to use the procedure retrieved from its any ptr version?

It's a little technical but it would be very useful I think. Thanks anyway.

- - - - - -
Last minute note:
Should this article deal with instance member procedure pointers, or give a link to the topic?
Last thing is pure curiosity, what about dim byref and procedure pointers?
Those 2 issues have no emergency character for me, it's just a reminder.
coderJeff wrote:, 2 things I most often use function pointers:
1) Call backs, for example, print logging, comparison function (for sorting using generic algorithm), enumerations (my own or like in WINAPI)
2) Interface: a TYPE with several function pointer methods that are initialized when the CONSTRUCTOR is called. For example, a stream-like interface that might work with a file or memory, gets constructed with members pointing to different methods.
Your definition of INTERFACE make it concrete. I don't use c++ and I find interfaces very strange, probably because I don't understand what they are useful for.

I would add a 3) :
library imported functions. They have there proper syntax in the context of dynamic libraries in fb, but it's the same familly.
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Re: sub/function as datatype

Post by fxm »

Commonly, the signature of a procedure includes only:
- the calling convention,
- the number and type of parameters,
- the return type if any.

The "Typeof" contains in addition the procedure type (Sub, Function, ...), the passing types for parameters (Byval, Byref) and also for return if any.
Tourist Trap
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Re: sub/function as datatype

Post by Tourist Trap »


hi fxm, in order to get deeper on the topic I read this wikipedia page below,
Mostly got nothing from it really usable (by me) but I noticed that they forgot Freebasic in their language comparison table!!
I'm not able to fill the missing entry myself because I precisely would need it to understand the article :) If you or someone among the experts did the job, it would please me, but above all this is really a missing information that is only justified by the ignorance of the authors of the current version of the wikipedia page. This has to be avenged ;)
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Re: sub/function as datatype

Post by dodicat »

An artificial example.
I have put any ptr where a function would do.
But for fun (some old code pointered up)

Note: I think threading examples are a put off, they are a whole issue on their own.
IMHO only of course.

Code: Select all


Namespace globals
Dim Shared As Integer xres,yres
Dim Shared As Double minx,maxx,miny,maxy,PLOT_GRADE=5000
Dim Shared As Double MinimumY,MaximumY
Dim Shared As Double MinimumX,MaximumX
Type fun  As Function(x As Double) As Double
Dim Shared f As fun
End Namespace

Sub sketch(fn As Any Ptr,colour As Ulong,axiscolour As Ulong=Rgb(150,150,150))
    Using globals
    Dim As Double last=f(minx)
    For x As Double=minx To maxx Step (maxx-minx)/PLOT_GRADE
        Dim As Double x1=(xres)*(x-minx)/(maxx-minx)
        Dim As Double d=f(x)
        Dim As Double y1=(yres)*(d-maxy)/(miny-maxy)
        If Sgn(last)<> Sgn(d)  Then Circle(x1,y1),2,0,,,,f
        If x=minx Then Pset(x1,y1),colour Else Line -(x1,y1),colour
    Next x
    Dim As Long f1,f2
    If Sgn(minx)<>Sgn(maxx) Then
        Line(((minx/(minx-maxx))*xres),0)-(((minx/(minx-maxx))*xres),yres),(axiscolour) 'y axis
        If Sgn(minx)=0 Or Sgn(maxx)=0 Then f1=0
    End If
    If Sgn(miny)<>Sgn(maxy) Then
        Line(0,(yres-(miny/(miny-maxy))*yres))-(xres,(yres-(miny/(miny-maxy))*yres)),(axiscolour) 'x axi
        If Sgn(miny)=0 Or Sgn(maxy)=0 Then f2=0
    End If
    If f2 Then
        Draw String(0,(yres-(miny/(miny-maxy))*yres)),Str(minx),(axiscolour)
        Draw String(xres-8-8*(Len(Str(maxx))),(yres-(miny/(miny-maxy))*yres)),Str(maxx),(axiscolour)
        Draw String(0,yres/2),Str(minx),(axiscolour)
        Draw String(xres-8-8*(Len(Str(maxx))),yres/2),Str(maxx),(axiscolour)
    End If
    If f1 Then
        Draw String(((minx/(minx-maxx))*xres),0),Str(maxy),(axiscolour)
        Draw String(((minx/(minx-maxx))*xres),yres-16),Str(miny),(axiscolour)
        Draw String(xres/2,0),Str(maxy),(axiscolour)
        Draw String(xres/2,yres-16),Str(miny),(axiscolour)
    End If
End Sub

Sub getyrange(fn As Any Ptr,sx As Double,lx As Double,Byref by As Double,Byref sy As Double)
    Using globals
    #macro _window(topleftX,topleftY,bottomrightX,bottomrightY) 
    For n As Double=MinimumX To lx Step(lx-MinimumX)/10000
        Dim As Double v=f(n)
        If MinimumY>V Then MinimumY=v
        If MaximumY<V Then MaximumY=V
End Sub

Sub bisect(fn As Any Ptr,min As Double,max As Double,Byref O As Double)
    Using globals
    Dim As Double last,st=(max-min)/100000,v
    For n As Double=min To max Step st
        If Sgn(v)<>Sgn(last) Then 
            O=n+st:Exit Sub
        End If
End Sub

Sub roots(fn As Any Ptr,min As Double,max As Double)
    Using globals
    Dim As Double last,O,v,st=(max-min)/10000000
    For n As Double=min To max Step st
        If Sgn(v)<>Sgn(last) And n>min Then bisect(f,n-st,n,O):n=O
    ''  screen plot optional -- get fn moving
    Screen 19,32
    Color ,Rgb(255,255,255)
    Screeninfo globals.xres,globals.yres
    Screencontrol 100,.4*globals.xres,.4*globals.yres
End Sub

#include ""  '' for hyperbolic functions

#macro InputFunction(fn)
Print #fn
Function f(x As Double) As Double
    Return fn
End Function

'================   USER INPUT PART ======================
Locate 2
InputFunction (   tanh(x)+Sin(x^2)-Exp(x)+Cos(3*x)+2  ) '<---- write your function(x) inside the brackets. 
Print "ROOTS -if any";Tab(27);"ROOT error value"

roots(Procptr(f),-6,2)     ' Please note: catches roots AND discontinuaties in the given x range

Tourist Trap
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Re: sub/function as datatype

Post by Tourist Trap »

dodicat wrote:An artificial example.
I have put any ptr where a function would do.
Hi dodi,

not so artificial. As far as I understand correctly this page ... _function)
you show us here how to implement a "map". And an anonymous like. According to the Wikipedia this is advanced feature that one may find or not in the language. Here we have to conclude, it's feasible in fb thanks to the power of macros and procedure pointers (and to the artist that melts the both!).


Code: Select all


Code: Select all

 map square [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
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Re: sub/function as datatype

Post by fxm »

dodicat wrote:I have put any ptr where a function would do.
But no myster, the conversion to a typed procedure pointer is done by:
globals.f = fn
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Re: sub/function as datatype

Post by fxm »

Tourist Trap wrote:My question here is about the second aspect. Isn't it possible to pass an argument list to a procedure (sub or function), in the form of a unique pointer (a buffer), so that we can unify the syntax required to use the procedure retrieved from its any ptr version?
A twisted solution, using an OBJET PTR array, and the RTTI capability to retrieve the real type of object (among those derived from OBJECT) and thus the associated static procedure (but no procedure pointer usage):

Code: Select all

Type t0 Extends Object
  Declare Static Sub s0(Byval I As Integer)
End Type
Sub t0.s0(Byval I As Integer)
  Print "s0(Byval As Integer)", I
End Sub

Type t1 Extends Object
  Declare Static Sub s1(Byref S As String, Byval D As Double)
End Type
Sub t1.s1(Byref S As String, Byval D As Double)
  Print "s1(Byref As String, Byval As Double)", S, D
End Sub

Dim As t0 it0
Dim As t1 it1

Dim As Object Ptr po(...) = {@it0, @it1}

Sub procedure(p() As Object Ptr, Byval I As Integer, Byref S As String, Byval D As Double)
  For N As Integer = Lbound(p) To Ubound(p)
    Print N & ":",
    If *p(N) Is t0 Then
    Elseif *p(N) Is t1 Then
      t1.s1(S, D)
    End If
  Next N
End Sub

procedure(po(), 3, "PI", 3.14)
Similar example using an Object Ptr buffer:

Code: Select all

Type t0 Extends Object
  Declare Static Sub s0(Byval I As Integer)
End Type
Sub t0.s0(Byval I As Integer)
  Print "s0(Byval As Integer)", I
End Sub

Type t1 Extends Object
  Declare Static Sub s1(Byref S As String, Byval D As Double)
End Type
Sub t1.s1(Byref S As String, Byval D As Double)
  Print "s1(Byref As String, Byval As Double)", S, D
End Sub

Dim As t0 it0
Dim As t1 it1

Dim As Object Ptr Ptr pobuffer = Callocate(2, Sizeof(Object Ptr))
pobuffer[0] = @it0
pobuffer[1] = @it1

Sub procedure(Byval p As Object Ptr Ptr, Byval I As Integer, Byref S As String, Byval D As Double)
  For N As Integer = 0 To 1
    Print N & ":",
    If *p[N] Is t0 Then
    Elseif *p[N] Is t1 Then
      t1.s1(S, D)
    End If
  Next N
End Sub

procedure(pobuffer, 3, "PI", 3.14)

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Re: sub/function as datatype

Post by dodicat »

I mean skipping the type declaration and inserting a function directly as a parameter.
As perhaps in the thread example

Code: Select all


'' thread Sub definition
  Sub threadInkey (callback As Function (ByRef As String) As Integer )
    If  callback  Then                                                '' test condition callback Function defined
     ' Dim As Function (ByRef As String) As Integer callback = p  '' convert the any ptr to a callback Function pointer
        Dim As String s = Inkey
        If s <> "" Then                                          '' test condition key pressed
          If callback(s) Then                                    '' test condition to finish thread
            Exit Do
          End If
        End If
        Sleep 50
    End If
  End Sub

'' user callback Function definition
  Function printInkey (ByRef s As String) As Integer
    If Asc(s) = 27 Then                                        '' test condition key pressed = <escape>
      Return -1                                                '' order thread to finish
      Print s;
      Return 0                                                 '' order thread to continue
    End If
  End Function

'' user main code
  Dim As Any Ptr p = ThreadCreate(cast(any ptr,@threadInkey), @printInkey)   '' launch the thread, passing the callback Function address
  ThreadWait(p)                                                '' wait for the thread finish  
And the parameter 1 for my four procedures would be
f As Function(x As Double) As Double
with no f=fn or global type fun or f necessary.

Generally the word callback is a bit confusing. I think.
Is it not simply calling one function from another, by pointer or by name.

The C runtime sort for example uses a callback function via a pointer, as the WinApi
C sort:
The method is hidden in the dll of course in the C case.

Code: Select all

#include ""
Type callback  As Function cdecl(As Any Ptr,As Any Ptr) As long

Function CallBackinteger Cdecl(n1 As Any Ptr,n2 As Any Ptr) As long
    If *Cptr(Integer Ptr,n1) < *Cptr(Integer Ptr,n2) Then Return -1
    If *Cptr(Integer Ptr,n1) > *Cptr(Integer Ptr,n2) Then Return 1
    Return 0
End Function

Function CallBackString Cdecl(n1 As Any Ptr,n2 As Any Ptr) As long
    If *Cptr(String Ptr,n1) > *Cptr(String Ptr,n2) Then Return -1
    If *Cptr(String Ptr,n1) < *Cptr(String Ptr,n2) Then Return 1
    Return 0
End Function

dim as callback FI,FS

Dim  As Integer a(1 To 50)

For n As Integer=1 To 50
    a(n)= Int(Rnd * 10000)
Next n

qsort( @a(Lbound(a)),(Ubound(a)-Lbound(a)+1),Sizeof(a),FI)

For n As Integer=1 To 50
    Print a(n)
Next n

Dim As String s="ABCD"
Dim As String g(90)
For n As Integer=0 To 90
    Swap s[Rnd*(Len(s)-1)],s[Rnd*(Len(s)-1)]

qsort( @g(Lbound(g)),(Ubound(g)-Lbound(g)+1),Sizeof(g),FS)

For n As Integer=0 To 90
    Print g(n)
Next n

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Re: sub/function as datatype

Post by fxm »

dodicat wrote:I mean skipping the type declaration and inserting a function directly as a parameter.
As perhaps in the thread example
I suppose that passing an any ptr to Threadcreate(), instead of a typed SUB pointer with the requested signature ('Sub (Byval As Any Ptr)'), disables the compiler signature test, but this lax behavior is not specified and can change as well in future compiler releases.
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Re: sub/function as datatype

Post by fxm »

Tourist Trap wrote:Last thing is pure curiosity, what about dim byref and procedure pointers?
I do not know if I understood your question, but:
Like any other pointer, a procedure pointer can be passed or returned by reference, and one can also create a reference to a procedure pointer.

Code: Select all

Sub hello()
  Print "Hello"
End Sub

Sub goodbye()
  Print "Goodbye"
End Sub

Function initProcPtr ( Byref pp As Sub() ) Byref As Sub()
  Return pp
End Function

Dim As Sub() pp = @hello

Dim Byref As Sub() rpp = pp
( initProcPtr(rpp) ) = @goodbye
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Re: sub/function as datatype

Post by fxm »

Tourist Trap wrote:Should this article deal with instance member procedure pointers, or give a link to the topic?
More precisely, what do you mean by that?
Presently, pointers to member procedures (non static) are not supported by FreeBASIC.
Tourist Trap
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Re: sub/function as datatype

Post by Tourist Trap »

fxm wrote: Like any other pointer, a procedure pointer can be passed or returned by reference, and one can also create a reference to a procedure pointer.
Thanks. Overall, my questions are answered right now. There is still things to be clarified but I would have to test many things before - but already learnt good stuff today anyway :).

My 2 cents contribution to an attempt to get rid of the necessity to know by advance the procedure signature before using it when hidden in a pointer variable. Far from satisfying and very artificial , I think we will need the ability to treat a type as variable like the others some day. At least it's my temporary conclusion.

Code: Select all

 'attempt to standardize a procedure-pointer's storage that can be evaluated in
'a way where knowing the procedure signature is a minor burden for the user


#macro _ADDPROCPTRTOARRAY(ProcArrayName, ProcIndex, ProcName)
    redim preserve ProcArrayName(lBound(ProcArrayName) to uBound(ProcArrayName) + 1)
    #undef ProcArrayName##ProcIndex
    var ProcArrayName##ProcIndex = procPtr(ProcName)
    ProcArrayName(ProcIndex) = ProcArrayName##ProcIndex
#macro _CALLPROCARRAYATINDEX(ProcArrayName, ProcIndex)
    cast(typeOf(ProcArrayName##ProcIndex), ProcArrayName(ProcIndex))

    declare constructor()
    declare constructor(as any ptr, as integer, () as string)

        as any ptr  _procedureRawAddress
        as integer  _procedureArgumentCount
        as string	_arrayOfProcedureArgumentTypeCode(any)
end type

    declare constructor()
    declare constructor(as PROCARGDESC ptr)
    declare function ComputeBufferSize() as integer

        as PROCARGDESC ptr  _procArgDescPtr
        as integer          _bufferSize
        as uByte ptr        _buffer
end type




dim as any ptr procArray(any)

dim as PROCARGDESC		F0ArgDescriptor
dim as PROCARGUNIBUFFER	F0procArgBuffer
dim as string			F1arrayOfProcedureArgumentTypeName(1)
F1arrayOfProcedureArgumentTypeName(1)	=> "integer"
dim as PROCARGDESC		F1ArgDescriptor	=> _ 
						PROCARGDESC(procArray(1), 1, F1arrayOfProcedureArgumentTypeName())
dim as PROCARGUNIBUFFER	F1procArgBuffer => PROCARGUNIBUFFER(@F1ArgDescriptor)
dim as integer		i_1		=> 100
dim as any ptr		ii_1	=> @i_1
cast(integer ptr, F1procArgBuffer._buffer)[0] = cast(integer ptr, ii_1)[0]
dim as string			F2arrayOfProcedureArgumentTypeName(2)
F2arrayOfProcedureArgumentTypeName(1)	=> "integer"
F2arrayOfProcedureArgumentTypeName(2)	=> "double"
dim as PROCARGDESC		F2ArgDescriptor => _ 
						PROCARGDESC(procArray(2), 2, F2arrayOfProcedureArgumentTypeName())
dim as PROCARGUNIBUFFER	F2procArgBuffer => PROCARGUNIBUFFER(@F2ArgDescriptor)
dim as integer		i_2		=> 200
dim as any ptr		ii_2	=> @i_2
dim as double		d_2		=> 3.1422202
dim as any ptr		dd_2	=> @d_2
cast(integer ptr, F2procArgBuffer._buffer)[0] = cast(integer ptr, ii_2)[0]
cast(double ptr, F2procArgBuffer._buffer)[sizeOf(i_2) - 1] = cast(double ptr, dd_2)[0]
dim as string			F3arrayOfProcedureArgumentTypeName(3)
F3arrayOfProcedureArgumentTypeName(1)	=> "integer"
F3arrayOfProcedureArgumentTypeName(2)	=> "double"
F3arrayOfProcedureArgumentTypeName(3)	=> "string"
dim as PROCARGDESC		F3ArgDescriptor => _ 
						PROCARGDESC(procArray(3), 3, F3arrayOfProcedureArgumentTypeName())
dim as PROCARGUNIBUFFER	F3procArgBuffer => PROCARGUNIBUFFER(@F3ArgDescriptor)
dim as integer		i_3		=> 200
dim as any ptr		ii_3	=> @i_3
dim as double		d_3		=> 6.2833303
dim as any ptr		dd_3	=> @d_3
dim as string		s_3		=> "string variable"
dim as any ptr		ss_3	=> @s_3
cast(integer ptr, F3procArgBuffer._buffer)[0] = cast(integer ptr, ii_3)[0]
cast(double ptr, F3procArgBuffer._buffer)[sizeOf(i_3) - 1] = cast(double ptr, dd_3)[0]
cast(string ptr, F3procArgBuffer._buffer)[sizeOf(d_3) - 1] = cast(string ptr, ss_3)[0]


_CALLPROCARRAYATINDEX(procArray, 0)(F0ArgDescriptor, F0procArgBuffer)
_CALLPROCARRAYATINDEX(procArray, 1)(F1ArgDescriptor, F1procArgBuffer)
_CALLPROCARRAYATINDEX(procArray, 2)(F2ArgDescriptor, F2procArgBuffer)
_CALLPROCARRAYATINDEX(procArray, 3)(F3ArgDescriptor, F3procArgBuffer)


constructor PROCARGDESC()
    THIS._procedureRawAddress       => 0
    THIS._procedureArgumentCount    => 0
end constructor
constructor PROCARGDESC(RawAddress as any ptr, _ 
                        ArgCount as integer, _ 
                        ArgTypeCodeArray() as string)
    THIS._procedureRawAddress       => RawAddress
    THIS._procedureArgumentCount    => ArgCount
    redim THIS._arrayOfProcedureArgumentTypeCode(1 to ArgCount)
end constructor

    THIS._procArgDescPtr    => 0
    THIS._bufferSize        => 0
    THIS._buffer     => 0
end constructor
constructor PROCARGUNIBUFFER(ProcArgDescPtr as PROCARGDESC ptr)
    THIS._procArgDescPtr    => ProcArgDescPtr
    THIS._bufferSize        => THIS.ComputeBufferSize()
    THIS._buffer     => _ 
end constructor
function PROCARGUNIBUFFER.ComputeBufferSize() as integer
    var argTotalCount => THIS._procArgDescPtr->_procedureArgumentCount
    #ifndef _ArrayOfProcArgType
    #define _ArrayOfProcArgType THIS._procArgDescPtr->_arrayOfProcedureArgumentTypeCode
    dim as integer returnValue => 0
    for index as integer = 1 to argTotalCount
        returnValue += sizeOf(_ArrayOfProcArgType(index))
    next index
    #undef _ArrayOfProcArgType
    return returnValue
end function

	? "F0 call - no arg"
end sub
	dim i as integer
	for index as integer = lBound(F1ArgDesc._arrayOfProcedureArgumentTypeCode) to _ 
		select case index
			case 1
				i = cast(typeOf(i) ptr, F1ArgBuffer._buffer)[0]
		end select
	next index
	? "F1 call - arg = ", i
end sub
	dim i as integer
	dim d as double
	for index as integer = lBound(F2ArgDesc._arrayOfProcedureArgumentTypeCode) to _ 
		select case index
			case 1
				i = cast(typeOf(i) ptr, F2ArgBuffer._buffer)[0]
			case 2
				d = cast(typeOf(d) ptr, F2ArgBuffer._buffer)[sizeOf(i) - 1]
		end select
	next index
	? "F2 call - arglist = ", i , d
end sub
	dim i as integer
	dim d as double
	dim s as string
	for index as integer = lBound(F3ArgDesc._arrayOfProcedureArgumentTypeCode) to _ 
		select case index
			case 1
				i = cast(typeOf(i) ptr, F3ArgBuffer._buffer)[0]
			case 2
				d = cast(typeOf(d) ptr, F3ArgBuffer._buffer)[sizeOf(i) - 1]
			case 3
				s = cast(typeOf(s) ptr, F3ArgBuffer._buffer)[sizeOf(i) + sizeOf(d) - 1]
		end select
	next index
	? "F3 call - arglist = ", i, d, s
end sub

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Re: sub/function as datatype

Post by fxm »

Tourist Trap wrote:My 2 cents contribution to an attempt to get rid of the necessity to know by advance the procedure signature before using it when hidden in a pointer variable.
My very small personal contribution:

Code: Select all

' Classes of datatypes (derived from Object):
'    - Each class contains a datatyped pointer, initialized to the variable address at instance construction.
'    - 10 datatypes are taken into account in this examples, including:
'       - Integer,
'       - String,
'       - Sub(byVal as Integer),
'       - Sub(byRef as String, byVal as Double),
'       - Function(Byval As Integer) (byVal) as String
'       - Pointer to Integer,
'       - Pointer to String,
'       - Pointer to Sub(byVal as Integer),
'       - Pointer to Sub(byRef as String, byVal as Double),
'       - Pointer to Function(Byval As Integer) (byVal) as String
'    - 20 variables are tested, using the 10 datatypes.
'    - For each variable, an instance of matching class is created (a macro simplifies the creation syntax).
'    - The 20 instances are passed to a Sub by means of an array of Object pointers to instances.
'    - Using the Is (RTTI) keyword, the real datatype of each variable is recovered from its Object pointer.

Type ci Extends Object  '' Class for Integer
  Declare Constructor(Byval p As Integer Ptr)
  Dim As Integer Ptr pp
End Type
Constructor ci(Byval p As Integer Ptr)
  This.pp = p
End Constructor

Type csvi Extends Object  '' Class for Sub(byVal as Integer)
  Declare Constructor(Byval p As Sub(Byval As Integer))
  Dim As Sub(Byval As Integer) pp
End Type
Constructor csvi(Byval p As Sub(Byval As Integer))
  This.pp = p
End Constructor

Type csrsvd Extends Object  '' Class for Sub(byRef as String, byVal as Double)
  Declare Constructor(Byval p As Sub(Byref As String, Byval As Double))
  Dim As Sub(Byref As String, Byval As Double) pp
End Type
Constructor csrsvd(Byval p As Sub(Byref As String, Byval As Double))
  This.pp = p
End Constructor

Type cfvivs Extends Object  '' Class for Function(Byval As Integer) (byVal) as String
  Declare Constructor(Byval p As Function(Byval I As Integer) As String)
  Dim As Function(Byval I As Integer) As String pp
End Type
Constructor cfvivs(Byval p As Function(Byval I As Integer) As String)
  This.pp = p
End Constructor
Type cs Extends Object  '' Class for String
  Declare Constructor(Byval p As String Ptr)
  Dim As String Ptr pp
End Type
Constructor cs(Byval p As String Ptr)
  This.pp = p
End Constructor

Type cpi Extends Object  '' Class for Pointer to Integer
  Declare Constructor(Byval p As Integer Ptr Ptr)
  Dim As Integer Ptr Ptr pp
End Type
Constructor cpi(Byval p As Integer Ptr Ptr)
  This.pp = p
End Constructor

Type cpsvi Extends Object  '' Class for Pointer to Sub(byVal as Integer)
  Declare Constructor(Byval p As Sub(Byval As Integer) Ptr)
  Dim As Sub(Byval As Integer) Ptr pp
End Type
Constructor cpsvi(Byval p As Sub(Byval As Integer) Ptr)
  This.pp = p
End Constructor

Type cpsrsvd Extends Object  '' Class for Pointer to Sub(byRef as String, byVal as Double)
  Declare Constructor(Byval p As Sub(Byref As String, Byval As Double) Ptr)
  Dim As Sub(Byref As String, Byval As Double) Ptr pp
End Type
Constructor cpsrsvd(Byval p As Sub(Byref As String, Byval As Double) Ptr)
  This.pp = p
End Constructor

Type fvivs As Function(Byval I As Integer) As String
Type cpfvivs Extends Object  '' Class for Pointer to Function(Byval As Integer) (byVal) as String
  Declare Constructor(Byval p As fvivs Ptr)
  Dim As fvivs Ptr pp
End Type
Constructor cpfvivs(Byval p As fvivs Ptr)
  This.pp = p
End Constructor

Type cps Extends Object  '' Class for Pointer to String
  Declare Constructor(Byval p As String Ptr Ptr)
  Dim As String Ptr Ptr pp
End Type
Constructor cps(Byval p As String Ptr Ptr)
  This.pp = p
End Constructor

#macro buildInstance(variableName, instanceName)
  #if Typeof(@##variableName) = Typeof(ci(0).pp)
    Dim As ci instanceName = @##variableName
  #if Typeof(@##variableName) = Typeof(csvi(0).pp)
    Dim As csvi instanceName = @##variableName
  #if Typeof(@##variableName) = Typeof(csrsvd(0).pp)
    Dim As csrsvd instanceName = @##variableName
  #if Typeof(@##variableName) = Typeof(cfvivs(0).pp)
    Dim As cfvivs instanceName = @##variableName
  #if Typeof(@##variableName) = Typeof(cs(0).pp)
    Dim As cs instanceName = @##variableName
  #if Typeof(@##variableName) = Typeof(cpi(0).pp)
    Dim As cpi instanceName = @##variableName
  #if Typeof(@##variableName) = Typeof(cpsvi(0).pp)
    Dim As cpsvi instanceName = @##variableName
  #if Typeof(@##variableName) = Typeof(cpsrsvd(0).pp)
    Dim As cpsrsvd instanceName = @##variableName
  #if Typeof(@##variableName) = Typeof(cpfvivs(0).pp)
    Dim As cpfvivs instanceName = @##variableName
  #if Typeof(@##variableName) = Typeof(cps(0).pp)
    Dim As cps instanceName = @##variableName

Dim As Integer I1 = 1
Dim As Integer I2 = 2

Dim As String S1 = "P"
Dim As String S2 = "I"

Sub s11(Byval I As Integer)
  Print "s11(Byval As Integer)", I
End Sub

Sub s12(Byval I As Integer)
  Print "s12(Byval As Integer)", I
End Sub

Sub s21(Byref S As String, Byval D As Double)
  Print "s21(Byref As String, Byval As Double)", S, D
End Sub

Sub s22(Byref S As String, Byval D As Double)
  Print "s22(Byref As String, Byval As Double)", S, D
End Sub

Function f11(Byval I As Integer) As String
  Print "f11() As String",
  Return Str(I)
End Function

Function f12(Byval I As Integer) As String
  Print "f12() As String",
  Return Str(I)
End Function

Dim As Integer Ptr pI1 = @I1
Dim As Integer Ptr pI2 = @I2

Dim As String Ptr pS1 = @S1
Dim As String Ptr pS2 = @S2

Dim As Sub(Byval As Integer) ps11 =@s11

Dim As Sub(Byref As String, Byval As Double) ps21 = @s21

Dim As Function(Byval I As Integer) As String pf11 = @f11

Dim As Sub(Byval As Integer) ps12 =@s12

Dim As Sub(Byref As String, Byval As Double) ps22 = @s22

Dim As Function(Byval I As Integer) As String pf12 = @f12

buildInstance(I1, it01)
buildInstance(s11, it11)
buildInstance(s21, it21)
buildInstance(f11, it31)
buildInstance(S1, it41)
buildInstance(I2, it02)
buildInstance(s12, it12)
buildInstance(s22, it22)
buildInstance(f12, it32)
buildInstance(S2, it42)
buildInstance(pI1, pit01)
buildInstance(ps11, pit11)
buildInstance(ps21, pit21)
buildInstance(pf11, pit31)
buildInstance(pS1, pit41)
buildInstance(pI2, pit02)
buildInstance(pS12, pit12)
buildInstance(pS22, pit22)
buildInstance(pf12, pit32)
buildInstance(pS2, pit42)

Dim As Object Ptr po(...) = {@it01, @it11, @it21, @it31, @it41, @it02, @it12, @it22, @it32, @it42, _
                             @pit01, @pit11, @pit21, @pit31, @pit41, @pit02, @pit12, @pit22, @pit32, @pit42}

Sub anyDatatype(p() As Object Ptr, Byval I As Integer, Byref S As String, Byval D As Double)
  For N As Integer = Lbound(p) To Ubound(p)
    Print N & ":",
    If *p(N) Is ci Then
      Print *Cptr(ci Ptr, p(N))->pp
    Elseif *p(N) Is cs Then
      Print *Cptr(cs Ptr, p(N))->pp
    Elseif *p(N) Is csvi Then
      Cptr(csvi Ptr, p(N))->pp(I)
    Elseif *p(N) Is csrsvd Then
      Cptr(csrsvd Ptr, p(N))->pp(S, D)
    Elseif *p(N) Is cfvivs Then
      Print Cptr(cfvivs Ptr, p(N))->pp(I)
    Elseif *p(N) Is cpi Then
      Print **Cptr(cpi Ptr, p(N))->pp
    Elseif *p(N) Is cps Then
      Print **Cptr(cps Ptr, p(N))->pp
    Elseif *p(N) Is cpsvi Then
      *Cptr(cpsvi Ptr, p(N))->pp(I)
    Elseif *p(N) Is cpsrsvd Then
      *Cptr(cpsrsvd Ptr, p(N))->pp(S, D)
    Elseif *p(N) Is cpfvivs Then
      Print *Cptr(cpfvivs Ptr, p(N))->pp(I)
    End If
  Next N
End Sub

anyDatatype(po(), 3, "PI", 3.14)

- Added a 'buildInstance(variableName, instanceName)' macro to simplify the syntax for instance creation from any variable (if type taken into account).
Tourist Trap
Posts: 2958
Joined: Jun 02, 2015 16:24

Re: sub/function as datatype

Post by Tourist Trap »

fxm wrote: My very small personal contribution:

Hi fxm. It's quite a powerful implementation of type resolution at runtime, which is a great thing that is quite tricky for the beginner in fb current version. Unfortunately I can't play with it at the moment. I have a real life question that is related to callbacks in this example:

Code: Select all

 'this example would be useful to poll a change from inside a folder
'but would require its async version in order to be really useful -> implies callback

#include ""


var hDir = CreateFile ( _
    "D:\Temp\WATCHTEST",_   'enter a directory here
    NULL, _
    NULL _

? "watching dir num ..."; hDir

fNIptr = allocate(SizeOf(FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION))

dim as LPDWORD  outbuffer
outbuffer = allocate(sizeof(DWORD))

dim r as integer
    r = ReadDirectoryChangesW( _ 
      hDir, _ 
      fNIptr, _ 'LPVOID lpBuffer :: pointer to a FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION, _
      sizeOf(fNIptr), _ 'DWORD nBufferLength, _
      0, _ 'BOOL bWatchSubtree, _ 
      FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME, _ 'DWORD dwNotifyFilter, _ 
      outbuffer, _ 'LPDWORD lpBytesReturned, _ 
      0, _ 'LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, _ 
      0 _ 'LPOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE lpCompletionRoutine _
    ? r 'this shows nothing because we are not in the insynchronous case, which would require callback
    sleep 25
loop until r<>0 or inkey()=chr(27)

? "you created or deleted a file in the folder"

To run this code , create a test directory and put the path of it in the code (in the 1st function).
The problem here is that I fail to add the last arguments related to asynchronous call, with a callback.
If someone knew how this has to be done it would be really interesting. Moreover this stuff is very useful if used asynchronously.

Thanks anyone if any hint given here.
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