[solved]Math Guru II How to make a Normal little bit random FAST?

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Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
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Re: Math Guru II How to make a Normal little bit random FAST?

Post by dodicat »

Tourist Trap.
I'll have a look at your rotate code later.
Here is my final 5 million unit vectors.
(Getting fed up with it now).
64 bit and 32 bit gcc is crap at graphics by direct screen, but fast at the arithmetic.

Code: Select all

randomize ,2
screen 19,32
dim as any ptr row=screenptr
dim as integer pitch
dim as ulong ptr pixel
screeninfo ,,,,pitch

type pt
    as double x,y,z
end type
'=============  EIGHT SPHERICAL QUADRANTS ================

sub fill(a() as pt)
    dim as long X=ubound(a)
    #macro subfill(L,U,d1,d2,d3)
    for n as long=L to U
     a(n)=type(d1 rnd, _    
               d2 rnd*sqr(1-a(n).x*a(n).x), _
               d3 sqr((1-(a(n).x*a(n).x+a(n).y*a(n).y))))
     next n
    end sub

#macro ppset(_x,_y,colour)
pixel=row+pitch*(_y)+(_x) shl 2

#define map(a,b,x,c,d) ((d)-(c))*((x)-(a))\((b)-(a))+(c)
dim as long max=5000000

redim as pt p(1 to max)

 dim as double t=timer
 'Fill with random unit vectors

print "Time taken ",timer-t

'get error residue
dim as double R
for n as long=1 to max
   r+=abs( 1-sqr(p(n).x^2+p(n).y^2+p(n).z^2)) 
    next n
print "ERROR ";r

dim as long ctrx,ctry,ctrz

for z as long=lbound(p) to ubound(p)
if p(z).x>0 then ctrx+=1
if p(z).y>0 then ctry+=1
if p(z).z>0 then ctrz+=1
next z
print max/2, "Expected for each"
print ctrx,ctry,ctrz, "Got"
draw string(250,240),"Shade by .z"
draw string(350+250,240),"Shade by .x"
draw string(0,100),"Vector p(10) = " +str(p(10).x)+" , "+str(p(10).y)+" , " +str(p(10).z)

For z As Long=LBound(p) To UBound(p)
   dim as long c=map(-1,1,p(z).x,10,255)
print "press a key"
loop until inkey=chr(27) 
Posts: 1645
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: Math Guru II How to make a Normal little bit random FAST?

Post by dafhi »

@dodicat - I see about 0.6 seconds to generate a frame from my example. I think I saw you mention 0.2 with your method on your cpu

@Tourist Trap - I tend to throw stuff together. It makes me happy to know others find my code useful. Add or remove as you see fit!
Tourist Trap
Posts: 2958
Joined: Jun 02, 2015 16:24

Re: Math Guru II How to make a Normal little bit random FAST?

Post by Tourist Trap »

dafhi wrote: Add or remove as you see fit!
Thanks a lot. I've started playing with it. Was hard to figure out why I had to keep things into untit cube (coordinates<1), but since I got it, I was able to render my Rodrigues rotation delightfully ;-)

@dodicat, I was just looking on a way to render this in 3D perspective. I really don't know how to make it, but the dahfi's renderer is absolutly neat:

Code: Select all

'  subs Cone_Precalc and translate() have all the details
'[a bit refactored for comfort (of mine..)]

#ifndef _pi
    const as double _twoPi => 8*atn(1)
    const as double _pi    => 4*atn(1)

#macro _ALPHA256(ret,back, fore, am, a256)
          ( fore and &hFF00FF)*a256 + _
          ( back and &hFF00FF)*am + &h800080 ) and &hFF00FF00 or _
              ( fore and &H00FF00)*a256 + _
              ( back and &h00FF00)*am + &h008000 ) and &h00FF0000) shr 8

#macro _ROTC0(dsta, dstb, srca, srcb)
    temp = cosa_*srca - sina_*srcb
    dstb = cosa_*srcb + sina_*srca
    dsta = temp

#macro _ROTC(a_,dst, src, dota, dotb)
        dim as single   a       = ( a_ )
        dim as double   cosa_   = cos(a), sina_ = sin(a), temp
        _ROTC0( (dst._axisX)dota, (dst._axisX)dotb, (src._axisX)dota, (src._axisX)dotb )
        _ROTC0( (dst._axisY)dota, (dst._axisY)dotb, (src._axisY)dota, (src._axisY)dotb )
        _ROTC0( (dst._axisZ)dota, (dst._axisZ)dotb, (src._axisZ)dota, (src._axisZ)dotb )
    end scope

#macro _XROT(dst,a_)
    _ROTC(a_, dst, dst, ._y, ._z)

#macro _YROT(dst,a_)
    _ROTC(a_, dst, dst, ._z, ._x)

#macro _ZROT(dst,a_)
    _ROTC(a_, dst, dst, ._x, ._y)

' 2016 Jan 31
    declare destructor()
    declare sub ClearScreen(byval Col as ulong=&HFF000000)
    declare sub Destroy()
    declare sub VarsCommon()
    declare sub ScrInf()
    declare sub ScreenInit(byval Wid as single=-1, _
                           byval Hgt as single=-1, _
                           byval Bpp as uinteger=32, _
                           byval NumPages as integer=1, _
                           byval Flags as integer=0)
    declare function Create(byval Wid as long=-1, _
                            byval Hgt as long=0, _
                            byval Colour as ulong=rgb(0,0,0)) _
                            as any ptr
    declare sub Checkers(byval PColor as ulong=rgba(145,145,145,255), _
                         byval Size as uinteger=12)
        as any ptr      _im, _pixels
        as integer      _w, _h, _bpp, _
                        _bypp, _pitch, _numpages, _
                        _flags, _rate, _isScreen, _
                        _pitchBy, _wm, _hm
        as single       _midx, _midy, _
                        _midxm, _midym, _diagonal
        as string       _driverName
end type
destructor IMAGEVARS()
end destructor
sub IMAGEVARS.Destroy()
    if THIS._im<>0 then
        THIS._im = 0
    end if
end sub
sub IMAGEVARS.VarsCommon()
    THIS._wm    = THIS._w - 1
    THIS._midx  = THIS._w/2
    THIS._midxm = THIS._wm/2
    THIS._hm    = THIS._h - 1
    THIS._midy  = THIS._h/2
    THIS._midym = THIS._hm/2
    THIS._diagonal = sqr(THIS._w*THIS._w + THIS._h*THIS._h)
    if THIS._bypp<>0 then THIS._pitchBy = THIS._pitch\THIS._bypp
end sub
sub IMAGEVARS.ClearScreen(byval Col as ulong)
    line (0,0)-(THIS._wm, THIS._hm), Col, bf
end sub
sub IMAGEVARS.ScrInf()
    screenInfo THIS._w, THIS._h, THIS._bpp, _
               THIS._bypp, THIS._pitch, THIS._rate, _
    THIS._pixels = screenPtr()
end sub
sub IMAGEVARS.ScreenInit(byval Wid as single=-1, _
                         byval Hgt as single=-1, _
                         byval Bpp as uinteger=32, _
                         byval NumPages as integer=1, _
                         byval Flags as integer=0)
    dim as integer ww, hh
    screenInfo ww, hh
    Wid = abs(Wid)
    if Wid<=1 then
        Wid *= ww
    end if
    Hgt = abs(Hgt)
    if Hgt<=1 then
        Hgt *=  hh
    end if
    THIS._w         = Wid
    THIS._h         = Hgt
    THIS._Bpp       = Bpp
    THIS._flags     or= 8
    THIS._numpages  = Numpages
    THIS._flags     = Flags
    screenRes Wid, Hgt, Bpp, Numpages, Flags
    THIS._isScreen = -1
    if NumPages> 1 then screenSet 0, 1
end sub
function IMAGEVARS.Create(byval Wid as long=-1, _
                          byval Hgt as long=0, _
                          byval Colour as ulong=rgb(0,0,0)) _
                          as any ptr
    if Hgt=0 then
        Wid = THIS._w
        Hgt = THIS._h
    end if
    THIS._im => imageCreate( Wid, Hgt, Colour )
    imageInfo THIS._im, THIS._w, THIS._h, THIS._bypp, THIS._pitch, THIS._pixels
    THIS._bpp = THIS._bypp*8
    THIS._isScreen = 0
    return THIS._im
end function
sub IMAGEVARS.Checkers(byval PColor as ulong, byval Size as uinteger)
    dim as uinteger sizeDouble  => Size*2
    dim as uinteger sizeM       => Size - 1
    for y as integer = 0 to THIS._hm step Size
        for x as integer = -Size*((y/sizeDouble)=int(y/sizeDouble)) to _
                            THIS._wm step _
            line THIS._im, (x, y)-(x + sizeM, y + sizeM), PColor, bf
        next x
    next y
End Sub

type AADOT
    declare sub             RenderTarget(byval Pti as IMAGEVARS ptr)
    declare sub             DrawAadot(byval X as single=0, _
                                      byval Y as single=0, _
                                      byval C as ulong=&hFFFFFFFF)
        as single               _rad        = 0.65
        as single               _alpha      = 1
        as ulong                _outlined   = 0
        as IMAGEVARS ptr        _p
        as any ptr              _pixels
        as single               _slope
        as single               _slope_X2
end type
sub AADOT.RenderTarget(byval Pti as IMAGEVARS ptr)
    if pti->_isScreen then
        THIS._pixels = screenPtr()
        THIS._pixels = Pti->_pixels
    end if
    THIS._p = Pti
end sub
sub AADOT.DrawAadot(byval X as single=0, _
                    byval Y as single=0, _
                    byval C as ulong=&hFFFFFFFF)
    if THIS._p->_h<1 then exit sub
    THIS._slope       = THIS._alpha*256
    THIS._slope_X2    = THIS._slope*2
    dim as single     coneHgt   = THIS._rad*THIS._slope
    dim as integer    _x        = X - THIS._rad
    dim as integer    x2        = X + THIS._rad 
        _x += _x*(_x<0)
    dim as integer    _y        = Y - THIS._rad
    dim as integer    y2        = Y + THIS._rad 
        _y += _y*(_y<0)
    dim as single     dxClip    = THIS._slope*(X - _x)
    dim as single     dy        = THIS._slope * (y - _Y)
        x2 += (x2 - THIS._p->_wm)*(x2>THIS._p->_wm)
        y2 += (y2 - THIS._p->_hm)*(y2>THIS._p->_hm)
    dim as integer    pwidm     = x2 - _X
    dim as ulong ptr  pCorner   = THIS._pixels
        pCorner += _y*THIS._p->_pitchBy + _x
    if THIS._outlined then
        for py as ulong ptr = pCorner to _
                              @pCorner[ (y2-_y)*THIS._p->_pitchBy ] step _
            dim as single ySq   = dy*dy
            dim as single dx    = dxClip
            for px as ulong ptr = py to py + pwidm
                dim as integer  alph = coneHgt - sqr(dx*dx + ySq)
                if alph>THIS._slope then alph = THIS._slope_X2 - alph
                if alph>0 then
                dim as integer  alphM = 256 - alph
                _ALPHA256( *px, *px, C, alphM, alph )
                end if
                dx -= THIS._slope
            next px
            dy -= THIS._slope
        next py
        for py as ulong ptr = pCorner to @pCorner[ (Y2-_Y)*THIS._p->_pitchBy ] step THIS._p->_pitchBy
            dim as single ySq = dy*dy, dx = dxClip
            for px as ulong ptr = py to py + pwidm
                dim as integer  alph = coneHgt - sqr(dx*dx + ySq)
                if alph> THIS._slope then
                    alph = THIS._slope
                    alph += alph*(alph<0)
                end if
                dim as integer  alphM = 256 - alph
                _ALPHA256( *px, *px, C, alphM, alph )
                dx -= THIS._slope
            next px
            dy -= THIS._slope
        next py
    end if
end sub

type V3
    as double   _x, _y, _z
    as double   _rad
    as long     _c
end type

type P3D	as V3

type AXIS3D
    as V3       _axisX = (1,0,0)
    as V3       _axisY = (0,-1,0)
    as V3       _axisZ = (0,0,1)
    as double   _x, _y, _z
end type

    declare property  Dx() as single
    declare property  Dy() as single
    declare function  Buttons() as integer
        as integer      _x, _y, _b
        as integer      _xp, _yp, _bp
        as single       _scalar = 1   
end type
property TMOUSE.dx as single
    return THIS._scalar*(THIS._x - THIS._xp)
end property
property TMOUSE.dy as single
    return THIS._scalar*(THIS._y - THIS._yp)
end property
function TMOUSE.buttons as integer
    THIS._bp = THIS._b
    THIS._xp = THIS._x
    THIS._yp = THIS._y
    getMouse    THIS._x, THIS._y, , THIS._b
    return THIS._b
end function

'. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

declare sub Render(byref Buf as IMAGEVARS, _
                   byref BackImg as IMAGEVARS, _
                   Points() as V3, _
                   byref Axis as AXIS3D, _
                   byval Zoom as single, _
                   byval Lb as integer=-1)
sub Render(byref Buf as IMAGEVARS, _
           byref BackImg as IMAGEVARS, _
           Points() as V3, _
           byref Axis as AXIS3D, _
           byval Zoom as single, _
           byval lB as integer=-1)
        put (0,0), BackImg._im, PSET
        draw string (0,0), "cone precalculated", rgb(255,255,255)
        draw string (0,10), "translation", rgb(0,255,0)
        dim as AADOT    dot
                        dot.RenderTarget (@Buf)
                        dot._alpha = 0.75
        dim as single z_point_scale = 0.011
        if Lb<0 then Lb = lBound(points)
        for p as V3 ptr = @Points(Lb) to @Points( uBound(Points) )
            dim as single rz_ = ( Axis._z + _
                                  Axis._axisZ._z*p->_z + _
                                  Axis._axisX._z*p->_x + _
                                  Axis._axisY._z*p->_y )
            If rz_>0.1 Then
                dim as single rz    = Zoom/rz_
                dim as single y     = Buf._midy - _
                                      rz*(Axis._y + _
                                          Axis._axisY._y*p->_y + _
                                          Axis._axisZ._y*p->_z + _
                dim as single x     = Buf._midx + _
                                      rz*(Axis._x + _
                                          Axis._axisX._x*p->_x + _
                                          Axis._axisY._x*p->_y + _
                dot._rad = z_point_scale*rz*p->_rad
                dot.DrawAadot(x, y, p->_c)
            end if
        Next p
end sub

declare sub Translate(byref Ret as V3, Vec as V3, Precalc as V3)
sub Translate(byref Ret as V3, Vec as V3, Precalc as V3)
    Ret._x = Vec._x*Precalc._x + Vec._y*Precalc._z + Vec._z*Precalc._y
    Ret._y = Vec._y*Precalc._x + Vec._z*Precalc._z + Vec._x*Precalc._y
    Ret._z = Vec._z*Precalc._x + Vec._x*Precalc._z + Vec._y*Precalc._y
end sub

declare sub TranslateAll(A() as V3, byref SurfNorm as V3=(0, 0, -1))
sub TranslateAll(A() as V3, byref SurfNorm as V3=(0, 0, -1))
    dim as integer ub           = uBound(A)\2
    dim as integer num_points   = ub+1
    for i as integer = 0 to ub
        var dest    = i+num_points
        Translate ( A(dest), SurfNorm, A(i) )
        A(dest)._rad = A(i)._rad
        A(dest)._c = rgb(0,255,0)
    next i
end sub

function RodriguesRotation(byref H as P3D, _ 
                           byref U as P3D, _ 
                           byref M as P3D, _ 
                           byval angle as double) _ 
                           as P3D
    '_the Rodrigues transform_
    dim as P3D    result
    'vector position of M relative to H
    dim as P3D G
        G._x = M._x - H._x
        G._y = M._y - H._y
        G._z = M._z - H._z
    'K = 1 - cos angle
    dim as double   K = 1 - cos(angle)
    result._x = H._x + G._x*( U._x*U._x*K + cos(angle) ) + _ 
                       G._y*( U._x*U._y*K - U._z*sin(angle) ) + _ 
                       G._z*( U._x*U._z*K + U._y*sin(angle) )
    result._y = H._y + G._x*( U._x*U._y*K + U._z*sin(angle) ) + _ 
                       G._y*( U._y*U._y*K + cos(angle) ) + _ 
                       G._z*( U._y*U._z*K - U._x*sin(angle) )
    result._z = H._z + G._x*( U._x*U._z*K - U._y*sin(angle) ) + _ 
                       G._y*( U._y*U._z*K + U._x*sin(angle) ) + _ 
                       G._z*( U._z*U._z*K + cos(angle) )
    return result
end function
function SmallRodriguesRotation(byref H as P3D, _ 
                                byref U as P3D, _ 
                                byref M as P3D, _ 
                                byval angle as double) _ 
                                as P3D
    '_the Rodrigues transform_
    dim as P3D    result
    'vector position of M relative to H
    dim as P3D G
        G._x = M._x - H._x
        G._y = M._y - H._y
        G._z = M._z - H._z
    'K = 1 - cos angle
    dim as double   K = 0
    result._x = H._x + G._x*( U._x*U._x*K + 1 ) + _ 
                       G._y*( U._x*U._y*K - U._z*(angle) ) + _ 
                       G._z*( U._x*U._z*K + U._y*(angle) )
    result._y = H._y + G._x*( U._x*U._y*K + U._z*(angle) ) + _ 
                       G._y*( U._y*U._y*K + 1 ) + _ 
                       G._z*( U._y*U._z*K - U._x*(angle) )
    result._z = H._z + G._x*( U._x*U._z*K - U._y*(angle) ) + _ 
                       G._y*( U._y*U._z*K + U._x*(angle) ) + _ 
                       G._z*( U._z*U._z*K + 1 )
    return result
end function

declare sub ConePrecalc(A() as V3, _
                        byval NumPoints as integer=25, _
                        byval ConeHalfAngle as single=_pi/20)
sub ConePrecalc(D() as V3, _
                byval NumPoints as integer=25, _
                byval ConeHalfAngle as single=_pi/20)
    redim D(NumPoints - 1)
	'origin h of the rotation axis (U)
	dim as single   hx = 0
	dim as single   hy = 0
	dim as single   hz = 0
	dim as P3D h
	    h._x = hx
	    h._y = hy
	    h._z = hz
	'direction unit vector of the axis (U)
	dim as single   a   =   0
	dim as single   b   =   1
	dim as single   c   =   1
	dim as single   norm    = sqr(a^2 + b^2 + c^2)
	dim as P3D abc
	    abc._x = a
	    abc._y = b
	    abc._z = c
	dim as P3D u
	    u._x = a/norm
	    u._y = b/norm
	    u._z = c/norm
	'point M to apply rotation on
	dim as single   mx   = 0.2
	dim as single   my   = 0
	dim as single   mz   = 0.6
	dim as P3D M
	    m._x = mx
	    m._y = my
	    m._z = mz
	'angle of the rotation
	dim as double   axisRotationAngle
    for i as integer = 0 to NumPoints - 1
        if i<100 then
        	D(i)._x = hx + i*a/100
			D(i)._y = hy + i*b/100
			D(i)._z = hz + i*c/100
			D(i)._rad = 0.6
			D(i)._c = rgb(250,110,050)
	        D(i) = RodriguesRotation(h, u, m, i/10)
	        with D(i)
	            ._rad   = 1
	            ._c     = rgb(255,255,255)
	        end with
	    end if
    next i
end sub

declare sub Main()
sub Main()
    dim as IMAGEVARS      buf, img
    dim as AXIS3D         axis
    buf.ScreenInit(640, 480)
    img.Create      buf._w, buf._h, rgb(48,48,48)
    img.Checkers    rgb(92,92,92), 30
    dim as single   anim_fps = 26
    dim as single   phys_fps = 55
    axis._z  = 3
    dim as single   zoom            = 0.6*buf._diagonal
    dim as single   rot_plane       = _pi/9, _
                    rot_plane_inc   = .0001
    dim as V3       points()
    ConePrecalc( points(), 500, _pi )
    redim preserve points( (ubound(points) + 1)*2 - 1)
    TranslateAll( points() )
    '~~~~~~ anim / physics / input ~~~~~~
    dim as single   anim_f, _
                    phys_f, _
                    ianim = 1/anim_fps, _
                    iphys = 1/phys_fps
    dim as double   tNow = TIMER, _
                    td, _
                    tp = tNow
    dim as double   tDemoExit = tNow+5, _
                    tMessageTime = 3
    dim as string   kstr
    dim as tMouse   mouse
        dim as integer gmX, gmY, gmWheel
        getMouse gmX, gmY, gmWheel
        zoom = .6*buf._diagonal + gmWheel/(40 + log(abs(gmWheel - 100)))*buf._diagonal
        if anim_f<=0 then
            var translations_lbound = 0 ''(ubound(points)+1)\2
            Render(buf, img, points(), axis, zoom, translations_lbound)
            tMessageTime    -= ianim
            anim_f          += ianim
        end If
        tp  =   tNow
                tNow = TIMER
        td  =   tNow - tp
        anim_f -= td
        if mouse.Buttons()>0 then
            mouse._scalar = _pi/buf._diagonal
            _YROT(axis, -mouse.Dx)
            _XROT(axis, -mouse.Dy)
            dim as single rspeed    = _twoPi/8500
            phys_f += td
            while phys_f>0
                _ZROT(axis, -rot_plane)
                _YROT(axis, rspeed)
                _ZROT(axis, rot_plane)
                rot_plane += rot_plane_inc
                phys_f -= iphys
        end if
        sleep 15
    loop until ( kstr=chr(27) )
end sub

'. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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Just I guess that applying some z_order before showing wouldn't hurt.
Posts: 7983
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
Location: Scotland

Re: Math Guru II How to make a Normal little bit random FAST?

Post by dodicat »

Tourist Trap.
My perspective is simply +z into the screen.
The larger the z the further away, so any 3D vector shrinks linearly.
if z=0 then any vector remains the same.
if z is -ve then vectors are enlarged.
By a vector I mean a line from one point to another.
If both these points are far away (big +ve z) then the line is shortened .

Code: Select all

screen 19
type pt
    as single x,y,z
    as ulong c'colour if needed
    as long flag 'if needed
    declare operator cast() as string '(printout)
    #define length(Pt) sqr(Pt.x^2+Pt.y^2+Pt.z^2)
    #define distance(Pt1,Pt2)  sqr((Pt1.x-Pt2.x)^2 + (Pt1.y-Pt2.y)^2 + (Pt1.z-Pt2.z)^2)
end type

Operator pt.cast() As String
#define gap(z) string(25-len(str(z))," ")
Return Str(x)+gap(x)+Str(y)+gap(y)+Str(z)
End Operator

Function perspective(p As Pt,eyepoint As Pt) As Pt
    Dim As Single   w=1+(p.z/eyepoint.z)
    Return Type<Pt>((p.x-eyepoint.x)/w+eyepoint.x,(p.y-eyepoint.y)/w+eyepoint.y,(p.z-eyepoint.z)/w+eyepoint.z,p.c,p.flag)
End Function

dim as pt eyepoint=type(350,100,500)
'=========  Original point ==============
dim as pt p1=(200,200,100)
dim as pt p2=(500,400,100)
print p1
print p2
print distance(p1,p2)

'========== New point =====================

print p1
print p2
print distance(p1,p2)
circle(350,100),8,15,,,,f 'circle at eyepoint
I wasn't going to bother with any more unit stuff, but I found a little discrepancy.
There wasn't an even spread of vectors around a sphere, there was a kinda corridor of sparse points.
I fixed it, more or less.
Here are the Octants and a sample from each octant:
8 million points, one million in each Octant.

Code: Select all

Type pt
    As Double x,y,z
    Declare Operator Cast() As String '(printout)
    #define length(Pt) Sqr(Pt.x^2+Pt.y^2+Pt.z^2)
End Type

Operator pt.cast() As String
#define gap(z) string(25-len(str(z))," ")
Return Str(x)+gap(x)+Str(y)+gap(y)+Str(z)
End Operator

Sub FillWithUnitVectors(a() As pt)
    Dim As Long X=Ubound(a),lb=Lbound(a)
    #macro subfill(L,U,d1,d2,d3)
    For n As Long=L To U
        a(n).x= d1 Rnd    
        a(n).y= d2 Rnd*Sqr(1-(a(n).x*a(n).x))
        a(n).z= d3 Sqr((1-(a(n).x*a(n).x+a(n).y*a(n).y)))
        If n And 1 Then Swap a(n).x,a(n).z
    Next n
End Sub 
Randomize ,2:Redim As pt q(1 To 8000000) 
Dim As Double t=Timer
 Print "Time taken",Timer-t;"  seconds  ";"for ";str(ubound(q));"  elements"
   dim as double residue 'get accumulated error
   for n as long=lbound(q) to ubound(q)
   next n
   print "error: ";residue

Print "index",".x",,".y",,".z",,"length"
For n As Ulong=500000 To 8000000 Step 1000000
    Print "Q(";n;")=", q(n),,length(q(n))
print "done"


Code: Select all


Type pt
    As Double x,y,z
    Declare Operator Cast() As String '(printout)
    #define length(Pt) Sqr(Pt.x^2+Pt.y^2+Pt.z^2)
End Type

Operator pt.cast() As String
#define gap(z) string(25-len(str(z))," ")
Return Str(x)+gap(x)+Str(y)+gap(y)+Str(z)
End Operator

Sub FillWithUnitVectors(a() As pt)
    Dim As Long X=Ubound(a),lb=Lbound(a)
    #macro subfill(L,U,d1,d2,d3)
    For n As Long=L To U
        a(n).x= d1 Rnd    
        a(n).y= d2 Rnd*Sqr(1-(a(n).x*a(n).x))
        a(n).z= d3 Sqr((1-(a(n).x*a(n).x+a(n).y*a(n).y)))
        If n And 1 Then Swap a(n).x,a(n).z
    Next n
End Sub 
Randomize ,2:Redim As pt q(1 To 8000000) 
Dim As Double t=Timer
 Print "Time taken",Timer-t;"  seconds  ";"for ";str(ubound(q));"  elements"
   dim as double residue 'get accumulated error
   for n as long=lbound(q) to ubound(q)
   next n
   print "error: ";residue

Print "index",".x",,".y",,".z",,"length"
For n As Ulong=500000 To 8000000 Step 1000000
    Print "Q(";n;")=", q(n),,length(q(n))
print "done"

Here is a visual look at a sphere.
(This is where I found the sparsity of points)

Code: Select all

screen 20,32
dim as integer xres,yres
screeninfo xres,yres
randomize ,2
type pt
    as single x,y,z
    as ulong c
    as long flag 'unused
    #define length(Pt) sqr(Pt.x^2+Pt.y^2+Pt.z^2)
    #define map(a,b,x,c,d) ((d)-(c))*((x)-(a))\((b)-(a))+(c)
end type

type Angle 'FLOATS for angles
    as single sx,sy,sz
    as single cx,cy,cz
    declare static function construct(as single,as single,as single) as Angle
end type

function Angle.construct(x as single,y as single,z as single) as Angle
    return    type <Angle>(sin(x),sin(y),sin(z), _
   end function
Sub QuickSort(array() As pt,begin As Integer,Finish As Uinteger)
    Dim As long i=begin,j=finish 
    Dim As pt x =array(((I+J)\2))
    While  I <= J
        While array(I).z > X.z: I+=1:wend ' reversable <
        While array(J).z < X.z: J-=1:wend ' reversable >
If I<=J Then Swap array(I),array(J): I+=1:J-=1
    If J > begin Then QuickSort(array(),begin,J)
    If I < Finish Then QuickSort(array(),I,Finish)
End Sub

type point as pt

Function RotatePoint(c As Point,p As Point,a as Angle,scale As Angle=Type<Angle>(1,1,1)) As Point
    Dim As Single dx=p.x-c.x,dy=p.y-c.y,dz=p.z-c.z
    Return Type<Point>((scale.sx)*((a.cy*a.cz)*dx+(-a.cx*a.sz+a.sx*a.sy*a.cz)*dy+(a.sx*a.sz+a.cx*a.sy*a.cz)*dz)+c.x,_
End Function 

Function perspective(p As Point,eyepoint As Point) As Point
    Dim As Single   w=1+(p.z/eyepoint.z)
    Return Type<Point>((p.x-eyepoint.x)/w+eyepoint.x,(p.y-eyepoint.y)/w+eyepoint.y,(p.z-eyepoint.z)/w+eyepoint.z,p.c,p.flag)
End Function

Function Regulate(Byval MyFps As Long,Byref fps As Long=0) As Long
            Static As Double timervalue,_lastsleeptime,t3,frames
            var t=Timer
            If (t-t3)>=1 Then t3=t:fps=frames:frames=0
            Var sleeptime=_lastsleeptime+((1/myfps)-T+timervalue)*1000
            If sleeptime<1 Then sleeptime=1
            Return sleeptime
        End Function
sub FillWithUnitVectors(a() as pt)
    dim as long X=ubound(a),lb=lbound(a)
    #macro subfill(L,U,d1,d2,d3)
    for n as long=L to U
               a(n).x= d1 rnd    
               a(n).y= d2 rnd*sqr(1-(a(n).x*a(n).x))
               a(n).z= d3 sqr((1-(a(n).x*a(n).x+a(n).y*a(n).y)))
                if n and 1 then swap a(n).x,a(n).z
     next n
    end sub
    redim as pt Q(1 to 30000):randomize ,2   
    redim as pt rot(lbound(q) to ubound(q))
    'set colours in q()
    for n as long=1 to ubound(q)
    #macro drawpoints(q)
    for n as long=1 to ubound(q)
        var rad=map(-1,1,q(n).z,3,1)
    #macro rotate(angle)
    for n as long=1 to ubound(q)
    dim as single da 
    dim as string key
    dim as long fps
        if key=" " then FillWithUnitVectors(q())
        draw string(20,20),"Framerate = " +str(fps) +" --  Press <space> to refresh"
        rotate( (Angle.construct(0,da,0)) )
        sleep regulate(35,fps),1
        loop until key=chr(27)
Tourist Trap
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Re: Math Guru II How to make a Normal little bit random FAST?

Post by Tourist Trap »

dodicat wrote: My perspective is simply +z into the screen.
Thanks. So in conclusion, the best is to change the axis as dafhi does. Otherwise the scene is very very hard to control.
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Re: Math Guru II How to make a Normal little bit random FAST?

Post by dafhi »

@dodicat - my point distribution breakthrough happened when I decided to try representing a sphere with dot rings
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Re: Math Guru II How to make a Normal little bit random FAST?

Post by dodicat »

yea, Dafhi.
I suppose this problem is really how to fill the surface of a sphere randomly.

I have speeded my method up a bit (on -gen GAS anyway).
I populate the whole Northern hemisphere.
The southern Hemisphere is then a copy of the Northern, but with Latitude South.
I.e. .z becomes -.z
It looks o.k. on my sphere code.
Here is the timer code, starting with 5 million, and continuing in excess of 5 million.

Code: Select all

Type pt
    As Double x,y,z
    Declare Operator Cast() As String '(printout)
    #define length(Pt) Sqr(Pt.x^2+Pt.y^2+Pt.z^2)
End Type

Operator pt.cast() As String
#define gap(z) string(25-len(str(z))," ")
Return Str(x)+gap(x)+Str(y)+gap(y)+Str(z)
End Operator
Sub FillWithUnitVectors(a() As pt)
    Dim As Long X=Ubound(a),lb=Lbound(a),half=X\2-1
    #macro subfill(L,U,d1,d2,d3)
    For n As Long=L To U
        a(n).x= d1 Rnd    
        a(n).y= d2 Rnd*Sqr(1-(a(n).x*a(n).x))
        a(n).z= d3 Sqr((1-(a(n).x*a(n).x+a(n).y*a(n).y)))
    Next n
    subfill(lb,X\8,,,)'First hemisphere, 4 quadrants.
    For n As Long=X\2 To X 'get the other hemisphere
        If n And 1 Then Swap a(n).x,a(n).z:Swap a(n-half).x,a(n-half).z 'plug any gaps
    Next n
End Sub

#define Intrange(f,l) int(Rnd*((l+1)-(f))+(f))
dim as long p=5000000
Randomize ,2:Redim  As pt q(1 To p) 

Dim As Double t=Timer
Print "Time taken",Timer-t;"  seconds  ";"for ";Str(Ubound(q));"  elements"
Dim As Double residue 'get accumulated error
For n As Long=Lbound(q) To Ubound(q)
Next n

Print "error: ";residue

Print "index",".x",,".y",,".z",,"length"
For n As Ulong=.5*p\8 To p Step p\8
    Print "Q(";n;")=", q(n),,length(q(n))
Print "Press a key"
 p=5000000+ IntRange(0,3000000)
loop until inkey=chr(27)
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Re: Math Guru II How to make a Normal little bit random FAST?

Post by dodicat »

Last one.
Just one octant filled randomly, the rest of the sphere surface is filled with reflections.
Timer code

Code: Select all

Type pt
    As Double x,y,z
    Declare Operator Cast() As String '(printout)
    #define length(Pt) Sqr(Pt.x^2+Pt.y^2+Pt.z^2)
End Type

Operator pt.cast() As String
#define gap(z) string(25-len(str(z))," ")
Return Str(x)+gap(x)+Str(y)+gap(y)+Str(z)
End Operator
Sub FillWithUnitVectors(a() As pt)
    Dim As Long X=Ubound(a),lb=Lbound(a),half=X\2-1,octt=X\8-1,qtr=X\4-1,trq=3*X\4-1
    #macro subfill(L,U,d1,d2,d3)
    For n As Long=L To U
        a(n).x= d1 Rnd    
        a(n).y= d2 Rnd*Sqr(1-(a(n).x*a(n).x))
        a(n).z= d3 Sqr((1-(a(n).x*a(n).x+a(n).y*a(n).y)))
        If n And 1 Then Swap a(n).y,a(n).z
    Next n
    #macro cpy(L,U,d1,d2,d3,r)
    For n As Long=L To U
        a(n).x= d1 a(n-r).x   
        a(n).y= d2 a(n-r).y   
        a(n).z= d3 a(n-r).z
    Next n
    subfill(lb,X\8,,,) 'random
    cpy(X\8,2*X\8,-,,,octt)   ' copies of octant 1
End Sub

#define Intrange(f,l) int(Rnd*((l+1)-(f))+(f))
Dim As Long p=5000000
    Randomize ,2:Redim  As pt q(1 To p) 
    Dim As Double t=Timer
    Print "Time taken",Timer-t;"  seconds  ";"for ";Str(Ubound(q));"  elements"
    Dim As Double residue 'get accumulated error
    For n As Long=Lbound(q) To Ubound(q)
    Next n
    Print "error: ";residue
    Print "index",".x",,".y",,".z",,"length"
    For n As Ulong=.5*p\8 To p Step p\8
        Print "Q(";n;")=", q(n),,length(q(n))
    Print "Press a key"
    p=5000000+ IntRange(0,3000000)
Loop Until Inkey=Chr(27)
About one tenth of second for five million points on this box.
That's me done here now.
Posts: 8586
Joined: May 28, 2005 3:28

Re: [solved]Math Guru II How to make a Normal little bit random FAST?

Post by D.J.Peters »

no comment :-)


Code: Select all

type tReal as single

type v3_1
  as tReal x,y,z
end type
#define v3Add(l,r) type<v3_1>(l.x+r.x, l.y+r.y, l.z+r.z)

type v3_2
  as tReal x,y,z
end type
operator +(l as v3_2,r as v3_2) as v3_2
  operator = type<v3_2>(l.x+r.x, l.y+r.y, l.z+r.z)
end operator

type v3_3
  declare constructor(x as tReal=0,y as tReal=0,z as tReal=0)
  as tReal x,y,z
end type
constructor v3_3(x as tReal=0,y as tReal=0,z as tReal=0)
  this.x=x : this.y=y : this.z=z
end constructor
operator +(l as v3_3,r as v3_3) as v3_3
  operator = v3_3(l.x+r.x, l.y+r.y, l.z+r.z)
end operator

const as integer count = 100000000
dim as v3_1 a1,b1,c1
dim as v3_2 a2,b2,c2
dim as v3_3 a3,b3,c3
print "wait ..."
var tStart = Timer()
for i as integer= 1 to count
var tResult = Timer()-tStart
print "v3_1 " & tResult

tStart = Timer()
for i as integer= 1 to count
tResult = Timer()-tStart
print "v3_2 " & tResult

tStart = Timer()
for i as integer= 1 to count
tResult = Timer()-tStart
print "v3_3 " & tResult
print "ok ..."
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Re: [solved]Math Guru II How to make a Normal little bit random FAST?

Post by fxm »

return v3_3(l.x+r.x, l.y+r.y, l.z+r.z)
is faster than
operator = v3_3(l.x+r.x, l.y+r.y, l.z+r.z)
because the first syntax calls once the constructor and once operator let, instead of twice each for the second syntax.
Posts: 1645
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Re: [solved]Math Guru II How to make a Normal little bit random FAST?

Post by dafhi »

The examples I gave in this thread are incorrect.

I really want to write a path tracer so I will revisit dodicat's and gothon's work
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Re: [solved]Math Guru II How to make a Normal little bit random FAST?

Post by dafhi »

so easy now

Code: Select all

Last edited by dafhi on Dec 02, 2016 5:34, edited 3 times in total.
Tourist Trap
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Re: [solved]Math Guru II How to make a Normal little bit random FAST?

Post by Tourist Trap »

fxm wrote:return v3_3(l.x+r.x, l.y+r.y, l.z+r.z)
is faster than
operator = v3_3(l.x+r.x, l.y+r.y, l.z+r.z)
because the first syntax calls once the constructor and once operator let, instead of twice each for the second syntax.
Do you mean that the = sign makes the things slower (double work)?
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Re: [solved]Math Guru II How to make a Normal little bit random FAST?

Post by fxm »

Tourist Trap wrote:Do you mean that the = sign makes the things slower (double work)?
Yes, but that occurs only in a particular case.

- When an object is returned (by value) from a function (or an operator), by using 'Function = x' (or 'Operator = x') assignment, the default constructor is called once at first, and then the let operator at each assignment.
- When an object is returned (by value) from a function (or an operator), by using 'Return x' statement, the copy constructor is called once at end.

But compiler optimizes 'Return x' when 'x' is already the direct call to any constructor of the UDT: in that case, the standard use of copy constructor is suppressed and only the 'x' constructor call is kept.

Test code for enthusiasts of the subject:

Code: Select all

Type UDT
  Declare Constructor()
  Declare Constructor(Byval I0 As Integer)
  Declare Constructor(Byref u As UDT)
  Declare Operator Let(Byref u As UDT)
  Declare Destructor()
  Declare Function ff() As UDT
  Declare Function fr() As UDT
  Declare Function ffc() As UDT
  Declare Function frc() As UDT
  Declare Function ffci() As UDT
  Declare Function frci() As UDT
  Declare Function ffcc() As UDT
  Declare Function frcc() As UDT
  Dim As Integer I
End Type

Constructor UDT()
  Print "constructor UDT()",,, @This
End Constructor

Constructor UDT(Byval I0 As Integer)
  Print "constructor UDT(As Integer)",,, @This
  This.I = I0
End Constructor

Constructor UDT(Byref u As UDT)
  Print "constructor UDT(As UDT)",,, @This, @u
  This.I = u.I
End Constructor

Operator UDT.Let(Byref u As UDT)
  Print "operator UDT.Let(As UDT)",,, @This, @u
  This.I = u.I
End Operator

Destructor UDT()
  Print "destructor UDT()",,, @This
End Destructor

Function UDT.ff() As UDT
  Function = This
End Function

Function UDT.fr() As UDT
  Return This
End Function

Function UDT.ffc() As UDT
  Function = UDT()
End Function

Function UDT.frc() As UDT
  Return UDT()
End Function

Function UDT.ffci() As UDT
  Function = UDT(123)
End Function

Function UDT.frci() As UDT
  Return UDT(123)
End Function

Function UDT.ffcc() As UDT
  Function = UDT(This)
End Function

Function UDT.frcc() As UDT
  Return UDT(This)
End Function

Width , 47
  Dim u As UDT = UDT(123)
  Print "------------------------ 'Function = This' ----------------------------------"
  Print u.ff().I
  Print "------------------------ 'Return This' --------------------------------------"
  Print u.fr().I
  Print "------------------------ 'Function = UDT()' ---------------------------------"
  Print u.ffc().I
  Print "------------------------ 'Return UDT()' -------------------------------------"
  Print u.frc().I
  Print "------------------------ 'Function = UDT(123)' ------------------------------"
  Print u.ffci().I
  Print "------------------------ 'Return UDT(123)' ----------------------------------"
  Print u.frci().I
  Print "------------------------ 'Function = UDT(This)' -----------------------------"
  Print u.ffcc().I
  Print "------------------------ 'Return UDT(This)' ---------------------------------"
  Print u.frcc().I
  Print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
End Scope

  • Code: Select all

    constructor UDT(As Integer)                             1638072
    ------------------------ 'Function = This' ----------------------------------
    constructor UDT()                                       1638068
    operator UDT.Let(As UDT)                                1638068       1638072
    destructor UDT()                                        1638068
    ------------------------ 'Return This' --------------------------------------
    constructor UDT(As UDT)                                 1638064       1638072
    destructor UDT()                                        1638064
    ------------------------ 'Function = UDT()' ---------------------------------
    constructor UDT()                                       1638060
    constructor UDT()                                       1638000
    operator UDT.Let(As UDT)                                1638060       1638000
    destructor UDT()                                        1638000
    destructor UDT()                                        1638060
    ------------------------ 'Return UDT()' -------------------------------------
    constructor UDT()                                       1638056
    destructor UDT()                                        1638056
    ------------------------ 'Function = UDT(123)' ------------------------------
    constructor UDT()                                       1638052
    constructor UDT(As Integer)                             1638000
    operator UDT.Let(As UDT)                                1638052       1638000
    destructor UDT()                                        1638000
    destructor UDT()                                        1638052
    ------------------------ 'Return UDT(123)' ----------------------------------
    constructor UDT(As Integer)                             1638048
    destructor UDT()                                        1638048
    ------------------------ 'Function = UDT(This)' -----------------------------
    constructor UDT()                                       1638044
    constructor UDT(As UDT)                                 1638000       1638072
    operator UDT.Let(As UDT)                                1638044       1638000
    destructor UDT()                                        1638000
    destructor UDT()                                        1638044
    ------------------------ 'Return UDT(This)' ---------------------------------
    constructor UDT(As UDT)                                 1638040       1638072
    destructor UDT()                                        1638040
    destructor UDT()                                        1638072
Same kind of compiler optimization (only one constructor called) than for equivalent expressions to 'Return x':
Dim As UDT u0 = UDT()
Dim As UDT u1 = UDT(123)
Dim As UDT u2 = UDT(u)

This above is more performant than that follows (one constructor and one let operator and one destructor called in addition) equivalent to 'Function = x' ('Operator = x'):
Dim As UDT u0
u0 = UDT()

Dim As UDT u1
u1 = UDT(123)

Dim As UDT u2
u2 = UDT(u)

This kind of compiler optimization in not a recent improvement but exists since the origin when constructor, destructor, method, properties and operator overloading have been added in the version fbc 0.17b.
Last edited by fxm on Dec 02, 2016 15:33, edited 7 times in total.
Posts: 649
Joined: Jun 09, 2005 0:08

Re: [solved]Math Guru II How to make a Normal little bit random FAST?

Post by Stonemonkey »

Hi Joshy, you don't say what you're doing with the normals after, depending on what you're doing there can be ways of reducing the number of reciprocal square roots required.

Code: Select all

type v3d
    as single x,y,z
end type
#define dot(v0,v1) (v0.x*v1.x+v0.y*v1.y+v0.z*v1.z)
#define random3d(v,s) v.x=rnd*s-.5*s:v.y=rnd*s-.5*s:v.z=rnd*s-.5*s
#define normalise(v) scope:dim as single d=1.0/sqr(dot(v,v)):v.x*=d:v.y*=d:v.z*=d:end scope

randomize timer

dim as v3d v,n

print dot(v,n)/sqr(dot(v,v)*dot(n,n))

print dot(v,n)

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