Tile - the perspective way

Game development specific discussions.
Tourist Trap
Posts: 2958
Joined: Jun 02, 2015 16:24

Tile - the perspective way

Post by Tourist Trap »

Hi, still in the continuation of tile studies for gaming. Some development here http://www.freebasic.net/forum/viewtopi ... 78#p215578, but the perspective chapter is a step harder and deserves its own treatment.

Basically the questions are 2. So to fill the never-ending plane with tiles of a single rectangular type we ask:
  • how the whole tile grid gets transformed by perspective?
  • if the tile is an image, how doing good texture distortion within any of the many contours generated by the perspective?
The question of the grid
Unfortunately websites are returning very technical stuff so after having simplified to extreme, here is what I’ve finally been able to get so far. Please if I’m wrong please correct me.

What is important is that, provided a flat view window (the screen):
  • perspective means that there should be a line of horizon somewhere on the screen (or out but still existing);
  • any set of parallel lines meets to the horizon line in exactly one point (one point a set),
  • two different sets of parallel should meet in general at two different points - but not always if we have things built in a symmetrical way we can meet only one perspective point, and in the most general case 3 points may appear;
  • lines that are parallel to the horizon are special and keep parallel, but there interline distance is vanishing as they get closer to the true horizon.
Test program
This leads to a first code attempt to deal with perspective grid. This is based on the simple implementation of the following scheme:

Code: Select all

'horizon dependant perspectivegrid

const as long     imgW          =>  200
const as long     imgH          =>  260
const as long     screenWidth   =>	800
const as long     screenHeight  =>	400
const as ulong    imgTransColor => rgb(255,0,255)

#include "fbgfx.bi"

    '** global variable container
    'to hold/get screen parameter
    declare static sub TestScreen()
    static as integer  scrW
    static as integer  scrH

    '** global variable container
    'to hold/get mouse parameter
    declare static function TestMouse() as long
    static as long  gmX
    static as long  gmY
    static as long  gmBtn

	declare constructor()
	declare constructor(byval as long)
	declare property ControllerY() as long
	declare property ControllerY(byval as long)
	declare sub TestController()
	declare sub DrawController()
	declare sub DrawHorizon()
		as long			_yMainCoordinate
		as double		_yControllerRate
		as double		_viewingAngle
		as double		_viewingRadius
		as boolean		_mouseOver
		as boolean		_mouseClick
		as boolean		_dragStarted

dim as integer SCREENTEST.scrW       => -1
dim as integer SCREENTEST.scrH       => -1
sub SCREENTEST.TestScreen()
    screenInfo (SCREENTEST.scrW, SCREENTEST.scrH)
end sub 'SCREENTEST.TestScreen()

dim as long MOUSETEST.gmX       => -1
dim as long MOUSETEST.gmY       => -1
dim as long MOUSETEST.gmBtn     => -1
function MOUSETEST.TestMouse() as long
    return getMouse (MOUSETEST.gmX, _ 
                     MOUSETEST.gmY, _ 
                     , _ 
end function 'LNG:=MOUSETEST.TestMouse()

	with THIS
		._yMainCoordinate	=> THIS.scrH\2
		._yControllerRate	=> 0.4
		._viewingAngle		=> 1 - THIS._yControllerRate
		._viewingRadius		=> 200
		._mouseOver			=> FALSE
		._mouseClick		=> FALSE
		._dragStarted		=> FALSE
	end with 'THIS
end constructor 'DRAGGABLEHORIZON()
constructor DRAGGABLEHORIZON(byval Y as long)
	with THIS
		._yMainCoordinate	=> Y
		._yControllerRate	=> Y/THIS.scrH
		._viewingAngle		=> 1 - THIS._yControllerRate
		._viewingRadius		=> 200
		._mouseOver			=> FALSE
		._mouseClick		=> FALSE
		._dragStarted		=> FALSE
	end with 'THIS
end constructor 'DRAGGABLEHORIZON(valLONG)
property DRAGGABLEHORIZON.ControllerY() as long
	return (90 + THIS._yControllerRate*140)
end property 'LNG:=DRAGGABLEHORIZON.ControllerY
property DRAGGABLEHORIZON.ControllerY(byval SetValue as long)
	THIS._yControllerRate	= (SetValue - 90)/140
end property 'DRAGGABLEHORIZON.ControllerY(valLNG)
sub DRAGGABLEHORIZON.TestController()
	dim as long		dragGmX
	dim as long		dragGmY
	dim as long		dragGmBtn
    if THIS._dragStarted	then
        getMouse dragGmX, dragGmY, , dragGmBtn
        if dragGmX<(10 + 4)						then dragGmX = 10 + 4 + 4
        if dragGmX>(26 + 4)						then dragGmX = 26 + 4 - 4
        if dragGmY<(THIS.ControllerY + 28)		then THIS.gmY = THIS.ControllerY + 28 + 4
        if dragGmY>(THIS.ControllerY + 8 + 28)	then THIS.gmY = THIS.ControllerY + 28 + 4
    end if
    if dragGmY<30 then dragGmY = 30
    if dragGmY>(THIS.scrH - 14) then dragGmY = THIS.scrH - 14
    if ( THIS.gmX>=(10 + 4)									and _ 
       THIS.gmX<=(26 + 4)									and _ 
       THIS.gmY>=(THIS.ControllerY + 28)					and _ 
       THIS.gmY<=(THIS.ControllerY + 8 + 28) )				or _ 
       THIS._dragStarted 									then
    	if THIS._mouseOver=FALSE then THIS._mouseOver = TRUE
        if THIS.gmBtn=+1 then
        	if THIS._mouseClick=FALSE then THIS._mouseClick = TRUE
            if THIS._dragStarted then
            	THIS.ControllerY	= dragGmY - 28
                THIS._dragStarted	= TRUE
            end if
        	if THIS._mouseClick=TRUE then THIS._mouseClick = FALSE
            THIS._dragStarted	= FALSE
        end if
    	if THIS._mouseClick=TRUE then THIS._mouseClick = FALSE
        if THIS._mouseOver=TRUE then THIS._mouseOver = FALSE
    end if
end sub 'DRAGGABLEHORIZON.TestController()
sub DRAGGABLEHORIZON.DrawController()
	line (12,90)-step(12,140), rgb(160,120,120), b
	line (12 + 1,90 + 1)-step(12 - 2,140 - 2), rgb(190,190,190), bf
	if THIS._mouseOver then
		line (10,90 + THIS._yControllerRate*140)-step(16,08), rgb(190,100,100), bf
		line (10,90 + THIS._yControllerRate*140)-step(16,08), rgb(120,120,120), bf
	end if
	draw string (28,THIS.ControllerY - 20), _ 
				"Angle "& str(1 - THIS._yControllerRate), _ 
	THIS._viewingAngle = 1 - THIS._yControllerRate
	circle (50,THIS.ControllerY - 24), 50, 0,0, -1.57, , F
	line (50,THIS.ControllerY - 24)-step(50,0),0
	paint (50 + 8,THIS.ControllerY - 24 - 8), rgb(240,230,230), 0
	line (50,THIS.ControllerY - 24)-step(80*cos(THIS._viewingAngle),-80*sin(THIS._viewingAngle)), 0
	circle (50 + 80*cos(THIS._viewingAngle),THIS.ControllerY - 24 - 80*sin(THIS._viewingAngle)), 5, 0
end sub 'DRAGGABLEHORIZON.DrawHorizon()
	THIS._yMainCoordinate = _ 
					THIS.scrH - THIS._viewingRadius*tan(THIS._viewingAngle)
	draw string (28,THIS._yMainCoordinate - 10), "Horizon", rgb(200,120,120)
	line (0,THIS._yMainCoordinate)-step(THIS.scrW,0), rgb(240,140,140)
	line (0,THIS._yMainCoordinate - 1)-step(THIS.scrW,0), rgb(200,120,120)
	line (0,THIS._yMainCoordinate + 1)-step(THIS.scrW,0), rgb(200,120,120)
	'draw horizon parallel tile border
	for n as long = -1 to -150 step -1
		dim as single	borderStep	= THIS.scrH\2 + (n - 1/2)*imgH
		dim as single	cYn			
		dim as single	cZn			
		cYn	= _ 
		THIS._viewingRadius*sin(THIS._viewingAngle)*sin(THIS._viewingAngle)*borderStep/ _ 
								(THIS._viewingRadius - cos(THIS._viewingAngle)*borderStep)
		cZn	= _
		- THIS._viewingRadius*cos(THIS._viewingAngle)*sin(THIS._viewingAngle)*borderStep/ _ 
								(THIS._viewingRadius - cos(THIS._viewingAngle)*borderStep)
		line (0,THIS.scrH - sqr(cYn^2 + cZn^2))-step(THIS.scrW,0), rgb(080,170,090)
	next n
end sub 'DRAGGABLEHORIZON.DrawHorizon()

'(ui routine)
declare function DrawWindowFrame(byval as fb.IMAGE ptr) as fb.IMAGE ptr
declare sub DrawExitButton(byval as boolean=FALSE)
declare function TestFrameWorkForMouse() as boolean

randomize TIMER

screenRes screenWidth, _ 
          screenHeight, _ 
          32, _ 
          1, _ 
'gfx screen should be initialized before image


dim as DRAGGABLEHORIZON		horizon

dim as boolean  quitOrder   => FALSE
	quitOrder   = TestFrameWorkForMouse()

		view (4,28)-(SCREENTEST.scrW - 6,SCREENTEST.scrH - 4)
			line (SCREENTEST.scrW\2,0)-step(0,SCREENTEST.scrH),  _ 
				  rgb(80,80,180), _ 
			for i as long = 0 to 100
				line (SCREENTEST.scrW\2,SCREENTEST.scrH - 32)-step(-(i + 1/2)*imgW,0), 0
				line step-(SCREENTEST.scrW\2,horizon._yMainCoordinate), 0
				line (SCREENTEST.scrW\2,SCREENTEST.scrH - 32)-step(+(i + 1/2)*imgW,0), 0
				line step-(SCREENTEST.scrW\2,horizon._yMainCoordinate), 0		
			next i
		view screen

	if quitOrder then 
		sleep 200
		end 0
        '(standard delay)
		sleep 15
	end if
loop until inkey=chr(27)     

'(explicit clean up)

end 0

function DrawWindowFrame(byval DrawingZone as fb.IMAGE ptr) as fb.IMAGE ptr
	line (00,00)-(SCREENTEST.scrW - 1, SCREENTEST.scrH - 1), _ 
         rgb(200,190,220), _ 
    for x as long = 0 to SCREENTEST.scrW\10
        line (04 + 4*x,04)-(SCREENTEST.scrW - 1 - 4, 24), _ 
             rgb(190 - x,200,090 + x), _ 
    next x
    for x as long = 0 to SCREENTEST.scrW\10
        line (04 + 2*x,24)-(SCREENTEST.scrW - 1 - 4 - 2*x, SCREENTEST.scrH - 1 - 4), _ 
             rgb(090 + x,190 + x\2,120 + x), _ 
    next x
    line (04,24)-(SCREENTEST.scrW - 1 - 4, 28), _ 
         rgb(200,200,220), _ 
	draw string (08,12), _ 
                "HORIZON DEPENDANT PERSPECTIVE GRID - FB1.04" & _ 
                " (note: window not movable not resizable)", _ 
    if DrawingZone<>0 then
        put (04,28), DrawingZone, TRANS
    	imageDestroy DrawingZone
    	'fixed by null image attribute but still weird
        DrawingZone = imageCreate(0, _ 
                                  0, _ 
                                  imgTransColor, _ 
    end if
    return DrawingZone
end function 'IMAGE_PTR:=DrawWindowFrame(valIMAGE_PTR)
sub DrawExitButton(byval QuitOrderSent as boolean=FALSE)
	line (SCREENTEST.scrW - 1 - 4 - 18, 5)-(SCREENTEST.scrW - 1 - 5, 22), _ 
         rgb(250,80,80), _ 
	draw string (SCREENTEST.scrW - 1 - 4 - 12,12), "X"
	if QuitOrderSent then
		line (SCREENTEST.scrW - 1 - 4 - 16, 7)- _ 
             (SCREENTEST.scrW - 1 - 6, 20), _ 
             rgb(140,120,080), _ 
	end if
end sub 'DrawExitButton()
function TestFrameWorkForMouse() _ 
							   as boolean
	dim as boolean QuitOrder
	if MOUSETEST.gmX>(SCREENTEST.scrW - 1 - 4 - 18) and _
	   MOUSETEST.gmX<(SCREENTEST.scrW - 1 - 5) and _
	   MOUSETEST.gmY>5 and _ 
	   MOUSETEST.gmY<22 then
	   	if MOUSETEST.gmBtn=+1 then 
			QuitOrder = TRUE
	   	end if
		QuitOrder = FALSE
	end if
	return QuitOrder
end function 'BOOL:=TestFrameWorkForMouse()

The question of the texture
About texture, my first attempt has lead to a test program where I’m distorting the tile image in various ways. This is not complete or general enough, but it’s a program I think useful for anyone for it's possible to add more testing procedures.

First conclusion anyway: there is no major problem in distorting a texture if this involves only size reduction. Magnification means loss of pixels, and would probably require good color interpolation algorithm that I don’t know at all.

Use the here joined tile ("planet.bmp") to get the program work, or an equivalent dimension bmp tile of your choice.

Code: Select all

'perspective transform of an image

const as string imgFileName => "planet.bmp"
const as long     imgW          =>  200
const as long     imgH          =>  260
const as ulong    imgTransColor => rgb(255,0,255)

const as long     screenWidth   => 800
const as long     screenHeight  => 400

#include "fbgfx.bi"

'(perspective routine)
'if new routine added -> 
'          add button to interface
'the implementation are at the end
declare sub ReduceXY(byval Img          as fb.IMAGE ptr, _
                     byval XScaleFactor as double=0.5, _ 
                     byval YScaleFactor as double=0.5)
declare sub ShearAlongX(byval Img           as fb.IMAGE ptr, _
                        byval XscaleFactor  as double=0.5, _ 
                        byval OffsetXatYmax as long=0)
declare sub TriangleAlongX(byval Img            as fb.IMAGE ptr, _
                           byval BaseAtBottom   as boolean=TRUE, _
                           byval XscaleFactor   as double=0.5, _ 
                           byval OffsetXatYmax  as long=0)
declare sub TrapezeAlongX(byval Img                 as fb.IMAGE ptr, _
                          byval XscaleFactorAtYmin  as double=0.5, _ 
                          byval XscaleFactorAtYmax  as double=1)

declare sub LinearXY(byval Img	as fb.IMAGE ptr)

    '** global variable container
    'to hold/get screen parameter
    declare static sub TestScreen()
    static as integer  scrW
    static as integer  scrH

    '** global variable container
    'to hold/get mouse parameter
    declare static function TestMouse() as long
    static as long  gmX
    static as long  gmY
    static as long  gmBtn

    '** button object with delay
    declare constructor()
    declare constructor(byval as long, _ 
                        byval as long, _ 
                        byval as long, _ 
                        byval as long, _ 
                        byval as string)
    declare property CenterXForText() as long
    declare property CenterYForText() as long
    declare property MouseClick() as boolean
    declare sub TestButton()
    declare sub DrawButton()
    static as long      fontWidth
    static as long      fontHeight
    static as double    clickDelay
        as long     _topLeftCornerX
        as long     _topLeftCornerY
        as long     _width
        as long     _height
        as string   _text
        as boolean  _mouseOver
        as boolean  _mouseClick

dim as integer SCREENTEST.scrW       => -1
dim as integer SCREENTEST.scrH       => -1
sub SCREENTEST.TestScreen()
    screenInfo (SCREENTEST.scrW, SCREENTEST.scrH)
end sub 'SCREENTEST.TestScreen()

dim as long MOUSETEST.gmX       => -1
dim as long MOUSETEST.gmY       => -1
dim as long MOUSETEST.gmBtn     => -1
function MOUSETEST.TestMouse() as long
    return getMouse (MOUSETEST.gmX, _ 
                     MOUSETEST.gmY, _ 
                     , _ 
end function 'LNG:=MOUSETEST.TestMouse()

dim as long     BUTTON.fontWidth   => 8
dim as long     BUTTON.fontHeight  => 8
dim as double   BUTTON.clickDelay  => 0.8
constructor BUTTON()
    'default explicit constructor necessary
    'if array of the object to be declared
    'the implict constructor would not go
	dim as long scrW, scrH
	screenInfo  scrW, scrH
    with THIS
        ._topLeftCornerX    => scrW\3
        ._topLeftCornerY    => scrH\3
        ._width             => scrW\3
        ._height            => scrH\3
        ._text              => left("default button", _ 
                                    len("default button")*BUTTON.fontWidth\8)
        ._mouseOver         => FALSE
        ._mouseClick        => FALSE
    end with 'THIS
end constructor 'BUTTON()
constructor BUTTON(byval TLCX  as long, _ 
                   byval TLCY  as long, _ 
                   byval W     as long, _ 
                   byval H     as long, _ 
                   byval Text  as string)
    with THIS
        ._topLeftCornerX    => TLCX
        ._topLeftCornerY    => TLCY
        ._width             => W
        ._height            => H
        ._text              => left(Text, _ 
        ._mouseOver         => FALSE
        ._mouseClick        => FALSE
    end with 'THIS
end constructor 'BUTTON({valLNG}*5,STR)
property BUTTON.CenterXForText() as long
    return THIS._topLeftCornerX + _
           ( THIS._width - len(THIS._text)*BUTTON.fontWidth )\2
end property 'get LNG:=BUTTON.CenterXForText
property BUTTON.CenterYForText() as long
    return THIS._topLeftCornerY + _ 
           ( THIS._height - BUTTON.fontHeight )\2
end property 'get LNG:=BUTTON.CenterYForText
property BUTTON.MouseClick() as boolean
    'to trigger an action at mouse click
    'one should test this property
    return (THIS._mouseOver and THIS._mouseClick)
end property 'BOOL:=BUTTON.MouseClick
sub BUTTON.TestButton()
    static as double    clickTime
    if TIMER<(clickTime + BUTTON.clickDelay) then 
        if THIS._mouseOver=TRUE then THIS._mouseOver = FALSE
        exit sub
        if THIS._mouseClick=TRUE then THIS._mouseClick = FALSE
    end if
    if THIS.gmX>=THIS._topLeftCornerX                   and _ 
       THIS.gmX<(THIS._topLeftCornerX + THIS._width)    and _ 
       THIS.gmY>=THIS._topLeftCornerY                   and _ 
       THIS.gmY<(THIS._topLeftCornerY + THIS._height)   then
        if THIS._mouseOver=FALSE then THIS._mouseOver = TRUE
        if THIS.gmBtn=+1    then
            if THIS._mouseClick=FALSE then 
                THIS._mouseClick    = TRUE
                clickTime           = TIMER
            end if
            if THIS._mouseClick=TRUE then THIS._mouseClick = FALSE
        end if
        if THIS._mouseOver=TRUE then THIS._mouseOver = FALSE
        if THIS._mouseClick=TRUE then THIS._mouseClick = FALSE
    end if    
end sub 'BUTTON.TestButton()
sub BUTTON.DrawButton()
    dim as long x   = THIS._topLeftCornerX
    dim as long y   = THIS._topLeftCornerY
    dim as long w   = THIS._width
    dim as long h   = THIS._height
    dim as string t = THIS._text
    dim as ulong bckgColor
    if  THIS._mouseClick    then
        bckgColor  = rgb(100,190,140)
    elseif THIS._mouseOver  then
        bckgColor  = rgb(100,100,160)
        bckgColor  = rgb(100,100,100)
    end if
    line (x,y)-step(w,h), , b
    line (x + 1,y + 1)-step(w - 1,h - 1), bckgColor, bf
    draw string (THIS.CenterXForText,THIS.CenterYForText), t
end sub 'BUTTON.DrawButton()

'(ui routine)
declare function DrawWindowFrame(byval as fb.IMAGE ptr) as fb.IMAGE ptr
declare sub DrawExitButton(byval as boolean=FALSE)
declare function TestFrameWorkForMouse() as boolean

randomize TIMER

screenRes screenWidth, _ 
          screenHeight, _ 
          32, _ 
          1, _ 
'gfx screen should be initialized before image


dim as fb.IMAGE ptr drawingImg
dim as fb.IMAGE ptr clearDrawingImg
drawingImg      => DrawWindowFrame(drawingImg)
clearDrawingImg => DrawWindowFrame(clearDrawingImg)
dim as long drawingZoneW
dim as long drawingZoneH
imageInfo drawingImg, drawingZoneW, drawingZoneH

dim as fb.IMAGE ptr     tileImg
tileImg =>  imageCreate(imgW, imgH, imgTransColor, 32)
bLoad imgFileName, tileImg

dim as BUTTON   resetBtn    => BUTTON(SCREENTEST.scrW - 480, _ 
                                      SCREENTEST.scrH - 320, _
                                      120, _ 
                                      12, _ 
dim as BUTTON   reduceXYBtn => BUTTON(SCREENTEST.scrW - 480, _ 
                                      SCREENTEST.scrH - 300, _
                                      120, _ 
                                      12, _ 
dim as BUTTON   ShearXBtn   => BUTTON(SCREENTEST.scrW - 480, _ 
                                      SCREENTEST.scrH - 280, _
                                      120, _ 
                                      12, _ 
dim as BUTTON   TrgleXBtn   => BUTTON(SCREENTEST.scrW - 480, _ 
                                      SCREENTEST.scrH - 260, _
                                      120, _ 
                                      12, _ 
dim as BUTTON   TrpzeXBtn   => BUTTON(SCREENTEST.scrW - 480, _ 
                                      SCREENTEST.scrH - 240, _
                                      120, _ 
                                      12, _ 
dim as BUTTON   LinearXYBtn  => BUTTON(SCREENTEST.scrW - 480, _ 
                                      SCREENTEST.scrH - 200, _
                                      120, _ 
                                      12, _ 

dim as double   startTime
dim as double   endTime
dim as boolean  quitOrder   => FALSE
	quitOrder   = TestFrameWorkForMouse()

		imageInfo DrawWindowFrame(drawingImg), _ 
                  drawingZoneW, _ 
        put (060, 120), tileImg, TRANS
        if resetBtn.MouseClick then
                startTime   = TIMER
                put (060, 120), tileImg, TRANS
                endTime     = TIMER
            draw string (10,40), "op. time="& str(cSng(endTime - startTime))
            get (04,28)-step(drawingZoneW - 1,drawingZoneH -1), drawingImg
        end if
        if reduceXYBtn.MouseClick then
            draw string (10,54), "pixel transfer.."
                startTime   = TIMER
                ReduceXY(tileImg, 0.5, 0.5)
                endTime     = TIMER
            draw string (10,40),  "op. time="& str(cSng(endTime - startTime))
            if (endTime - startTime)>0.01 then 
                draw string (140,54), "slow"
                draw string (140,54), "fast"
            end if
            get (04,28)-step(drawingZoneW - 1,drawingZoneH -1), drawingImg
        end if
        if ShearXBtn.MouseClick then
            draw string (10,54), "pixel transfer.."
                startTime   = TIMER
                ShearAlongX(tileImg, 0.5, 0)
                endTime     = TIMER
            draw string (10,40),  "op. time="& str(cSng(endTime - startTime))
            if (endTime - startTime)>0.01 then 
                draw string (140,54), "slow"
                draw string (140,54), "fast"
            end if
            get (04,28)-step(drawingZoneW - 1,drawingZoneH -1), drawingImg
        end if
        if TrgleXBtn.MouseClick then
            draw string (10,54), "pixel transfer.."
                startTime   = TIMER
                TriangleAlongX(tileImg, TRUE, 0.5, 0)
                endTime     = TIMER
            draw string (10,40),  "op. time="& str(cSng(endTime - startTime))
            if (endTime - startTime)>0.01 then 
                draw string (140,54), "slow"
                draw string (140,54), "fast"
            end if
            get (04,28)-step(drawingZoneW - 1,drawingZoneH -1), drawingImg
        end if
        if TrpzeXBtn.MouseClick then
            draw string (10,54), "pixel transfer.."
                startTime   = TIMER
                TrapezeAlongX(tileImg, 0.5, 1)
                endTime     = TIMER
            draw string (10,40),  "op. time="& str(cSng(endTime - startTime))
            if (endTime - startTime)>0.01 then 
                draw string (140,54), "slow"
                draw string (140,54), "fast"
            end if
            get (04,28)-step(drawingZoneW - 1,drawingZoneH -1), drawingImg
        end if
        if LinearXYBtn.MouseClick then
            draw string (10,54), "pixel transfer.."
                startTime   = TIMER
                endTime     = TIMER
            draw string (10,40),  "op. time="& str(cSng(endTime - startTime))
            if (endTime - startTime)>0.01 then 
                draw string (140,54), "slow"
                draw string (140,54), "fast"
            end if
            get (04,28)-step(drawingZoneW - 1,drawingZoneH -1), drawingImg
        end if

	if quitOrder then 
        imageDestroy tileImg
		imageDestroy drawingImg
		sleep 200
		end 0
        '(standard delay)
		sleep 15
	end if
loop until inkey=chr(27)    

'(explicit clean up)
imageDestroy tileImg
imageDestroy drawingImg

end 0

function DrawWindowFrame(byval DrawingZone as fb.IMAGE ptr) as fb.IMAGE ptr
	line (00,00)-(SCREENTEST.scrW - 1, SCREENTEST.scrH - 1), _ 
         rgb(200,190,220), _ 
    for x as long = 0 to SCREENTEST.scrW\10
        line (04 + 4*x,04)-(SCREENTEST.scrW - 1 - 4, 24), _ 
             rgb(190 - x,200,090 + x), _ 
    next x
    for x as long = 0 to SCREENTEST.scrW\10
        line (04 + 2*x,24)-(SCREENTEST.scrW - 1 - 4 - 2*x, SCREENTEST.scrH - 1 - 4), _ 
             rgb(100 + x,100 + x\2,120 + x), _ 
    next x
    line (04,24)-(SCREENTEST.scrW - 1 - 4, 28), _ 
         rgb(200,200,220), _ 
	draw string (08,12), _ 
                "TEST FRAMEWORK FOR PERSPECTIVE - FB1.04" & _ 
                " (note: window not movable not resizable)", _ 
    if DrawingZone<>0 then
        put (04,28), DrawingZone, TRANS
        DrawingZone = imageCreate(SCREENTEST.scrW - 8, _ 
                                  SCREENTEST.scrH - 32, _ 
                                  imgTransColor, _ 
    end if
    return DrawingZone
end function 'IMAGE_PTR:=DrawWindowFrame(valIMAGE_PTR)
sub DrawExitButton(byval QuitOrderSent as boolean=FALSE)
	line (SCREENTEST.scrW - 1 - 4 - 18, 5)-(SCREENTEST.scrW - 1 - 5, 22), _ 
         rgb(250,80,80), _ 
	draw string (SCREENTEST.scrW - 1 - 4 - 12,12), "X"
	if QuitOrderSent then
		line (SCREENTEST.scrW - 1 - 4 - 16, 7)- _ 
             (SCREENTEST.scrW - 1 - 6, 20), _ 
             rgb(140,120,080), _ 
	end if
end sub 'DrawExitButton()
function TestFrameWorkForMouse() _ 
							   as boolean
	dim as boolean QuitOrder
	if MOUSETEST.gmX>(SCREENTEST.scrW - 1 - 4 - 18) and _
	   MOUSETEST.gmX<(SCREENTEST.scrW - 1 - 5) and _
	   MOUSETEST.gmY>5 and _ 
	   MOUSETEST.gmY<22 then
	   	if MOUSETEST.gmBtn=+1 then 
			QuitOrder = TRUE
	   	end if
		QuitOrder = FALSE
	end if
	return QuitOrder
end function 'BOOL:=TestFrameWorkForMouse()

'(perspective routine)******************************************************************
sub ReduceXY(byval Img as fb.IMAGE ptr, _
             byval XScaleFactor as double=0.5, _ 
             byval YScaleFactor as double=0.5)
    for x as long = 0 to (imgW - 1)
        for y as long = 0 to (imgH - 1)
            pSet (500 + x*XScaleFactor, 120 + y*YScaleFactor), point(x,y,Img)
        next y        
    next x
end sub 'ReduceXY(valIMAGE_PTR,valDBL[0.5],valDBL[0.5])
sub ShearAlongX(byval Img as fb.IMAGE ptr, _
                byval XscaleFactor as double=0.5, _ 
                byval OffsetXatYmax as long=0)
    for x as long = 0 to (imgW - 1)
        for y as long = 0 to (imgH - 1)
            pSet (450 + x + y*XscaleFactor, 120 + y), point(x,y,Img)
        next y        
    next x
end sub 'ShearAlongX(valIMAGE_PTR,valDBL[0.5],valLNG[0])
sub TriangleAlongX(byval Img as fb.IMAGE ptr, _
                   byval BaseAtBottom as boolean=TRUE, _
                   byval XscaleFactor as double=0.5, _ 
                   byval OffsetXatYmax as long=0)
    for x as long = 0 to (imgW - 1)
        for y as long = 0 to (imgH - 1)
            pSet (500 + x*((imgH - 1) - y)/(2*(imgW - 1)), 120 + y), _ 
        next y        
    next x
end sub 'TriangleAlongX(valIMAGE_PTR,valBOOL[-1],valDBL[0.5],valLNG[0])
sub TrapezeAlongX(byval Img as fb.IMAGE ptr, _
                  byval XscaleFactorAtYmin as double=0.5, _ 
                  byval XscaleFactorAtYmax as double=1)
    for x as long = 0 to (imgW - 1)
        for y as long = 0 to (imgH - 1)
            pSet (550 + (x/2 - y*(imgW -1)/(4*(imgH - 1))) + 3*x*y/(8*(imgW - 1)), _ 
                 120 + y), _ 
        next y        
    next x
end sub 'TrapezeAlongX(valIMAGE_PTR,valDBL[0.5],valDBL[1])

sub LinearXY(byval Img	as fb.IMAGE ptr)
	dim as double	a	= 0.5
	dim as double	b	= 100
	dim as double	c	=  1/(2*(imgH - 1))
	dim as double	d	= 1
	dim as double	e	= 0.8
	dim as double	f	= 50
	dim as double	g	= 1/(4*(imgH - 1))
	dim as double	h	= 1
    for x as long = 0 to (imgW - 1)
        for y as long = 0 to (imgH - 1)
            pSet (550 + sqr(2)/2*cos(1)*x - sin(1)*y , _ 
                  120 + 0.5*cos(1)*y + 1*sqr(2)/2*sin(1)*x ), _ 
        next y        
    next x
end sub 'LinearXY(valIMAGE_PTR)


My final goal right now is, once determined a perspective grid, to build the set of distorted tiles that match the grid, and apply them!

Any help would be welcome. Feedback, ideas, improvements, or theory explanations from people that knows about those affairs, all welcome.

Solving this problem would possibly mean crafting perspective game very easily from a tile basis. First example we can think of is something like Doom of course, but not only, it's very open field...

(last thing: the programs posted above have compiled and worked for me (xp32 1.04). The grid program may have a memory leak, but not for an essential part, and it's fixed. What I mean is that this should run normally, though not in an optimized way. So if this is not working, this is an issue for itself, please give some feedback if you meet problems.)
Last edited by Tourist Trap on Feb 03, 2016 14:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tile - the perspective way

Post by fxm »

Two small remarks on coding:
- To be also compatible with 64-bit, all numeric parameters for 'ScrenInfo()' must be Integer.
- What is the usage of 'as OBJECT _fieldPlaceHolder' in types.
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Re: Tile - the perspective way

Post by badidea »

A few remarks:

1) Performance can be improved a lot, e.g. I see in the loop: pSet (550 + sqr(2)/2*cos(1)*x - sin(1)*y , 120 + 0.5*cos(1)*y + 1*sqr(2)/2*sin(1)*x ), point(x,y,Img) all these sines, conines and squares can be outside the loop.

2) Linear color-interpolation is not that hard, but additional calculation per pixel is then required. I'll try to post something later...

3) Is it not easier to use a 3d library and let the library and/or graphics card do all this work? 3d examples can be found on this forum.
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Re: Tile - the perspective way

Post by badidea »

Bilinear interpolation example:

Code: Select all

screenres 800, 600, 32

const as integer numTerrainTypes = 7
const as integer xMapSize = 24\2, yMapSize = 18\2
const as integer xTileSize = 32*2, yTileSize = 32*2

dim as integer terrainColor(numTerrainTypes-1) = _
	{&h0023719B, &h0047BD31, &h00DDEFEE, &h00766258, &h002F5319, &h00CBBC7F, &h001D3E57}

type rbg_type
	r as ubyte
	g as ubyte
	b as ubyte
	a as ubyte
end type

union rgb_union
	value as integer
	comp as rbg_type
end union

function limit(value as integer, minimum as integer, maximum as integer) as integer
	dim as integer result = value
	if (result > maximum) then result = maximum
	if (result < minimum) then result = minimum
	return result
end function

sub drawBlock(x0 as integer, y0 as integer, pC as rgb_union ptr, noise as integer)
	dim as integer x, y
	dim as rgb_union cT, cB, c
	dim as single xFactor1, xFactor2
	dim as single yFactor1, yFactor2
	for x = 0 to xTileSize-1
		for y = 0 to yTileSize-1
			xFactor1 = x / xTileSize
			xFactor2 = 1 - xFactor1
			cT.comp.r = int(xFactor2 * pC[0].comp.r + xFactor1 * pC[1].comp.r)
			cT.comp.g = int(xFactor2 * pC[0].comp.g + xFactor1 * pC[1].comp.g)
			cT.comp.b = int(xFactor2 * pC[0].comp.b + xFactor1 * pC[1].comp.b)
			cB.comp.r = int(xFactor2 * pC[2].comp.r + xFactor1 * pC[3].comp.r)
			cB.comp.g = int(xFactor2 * pC[2].comp.g + xFactor1 * pC[3].comp.g)
			cB.comp.b = int(xFactor2 * pC[2].comp.b + xFactor1 * pC[3].comp.b)
			yFactor1 = y / yTileSize
			yFactor2 = 1 - yFactor1
			c.comp.r = limit(int(yFactor2 * cT.comp.r + yFactor1 * cB.comp.r + (rnd - 0.5) * noise), 0, 255)
			c.comp.g = limit(int(yFactor2 * cT.comp.g + yFactor1 * cB.comp.g + (rnd - 0.5) * noise), 0, 255)
			c.comp.b = limit(int(yFactor2 * cT.comp.b + yFactor1 * cB.comp.b + (rnd - 0.5) * noise), 0, 255)
			pset (x0 + x, y0 + y), c.value
end sub

dim as integer xMap, yMap
dim as integer xTile, yTile
dim as rgb_union c(4-1)
dim as rgb_union cMap(xMapSize, yMapSize) 'not minus 1

c(0).value = terrainColor(0) 'top left
c(1).value = terrainColor(3) 'top right
c(2).value = terrainColor(5) 'bottom left
c(3).value = terrainColor(1) 'bottom right

randomize timer

dim as integer itl, itr, ibl, ibr
dim as string text, filename
dim as any ptr pImage = imagecreate(xTileSize, yTileSize)

for xMap = 0 to xMapSize 'not minus 1
	for yMap = 0 to yMapSize 'not minus 1
		cMap(xMap, yMap).value = terrainColor(int(rnd*numTerrainTypes))

for xMap = 0 to xMapSize-1
	for yMap = 0 to yMapSize-1
		c(0) = cMap(xMap, yMap)
		c(1) = cMap(xMap + 1, yMap)
		c(2) = cMap(xMap, yMap + 1)
		c(3) = cMap(xMap + 1, yMap + 1)
		drawBlock(xMap * (xTileSize + 1), yMap * (yTileSize + 1), @c(0), 20)

imagedestroy pImage
Bilinear interpolation which is Linear interpolation twice (in 2 directions).
Tourist Trap
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Re: Tile - the perspective way

Post by Tourist Trap »

fxm wrote:- To be also compatible with 64-bit, all numeric parameters for 'ScrenInfo()' must be Integer.
- What is the usage of 'as OBJECT _fieldPlaceHolder' in types.
Thanks for the remarks. The second is unuseful place holder. About screeninfo(), I didn't know that. Not in the documentation anyway. Thanks again.
badidea wrote:Bilinear interpolation example
Thanks for the code illustration. Of course requires adaptation for the present case. I'm not sure that for tilling, trying magnification is not simply too risky since there are other problems than just interpolation, like conservation of contrast and so on.Taken as a whole, seems really not easy. Reduction is fortunately simpler.
badidea wrote: 1) Performance can be improved a lot, e.g. I see in the loop: pSet (550 + sqr(2)/2*cos(1)*x - sin(1)*y , 120 + 0.5*cos(1)*y + 1*sqr(2)/2*sin(1)*x ), point(x,y,Img) all these sines, conines and squares can be outside the loop.
Fortunately this function is just a sandbox. In fact I was trying to find something linear in the common meaning of this term, but I was wrong. Perspective in general is not linear, it's homography, and it's linear in a very special meaning in projective spaces. Quite interesting to know indeed.

3) Is it not easier to use a 3d library and let the library and/or graphics card do all this work? 3d examples can be found on this forum.[/quote]
I'm affraid not. OpenGl is not that easy. It may also finally require the help of the gpu. And I dont want learn a third-party library and get bounded to hardware for so basic stuff. Of course I'm not against a tutorial on implementing a infinitely textured tiled plane in OpenGl if someone provided it!

New example game based on previous developments:


Code: Select all

'LION KING........................
'  a simple perspective grid game 

'animated char
const as string		animatedCharacter = "tigerwood.bmp"
const as long     animaW          =>  491
const as long     animaH          =>  149

const as long     imgW          =>  200
const as long     imgH          =>  260
const as ulong    imgTransColor => rgb(255,0,255)

const as long     screenWidth   =>	800
const as long     screenHeight  =>	400

#include "fbgfx.bi"

    'global variable container
    'storing screen parameter
    declare static sub TestScreen()
    static as integer  scrW
    static as integer  scrH

dim as integer SCREENTEST.scrW       => -1
dim as integer SCREENTEST.scrH       => -1
sub SCREENTEST.TestScreen()
    screenInfo (SCREENTEST.scrW, SCREENTEST.scrH)
end sub 'SCREENTEST.TestScreen()

    'global variable container
    'storing mouse/keyboard interaction
    declare static function TestMouse() as long
    declare static function TestKeyboard() as long
    static as long  gmX
    static as long  gmY
    static as long  gmBtn
    static as long	scanCode

dim as long INTERACTIONTEST.gmX			=> -1
dim as long INTERACTIONTEST.gmY			=> -1
dim as long INTERACTIONTEST.gmBtn		=> -1
dim as long INTERACTIONTEST.scanCode	=> -1
function INTERACTIONTEST.TestMouse() as long
    return getMouse (INTERACTIONTEST.gmX, _ 
                     INTERACTIONTEST.gmY, _ 
                     , _ 
end function 'LNG:=INTERACTIONTEST.TestMouse()
function INTERACTIONTEST.TestKeyboard() as long
	dim as long		scanCodeResult	= -1
	if	multiKey(fb.SC_BACKSPACE)			then
		scanCodeResult	=	fb.SC_BACKSPACE
	elseif	multiKey(fb.SC_SPACE)			then
		scanCodeResult	= 	fb.SC_SPACE
	elseif	multiKey(fb.SC_LEFT)	and multiKey(fb.SC_UP)		then
		scanCodeResult	= 	fb.SC_LEFT + fb.SC_UP
	elseif	multiKey(fb.SC_LEFT)	and multiKey(fb.SC_DOWN)	then
		scanCodeResult	= 	fb.SC_LEFT + fb.SC_DOWN
	elseif	multiKey(fb.SC_RIGHT)	and multiKey(fb.SC_UP)		then
		scanCodeResult	= 	fb.SC_RIGHT + fb.SC_UP
	elseif	multiKey(fb.SC_RIGHT)	and multiKey(fb.SC_DOWN)	then
		scanCodeResult	= 	fb.SC_RIGHT + fb.SC_DOWN
	elseif	multiKey(fb.SC_LEFT)			then
		scanCodeResult	= 	fb.SC_LEFT
	elseif	multiKey(fb.SC_RIGHT)			then
		scanCodeResult	= 	fb.SC_RIGHT
	elseif	multiKey(fb.SC_DOWN)			then
		scanCodeResult	=	fb.SC_DOWN
	elseif	multiKey(fb.SC_UP)				then
		scanCodeResult	=	fb.SC_UP
	end if
	while inkey<>"" : /'clean keyboard buffer'/ :wend
    return scanCodeResult
end function 'LNG:=INTERACTIONTEST.TestMouse()

screenRes screenWidth, _ 
          screenHeight, _ 
color rgb(0,200,0)

'load tiger frame!
dim as fb.IMAGE ptr		tiger(4)
for frameNum as long = 0 to 4
	tiger(frameNum) => imageCreate(animaW\5 - 1, animaH - 1, imgTransColor, 32)
next frameNum
	dim as fb.IMAGE ptr		fullCharacterImage
	fullCharacterImage => _ 
			imageCreate(animaW, animaH, imgTransColor, 32)
	bLoad animatedCharacter, fullCharacterImage
	for frameNum as long = 0 to 4
		get fullCharacterImage, _ 
		    (frameNum*(animaW\5),0)-step((animaW\5) - 1,animaH - 1), _ 
	next frameNum
end scope

dim as double	viewAngle	= 1.0
dim as long		viewRadius	= 200

dim as long		animationStep	=> 0
dim as long		animationSlower	=> 0
dim as long		sideStep		=> 0
dim as long		depthStep		=> 0
dim as long		jumpStep		=> 0
dim as boolean	jumpStarted		=> FALSE
	if jumpStarted then
		animationStep = 4
		if jumpStep<40 then 
			jumpStep	+= 1
			if jumpStep<20 then 
				viewAngle += 0.01
				depthStep	+= +12
				viewAngle -= 0.01
				depthStep	+= +1
			end if
			viewAngle	= 1.0
			jumpStep	= 0
			jumpStarted	= FALSE
		end if
		if animationStep=4 then 
			animationStep	= 1
			animationSlower	= 9
		end if
		animationSlower += 1
		if animationSlower>10 then
			animationSlower	= 0
			animationStep	+= 1
			if 	animationStep>=4 then 	animationStep = 0
		end if
	end if
	select case INTERACTIONTEST.TestKeyboard()
		case fb.SC_SPACE
			if not jumpStarted then jumpStarted = TRUE
		case fb.SC_LEFT + fb.SC_UP
			sideStep	+= -2
			depthStep	+= +2
		case fb.SC_LEFT + fb.SC_DOWN
			sideStep	+= -2
			depthStep	+= -2
		case fb.SC_RIGHT + fb.SC_UP
			sideStep	+= +2
			depthStep	+= +2
		case fb.SC_RIGHT + fb.SC_DOWN
			sideStep	+= +2
			depthStep	+= -2
		case fb.SC_LEFT
			sideStep	+= -2
		case fb.SC_RIGHT
			sideStep	+= +2
		case fb.SC_DOWN
			depthStep	+= -2	
		case fb.SC_UP
			depthStep	+= +2
		case else
			animationSlower -= 1
			sideStep	+= 0
			depthStep	+= 0		
	end select 'INTERACTIONTEST.TestKeyboard()

	? "Help the lion king to reach the great city of kings"
	? "<ARROW KEY> move .. <SPACE> jump .. <ESC> leave out"
	'draw horizon-incident tile border
	for i as long = 0 to 100
		line (sideStep + SCREENTEST.scrW\2 - (i + 1/2)*imgW,SCREENTEST.scrH)- _ 
		(SCREENTEST.scrW\2,SCREENTEST.scrH - viewRadius*tan(viewAngle)), rgb(080,170 - 4*i,090)
		line (sideStep + SCREENTEST.scrW\2 + (i + 1/2)*imgW,SCREENTEST.scrH)- _ 
		(SCREENTEST.scrW\2,SCREENTEST.scrH - viewRadius*tan(viewAngle)), rgb(080,170 - 4*i,090)		
	next i
	'draw horizon-parallel tile border
	for n as long = -1 to -150 step -1
		dim as single	borderStep	= SCREENTEST.scrH\2 + (n - 1/2)*imgH + depthStep mod imgH
		dim as single	cYn			
		dim as single	cZn			
		cYn	= + viewRadius*sin(viewAngle)*sin(viewAngle)*borderStep/ _ 
										(viewRadius - cos(viewAngle)*borderStep)
		cZn	= - viewRadius*cos(viewAngle)*sin(viewAngle)*borderStep/ _ 
										(viewRadius - cos(viewAngle)*borderStep)
		line (0,SCREENTEST.scrH - sqr(cYn^2 + cZn^2))-step(SCREENTEST.scrW,0), rgb(080,170 - n,090)
	next n
	put (SCREENTEST.scrW\2,SCREENTEST.scrH - animaH - animationStep*5), tiger(animationStep), TRANS

	sleep 15
loop until inkey=chr(27)

end 0

'[end of file]
Last edited by Tourist Trap on Feb 04, 2016 9:35, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tile - the perspective way

Post by fxm »

Only non-derived types must have at least a non-static member variable.
Any type which extends another type (including 'Extends Object') can be empty of any own member variable.
=> you can suppress all 'as OBJECT _fieldPlaceHolder'.

ScreenInfo declaration in documentation:
Declare Sub ScreenInfo ( ByRef w As Integer = 0, ByRef h As Integer = 0, ByRef depth As Integer = 0, ByRef bpp As Integer = 0, ByRef pitch As Integer = 0, ByRef rate As Integer = 0, ByRef driver As String = "" )
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Re: Tile - the perspective way

Post by MrSwiss »

Sorry to but in on ScreenInfo ...

Just because ScreenInfo wants Integer, and a lot of WIN programmers prefer Long instead,
I've coded the "getScrInfo Sub()" which wraps ScreenInfo and returns LONG(s), NOT Integer!!
Search Tips&Tricks for the Name given above ...
Tourist Trap
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Re: Tile - the perspective way

Post by Tourist Trap »

fxm wrote:1.
Only non-derived types must have at least a non-static member variable.
Any type which extends another type (including 'Extends Object') can be empty of any own member variable.
=> you can suppress all 'as OBJECT _fieldPlaceHolder'.
ScreenInfo declaration in documentation:
Declare Sub ScreenInfo ( ByRef w As Integer = 0, ByRef h As Integer = 0, ByRef depth As Integer = 0, ByRef bpp As Integer = 0, ByRef pitch As Integer = 0, ByRef rate As Integer = 0, ByRef driver As String = "" )
This is fixed. But are you sure that not using Integer for ScreenInfo() parameters would crash a 64 bits OS? Shouldn't it be casted anyway? This not pointers, just simple numeric parameters here.
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Re: Tile - the perspective way

Post by fxm »

Tourist Trap wrote:This is fixed. But are you sure that not using Integer for ScreenInfo() parameters would crash a 64 bits OS?
Yes, it induces a compiler error for fbc 64-bit (checked).
Tourist Trap wrote:Shouldn't it be cast anyway? This not pointers, just simple numeric parameters here.
The problem occurs only when passing parameters by reference:
- No problem when passing by value, because compiler can do an implicit conversion before passing.
- When passing by reference, in fact a pointer is passed and value is written by dereferencing the pointer.
(not any possibility of casting)

In your 2nd code, other variables to be modified:
- dim as integer scrW, scrH ' in constructor BUTTON()
- dim as integer drawingZoneW ' in main code
- dim as integer drawingZoneH ' in main code
Last edited by fxm on Sep 02, 2017 20:15, edited 1 time in total.
Tourist Trap
Posts: 2958
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Re: Tile - the perspective way

Post by Tourist Trap »

fxm wrote:The problem occurs only when passing parameters by reference:
- No problem when passing by value, because compiler can do an implicit conversion before passing.
- When passing by reference, in fact a pointer is passed and value is written by dereferencing the pointer.
(not any possibility of casting)
I'm not sure I understand what is done exactly here. However thanks for the remark. I'm still convinced that the documentation is not insisting enough on the fact that there won't be any cast, and pointers are involved, so Integer type is mandatory. It could lead to many compatibility issues. Thanks for the corrections and remarks anyway.

I've made some progress with the perspective grid calculation. Here the new demo code. Have a try, any comment is welcome. Ah yes I need to post something about macros also. A rather annoying issue (fixed here).

Code: Select all

'rotation of a plane grid network 
'provided 3D space eye parameter  

const as double _pi 			=> atn(1) * 4
const as ulong	_lightGrey		=> rgb(205,205,205)

'tile constant
const as long     imgW          =>  12
const as long     imgH          =>  15
const as ulong    imgTransColor => rgb(255,0,255)

'screen constant
const as long     screenWidth   =>	800
const as long     screenHeight  =>	480

#include "fbgfx.bi"

#macro _ExitforOnEscapeKeyPressed 
	if inkey=chr(27) then exit for

    'global variable container
    'storing screen parameter
    declare static sub TestScreen()
    static as integer  scrW
    static as integer  scrH
dim as integer SCREENTEST.scrW       => -1
dim as integer SCREENTEST.scrH       => -1
sub SCREENTEST.TestScreen()
    screenInfo (SCREENTEST.scrW, SCREENTEST.scrH)
end sub 'SCREENTEST.TestScreen()

    'global variable container
    'storing mouse/keyboard interaction
    declare static function TestMouse() as long
    declare static function TestKeyboard() as long
    static as long  gmX
    static as long  gmY
    static as long  gmBtn
    static as long	scanCode
dim as long INTERACTIONTEST.gmX			=> -1
dim as long INTERACTIONTEST.gmY			=> -1
dim as long INTERACTIONTEST.gmBtn		=> -1
dim as long INTERACTIONTEST.scanCode	=> -1
function INTERACTIONTEST.TestMouse() as long
    return getMouse (INTERACTIONTEST.gmX, _ 
                     INTERACTIONTEST.gmY, _ 
                     , _ 
end function 'LNG:=INTERACTIONTEST.TestMouse()
function INTERACTIONTEST.TestKeyboard() as long
	dim as long		scanCodeResult	= -1
	if	multiKey(fb.SC_BACKSPACE)			then
		scanCodeResult	=	fb.SC_BACKSPACE
	elseif	multiKey(fb.SC_SPACE)			then
		scanCodeResult	= 	fb.SC_SPACE
	elseif	multiKey(fb.SC_LEFT)	and multiKey(fb.SC_UP)		then
		scanCodeResult	= 	fb.SC_LEFT + fb.SC_UP
	elseif	multiKey(fb.SC_LEFT)	and multiKey(fb.SC_DOWN)	then
		scanCodeResult	= 	fb.SC_LEFT + fb.SC_DOWN
	elseif	multiKey(fb.SC_RIGHT)	and multiKey(fb.SC_UP)		then
		scanCodeResult	= 	fb.SC_RIGHT + fb.SC_UP
	elseif	multiKey(fb.SC_RIGHT)	and multiKey(fb.SC_DOWN)	then
		scanCodeResult	= 	fb.SC_RIGHT + fb.SC_DOWN
	elseif	multiKey(fb.SC_LEFT)			then
		scanCodeResult	= 	fb.SC_LEFT
	elseif	multiKey(fb.SC_RIGHT)			then
		scanCodeResult	= 	fb.SC_RIGHT
	elseif	multiKey(fb.SC_DOWN)			then
		scanCodeResult	=	fb.SC_DOWN
	elseif	multiKey(fb.SC_UP)				then
		scanCodeResult	=	fb.SC_UP
	end if
	while inkey<>"" : /'clean keyboard buffer'/ :wend
    return scanCodeResult
end function 'LNG:=INTERACTIONTEST.TestMouse()

	declare constructor()
	declare constructor(byval as double, _ 
						byval as double, _ 
						byval as string, _ 
						byval as ulong=rgb(205,205,205))
	declare operator Let(byval as long)
	declare property OutOfScreen() as boolean
	declare property DistanceToOrigin() as double
	declare sub DrawPoint2D()
	static as long		constructionCount
		as double		_x
		as double		_y
		as string		_id
		as ulong		_color
dim as long		POINT2D.constructionCount
constructor POINT2D()
	POINT2D.constructionCount	+= 1
	with THIS
		._x		=> SCREENTEST.scrW\2
		._y		=> SCREENTEST.scrH\2
		._id	=> "point" & str(POINT2D.constructionCount)
		._color	=> rgb(205,205,205)
	end with 'THIS
end constructor 'POINT2D default explicit constructor
constructor POINT2D(byval X		as double, _ 
					byval Y		as double, _ 
					byval Id	as string, _ 
					byval C		as ulong=rgb(205,205,205))
	with THIS
		._x		=> X
		._y		=> Y
		._id	=> Id
		._color	=> C
	end with 'THIS
end constructor 'POINT2D(valDBL,valDBL,valSTR,valULNG[rgb(205,205,205)])
operator POINT2D.Let(byval SameForAllCoordinate as long)
	with THIS
		._x		=	SameForAllCoordinate
		._y		=	SameForAllCoordinate
	end with 'THIS
end operator 'POINT2D:=valLNG
property POINT2D.OutOfScreen() as boolean
	if not ( THIS._x>=0	and THIS._x<=THIS.scrW		and _ 
			 THIS._y>=0	and THIS._y<=THIS.scrH )	then
		return TRUE
		return FALSE
	end if 
end property 'get BOOL:=POINT2D.OutOfScreen
property POINT2D.DistanceToOrigin() as double
		return sqr(THIS._x*THIS._x +  THIS._y*THIS._y)
end property 'get DBL:=POINT2D.DistanceToOrigin
sub POINT2D.DrawPoint2D()
	if THIS._x>=0 and  THIS._x<=THIS.scrW and _ 
	   THIS._y>=0 and  THIS._y<=THIS.scrH then
		circle (THIS._x, THIS._y), 4, THIS._color
		circle (THIS._x, THIS._y), 2, THIS._color
		draw string (THIS._x - 4, THIS._y - 12), THIS._id
	end if 
end sub 'POINT2D.DrawPoint2D()

	declare constructor()
	declare constructor(byval as POINT2D, _ 
						byval as POINT2D=type<POINT2D>(0,0,"o"), _ 
						byval as ulong=rgb(205,205,205))
	declare sub DrawLine()
	declare sub DrawLineWithPoint()
		as POINT2D		_p1
		as POINT2D		_p2
		as ulong		_lineColor
	with THIS
		._p1		=> 0
		._p2		=> type<POINT2D>(THIS.scrW,THIS.scrH,"Corner")
		._lineColor	=> rgb(205,205,205)
	end with 'THIS
end constructor 'SCREENBIPOINTLINE default explicit constructor
constructor SCREENBIPOINTLINE(byval P1	as POINT2D, _ 
							  byval P2	as POINT2D=type<POINT2D>(0,0,"o"), _ 
							  byval LC	as ulong=rgb(205,205,205))
	with THIS
		._p1		=> P1
		._p2		=> P2
		._lineColor	=> LC
	end with 'THIS
end constructor 'SCREENBIPOINTLINE(valPOINT2D,valPOINT2D[type<POINT2D>(0,0,"o"),valULNG[rgb(205,205,205)])
	dim as boolean	case1	=> FALSE
	dim as boolean	case2	=> FALSE
	dim as boolean	case3	=> FALSE
	dim as boolean	case4	=> FALSE
	if ( (THIS._p1)._x=(THIS._p2)._x and (THIS._p1)._y=(THIS._p2)._y ) then
		case1	= TRUE
		'no line to draw
		exit sub
	elseif _ 
	   ( (THIS._p1)._x=(THIS._p2)._x and (THIS._p1)._y<>(THIS._p2)._y ) then
		case2	= TRUE
		if (THIS._p1)._x>=0 and (THIS._p1)._x<=THIS.scrW then
			dim as POINT2D	i(1 to 2)
			i(1)	=> POINT2D((THIS._p1)._x, 0, "y=0")
			i(2)	=> POINT2D((THIS._p1)._x, THIS.scrH, "y=scrH")
			line (i(1)._x, i(1)._y)- _ 
				 (i(2)._x, i(2)._y), _ 
			'no line to draw
			exit sub
		end if
	elseif _ 
	   ( (THIS._p1)._x<>(THIS._p2)._x and (THIS._p1)._y=(THIS._p2)._y ) then
		case3	= TRUE
		if (THIS._p1)._y>=0 and (THIS._p1)._y<=THIS.scrH then
			dim as POINT2D	i(1 to 2)
			i(1)	=> POINT2D(0, (THIS._p1)._y, "x=0")
			i(2)	=> POINT2D(THIS.scrW, (THIS._p1)._y, "x=scrW")
			line (i(1)._x, i(1)._y)- _ 
				 (i(2)._x, i(2)._y), _ 
			'no line to draw
			exit sub
		end if  
	elseif _ 
	   ( (THIS._p1)._x<>(THIS._p2)._x and (THIS._p1)._y<>(THIS._p2)._y ) then
		case4	= TRUE
		dim as double	x1	=> (THIS._p1)._x
		dim as double	x2	=> (THIS._p2)._x
		dim as double	y1	=> (THIS._p1)._y
		dim as double	y2	=> (THIS._p2)._y
		'compute intersection with screen border
		dim as POINT2D	i(1 to 4)
		i(1)	=> POINT2D(x1 - y1*(x2 - x1)/(y2 - y1), 0, "y=0")
		i(2)	=> POINT2D(x1 + (THIS.scrH - y1)*(x2 - x1)/(y2 - y1), THIS.scrH, "y=scrH")
		i(3)	=> POINT2D(0, y1 - x1*(y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1), "x=0")
		i(4)	=> POINT2D(THIS.scrW, y1 + (THIS.scrW - x1)*(y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1), "x=scrW")
		'decide what couple of point to join
		dim as long	j(1 to 2)
		for index as long = 1 to 4
				j(1) => index
				exit for
		next index
		for index as long = 1 to 4
			if i( j(1) )._x<>i(index)._x or i( j(1) )._y<>i(index)._y then
					j(2) => index
					exit for
			end if
		next index
		'draw line
		line (i( j(1) )._x, i( j(1) )._y)- _ 
			 (i( j(2) )._x, i( j(2) )._y), _ 
	end if
end sub 'SCREENBIPOINTLINE.DrawLineWithPoint()

screenRes screenWidth, _ 
          screenHeight, _ 
color rgb(0,200,0)

'initial plane grid
dim as SCREENBIPOINTLINE	arrayOfVerticalLine(9)
for index as long = 0 to uBound(arrayOfVerticalLine)
	dim as long	n => index - (uBound(arrayOfVerticalLine) + 1)\2
	arrayOfVerticalLine(index)	=> _ 
	SCREENBIPOINTLINE(type<POINT2D>(SCREENTEST.scrW\2 + imgW*(1/2 - sgn(n)*n)*sgn(n), 0, "!"), _ 
					  type<POINT2D>(SCREENTEST.scrW\2 + imgW*(1/2 - sgn(n)*n)*sgn(n), 1, "!"), _ 
					  iif(n<>0,rgb(90,70,150),rgb(90,70,190)) )
next index

dim as SCREENBIPOINTLINE	arrayOfHorizontalLine(9)
for index as long = 0 to uBound(arrayOfHorizontalLine)
	dim as long	n => index - (uBound(arrayOfHorizontalLine) + 1)\2
	arrayOfHorizontalLine(index)	=> _ 
	SCREENBIPOINTLINE(type<POINT2D>(0, SCREENTEST.scrH/2 + sgn(n)*imgH*(1/2 - sgn(n)*n), "!"), _ 
					  type<POINT2D>(1, SCREENTEST.scrH/2 + sgn(n)*imgH*(1/2 - sgn(n)*n), "!"), _ 
					  iif(n<>0,rgb(150,70,90),rgb(190,70,90)) )
next index

'observation point parameter
dim as double	rE	=> 100.
dim as double	aE	=> 55*_pi/180

'source plane grid orientation
dim as double	rA	=> 100
dim as double	aA	=> 35.*_pi/180

dim as double		angleStep => .01
	aA	+= angleStep
	if aA>(_pi/2)	then angleStep *= -1
	if aA<00		then angleStep *= -1
	'parameter of intersection with the screen
	' *AE inter screen_plane* = IA
	' *BE inter screen_plane* = IB
	dim as double	pA	=> -rE*1/(rA*sin(aA)*cos(aE) + rE)
	dim as double	pB	=> -rE*1/(rA*cos(aA)*cos(aE) + rE)
	dim as double	xIA => 0000000000 - pA*( rA*cos(aA) )
	dim as double	yIA => rE*cos(aE) - pA*( - rA*sin(aA) - rE*cos(aE))
	dim as double	zIA => rE*sin(aE)*(1 + pA)
	dim as double	xIB => 000000000 - pB*( -rA*sin(aA) )
	dim as double	yIB => rE*cos(aE) - pB*( -rA*cos(aA) - rE*cos(aE))
	dim as double	zIB => rE*sin(aE)*(1 + pB)
	'screen plane grid main X,Y axis after rotation
	dim as double	alfa	=> acos( xIA/(sqr( xIA^2 + yIA^2 + zIA^2 )) )
	dim as double	beta	=> acos( xIB/(sqr( xIB^2 + yIB^2 + zIB^2 )) )
	dim as double	xHA		=> rE*tan(aE)/tan(alfa)
	dim as double	yHA		=> -rE*tan(aE)
	dim as double	xHB		=> rE*tan(aE)/tan(beta)
	dim as double	yHB		=> -rE*tan(aE)
	horizon	=> SCREENBIPOINTLINE(type<POINT2D>(0,yHA + SCREENTEST.scrH\2,"h0"), _ 
								 type<POINT2D>(SCREENTEST.scrW,yHA + SCREENTEST.scrH\2,"h1"), _ 
								 rgb(100,190,120) )
		'draw horizon line
	xAxis	=> SCREENBIPOINTLINE(type<POINT2D>(0 + SCREENTEST.scrW\2,0 + SCREENTEST.scrH\2,"o"), _ 
								 type<POINT2D>(xHA + SCREENTEST.scrW\2,yHA + SCREENTEST.scrH\2,"HA", rgb(180,100,100)))
		'draw X axis rotated
	yAxis	=> SCREENBIPOINTLINE(type<POINT2D>(0 + SCREENTEST.scrW\2,0 + SCREENTEST.scrH\2,"o"), _ 
								 type<POINT2D>(xHB + SCREENTEST.scrW\2,yHB + SCREENTEST.scrH\2,"HB", rgb(100,100,180)))
		'draw Y axis rotated
	'rotated grid line in the original grid plane
		'vertical grid line equation
		#macro _X(n)
			(sgn(n)*imgW*(1/2 - sgn(n)*n) + SCREENTEST.scrW\2)
		'horizontal grid line equation
		#macro _Y(n)
			(sgn(n)*imgH*(1/2 - sgn(n)*n) + SCREENTEST.scrH\2)
		'rotation of vertical grid line
		#macro _XRV(n,t)
			((_X(n) - SCREENTEST.scrW\2)*cos(_pi - aA) - (t)*sin(_pi - aA) + SCREENTEST.scrW\2)
		#macro _YRV(n,t)
			((_X(n) - SCREENTEST.scrW\2)*sin(_pi - aA) + (t)*cos(_pi - aA) + SCREENTEST.scrH\2)
		'rotation of horizontal grid line
		#macro _XRH(n,t)
			((t)*cos(-aA) - (_Y(n) - SCREENTEST.scrH\2)*sin(-aA)  + SCREENTEST.scrW\2)
		#macro _YRH(n,t)
			((t)*sin(-aA) + (_Y(n) - SCREENTEST.scrH\2)*cos(-aA) + SCREENTEST.scrH\2)
		'display vertical point for n=0, t=100
		'(type<POINT2D>(_XRV(0,100), _YRV(0,100), "vert0,1", rgb(0,0,120))).DrawPoint2D()
		'display vertical point for n=0, t=200
		(type<POINT2D>(_XRV(0,200), _YRV(0,200), "vert0,2", rgb(0,0,120))).DrawPoint2D()
		'display vertical line
		'(type<POINT2D>(_XRV(0,-100), _YRV(0,-100),""),type<POINT2D>(_XRV(0,200), _YRV(0,200),""), rgb(0,0,120))).DrawLine()
		'display horizontal point for n=0, t=100
		'(type<POINT2D>(_XRH(0,100), _YRH(0,100), "hori0,1", rgb(190,0,0))).DrawPoint2D()
		'display horizontal point for n=0, t=200
		(type<POINT2D>(_XRH(0,200), _YRH(0,200), "hori0,2", rgb(190,0,0))).DrawPoint2D()
		'display horizontal line
		'(type<POINT2D>(_XRH(0,-100), _YRH(0,-100),""),type<POINT2D>(_XRH(0,200), _YRH(0,200),""), rgb(150,0,0))).DrawLine()
		for n as long = -10 to 10
			'display vertical line
			(type<POINT2D> _ 
			(_XRV(n,-100), _YRV(n,-100),""),type<POINT2D>(_XRV(n,200), _YRV(n,200),""), rgb(0,0,120))).DrawLine()
			'display horizontal line
			(_XRH(n,-100), _YRH(n,-100),""),type<POINT2D>(_XRH(n,200), _YRH(n,200),""), rgb(150,0,0))).DrawLine()		
		next n
		'angle check
		#macro _BIPOINTDIST(p1P2D,p2P2D)
			sqr( (p2P2D._x - p1P2D._x)^2 + (p2P2D._y - p1P2D._y)^2 )
		#macro _VECTANGLE(centerP2D,p1P2D,p2P2D)
			acos( ( (p1P2D._x - centerP2D._x)*(p2P2D._x - centerP2D._x) + _ 
				    (p1P2D._y - centerP2D._y)*(p2P2D._y - centerP2D._y) ) / _ 
				    (_BIPOINTDIST(centerP2D,p1P2D)*_BIPOINTDIST(centerP2D,p2P2D)) )
		dim as POINT2D	scrCenter
		scrCenter._x	=> SCREENTEST.scrW\2
		scrCenter._y	=> SCREENTEST.scrH\2
		dim as POINT2D	vert00
		vert00._x		=> _XRV(0,100)
		vert00._y		=> _YRV(0,100)
		dim as POINT2D	hori00
		hori00._x		=> _XRH(0,100)
		hori00._y		=> _YRH(0,100)
		dim as POINT2D	xAxisUnit
		xAxisUnit._x	=> SCREENTEST.scrW\2 + 1
		xAxisUnit._y	=> SCREENTEST.scrH\2
		? _VECTANGLE(scrCenter,xAxisUnit,hori00) *180/_pi	
		? _VECTANGLE(scrCenter,xAxisUnit,vert00) *180/_pi
	'compute and store intersection of rotated grid line with X axis
	#macro _RHX(n)
		( _XRH(n,0) + ( SCREENTEST.scrH\2 - _YRH(n,0)) * ( _XRH(n,1) - _XRH(n,0) )/( _YRH(n,1) - _YRH(n,0) ) )
	#macro _RVX(n)
		( _XRV(n,0) + ( SCREENTEST.scrH\2 - _YRV(n,0)) * ( _XRV(n,1) - _XRV(n,0) )/( _YRV(n,1) - _YRV(n,0) ) )
	for n as long = -5 to 5
		'horizontal case
		(type<POINT2D>(_XRH(n,0), _YRH(n,0),""),type<POINT2D>(_XRH(n,1), _YRH(n,1),""), rgb(200,150,0))).DrawLine()
		(type<POINT2D>(_RHX(n) , SCREENTEST.scrH\2, "h"& str(n), rgb(220,100,100))).DrawPoint2D()
		'vertical case
		(type<POINT2D>(_XRV(n,0), _YRV(n,0),""),type<POINT2D>(_XRV(n,1), _YRV(n,1),""), rgb(0,150,200))).DrawLine()
		(type<POINT2D>(_RVX(n) , SCREENTEST.scrH\2, "v"& str(n), rgb(100,100,220))).DrawPoint2D()
	next n
	'draw perspective grid
	dim as POINT2D	xAxisHorizonPoint
	xAxisHorizonPoint._x	=> xHA  + SCREENTEST.scrW\2
	xAxisHorizonPoint._y	=> yHA  + SCREENTEST.scrH\2
	dim as POINT2D	yAxisHorizonPoint
	yAxisHorizonPoint._x	=> xHB  + SCREENTEST.scrW\2
	yAxisHorizonPoint._y	=> yHB  + SCREENTEST.scrH\2
	for n as long = -45 to 45
		if n=0 then continue for
		'horizontal line
		(type<POINT2D>(_RHX(n) , SCREENTEST.scrH\2,""),xAxisHorizonPoint, rgb(200,150,200))).DrawLine()
		'vertical case
		(type<POINT2D>(_RVX(n) , SCREENTEST.scrH\2,""),yAxisHorizonPoint, rgb(200,150,200))).DrawLine()
	next n
	'draw sky box
		line (0,0)-(SCREENTEST.scrW, yHA  + (100/95)*SCREENTEST.scrH\2), rgb(140,150,180), bf
	'draw view center
		circle(SCREENTEST.scrW\2, SCREENTEST.scrH\2), 8, rgb(220,140,155), , , , f
	? sqr( xIA^2 + (yIA - rE*cos(aE))^2 + (zIA - rE*sin(aE))^2 )
	? "EA="; sqr( (rA*cos(aA))^2 + (-rA*sin(aA) - rE*cos(aE))^2 + ( -rE*sin(aE))^2 )
	? sqr( xIB^2 + (yIB - rE*cos(aE))^2 + (zIB - rE*sin(aE))^2 )
	? "EB="; sqr( (-rA*sin(aA))^2 + (-rA*cos(aA) - rE*cos(aE))^2 + ( -rE*sin(aE))^2 )
	sleep 75
loop until inkey=chr(27)

end 0
Posts: 1795
Joined: Feb 28, 2009 20:58

Re: Tile - the perspective way

Post by leopardpm »

very interesting! keep going, Mr. Trap
Tourist Trap
Posts: 2958
Joined: Jun 02, 2015 16:24

Re: Tile - the perspective way

Post by Tourist Trap »

leopardpm wrote:very interesting! keep going, Mr. Trap
Hi leopardpm,

Yes that's funny.

I will try continue this as soon as possible. However I've not found yet the way to transform a rectangle tile to any quadrangle. I'm sure I'm missing a tiny trick, but not found yet. And for the grid projection I will need to rewrite it from start now that I can see what it looks like. There are one or two weak points that I need to get reinforced in all those intersections formulas.

So it's potentially long, and I'm right now fighting with files to make a communication system between two programs Passing messages to a unique file on disk. Doing that clean (checking file possible errors) is not that easy so far...
Posts: 1795
Joined: Feb 28, 2009 20:58

Re: Tile - the perspective way

Post by leopardpm »

Tourist Trap wrote:So it's potentially long, and I'm right now fighting with files to make a communication system between two programs Passing messages to a unique file on disk. Doing that clean (checking file possible errors) is not that easy so far...
sounds like a useful routine... start another thread!
Tourist Trap
Posts: 2958
Joined: Jun 02, 2015 16:24

Re: Tile - the perspective way

Post by Tourist Trap »

leopardpm wrote:...start another thread!
Yes you're right of course. Here is it:
Posts: 7983
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
Location: Scotland

Re: Tile - the perspective way

Post by dodicat »

A grid, similar to tourist trap's.

Code: Select all

Screen 20
#include "crt.bi"
Type sincos
    As Single s,c
End Type

Type v3
    As Single x,y,z
    As Ulong col
    Declare Property length As Single
    Declare Property unit As v3
    Declare Function AxialRotate(As v3,As sincos,As V3) As v3
    Declare Function perspective(eyepoint As v3) As v3
    #define vct Type<v3>
    #define dot *
    #define cross ^
End Type
#define map(a,b,x,c,d) ((d)-(c))*((x)-(a))/((b)-(a))+(c)
Operator + (v1 As v3,v2 As v3) As v3
Return Type<v3>(v1.x+v2.x,v1.y+v2.y,v1.z+v2.z)
End Operator
Operator -(v1 As v3,v2 As v3) As v3
Return Type<v3>(v1.x-v2.x,v1.y-v2.y,v1.z-v2.z)
End Operator
Operator * (f As Single,v1 As v3) As v3 
Return vct(f*v1.x,f*v1.y,f*v1.z)
End Operator
Operator *(v1 As v3,f As Single) As v3
Return f*v1
End Operator
Operator * (v1 As v3,v2 As v3) As Single 'dot product
Return v1.x*v2.x+v1.y*v2.y+v1.z*v2.z
End Operator
Operator ^ (v1 As v3,v2 As v3) As v3     'cross product
Return Type<v3>(v1.y*v2.z-v2.y*v1.z,-(v1.x*v2.z-v2.x*v1.z),v1.x*v2.y-v2.x*v1.y)
End Operator
Operator /(v1 As v3,n As Single) As v3
Return Type<v3>(v1.x/n,v1.y/n,v1.z/n)
End Operator

Property v3.length As Single
Return Sqr(this.x*this.x+this.y*this.y+this.z*this.z)
End Property

Property v3.unit As v3
Dim n As Single=this.length
If n=0 Then n=1e-20
Return This/n
End Property

Function v3.AxialRotate(centre As v3,Angle As sincos,norm As V3) As v3
    Dim As v3 V=This-centre
    Var ret= (V*angle.C+(Norm cross V)*angle.S+Norm*(Norm dot V)*(1-angle.c))+centre 
    Return vct(ret.x,ret.y,ret.z,col)
End Function

Function v3.perspective(eyepoint As v3) As v3
    Dim As Single   w=1+(this.z/eyepoint.z)
    If w=0 Then w=1e-20
    Var ret= eyepoint+(This-eyepoint)/w
    Return vct(ret.x,ret.y,ret.z,col)
End Function

Function Regulate(Byval MyFps As long,Byref fps As long) As long
    Static As Double timervalue,lastsleeptime,t3,frames
    Dim As Double t=Timer
    If (t-t3)>=1 Then t3=t:fps=frames:frames=0
    Dim As long sleeptime=lastsleeptime+((1/myfps)-T+timervalue)*1000
    If sleeptime<1 Then sleeptime=1
    Return sleeptime
End Function

Sub drawarray(a() As V3)
    For n As long=Lbound(a) To Ubound(a)-2 Step 2
        if n<> ubound(a)\2-1 then Line(a(n).x,a(n).y)-(a(n+1).x,a(n+1).y)
        Dim As long rad=map(-900,900,a(n).z,8,2)
       if n<> ubound(a)\2-1 then Circle(a(n).x,a(n).y),rad,5,,,,f
       if n<> ubound(a)\2-1 then Circle(a(n+1).x,a(n+1).y),rad,4,,,,f
    Next n
End Sub

Redim As V3 pts()
Dim As Single pi=4*Atn(1)

'create all the points
Dim As long ctr,fps
Dim As Long k=400,yy
For n As long=1 To 200 Step 4
    Redim Preserve pts(1 To ctr)
Next n
reDim As V3 rot(Lbound(pts) To Ubound(pts))
var tmp=ubound(pts)
'create another set, 90 degrees to first set.
For n As long=Lbound(pts) To Ubound(pts)
    next n
redim as V3 T(1 to tmp*2)
'add the two sets

Dim As v3 axis=(0,1,0)'now tilt this y axis forward
'tilt all the points the same angle as the y axis (above)
For n As long=Lbound(T) To Ubound(T)
Next n

redim rot(lbound(t) to ubound(T))
Dim As sincos ang
Dim As Single z
    Draw String(50,50),"FPS = " &fps
    For n As long=Lbound(T) To Ubound(T)
    Next n
    Sleep regulate(50,fps)
Loop Until inkey=chr(27)
Print Ubound(pts)

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