integer operations benchmark (or interpreter killer)

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Ed Davis
Posts: 37
Joined: Jul 28, 2008 23:24

integer operations benchmark (or interpreter killer)

Post by Ed Davis »

Here is the code in FreeBasic for an ASCII Mandelbrot, using integers only.

Code: Select all

    dim as integer left_edge   = -420
    dim as integer right_edge  =  300
    dim as integer top_edge    =  300
    dim as integer bottom_edge = -300
    dim as integer x_step      =  7
    dim as integer y_step      =  15
    dim as integer max_iter    =  200

    dim as integer y0 = top_edge
    while y0 > bottom_edge
        dim as integer x0 = left_edge
        while x0 < right_edge
            dim as integer y = 0
            dim as integer x = 0
            dim as integer x_x = 0
            dim as integer y_y = 0
            dim as integer i = 0
            dim as string the_char = " "
            while i < max_iter and x_x + y_y <= 800
                x_x =    (x * x) \ 200
                y_y =    (y * y) \ 200
                if x_x + y_y > 800 then
                    the_char = chr(48 + i)
                    if i > 9 then the_char = "@"
                    exit while
                end if
                dim as integer temp = x_x - y_y + x0
                if (x < 0 and y > 0) or (x > 0 and y < 0) then
                    y = (-1 * ((-1 * x * y) \ 100)) + y0
                    y = (x * y \ 100) + y0
                end if
                x = temp
                i = i + 1
            x0 = x0 + x_step
            print the_char ;
        y0 = y0 - y_step
This is based on code I found at

I got to thinking, this might make a nice integer benchmark, if instead of printing the Mandelbrot, we just accumulate a value (the sum of the generated characters) and looped for a while.

So, I modified the program, and after testing, found that a C version of the above, compiled with gcc -O3, took 1 second to perform 1545 iterations on my machine. The code is very similar to the above ascii integer Mandelbrot, except that it performs multiple iterations, accumulates the character to be printed, and the 'exit loop' is removed - not all simple languages support early-loop-exits, and I wanted the code to be as common between languages as possible.

I figured I could use the C version as a standard, and finding a count that took 1 second would give me an easy estimate as to how much slower other language processors are, compared to C, and of course, only in regards to this benchmark.

And (ta dah), the FreeBasic version compares very favorably with the C version, speed-wise. In fact, it was the second fastest processor that I tested.

Here is the FreeBasic version:

Code: Select all

    dim as integer accum = 0
    dim as integer count = 0
    while count < 1545
        dim as integer left_edge   = -420
        dim as integer right_edge  =  300
        dim as integer top_edge    =  300
        dim as integer bottom_edge = -300
        dim as integer x_step      =  7
        dim as integer y_step      =  15
        dim as integer max_iter    =  200

        dim as integer y0 = top_edge
        while y0 > bottom_edge
            dim as integer x0 = left_edge
            while x0 < right_edge
                dim as integer y = 0
                dim as integer x = 0
                dim as integer x_x = 0
                dim as integer y_y = 0
                dim as integer i = 0
                dim as integer the_char = 32
                while i < max_iter and x_x + y_y <= 800
                    x_x =    ((x * x) \ 200)
                    y_y =    ((y * y) \ 200)
                    if x_x + y_y > 800 then
                        the_char = 48 + i
                        if i > 9 then the_char = 64
                        dim as integer temp = x_x - y_y + x0
                        if (x < 0 and y > 0) or (x > 0 and y < 0) then
                            y = (-1 * ((-1 * x * y) \ 100)) + y0
                            y = (x * y \ 100) + y0
                        end if
                        x = temp
                    end if

                    i = i + 1
                accum = accum + the_char

                x0 = x0 + x_step

            y0 = y0 - y_step

        if count mod 300 = 0 then print accum

        count = count + 1
print accum
This is the output:

200574 60372774 120544974 180717174 240889374 301061574 309886830

This is a pretty intense integer benchmark!

Note this funky code:

Code: Select all

    if (x < 0 and y > 0) or (x > 0 and y < 0) then
        y = (-1 * ((-1 * x * y) \ 100)) + y0
        y = (x * y \ 100) + y0
    end if
It turns out that there is no consensus as to whether integer division, when one of the operands is negative, should round towards zero, negative infinity, or positive infinity.

Python and Ruby both round towards negative infinity. C rounds towards zero.

In order to get the same output from each language (to verify that each language was essentially computing the same thing and doing similar work), I had to figure out how to preclude one of the operands from being negative.

The code checks, and if either x or y is < 0 (but not both), then it multiplies by minus one to force positive division, and then by minus one again at the end to restore the sign.

Whats the purpose of this?

I enjoy fiddling with compilers/interpreters, especially those that are simple enough that I can understand. I also enjoy writing my own. I wanted to find out what makes some interpreters so much faster than others, and why are others so slow. Examining the source to some of these interpreters has helped me learn some of the reasons, and has helped to improve the speed of those I'm working on.

Here are the specs for my machine:

Windows 7, Service Pack 1, 64-bit
Intel Core i7-3720QM CPU @2.60GHz
16.0 GB (15.9 usable)

Below are the tests that I have run.

Integer operations benchmark (based on integer ascii Mandelbrot): (1545 iterations)

Must generate the following output using 1545 iterations of the code above/below:

200574 60372774 120544974 180717174 240889374 301061574 309886830

All times are in seconds.

Compilers or JIT

Code: Select all

gcc: C -O3 or -O2    1.00
FreeBasic v1.01x64   1.09
BCX                  1.12
Nim                  1.12
Java                 1.23
C#                   1.34
VisualBasic.Net      1.52
FreePascal -O3       1.92
gcc: C, no options   1.96
gcc: C -Os           2.38
Borland C            2.80
TinyC                3.23
euc -gcc -con        3.58
Oxygen basic         3.77
PowerBasic           4.03
NodeJS              10.23
QB64                32.43
Interpreters that compile to byte code or an AST

Code: Select all

pe             14.26
toy.bas        33.35  updated version of: QDepartment/Files/Ed-Davis-stuff/toy.bas
Euphoria       39.90
Pike           44.39
toy4.c         57.24  updated version of: QDepartment/Files/Ed-Davis-stuff/toy.c
Tinypas.c      58.97  Pascal-S converted to C
Ruby           60.25
tiny-c.c       65.96  updated version of:
calc3a         70.01  updated version of:
vspl           68.76
Lua            80.14
php            81.23
Wren           84.57
C4             97.80
UnderC        103
jwillia basic 109
hoc           140
NaaLaa        168
CInt          201
Python        274
Yabasic       278
hanson-calc   321
SpecBAS       358
Interpreters (not using a VM or AST)

Code: Select all

ChipMunkBasic  442
SmallBASIC     514
BBCBasic       531
ThinBasic      543
FBSL           551
CH             582
Scriba         618
SI            1020
LBB           1502
LittleC       2160
PicoC         2478
DDS           3033  modified version of:
my-basic      3302
MiniBASIC     5471
nuBASIC       8132
Selected notes

Code: Select all

FreeBasic     Screamingly fast!  Impressive!
TinyC         Very fast compiling compiler
euc -gcc -con Euphoria rocks!
Oxygen basic  Oxyben Basic rocks!
NodeJs        Server/desktop Javascript
pe            Micro Euphoria.  Fastest interpreter tested.
toy.bas       Updated version of a simple interpreter I wrote several years ago.
Pike          Neat C-like scripting language
toy4.c        Updated version of a simple interpreter I wrote several years ago.
Tinypas.c     I converted Pascal-S (famous pascal compiler/interpreter) to C.
Ruby          Ruby rocks!
tiny-c.c      I updated this, adding what was needed to run the benchmark.
calc3a        I updated this, adding what was needed to run the benchmark.
vspl          B-like programming language
Lua           Lua rocks!
php           php rocks!
c4            Neat C subset interpreter
UnderC        Almost full C and lots of C++ interpreter
jwillia basic Neat tiny Basic interpreter.
NaaLaa        NaaLaa rocks!
CInt          Full C interpreter
Python        Python rocks!
CH            Full C interpreter
SI            I updated this, adding what was needed to run the benchmark.
LBB           Liberty Basic Booster
LittleC       I updated this, adding what was needed to run the benchmark.
PicoC         Almost full C interpreter
DDS           I updated this, adding what was needed to run the benchmark.

Some take-aways:
  • FreeBasic is really fast.
  • If you are going to write an interpreter, and speed matters, compile to byte code or an AST.
  • Several well-known interpreters are surprisingly slow, in this case at least. In there defense, there may be other features that they offer that make up for the slowness in this instance.
Source code for selected languages

The C version:

Code: Select all

    #include <stdio.h>

    int main() {
      int left_edge, right_edge, top_edge, bottom_edge, max_iter,
        x_step, y_step, y0, x0, x, y, i, x_x, y_y, temp,
        the_char, accum, count;

      accum = 0;
      count = 0;
      while (count < 1545) {
        left_edge = -420;
        right_edge  =  300;
        top_edge  =  300;
        bottom_edge = -300;
        x_step    =  7;
        y_step    =  15;

        max_iter  =  200;

        y0 = top_edge;
        while (y0 > bottom_edge) {
          x0 = left_edge;
          while (x0 < right_edge) {
            y = 0;
            x = 0;
            the_char = 32;
            x_x = 0;
            y_y = 0;
            i = 0;
            while (i < max_iter && x_x + y_y <= 800) {
              x_x = (x * x) / 200;
              y_y = (y * y) / 200;
              if (x_x + y_y > 800 ) {
                the_char = 48 + i;
                if (i > 9) {
                  the_char = 64;
              } else {
                temp = x_x - y_y + x0;
                if ((x < 0 && y > 0) || (x > 0 && y < 0)) {
                  y = (-1 * ((-1 * (x * y)) / 100)) + y0;
                } else {
                  y = x * y / 100 + y0;
                x = temp;
              i = i + 1;
            accum = accum + the_char;
            x0 = x0 + x_step;
          y0 = y0 - y_step;
        if (count % 300 == 0) {
          printf("%d\n", accum);
        count = count + 1;
      printf("%d\n", accum);
      return 0;
The Java version:

Code: Select all

    class mandelbench {
      public static void main(String[] args) {

        int left_edge, right_edge, top_edge, bottom_edge, max_iter,
        x_step, y_step, y0, x0, x, y, i, x_x, y_y, temp, the_char,
        accum, count;

        accum = 0;
        count = 0;
        while (count < 1545) {
          left_edge = -420;
          right_edge  =  300;
          top_edge  =  300;
          bottom_edge = -300;
          x_step    =  7;
          y_step    =  15;

          max_iter  =  200;

          y0 = top_edge;
          while (y0 > bottom_edge) {
            x0 = left_edge;
            while (x0 < right_edge) {
              y = 0;
              x = 0;
              the_char = ' ';
              x_x = 0;
              y_y = 0;
              i = 0;
              while (i < max_iter && x_x + y_y <= 800) {
                x_x = (x * x) / 200;
                y_y = (y * y) / 200;
                if (x_x + y_y > 800) {
                  the_char = '0' + i;
                  if (i > 9) {
                    the_char = '@';
                } else {
                  temp = x_x - y_y + x0;
                  if ((x < 0 && y > 0) || (x > 0 && y < 0))
                    y = (-1 * (-1 * x * y) / 100) + y0;
                    y = x * y / 100 + y0;
                  x = temp;

                i = i + 1;
              accum = accum + the_char;

              x0 = x0 + x_step;
            y0 = y0 - y_step;
          if (count % 300 == 0)
            System.out.printf("%d ", accum);

          count = count + 1;

        System.out.printf("%d\n", accum);
The Euphoria version:

Code: Select all

    without type_check
    integer left_edge, right_edge, top_edge, bottom_edge, max_iter,
    x_step, y_step, y0, x0, x, y, i, x_x, y_y, temp, the_char, accum,

    accum = 0
    count = 0
    while count < 1545 do
      left_edge = -420
      right_edge  =  300
      top_edge  =  300
      bottom_edge = -300
      x_step    =  7
      y_step    =  15

      max_iter  =  200

      y0 = top_edge
      while y0 > bottom_edge do
        x0 = left_edge
        while x0 < right_edge do
          y = 0
          x = 0
          the_char = 32
          x_x = 0
          y_y = 0
          i = 0
          while i < max_iter and x_x + y_y <= 800 do
            x_x = floor((x * x) / 200)
            y_y = floor((y * y) / 200)
            if x_x + y_y > 800 then
              the_char = 48 + i
              if i > 9 then
                the_char = 64
              end if
              temp = x_x - y_y + x0
              if ((x < 0 and y > 0) or (x > 0 and y < 0)) then
                y = (-1 * floor((-1 * x * y) / 100)) + y0
                y = floor(x * y / 100) + y0
              end if
              x = temp
            end if

            i = i + 1
          end while
          accum = accum + the_char

          x0 = x0 + x_step
        end while

        y0 = y0 - y_step
      end while

      if remainder(count, 300) = 0 then
        printf(1, "%d ", accum)
      end if

      count = count + 1
    end while

    printf(1, "%d\n", accum)
The Ruby version:

Code: Select all

    accum = 0
    count = 0
    while count < 1545 do
      left_edge = -420
      right_edge  =  300
      top_edge  =  300
      bottom_edge = -300
      x_step    =  7
      y_step    =  15

      max_iter  =  200

      y0 = top_edge
      while y0 > bottom_edge do
        x0 = left_edge
        while x0 < right_edge do
          y = 0
          x = 0
          the_char = 32
          x_x = 0
          y_y = 0
          i = 0
          while i < max_iter and x_x + y_y <= 800 do
            x_x = (x * x) / 200
            y_y = (y * y) / 200
            if x_x + y_y > 800 then
              the_char = 48 + i
              if i > 9 then
                the_char = 64
              temp = x_x - y_y + x0
              if ((x < 0 and y > 0) or (x > 0 and y < 0)) then
                y = (-1 * ((-1 * x * y) / 100)) + y0
                y = (x * y / 100) + y0
              x = temp

            i = i + 1
          accum = accum + the_char

          x0 = x0 + x_step

        y0 = y0 - y_step

      if count % 300 == 0 then
        printf "%d ", accum

      count = count + 1

    puts accum
The Pascal version:

Code: Select all

    program mandel;

    var left_edge, right_edge, top_edge, bottom_edge, max_iter,
    x_step, y_step, y0, x0, x, y, i, x_x, y_y, temp, the_char, accum,

      accum := 0;

      count := 0;
      while count < 1545 do begin

        left_edge := -420;        { left edge = -2.1 }
        right_edge  :=  300;        { right edge = 1.5 }
        top_edge  :=  300;        { top edge = 1.5 }
        bottom_edge := -300;        { bottom edge = -1.5 }
        x_step    :=  7;          { x step size }
        y_step    :=  15;         { y step size }

        max_iter  := 200;         { max iteration depth }

        y0 := top_edge;
        while y0 > bottom_edge do begin     { y0 }
          x0 := left_edge;
          while x0 < right_edge do begin      { x0 }
            y := 0;               { y }
            x := 0;               { x }
            the_char := 32;           { char to be displayed }
            x_x := 0;
            y_y := 0;
            i := 0;
            while (i < max_iter) and (x_x + y_y <= 800) do begin  { iteration }
              x_x := (x * x) div 200;               { x*x }
              y_y := (y * y) div 200;               { y*y }
              if x_x + y_y >   800 then begin
                the_char := 48 + i;               { print digit 0...9 }
                if i > 9 then begin               { if iteration count > 9, }
                  the_char := 64;               {  print '@' }
              end else begin
                temp := x_x - y_y + x0;             { temp = x*x - y*y + x0 }
                if (((x < 0) and (y > 0)) or ((x > 0) and (y < 0))) then
                  y := (-1 * ((-1 * x * y) div 100)) + y0
                  y := (x * y div 100) + y0;          { y = 2*x*y + y0 }
                x := temp;                    { x = temp }

              i := i + 1;
            accum := accum + the_char;

            x0 := x0 + x_step;

          y0 := y0 - y_step;

        if count mod 300 = 0 then
          write(accum, ' ');

        count := count + 1;

The Lua version.

Code: Select all

    local left_edge, right_edge, top_edge, bottom_edge, max_iter, x_step, y_step, y0, x0, x,
    y, i, x_x, y_y, temp, the_char, accum, count

    accum = 0
    count = 0
    while count < 1545 do
      left_edge = -420
      right_edge  =  300
      top_edge  =  300
      bottom_edge = -300
      x_step    =  7
      y_step    =  15

      max_iter  =  200

      y0 = top_edge
      while y0 > bottom_edge do
        x0 = left_edge
        while x0 < right_edge do
          y = 0
          x = 0
          the_char = 32
          x_x = 0
          y_y = 0
          i = 0
          while i < max_iter and x_x + y_y <= 800 do
            x_x = math.floor((x * x) / 200)
            y_y = math.floor((y * y) / 200)
            if x_x + y_y > 800 then
              the_char = 48 + i
              if i > 9 then
                the_char = 64
              temp = x_x - y_y + x0
              if ((x < 0 and y > 0) or (x > 0 and y < 0)) then
                y = (-1 * math.floor((-1 * x * y) / 100)) + y0
                y = math.floor(x * y / 100) + y0
              x = temp

            i = i + 1
          accum = accum + the_char

          x0 = x0 + x_step

        y0 = y0 - y_step

      if count % 300 == 0 then

      count = count + 1

    print (pc)
The Python version.

Code: Select all

    accum = 0
    count = 0
    while count < 1545:
      left_edge = -420
      right_edge  =  300
      top_edge  =  300
      bottom_edge = -300
      x_step    =  7
      y_step    =  15

      max_iter  =  200

      y0 = top_edge
      while y0 > bottom_edge:
        x0 = left_edge
        while x0 < right_edge:
          y = 0
          x = 0
          the_char = 32
          x_x = 0
          y_y = 0
          i = 0
          while i < max_iter and x_x + y_y <= 800:
            x_x = int((x * x) / 200)
            y_y = int((y * y) / 200)
            if x_x + y_y > 800:
              the_char = 48 + i
              if i > 9:
                the_char = 64

              temp = x_x - y_y + x0
              if ((x < 0 and y > 0) or (x > 0 and y < 0)):
                y = (-1 * int((-1 * x * y) / 100)) + y0
                y = int(x * y / 100) + y0
              x = temp

            i = i + 1

          accum = accum + the_char

          x0 = x0 + x_step

        y0 = y0 - y_step

      if count % 300 == 0:

      count = count + 1

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Re: integer operations benchmark (or interpreter killer)

Post by fxm »

For FreeBASIC version:
- As you are using Windows 64-bit, I think that INTEGER defines a 64 bits integer number.
- Can you test it by using everywhere LONG (32 bits) instead of INTEGER?
Ed Davis
Posts: 37
Joined: Jul 28, 2008 23:24

Re: integer operations benchmark (or interpreter killer)

Post by Ed Davis »

fxm wrote:For FreeBASIC version:
- As you are using Windows 64-bit, I think that INTEGER defines a 64 bits integer number.
- Can you test it by using everywhere LONG (32 bits) instead of INTEGER?
1.37 seconds.

Interesting. I thought it would have been much closer to the 1.09 seconds of the INTEGER version.
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Re: integer operations benchmark (or interpreter killer)

Post by D.J.Peters »

For array indices i use in my current FreeBASIC project unsiged integers.

The native CPU data type is always faster than any other data types.

A 64 bit data type on 64 bit CPU can be transferred on the data bus without masking.

Vice versa a 64 bit data type on 32 bit CPU must be masked and/or shifted and transferred in two pieces.

So i would accept ~20% performance differences in both direction

64bit data on 32bit CPU/BUS or 32bit on 64bit CPU/BUS.

But this all, is only true if the compiler, virtual machine or interpreter knows what it does. :-)

bla bla bla.

However nice collection of benchmarks.

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Re: integer operations benchmark (or interpreter killer)

Post by dkl »

If using the 64bit version of FB, that means it's using the -gen gcc backend, and you can do fbc -O 2 to tell it to use gcc -O2, which should make it similar to the gcc benchmark with the same options.
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Location: Paris suburbs, FRANCE

Re: integer operations benchmark (or interpreter killer)

Post by fxm »

Because I was surprised by the score of 1.09 for FreeBASIC compared to 1 for C/gcc.
I think that for C/gcc, INT is a 32 bits long.
Thus, 1.37 (for FreeBASIC with LONG) must rather be compared to 1 (for C/gcc with INT).

And what about all the other results?
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Re: integer operations benchmark (or interpreter killer)

Post by caseih »

dkl wrote:If using the 64bit version of FB, that means it's using the -gen gcc backend, and you can do fbc -O 2 to tell it to use gcc -O2, which should make it similar to the gcc benchmark with the same options.
Yes I would think that the C code would be a nearly 1:1 translation by fbc, so the result should be statistically insignificant from the C-only version.

I'm pretty impressed by Java's results. I bet if you ran the test in a big loop, say 1000 times, the Java speed would come pretty near the C code speed, after the JIT has had a chance to analyze the execution paths.

On my 64-bit Linux machine here, with the -O2 optimization for both FB and C versions, the results are so close as to be identical, 1.3 s each, ran several times.

I also for kicks ran the Python version through PyPy JIT and was pretty impressed. The execution time was 14 seconds vs the interpreter which took at least 60 seconds. Not too shabby for a dynamic language.
Last edited by caseih on Apr 18, 2015 14:45, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: integer operations benchmark (or interpreter killer)

Post by marcov »

caseih wrote: I'm pretty impressed by Java's results. I bet if you ran the test in a big loop, say 1000 times, the Java speed would come pretty near the C code speed, after the JIT has had a chance to analyze the execution paths.
I wonder why that is surprising? It's all value types, and then the basic problem to the (JIT-) compiler is no different, except that the JIT compiler knows the exact CPU it runs on. Java could be FASTER than gcc. Though of course it is, as a JIT compiler, probably more reluctant to spend time in compiling/optimizing.
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Re: integer operations benchmark (or interpreter killer)

Post by caseih »

Well I never said I was surprised by Java's results (and in fact I was not at all surprised). Rather I was impressed. On my machine, when I turn the benchmark into a method and run it many times, the execution time comes within .1 s of the C version. Anyway, sort of interesting.
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Re: integer operations benchmark (or interpreter killer)

Post by dodicat »

If you use andalso instead of and
instead of or use orelse

Then the Freebasic code is a bit faster.

Or is that perhaps cheating?
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Re: integer operations benchmark (or interpreter killer)

Post by caseih »

Wait. Why would andalso be cheating, and how would it be faster than the C code? I realize that in normal FB code, the AND is bitwise, not logical, so it's not short-circuited. hence it will be slower. But in C, a logical and is short-circuited, so in the C version it's already as fast as it can be. ANDALSO would simply bring it to C equivalence, no?

I learn something new about FB a lot on this forum. I hadn't known about these operators and I always had found BASIC's lack of true logical operators to be a weak spot, which ANDALSO and ORELSE handily address. This brings up a question. Why would I not want to use ANDALSO or ORELSE in a logical expression? I can't think of any situation, unless I specifically need bitwise operations. Thoughts?
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Re: integer operations benchmark (or interpreter killer)

Post by dkl »

It takes a certain overhead to implement the short-curcuiting behaviour, so if that isn't needed and the rhs operand is fairly simple, then the bitwise operations may be faster. Although with -gen gcc -O 2 it may not matter anymore, gcc can probably solve out the overhead if it's unnecessary.
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