FlappyFB (single source... added NintendoDS Versions)

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FlappyFB (single source... added NintendoDS Versions)

Post by Mysoft »

ok, so i was lying around and decided to write a FreeBasic clone in FlappyBird...
oh wait.... no no, i mean a FlappyBird clone in FreeBasic!!

so the source for the "Single File" version...
that's all that is required after all :)

Btw this code is licenced with Mysoft Licence... which means you can do whatever you want, EXCEPT that by no means, this code or part of it, can be modified to include OOP, or can be included in projects using Object Oriented Programming

Code: Select all

#define fbc -s gui 

#include "crt.bi"
#include "fbgfx.bi"

const PI = atn(1)/45,PI128 = (atn(1)*4)/128
const ftBig = 0,ftSmall = 256,ftCenter = 512

enum ColorConstants
  cTrans   =  0
  cReady  : cReady2 : cOver   : cOver2   : cWall    : cWall2  : cWall3  : cWall4
  cWall5  : cWall6  : cWall7  : cWall8   : cFrame1  : cFrame2 : cFrame3 : cText
  cText2  : cBorder : cBlack  : cGray    : cWhite   : cRed 
  cMedal0 : cMedal1 : cMedal2 : cMedal3 
  cBirdA  : cBirdA1 : cBirdA2 : cBirdA3  : cBirdA4  : cBirdA5
  cBirdB  : cBirdB1 : cBirdB2 : cBirdB3  : cBirdB4  : cBirdB5 : cBirdB6
  cPipeA  : cPipeZ = cPipeA+47 ' ------------------------------------------------
  cSky    : cStars  : cClouds : cShadow1 : cShadow2 : cBuild1 : cBuild2 : cBuild3
  cLight1 : cLight2 : cGrass1 : cGrass2  
  CLast   : cOpaque  = 255
end enum
enum ActionConstants
  _NEXT   = -1  'advance to next Char (special meaning)  
  _ROUND  = -1  'Draw a filled Circle X,Y,RADIUS,COLOR   
  _ROUNDX = -2  'Draw a filled Circle X,Y,RADIUS,COLOR   
  _LINE   = -3  'Draws a horz filed line X,Y,XX,YY,COLOR 
  _BOX    = -4  'Draw a filled box X,Y,XX,YY (exclusive) 
  _ARC    = -5  'Draws an outlined partial circle X,Y,RADIUS,COLOR,START,END,RATIO?
  _AREA   = -6  'offsets to a clipping area X,Y,WID,HEI  
  _NOAREA = -7  'remove previous set clipping            
  _OFFSET = -8  'offsets to a point X,Y (or ID,Skips)    
  _BORDER = -9  'Borderize area with COLOR               
  _SHADOW = -10 'Cast Shadow on text COLOR,BACKGROUND    
  _LINE2  = -11 'Draws a horz filed line X,Y,XX,YY,COLOR 
  _PAINT  = -12 'Paint area at X,Y,COLOR,BORDER          
  _FINISH = -7  'Done Drawing... same as _NOAREA_ last!  
end enum
enum Graphics  
  #define _gClouds_    pGfx,(v(  0),v( 28))-(v( 64)-1,v( 46)-1)
  #define _gGetReady_  pGfx,(v(  0),v( 64))-(v( 92)-1,v( 88)-1)
  #define _gGameOver_  pGfx,(v(  0),v( 88))-(v( 96)-1,v(109)-1)
  #define _gShadows_   pGfx,(v( 64),v( 28))-(v( 96)-1,v( 46)-1)
  #define _gBuildings_ pGfx,(v( 96),v( 28))-(v(128)-1,v( 46)-1)
  #define _gBushes_    pGfx,(v(  0),v( 46))-(v( 64)-1,v( 64)-1)
  #define _gWall_      pGfx,(v(116),v( 46))-(v(128)-1,v( 58)-1)
  #define _gPipeDown_  pGfx,(v( 90),v( 46))-(v(116)-1,v( 58)-1)
  #define _gPipeUp_    pGfx,(v( 64),v( 46))-(v( 90)-1,v( 58)-1)
  #define _gPipeLine_  pGfx,(v( 80),v( 58))-(v(104)-1,v( 59)-1)
  #define _gPipeBody_  pGfx,(v(104),v( 58))-(v(128)-1,v( 70)-1)
  #define _gFrameLT_   pGfx,(v(104),v( 70))-(v(112)-1,v( 78)-1)
  #define _gFrameU_    pGfx,(v(112),v( 70))-(v(120)-1,v( 78)-1)
  #define _gFrameRT_   pGfx,(v(120),v( 70))-(v(128)-1,v( 78)-1)
  #define _gFrameL_    pGfx,(v(104),v( 78))-(v(112)-1,v( 86)-1)
  #define _gFrameR_    pGfx,(v(120),v( 78))-(v(128)-1,v( 86)-1)
  #define _gFrameLD_   pGfx,(v(104),v( 86))-(v(112)-1,v( 94)-1)
  #define _gFrameD_    pGfx,(v(112),v( 86))-(v(120)-1,v( 94)-1)
  #define _gFrameRD_   pGfx,(v(120),v( 86))-(v(128)-1,v( 94)-1)
  #define _gMedal_     pGfx,(v( 70),v( 18))-(v( 93)-1,v( 24)-1)
  #define _gScore_     pGfx,(v( 94),v( 18))-(v(116)-1,v( 24)-1)
  #define _gNew_       pGfx,(v(  0),v(109))-(v( 16)-1,v(116)-1)
  #define _gBest_      pGfx,(v(  0),v(116))-(v( 17)-1,v(122)-1)
  #define _gNoMedal_   pGfx,(v( 96),v( 94))-(v(118)-1,v(116)-1)
  #define _gTapLeft_   pGfx,(v( 21),v(109))-(v( 42)-1,v(118)-1)
  #define _gTapRight_  pGfx,(v( 17),v(109))-(v( 38)-1,v(118)-1)
  #define _gKeys_      pGfx,(v( 42),v(109))-(v( 61)-1,v(128)-1)
  #define _gSign_      pGfx,(v(  0),v(122))-(v(  9)-1,v(126)-1)
  #define _gArrowUp_   pGfx,(v( 17),v(118))-(v( 25)-1,v(125)-1)
end enum

#define w(_NN_) (((_NN_)+iOffsetX)*iScale)
#define h(_NN_) (((_NN_)+iOffsetY)*iScale)
#define v(_NN_) (((_NN_))*iScale)

dim shared as integer iScale=0,iDay=0,iDebug=0,iTime,iFocus=1,iNewScale
dim shared as fb.image ptr pGfx,pDither,pBirdA,pBirdB,pCollision
dim shared as integer ScrW,ScrH,iHZ,iBest
dim shared as integer AA=1,iFull=0,iDither=1,iSync=0,iShowCrash=0
dim shared as integer iOffsetX,iOffsetY,iWid,iHei
dim shared as integer iBirdX,iBirdY

function SetPalette(iDay as integer=-1,iMinuteOfDay as integer=0,iBird as integer=0) as integer
  function = 0
  ' Palette Constant
  palette cTrans  ,255,  0,  0 : palette cBorder , 88, 56, 72  
  palette cBlack  ,  8,  8,  8 : palette cWhite  ,248,248,248
  palette cReady  , 80,208, 80 : palette cReady2 ,  0,152, 72
  palette cOver   ,248,152, 88 : palette cOver2  ,224,104, 32
  palette cWall   ,224,248,136 : palette cWall2  ,152,224, 96
  palette cWall3  ,128,192, 56 : palette cWall4  ,120,184, 48
  palette cWall5  ,136,216, 80 : palette cWall6  , 88,128, 40
  palette cWall7  ,208,168, 80 : palette cWall8  ,216,216,144
  palette cFrame1 ,240,232,160 : palette cFrame2 ,216,208,152
  palette cFrame3 ,192,192,136 : palette cRed    ,240, 40,  8
  palette cText   ,248,128, 96 : palette cText2  ,240,232,160
  palette cGray   ,200,200,200
  select case (iBird and 255)
  case 0 'Blue
    palette cBirdA  , 64,152,192 : palette cBirdA1 , 80,184,232
    palette cBirdA2 , 88,200,240 : palette cBirdA3 ,216, 96, 24
    palette cBirdA4 ,200,216,192 : palette cBirdA5 ,240,240,240
  case 1 'Orange
    palette cBirdA  ,208,120, 48 : palette cBirdA1 ,240,168, 40
    palette cBirdA2 ,240,200,128 : palette cBirdA3 ,240, 56, 24
    palette cBirdA4 ,206,222,198 : palette cBirdA5 ,240,240,240  
  case 2 'Red
    palette cBirdA  ,206, 49, 16 : palette cBirdA1 ,247, 57, 24
    palette cBirdA2 ,247,115, 33 : palette cBirdA3 ,247,173, 71
    palette cBirdA4 ,206,222,198 : palette cBirdA5 ,240,240,240  
  end select  
  select case (iBird shr 8)
  case 0 'No Medal
    palette cBirdB  ,200,200,200 : palette cBirdB1 ,200,200,200
    palette cBirdB2 ,240,240,240 : palette cBirdB3 ,200,200,200
    palette cBirdB4 ,200,200,200 : palette cBirdB5 ,240,240,240
    palette cBirdB6 , 88, 56, 72 
    palette cMedal0 ,208,200,144 : palette cMedal1 ,208,200,144
    palette cMedal2 ,208,200,144 : palette cMedal3 ,208,200,144
  case 1 'Bronze Medal
    palette cBirdB  ,232,160, 72 : palette cBirdB1 ,240,176, 72
    palette cBirdB2 ,248,216,112 : palette cBirdB3 ,240,176, 72
    palette cBirdB4 ,232,160, 72 : palette cBirdB5 ,240,176, 72    
    palette cBirdB6 ,216,144, 72
    palette cMedal0 ,240,176, 72 : palette cMedal1 ,176,128, 56
    palette cMedal2 ,232,160, 72 : palette cMedal3 ,248,216,112
  case 2 'Silver Medal
    palette cBirdB  ,200,192,192 : palette cBirdB1 ,232,224,224
    palette cBirdB2 ,248,248,248 : palette cBirdB3 ,232,224,224
    palette cBirdB4 ,200,192,192 : palette cBirdB5 ,232,224,224
    palette cBirdB6 ,152,152,152
    palette cMedal0 ,232,224,224 : palette cMedal1 ,128,128,128
    palette cMedal2 ,200,192,192 : palette cMedal3 ,248,248,248
  case 3 'Gold Medal
    palette cBirdB  ,248,216,112 : palette cBirdB1 ,232,240,112
    palette cBirdB2 ,248,248,248 : palette cBirdB3 ,232,240,112
    palette cBirdB4 ,248,216,112 : palette cBirdB5 ,232,240,112
    palette cBirdB6 ,224,192, 96
    palette cMedal0 ,232,240,112 : palette cMedal1 ,184,160, 80
    palette cMedal2 ,248,216,112 : palette cMedal3 ,248,248,248
  case 4 'Platinum Medal
    palette cBirdB  ,232,232,232 : palette cBirdB1 ,248,248,248
    palette cBirdB2 ,248,248,248 : palette cBirdB3 ,248,248,248
    palette cBirdB4 ,232,232,232 : palette cBirdB5 ,248,248,248
    palette cBirdB6 ,208,200,200
    palette cMedal0 ,248,248,248 : palette cMedal1 ,128,128,128
    palette cMedal2 ,232,232,232 : palette cMedal3 ,248,248,248
  end select
  for CNT as integer = 0 to 47
    palette cPipeA+CNT,88+((224-88)/47)*CNT,128+((248-128)/47)*CNT,48+((144-48)/47)*CNT
  next CNT
  palette 255,32,64,128
  if iDay=-1 then
    dim as integer IR,IG,IB,IM=abs((iMinuteOfDay mod 1440)-720)
    iTime= IM
    static as integer iDo
    if iM<10 then
      iDo = 1
    elseif iM<20 then
      if iDo then iDo=0: function = 1        
    end if    
    #macro SetPal(_ATT_,_DR,_DG,_DB,_NR,_NG,_NB)
      IR = _DR+(((_NR-_DR)*IM)\720)
      IG = _DG+(((_NG-_DG)*IM)\720)
      IB = _DB+(((_NB-_DB)*IM)\720)
      palette _ATT_,IR,IG,IB
    SetPal( cSky     , 90,220,230 ,   6, 96,108 )
    var RR=0,GG=0,BB=0,R2=0,G2=0,B2=0
    palette get cSky,RR,GG,BB
    SetPal( cStars   , RR,GG,BB , 168,224,208 )    
    if IM < 256 then
      palette cStars,RR,GG,BB
      palette get cStars,R2,G2,B2
      SetPal( cStars   , RR,GG,BB , R2,G2,B2 )
    end if
    SetPal( cClouds  ,224,240,208 ,   6,132,144 )
    SetPal( cShadow1 ,216,232,200 ,   6,108,120 )
    SetPal( cShadow2 ,200,224,184 ,   6,108,110 )
    SetPal( cBuild1  ,200,224,184 ,   6, 96,108 )
    SetPal( cBuild2  ,168,216,184 ,   6, 96,108 )
    SetPal( cBuild3  ,144,208,200 ,   6, 96,108 )
    if IM > 330 then      
      palette cLight1 ,248,184,  8
      SetPal( cLight1  ,168,216,184 ,   4, 64, 72 )      
    end if
    if IM > 270 then     
      palette cLight2 ,248,184,  8
      SetPal( cLight2  ,168,216,184 ,   4, 64, 72 )      
    end if
    SetPal( cGrass1  , 96,192,120 ,   6,120,  6 )
    SetPal( cGrass2  , 88,216,112 ,   6,132,  6 )    
    if iDay then
      ' Palette Day
      palette cSky    , 72,176,184 : palette cStars  , 72,176,184 : palette cClouds ,224,240,208
      palette cShadow1,216,232,200 : palette cShadow2,208,232,192 : palette cBuild1 ,200,224,184
      palette cBuild2 ,168,216,184 : palette cBuild3 ,144,208,200 : palette cLight1 ,168,216,184
      palette cLight2 ,168,216,184 : palette cGrass1 , 96,192,120 : palette cGrass2 , 88,216,112
      ' Palette Night
      palette cSky    ,  8,128,144 : palette cStars  ,168,224,208 : palette cClouds ,  8,176,192
      palette cShadow1,  8,144,160 : palette cShadow2,  8,144,152 : palette cBuild1 ,  8,128,144
      palette cBuild2 ,  8,128,144 : palette cBuild3 ,  8,128,144 : palette cLight1 ,248,184,  8
      palette cLight2 ,248,184, 68 : palette cGrass1 ,  8,160,  8 : palette cGrass2 ,  8,176,  8
    end if
  end if
  if iDither then    
    dim as integer R,G,B,R2,G2,B2,iV=iHei\40
    if iV < 8 then iV=8 else if iV > 32 then iV = 32
    for CNT as integer = cTrans+1 to cLast-1    
      palette get CNT,R,G,B
      if R2>255 then R2=255 
      if G2>255 then G2=255
      if B2>255 then B2=255      
      if R<0 then R=0
      if G<0 then G=0
      if B<0 then B=0
      palette CNT,R,G,B
      palette CNT or 128,R2,G2,B2
    next CNT
  end if  
end function
sub DrawArc(pBuff as fb.image ptr,x0 as integer,y0 as integer,radius as integer,iColor as integer,fStartAng as single,fEndAng as single,iSz as integer=0)  
    const sTemp = csng(16384/(atn(1)*8))
    const iTabSize = 512 '~(Radius/1.4) usage
    static as short iAtnTab(iTabSize),iInitTable  
    if iInitTable=0 then
      iInitTable = 1
      for CNT as integer = 0 to iTabSize
        iAtnTab(CNT) = atn(CNT/.iTabSize)*sTemp
      next CNT
    end if
    dim as integer x=radius,y=0,radiusError=1-x
    dim as integer iStartAng = (fStartAng*sTemp) and 16383
    dim as integer iEndAng   = (fEndAng*sTemp) and 16383   
    var iW = pBuff->Width, iH = pBuff->Height,iPitch = pBuff->Pitch  
    var pBuffStart = cast(ubyte ptr,pBuff+1),iBuffSz=(iPitch*iH)  
    var pMidPix = pBuffStart+(y0*iPitch)+(x0)
    if iStartAng > iEndAng then iEndAng += 16384    
    #macro SetOctant(_N,_ANGS,_ANGE,_ALGO)
    if (iStartAng >= (_ANGS) and iEndAng <= (_ANGE)) orelse (iEndAng>= (_ANGS) and iStartAng <= (_ANGE)) then p##_N = _ALGO
    if (iStartAng >= (_ANGS+16384) and iEndAng <= (_ANGE+16384)) orelse (iEndAng>= (_ANGS+16384) and iStartAng <= (_ANGE+16384)) then p##_N = _ALGO  
    dim as ubyte ptr p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7
    SetOctant(0,14336,16383,pMidPix+(y*iPitch)+x) 'x0 + x , y0 + y
    SetOctant(1,12288,14335,pMidPix+(x*iPitch)+y) 'x0 + y , y0 + x
    SetOctant(2,10240,12887,pMidPix+(x*iPitch)-y) 'x0 - y , y0 + x
    SetOctant(3, 8192,10239,pMidPix+(y*iPitch)-x) 'x0 - x , y0 + y
    SetOctant(4, 6144, 8191,pMidPix-(y*iPitch)-x) 'x0 - x , y0 - y
    SetOctant(5, 4096, 6143,pMidPix-(x*iPitch)-y) 'x0 - y , y0 - x
    SetOctant(6, 2048, 4095,pMidPix-(x*iPitch)+y) 'x0 + y , y0 - x
    SetOctant(7,    0, 2047,pMidPix-(y*iPitch)+x) 'x0 + x , y0 - y
    #macro DoDrawArc()
      while x >= y    
        var i7 = iAtnTab((y*iTabSize)\x)    
        var i6=4095-i7,i5=i7+4096,i4=8192-i7,i3=i7+8192
        var i2=12288-i7,i1=i7+12288,i0=16383-i7
        if cuint(x0+x) < iW then : DrawPIxel(0) : DrawPIxel(7) : end if    
        if cuint(x0+y) < iW then : DrawPIxel(1) : DrawPIxel(6) : end if    
        if cuint(x0-x) < iW then : DrawPIxel(3) : DrawPIxel(4) : end if
        if cuint(x0-y) < iW then : DrawPIxel(2) : DrawPIxel(5) : end if
        y += 1: p0 += iPitch: p1 += 1: p2 -= 1: p3 += iPitch: 
        p4 -= iPitch: p5 -= 1: p6 += 1: p7 -= iPitch
        if (radiusError<0) then    
          radiusError += 2 * y + 1      
          x -= 1: p0 -= 1: p1 -= iPitch: p2 -= iPitch: p3 += 1
          p4 += 1: p5 += iPitch: p6 += iPitch: p7 -= 1
          radiusError += 2 * (y - x + 1)      
        end if    
  if iSz=0 then
    #macro DrawPixel(N) 
      if cuint(p##n-pBuffStart)<iBuffSz then 
        if i##N >= iStartAng and i##N <= iEndAng then *p##N = iColor
        if i##N >= (iStartAng-16384) and i##N <= (iEndAng-16384) then *p##N = iColor
      end if
    var iColor2 = iColor or (iColor shl 8)
    #macro DrawPixel(N) 
      if cuint(p##n-pBuffStart)<iBuffSz then 
        if i##N >= iStartAng and i##N <= iEndAng then *cptr(ushort ptr,p##N) = iColor2
        if i##N >= (iStartAng-16384) and i##N <= (iEndAng-16384) then *cptr(ushort ptr,p##N) = iColor2
      end if
  end if
end sub
sub CreateGraphics()
  var iOffsetX=0,iOffsetY=0
  if pGfx then ImageDestroy(pGfx):pGfx=0
  pGfx = ImageCreate(v(128),v(128))
  const cBk=cBlack,cWt=cWhite,cTr=cTrans  
  dim as integer iScaleB=(iScale+1)\2,iScaleC=iScaleB-1,iScaleD=(iScale\2)-1
  dim as short iN1(...) = { _ ' >>> Level Numbers <<<
    1,1,12,18,cBlack,0,0,11,17,cBlack,1,1,10,16,cWhite,5,5,6,12,cBlack,                  _NEXT, _  ' ** 0 **
    2,1, 8,18,cBlack,1,1, 7,17,cBlack,0,0, 7, 6,cBlack,1,1,6, 5,cWhite,2, 2, 6,16,cWhite,_NEXT, _  ' ** 1 **
    1,1,12,18,cBlack,0,0,11,17,cBlack,1,1,10,16,cWhite,0,5,6, 6,cBlack,5,11,10,12,cBlack,_NEXT, _  ' ** 2 **
    1,1,12,18,cBlack,0,0,11,17,cBlack,1,1,10,16,cWhite,0,5,6, 6,cBlack,0,11, 6,12,cBlack,_NEXT, _  ' ** 3 **
    6,1,12,18,cBk,0,0,11,14,cBk,1,1,10,16,cWt,1,13,6,17,cBk,1,15,5,17,cTr,5,1,6,9,cBk,   _NEXT, _  ' ** 4 **
    1,1,12,18,cBlack,0,0,11,17,cBlack,1,1,10,16,cWhite,5,5,10,6,cBlack,0,11, 6,12,cBlack,_NEXT, _  ' ** 5 **
    1,1,12,18,cBlack,0,0,11,17,cBlack,1,1,10,16,cWhite,5,5,10,6,cBlack,5,11, 6,12,cBlack,_NEXT, _  ' ** 6 **
    6,1,12,18,cBk,0,0,11,10,cBk,1,1,10,16,cWt,1, 9,6,17,cBk,1,11,5,17,cTr,5,5,6,9,cBk,   _NEXT, _  ' ** 7 **
    1,1,12,18,cBlack,0,0,11,17,cBlack,1,1,10,16,cWhite,5,5,6, 6,cBlack,5,11, 6,12,cBlack,_NEXT, _  ' ** 8 **
    1,1,12,18,cBlack,0,0,11,17,cBlack,1,1,10,16,cWhite,5,5,6, 6,cBlack,0,11, 6,12,cBlack    }      ' ** 9 **
  dim as short iN2(...) = { _ ' >>> Progress Status Numbers <<<
    0,0,7,10,cBlack,1,1,6, 9,cWhite,3,3,4,7,cBlack,                _NEXT, _  ' ** 0 **
    0,0,5, 4,cBlack,1,4,5,10,cBlack,1,1,4,3,cWhite,2,3,4,9,cWhite, _NEXT, _  ' ** 1 **
    0,0,7,10,cBlack,1,1,6, 9,cWhite,1,3,4,4,cBlack,3,6,6,7,cBlack, _NEXT, _  ' ** 2 **
    0,0,7,10,cBlack,1,1,6, 9,cWhite,1,3,4,4,cBlack,1,6,4,7,cBlack, _NEXT, _  ' ** 3 **
    0,0,7, 7,cBk,3,7,7,10,cBk,1,1,6,6,cWt,4,6,6,9,cWt,3,1,4,4,cBk, _NEXT, _  ' ** 4 **
    0,0,7,10,cBlack,1,1,6, 9,cWhite,3,3,6,4,cBlack,1,6,4,7,cBlack, _NEXT, _  ' ** 5 **
    0,0,7,10,cBlack,1,1,6, 9,cWhite,3,3,6,4,cBlack,3,6,4,7,cBlack, _NEXT, _  ' ** 6 **
    0,0,7, 4,cBlack,3,3,7,10,cBlack,1,1,6,3,cWhite,4,3,6,9,cWhite, _NEXT, _  ' ** 7 **
    0,0,7,10,cBlack,1,1,6, 9,cWhite,3,3,4,4,cBlack,3,6,4,7,cBlack, _NEXT, _  ' ** 8 **
    0,0,7,10,cBlack,1,1,6, 9,cWhite,3,3,4,4,cBlack,1,6,4,7,cBlack    }       ' ** 9 **
  dim as short iGX(...) = { _ ' >>> Other Objects <<<
    _AREA,0,28,64,18,_ROUND,10,13,11,cClouds,_ROUND,26,13,10,cClouds,           _ ' *** Cloud *****
      _ROUND,40,13,13,cClouds,_ROUND,58,15, 8,cClouds, _
    _NOAREA,_OFFSET,64,28,_BOX,0,16,32,18,cShadow1,_ROUND,4,5,4,cShadow1,       _ ' *** Shadows ***
      _BOX,4,1,9,16,cShadow1,_BOX,0,5,4,16,cShadow1,_BOX,1,10,3,17,cShadow2,      _  
      _BOX,3,5,8,17,cShadow2,_ROUND,5,6,3,cShadow2,_BOX,10,10,14,16,cShadow1,     _  
      _BOX,11,11,13,18,cShadow2,_ROUND,15,15,2,cShadow1,_BOX,15,0,17,16,cShadow1, _  
      _ROUND,18,5,2,cShadow2,_BOX,16,4,20,7,cShadow2,_BOX,18,8,22,11,cShadow2,    _
      _BOX,16,12,20,16,cShadow2,_BOX,23,6,29,12,cShadow1,_BOX,26,3,29,6,cShadow1, _
      _BOX,23,12,32,16,cShadow1,_BOX,24,8,27,12,cShadow2,_BOX,27,4,29,7,cShadow2, _
      _BOX,26,13,31,17,cShadow2, _
    _OFFSET,96,28,_BOX,0,9,27,18,cBuild1,_BOX,3,4,10,9,cBuild1,                 _ ' ** Buildings **
      _BOX, 0, 7, 3, 9,cBuild1,_BOX,11, 9,27, 6,cBuild1,_BOX,11, 4,23, 6,cBuild1, _
      _BOX,11, 2,20, 4,cBuild1,_BOX,15, 0,20, 2,cBuild1,_BOX, 7, 8, 8,11,cBuild2, _
      _BOX, 5,15, 8,16,cBuild2,_BOX, 8,10, 9,15,cBuild2,_BOX,10,10,11,15,cBuild2, _
      _BOX,13,15,14,16,cBuild2,_BOX,15,15,16,16,cBuild2,_BOX,17,15,18,16,cBuild2, _
      _BOX,20, 5,21,18,cBuild2,_BOX,22,15,23,17,cBuild2,_BOX,24,16,25,17,cBuild2, _
      _BOX, 3, 4,10, 5,cBuild3,_BOX, 3, 5, 4, 7,cBuild3,_BOX, 9, 5,10,11,cBuild3, _
      _BOX, 0, 7, 9, 8,cBuild3,_BOX, 0, 8, 1,18,cBuild3,_BOX, 6,11,11,12,cBuild3, _
      _BOX, 6,12, 7,18,cBuild3,_BOX,11, 3,12,18,cBuild3,_BOX,11, 2,16, 3,cBuild3, _
      _BOX,15, 1,16, 2,cBuild3,_BOX,15, 0,20, 1,cBuild3,_BOX,19, 1,20,18,cBuild3, _
      _BOX,20, 4,23, 5,cBuild3,_BOX,22, 5,23, 6,cBuild3,_BOX,20, 6,27, 7,cBuild3, _
      _BOX,26, 7,27,18,cBuild3,_BOX, 1, 9, 2,14,cLight1,_BOX, 3, 9, 4,14,cLight1, _
      _BOX, 5, 9, 6,14,cLight1,_BOX, 1,11, 6,12,cBuild1,_BOX, 5, 6, 6, 7,cLight2, _
      _BOX, 8, 5, 9, 7,cLight2,_BOX, 8, 8, 9,10,cLight2,_BOX, 8,11, 9,13,cLight2, _
      _BOX,17,12,18,13,cLight2,_BOX,24,15,25,16,cLight2,_BOX,13, 4,14,15,cLight1, _
      _BOX,15, 4,16,15,cLight1,_BOX,17, 4,18,15,cLight1,_BOX,13, 6,18, 7,cBuild1, _
      _BOX,13, 9,18,11,cBuild1,_BOX,13,13,18,14,cBuild1,_BOX,22, 9,23,14,cLight1, _
      _BOX,24, 9,25,14,cLight1,_BOX,22,11,25,12,cBuild1, _
    _AREA,0,46,64,18,_ROUND,19,7,7,cGrass1,_ROUND,19,7,6,cGrass2,               _ ' *** Bushes ****
      _ROUND,12, 7,7,cGrass1,_ROUND,12, 7,6,cGrass2,_ROUND,38, 7,7,cGrass1,_ROUND,38, 7,6,cGrass2, _
      _ROUND,60, 7,7,cGrass1,_ROUND,60, 7,6,cGrass2,_ROUND,53, 7,7,cGrass1,_ROUND,53, 7,6,cGrass2, _
      _ROUND, 0, 8,7,cGrass1,_ROUND, 0, 8,6,cGrass2,_ROUND,27, 9,7,cGrass1,_ROUND,27, 9,6,cGrass2, _
      _ROUND,47, 9,7,cGrass1,_ROUND,47, 9,6,cGrass2,_ROUND,63,10,7,cGrass1,_ROUND,63,10,6,cGrass2, _
      _ROUND, 0,10,7,cGrass1,_ROUND, 0,10,6,cGrass2,_ROUND, 8, 9,7,cGrass1,_ROUND, 8, 9,6,cGrass2, _
      _ROUND,20,12,7,cGrass1,_ROUND,20,12,6,cGrass2,_ROUND,38,12,7,cGrass1,_ROUND,38,12,6,cGrass2, _
      _ROUND,58,12,7,cGrass1,_ROUND,58,12,6,cGrass2,_BOX,0,9,64,18,cGrass2, _
    _AREA,0,64,96,24,_ROUND,4,4,2,cOpaque,_ROUNDX,4,16,2,cOpaque,0,-1,        _ ' ** [G]et Ready! **
      _BOX,6,5,11,15,cTrans,_BOX,4,2,11,5,cOpaque,_BOX,4,15,11,18,cOpaque,      _
      _BOX,2,4,6,16,cOpaque,_BOX,7,8,11,15,cOpaque,                             _
    _ROUND,16,8,4,cOpaque,_ROUNDX,17,8,4,cOpaque,-1,0,_BOX,12,8,17,16,cOpaque,_ ' ** G[e]t Ready! **
      _ROUNDX,14,16,2,cOpaque,0,-1,_BOX,14,16,17,18,cOpaque,                    _
      _BOX,16,8,17,12,cTrans,_BOX,17,8,21,14,cOpaque,                           _
    _BOX,24,2,28,16,cOpaque,_BOX,22,7,30,10,cOpaque,                          _ ' ** Ge[t] Ready! **
      _BOX,26,15,30,18,cOpaque,_ROUNDX,26,16,2,cOpaque,0,-1,                    _
    _BOX,36,2,40,18,cOpaque,_BOX,41,4,45,18,cOpaque,_BOX,40,2,43,16,cOpaque,  _ ' ** Get [R]eady! **
      _ROUNDX,43,4,2,cOpaque,-1,0,_BOX,40,5,41,10,cTr,_ROUNDX,47,14,3,cTr,-1,0, _
    _ROUND,50,8,4,cOpaque,_ROUNDX,51,8,4,cOpaque,-1,0,                        _ ' ** Get R[e]ady! **
      _BOX,46,8,51,16,cOpaque,_ROUNDX,48,16,2,cOpaque,0,-1,                     _    
      _BOX,48,16,51,18,cOpaque,_BOX,50,8,51,12,cTrans,_BOX,51,8,55,14,cOpaque,  _    
    _ROUND,60,10,4,cOpaque,_BOX,60,6,65,18,cOpaque,_BOX,58,14,65,18,cOpaque,  _ ' ** Get Re[a]dy! **
    _ROUND,68,9,2,cOpaque,_ROUNDX,68,16,2,cOpaque,0,-1,                       _ ' ** Get Rea[d]y! **
      _BOX,68,7,75,18,cOpaque,_BOX,66,9,70,16,cOpaque,_BOX,71,2,75,7,           _
      cOpaque,_BOX,71,2,75,7,cOpaque, _BOX,70,10,71,15,cTrans,                  _
    _ROUNDX,78,13,2,cOpaque,0,-1,_ROUNDX,83,19,2,cOpaque,-1,-1,               _ ' ** Get Read[y]! **
      _BOX,76,5,85,13,cOpaque,_BOX,78,12,85,15,cOpaque,                         _
      _BOX,81,15,85,19,cOpaque,_BOX,79,18,83,21,cOpaque,_BOX,80,5,81,12,cTrans, _
    _BOX,86,2,90,12,cOpaque,_BOX,86,15,90,18,cOpaque,_BORDER,cReady,          _ ' ** Get Ready[!] **
    _AREA,0,88,96,24,_ROUND,4,4,2,cOpaque,_ROUNDX,4,16,2,cOpaque,0,-1,        _ ' #### [G]ame Over ####
      _BOX,6,5,11,15,cTrans,_BOX,4,2,11,5,cOpaque,_BOX,4,15,11,18,cOpaque,      _
      _BOX,2,4,6,16,cOpaque,_BOX,7,8,11,15,cOpaque,                             _
    _ROUND,16,10,4,cOpaque,_BOX,16,6,21,18,cOpaque,_BOX,14,14,21,18,cOpaque,  _ ' #### G[a]me Over ####
    _ROUNDX,33,10,4,cOpaque,-1,0,_BOX,22,6,34,18,cOpaque,                     _ ' #### Ga[m]e Over ####
      _BOX,34,9,37,18,cOpaque,_BOX,26,10,27,18,cTrans,_BOX,32,10,33,18,cTrans,  _
    _ROUND,42,8,4,cOpaque,_ROUNDX,43,8,4,cOpaque,-1,0,                        _ ' #### Gam[e] Over ####
      _BOX,38,8,43,16,cOpaque,_ROUNDX,40,16,2,cOpaque,0,-1,                     _    
      _BOX,40,16,43,18,cOpaque,_BOX,42,8,43,12,cTrans,_BOX,43,8,47,14,cOpaque,  _
    _ROUND,58,4,2,cOpaque,_ROUNDX,63,16,2,cOpaque,-1,-1,                      _ ' #### Game [O]ver ####
      _ROUNDX,58,16,2,cOpaque,0,-1,_ROUNDX,63,4,2,cOpaque,-1,0,                 _
      _BOX,58,2,63,18,cOpaque,_BOX,56,4,65,16,cOpaque,_BOX,60,5,61,15,cTrans,   _ 
    _BOX,66,6,75,18,cOpaque,_ROUND,88,31,22,cTrans,_BOX,70,6,71,15,cTrans,    _ ' #### Game O[v]er ####
    _ROUND,80,8,4,cOpaque,_ROUNDX,81,8,4,cOpaque,-1,0,                        _ ' #### Game Ov[e]r ####
      _BOX,76,8,81,16,cOpaque,_ROUNDX,78,16,2,cOpaque,0,-1,                     _    
      _BOX,78,16,81,18,cOpaque,_BOX,80,8,81,12,cTrans,_BOX,81,8,85,14,cOpaque,  _    
    _ROUND,90,10,4,cOpaque,_BOX,90,9,95,18,cTrans,                            _ ' #### Game Ove[r] ####
      _BOX,89,6,94,10,cOpaque,_BOX,86,10,90,18,cOpaque,_BORDER,cOver,           _
    _OFFSET,64,46,_BOX,0,0,26,12,cBorder,_BOX,1,1,25,11,cWall6,               _ ' ** Pipe Down **
    _OFFSET,90,46,_BOX,0,0,26,12,cBorder,_BOX,1,1,25,11,cWall6,               _ ' **  Pipe Up  **
    _OFFSET,80,58,_BOX,0,0,24,1,cBorder,_BOX,1,0,23,1,cWall6,                 _ ' ** Pipe Line **
    _OFFSET,104,58,_BOX,0,0,24,12,cBorder,_BOX,1,0,23,12,cWall6,              _ ' ** Pipe Body **
    _OFFSET,116,46,_BOX,0,0,12,1,cBorder,_BOX,0,1,12,2,cWall,                 _ ' ** Wall Main **
      _BOX,0,2,12,9,cWall2,_BOX,0,9,12,10,cWall6,                               _
      _BOX,0,10,12,11,cWall7,_BOX,0,11,12,12,cWall8,                            _ 
    _AREA,104,70,24,24,_ROUND,7,7,7,cBorder,_ROUNDX,17,7,7,cBorder,-1,0,      _ ' ** Dialog Frame **
      _ROUNDX,7,17,7,cBorder,0,-1,_ROUNDX,17,17,7,cBorder,-1,-1,                _
      _ROUND,8,8,7,cFrame1,_ROUNDX,16,8,7,cFrame1,-1,0,_ROUNDX,8,16,7,cFrame3,0,-1, _
      _ROUNDX,16,16,7,cFrame3,-1,-1,_ROUNDX,9,9,8,cFrame2,1,0,_ROUNDX,15,9,8,cFrame2,-2,0, _
      _ROUNDX,9,15,8,cFrame2,0,-2,_ROUNDX,15,15,8,cFrame2,-2,-1,_BOX,7,0,17,24,cBorder, _
      _BOX,0,7,24,17,cBorder,_BOX,7,1,17,2,cFrame1,_BOX,7,22,17,2,cFrame1, _    
      _BOX,7,2,17,22,cFrame2,_BOX,1,7,23,17,cFrame2,_BOX,7,22,17,23,cFrame3, _
      _ROUNDX,9,9,8,cFrame2,0,1,_ROUNDX,12,9,8,cFrame2,0,1,_ROUNDX,15,9,8,cFrame2,-1,1, _
      _ROUNDX,9,15,8,cFrame2,0,-2,_ROUNDX,12,15,8,cFrame2,0,-2,_ROUNDX,15,15,8,cFrame2,-1,-2, _
    _AREA,70,18,24,6,_BOX,0,0,1,5,cOpaque,_LINE,0,0,2,3,cOpaque,                         _ '[M]EDAL
      _LINE,2,3,4,0,cOpaque,_BOX,4,0,5,5,cOpaque,                                          _
    _BOX,6,0,7,5,cOpaque,_BOX,7,0,9,1,cOpaque,_BOX,7,2,9,3,cOpaque,_BOX,7,4,9,5,cOpaque, _ 'M[E]DAL
    _ROUNDX,12,2,2,cOpaque,-1,0,_ROUNDX,12,3,2,cOpaque,-1,-1,_ROUNDX,12,2,1,cTrans,-1,0, _ 'ME[D]AL
      _ROUNDX,12,3,1,cTrans,-1,-1,_BOX,13,2,14,3,cOpaque,_BOX,9,0,12,5,cTrans,             _
      _BOX,10,0,11,5,cOpaque,_BOX,10,0,12,1,cOpaque,_BOX,10,4,12,5,cOpaque,                _    
    _LINE,16,0,15,2,cOpaque,_LINE,17,0,18,2,cOpaque,_BOX,15,2,16,5,cOpaque,              _ 'MED[A]L
      _BOX,16,0,18,1,cOpaque,_BOX,18,2,19,5,cOpaque,_BOX,15,3,19,4,cOpaque,              _
    _BOX,20,0,21,5,cOpaque,_BOX,20,4,23,5,cOpaque,_SHADOW,cText,cFrame2,                 _ 'MEDA[L]
    _AREA,94,18,22,6,_BOX,1,0,4,1,cOpaque,_LINE,0,1,1,0,cOpaque,                 _ '[S]CORE
      _LINE,0,1,3,4,cOpaque,_BOX,0,4,3,5,cOpaque,_LINE,3,4,2,5,cOpaque,            _    
    _ROUND,7,2,2,cOpaque,_ROUNDX,7,3,2,cOpaque,0,-1,_ROUND,7,2,1,cTrans,         _ 'S[C]ORE
      _ROUNDX,7,3,1,cTrans,0,-1,_BOX,7,0,10,5,cTrans,_BOX,7,0,8,1,cOpaque,         _
      _BOX,7,4,8,5,cOpaque,_ROUNDX,7,2,-1,cTrans,0,1,_ROUNDX,7,3,-1,cTrans,0,-2,   _
    _ROUND,11,2,2,cOpaque,_ROUNDX,11,3,2,cOpaque,0,-1,                           _ 'SC[O]RE
      _ROUND,11,2,1,cTrans,_ROUNDX,11,3,1,cTrans,0,-1,                             _
      _ROUNDX,11,2,-1,cTrans,0,1,_ROUNDX,11,3,-1,cTrans,0,-2,                      _
    _ROUND,16,2,2,cOpaque,_ROUND,16,2,1,cTrans,_BOX,14,5,18,6,cTrans,            _ 'SCO[R]E
      _BOX,14,0,16,5,cTrans,_BOX,14,0,15,5,cOpaque,_BOX,14,0,17,1,cOpaque,       _
      _BOX,14,3,17,4,cOpaque,_LINE,16,3,17,5,cOpaque,                            _
    _BOX,19,0,20,5,cOpaque,_BOX,20,0,22,1,cOpaque,                               _ 'SCOR[E]
      _BOX,20,2,22,3,cOpaque,_BOX,20,4,22,5,cOpaque,_SHADOW,cText,cFrame2,       _
    _OFFSET,0,109,_BOX,0,0,16,7,cRed,_BOX,1,1,2,6,cWhite,_BOX,4,1,5,6,cWhite,    _ 'NEW
      _LINE,1,1,4,5,cWhite,_BOX,6,1,9,6,cWhite,_BOX,7,2,9,3,cRed, _
      _BOX,7,4,9,5,cRed,_BOX,10,1,11,6,cWhite,_BOX,14,1,15,6,cWhite, _
      _LINE,12,2,10,6,cWhite,_LINE,12,2,14,6,cWhite, _
    _AREA,0,116,17,6,_ROUNDX,2,1,2,cOpaque,-1,0,_ROUNDX,2,1,1,cTrans,-1,0,  _ '[B]EST
      _ROUNDX,2,3,2,cOpaque,-1,0,_ROUNDX,2,3,1,cTrans,-1,0,                 _    
      _BOX,0,0,3,6,cTrans,_BOX,0,0,1,5,cOpaque, _BOX,0,0,3,1,cOpaque,       _
      _BOX,0,4,3,5,cOpaque,_BOX,0,2,3,3,cOpaque,                            _
    _BOX,5,0,8,5,cOpaque,_BOX,6,1,8,2,cTrans,_BOX,6,3,8,4,cTrans,           _ 'B[E]ST
    _BOX,10,0,13,1,cOpaque,_LINE,9,1,10,0,cOpaque,_LINE,9,1,12,4,cOpaque,   _ 'BE[S]T
      _BOX,9,4,12,5,cOpaque,_LINE,12,4,11,5,cOpaque,                        _
    _BOX,14,0,17,1,cOpaque,_BOX,15,1,16,5,cOpaque,_SHADOW,cText,cFrame2,    _ 'BES[T]
    _OFFSET,96,94,_BOX,0,0,22,22,cFrame2,_ROUND,11,11,10,cFrame1,           _ 'Medal
      _ROUND,11,10,10,cMedal1,_ROUND,11,10,9,cMedal0, _
      _ARC,11,10,9,cMedal3,16,111,_ARC,11,10,9,cMedal2,144,239,  _
    _AREA,17,109,25,9,_BOX,1,1,24,8,cRed,_BOX,0,4,25,5,cRed,             _ ' Tap's Frame
      _BOX,4,0,21,9,cWhite,_BOX,5,1,20,8,cRed,_ROUNDX,0,0,3,cTrans,0,-1, _
      _ROUNDX,0,9,3,cTrans,0,-1,_LINE,-1,5,4,0,cWhite,_LINE,-1,4,4,9,cWhite,   _
      _ROUNDX,25,0,3,cTrans,-1,-1,_ROUNDX,25,9,3,cTrans,-1,-1,           _
      _LINE,25,5,20,0,cWhite,_LINE,25,4,20,9,cWhite,                     _
    _BOX,6,2,9,3,cWhite, _BOX,7,3,8,7,cWhite,                            _ '[T]AP
    _LINE,11,2,10,4,cWhite,_LINE,12,2,13,4,cWhite,_BOX,10,4,11,7,cWhite, _ 'T[A]P
      _BOX,11,2,13,3,cWhite,_BOX,13,4,14,7,cWhite,_BOX,10,5,14,6,cWhite, _
    _ROUND,17,4,2,cWhite,_ROUND,17,4,1,cRed,_BOX,15,7,19,8,cRed,         _ 'TA[P]
      _BOX,15,2,17,7,cRed,_BOX,15,2,16,7,cWhite,_BOX,16,6,18,7,cRed,     _
      _BOX,15,2,18,3,cWhite,_BOX,15,5,18,6,cWhite,                       _
    _NOAREA,_OFFSET,42,109,_BOX,6,0,13,19,cBlack,_BOX,0,6,19,13,cBlack,  _ 'Keys 19x919
      _BOX,6,0,12,7,cGray,_BOX,0,6,7,12,cGray,_BOX,7,1,12,18,cBorder,    _
      _BOX,1,7,18,12,cBorder,_BOX,9,2,10,5,cGray,_BOX,14,9,17,10,cGray,  _
      _BOX,9,14,10,17,cGray, _BOX,2,9,5,10,cGray,                        _
    _OFFSET,0,122,_LINE,1,3,0,2,cBorder,_BOX,4,0,5,2,cBorder,_LINE,7,3,8,2,cBorder, _ 'Indicator Sign
    _AREA,17,118,8,7,_BOX,0,4,8,5,cBorder,_BOX,1,0,7,4,cWhite, _ 'Arrow UP 
      _ROUNDX,1,0,3,cTrans,-1,-1,_ROUNDX,7,0,3,cTrans,1,-1,    _
      _LINE2,4,0,0,4,cBorder,_LINE2,4,0,8,4,cBorder,           _
      _BOX,1,4,7,7,cBorder,_BOX,2,4,6,6,cWhite,                _
    _FINISH }    
  rem ========================================================================================================
  scope ' ****** Numbers BIG *********
    iOffsetX = 0: iOffsetY = 0
    for CNT as integer = 0 to ubound(iN1)-1 step 5
      if iN1(CNT)=-1 then iOffsetX += 12: CNT += 1  
      line pGfx,(w(iN1(CNT)),h(iN1(CNT+1)))-(w(iN1(CNT+2))-1,h(iN1(CNT+3))-1),iN1(CNT+4),bf
    next CNT  
  end scope  
  scope ' ******* Numbers Small ********
    iOffsetX = 0: iOffsetY = 18
    for CNT as integer = 0 to ubound(iN2)-1 step 5
      if iN2(CNT)=-1 then iOffsetX += 7: CNT += 1  
      line pGfx,(w(iN2(CNT)),h(iN2(CNT+1)))-(w(iN2(CNT+2))-1,h(iN2(CNT+3))-1),iN2(CNT+4),bf
    next CNT
  end scope
  scope ' ***** Generic other graphics *****
    var iOffsetX = 0,iOffsetY = 0,CNT=0
    var iAreaX=0,iAreaY=0,iAreaW=0,iAreaH=0
    dim as fb.image ptr pArea=0,pTemp=pGfx
    #define P(_N_) iGX(CNT+(_N_))
      select case P(0)
      case _ROUND  'Draw a filled Circle X,Y,RADIUS,COLOR    
        if P(3)>=0 or iScale>1 then
          circle pTemp,(w(P(1)),h(P(2))),abs(v(P(3))),P(4),,,,f
        end if
        CNT += 5
      case _ROUNDX 'Draw a filled Circle X,Y,RADIUS,COLOR   
        if P(3)>=0 or iScale>1 then
          circle pTemp,(w(P(1))+P(5),h(P(2))+P(6)),abs(v(P(3))),P(4),,,,f
        end if
        CNT += 7 
      case _LINE   'Draws a horz filed line X,Y,XX,YY,COLOR 
        for X as integer = 0 to v(1)-1
          line pTemp,(w(P(1))+X,h(P(2)))-(w(P(3))+X,h(P(4))-1),P(5)
        next X
        CNT += 6
      case _LINE2  'Draws a horz filed line X,Y,XX,YY,COLOR 
        for Y as integer = 0 to v(1)-1
          line pTemp,(w(P(1)),h(P(2))+Y)-(w(P(3)),h(P(4))+Y),P(5)
        next Y
        CNT += 6
      case _BOX    'Draw a filled box X,Y,XX,YY (exclusive) 
        line pTemp,(w(P(1)),h(P(2)))-(w(P(3))-1,h(P(4))-1),P(5),bf
        CNT += 6
      case _ARC    'Draws an outlined partial circle X,Y,RADIUS,COLOR,START,END
        P(5) and= 255: P(6) and= 255
        var fAngS = csng(P(5)*PI128),fAngE = csng((P(6)+.5)*PI128)        
        if iScale=1 then          
          for iSz as single = -iScaleB to -1 step 1            
          next ISz          
        end if
        CNT += 7
      case _AREA   'offsets to a clipping area X,Y,WID,HEI  
        if pArea then 
          put pGfx,(iAreaX,iAreaY),pArea,pset
        end if        
        iAreaX = v(P(1)): iAreaY = v(P(2))
        iAreaW = v(P(3)): iAreaH = v(P(4))
        pArea = ImageCreate( iAreaW , iAreaH )
        put pArea,(-iAreaX,-iAreaY),pGfx,pset
        CNT += 5: continue do
      case _NOAREA 'remove previous set clipping            
        if pArea then 
          put pGfx,(iAreaX,iAreaY),pArea,pset
        end if
        iOffsetX=0:iOffsetY=0:pTemp=pGfx:CNT += 1
        if CNT > ubound(iGX) then exit do else continue do
      case _OFFSET 'offsets to a point X,Y                  
        CNT += 3: continue do
      case _BORDER 'Borderize aera with COLOR               
        dim as fb.image ptr pBorder = ImageCreate(iAreaW,iAreaH,cBorder)        
        put pBorder,(0,0),pTemp,and
        for Z as integer = 0 to 1
          if Z = 1 then line pBorder,(0,0)-(iAreaW,iAreaH),cWhite,bf:put pBorder,(0,0),pTemp,and
          for iY as integer = -2+Z to 3-Z
            for iX as integer = -2+Z to 2-Z
              put pGfx,(iAreaX+v(iX),iAreaY+v(iY)),pBorder,trans              
            next iX
          next iY
        next Z
        line pBorder,(0,0)-(iAreaW,iAreaH),P(1)+1,bf:put pBorder,(0,0),pTemp,and
        put pGfx,(iAreaX,iAreaY+v(1)),pBorder,trans        
        line pBorder,(0,0)-(iAreaW,iAreaH),P(1),bf:put pBorder,(0,0),pTemp,and
        put pGfx,(iAreaX,iAreaY),pBorder,trans        
        iOffsetX=0:iOffsetY=0:pTemp=pGfx:CNT += 2
      case _SHADOW 'Cast Shadow on text COLOR,BACKGROUND    
        dim as fb.image ptr pBorder = ImageCreate(iAreaW,iAreaH,P(1)+1)        
        line pGfx,(iAreaX,iAreaY)-(iAreaX+iAreaW-1,iAreaY+iAreaH-1),P(2),bf        
        put pBorder,(0,0),pTemp,and
        put pGfx,(iAreaX,iAreaY+v(1)),pBorder,trans        
        line pBorder,(0,0)-(iAreaW,iAreaH),P(1),bf:put pBorder,(0,0),pTemp,and
        put pGfx,(iAreaX,iAreaY),pBorder,trans        
        iOffsetX=0:iOffsetY=0:pTemp=pGfx:CNT += 3
      end select      
      if iDebug andalso pArea then put pGfx,(iAreaX,iAreaY),pArea,pset
  end scope
  scope ' ******* Diagonal Lines *******
    iOffsetX = 116: iOffsetY = 46
    for CNT as integer = 0 to v(1)-1
      line pGfx,(w(6)+CNT,h(2))-(w(0)+CNT,h(9)-1),cWall3
      line pGfx,(w(12)+CNT,h(2))-(w(6)+CNT,h(9)-1),cWall5
    next CNT
    for CNT as integer = 0 to v(5)-1
      line pGfx,(w(7)+CNT,h(2))-(w(1)+CNT,h(9)-1),cWall4
    next CNT    
  end scope
  scope ' ********* Pipes **********
    var fMul = (PI*90)/v(22),fMulB = (PI*90)/v(16)
    for CNT as integer = 0 to v(22)-1
      line pGfx,(w(1)+CNT,h(2))-(w(1)+CNT,h(10)-1),cPipeZ-abs(cos(fMul*((v(24)-1)-CNT)))*47
      line pGfx,(w(1)+CNT,h(1))-(w(1)+CNT,h(2)-1),cPipeA+abs(cos(fMul*((v(24)-1)-CNT)+PI*80))*34
      line pGfx,(w(1)+CNT,h(2))-(w(1)+CNT,h(10)-1),cPipeZ-abs(cos(fMul*((v(24)-1)-CNT)))*47
      line pGfx,(w(1)+CNT,h(10))-(w(1)+CNT,h(11)-1),cPipeA+abs(cos(fMul*((v(24)-1)-CNT)+PI*80))*34
    next CNT
    for CNT as integer = 0 to v(22)-1
      line pGfx,(w(1)+CNT,h(0))-(w(1)+CNT,h(12)-1),cPipeZ-abs(cos(fMulB*((v(24)-1)-CNT)))*47
    next CNT      
  end scope
end sub
sub DrawNumber(iNumber as integer,iX as integer,iY as integer,iFormat as integer=0)
  var sText = iNumber & "",iSz=0,iBg=(iFormat and 255)
  dim as integer iSA=any,iSB=any,iPY=any,iSY=any
  if (iFormat and ftSmall) then 
  end if
  if (iFormat and ftCenter) then    
    for CNT as integer = 0 to len(sText)-1
      select case sText[CNT]
      case asc("0"),asc("2") to asc("9"): iSz += iSA
      case else: iSz += iSB
      end select
    next CNT
    iX -= iSz\2
  end if
  for CNT as integer = 0 to len(sText)-1
    select case sText[CNT]
    case asc("0"),asc("2") to asc("9")
      var iPX = (sText[CNT]-asc("0"))*iSA
      if iBg then line(iX,iY)-(v(1)+iX+iSA-1,iY+iSY-1),iBg,bf
      iX += iSA+v(1): if iX > ScrW then exit sub
    case asc("1")      
      if iBg then line(iX,iY)-(v(1)+iX+iSA-1,iY+iSY-1),iBg,bf
      iX += iSB+v(1): if iX > ScrW then exit sub
    case else
      if iBg then line(iX,iY)-(v(1)+iX+iSA-1,iY+iSY-1),iBg,bf
      iX += iSB+v(1)
    end select
  next CNT
end sub
sub DrawBird(iPX as integer,iPY as integer,iAngle as integer,iWing as integer,iColor as integer,pTarget as fb.image ptr=0)
  static as integer iBird(...) = { _
    _ROUND,11,3,1,4,_ROUND,9,8,5,3,_ROUND,8,35,25,2,_ROUND,15,5,3,7,           _ 'Bird Main
      _ARC,10,5,8,1,145,204,_ARC,11,10,8,1,50,123,_ARC,12,7,5,1,246,63,        _
      _ARC,11,10,7,4,61,104,_ARC,18,9,1,1,173,24,_ROUND,14,10,1,5,             _
      _ROUND,15,10,1,5,_ROUND,16,10,1,5,_ROUND,17,10,1,5,_ARC,18,10,1,5,14,82, _
      _ARC,14,5,3,1,75,207,_ARC,17,30,22,1,66,72,_ARC,14,30,22,1,53,64,        _
      _ARC,15,5,7,1,171,204,_ARC,17,-12,22,1,182,191,_ARC,16,3,7,1,194,214,    _
      _ARC,14,-12,22,1,194,203,_ARC,14,11,3,1,74,119,_ARC,14,9,3,1,144,189,    _
      _ARC,16,10,2,1,177,9,_ARC,13,10,1,5,39,216,_ARC,15,5,3,6,122,161,        _
      _ARC,14,5,3,1,75,207,_ARC,12,6,3,1,250,22,_ARC,11,11,2,1,183,238,        _
      _PAINT,15,14,0,1,_PAINT,4,12,0,1,_ROUND,-1,8,3,0,                        _
    _OFFSET,0,41,_ROUNDX,6,7,2,7,_ARC,6,6,3,4,151,238,_ARC,6,7,3,1,177,255,    _ 'Bird Wing 0
      _ARC,6,8,3,1,11,76,_ARC,6,7,3,1,116,191,_ARC,5,7,2,1,61,145,_FINISH,     _
    _OFFSET,1,72,_ROUND,5,8,1,7,_ROUNDX,7,8,1,7,_ROUND,6,9,1,7,                _ 'Bird Wing 1
      _ARC,6,7,3,4,146,176,_ARC,6,7,3,4,210,240,_ARC,7,7,3,1,184,237,          _
      _ARC,7,10,3,1,20,73,_ARC,5,10,3,1,56,109,_ARC,5,7,3,1,145,198,           _
      _ARC,6,7,3,1,180,203,_ARC,6,10,3,1,52,75,_FINISH,                        _
    _OFFSET,2,65,_ROUNDX,5,10,2,7,_ROUNDX,6,9,1,7,_ROUNDX,7,10,1,7,            _ 'Bird Wing 2
      _ARC,6,12,4,4,29,48,_ARC,2,8,2,4,213,252,_ARC,7,13,2,4,59,98,            _
      _ARC,7,11,3,1,30,69,_ARC,6,10,3,1,91,160,_ARC,6,19,11,1,56,72,           _
      _ARC,4,6,6,1,190,237,_FINISH }
  rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  static as integer iInit,iPivX,iPivY,iScaleB,iScaleC,iScaleD
  static as integer iOldAngA=-2^29,iOldAngB=-2^29,iOldWingA=-1,iOldWingB=-1
  static as integer ptr piLastAng,piLastWing
  static as fb.image ptr pBird
  const fpBits=16,fpMul=1 shl fpBits,PImul=csng((atn(1)*4)/(256\2))
  #define fBird(_N) *cptr(single ptr,@iBird(_N))
  'Initialize and convert array x,y to ang,dist 
  if iInit=0 then 
    iInit = 1: iScaleB = (iScale+1)\2:iScaleC=iScaleB-1:iScaleD=(iScale\2)-1
    iPivX = 7*iScale+iScaleB: iPivY = (8+2)*iScale+iScaleB    
    for CNT as integer = 0 to ubound(iBird)      
      if iBird(CNT) = _OFFSET then CNT += 2: continue for
      if iBird(CNT) = _FINISH then continue for
      var iX = cint(iBird(CNT+1)*iScale)+iScaleB
      var iY = cint((iBird(CNT+2)+2)*iScale)+iScaleB
      #ifdef UseFloats
        fBird(CNT+1) = atan2(iY-iPivY,iX-iPivX)
        fBird(CNT+2) = sqr(((iY-ipivY)*(iY-iPivY))+((iX-iPivX)*(iX-iPivX)))
        iBird(CNT+1) = cint(atan2(iY-iPivY,iX-iPivX)/PImul)
        iBird(CNT+2) = cint(sqr(((iY-ipivY)*(iY-iPivY))+((iX-iPivX)*(iX-iPivX)))*fpMul)
      select case iBird(CNT)
      case _ROUND : iBird(CNT+3) = (iBird(CNT+3)*iScale)+iScaleD+1:CNT += 4
      case _ROUNDX: iBird(CNT+3) = (iBird(CNT+3)*iScale):CNT += 4
      case _ARC   : iBird(CNT+3) *= iScale:CNT += 6
      case _PAINT : CNT += 4      
      end select
    next CNT
  end if  
  if iColor = cBirdA then
  end if
  'Draw Bird in temporary buffer
  if iAngle <> *piLastAng or iWing <> *piLastWing then
    *piLastAng = iAngle: *piLastWIng = iWing
    line pBird,(0,0)-(pBird->Width-1,pBird->Height-1),cTrans,bf
    dim as integer iPal(...) = { cTrans,cBorder,iColor, _
    iColor+1,iColor+2,iColor+3,iColor+4,iColor+5 }
    if iColor=cBirdB then iPal(1) = iColor+6
    for CNT as integer = 0 to ubound(iBird)
      if iBird(CNT) = _FINISH then exit for
      var fTempAng = csng((iBird(CNT+1)+iAngle)*PImul)
      var iX = (iPivX+(cos(fTempAng)*iBird(CNT+2)) shr fpBits)
      var iY = (iPivY+(sin(fTempAng)*iBird(CNT+2)) shr fpBits)
      select case iBird(CNT)
      case _ARC
        iBird(CNT+5) and= 255: iBird(CNT+6) and= 255
        var fAngS = csng(((iBird(CNT+5)-iAngle) and 255)*PImul)
        var fAngE = csng((((iBird(CNT+6)-iAngle) and 255)+.5)*PImul)        
        if iScale=1 then          
          for iSz as single = -iScaleC to iScaleD step 1            
          next ISz          
        end if
        CNT += 6
      case _ROUND        
        circle pBird,(iX,iY),iBird(CNT+3),iPal(iBird(CNT+4)),,,,f              
        CNT += 4
      case _ROUNDX        
        circle pBird,(iX,iY),iBird(CNT+3)-1,iPal(iBird(CNT+4)),,,,f              
        CNT += 4
      case _PAINT
        paint pBird,(iX,iY),iPal(iBird(CNT+3)),iPal(iBird(CNT+4))        
        CNT += 4
      case _OFFSET        
        if iBird(CNT+1) <> iWing then CNT += iBird(CNT+2)
        CNT += 2
      case else
        #ifdef Messagebox
        Messagebox(null,"Bad Parameters3","Bad Paramaters3",MB_SYSTEMMODAL or MB_ICONSTOP)
      end select      
    next CNT    
  end if  
  'Put to target
  if pBird = pBirdA then iBirdX = iPX-iPivX: iBirdY = iPY-iPivY
  put pTarget,(iPX-iPivX,iPY-iPivY),pBird,trans
end sub
sub DrawMedal(iPX as integer,iPY as integer,iMedal as integer)
  static as integer iInit=0,iLastMedal=-1
  static as fb.image ptr pMedal,pTemp
  if iInit=0 then
    iInit = 1
    pMedal = ImageCreate(v(22),v(22))
    pTemp = ImageCreate(v(22),v(22))
  end if  
  if iLastMedal <> iMedal then
    iLastMedal = iMedal
    put pMedal,(v(0),v(0)),_gNoMedal_,pset
    if iMedal then      
      for iY as integer = -1 to 1 step 1
        line pTemp,(v(0),v(0))-(v(22),v(22)),cTrans,bf
        var pPix = cast(ubyte ptr,pTemp+1),iColor=cMedal2+(abs(iY+1)\2)
        for CNT as integer= 0 to (pTemp->Pitch*pTemp->Height)-1
          if pPix[CNT] <> cTrans then pPix[CNT] = iColor
        next CNT
        put pMedal,(v(0),v(0)),pTemp,trans
      next iY
    end if
  end if  
  put (iPX,iPY),pMedal,pset
end sub
sub SaveConfig()
  var f = freefile()
  if open(exepath+"/FlappyFB.cfg" for binary access write as #f)=0 then
    var iTempA = iBest xor &h12345678, iTempB = ((-(2^30))+iBest) xor &h87654321
    put #f,,iTempA: put #f,,iTempB: put #f,,iFull: put #f,,iDither
    put #f,,iSync: put #f,,iShowCrash: put #f,,iNewScale\AA
    close #f
  end if
end sub
sub LoadConfig()
  var f = freefile()
  if open(exepath+"/FlappyFB.cfg" for binary access read as #f)=0 then
    var iTempA=0,iTempB=0
    get #f,,iTempA: get #f,,iTempB
    iTempA xor= &h12345678: iTempB = (iTempB xor &h87654321)+(2^30)
    if iTempA <> iTempB then close #f: exit sub 
    iBest = iTempA: get #f,,iFull: get #f,,iDither
    get #f,,iSync: get #f,,iShowCrash: get #f,,iScale
    if iScale < 0 or iScale > 16 then iScale = 0  
    iNewScale = iScale
    close #f
  end if
end sub


#ifdef __FB_DOS__
  screeninfo ScrW,ScrH,,,,iHZ
  if iFull=0 then ScrH *= .93
  if iHZ < 50 then iHZ = 60  
iHZ *= 2

' *** Create Graphic Screen ***
if iScale=0 then iScale = (ScrH*AA\240) else iScale *= AA
iWid = v(160): iHei = v(240)
ScrW *= AA: ScrH *= AA  
if iFull then
  screenres ScrW,ScrH,8,,fb.gfx_HIGH_PRIORITY or _
  screenres iWid,iHei,8,,fb.gfx_HIGH_PRIORITY or fb.GFX_NO_SWITCH
end if
WindowTitle "FlappyFB v1.0 by Mysoft"
if iFull then
  setmouse ,,0
  view screen (w(0),h(0))-(w(0)+iWid-1,h(0)+iHei-1)
end if
' *** Create Initial Graphics ***
pBirdA = ImageCreate(24*iScale,24*iScale)
pBirdB = ImageCreate(24*iScale,24*iScale)
pCollision = ImageCreate(24*iScale,24*iScale)
SetPalette(0) 'Night

' *** Prepare screen and dither effect buffer ***
if iDither then
  pDither = ImageCreate(v(160),v(240),0)
  if AA=1 then
    for Y as integer = 0 to v(240)-1 step 2
      line pDither,(0,Y)-(v(160)-1,Y),128,,&h5555
      line pDither,(0,Y+1)-(v(160)-1,Y+1),128,,&hAAAA
    next Y
    for Y as integer = 0 to v(240)-1 step 4
      line pDither,(0,Y)-(v(160)-1,Y),128,,&hCCCC
      line pDither,(0,Y+1)-(v(160)-1,Y+1),128,,&hCCCC
      line pDither,(0,Y+2)-(v(160)-1,Y+2),128,,&h3333
      line pDither,(0,Y+3)-(v(160)-1,Y+3),128,,&h3333
    next Y
  end if
end if

' *** Initial game variables ***
var dStart = timer,iFps=0,dFps=dStart,dTimer=dStart
var dDay=dStart-rnd*256,dPause=dStart
var iRandom=0,dPipe=dStart,dBird=dStart,iPipePosi=-v(73*3),iPipe=-1
var iIsReady=0,iIsOver=0,iScore=0,iIsBest=0,iIsCrash=0,iLastFps=iHz\2
var iPosiS=0,iPosiB=0,iPosiG=0,iPosiW=0,iBirdColor=int(rnd*3)
dim fBirdY as single,fBirdAng as single,iBirdUp as integer
dim as integer iScoreY(3),iPipeY(3) = {72,110,45,90}
dim as integer iStarX(19),iStarY(19),iStarSz(19)

' ************ Main Game Loop ***************
  if iSync=1 then dTimer += 1/iLastFps else dTimer = timer
  var dTmr = (timer-dStart) 'dTmr += (1/240)    
  ' *** Pipes movement calculation ***
  if abs(dTmr-dPipe) > 1 then
    dPipe = dTmr
    while (dTmr-dPipe) > (1/v(60))
      dPipe += (1/v(60))
      if iIsReady xor iIsOver then
        iPipePosi = iPipePosi+1          
        if iPipePosi >= v(73) then '73
          iPipePosi -= v(73)
          iPipe = (iPipe+1) and 3
          iPipeY((iPipe+3) and 3) = 40+rnd*60
          iScoreY((iPipe+3) and 3)=0
        end if        
      end if
  end if
  ' *** Bird Movement calculation
  if iIsReady<>0 andalso (iIsOver=0 or iIsCrash<>0) then
    while (dTmr-dBird) > (1/120)
      dBird += (1/120)
      if iBirdUp then
        fBirdAng = ((-25+(fBirdAng*3))\4)-1
        if fBirdAng <= -25 then fBirdAng=-25:iBirdUp=0
        fBirdAng += .85      
        if fBirdAng > 64 then fBirdAng = 64
      end if
      fBirdY += sin(PI128*fBirdAng)*v(2)
      if fBirdY < h(-24) then fBirdY = h(-24)
      if fBirdY > h(182) then 
        fBirdY = h(182)          
        if iIsOver=0 or iIsCrash>60 then            
          if iScore > iBest then iBest = iScore:iIsBest=1
        end if
      end if
      if iIsCrash then 
        iIsCrash -= 1:if iIsCrash=0 then iIsReady=1
      end if
  end if
    ' *** Update Palette and Day/Night effects ***
    var iMedal = iif(iScore>40,4,iScore\10)
    if SetPalette(,(timer-dDay)*24,iBirdColor or (iMedal shl 8)) or iStarY(0)=0 then 
      for CNT as integer = 0 to 19
        iStarX(CNT) = w(rnd*160):iStarY(CNT) = h(40+rnd*40):iStarSz(CNT) = v(rnd)
      next CNT
    end if    
    ' *** Draw Sky ***
    for CNT as integer = w(0) to w(160)-1 step v(64)
      put (CNT,h(147)),_gClouds_,trans
    next CNT
    ' *** Draw Stars (night) ***
    for CNT as integer = 0 to 19
    next CNT
    ' *** Draw far Building shadows ***
    if iIsOver=0 then iPosiS = (dTmr*v(5)) mod v(32)
    for CNT as integer = w(0)-iPosiS to w(160)-1 step v(32)
      put (CNT,h(162)),_gShadows_,trans
    next CNT
    ' *** Draw buildings ***
    if iIsOver=0 then iPosiB = (dTmr*v(10)) mod v(34)
    for CNT as integer = w(0)-iPosiB to w(160)-1 step v(34)
      put (CNT,h(162)),_gBuildings_,trans
    next CNT
    ' *** Draw Bushes ***
    if iIsOver=0 then iPosiG = (dTmr*v(20)) mod v(64)
    for CNT as integer = w(0)-iPosiG to w(160)-1 step v(64)
      put (CNT,h(176)),_gBushes_,trans
    next CNT
    ' *** Draw Pipes ***
    for X as integer = 0 to 3            
      if (iPipe+X) >= 0 then
        var iY = iPipeY((iPipe+X) and 3)
        for Y as integer = h(0) to h(iY)-1 step v(12)
          put (w(X*73)-iPipePosi,Y),_gPipeBody_,pset
        next Y      
        put (w(X*73)-iPipePosi,h(iY)),_gPipeLine_,pset
        put (w(X*73-1)-iPipePosi,h(iY+1)),_gPipeUp_,pset
        put (w(X*73-1)-iPipePosi,h(iY+13+48)),_gPipeDown_,pset
        put (w(X*73)-iPipePosi,h(iY+25+48)),_gPipeLine_,pset
        for Y as integer = h(iY+50+24) to h(193)-1 step v(12)
          put (w(X*73)-iPipePosi,Y),_gPipeBody_,pset
        next Y
      end if
    next X
    ' *** Draw Get Ready Stage ***
    if iIsReady=0 then 
      if ((dTmr*6) mod 3)<2 then put(w(76),h(128)),_gSign_,trans
      var iPosi = (dTmr*400) mod 360,iPosi2 = (dTmr*12) mod 4          
      DrawBird(w(48),v(117)+sin(iPosi*PI)*v(4),0,abs(-2+iPosi2),cBirdA) '(abs(iPosi-80)-40)
    elseif iIsOver=0 or IIsCrash<>0 then
    end if
    ' *** Draw in Stage bird and check collision
    if iIsReady then
      var iPosi2 = (dTmr*12) mod 4,iAng = iif(fBirdAng<-18,-18,cint(fBirdAng))
      var iWing = iif(iIsOver,1,abs(-2+iPosi2))
      DrawBird(w(48),fBirdY,iAng,iWing,cBirdA) '(abs(iPosi-80)-40)
      if iIsOver=0 then 'Collision
        for X as integer = 0 to 3            
          if (iPipe+X) >= 0 then
            var iY = iPipeY((iPipe+X) and 3)
            var iX = (w(X*73)-iPipePosi)-iBirdX,iXX=iX+v(24)-1
            if iXX < v(-1) then 'totally passed a pipe
              if iScoreY((iPipe+X) and 3)=0 then
                iScore += 1: iScoreY((iPipe+X) and 3) = 1
              end if
              continue for
            end if
            if iX < v(25) then 'possible collision
              if iBirdY < h(0) then iIsOver=1:iIsCrash=1000:dPause=dTmr: exit for
              line pCollision,(iX,h(0)-iBirdY)-(iXX,(h(iY)-1)-iBirdY),cTrans,bf
              line pCollision,(iX-v(1),h(iY)-iBirdY)-(iXX+(v(1)-1),(h(iY+13)-1)-iBirdY),cTrans,bf
              line pCollision,(iX-v(1),h(iY+61)-iBirdY)-(iXX+(v(1)-1),(h(iY+74)-1)-iBirdY),cTrans,bf
              line pCollision,(iX,h(iY+74)-iBirdY)-(iXX,(h(193)-1)-iBirdY),cTrans,bf
              'put (iBirdX,iBirdY),pCollision,pset
              if memcmp(pCollision+1,pBirdA+1,pBirdA->Pitch*pBirdA->Height) then
                if iShowCrash then
                  put pCollision,(iBirdX,iBirdY),pBirdA,xor
                  put (iBirdX,iBirdY),pCollision,xor
                end if
              end if              
              exit for
            end if
          end if
        next X                
      end if    
    end if
    ' *** Draw bottom wall ***
    if iIsOver=0 then iPosiW = (dTmr*v(60)) mod v(12)
    for CNT as integer = w(0)-iPosiW to w(160)-1 step v(12)
      put (CNT,h(193)),_gWall_,pset
    next CNT    
    ' *** Draw GameOver Stage with medal and score ***
    if iIsOver andalso iIsCrash=0 then
      put (w(24),h(80)),_gFrameLT_,trans:put (w(128),h(80)),_gFrameRT_,trans
      put (w(24),h(128)),_gFrameLD_,trans:put (w(128),h(128)),_gFrameRD_,trans
      for X as integer = w(32) to w(120) step v(8)
        put (X,h(80)),_gFrameU_,pset: put (X,h(128)),_gFrameD_,pset
      next X
      for Y as integer = h(88) to h(120) step v(8)
        put (w(24),Y),_gFrameL_,pset
        put (w(128),Y),_gFrameR_,pset
      next Y
      if iIsBest then put(w(92),h(107)),_gNew_,pset
    end if
    ' *** Draw and calc Fps ***
    if (timer-dFps) >= 1 then    
      DrawNumber(iFps,w(1),h(229),cWall8 or ftSmall)
    end if      
    iFps += 1     
    ' *** Apply dither Effect ***
    if iDither then put(w(0),h(0)),pDither,or
    ' *** Sync frame (pre-delay) ***
    if iFocus andalso iSync=1 or iSync=2 then screensync
  ' *** Sync frame (pos-delay) ***
  select case iSync
  case 0
    static as double dSync
    if abs(timer-dSync) > .5 then
      while (timer-dSync) < (1/iHz)        
        sleep 1,1
      dSync += 1/iHz
    end if
  case 2,3
    sleep 1,1
  end select
  if iFocus=0 then sleep 30,1
  if iShowCrash andalso iIsCrash=1000 then
    var dTemp = timer:sleep 100,1
    while len(inkey):wend:sleep 1000
    dStart += (timer-dTemp)
  end if
  ' *** Input Events ***
    dim iPress as integer=0,InEvent as fb.event
    if screenevent( @InEvent )=0 then exit do
    select case InEvent.type    
    case fb.EVENT_KEY_PRESS
      dim as integer iKey = InEvent.ascii
      if iKey=0 then iKey = -InEvent.scancode    
      select case iKey
      case 27 'Escape
        if iIsReady andalso iIsOver=0 then        
          SaveConfig(): exit do,do
        end if
      case -fb.SC_F1
        iDither xor= 1: iLastFps=iHz\2:iFps=0:dFps=timer
        draw string (w(2),h(208)),"Dither: " & iif(iDither,"enabled","disabled"),cRed
      case -fb.SC_F2
        iSync = (iSync+1) mod 5
        dPause = dtimer-dStart: dtimer = timer: dStart = dtimer-dPause      
        dim as zstring ptr zSync(...) = {@"Timer+Sleep",@"VSYNC",@"VSYNC+Sleep 1",@"Sleep 1",@"None(max)"}
        draw string (w(2),h(208)),"Sync: " & *zSync(iSync),cRed      
      case -fb.SC_F3
        iFull xor= 1: iLastFps=iHz\2:iFps=0:dFps=timer
        draw string (w(2),h(208)),"Fullscreen: " & iif(iFull,"enabled","disabled"),cRed        
        draw string (w(2),h(208)+10),"(requires restart)",cRed
      case -fb.SC_F4
        iNewScale = (iNewScale+1) and 7: iLastFps=iHz\2:iFps=0:dFps=timer
        if iNewScale then
          draw string (w(2),h(208)),"Scale: " & iNewScale & "x",cRed
          draw string (w(2),h(208)),"Scale: AUTO",cRed
        end if
        draw string (w(2),h(208)+10),"(requires restart)",cRed
      case -asc("k"),-asc("a"),-fb.SC_F9 'Button
        SaveConfig(): exit do,do
      case -fb.SC_UP: iPress = 1        
      end select   
    case fb.EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESS: iPress = 1
    case fb.EVENT_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK: iPress = 1
    case fb.EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE: SaveConfig(): exit do,do            
    case fb.EVENT_WINDOW_GOT_FOCUS: iFocus = 1
    case fb.EVENT_WINDOW_LOST_FOCUS: iFocus = 0
    end select
    if iPress then 
      if iIsOver=0 and iIsReady=0 then 
        iIsReady = 1: iIsOver = 0
        iScore = 0 : iIsBest = 0
        fBirdY = v(117):fBirdAng=0
        dBird = dTmr:iBirdUp=1
        for CNT as integer = 0 to 3
          iPipeY(CNT) = 30+rnd*70: iScoreY(CNT)=0
        next CNT
      elseif iIsOver=0 and iIsCrash=0 then
        iBirdUp = 1
      end if
      if iIsOver andalso iIsReady andalso iIsCrash=0 then 
        iIsOver = 0: iIsReady = 0: iScore = 0
        dStart = dtimer-dPause: iBirdColor=int(rnd*3)
      end if
    end if    
Do you like binaries?? here are some:

FlappyFB-1.0.0_WIN.zip <- Windows Normal Version
FlappyFB-1.0.0_WIN_AA4x.zip <- Windows AA-4x (heavy!!) version
FlappyFB-1.0.0_DOS.zip <- DOS Version
Linux Users/64bit users: i don't have a binary for you guys... compile from the source??
Nintendo DS single rotated screen
Nintendo DS dual screen dynamic camera

everybody likes screenshots... so here goes:

ps: No Sound this time... because it wouldnt be as standalone as i wanted. (more or less irrelevant for this game hehe)

Enjoy! (i may release the official source later splitted in multiple files, and with addition of the intro plus multiplayer...)
Last edited by Mysoft on Feb 03, 2015 18:03, edited 12 times in total.
Posts: 89
Joined: Nov 30, 2006 13:35
Location: UK

Re: FlappyFB

Post by tinram »

What a superb clone.

I wish only that you'd chosen a 'better' game to convert ... ;)
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Location: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Indaial (ouch!)

Re: FlappyFB

Post by Mysoft »

tinram wrote:What a superb clone.
I wish only that you'd chosen a 'better' game to convert ... ;)
hahahaha, indeed, i had also Gorillas on my mind. with improved graphics, but same technic..
i dunno why i did FlappyBird i don't even like cellphone games :P probabily because the graphics
were affordable to be created with code only. :)
Posts: 2324
Joined: Jun 21, 2005 19:04

Re: FlappyFB

Post by angros47 »

If you have a look at my FBSFX, maybe you'll be able to add sound while keeping your program stand-alone (you won't need external files)
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Location: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Indaial (ouch!)

Re: FlappyFB

Post by Mysoft »

angros47 wrote:If you have a look at my FBSFX, maybe you'll be able to add sound while keeping your program stand-alone (you won't need external files)
oh yeah, but the streaming module, would still have its requirement, and would be system specific, that's what i was avoiding, otherwise i would just use fmod... that i have made an oss version called "fbmod", that works with my freebasic DS, and freebasic JS included... but still, the problem (even if i add tiny basic code for each main OS, would be the increase in code... and since this game is "single file" no hw acc, no system specific stuff,no resources :P i didnt included. But for sure i will include sound on the "extended" version, that i may release later.
Posts: 2157
Joined: Feb 26, 2007 5:32

Re: FlappyFB

Post by caseih »

Very well done. Though I apparently suck at video games of all kinds. I don't think I made it past two of the pipe things. My six-year-old nephew can't understand why I am so horrible at it.
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Re: FlappyFB (single source... no resource required)

Post by badidea »

Impressive, but I suck at it too. Gave up after ten tries. Best score: 1.
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Location: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Indaial (ouch!)

Re: FlappyFB (single source... no resource required)

Post by Mysoft »

geez kkk, you guys are making me look like an addicted to it, since my best is now 54...
but all that i wanted was to make the game with graphics generated using freebasic primitives as i did
including the rotating bird that is draw on the fly, with filled circles and arcs... angles everywhere!
Lachie Dazdarian
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Re: FlappyFB (single source... no resource required)

Post by Lachie Dazdarian »

OMG, this place still exists...
Posts: 2324
Joined: Jun 21, 2005 19:04

Re: FlappyFB

Post by angros47 »

Mysoft wrote:oh yeah, but the streaming module, would still have its requirement, and would be system specific, that's what i was avoiding
Actually, there are three different streaming modules, one for windows, one for linux, one for dos. You could include all the three files using conditional compilation: you will have two commands (SoundSet and PlayBuffer) that are not system specific.

To avoid adding even a tiny basic code specific for each main OS, the only solution would be to include sound features directly in FreeBasic (as graphic features are already included)
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Re: FlappyFB (single source... no resource required)

Post by dodicat »

It certainly is a knack, putting a good game into a post.
I normally run posts with -exx switch.
I get:

Aborting due to runtime error 6 (out of bounds array access) at line 721 of C:\D
ocuments and Settings\USER\Desktop\FreeBASIC\FBIde0.4.6r4\FBIDETEMP.bas::DRAWBIR

Press any key to continue . . .

I'm sure it is easily fixed though!
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Location: California

Re: FlappyFB (single source... no resource required)

Post by anonymous1337 »

dodicat wrote:I'm sure it is easily fixed though!
This is what my business clients say 90% of the time when there's a catastrophic problem straight from the depths of hades.

Code Mysoft wrote has bugs in it? What?
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Re: FlappyFB (single source... no resource required)

Post by dodicat »

Err.. anonymous1337
If I found an out of bound array in your post, I would say.
If I found an out of bound array in dkl's post, I would say.
If I found an out of bound array in V1ctors post, I would say.

No post is beyond critique, surely ?
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Location: California

Re: FlappyFB (single source... no resource required)

Post by anonymous1337 »

Once there was a joke,
Born in anonymous1337's head.
It encountered the Dodi Cat.
And leaped over his head!
Posts: 836
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Location: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Indaial (ouch!)

Re: FlappyFB

Post by Mysoft »

angros47 wrote:To avoid adding even a tiny basic code specific for each main OS, the only solution would be to include sound features directly in FreeBasic (as graphic features are already included)
yeah i agree, that's why i avoided sound on the single-file version/all native version.
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