Runtime Code Generation or Just Some Hax

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Runtime Code Generation or Just Some Hax

Post by 1000101 »

I was playing around trying to create executable code on the fly. This is a very simple, very bad example of how you can create some code at runtime and execute it.

Requires fbc 0.21

Code: Select all

namespace       opcodes
        Const   As uByte _
                FLAG_NONE               = 0, _
                FLAG_IMMEDIATE          = 1, _
                FLAG_MEM_DST            = 2, _
                FLAG_MEM_SRC            = 4
        sub     ret             naked   ()
                        .byte   FLAG_NONE
                        .byte   __FUNCTION_NQ__##FINISH - __FUNCTION_NQ__##BEGIN
                end asm
        end sub
        namespace       add
                sub     ab      naked   ()
                                .byte   FLAG_NONE
                                .byte   __FUNCTION_NQ__##FINISH - __FUNCTION_NQ__##BEGIN
                                add     eax, ebx
                        end asm
                end sub
                sub     ba      naked   ()
                                .byte   FLAG_NONE
                                .byte   __FUNCTION_NQ__##FINISH - __FUNCTION_NQ__##BEGIN
                                add     ebx, eax
                        end asm
                end sub
        end namespace
        namespace       mov
                sub     ai      naked   ()
                                .byte   FLAG_IMMEDIATE
                                .byte   __FUNCTION_NQ__##FINISH - __FUNCTION_NQ__##BEGIN
                                mov     eax, 0
                        end asm
                end sub
                sub     bi      naked   ()
                                .byte   FLAG_IMMEDIATE
                                .byte   __FUNCTION_NQ__##FINISH - __FUNCTION_NQ__##BEGIN
                                mov     ebx, 0
                        end asm
                end sub
                sub     ma      naked   ()
                                .byte   FLAG_MEM_DST
                                .byte   __FUNCTION_NQ__##FINISH - __FUNCTION_NQ__##BEGIN
                                mov     [0], eax
                        end asm
                end sub
                sub     am      naked   ()
                                .byte   FLAG_MEM_SRC
                                .byte   __FUNCTION_NQ__##FINISH - __FUNCTION_NQ__##BEGIN
                                mov     eax, [0]
                        end asm
                end sub
        end namespace
end namespace

type    runtimecode
        Declare                         Constructor     ( Byval As Const uInteger )
        Declare                         Destructor      ()
        Declare Sub                     AddOp           ( Byval As Const Sub (), Byval As Const uInteger = 0 )
        Declare Sub                     sExecute        ()
        Declare Function                fExecute        () As uInteger
        Declare Sub                     Dump            ()
                As uByte Ptr                    rData
                As Sub()                        sCode
                As Function() As uInteger       fCode
        End Union
        As uInteger                     Offset
        As uInteger                     Bytes
end type

Constructor     runtimecode             ( Byval Size As Const uInteger )
        Bytes           = 0
        rData           = Callocate( Size )
        If( rData       = 0 )Then Exit Constructor
        Offset          = 0
        Bytes           = Size
End Constructor

Destructor      runtimecode             ()
        If( rData )Then Deallocate( rData )
        Offset          = 0
        Bytes           = 0
End Destructor

Sub             runtimecode.AddOp       ( Byval Op As Const Sub (), Byval something As Const uInteger )
        If( Bytes               = 0     )Then Exit Sub
        If( rData               = 0     )Then Exit Sub
        Dim As uByte            Flag    = cPtr( uByte Ptr, Op )[ 0 ]
        Dim As uByte            Size    = cPtr( uByte Ptr, Op )[ 1 ]
        Dim As uByte            cSize   = Size
                FLAG_IMMEDIATE          = 1, _
                FLAG_MEM_DST            = 2, _
                FLAG_MEM_SRC            = 4
        If      ( Flag And opcodes.FLAG_IMMEDIATE       )_
        OrElse  ( Flag And opcodes.FLAG_MEM_SRC         )_
        OrElse  ( Flag And opcodes.FLAG_MEM_DST         )Then cSize -= 4
        '?Size, cSize, bin( flag, 4 )
        If( Offset + Size       > Bytes )Then Exit Sub
        For Index As uInteger = 0 To cSize - 1
                rData[ Offset + Index ] = cPtr( uByte Ptr, Op )[ 2 + Index ]
        Offset          += cSize
        If      ( Flag And opcodes.FLAG_IMMEDIATE       )_
        OrElse  ( Flag And opcodes.FLAG_MEM_SRC         )_
        OrElse  ( Flag And opcodes.FLAG_MEM_DST         )Then
                Dim As uByte Ptr        pI      = cPtr( uByte Ptr, @something )
                For Index As uInteger = 0 To 3
                        rData[ Offset + Index ] = pI[ Index ]
                Offset  += 4
        End If
End Sub

Sub             runtimecode.sExecute    ()
        If( Bytes               = 0     )Then Exit Sub
        If( rData               = 0     )Then Exit Sub
End Sub

Function        runtimecode.fExecute    () As uInteger
        If( Bytes               = 0     )Then Return &HDEADBEEF
        If( rData               = 0     )Then Return &HDEADBEEF
        Function        = fCode()
End Function

Sub             runtimecode.Dump        ()
        If( Bytes               = 0     )Then Exit Sub
        If( rData               = 0     )Then Exit Sub
        For Index As Integer = 0 To Offset - 1
                Print Hex( Index, 4 ) & ": " & Hex( rData[ Index ], 2 )
End Sub

Dim As runtimecode Ptr          exeObj
Dim As uInteger                 foo     = 1234
Dim As uInteger                 bar     = Any

exeObj = New runtimecode( 32 )  '' <---- MAKE SURE THIS IS LARGE ENOUGH FOR YOUR PROGRAMZORZ!

exeObj->AddOp(, Cast( uInteger, @foo ) )        '' No cast = stupid warnings
exeObj->AddOp(, 7890 )
exeObj->AddOp( )
exeObj->AddOp(, 6543 )
exeObj->AddOp( @opcodes.add.ab )
exeObj->AddOp(, Cast( uInteger, @bar ) )        '' No cast = stupid warnings
exeObj->AddOp( @opcodes.ret )


Print "foo: " & foo
Print "bar: " & bar
Print "fExecute()"
Print "Output: " & exeObj->fExecute()
Print "foo: " & foo
Print "bar: " & bar

Delete exeObj
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Joined: May 28, 2005 3:28

Post by D.J.Peters »

nice idea
may be you can overload AddOpcode so you don't need to cast any thing.

Posts: 2556
Joined: Jun 13, 2005 23:14
Location: SK, Canada

Post by 1000101 »

I looked at that, but it was a wasted effort for a proof of concept.
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Location: Argentina

Post by KaraK »

interesting piece of code, really neat for implementing antidebugger/anti-RE techniques more effectively.
Posts: 345
Joined: Apr 13, 2008 12:11
Location: Sri Lanka - Negombo

Post by JaDogg »

man this is what i've been waiting for
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