Version 3.02 2023/07/05
Only version for 32/64bit Windows
2 fixed bugs :
- issue with procedures added by compiler (constructor, etc) only in 32bit version
- issue if there is only one line of code. Who needs to debug a such program ;-)
3.01 (2023/06/19) ONLY WINDOWS
- define by percentage width of left/right windows in settings
- fixed bug, when restarting immediatly debuggee no data for main procedure was displayed....
- multi threaded applications handled (mainly on Windows) but not perfectly. New info in status bar about number of thereads (running/stopped/blocked/inactive)
To build fbdebugger (surely incomplete so report any problem) :
- put with fbdebugger_new.bas ( source code )
* dbg_xxxx.bas/.bi (9 files)
* fbdebugger_new.rc (Windows)
* fbdebugger.ico (windows)
* buttons folder
* ( Window9 library by VANYA )
* libwindow9.a
* libz.a
- Windows : fbc -s gui fbdebugger_new.bas fbdebuger_new.rc
- Linux : fbc -s gui fbdebugger_new.bas
for execution scintilla library (libscintilla .dll or .so 32/64Bit) is necessary can be found with executables : ...
3.00 (2022/09/26)
Windows and Linux / 32bit and 64bit and many changes....
Look at the help file (pdf).
Don't forget : the exes must be compiled with option gas or gas64. ...
2.98.1 (2021/01/30)
- a new button on main window to toogle update on / update off for proc/var tab and dump memory when executing step by step.
The purpose is to avoid a long update when there are a lot of variables/fields (thanks Xusinboy)
However when a new proc is started an update is done but the variables are labelled "Not filled".
And if it's OFF setting ON triggers an update.
- Up to 20 Shw/exp windows (previously 10) so you can see more variables when update is off.
- The shw/exp windows are closed when the procedure owner of the variables is closed, except for statics.
- Now when a dynamic array is redimmed a related shw/exp can be updated (using the button 'Update'.) A message box is displayed for warning
(full update or only indexes), address is changed, min/max indexes are updated and the current index is set in the new range.(old request by David Y.)
Not done if the array is a field in a structure, in this case close and redo shw/exp.
- Explicit messages when some internal limits (unfortunately not all) are reached forcing an exit of fbdebugger. ...
2.98 (2021/01/25)
- Using gas64 allows a debugging similar than with gas32, better than with gcc.
- In fbc 1.08 there is a new field in array descriptor structure --> 2 versions of fbdebugger.
Only one source code taking in account the different cases (32-64bit / 1.07-1.08) when compiling fbdebugger.
- show/expand window improved for browsing arrays.
- tutorial option removed (discontinued feature).
- bug when an array contains structures that fields are also structures. ...
Version 2.96 (2020/02/17)
- No more blinking windows when loading debugging data at start of debuggee
Data from objdump is retrieved using internal functions no pipe/line input to allow the parameter CREATE_NO_WINDOW for createprocess.
Version 2.95 (2020/02/05)
Not a lot of changes :
- To avoid the issue faced by Wally, hardly understandable, a control has been added displaying a message when 64bit version of Fbdebugger is used to debug 32bit exes and vice versa.
- The new datatype 'va_list' taken in account.
Version 2.93 (2018/09/05)
- debugging under 64bit not working (reported by jmg)
- some minors bugs
- procedures named {Modlevel}, created when using modules, are ignored if empty (less than 7 bytes)
- variables named lt_xxx are ignored
- each line is directly associated with its source file instead of by its procedure (for lines inside include files but outside procedures...).
Version 2.92 (2018/06/06)
- sometimes bad window size on start
- longint and ulongint also usable for break on var
- a message box when a break on var is met to better visibility and allowing to keep or remove it.
- hovering on a variable (proc/var tab) few seconds automatically opens a shwexp window (by default off, changeable in settings)
- text in the break on var box to avoid confusion
- default test for break on var is now equal (previously not equal)
- left marging for source code is now 10 pixels
- when the mouse goes back to the source code panel the focus is set on this window.
Version 2.91 (2016/08/20)
- proc overloaded --> crash fbdebugger
- fixed bad behaviour on proc_end
- step out not possible if procs are executed before main (constructor for shared)
- "exit for" not at the right place in test rtfrun when an exception arises
- erasing of updown variable for multiple index windows
- flagtrace for line not working (since using unicode)
- break on var also displayed in the menu
- allowing multiple index selects for showing different arrays (or the same one with different indexes)
- autoupdate in 'index select'
- autoupdate checkbox in index windows (default = no update)
- check added to avoid issue when saved window coordinates are wrong (thanks to St_W)
- tracking array, usefull to easily follow the values of an array with the help of variables used in loops (request by sancho2)
- workaround when the end of data debugging (stabs) seems wrong (report by luis Babboni)
- removed test {MODLEVEL} to see code outside procs in libs / inconvenient all these procs are visible now
- in case of iterators (for loops) with datatype declaration and same name only one is kept as they all have the same adress, to avoid multiple unuseful lines in proc/var tree (only GAS version)
Version 2.90 (2015/10/03)
Fbdebugger is now Win64 compliant, only one source code. And Boolean the new standard type is handled.
For Win64 the objdump.exe tool is absolutly necessary in the fbdebugger's folder.
I provide them (32/64) in the zip file but you can also grab them from the net
e.g and select binutils
To compile just add '-g'
======== DEBUG WARNINGS =================
- The array defined (A to B) are internally changed by the compiler to zero based arrays eg 4 TO 7 becomes 0 TO 3.
In case of shared fixed-lenght there is no information in debugging data for retrieving the initial definition. So problems should happen.
- Lines from include files and not in a proc are not correctly associated with their file : they are tagged with the main file.
- Due to the way naked procs are defined they are not included in data debugging
- impossible to kill current debuggee when launching a new one or restarting the current (just a stupid test...)
- warning on null in some sendmessage API, value changed by zero
- bug found by sancho2 : dyn array field in an udt used as byref param was uncorrectly handled
- bug found by sancho2 : bad return handle when double returns (in case of recursivity) without possibility to restore the breakcpu before execution
- wrong size of data in index selection in case of pointer variable
- some bugs with gcc version
- restart was not possible (only gcc)
- when a proc hasnt param/loc var the display for the next defined one is erroneus
- compil info in unicode (reported by solbianca)
- fastrun working in 64bit (stack size issue)
- improved show char at position
- extended to wstring
- select first/last char
- move forward/backward 40 chars
- unicode support (there might be still some issues)
- 64bit version (one source code)
- string '64bit' or '32bit' displayed in the window title
- all registers are logged (show_context function)
- boolean handling
- message if objdump is not found (64bit only)
- position/size main window saved and restored when launching fbdebugger (requested by solbianca)
- in About option to launch explorer with the dedicated page on the freebasics forum
- new asm option : show values of processor registers 32/64bit
- new type of breakpoint using a counter decremented each time the line is executed and stopping when only zero is reached eg if counter=10 brkp the 11th execution. Initial value saved for reseting or between session
- a new option in proc/var tree for searching any text in the tree warning : the search is sensitive
- display of values for 2 dims or more arrays. if more than 2 dims only the 2 most right are shown (see select index)
- possibility of moving by row, column, page, block and of changing size of column
- select indexes by clicking on any cell
- exepath added if a short filename is used as param in command line to avoid error case gcc (eg fbdebugger mypgm.exe --> c:\freebasic_code\mypgm.exe)
- console window resized and aligned on left
- new icon, button for forcing the next executed line
- only an array of ubytes could be exchanged with zstring (previously only byte)
- in settings, time for autostepping is set to min (50) or to max (10000) values if out of bounds
- an entire proc is now dissassembled, before last intructions were missing
- increasing width of global window (900) to display correctly memory dump of bytes ...
Version 2.81 (2015/05/03)
Requests,bugs found or remarks by St_w, AGS And Marpon
- userfriendly display when an exception arises and especially for access violation (displaying all exceptions in same way)
- monospaced font used for dump memory. Size of window should be resized for byte and UByte (St_w)
- to change the value of any cell in dump memory : left click on it
- more explicit error message when trying to display single or double in hex format
- all Sub and Function are private for a smaller exe (marpon)
- simplification when calling objdump (marpon)
- improved demangling to display correctly complete names when using namespaces and letter 'K' is handled
- overflow in shortcut table (AGS)
- searched variable in source code window not found if namespaced (AGS)
- to show return value of a proc : use show/exp directly on the proc name (proc/var tab) (St_w)
- to copy variable value in clipboard (all or only one with its childs) : select the new option, copy to clipboard, in contextual menu (St_w)
- to show the dump of deferenced data : select new option, pointed data dump, in contextual menu (St_w)
- to copy dump into clipboard : shift+left click on one cell / on header for whole page / address area or ascii area for one line or multilines (St_w)
the dialog box to valid selection is automatically opened if currently closed
- to change the beginning address of dump : ctrl + left click on one cell (data or address area), datatype must be integer/uinteger
- to use the value in a cell as a pointer or directly as beginning of udt data in shw/exp : alt+left click on a cell then select no pointer or pointer and the datatype. The dialog box to valid selection is automatically opened if currently closed.
- display of the character at a given position in a (z)String with possibility to move forward and backward (proc/var tab) ...
Version 2.80 (2014/09/21)
- when exiting, display message about notes only if necessary.
- Every exception handled as access violation (display of line, etc)
- stabs size up to 50000 bytes.
- issue when only one line code was executed
- weird bug if a loaded dll was an exe (found when using open pipe under W7)
- names of compiler and editor searched now with case insensitive (be_design)
- table to display elements of arrays (see select index option), moving by line/page and select an index by clicking on
- dynamic arrays handled when using -gcc
- dynamic arrays in UDT
- elapsed time is displayed in status area when using run or fast run
- (AS)"," (CS)"," (CD)" displayed according the used debugging data : S=stabs or D=dwarf
- message if it's not possible to modify registry (JIT debugger, see tools)
- parameters debuggee are now saved
- automatic constructor/destructor added by the compiler are only visible in the procs tab. ...
Version 2.71 (2013/10/27)
- Partial wrong display when dissassembling a proc
- Global variables become unaccessible at the end of the first executed proc if it is not the main one, eg constructor for global vars. (ChesterDennis) ...
Version 2.70 (2013/09/29)
- "(A)"=gas Or "(C)"=gcc is added near every file name to indicate the compilation option
- proc backtracking to follow in both direction the proc calls. Closed if running, added in proc/var tab and thread tab (dinosaur)
- proc call chaining to follow in one page the call chain (procs/vars and thread tab) (St_W)
Click on a line to jump (in source code and in proc/var tab)
- locate calling line in thread menu
- dissassembly of one line or one proc with insert of each basic Line (source code tab, proc/var tab and proc tab)
- length of udt when multiple of 4 Or 8 (will be also fixed in next version of fbc 0.91)
- fbdebugger should be fully working with the gcc option
- wrong number for first line of proc, gcc only (will be also fixed in next version of fbc)
Although there are still some issues :
- dynamic arrays missing (will be fixed in next version of fbc)
- ztring And fstring are handled As ubyte arrays (a feature in fbdebugger allows to display ubyte array as string)
- bitfields are also differently managed
- parameters with a size less than 4 bytes are handled as Integer
- typos in comments by AGS (thanks)
- delete Log file doesn't change any more the kind of the log (screen, file,..)
- the string "local", not really usefull, is removed for each local var name in proc/Var tab.
- the strings "constructor/operator/destructor/func/sub" are now put after the proc name to get a right sort in proc tab.
- all the names of Operator, etc are demangled
- some option names have been modified (show <-> locate) ...
Version 2.64 (2013/07/27)
- an option in tools menu to remove the log file in source codes tab.
- the type of log (screen, file, ...) is saved in the ini file (request by Enform)
- in procs tab, the proc could be sorted by their name or by their file name, option in the contextual menu and saved in the file ini (requested by MOD)
- in procs tab, select proc to jump in the source is also possible by pressing SHIFT key
- Operator, Property, Constructor, Destructor, Public and Private are displayed in red like Sub And function
- In settings, customization of shortcut keys for every menu option
- An option in tools menu to show all the shortcut keys.
- some menu options corresponding to buttons (halt, kill, modify execution and fast run)
- An option in tools menu to show the elapsed time when fast run is used. Usefull to get the duration of a block of instructions.
- new open file icon (more standard image) for better understanding (requested by MOD)
- end message (quit fbdebugger) modified for better understanding (requested by MOD)
- fbdebugger's help file is associated with fbdebugger and closed when quiting it (use of htlmphelp function)
In the future, easier use of the help file.
- optimization of restart in order to avoid useless reloading of bas files (idea by MOD)
- help file v1.11.
- at debuggee loading remove the variable fb_compil_info to avoid its display
- double display of shared arrays used with erase (FBC bug, fixed par dkl in a next release)
- Issue with file names due to a change in FBC version 0.90 (reported by MOD) ...
Version 2.63 (2013/04/22)
Added :
- Breakpoints saved in ini file.
when starting a new execution of FBdebugger, breakpoints from dll are displayed only if the corresponding dll is loaded.
in some cases hidden dll breakpoints could be removed, overwritten by others visible brkp
- Breakpoints could now be disabled/enabled (colored in grey). In breakpoints management new buttons ENB/DSB.
- If the selected line is without breakpoint when using disabled --> create directly a disabled permanent breakpoint
- New icons replacing S,V,M and restart buttons
- New option "Step return" (button and short cut key "B"ottom) : execution till the end (exit sub, end sub, etc) of the current proc.The purpose is to be able to look at the variables before leaving the proc.
- New option "Step top" (button and short cut key "T"op) : execution till the first Line of next called proc.
- In case of automatic change of thread (mutex or threadcreate) a message is displayed giving the choice of which thread will be the current.
- Addresses (start, End And stack) about running proc (option in threads menu).
- Multi threads step auto : step auto alernates between selected threads (checkboxed in threads tree)
- Beginning of proc are marked by Keywords sub and function colored in red for better visibility.
Fixed :
- Italic police no more used for highlighted keywords
- Minor bugs
- Optimization when restoring previous instruction (replacing &hCC)
- The help file has been completely revised, v1.10 .
All the files to create help file : ... ...