How to Replace Any Recursion with Simple Iteration or Unlimited Iteration with its Own Stack, in FB

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How to Replace Any Recursion with Simple Iteration or Unlimited Iteration with its Own Stack, in FB

Post by fxm »

Iteration and recursion are two very useful ways to program, especially to perform a certain number of times a certain script, and thus allow optimization of the code. If iteration is relatively easy to understand, recursion is a concept not necessarily obvious at the beginning.
When speaking of a recursive procedure (subroutine or function), we refer to a syntactic characteristic: the procedure, in its own definition, refers to itself (it calls itself).
But when talking about recursive process, linear or tree, we are interested in the process flow, not in the syntax of the procedure's writing.
Thus, a procedure can have a recursive definition but correspond to an iterative process.

Some treatments are naturally implemented as a recursive algorithm (although this is not always the most optimal solution).
The main problem of the recursive approach is that it consumes potentially a lot of space on the execution stack: from a certain level of "depth" of recursion, the space allocated for the execution stack of the thread is exhausted, and causes an error of type "stack overflow".
Repeatedly calling the same procedure can also make the execution slower, although this may make the code easier.
To increase the speed of execution, simple recursive algorithms can be recreated in little more complicated iterative algorithms using loops that execute much faster.

What is the use of recursion if it increases the execution time and memory space compared to an iterative solution?
There are still cases where it is not possible to do otherwise, where iterative translation does not exist or, where it exists, is much heavier to implement (requiring for example a dynamic storage capacity to substitute for the execution stack).

1) Recursion and Iteration
  • Recursion and iteration both repeatedly execute the instruction set:
    • Recursion occurs when an instruction in a procedure calls the procedure itself repeatedly.
    • Iteration occurs when a loop executes repeatedly until the control condition becomes false.
    The main difference between recursion and iteration is that recursion is a process always applied to a procedure, while iteration is applied to a set of instructions to execute repeatedly.
  • 1.1) Definition of Recursion
    1. FreeBASIC allows a procedure to call itself in its code. This means that the procedure definition has a procedure call to itself. The set of local variables and parameters used by the procedure are newly created each time the procedure is called and are stored at the top of the execution stack. But every time a procedure calls itself, it does not create a new copy of that procedure. The recursive procedure does not significantly reduce the size of the code and does not even improve the memory usage, but it does a little bit compared to iteration.

      To end recursion, a condition must be tested to force the return of the procedure without giving a recursive call to itself. The absence of a test of a condition in the definition of a recursive procedure would leave the procedure in infinite recursion once called.

      Note: When the parameters of a recursive procedure are passed by reference, take care to work with local variables when the code body needs to modify their values.
    2. Simple example with a recursive function which returns the factorial of the integer:
      • The code body of the recursive function is defined by using the recursive definition of the factorial function:
        • Case (n = 0) : factorial(0) = 1
          Case (n > 0) : factorial(n) = n * factorial(n-1)
        The first line allows to determine the end condition: 'If (n = 0) Then Return 1'
        The second line allows to determine the statement syntax which calls the function itself: 'Return n * factorial(n - 1)'

        Full code:

        Code: Select all

        Function recursiveFactorial (Byval n As Integer) As Integer
          If (n = 0) Then                         '' end condition
            Return 1
          Else                                    '' recursion loop
            Return n * recursiveFactorial(n - 1)  '' recursive call
          End If
        End Function
    1.2) Definition of Iteration
    1. Iteration is a process of repeatedly executing a set of instructions until the iteration condition becomes false.
      The iteration block includes the initialization, the comparison, the execution of the instructions to be iterated and finally the update of the control variable.
      Once the control variable is updated, it is compared again and the process is repeated until the condition in the iteration is false.
      Iteration blocks are "for" loop, "while" loop, ...

      The iteration block does not use the execution stack to store the variables at each cycle. Therefore, the execution of the iteration block is faster than the recursion block. In addition, iteration does not have the overhead of repeated procedure calls that also make its execution faster than a recursion.
      The iteration is complete when the control condition becomes false.
    2. Simple example with a iterative function which returns the factorial of the integer:
      • The code body of the iterative function is defined by using the iterative definition of the factorial function:
        • Case (n = 0) : factorial(0) = 1
          Case (n > 0) : factorial(n) = (1) * ..... * (n - 2) * (n - 1) * (n)
        The first line allows to determine the cumulative variable initialization: 'result = 1'
        The second line allows to determine the statement syntax which accumulates: 'result = result * I'

        Full code:

        Code: Select all

        Function iterativeFactorial (Byval n As Integer) As Integer
          Dim As Integer result = 1  '' variable initialization
          For I As Integer = 1 To n  '' iteration loop
            result = result * I      '' iterative accumulation
          Next I
          Return result
        End Function
2) Replace Recursion with Iteration
  • Whatever the problem to be solved, there is the choice between the writing of an iterative procedure and that of a recursive procedure. If the problem has a natural recursive structure, then the recursive program is a simple adaptation of the chosen structure. This is the case of the factorial functions (seen above) for example. The recursive approach, however, has drawbacks: some languages ​​do not allow recursion (like the machine language!), and a recursive procedure is often expensive in memory (for execution stack) as in execution time.

    These disadvantages can be overcome by transforming the recursive procedure, line by line, into an iterative procedure: it is always possible.
    Replace a recursion with an iteration allows to suppress the limitation on the number of cycles due to the execution stack size available. But for an iteration with its own storage stack, the time spent to calls to the procedures for pushing and pulling stack data is generally greater than the one for passing the parameters of a recursive procedure at each calling cycle.

    The complexity of the iterative procedure obtained by such a transformation depends on the structure of the recursive procedure:
    • for some form of recursive procedure (see below the tail recursion), the transformation into an iterative procedure is very simple by means of just defining local variables corresponding to the parameters of the recursive procedure (passed arguments),
    • at opposite for other forms of recursive procedure (non-tail recursions), the use of a user storage stack in the iterative procedure is necessary to save the context, as the recursive calls do (values ​​of the passed arguments at each call):
      • - when executing a recursive procedure, each recursive call leads to push the context on execution stack,
        - when the condition of stopping recursion occurs, the different contexts are progressively popped from execution stack to continue executing the procedure.
    2.1) Replace Tail Recursion with Simple Iteration
    1. The recursive procedure is a tail recursive procedure if the only recursive call is at the end of the recursion and is therefore not followed by any other statement:
      • - for a recursive subroutine, the only recursive call is at the end of the recursion,
        - for a recursive function, the only recursive call is at the end of the recursion and consists in taking into account the return of the function without any other additional operation on it.
      A tail recursive procedure is easy to transform into an iterative procedure.
      The principle is that if the recursive call is the last instruction of a procedure, it is not necessary to keep on the execution stack the context of the current call, since it is not necessary to return to it:
      • - it suffices to replace the parameters by their new values, and resume execution at the beginning of the procedure,
        - the recursion is thus transformed into iteration, so that there is no longer any risk of causing an overflow of the execution stack.
      Some non-tail recursive procedures can be transformed into tail recursive procedures, sometimes with a little more complex code, but even before they are subsequently transformed into iterative procedures, these tail recursive procedures often already gain in memory usage and execution time.
    2. Example with the simple "factorial" recursive function:
      • Non-tail recursive form (already presented above):

        Code: Select all

        Function recursiveFactorial (Byval n As Integer) As Integer
          If (n = 0) Then                         '' end condition
            Return 1
          Else                                    '' recursion loop
            Return n * recursiveFactorial(n - 1)  '' recursive call
          End If
        End Function
        This function has a non-tail recursive form because even though the recursive call is at the end of the function, this recursive call is not the last instruction of the function because one has to multiplied again by 'n' when 'recursiveFactorial(n - 1)' is got.
        This calculation is done when popping context from execution stack.

        It is quite easy to transform this function so that the recursion is a tail recursion.
        To achieve this, it is necessary to add a new parameter to the function: the 'result' parameter which will serve as accumulator:

        Code: Select all

        Function tailRecursiveFactorial (Byval n As Integer, Byval result As Integer = 1) As Integer
          If (n = 0) Then                                     '' end condition
            Return result
          Else                                                '' recursion loop
            Return tailRecursiveFactorial(n - 1, result * n)  '' tail recursive call
          End If
        End Function
        This time, the calculation is done when pushing context on execution stack.

        Tail recursion is more explicit by calculating 'n - 1' and 'result * n' just before the recursive call:

        Code: Select all

        Function explicitTailRecursiveFactorial (Byval n As Integer, Byval result As Integer = 1) As Integer
          If (n = 0) Then                                     '' end condition
            Return result
          Else                                                '' recursion loop
            result = result * n
            n = n - 1
            Return explicitTailRecursiveFactorial(n, result)  '' tail recursive call
          End If
        End Function
        Now it is sufficient to resume execution at the beginning of the procedure by a 'Goto begin' instead of the function call, to obtain an iterative function:

        Code: Select all

        Function translationToIterativeFactorial (Byval n As Integer, Byval result As Integer = 1) As Integer
          If (n = 0) Then        '' end condition
            Return result
          Else                   '' iteration loop
            result = result * n  '' iterative accumulation
            n = n - 1
            Goto begin           '' iterative jump
          End If
        End Function
        Finally it is better to avoid the 'If ... Goto ... End If' instructions by using for example a 'While ... Wend' block instead, and the added 'result' parameter can be transformed into a local variable:

        Code: Select all

        Function  betterTranslationToIterativeFactorial (Byval n As Integer) As Integer
          Dim As Integer result = 1
          While Not (n = 0)          '' end condition of iterative loop
            result = result * n      '' iterative accumulation
            n = n - 1
          Return result
        End Function
    3. Similar transformation steps for the simple "reverse string" recursive function following:
      • Code: Select all

        Function recursiveReverse (Byval s As String) As String
          If (s = "") Then                                   '' end condition
            Return s
          Else                                               '' recursion loop
            Return recursiveReverse(Mid(s, 2)) & Left(s, 1)  '' recursive call
          End If
        End Function

        Code: Select all

        Function tailRecursiveReverse (Byval s As String, Byval cumul As String = "") As String
          If (s = "") Then                                              '' end condition
            Return cumul
          Else                                                          '' recursion loop
            Return tailRecursiveReverse(Mid(s, 2), Left(s, 1) & cumul)  '' tail recursive call
          End If
        End Function
        Note: As the "&" operator (string concatenation) is not a symmetric operator ((a & b) <> (b & a), while (x * y) = (y * x) like previously), the two operand order must to be reversed when pushing context on execution stack instead of before when popping context from execution stack.

        Code: Select all

        Function explicitTailRecursiveReverse (Byval s As String, Byval cumul As String = "") As String
          If (s = "") Then                                 '' end condition
            Return cumul
          Else                                             '' recursion loop
            cumul = Left(s, 1) & cumul
            s = Mid(s, 2)
            Return explicitTailRecursiveReverse(s, cumul)  '' tail recursive call
          End If
        End Function

        Code: Select all

        Function translationToIterativeReverse (Byval s As String, Byval cumul As String = "") As String
          If (s = "") Then              '' end condition
            Return cumul
          Else                          '' iteration loop
            cumul = Left(s, 1) & cumul  '' iterative accumulation
            s = Mid(s, 2)
            Goto begin                  '' iterative jump
          End If
        End Function

        Code: Select all

        Function betterTranslationToIterativeReverse (Byval s As String) As String
          Dim As String cumul = ""
          While Not (s = "")            '' end condition of iterative loop
            cumul = Left(s, 1) & cumul  '' iterative accumulation
            s = Mid(s, 2)
          Return cumul
        End Function
    4. As less simple example, the "Fibonacci series" non-tail recursive function:
      • Sometimes, the transformation to a tail recursive function is less obvious.
        The code body of the recursive function is defined by using the recursive definition of the Fibonacci series:
        • Case (n = 0) : F(0) = 0
          Case (n = 1) : F(1) = 1
          Case (n > 1) : F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2)
        The first two lines allow to determine the end condition: 'If n = 0 Or n = 1 Then Return n'
        The third line allows to determine the statement syntax which calls the function itself: 'Return F(n - 1) + F(n - 2)'

        Non-tail recursive form code:

        Code: Select all

        Function recursiveFibonacci (Byval n As Uinteger) As Longint
          If n = 0 Or n = 1 then                                          '' end condition
            Return n
          Else                                                            '' recursion loop
            Return recursiveFibonacci(n - 1) + recursiveFibonacci(n - 2)  '' recursive call
          End If
        End Function
        The execution time duration for the highest values becomes no more negligible.
        Indeed, to compute F(n), there are 2^(n-1) calls: about one milliard for n=31.

        Try to make the recursive algorithm linear, using a recursive function which have 2 other parameters corresponding to the previous value and the last value of the series, let f(n, a, b).
        We obtain:
        • Case (n = 1): a = F(0) = 0, b = F(1) = 1
          Case (n-1): a = F(n-2), b = F(n-1)
          Case (n): F(n-1) = b, F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2) = a + b
        Consequently, for this new function f(n, a, b), the recursive call becomes f(n-1, b, a+b), and there are only (n-1) calls.

        Tail recursive form code:

        Code: Select all

        Function tailRecursiveFibonacci (Byval n As Uinteger, Byval a As Uinteger = 0, Byval b As Uinteger = 1) As Longint
          If n <= 1 Then                                    '' end condition
            Return b * n
          Else                                              '' recursion loop
            Return tailRecursiveFibonacci(n - 1, b, a + b)  '' tail recursive call
          End If
        End Function
        Then, similar transformations as previously in order to obtain the iterative form:

        Code: Select all

        Function explicitTailRecursiveFibonacci (Byval n As Uinteger, Byval a As Uinteger = 0, Byval b As Uinteger = 1) As Longint
          If n <= 1 Then                                    '' end condition
            Return b * n
          Else                                              '' recursion loop
            n = n - 1
            Swap a, b
            b = b + a
            Return explicitTailRecursiveFibonacci(n, a, b)  '' tail recursive call
          End If
        End Function

        Code: Select all

        Function translationToIterativeFibonacci (Byval n As Uinteger, Byval a As Uinteger = 0, Byval b As Uinteger = 1) As Longint
          If n <= 1 Then  '' end condition
            Return b * n
          Else            '' iteration loopp
            n = n - 1
            Swap a, b
            b = b + a
            Goto begin    '' iterative jump
          End If
        End Function

        Code: Select all

        Function betterTranslationToIterativeFibonacci (Byval n As Uinteger) As Longint
          Dim As Uinteger a = 0, b = 1
          While Not (n <= 1)  '' end condition of iterative loop
            n = n - 1
            Swap a, b
            b = b + a
          Return b * n
        End Function
    2.2) Replace Non-Tail Recursion with more Complex Iteration
    • The recursive procedure is a non-tail recursive procedure if there is at least one recursive call followed by at least one instruction.
      A non-tail recursion cannot be normally transformed into a simple iteration, or it could have been transformed already into tail recursion.

      To avoid limitation due to the execution stack size, a non-tail recursive algorithm can always (more or less easily) be replaced by an iterative algorithm, by pushing the parameters that would normally be passed to the recursive procedure onto an own storage stack. In fact, the execution stack is replaced by a user stack (less limited in size).

      In the following examples, the below user stack macro (compatible with any datatype) is used:

      Code: Select all

      '' save as file: ""
      #macro DynamicUserStackTypeCreate(typename, datatype)
        Type typename
            Declare Constructor ()                       '' pre-allocating user stack memory
            Declare Property push (Byref i As datatype)  '' pushing on the user stack
            Declare Property pop () Byref As datatype    '' popping from the user stack
            Declare Property used () As Integer          '' outputting number of used elements in the user stack
            Declare Property allocated () As Integer     '' outputting number of allocated elements in the user stack
            Declare Destructor ()                        '' deallocating user stack memory
            Dim As datatype ae (Any)  '' array of elements
            Dim As Integer nue        '' number of used elements
            Dim As Integer nae        '' number of allocated elements
            Dim As Integer nae0       '' minimum number of allocated elements
        End Type
        Constructor typename ()
          This.nae0 = 2^Int(Log(1024 * 1024 / Sizeof(datatype)) / Log(2) + 1) '' only a power of 2 (1 MB < stack memory < 2 MB here)
          This.nue = 0
          This.nae = This.nae0
          Redim - 1)                                         '' pre-allocating user stack memory
        End constructor
        Property typename.push (Byref i As datatype)  '' pushing on the user stack
          This.nue += 1
          If This.nue > This.nae0 And This.nae < This.nue * 2 Then
            This.nae *= 2
            Redim Preserve - 1)  '' allocating user stack memory for double used elements at least
          End If
 - 1) = i
        End Property
        Property typename.pop () Byref As datatype  '' popping from the user stack
          If This.nue > 0 Then
            Property = - 1)
            This.nue -= 1
            If This.nue > This.nae0 And This.nae > This.nue * 2 Then
              This.nae \= 2
              Redim Preserve - 1)  '' allocating user stack memory for double used elements at more
            End If
            Static As datatype d
            dim As datatype d0
            d = d0
            Property = d
            Assertwarn(This.nue > 0)  '' warning if popping while empty user stack and debug mode (-g compiler option)
          End If
        End Property
        Property typename.used () As Integer  '' outputting number of used elements in the user stack
          Property = This.nue
        End property
        Property typename.allocated () As Integer  '' outputting number of allocated elements in the user stack
          Property = This.nae
        End property
        Destructor typename  '' deallocating user stack memory
          This.nue = 0
          This.nae = 0
          Erase  '' deallocating user stack memory
        End destructor
      2.2.1) Translation Quite Simple from Final Recursive Procedure (non-tail) to Iterative Procedure
      1. A non-tail recursive procedure is final when the recursive call(s) is(are) placed at the end of executed code (no executable instruction line after and between for several recursive calls).

        In the 3 following examples, the transformation of a recursive procedure into an iterative procedure is quite simple because the recursive calls are always at the end of executed code block, and without order constraints:
        • - make the procedure parameters (and the return value for a function) as local ones,
          - push the initial parameter values in the user stack,
          - enter in a While ... Wend loop to empty the user stack:
          • - pull the variables from the user stack,
            - process the variables similarly to the recursive procedure body,
            - accumulate the "return" variable for a recursive function (the final value will be returned at function body end),
            - replace the recursive calls by pushing the corresponding variables on the user stack,
      2. First example (for console window): Computation of the combination coefficients nCp (binomial coefficients calculation) and display of the Pascal's triangle:
        • The first function 'recursiveCombination' is the recursive form (not a tail recursion because there are two recursive calls with summation in the last active statement).
          The second function 'translationToIterativeCombinationStack' is the iterative form using an own stack.

          In the two functions, a similar structure is conserved to enlighten the conversion method.
          From recursive function to iterative stacking function:
          • - ahead, declaration of 1 local variable for the accumulator,
            - pushing the two initial parameters values in the user stack,
            - entering in the While ... Wend loop to empty the user stack,
            - pulling parameters from the user stack,
            - 'Return 1' is replaced by 'cumul = cumul + 1',
            - 'Return recursiveCombination(n - 1, p) + recursiveCombination(n - 1, p - 1)' is replaced by 'S.push = n - 1 : S.push = p' and 'S.push = n - 1 : S.push = p - 1'.

          Code: Select all

          Function recursiveCombination (Byval n As Uinteger, Byval p As Uinteger) As Longint
            If p = 0 Or p = n then
              Return 1
              Return recursiveCombination(n - 1, p) + recursiveCombination(n - 1, p - 1)
            End If
          End Function
          #Include ""
          DynamicUserStackTypeCreate(DynamicUserStackTypeForUinteger, Uinteger)
          Function translationToIterativeCombinationStack (Byval n As Uinteger, Byval p As Uinteger) As Longint
            Dim cumul As Longint = 0
            Dim As DynamicUserStackTypeForUinteger S
            S.push = n : S.push = p
            While S.used > 0
              p = S.pop : n = S.pop
              If p = 0 Or p = n then
                cumul = cumul + 1
                S.push = n - 1 : S.push = p
                S.push = n - 1 : S.push = p - 1
              End If
            Return cumul
          End Function
          Sub Display(Byval Combination As Function (Byval n As Uinteger, Byval p As Uinteger) As Longint, Byval n As Integer)
            For I As Uinteger = 0 To n
              For J As Uinteger = 0 To I
                Locate , 6 * J + 3 * (n - I) + 3
                Print Combination(I, J);
              Next J
            Next I
          End Sub
          Print " recursion:";
          Display(@recursiveCombination, 12)
          Print " iteration with own storage stack:";
          Display(@translationToIterativeCombinationStack, 12)
      3. Second example (for graphics window), using a non-tail recursive subroutine (recursive drawing of circles):
        • Similar transformation steps:

          Code: Select all

          Sub recursiveCircle (Byval x As Integer, Byval y As Integer, Byval r As Integer)
            Circle (x, y), r
            If r > 16 Then
              recursiveCircle(x + r / 2, y, r / 2)
              recursiveCircle(x - r / 2, y, r / 2)
              recursiveCircle(x, y + r / 2, r / 2)
              recursiveCircle(x, y - r / 2, r / 2)
            End If
          End Sub
          #Include ""
          DynamicUserStackTypeCreate(DynamicUserStackTypeForInteger, Integer)
          Sub recursiveToIterativeCircleStack (Byval x As Integer, Byval y As Integer, Byval r As Integer)
            Dim As DynamicUserStackTypeForInteger S
            S.push = x : S.push = y : S.push = r
            Do While S.used > 0
              r = S.pop : y = S.pop : x = S.pop
              Circle (x, y), r
              If r > 16 Then
                S.push = x + r / 2 : S.push = y : S.push = r / 2
                S.push = x - r / 2 : S.push = y : S.push = r / 2
                S.push = x : S.push = y + r / 2 : S.push = r / 2
                S.push = x : S.push = y - r / 2 : S.push = r / 2
              End If
          End Sub
          Screen 12
          Locate 2, 2
          Print "recursion:"
          recursiveCircle(160, 160, 150)
          Locate 10, 47
          Print "iteration with own storage stack:"
          recursiveToIterativeCircleStack(480, 320, 150)
      4. Third example (for console window), using a non-tail recursive subroutine (Quick Sort algorithm):
        • Similar transformation steps:

          Code: Select all

          Dim shared As Ubyte t(99)
          Sub recursiveQuicksort (Byval L As Integer, Byval R As Integer)
            Dim As Integer pivot = L, I = L, J = R
              If t(I) >= t(J) then
                Swap t(I), t(J)
                pivot = L + R - pivot
              End If
              If pivot = L then
                J = J - 1
                I = I + 1
              End If
            Loop Until I = J
            If L < I - 1 Then
              recursiveQuicksort(L, I - 1)
            End If
            If R > J + 1 Then
              recursiveQuicksort(J + 1, R)
            End If
          End Sub
          #Include ""
          DynamicUserStackTypeCreate(DynamicUserStackTypeForInteger, Integer)
          Sub translationToIteraticeQuicksortStack (Byval L As Integer, Byval R As Integer)
            Dim As DynamicUserStackTypeForInteger S
            S.push = L : S.push = R
            While S.used > 0
              R = S.pop : L = S.pop
              Dim As Integer pivot = L, I = L, J = R
                If t(I) >= t(J) then
                  Swap t(I), t(J)
                  pivot = L + R - pivot
                End If
                If pivot = L then
                  J = J - 1
                  I = I + 1
                End If
              Loop Until I = J
              If L < I - 1 Then
                S.push = L : S.push = I - 1
              End If
              If R > J + 1 Then
                S.push = J + 1 : S.push = R
              End If
          End Sub
          For I As Integer = Lbound(t) To Ubound(t)
            t(i) = Int(Rnd * 256)
          Next I
          Print "raw memory:"
          For K As Integer = Lbound(t) To Ubound(t)
            Print Using "####"; t(K);
          Next K
          recursiveQuicksort(Lbound(t), Ubound(t))
          Print "sorted memory by recursion:"
          For K As Integer = Lbound(t) To Ubound(t)
            Print Using "####"; t(K);
          Next K
          For I As Integer = Lbound(t) To Ubound(t)
            t(i) = Int(Rnd * 256)
          Next I
          Print "raw memory:"
          For K As Integer = Lbound(t) To Ubound(t)
            Print Using "####"; t(K);
          Next K
          translationToIteraticeQuicksortStack(Lbound(t), Ubound(t))
          Print "sorted memory by iteration with stack:"
          For K As Integer = Lbound(t) To Ubound(t)
            Print Using "####"; t(K);
          Next K
      2.2.2) Translation Little More Complex from Non-Final Recursive Procedure to Iterative Procedure
      1. For theses examples, the transformation of the non-final recursive procedure into an iterative procedure is a little more complex because the recursive call(s) is(are) not placed at the end of executed code (see the "final" definition at paragraph 2.2.1).

        The general method used hereafter is to first transform original recursive procedure into a "final" recursive procedure where the recursive call(s) is(are) now placed at the end of executed code block (no executable instruction line between or after).
      2. First example (for console window), using a non-tail recursive subroutine (tower of Hanoi algorithm):
        • For this example, the two recursive calls are at the end of executed code block but separated by an instruction line and there is an order constraint.
          In the two functions, a similar structure is conserved to enlighten the conversion method.
          From recursive function to iterative stacking function:
          • - the first step consists in removing the instruction line between the two recursive calls by adding its equivalent at top of the recursive code body (2 parameters are added to the procedure to pass the corresponding useful data),
            - then the process of translation to iterative form is similar to the previous examples (using a own storage stack) but reversing the order of the 2 recursive calls when pushing on the storage stack.

          Code: Select all

          Sub recursiveHanoi (Byval n As Integer, Byval departure As String, Byval middle As String, Byval arrival As String)
            If n > 0 Then
              recursiveHanoi(n - 1, departure, arrival, middle)
              Print "  move one disk from " & departure & " to " & arrival
              recursiveHanoi(n -1 , middle, departure, arrival)
            End If
          End Sub
          Sub finalRecursiveHanoi (Byval n As Integer, Byval departure As String, Byval middle As String, Byval arrival As String, Byval dep As String = "", Byval arr As String = "")
            If dep <> "" Then Print "  move one disk from " & dep & " to " & arr
            If n > 0 Then
              finalRecursiveHanoi(n - 1, departure, arrival, middle, "")
              finalRecursiveHanoi(n - 1, middle, departure, arrival, departure, arrival)
            End If
          End Sub
          #Include ""
          DynamicUserStackTypeCreate(DynamicUserStackTypeForString, String)
          Sub translationToIterativeHanoi (Byval n As Integer, Byval departure As String, Byval middle As String, Byval arrival As String)
            Dim As String dep = "", arr = ""
            Dim As DynamicUserStackTypeForString S
            S.push = Str(n) : S.push = departure : S.push = middle : S.push = arrival : S.push = dep : S.push = arr
            While S.used > 0
              arr = S.pop : dep = S.pop : arrival = S.pop : middle = S.pop : departure = S.pop : n = Val(S.pop)
              If dep <> "" Then Print "  move one disk from " & dep & " to " & arr
              If n > 0 Then
                S.push = Str(n - 1) : S.push = middle : S.push = departure : S.push = arrival : S.push = departure : S.push = arrival
                S.push = Str(n - 1) : S.push = departure : S.push = arrival : S.push = middle : S.push = "" : S.push = ""
              End If
          End Sub
          Print "recursive tower of Hanoi:"
          recursiveHanoi(3, "A", "B", "C")
          Print "final recursive tower of Hanoi:"
          finalRecursiveHanoi(3, "A", "B", "C")
          Print "iterative tower of Hanoi:"
          translationToIterativeHanoi(3, "A", "B", "C")
      3. Second example (for console window), using a non-tail recursive subroutine (counting-down from n, then re-counting up to n):
        • For this example, the recursive call is followed by an instruction line before the end of executed code block.
          In the two functions, a similar structure is conserved to enlighten the conversion method.
          From recursive function to iterative stacking function:
          • - the first step consists in replacing the instruction line at the end of executed code block by a new recursive call (a parameter is added to the procedure to pass the corresponding useful data),
            - an equivalent instruction line is added at top of the recursive code body (using the passed data), executed in this case instead of the normal code,
            - then the process of translation to iterative form is similar to the previous example (using a own storage stack) and reversing the order of the 2 recursive calls when pushing on the storage stack.

          Code: Select all

          Sub recursiveCount (Byval n As Integer)
            If n >= 0 Then
              Print n & " ";
              If n = 0 Then Print
              recursiveCount(n - 1)
              Print n & " ";
            End If
          End Sub
          Sub finalRecursiveCount (Byval n As Integer, Byval recount As String = "")
            If recount <> "" Then
              Print recount & " ";
              If n >= 0 Then
                Print n & " ";
                If n = 0 Then Print
                finalRecursiveCount(n - 1, "")
                finalRecursiveCount(n - 1, Str(n))
              End If
            End If
          End Sub
          #Include ""
          DynamicUserStackTypeCreate(DynamicUserStackTypeForString, String)
          Sub translationToIterativeCount (Byval n As Integer)
            Dim As String recount = ""
            Dim As DynamicUserStackTypeForString S
            S.push = Str(n) : S.push = recount
            While S.used > 0
              recount = S.pop : n = Val(S.pop)
            If recount <> "" Then
              Print recount & " ";
              If n >= 0 Then
                Print n & " ";
                If n = 0 Then Print
                S.push = Str(n - 1) : S.push = Str(n)
                S.push = Str(n - 1) : S.push = ""
              End If
            End If
          End Sub
          Print "recursive counting-down then re-counting up:"
          Print "final recursive counting-down then re-counting up:"
          Print "iterative counting-down then re-counting up:"
      2.2.3) Translation from Other Non-Obvious Recursive Procedure to Iterative Procedure
      1. Two other cases of translation from recursion to iteration are presented here by means of simple examples:
        • - for mutual recursion,
          - for nested recursion.
        Two functions are said to be mutually recursive if the first calls the second, and in turn the second calls the first.
        A recursive function is said nested if an argument passed to the function refers to the function itself.
      2. Example using mutual recursive functions ('even()' and 'odd()' functions):
        • From mutual recursive procedures to iterative stacking procedures (for the general case):
          • - the first step consists in transforming the recursive procedures into "final" recursive procedures (see the "final" definition at paragraph 2.2.1),
            - then, the method is similar than that already described, with besides an additional parameter (an index) which is also pushed on the user stack in order to select the right code body to execute when pulling data from the stack,
            - therefore, each iterative procedure contains the translation (for stacking) of all code bodies from the recursive procedures.
          In this following examples, the simple mutual recursive functions are here processed as in the general case (other very simple iterative solutions exist):

          Code: Select all

          Declare Function recursiveIsEven(Byval n As Integer) As Boolean
          Declare Function recursiveIsOdd(Byval n As Integer) As Boolean
          Function recursiveIsEven(Byval n As Integer) As Boolean
            If n = 0 Then
              Return True
              Return recursiveIsOdd(n - 1)
            End If
          End Function
          Function recursiveIsOdd(Byval n As Integer) As Boolean
            If n = 0 Then
              Return False
              Return recursiveIsEven(n - 1)
            End If
          End Function
          #Include ""
          DynamicUserStackTypeCreate(DynamicUserStackTypeForInteger, Integer)
          Function iterativeIsEven(Byval n As Integer) As Boolean
            Dim As Integer i = 1
            Dim As DynamicUserStackTypeForInteger S
            S.push = n : S.push = i
            While S.used > 0
              i = S.pop : n = S.pop
              If i = 1 Then
                If n = 0 Then
                  Return True
                  S.push = n - 1 : S.push = 2
                End If
              Elseif i = 2 Then
                If n = 0 Then
                  Return False
                  S.push = n - 1 : S.push = 1
                End If
              End If
          End Function
          Function iterativeIsOdd(Byval n As Integer) As Boolean
            Dim As Integer i = 2
            Dim As DynamicUserStackTypeForInteger S
            S.push = n : S.push = i
            While S.used > 0
              i = S.pop : n = S.pop
              If i = 1 Then
                If n = 0 Then
                  Return True
                  S.push = n - 1 : S.push = 2
                End If
              Elseif i = 2 Then
                If n = 0 Then
                  Return False
                  S.push = n - 1 : S.push = 1
                End If
              End If
          End Function
          Print recursiveIsEven(16), recursiveIsOdd(16)
          Print recursiveIsEven(17), recursiveIsOdd(17)
          Print iterativeIsEven(16), iterativeIsOdd(16)
          Print iterativeIsEven(17), iterativeIsOdd(17)
      3. Example using nested recursive function ('Ackermann()' function):
        • From nested recursive function to iterative stacking function:
          • - use 2 independent storage stacks, one for the first parameter "m" and another for the second parameter "n" of the function, because of the nested call on one parameter,
            - 'Return expression' is transformed into a pushing the expression on the stack dedicated to the parameter where the nesting call is,
            - therefore a 'Return' of data popping from the same stack is added at code end.

          Code: Select all

          Function recursiveAckermann (Byval m As Integer, Byval n As Integer) As Integer
            If m = 0 Then
              Return n + 1
              If n = 0 Then
                Return recursiveAckermann(m - 1, 1)
                Return recursiveAckermann(m - 1, recursiveAckermann(m, n - 1))
              End If
            End If
          End Function
          #Include ""
          DynamicUserStackTypeCreate(DynamicUserStackTypeForInteger, Integer)
          Function iterativeAckermann (Byval m As Integer, Byval n As Integer) As Integer
            Dim As DynamicUserStackTypeForInteger Sm, Sn
            Sm.push = m : Sn.push = n
            While Sm.used > 0
              m = Sm.pop : n = Sn.pop
              If m = 0 Then
                Sn.push = n + 1                                    ' Return n + 1 (and because of nested call)
                If n = 0 Then
                  Sm.push = m - 1 : Sn.push = 1                    ' Return Ackermann(m - 1, 1)
                  Sm.push = m - 1 : Sm.push = m : Sn.push = n - 1  ' Return Ackermann(m - 1, Ackermann(m, n - 1))
                End If
              End If
            Return Sn.pop                                          ' (because of Sn.push = n + 1)
          End Function
          Print recursiveAckermann(3, 0), recursiveAckermann(3, 1), recursiveAckermann(3, 2), recursiveAckermann(3, 3), recursiveAckermann(3, 4)
          Print iterativeAckermann(3, 0), iterativeAckermann(3, 1), iterativeAckermann(3, 2), iterativeAckermann(3, 3), iterativeAckermann(3, 4)
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Re: How to Replace Any Recursion with Simple Iteration or Unlimited Iteration with its Own Stack, in FB

Post by badidea »

Paint, using your (not optimised for speed).
Code updated:

Code: Select all

Const As Single PI = 2 * Atan2(1,0)
Const As Ulong WHITE = &h00ffffff
Const As Ulong RED = &h00dd0000
Const As Ulong GREEN = &h0000aa00
Const As Ulong BLUE = &h000000dd

Sub recursivePaint(x As Long, y As Long, fillColor As Long, borderColor As Long)
	If Point(x, y) = fillColor Or Point(x, y) = borderColor Then
		Exit Sub
		Pset(x, y), fillColor
		'sleep 1,1 'enable for slow animation
		recursivePaint(x + 1, y, fillColor, borderColor)
		recursivePaint(x, y + 1, fillColor, borderColor)
		recursivePaint(x - 1, y, fillColor, borderColor)
		recursivePaint(x, y - 1, fillColor, borderColor)
	End If
End Sub

#Include ""
DynamicUserStackTypeCreate(DynamicUserStackTypeForLong, Long)

Sub recursiveToIterativePaint(x As Long, y As Long, fillColor As Long, borderColor As Long)
	Dim As DynamicUserStackTypeForLong S
	S.push = x : S.push = y
	Do While S.used > 0
		y = S.pop : x = S.pop 'pop in reverse
		If Point(x, y) = fillColor Or Point(x, y) = borderColor Then
			Continue Do
			Pset(x, y), fillColor 'add check
			S.push = x + 1 : S.push = y
			S.push = x : S.push = y + 1
			S.push = x - 1 : S.push = y
			S.push = x : S.push = y - 1
		End If
End Sub

Screenres 800,600,32

'draw a flower
For a As Single = 0 To PI*2 Step PI/6
	Line(400 + Cos(a) * 280, 300 + Sin(a) * 280) - (400 + Cos(a-PI/8) * 150, 300 + Sin(a-PI/8) * 150), WHITE
	Line(400 + Cos(a) * 280, 300 + Sin(a) * 280) - (400 + Cos(a+PI/8) * 150, 300 + Sin(a+PI/8) * 150), WHITE
	Circle (400, 300), 140 - a * 20, WHITE, a, a + PI * 1.8

While inkey$ = ""
	Paint (400, 300), RED, WHITE
	Sleep 200,1
	recursivePaint(400, 300, BLUE, WHITE)
	Sleep 200,1
	recursiveToIterativePaint(400, 300, GREEN, WHITE)
	Sleep 200,1
Print "Done"
Ulong can be another integer. I was pushing and popping the colors also initially. This was not needed of course.

I should try this on my Pentominoes solver or my Checkers / draughts computer

Note: Some closing quotes (") missing in your 'Hanoi towers'.
Last edited by badidea on Sep 22, 2018 21:54, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: How to Replace Any Recursion with Simple Iteration or Unlimited Iteration with its Own Stack, in FB

Post by fxm »

badidea wrote:Note: Some closing quotes (") missing in your 'Hanoi towers'.
Thanks (corrected now).
badidea wrote:Paint, using your (not optimised for speed)
In your code, you do not have to define local variables 'xs' and 'ys' because the variables 'x' and 'y' are passed by value.
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Re: How to Replace Any Recursion with Simple Iteration or Unlimited Iteration with its Own Stack, in FB

Post by badidea »

fxm wrote:In your code, you do not have to define local variables 'xs' and 'ys' because the variables 'x' and 'y' are passed by value.
Code updated.
paul doe
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Re: How to Replace Any Recursion with Simple Iteration or Unlimited Iteration with its Own Stack, in FB

Post by paul doe »

Really nice and comprehensive work, fxm. Well done!
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Re: How to Replace Any Recursion with Simple Iteration or Unlimited Iteration with its Own Stack, in FB

Post by dodicat »

Thanks fxm
Powerbasic had a recursive hanoi.
Here is a translation.

Code: Select all

'  This  program demostrates a recursive version of the popular "Towers
'  of Hanoi" game.
'  In order to run this program do the following:                           ³
'    1. Load PowerBASIC by typing PB at the DOS prompt.
'    2. Load the file HANOI.BAS from the Load option of the File
'       pulldown menu.
'    3. Compile and run the program by pressing F9.
Screen 9
'$STACK 32766 ' allocate plenty of stack space since it's a recursive program
Declare Sub DisplayMove
Const X  = 1   ' named constants used for indexing and screen positioning
Const Y  = 0
Const PromptLine = 24   ' named constant indicating line for all user prompts
Const MaxDisks   = 13   ' named constant indicating maximum number of disks
Const CursorOff  = 0
Dim Shared RecursionDepth As Integer
' global variable declarations
Dim Shared NumberOfDisks(1 To MaxDisks + 1) As Integer, SourceTower(1 To MaxDisks + 1)As Integer
Dim Shared TargetTower(1 To MaxDisks + 1)As Integer, Disk(1 To MaxDisks + 1)As String
Dim Shared DisksPosition(MaxDisks,1)As Integer, TowerHeight(1 To 3)As Integer

Dim Shared As Integer NumberOfMoves = 0               ' used to keep track of number of moves made
Dim Shared As Integer BottomLine    = 24              ' used to indicate bottom line of display
Dim Shared As Integer TowerBase     = 2

Sub Init   ' This procedure is used to initialize the screen and get the number
    ' of disks to use.
    Dim c As Integer
    Color 7, 0                              ' initialize screen color
    Color 4, 0
    Locate 1, 26, CursorOff
    Print "TOWERS OF HANOI"                 ' display the program banner
    Color 6, 0
    Locate PromptLine, X, CursorOff
    Print "Number of Disks (1 TO " + Str(MaxDisks) +  ") ";
    Do   ' get the number of disks from the user
        Locate PromptLine, Len("Number of Disks (1 TO " + Str(MaxDisks) +  ") ") + 1, CursorOff
        Input NumberOfDisks(1)
        If NumberOfDisks(1) > MaxDisks Then Beep
    Loop Until NumberOfDisks(1) <= MaxDisks
    TowerBase = TowerBase + NumberOfDisks(1)
    Color 7, 0
    Locate PromptLine, X, CursorOff
    Print Space(79)                        ' clear prompt line
End Sub  ' end procedure Init

Sub DisplayGameScreen  ' This procedure displays a message on the screen
    Locate 1, 26,CursorOff              ' position the cursor and turn it on
    Color 4, 0                            ' set the display color
    Print "TOWERS OF HANOI FOR"; NumberOfDisks(1); "DISKS"
    Locate TowerBase + 1, X, CursorOff   ' position the cursor
    Color 1, 0                              ' set the display color
    Print String(80,176);                  ' display a bar on the screen
    Color 7,0                               ' set the display color
End Sub  ' end procedure DisplayGameScreen

Sub MakeMoves(Byref  NumMoves As Integer)
    ' check if we should exit routine
    If NumberOfDisks(RecursionDepth) = 0 Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    NumberOfDisks(RecursionDepth + 1) = NumberOfDisks(RecursionDepth) - 1
    SourceTower(RecursionDepth + 1) = SourceTower(RecursionDepth)
    TargetTower(RecursionDepth + 1) = 6 - _
    SourceTower(RecursionDepth) - TargetTower(RecursionDepth)
    NumMoves= NumMoves+1
    NumberOfDisks(RecursionDepth + 1) = NumberOfDisks(RecursionDepth) - 1
    SourceTower(RecursionDepth + 1) = 6 - _
    SourceTower(RecursionDepth) - TargetTower(RecursionDepth)
    TargetTower(RecursionDepth + 1) = TargetTower(RecursionDepth)
End Sub 

Sub DisplayMove
    sleep 14-NumberOfDisks(1)
    Dim column As Integer
    If TargetTower(RecursionDepth) = 1 Then
        Column = 1
    Elseif TargetTower(RecursionDepth) = 2 Then
        Column = 27
    Elseif TargetTower(RecursionDepth) = 3 Then
        Column = 54
    End If
    ' go to the position of the next disk to move
    Locate DisksPosition(NumberOfDisks(RecursionDepth),Y), _
    DisksPosition(NumberOfDisks(RecursionDepth),X), CursorOff
    Color 7,0
    Print Space(26)      ' erase current disk
    ' increment the height of the tower the disk is moving to
    ' position cursor at top of destination tower
    Locate TowerHeight(TargetTower(RecursionDepth)), Column, CursorOff
    ' get the color
    Color NumberOfDisks(RecursionDepth) Mod 14 + 1,0
    Print Disk(NumberOfDisks(RecursionDepth));   ' display the disk
    Color 7,0
    ' update the current position of this disk
    DisksPosition(NumberOfDisks(RecursionDepth),Y) = _
    DisksPosition(NumberOfDisks(RecursionDepth),X) = Column
    ' decrement the height of the tower the disk came from
    TowerHeight(TargetTower(RecursionDepth)) = _
    TowerHeight(TargetTower(RecursionDepth)) - 1
End Sub 

' start of main program

' initialize the array of disks
For X1 As Integer = 1 To NumberOfDisks(1)        ' for the number of disks
    Disk(X1) = String(26,32)  ' fill the array with spaces
    Mid(Disk(X1), MaxDisks + 1 - X1, X1 * 2 - 1) = String(30,219)
Next X1

' display the initial disks
Dim Top As Integer = TowerBase - NumberOfDisks(1)
For X1 As Integer = 1 To NumberOfDisks(1)
    DisksPosition(X1,Y) = Top + X1      ' assign row display
    DisksPosition(X1,X) = 1              ' assign column display
    Locate Top + X1, 1,CursorOff' position cursor
    Color X1 Mod 14 + 1,0       ' change color
    Print Disk(X1);            ' display the current disk
Next X1
Sleep 1000

DisplayGameScreen         ' display game screen

TowerHeight(1) = Top              ' initialize global variables
TowerHeight(2) = TowerBase
TowerHeight(3) = TowerBase
SourceTower(1) = 1
TargetTower(1) = 3
RecursionDepth = 0

Locate 1, 1,CursorOff 
Print "Start time: " ;Int(Timer)
MakeMoves( NumberOfMoves) ' start game

Locate 2, 1,CursorOff 
Print "Stop time : "; Int(Timer)
Locate PromptLine, 26
Print "DONE IN "; NumberOfMoves; " MOVES";
End  ' end of program
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Re: How to Replace Any Recursion with Simple Iteration or Unlimited Iteration with its Own Stack, in FB

Post by fxm »

Increase the sleep time in DisplayMove() is more demonstrative.
Lost Zergling
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Re: How to Replace Any Recursion with Simple Iteration or Unlimited Iteration with its Own Stack, in FB

Post by Lost Zergling »

Hello fxm. First of all thank you because this post is didactic, clear, precise and neutral. I'm a little 'offtopic', to see but in any case on the recursion. As you may have noticed, in my list manipulation tools I use two competing recursive techniques in 'nodeflat', and I am very interested in the possible tracks to optimize the operation. You have already helped me a lot with the simple idea of ​​a global variable to track the deallocations (it's silly but I just did not think). The typical recursion case I am thinking of is the path of a tree and the recursive (backward) path is initiated by the kinematics of the pointers, in which case it is the tree itself that serves as a user stack (virtually linearized). But since the nodeflat instruction must be able to take place (or not) in a recursion already itself iterated and therefore interrupted (hashstep), then the actually recursive mode allows to have reverse recursion to the request even outside of the hashstep loop, with the same instruction. I do not dare to touch this code, but I have the intuition that it could perhaps be optimized. I have another problem: I introduced a recursion in the hashtag and my tests seem to show a threshold effect impacting overall performance, but it's stealthy: would it come from recursion, a test , the size of the property, I have difficulty to determine it accurately. So far new hashTag is slower than previous, but the reason why is very difficult to identify.
Lost Zergling
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Re: How to Replace Any Recursion with Simple Iteration or Unlimited Iteration with its Own Stack, in FB

Post by Lost Zergling »

@fxm : slowdown fixed - this one wasn't due to a recursive call.
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Re: How to Replace Any Recursion with Simple Iteration or Unlimited Iteration with its Own Stack, in FB

Post by badidea »

I have modified you stack implementation for other purposes, I hope you don't mind.

Code: Select all

#macro listTypeCreate(list_type, data_type)

	type list_type
		declare property push(byval value as data_type)
		declare property pop() as data_type
		declare property size() as integer 'stack size
		declare property find(byval value as data_type) as integer
		declare property get(index as integer) as data_type
		declare destructor()
		dim as data_type list(any) 'stack
		dim as integer current = 0
	end type

	'increase list size + add value
	property list_type.push(byval value as data_type)
		redim preserve list(ubound(list) + 1)
		list(ubound(list)) = value
	end property

	property list_type.pop() as data_type
		dim as data_type value
		select case ubound(list)
		case is > 0
			'get value + decrease list size
			value = list(ubound(list))
			redim preserve list(ubound(list) - 1)
		case is = 0
			'get value + empty list
			value = list(ubound(list))
			erase list
		case else
			'keep uninitialised value
		end select
		return value
	end property

	property list_type.size() as integer
		return ubound(list) + 1
	end property

	'find first match
	property list_type.find(byval value as data_type) as integer
		for i as integer = lbound(list) to ubound(list)
			if list(i) = value then return i 
		return -1
	end property

	property list_type.get(index as integer) as data_type
		dim as data_type value
		if index >= lbound(list) and index <= ubound(list) then
			value = list(index)
		end if
		return value 
	end property

	destructor list_type
		erase list
	end destructor


listTypeCreate(listTypeUlong, ulong)

dim as listTypeUlong list
list.push = 111 'property asignment format
list.push = 333
print "list.size() = "; list.size()
print "list.find(333) = "; list.find(333)
print "list.find(555) = "; list.find(555)
print "list.find(888) = "; list.find(888)
for i as integer = -1 to list.size() - 1 + 1
	print "list.get(" + str(i) + ") = "; list.get(i)
while list.size() > 0
	print "list.pop() = "; list.pop()
print "list.size() = "; list.size()
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Re: How to Replace Any Recursion with Simple Iteration or Unlimited Iteration with its Own Stack, in FB

Post by fxm »

No problem. Everyone has the right to be inspired by code on the forum (like my first version of user stack) and modify it as it sees fit.

Myself, I yesterday modified it, but just to gain speed of execution!
(important when we want to replace the execution stack by its own stack)
See the first post, at the beginning of paragraph 2.2).
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Re: How to Replace Any Recursion with Simple Iteration or Unlimited Iteration with its Own Stack, in FB

Post by marcov »

This describes auto-recursion, but maybe it would be fun to work out a mutual recusion (or even a more complex one like a recursive descent expression parser) case? I've seen factorials linearized often, but the demonstrations always are for the simpler cases.
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Re: How to Replace Any Recursion with Simple Iteration or Unlimited Iteration with its Own Stack, in FB

Post by fxm »

I think that there is no fundamental problem for mutual recursive procedures.
From mutual recursive procedures to iterative stacking procedures:
- the first step consists in transforming the recursive procedures into "final" recursive procedures (see the "final" definition at paragraph 2.2.2 of my article),
- then, the method is similar than that already described, with besides an additional parameter (an index) which is also pushed on the user stack in order to select the right code body to execute when pulling data from the stack,
- therefore, each iterative procedure contains the translation (for stacking) of all code bodies from the recursive procedures.
Simple "even/odd" functions for example:

Code: Select all

Declare Function recursiveIsEven(Byval n As Integer) As Boolean
Declare Function recursiveIsOdd(Byval n As Integer) As Boolean

Function recursiveIsEven(Byval n As Integer) As Boolean
  If n = 0 Then
    Return True
    Return recursiveIsOdd(n - 1)
  End If
End Function

Function recursiveIsOdd(Byval n As Integer) As Boolean
  If n = 0 Then
    Return False
    Return recursiveIsEven(n - 1)
  End If
End Function

#Include ""
DynamicUserStackTypeCreate(DynamicUserStackTypeForInteger, Integer)

Function iterativeIsEven(Byval n As Integer) As Boolean
  Dim As Integer i = 1
  Dim As DynamicUserStackTypeForInteger S
  S.push = n : S.push = i
  While S.used > 0
    i = S.pop : n = S.pop
    If i = 1 Then
      If n = 0 Then
        Return True
        S.push = n - 1 : S.push = 2
      End If
    Elseif i = 2 Then
      If n = 0 Then
        Return False
        S.push = n - 1 : S.push = 1
      End If
    End If
End Function

Function iterativeIsOdd(Byval n As Integer) As Boolean
  Dim As Integer i = 2
  Dim As DynamicUserStackTypeForInteger S
  S.push = n : S.push = i
  While S.used > 0
    i = S.pop : n = S.pop
    If i = 1 Then
      If n = 0 Then
        Return True
        S.push = n - 1 : S.push = 2
      End If
    Elseif i = 2 Then
      If n = 0 Then
        Return False
        S.push = n - 1 : S.push = 1
      End If
    End If
End Function

Print recursiveIsEven(16), recursiveIsOdd(16)
Print recursiveIsEven(17), recursiveIsOdd(17)

Print iterativeIsEven(16), iterativeIsOdd(16)
Print iterativeIsEven(17), iterativeIsOdd(17)

But by cons I think that there is a big problem for a nested recursive procedure.
"Ackermann" function for example:

Code: Select all

Function Ackermann (Byval m As Integer, Byval n As Integer) As Integer
  If m = 0 Then
    Return n + 1
    If n = 0 Then
      Return Ackermann(m - 1, 1)
      Return Ackermann(m - 1, Ackermann(m, n - 1))
    End If
  End If
End Function
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Joined: Apr 22, 2009 12:46
Location: Paris suburbs, FRANCE

Re: How to Replace Any Recursion with Simple Iteration or Unlimited Iteration with its Own Stack, in FB

Post by fxm »

fxm wrote:But by cons I think that there is a big problem for a nested recursive procedure.
"Ackermann" function for example:
In fact, the solution is quite simple:
- use 2 independent storage stacks, one for the first parameter "m" and another for the second parameter "n" of the function, because of the nested call on one parameter,
- 'Return expression' is transformed into a pushing the expression on the stack dedicated to the parameter where the nesting call is,
- therefore a 'Return' of data popping from the same stack is added at code end.

Code: Select all

Function recursiveAckermann (Byval m As Integer, Byval n As Integer) As Integer
  If m = 0 Then
    Return n + 1
    If n = 0 Then
      Return recursiveAckermann(m - 1, 1)
      Return recursiveAckermann(m - 1, recursiveAckermann(m, n - 1))
    End If
  End If
End Function

#Include ""
DynamicUserStackTypeCreate(DynamicUserStackTypeForInteger, Integer)

Function iterativeAckermann (Byval m As Integer, Byval n As Integer) As Integer
  Dim As DynamicUserStackTypeForInteger Sm, Sn
  Sm.push = m : Sn.push = n
  While Sm.used > 0
    m = Sm.pop : n = Sn.pop
    If m = 0 Then
      Sn.push = n + 1                                    ' Return n + 1 (and because of nested call)
      If n = 0 Then
        Sm.push = m - 1 : Sn.push = 1                    ' Return Ackermann(m - 1, 1)
        Sm.push = m - 1 : Sm.push = m : Sn.push = n - 1  ' Return Ackermann(m - 1, Ackermann(m, n - 1))
      End If
    End If
  Return Sn.pop                                          ' (because of Sn.push = n + 1)
End Function

Print recursiveAckermann(3, 0), recursiveAckermann(3, 1), recursiveAckermann(3, 2), recursiveAckermann(3, 3), recursiveAckermann(3, 4)
Print iterativeAckermann(3, 0), iterativeAckermann(3, 1), iterativeAckermann(3, 2), iterativeAckermann(3, 3), iterativeAckermann(3, 4)

Posts: 12107
Joined: Apr 22, 2009 12:46
Location: Paris suburbs, FRANCE

Re: How to Replace Any Recursion with Simple Iteration or Unlimited Iteration with its Own Stack, in FB

Post by fxm »

Added at the header article these previous two examples of translation from recursion to iteration (for mutual recursion, and for nested recursion) in a last paragraph (2.2.3).
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