COMWrapperBuilder tool

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Xusinboy Bekchanov
Posts: 789
Joined: Jul 26, 2018 18:28

COMWrapperBuilder tool

Post by Xusinboy Bekchanov »

Added COMWrapperBuilder tool.
It creates to make working with COM easier. is based on OSchmidt's

For this tool to work, you need:
1. Add #include "" into one of the modules of the project or a single file.
The tool creates "" itself if it is not available, otherwise it overwrites.
2. Select the path to the project or a single file in graphical mode or specify in the command line.
Has two switches on the command line:
-p Path to the project
-s Path to a single file

OSchmidt's example can be represented as follows

Code: Select all

#define UNICODE
#include once ""

'Whilst the other examples so far, were creating InProcess-ObjectInstances -
'the following snippet covers an OutOfProcess-COMServer ("Excel.Application")
MsgBox "It might take a few seconds before something happens" & Chr(10) & _
"(Excel-Startups are not the fastest, especially on a 'cold FileCache')"

ShowCOMErrors = False 'we check the COMErr-Variable (and show an Error-MsgBox when needed) ourselves
Dim xlApp As vbVariant = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
If COMErr.Number Then MsgBox COMErr.Description: End ' early exit on Machines without an Excel-Install
ShowCOMErrors = True 'for the rest of the snippet, we switch the built-in COMErr-Messaging back On

xlApp.Visible = True

Dim xlSheet As vbVariant = xlApp.ActiveSheet, CellValue As vbVariant

With xlSheet.Range("A1") 'let's operate from the TopLeft-cell
	Dim SArr(0 To 2) As String = {"Hello", "COM-calls", "from FB"}
	For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(SArr)
		.Offset(0, i).Value = SArr(i)
	CellValue = .Offset(0, 1).Value '<- should return "COM-calls"
End With '<- at this point, the above instantiated A1-Range-Object will be destroyed implicitly

xlSheet.Parent.Saved = True 'let's suppress the "Save Document" Dialogue ...
xlSheet.Clear '... and destroy the Sheet-Object with the appropriate vbVariant.Method ...

MsgBox CellValue '... now show the CellValue we have retrieved (should contain "COM-calls") ...

xlApp.Quit '...  before we "call it quits" here
After working with this tool, looks like this:

Code: Select all

' a "lean and mean" (not library-dependent) LateBound-Helper-Module for FreeBasic
'Author:      Olaf Schmidt (June 2016)
'The Vartype-Letters, as used for the ByName...-Methods are as follows:
'    u: 8BitU-Integer(FB UByte)
'    i: 16Bit-Integer(FB Short)
'    l: 32Bit-Integer(FB Long)
'    c: 64Bit-Integer(FB LongInt, mapped between 64Bit-FB-Int and -OLEVariant-Currency)
'    b: 16Bit-Boolean(FB Boolean, mapped between 8Bit-FB and 16Bit-OLEVariant-Booleans)
'    f: 32Bit-FlPoint(FB Single)
'    d: 64Bit-FlPoint(FB Double)
'    t: 64BitDateTime(FB Double)
'    s: 8Bit-per-Char(FB String)  !!! note, that only in normal ANSI-FB-Source-Modules, String-Literals can be passed as "s"...
'    w: 16Bit-per-Chr(FB WString) !!! FB-Source-Modules that are Unicode, String-Literals need to be passed as "w" instead
'    v: OleVariant (which always need to be passed with their VarPtr -> @VariantVariable
'When used in the TypeChars-Param of the CallByName-Func, an UpperCase-Letter signifies
'"ByRef"-passing (the FB-Variable needs to be prefixed by an @ in these cases)

#include once ""
#include once ""
#include once "win/"
#include once "crt/"

#ifdef __FB_WIN32__ 'this is necessary, because FB maps the original FB-Long-Def to Boolean somehow (remove when Fix is available in the Compiler)
	#undef  Long
	#define Long Integer '...though it should not do any harm to leave it as is... on Win32 it's the same BitLength (+ we filtered with the #IfDef)
	#undef  CLng
	#define CLng CInt 'same thing here - a redefinition is necessary to work around the FB-Win32-Compiler-Bug
	#undef Call 'to allow usage of that KeyWord as an UDT-Method (it's not used anyways in lang -fb)

'the following Const is used in the (Variant)Conversions from BSTRs to FB-Strings
Dim Shared DefaultCodePage_StringConv As UINT
#ifdef UNICODE
	DefaultCodePage_StringConv = CP_UTF8 'an 8Bit-FB-String will hold an UTF8-Stream when a vbVariant is casted to it
	DefaultCodePage_StringConv = CP_ACP 'that conforms to the normal ANSI-Conversion

'the Const below is relevant for the Variant-Conversions (Strings <-> Numbers or DateValues) - we avoid LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,
'since that would convert e.g. a DoubleValue of 1.1 to a String-Representation of 1,1 on a german system, instead LOCALE_INVARIANT ...
Const DefaultLocale_VariantConv As Long = LOCALE_INVARIANT '...conforms to FB-StringConv-Representations of Dates and rational Numbers

Type tCOMErr
	Number As UINT
	Description As String
End Type
Dim Shared COMErr As tCOMErr, EInfo As tagEXCEPINFO, ShowCOMErrors As Boolean = True

Dim Shared Done As Boolean 'anything COM-related needs to CoInitialize... (shell32 and comctl32 are preloaded, to play nicely with Manifested Apps)
If Not Done Then Done = True: CoInitializeEx(0, 2): DyLibLoad("shell32.dll"): DyLibLoad("comctl32.dll")

Function AppName() As String
	Static S As String
	If Len(S) = 0 Then S = Command(0):S = Mid(S, InStrRev(S, "\") + 1): S = Left(S, Len(S) - 4)
	Return S
End Function

Function MsgBox cdecl Overload (ByVal Msg As LPCWSTR, ByVal Flags As Long = MB_ICONINFORMATION) As Long
	Return MessageBoxW(GetActiveWindow, Msg, AppName, Flags)
End Function

Private Function HandleCOMErr(ByVal HRes As HResult, ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR) As HResult
	Static Msg As WString Ptr: If Msg = NULL Then Msg = CAllocate(8192 + 2)
	Function = HRes
		COMErr.Number = EInfo.sCode
		COMErr.Description= "Err(&H" & Hex(HRes) & ") in " & *Cast(WString Ptr, EInfo.bstrSource) & ", whilst calling: " & *Cast(WString Ptr, MethodName) & Chr(10) & *Cast(WString Ptr, EInfo.bstrDescription)
	ElseIf HRes Then
		COMErr.Number = HRes
		COMErr.Description= "Err(&H" & Hex(HRes) & ") in, whilst calling: " & *Cast(WString Ptr, MethodName) & Chr(10) & *Msg
	End If
	If CBool(HRes) And ShowCOMErrors Then MsgBox COMErr.Description
End Function

'the usual Instantiation-Helper for COM-Objects which are known in the Win-Registry (e.g. CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Function CreateObject(ByVal ProgID As LPCOLESTR) As tagVariant
	If Not Done Then Done = True: CoInitializeEx(0, 2): DyLibLoad("shell32.dll"): DyLibLoad("comctl32.dll")
	COMErr.Number = 0
	Dim CLSID As CLSID, RetVal As tagVariant
	If HandleCOMErr(CLSIDFromProgID(ProgID, @ClsID), "CLSIDFromProgID") Then Return RetVal
	If HandleCOMErr(CoCreateInstance(@ClsID, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, @IID_IDispatch, @RetVal.pDispVal), "CreateObject") Then Return RetVal
	Return RetVal
End Function

'but here's a helper-function to create COM-Objects regfree, in case the user provided a *.manifest-File (and placed it beside the COM-Dll-File)
Function CreateObjectRegFree(ProgID As WString Ptr, ManifestFileName As WString Ptr) As tagVariant
	ACW.cbSize = Len(ACW)
	ACW.lpSource = ManifestFileName
	COMErr.Number = 0
	Dim hActCtx As HANDLE, Cookie As ULONG_PTR
	hActCtx = CreateActCtxW(@ACW)
		COMErr.Number = &H80020009
		COMErr.Description = "Couldn't create ActCtx from Manifest: " & *ManifestFileName
		If ShowCOMErrors Then MsgBox COMErr.Description
		Exit Function
	End If
	If ActivateActCtx(hActCtx, @Cookie) Then
		Dim OrigDir As String, DllPath As String = Left(*ManifestFileName, InStrRev(*ManifestFileName, "\"))
		OrigDir = CurDir()
		ChDir DllPath
		Function = CreateObject(ProgID)
		ChDir OrigDir
		DeactivateActCtx 0, Cookie
		COMErr.Number = &H80020009
		COMErr.Description = "Couldn't activate ActCtx from Manifest: " & *ManifestFileName
		If ShowCOMErrors Then MsgBox COMErr.Description
	End If
	ReleaseActCtx hActCtx
End Function

Function BSTR2S cdecl (ByVal BS As Const BSTR, ByVal CodePage As UINT = DefaultCodePage_StringConv) As String
	Dim BytesNeeded As UINT, S As String
	BytesNeeded = WideCharToMultiByte(CodePage, 0, BS, SysStringLen(BS), 0, 0, 0, 0)
	S = String(BytesNeeded, 0)
	WideCharToMultiByte CodePage, 0, BS, SysStringLen(BS), StrPtr(S), BytesNeeded, 0, 0
	Return S
End Function
Function S2BSTR cdecl (S As Const String, ByVal CodePage As UINT = DefaultCodePage_StringConv) As BSTR 'the caller is responsible for freeing the returned BSTR per SysFreeString
	Dim WCharsNeeded As UINT, BS As BSTR
	WCharsNeeded = MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage, 0, StrPtr(S), Len(S), 0, 0)
	BS = SysAllocStringLen(BS, WCharsNeeded)
	MultiByteToWideChar CodePage, 0, StrPtr(S), Len(S), BS, WCharsNeeded
	Return BS
End Function

Function BSTR2W(ByVal BS As Const BSTR) As WString Ptr 'the caller is responsible for freeing the returned WString per DeAllocate
	Dim W As WString Ptr
	W = CAllocate(SysStringByteLen(BS) + 2)
	If BS Then memcpy W, BS, SysStringByteLen(BS)
	Return W
End Function
Function W2BSTR(ByVal W As Const WString Ptr) As BSTR 'the caller is responsible for freeing the returned BSTR per SysFreeString
	Return SysAllocString(W)
End Function

'well, this is the workhorse for all the Dispatch-Calls (IDispatch::Invoke)... there's easier Wrapper-Methods around this at the end of this module)
Dim Shared LastDispID As Long = 0, UseDispId As Long = 0
Function CallByName cdecl (vDisp As tagVariant, ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, ByVal CallFlag As Word, TypeChars As String = "", ByVal Args As Any Ptr) As tagVariant
	Static VParams(31) As tagVariant, SArr(31) As BSTR, ArgsArr(31) As Any Ptr
	Const As UByte l=108,i=105,b=98,d=100,f=102,t=116,v=118,w=119,s=115,c=99,u=117,sR=83,wR=87 'to make the Type-Selects more readable
	Dim TypeChar As UByte, IsByRef As Boolean, VRes As tagVariant, DispId As DISPID
	If UseDispID Then DispID = UseDispID: UseDispID = 0
	COMErr.Number = 0
	If DispID = 0 Then
		LastDispID = 0
		If HandleCOMErr(vDisp.pDispVal->lpVtbl->GetIDsOfNames(vDisp.pDispVal, @IID_NULL, @MethodName, 1, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, @DispId), MethodName) Then Return VRes
		LastDispID = DispId
	End If
	DispParams.cArgs = Len(TypeChars)
	DispParams.rgVarg = @VParams(0)
	DispParams.cNamedArgs = IIf(CallFlag >= DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, 1, 0)
	DispParams.rgdispidNamedArgs = IIf(CallFlag >= DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, @DispidNamed, 0)
	For j As Integer = DispParams.cArgs - 1 To 0 Step -1
		TypeChar = TypeChars[DispParams.cArgs - j - 1]
		IsByRef  = TypeChar < 97
		If IsByRef Then TypeChar += 32 'since the ByRef-Info is now retrieved, we work further with just the lower-case letter
		'in a first pass, we set only the proper Variant-Type-Members
		Select Case TypeChar
		Case s,w: VParams(j).VT = VT_BSTR    Or VT_BYREF
		Case u:   VParams(j).VT = VT_UI1     Or VT_BYREF
		Case i:   VParams(j).VT = VT_I2      Or VT_BYREF
		Case l:   VParams(j).VT = VT_I4      Or VT_BYREF
		Case c:   VParams(j).VT = VT_CY      Or IIf(IsByRef, VT_BYREF, 0)
		Case b:   VParams(j).VT = VT_BOOL    Or IIf(IsByRef, VT_BYREF, 0)
		Case f:   VParams(j).VT = VT_R4      Or IIf(IsByRef, VT_BYREF, 0)
		Case d:   VParams(j).VT = VT_R8      Or VT_BYREF
		Case t:   VParams(j).VT = VT_DATE    Or VT_BYREF
		Case v:   VParams(j).VT = VT_VARIANT Or VT_BYREF
		End Select
		'in a second pass, we set the Variant-Value-Members of our (static) VParams-Array
		Select Case TypeChar
		Case s,w:  If IsByRef Then ArgsArr(j) = Args
			If SArr(j) Then SysFreeString SArr(j): SArr(j) = 0 'destroy the previous allocation from our static BSTR-Cache
			Select Case TypeChar
			Case s: If IsByRef Then SArr(j) = S2BSTR(*va_arg(Args, String Ptr))      Else SArr(j) = S2BSTR(*va_arg(Args, ZString Ptr))
			Case w: If IsByRef Then SArr(j) = W2BSTR(*va_arg(Args, WString Ptr Ptr)) Else SArr(j) = W2BSTR(*va_arg(Args, WString Ptr))
			End Select
			VParams(j).pbstrVal = @SArr(j)
		Case v:    VParams(j) = *va_arg(Args, tagVARIANT Ptr)
		Case f:    If IsByRef Then VParams(j).pbVal = va_arg(Args, Any Ptr) Else VParams(j).fltVal = CSng(va_arg(Args, Double))
		Case b:    If IsByRef Then VParams(j).pbVal = va_arg(Args, Any Ptr) Else VParams(j).boolVal = CShort(va_arg(Args, Boolean))
		Case c:    If IsByRef Then VParams(j).pbVal = va_arg(Args, Any Ptr) Else VParams(j).llVal = va_arg(Args, LongInt) * 10000
		Case Else: If IsByRef Then VParams(j).pbVal = va_arg(Args, Any Ptr) Else VParams(j).pbVal  = Args
		End Select
		'what remains is the type-based Args-Shift
		Select Case TypeChar
		Case s,w,v: Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr)
		Case f,d,t: If IsByRef Then Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr) Else Args = va_next(Args, Double)
		Case i:     If IsByRef Then Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr) Else Args = va_next(Args, Short)
		Case l:     If IsByRef Then Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr) Else Args = va_next(Args, Long)
		Case b:     If IsByRef Then Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr) Else Args = va_next(Args, Boolean)
		Case u:     If IsByRef Then Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr) Else Args = va_next(Args, UByte)
		Case c:     If IsByRef Then Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr) Else Args = va_next(Args, LongInt)
		End Select
	HandleCOMErr vDisp.pDispVal->lpVtbl->Invoke(VDisp.pDispVal, DispId, @IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, CallFlag, @DispParams, @VRes, @EInfo, NULL), MethodName
	'this is needed, to pass back any StringValues from our SArr-BSTR-Cache into the FB-StringVariables (in the ByRef-case)
	For j As Integer = DispParams.cArgs - 1 To 0 Step -1
		If VParams(j).VT = (VT_BSTR Or VT_BYREF) Then
			Select Case TypeChars[DispParams.cArgs - j - 1]
			Case sR: *va_arg(ArgsArr(j), String Ptr)      = BSTR2S(SArr(j)) 'pass back, in case it was a FB-ByRef-String
			Case wR: *va_arg(ArgsArr(j), WString Ptr Ptr) = BSTR2W(SArr(j)) 'pass back, in case it was a FB-ByRef-WString
			End Select
		End If
	Return VRes
End Function

'*************************** Begin of the Variant-Wrapper-Section *******************************

Enum vbVarType
	vbEmpty    = &H0000
	vbNull     = &H0001
	vbInteger  = &H0002
	vbLong     = &H0003
	vbSingle   = &H0004
	vbDouble   = &H0005
	vbCurrency = &H0006
	vbDate     = &H0007
	vbString   = &H0008
	vbObject   = &H0009
	vbError    = &H000A
	vbBoolean  = &H000B
	vbVariant  = &H000C
	vbDecimal  = &H000E
	vbByte     = &H0011
	vbArray    = &H2000
	vbByRef    = &H4000
End Enum

Type vbVariant
	V As tagVariant
	Declare Constructor()
	Declare Destructor()
	Declare Sub Clear()
	Declare Function VarType()  As vbVarType
	Declare Function TypeName() As String
	Declare Function IsEmpty()  As Boolean
	Declare Function IsArray()  As Boolean
	Declare Function IsObject() As Boolean
	Declare Constructor (ByVal RHS As Boolean)
	Declare Operator Let(ByVal RHS As Boolean)
	Declare Operator Cast() As Boolean
	Declare Constructor (ByVal RHS As UByte)
	Declare Operator Let(ByVal RHS As UByte)
	Declare Operator Cast() As UByte
	Declare Constructor (ByVal RHS As Short)
	Declare Operator Let(ByVal RHS As Short)
	Declare Operator Cast() As Short
	Declare Constructor (ByVal RHS As Long)
	Declare Operator Let(ByVal RHS As Long)
	Declare Operator Cast() As Long
	Declare Constructor (ByVal RHS As LongInt)
	Declare Operator Let(ByVal RHS As LongInt)
	Declare Operator Cast() As LongInt
	Declare Constructor (ByVal RHS As Single)
	Declare Operator Let(ByVal RHS As Single)
	Declare Operator Cast() As Single
	Declare Constructor (ByVal RHS As Double)
	Declare Operator Let(ByVal RHS As Double)
	Declare Operator Cast() As Double
	Declare Constructor (RHS As String)
	Declare Operator Let(RHS As String)
	Declare Operator Cast()  As String
	Declare Constructor (ByVal RHS As Const WString Ptr)
	Declare Operator Let(ByVal RHS As Const WString Ptr)
	Declare Operator Cast() As WString Ptr
	Declare Constructor (RHS As tagVariant)
	Declare Operator Let(RHS As tagVariant)
	Declare Operator Cast()  As tagVariant
	Declare Constructor (RHS As vbVariant)
	Declare Operator Let(RHS As vbVariant)
	Declare Function Call cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ...) As vbVariant
	Declare Function  Get cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ...) As vbVariant
	Declare Sub       Put cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ...)
	Declare Sub       Set cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ...)
	Declare Function  vbV() As vbVariant

	Declare Function Add As vbVariant
	Declare Function WorkBooks As vbVariant
	Declare Property Visible As vbVariant
	Declare Property Visible(ByRef Param1 As vbVariant)
	Declare Function ActiveSheet As vbVariant
	Declare Function Range(ByRef Param1 As vbVariant) As vbVariant
	Declare Property Value As vbVariant
	Declare Property Value(ByRef Param1 As vbVariant)
	Declare Function Offset(ByRef Param1 As vbVariant, ByRef Param2 As vbVariant) As vbVariant
	Declare Property Saved As vbVariant
	Declare Property Saved(ByRef Param1 As vbVariant)
	Declare Function Parent As vbVariant
	Declare Function Quit As vbVariant
End Type

Function vbVariant.Add As vbVariant
	Return This.Get("Add")
End Function
Function vbVariant.WorkBooks As vbVariant
	Return This.Get("WorkBooks")
End Function
Property vbVariant.Visible As vbVariant
	Return This.Get("Visible")
End Property
Property vbVariant.Visible(ByRef Param1 As vbVariant)
	This.Put("Visible", "v", @Param1)
End Property
Function vbVariant.ActiveSheet As vbVariant
	Return This.Get("ActiveSheet")
End Function
Function vbVariant.Range(ByRef Param1 As vbVariant) As vbVariant
	Return This.Get("Range", "v", @Param1)
End Function
Property vbVariant.Value As vbVariant
	Return This.Get("Value")
End Property
Property vbVariant.Value(ByRef Param1 As vbVariant)
	This.Put("Value", "v", @Param1)
End Property
Function vbVariant.Offset(ByRef Param1 As vbVariant, ByRef Param2 As vbVariant) As vbVariant
	Return This.Get("Offset", "vv", @Param1, @Param2)
End Function
Property vbVariant.Saved As vbVariant
	Return This.Get("Saved")
End Property
Property vbVariant.Saved(ByRef Param1 As vbVariant)
	This.Put("Saved", "v", @Param1)
End Property
Function vbVariant.Parent As vbVariant
	Return This.Get("Parent")
End Function
Function vbVariant.Quit As vbVariant
	Return This.Get("Quit")
End Function
Function vbVariant.vbV() As vbVariant
	Return This
End Function
Constructor vbVariant()
	'we dont't do anything here in the base constructor currently
End Constructor
Destructor vbVariant()
	'MsgBox "Destructor of: " & TypeName
	If V.VT Then VariantClear @V
End Destructor
Sub vbVariant.Clear() 'usable on the Outside, e.g. to dereference an Object "early"
	If V.VT Then VariantClear @V: VariantInit @V
End Sub

Function WCacheValue(BSTR2Copy As BSTR) As WString Ptr 'a little Helper, to avoid leaking with the WString-DataType (in the User-Code)
	Const  CacheSize As Integer = 1024
	Static Cache(0 To CacheSize-1) As WString Ptr, NxtIdx As Integer
	NxtIdx= (NxtIdx + 1) Mod CacheSize
	If Cache(NxtIdx) Then Deallocate Cache(NxtIdx)
	Cache(NxtIdx) = BSTR2W(BSTR2Copy)
	Return Cache(NxtIdx)
End Function

Function vbVariant.VarType() As vbVarType
	Return V.VT
End Function
Function vbVariant.TypeName() As String
	Dim T As String
	Select Case V.VT And Not (vbArray Or vbByRef)
	Case vbVarType.vbEmpty:    T = "Empty"
	Case vbVarType.vbNull:     T = "Null"
	Case vbVarType.vbInteger:  T = "Integer"
	Case vbVarType.vbLong:     T = "Long"
	Case vbVarType.vbSingle:   T = "Single"
	Case vbVarType.vbDouble:   T = "Double"
	Case vbVarType.vbCurrency: T = "Currency"
	Case vbVarType.vbDate:     T = "Date"
	Case vbVarType.vbString:   T = "String"
	Case vbVarType.vbObject:   T = "Object"
	Case vbVarType.vbError:    T = "Error"
	Case vbVarType.vbBoolean:  T = "Boolean"
	Case vbVarType.vbVariant:  T = "Variant"
	Case vbVarType.vbDecimal:  T = "Decimal"
	Case vbVarType.vbByte:     T = "Byte"
	Case Else:                 T = "UnsupportedType(" & Hex(V.VT) & ")"
	End Select
	If V.VT And vbArray Then Return T & "()"
	Return T
End Function
Function vbVariant.IsEmpty() As Boolean
	Return V.VT = vbEmpty
End Function
Function vbVariant.IsArray() As Boolean
	If V.VT And vbArray Then Return True
End Function
Function vbVariant.IsObject() As Boolean
	Return V.VT = vbObject
End Function

Constructor vbVariant(ByVal RHS As Boolean)
	This = RHS
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(ByVal RHS As Boolean)
	If V.VT <> vbBoolean  And V.VT <> vbEmpty Then VariantClear @V
	V.VT =  vbBoolean: V.boolVal = CShort(RHS)
End Operator
Operator vbVariant.Cast() As Boolean
	If V.VT = vbBoolean Then
		Return CBool(V.boolVal)
		Dim VV As tagVariant
		HandleCOMErr VariantChangeTypeEx(@VV, @V, DefaultLocale_VariantConv, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP Or VARIANT_ALPHABOOL, vbBoolean), "SimpleVariant.Cast_Boolean"
		Return CBool(VV.boolVal)
	End If
End Operator

Constructor vbVariant(ByVal RHS As UByte)
	This = RHS
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(ByVal RHS As UByte)
	If V.VT <> vbByte  And V.VT <> vbEmpty Then VariantClear @V
	V.VT =  vbByte: V.bVal = RHS
End Operator
Operator vbVariant.Cast() As UByte
	If V.VT = vbByte Then
		Return V.bVal
		Dim VV As tagVariant
		HandleCOMErr VariantChangeTypeEx(@VV, @V, DefaultLocale_VariantConv, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP, vbByte), "SimpleVariant.Cast_UByte"
		Return VV.bVal
	End If
End Operator

Constructor vbVariant(ByVal RHS As Short)
	This = RHS
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(ByVal RHS As Short)
	If V.VT <> vbInteger  And V.VT <> vbEmpty Then VariantClear @V
	V.VT =  vbInteger: V.iVal = RHS
End Operator
Operator vbVariant.Cast() As Short
	If V.VT = vbInteger Then
		Return V.iVal
		Dim VV As tagVariant
		HandleCOMErr VariantChangeTypeEx(@VV, @V, DefaultLocale_VariantConv, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP, vbInteger), "SimpleVariant.Cast_Short"
		Return VV.iVal
	End If
End Operator

Constructor vbVariant(ByVal RHS As Long)
	This = RHS
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(ByVal RHS As Long)
	If V.VT <> vbLong  And V.VT <> vbEmpty Then VariantClear @V
	V.VT =  vbLong: V.lVal = RHS
End Operator
Operator vbVariant.Cast() As Long
	If V.VT = vbLong Then
		Return V.lVal
		Dim VV As tagVariant
		HandleCOMErr VariantChangeTypeEx(@VV, @V, DefaultLocale_VariantConv, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP, vbLong), "SimpleVariant.Cast_Long"
		Return VV.lVal
	End If
End Operator

Constructor vbVariant(ByVal RHS As LongInt)
	This = RHS
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(ByVal RHS As LongInt)
	If V.VT <> vbCurrency  And V.VT <> vbEmpty Then VariantClear @V
	V.VT =  vbCurrency: V.llVal = RHS * 10000
End Operator
Operator vbVariant.Cast() As LongInt
	If V.VT = vbCurrency Then
		Return V.llVal / 10000
		Dim VV As tagVariant
		HandleCOMErr VariantChangeTypeEx(@VV, @V, DefaultLocale_VariantConv, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP, VT_I8), "SimpleVariant.Cast_LongInt"
		Return VV.llVal
	End If
End Operator

Constructor vbVariant(ByVal RHS As Single)
	This = RHS
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(ByVal RHS As Single)
	If V.VT <> vbSingle  And V.VT <> vbEmpty Then VariantClear @V
	V.VT =  vbSingle: V.fltVal = RHS
End Operator
Operator vbVariant.Cast() As Single
	If V.VT = vbSingle Then
		Return V.fltVal
		Dim VV As tagVariant
		HandleCOMErr VariantChangeTypeEx(@VV, @V, DefaultLocale_VariantConv, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP, vbSingle), "SimpleVariant.Cast_Single"
		Return VV.fltVal
	End If
End Operator

Constructor vbVariant(ByVal RHS As Double)
	This = RHS
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(ByVal RHS As Double)
	If V.VT <> vbDouble  And V.VT <> vbEmpty Then VariantClear @V
	V.VT =  vbDouble: V.dblVal = RHS
End Operator
Operator vbVariant.Cast() As Double
	If V.VT = vbDouble Then
		Return V.dblVal
		Dim VV As tagVariant
		HandleCOMErr VariantChangeTypeEx(@VV, @V, DefaultLocale_VariantConv, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP, vbDouble), "SimpleVariant.Cast_Double"
		Return VV.dblVal
	End If
End Operator

Constructor vbVariant(RHS As String)
	This = RHS
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(RHS As String)
	If V.VT Then VariantClear @V
	V.VT = vbString: V.bstrVal = S2BSTR(RHS)
End Operator
Operator vbVariant.Cast() As String
	If V.VT = vbString Then
		Return BSTR2S(V.bstrVal)
		Dim VV As tagVariant
		HandleCOMErr VariantChangeTypeEx(@VV, @V, DefaultLocale_VariantConv, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP Or VARIANT_ALPHABOOL, vbString), "SimpleVariant.Cast_String"
		If V.VT = (vbArray Or vbByte) Then
			Dim S As String = String(SysStringByteLen(VV.bstrVal), 0)
			memcpy StrPtr(S), VV.bstrVal, Len(S)
			Operator = S
			Operator = BSTR2S(VV.bstrVal)
		End If
		VariantClear @VV
	End If
End Operator

Constructor vbVariant(ByVal RHS As Const WString Ptr)
	This = RHS
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(ByVal RHS As Const WString Ptr)
	If V.VT Then VariantClear @V
	V.VT = vbString: V.bstrVal = W2BSTR(RHS)
End Operator
Operator vbVariant.Cast() As WString Ptr
	If V.VT = vbString Then
		Return WCacheValue(V.bstrVal)
		Dim VV As tagVariant
		HandleCOMErr VariantChangeTypeEx(@VV, @V, DefaultLocale_VariantConv, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP Or VARIANT_ALPHABOOL, vbString), "SimpleVariant.Cast_WString"
		Operator = WCacheValue(VV.bstrVal)
		VariantClear @VV
	End If
End Operator

Constructor vbVariant(RHS As tagVariant)
	If @This = @RHS Then Exit Constructor
	If V.VT Then VariantClear @V
	V=RHS '<- we go with a shallow copy here (to not mess-up RefCounts - e.g. when normal tagVariants come in from Function-Results)
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(RHS As tagVariant)
	If @This = @RHS Then Exit Operator
	If V.VT Then VariantClear @V
	VariantCopy @V, @RHS
End Operator
Operator vbVariant.Cast() As tagVariant
	Dim Dst As tagVariant
	VariantCopy @Dst, @V
	Return Dst
End Operator

Constructor vbVariant(RHS As vbVariant)
	If @This = @RHS Then Exit Constructor
	If V.VT Then VariantClear @V
	VariantCopy @V, @RHS.V
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(RHS As vbVariant)
	If @This = @RHS Then Exit Operator
	If V.VT Then VariantClear @V
	VariantCopy @V, @RHS.V
End Operator

Function vbVariant.Call cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ...) As vbVariant
	Dim tv As tagVariant
	tv = CallByName(V, MethodName, DISPATCH_METHOD Or DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, TypeChars, va_first)
	Function = tv
End Function
Function vbVariant.Get cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ...) As vbVariant
	Return CallByName(V, MethodName, DISPATCH_METHOD Or DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, TypeChars, va_first)
End Function
Sub vbVariant.Put cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ...)
	CallByName(V, MethodName, DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, TypeChars, va_first)
End Sub
Sub vbVariant.Set cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ...)
	CallByName(V, MethodName, DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF,  TypeChars, va_first)
End Sub

'finally a MsgBox-OverLoad, which accepts a vbVariant as the Msg-Parameter
Function MsgBox cdecl (ByVal Msg As vbVariant, ByVal Flags As Long = MB_ICONINFORMATION) As Long
	If Msg.V.VT = vbString Then
		Return MessageBoxW(GetActiveWindow, Msg.V.bstrVal, AppName, Flags)
		Dim VV As tagVariant
		HandleCOMErr VariantChangeTypeEx(@VV, @Msg.V, DefaultLocale_VariantConv, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP Or VARIANT_ALPHABOOL, vbString), "SimpleVariant.MsgBox"
		Function = MessageBoxW(GetActiveWindow, VV.bstrVal, AppName, Flags)
		VariantClear @VV
	End If
End Function

#define Set
#define Nothing 0 ... perBuilder
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Location: Germany

Re: COMWrapperBuilder tool

Post by UEZ »

Thanks Xusinboy Bekchanov for sharing this useful code example to control Excel via COM interface.

But I don't understand what COMWrapperBuilder tool is doing. Can you please explain it again?

With Autoit I'm working since years with this COM interface to control Excel, Word, PP, ActiveDirectory, etc.
Xusinboy Bekchanov
Posts: 789
Joined: Jul 26, 2018 18:28

Re: COMWrapperBuilder tool

Post by Xusinboy Bekchanov »

UEZ wrote:Thanks Xusinboy Bekchanov for sharing this useful code example to control Excel via COM interface.

But I don't understand what COMWrapperBuilder tool is doing. Can you please explain it again?

With Autoit I'm working since years with this COM interface to control Excel, Word, PP, ActiveDirectory, etc.
You can write code like you work in VB without additional variables in functions, at the end you can run this tool. This tool creates all the necessary methods by analyzing your code.

For example, you can write like this:

Code: Select all

#include ""

Dim As vbVariant wordApp

wordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
wordApp.Visible = True

And this code will work after running this tool.
Posts: 274
Joined: Oct 11, 2005 10:46

Re: COMWrapperBuilder tool

Post by oyster »

I am still puzzled. A step by step tutorial could be better
Xusinboy Bekchanov
Posts: 789
Joined: Jul 26, 2018 18:28

Re: COMWrapperBuilder tool

Post by Xusinboy Bekchanov »

oyster wrote:I am still puzzled. A step by step tutorial could be better
Here I wrote the same:
Xusinboy Bekchanov wrote:For this tool to work, you need:
1. Add #include "" into one of the modules of the project or a single file.
The tool creates "" itself if it is not available, otherwise it overwrites.
2. Select the path to the project or a single file in graphical mode or specify in the command line.
Has two switches on the command line:
-p Path to the project
-s Path to a single file
3. In the graphical mode you need to click on the button Run. If passed to the command line, the tool automatically works when the tool is loaded
At the end, reports on the result of the work.
Can be used in IDEs that support Tools. There, the command lines are set in the settings and you will not manually specify the path. Only you will choose a tool from the menu.
4. To test, you must compile your code and run your program.

I have now updated the tool and Now it can be compiled to 64-bit. OSchmidt's only worked in 32-bit mode.
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Location: Germany

Re: COMWrapperBuilder tool

Post by UEZ »

COMWrapperBuilder.exe doesn't work properly. I get a message "Not find #include "" in modules!" although the line exists at the top of the code (the Word example).

Why is Notepad.exe starting when I press the open button?

After the last update also the Excel example is not working anymore.
Xusinboy Bekchanov
Posts: 789
Joined: Jul 26, 2018 18:28

Re: COMWrapperBuilder tool

Post by Xusinboy Bekchanov »

UEZ wrote:COMWrapperBuilder.exe doesn't work properly. I get a message "Not find #include "" in modules!" although the line exists at the top of the code (the Word example).
Maybe you haven't saved your code. Or not set as main (in VisualFBEditor you need to set as main).
After the message, shows the form, there will show the path to the Main file. If there is no main file, then does not find either.
Maybe you chose another file by mistake?
UEZ wrote: Why is Notepad.exe starting when I press the open button?
Upon successful execution, it will show Path to The Open button will open this path to notepad for you to check the changes
UEZ wrote: After the last update also the Excel example is not working anymore.
I also downloaded and tested it now. It works. What error is being reported?
Xusinboy Bekchanov
Posts: 789
Joined: Jul 26, 2018 18:28

Re: COMWrapperBuilder tool

Post by Xusinboy Bekchanov »

Now old COMWrapperBuilder.exe (in the distribution package VisualFBEditor 1.2.5) also works with 64-bit, only need to replace text of ... 25a2924f67

Code of

Code: Select all

' a "lean and mean" (not library-dependent) LateBound-Helper-Module for FreeBasic
'Author:      Olaf Schmidt (June 2016)
'Updated by Xusinboy Bekchanov to support 64-bit (August 2020)
'The Vartype-Letters, as used for the ByName...-Methods are as follows:
'    u: 8BitU-Integer(FB UByte)
'    i: 16Bit-Integer(FB Short)
'    l: 32Bit-Integer(FB Long)
'    c: 64Bit-Integer(FB LongInt, mapped between 64Bit-FB-Int and -OLEVariant-Currency)
'    b: 16Bit-Boolean(FB Boolean, mapped between 8Bit-FB and 16Bit-OLEVariant-Booleans)
'    f: 32Bit-FlPoint(FB Single)
'    d: 64Bit-FlPoint(FB Double)
'    t: 64BitDateTime(FB Double)
'    s: 8Bit-per-Char(FB String)  !!! note, that only in normal ANSI-FB-Source-Modules, String-Literals can be passed as "s"...
'    w: 16Bit-per-Chr(FB WString) !!! FB-Source-Modules that are Unicode, String-Literals need to be passed as "w" instead
'    v: OleVariant (which always need to be passed with their VarPtr -> @VariantVariable
'When used in the TypeChars-Param of the CallByName-Func, an UpperCase-Letter signifies
'"ByRef"-passing (the FB-Variable needs to be prefixed by an @ in these cases)

#include once ""
#include once ""
#include once "win/"
#include once "crt/"

#ifdef __FB_WIN32__ 'this is necessary, because FB maps the original FB-Long-Def to Boolean somehow (remove when Fix is available in the Compiler)
	#undef  Long
	#define Long Integer '...though it should not do any harm to leave it as is... on Win32 it's the same BitLength (+ we filtered with the #IfDef)
	#undef  CLng
	#define CLng CInt 'same thing here - a redefinition is necessary to work around the FB-Win32-Compiler-Bug
	#undef Call 'to allow usage of that KeyWord as an UDT-Method (it's not used anyways in lang -fb)

'the following Const is used in the (Variant)Conversions from BSTRs to FB-Strings
Dim Shared DefaultCodePage_StringConv As UINT
#ifdef UNICODE
	DefaultCodePage_StringConv = CP_UTF8 'an 8Bit-FB-String will hold an UTF8-Stream when a vbVariant is casted to it
	DefaultCodePage_StringConv = CP_ACP 'that conforms to the normal ANSI-Conversion

'the Const below is relevant for the Variant-Conversions (Strings <-> Numbers or DateValues) - we avoid LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,
'since that would convert e.g. a DoubleValue of 1.1 to a String-Representation of 1,1 on a german system, instead LOCALE_INVARIANT ...
Const DefaultLocale_VariantConv As Long = LOCALE_INVARIANT '...conforms to FB-StringConv-Representations of Dates and rational Numbers

Type tCOMErr
	Number As UINT
	Description As String
End Type
Dim Shared COMErr As tCOMErr, EInfo As tagEXCEPINFO, ShowCOMErrors As Boolean = True

Dim Shared Done As Boolean 'anything COM-related needs to CoInitialize... (shell32 and comctl32 are preloaded, to play nicely with Manifested Apps)
If Not Done Then Done = True: CoInitializeEx(0, 2): DyLibLoad("shell32.dll"): DyLibLoad("comctl32.dll")

Function AppName() As String
	Static S As String
	If Len(S) = 0 Then S = Command(0):S = Mid(S, InStrRev(S, "\") + 1): S = Left(S, Len(S) - 4)
	Return S
End Function

Function MsgBox cdecl Overload (ByVal Msg As LPCWSTR, ByVal Flags As Long = MB_ICONINFORMATION) As Long
	Return MessageBoxW(GetActiveWindow, Msg, AppName, Flags)
End Function

Private Function HandleCOMErr(ByVal HRes As HResult, ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR) As HResult
	Static Msg As WString Ptr: If Msg = NULL Then Msg = CAllocate(8192 + 2)
	Function = HRes
		COMErr.Number = EInfo.sCode
		COMErr.Description= "Err(&H" & Hex(HRes) & ") in " & *Cast(WString Ptr, EInfo.bstrSource) & ", whilst calling: " & *Cast(WString Ptr, MethodName) & Chr(10) & *Cast(WString Ptr, EInfo.bstrDescription)
	ElseIf HRes Then
		COMErr.Number = HRes
		COMErr.Description= "Err(&H" & Hex(HRes) & ") in, whilst calling: " & *Cast(WString Ptr, MethodName) & Chr(10) & *Msg
	End If
	If CBool(HRes) And ShowCOMErrors Then MsgBox COMErr.Description
End Function

'the usual Instantiation-Helper for COM-Objects which are known in the Win-Registry (e.g. CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Function CreateObject(ByVal ProgID As LPCOLESTR) As tagVariant
	If Not Done Then Done = True: CoInitializeEx(0, 2): DyLibLoad("shell32.dll"): DyLibLoad("comctl32.dll")
	COMErr.Number = 0
	Dim CLSID As CLSID, RetVal As tagVariant
	If HandleCOMErr(CLSIDFromProgID(ProgID, @ClsID), "CLSIDFromProgID") Then Return RetVal
	If HandleCOMErr(CoCreateInstance(@ClsID, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, @IID_IDispatch, @RetVal.pDispVal), "CreateObject") Then Return RetVal
	Return RetVal
End Function

'but here's a helper-function to create COM-Objects regfree, in case the user provided a *.manifest-File (and placed it beside the COM-Dll-File)
Function CreateObjectRegFree(ProgID As WString Ptr, ManifestFileName As WString Ptr) As tagVariant
	ACW.cbSize = Len(ACW)
	ACW.lpSource = ManifestFileName
	COMErr.Number = 0
	Dim hActCtx As HANDLE, Cookie As ULONG_PTR
	hActCtx = CreateActCtxW(@ACW)
		COMErr.Number = &H80020009
		COMErr.Description = "Couldn't create ActCtx from Manifest: " & *ManifestFileName
		If ShowCOMErrors Then MsgBox COMErr.Description
		Exit Function
	End If
	If ActivateActCtx(hActCtx, @Cookie) Then
		Dim OrigDir As String, DllPath As String = Left(*ManifestFileName, InStrRev(*ManifestFileName, "\"))
		OrigDir = CurDir()
		ChDir DllPath
		Function = CreateObject(ProgID)
		ChDir OrigDir
		DeactivateActCtx 0, Cookie
		COMErr.Number = &H80020009
		COMErr.Description = "Couldn't activate ActCtx from Manifest: " & *ManifestFileName
		If ShowCOMErrors Then MsgBox COMErr.Description
	End If
	ReleaseActCtx hActCtx
End Function

Function BSTR2S cdecl (ByVal BS As Const BSTR, ByVal CodePage As UINT = DefaultCodePage_StringConv) As String
	Dim BytesNeeded As UINT, S As String
	BytesNeeded = WideCharToMultiByte(CodePage, 0, BS, SysStringLen(BS), 0, 0, 0, 0)
	S = String(BytesNeeded, 0)
	WideCharToMultiByte CodePage, 0, BS, SysStringLen(BS), StrPtr(S), BytesNeeded, 0, 0
	Return S
End Function
Function S2BSTR cdecl (S As Const String, ByVal CodePage As UINT = DefaultCodePage_StringConv) As BSTR 'the caller is responsible for freeing the returned BSTR per SysFreeString
	Dim WCharsNeeded As UINT, BS As BSTR
	WCharsNeeded = MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage, 0, StrPtr(S), Len(S), 0, 0)
	BS = SysAllocStringLen(BS, WCharsNeeded)
	MultiByteToWideChar CodePage, 0, StrPtr(S), Len(S), BS, WCharsNeeded
	Return BS
End Function

Function BSTR2W(ByVal BS As Const BSTR) As WString Ptr 'the caller is responsible for freeing the returned WString per DeAllocate
	Dim W As WString Ptr
	W = CAllocate(SysStringByteLen(BS) + 2)
	If BS Then memcpy W, BS, SysStringByteLen(BS)
	Return W
End Function
Function W2BSTR(ByVal W As Const WString Ptr) As BSTR 'the caller is responsible for freeing the returned BSTR per SysFreeString
	Return SysAllocString(W)
End Function

'well, this is the workhorse for all the Dispatch-Calls (IDispatch::Invoke)... there's easier Wrapper-Methods around this at the end of this module)
Dim Shared LastDispID As Long = 0, UseDispId As Long = 0
#ifdef __FB_64BIT__
	Function CallByName cdecl (vDisp As tagVariant, ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, ByVal CallFlag As Word, TypeChars As String = "", ByVal Arg0 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg1 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg2 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg3 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg4 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg5 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg6 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg7 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg8 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg9 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg10 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg11 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg12 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg13 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg14 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg15 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg16 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg17 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg18 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg19 As Any Ptr = 0,ByVal Arg20 As Any Ptr = 0,ByVal Arg21 As Any Ptr = 0,ByVal Arg22 As Any Ptr = 0,ByVal Arg23 As Any Ptr = 0,ByVal Arg24 As Any Ptr = 0,ByVal Arg25 As Any Ptr = 0,ByVal Arg26 As Any Ptr = 0,ByVal Arg27 As Any Ptr = 0,ByVal Arg28 As Any Ptr = 0,ByVal Arg29 As Any Ptr = 0,ByVal Arg30 As Any Ptr = 0,ByVal Arg31 As Any Ptr = 0) As tagVariant
		Static VParams(31) As tagVariant, SArr(31) As BSTR, ArgsArr(31) As Any Ptr
		Const As UByte l=108,i=105,b=98,d=100,f=102,t=116,v=118,w=119,s=115,c=99,u=117,sR=83,wR=87 'to make the Type-Selects more readable
		Dim TypeChar As UByte, IsByRef As Boolean, VRes As tagVariant, DispId As DISPID
		Dim Args(31) As Any Ptr => {Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7, Arg8, Arg9, Arg10, Arg11, Arg12, Arg13, Arg14, Arg15, Arg16, Arg17, Arg18, Arg19, Arg20, Arg21, Arg22, Arg23, Arg24, Arg25, Arg26, Arg27, Arg28, Arg29, Arg30, Arg31}
		Dim k As Integer

		If UseDispID Then DispID = UseDispID: UseDispID = 0
		COMErr.Number = 0
		If DispID = 0 Then
			LastDispID = 0
			If HandleCOMErr(vDisp.pDispVal->lpVtbl->GetIDsOfNames(vDisp.pDispVal, @IID_NULL, @MethodName, 1, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, @DispId), MethodName) Then Return VRes
			LastDispID = DispId
		End If
		DispParams.cArgs = Len(TypeChars)
		DispParams.rgVarg = @VParams(0)
		DispParams.cNamedArgs = IIf(CallFlag >= DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, 1, 0)
		DispParams.rgdispidNamedArgs = IIf(CallFlag >= DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, @DispidNamed, 0)
		k = -1
		For j As Integer = DispParams.cArgs - 1 To 0 Step -1
			k = k + 1
			TypeChar = TypeChars[DispParams.cArgs - j - 1]
			IsByRef  = TypeChar < 97
			If IsByRef Then TypeChar += 32 'since the ByRef-Info is now retrieved, we work further with just the lower-case letter
			'in a first pass, we set only the proper Variant-Type-Members
			Select Case TypeChar
			Case s,w: VParams(j).VT = VT_BSTR    Or VT_BYREF
			Case u:   VParams(j).VT = VT_UI1     Or VT_BYREF
			Case i:   VParams(j).VT = VT_I2      Or VT_BYREF
			Case l:   VParams(j).VT = VT_I4      Or VT_BYREF
			Case c:   VParams(j).VT = VT_CY      Or IIf(IsByRef, VT_BYREF, 0)
			Case b:   VParams(j).VT = VT_BOOL    Or IIf(IsByRef, VT_BYREF, 0)
			Case f:   VParams(j).VT = VT_R4      Or IIf(IsByRef, VT_BYREF, 0)
			Case d:   VParams(j).VT = VT_R8      Or VT_BYREF
			Case t:   VParams(j).VT = VT_DATE    Or VT_BYREF
			Case v:   VParams(j).VT = VT_VARIANT Or VT_BYREF
			End Select
			'in a second pass, we set the Variant-Value-Members of our (static) VParams-Array
			Select Case TypeChar
			Case s,w:  If IsByRef Then ArgsArr(j) = Args(k)
				If SArr(j) Then SysFreeString SArr(j): SArr(j) = 0 'destroy the previous allocation from our static BSTR-Cache
				Select Case TypeChar
				Case s: If IsByRef Then SArr(j) = S2BSTR(*Cast(String Ptr, Args(k)))      Else SArr(j) = S2BSTR(*Cast(ZString Ptr, Args(k)))
				Case w: If IsByRef Then SArr(j) = W2BSTR(*Cast(WString Ptr Ptr, Args(k))) Else SArr(j) = W2BSTR(*Cast(WString Ptr, Args(k)))
				End Select
				VParams(j).pbstrVal = @SArr(j)
			Case v:    VParams(j) = *Cast(tagVARIANT Ptr, Args(k))
			Case f:    If IsByRef Then VParams(j).pbVal = Args(k) Else VParams(j).fltVal = CSng(*Cast(Double Ptr, Args(k)))
			Case b:    If IsByRef Then VParams(j).pbVal = Args(k) Else VParams(j).boolVal = CShort(*Cast(Boolean Ptr, Args(k)))
			Case c:    If IsByRef Then VParams(j).pbVal = Args(k) Else VParams(j).llVal = *Cast(LongInt Ptr, Args(k)) * 10000
			Case Else: If IsByRef Then VParams(j).pbVal = Args(k) Else VParams(j).pbVal  = Args(k)
			End Select
			'		'what remains is the type-based Args-Shift
			'		Select Case TypeChar
			'		Case s,w,v: Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr)
			'		Case f,d,t: If IsByRef Then Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr) Else Args = va_next(Args, Double)
			'		Case i:     If IsByRef Then Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr) Else Args = va_next(Args, Short)
			'		Case l:     If IsByRef Then Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr) Else Args = va_next(Args, Long)
			'		Case b:     If IsByRef Then Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr) Else Args = va_next(Args, Boolean)
			'		Case u:     If IsByRef Then Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr) Else Args = va_next(Args, UByte)
			'		Case c:     If IsByRef Then Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr) Else Args = va_next(Args, LongInt)
			'		End Select
		HandleCOMErr vDisp.pDispVal->lpVtbl->Invoke(VDisp.pDispVal, DispId, @IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, CallFlag, @DispParams, @VRes, @EInfo, NULL), MethodName
		'this is needed, to pass back any StringValues from our SArr-BSTR-Cache into the FB-StringVariables (in the ByRef-case)
		For j As Integer = DispParams.cArgs - 1 To 0 Step -1
			If VParams(j).VT = (VT_BSTR Or VT_BYREF) Then
				Select Case TypeChars[DispParams.cArgs - j - 1]
				Case sR: *Cast(String Ptr, ArgsArr(j))      = BSTR2S(SArr(j)) 'pass back, in case it was a FB-ByRef-String
				Case wR: *Cast(WString Ptr Ptr, ArgsArr(j)) = BSTR2W(SArr(j)) 'pass back, in case it was a FB-ByRef-WString
				End Select
			End If
		Return VRes
	End Function
	Function CallByName cdecl (vDisp As tagVariant, ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, ByVal CallFlag As Word, TypeChars As String = "", ByVal Args As Any Ptr) As tagVariant
		Static VParams(31) As tagVariant, SArr(31) As BSTR, ArgsArr(31) As Any Ptr
		Const As UByte l=108,i=105,b=98,d=100,f=102,t=116,v=118,w=119,s=115,c=99,u=117,sR=83,wR=87 'to make the Type-Selects more readable
		Dim TypeChar As UByte, IsByRef As Boolean, VRes As tagVariant, DispId As DISPID
		If UseDispID Then DispID = UseDispID: UseDispID = 0
		COMErr.Number = 0
		If DispID = 0 Then
			LastDispID = 0
			If HandleCOMErr(vDisp.pDispVal->lpVtbl->GetIDsOfNames(vDisp.pDispVal, @IID_NULL, @MethodName, 1, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, @DispId), MethodName) Then Return VRes
			LastDispID = DispId
		End If
		DispParams.cArgs = Len(TypeChars)
		DispParams.rgVarg = @VParams(0)
		DispParams.cNamedArgs = IIf(CallFlag >= DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, 1, 0)
		DispParams.rgdispidNamedArgs = IIf(CallFlag >= DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, @DispidNamed, 0)
		For j As Integer = DispParams.cArgs - 1 To 0 Step -1
			TypeChar = TypeChars[DispParams.cArgs - j - 1]
			IsByRef  = TypeChar < 97
			If IsByRef Then TypeChar += 32 'since the ByRef-Info is now retrieved, we work further with just the lower-case letter
			'in a first pass, we set only the proper Variant-Type-Members
			Select Case TypeChar
			Case s,w: VParams(j).VT = VT_BSTR    Or VT_BYREF
			Case u:   VParams(j).VT = VT_UI1     Or VT_BYREF
			Case i:   VParams(j).VT = VT_I2      Or VT_BYREF
			Case l:   VParams(j).VT = VT_I4      Or VT_BYREF
			Case c:   VParams(j).VT = VT_CY      Or IIf(IsByRef, VT_BYREF, 0)
			Case b:   VParams(j).VT = VT_BOOL    Or IIf(IsByRef, VT_BYREF, 0)
			Case f:   VParams(j).VT = VT_R4      Or IIf(IsByRef, VT_BYREF, 0)
			Case d:   VParams(j).VT = VT_R8      Or VT_BYREF
			Case t:   VParams(j).VT = VT_DATE    Or VT_BYREF
			Case v:   VParams(j).VT = VT_VARIANT Or VT_BYREF
			End Select
			'in a second pass, we set the Variant-Value-Members of our (static) VParams-Array
			Select Case TypeChar
			Case s,w:  If IsByRef Then ArgsArr(j) = Args
				If SArr(j) Then SysFreeString SArr(j): SArr(j) = 0 'destroy the previous allocation from our static BSTR-Cache
				Select Case TypeChar
				Case s: If IsByRef Then SArr(j) = S2BSTR(*va_arg(Args, String Ptr))      Else SArr(j) = S2BSTR(*va_arg(Args, ZString Ptr))
				Case w: If IsByRef Then SArr(j) = W2BSTR(*va_arg(Args, WString Ptr Ptr)) Else SArr(j) = W2BSTR(*va_arg(Args, WString Ptr))
				End Select
				VParams(j).pbstrVal = @SArr(j)
			Case v:    VParams(j) = *va_arg(Args, tagVARIANT Ptr)
			Case f:    If IsByRef Then VParams(j).pbVal = va_arg(Args, Any Ptr) Else VParams(j).fltVal = CSng(va_arg(Args, Double))
			Case b:    If IsByRef Then VParams(j).pbVal = va_arg(Args, Any Ptr) Else VParams(j).boolVal = CShort(va_arg(Args, Boolean))
			Case c:    If IsByRef Then VParams(j).pbVal = va_arg(Args, Any Ptr) Else VParams(j).llVal = va_arg(Args, LongInt) * 10000
			Case Else: If IsByRef Then VParams(j).pbVal = va_arg(Args, Any Ptr) Else VParams(j).pbVal  = Args
			End Select
			'what remains is the type-based Args-Shift
			Select Case TypeChar
			Case s,w,v: Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr)
			Case f,d,t: If IsByRef Then Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr) Else Args = va_next(Args, Double)
			Case i:     If IsByRef Then Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr) Else Args = va_next(Args, Short)
			Case l:     If IsByRef Then Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr) Else Args = va_next(Args, Long)
			Case b:     If IsByRef Then Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr) Else Args = va_next(Args, Boolean)
			Case u:     If IsByRef Then Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr) Else Args = va_next(Args, UByte)
			Case c:     If IsByRef Then Args = va_next(Args, Any Ptr) Else Args = va_next(Args, LongInt)
			End Select
		HandleCOMErr vDisp.pDispVal->lpVtbl->Invoke(VDisp.pDispVal, DispId, @IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, CallFlag, @DispParams, @VRes, @EInfo, NULL), MethodName
		'this is needed, to pass back any StringValues from our SArr-BSTR-Cache into the FB-StringVariables (in the ByRef-case)
		For j As Integer = DispParams.cArgs - 1 To 0 Step -1
			If VParams(j).VT = (VT_BSTR Or VT_BYREF) Then
				Select Case TypeChars[DispParams.cArgs - j - 1]
				Case sR: *va_arg(ArgsArr(j), String Ptr)      = BSTR2S(SArr(j)) 'pass back, in case it was a FB-ByRef-String
				Case wR: *va_arg(ArgsArr(j), WString Ptr Ptr) = BSTR2W(SArr(j)) 'pass back, in case it was a FB-ByRef-WString
				End Select
			End If
		Return VRes
	End Function
'*************************** Begin of the Variant-Wrapper-Section *******************************

Enum vbVarType
	vbEmpty    = &H0000
	vbNull     = &H0001
	vbInteger  = &H0002
	vbLong     = &H0003
	vbSingle   = &H0004
	vbDouble   = &H0005
	vbCurrency = &H0006
	vbDate     = &H0007
	vbString   = &H0008
	vbObject   = &H0009
	vbError    = &H000A
	vbBoolean  = &H000B
	vbVariant  = &H000C
	vbDecimal  = &H000E
	vbByte     = &H0011
	vbArray    = &H2000
	vbByRef    = &H4000
End Enum

Type vbVariant
	V As tagVariant
	Declare Constructor()
	Declare Destructor()
	Declare Sub Clear()
	Declare Function VarType()  As vbVarType
	Declare Function TypeName() As String
	Declare Function IsEmpty()  As Boolean
	Declare Function IsArray()  As Boolean
	Declare Function IsObject() As Boolean
	Declare Constructor (ByVal RHS As Boolean)
	Declare Operator Let(ByVal RHS As Boolean)
	Declare Operator Cast() As Boolean
	Declare Constructor (ByVal RHS As UByte)
	Declare Operator Let(ByVal RHS As UByte)
	Declare Operator Cast() As UByte
	Declare Constructor (ByVal RHS As Short)
	Declare Operator Let(ByVal RHS As Short)
	Declare Operator Cast() As Short
	Declare Constructor (ByVal RHS As Long)
	Declare Operator Let(ByVal RHS As Long)
	Declare Operator Cast() As Long
	Declare Constructor (ByVal RHS As LongInt)
	Declare Operator Let(ByVal RHS As LongInt)
	Declare Operator Cast() As LongInt
	Declare Constructor (ByVal RHS As Single)
	Declare Operator Let(ByVal RHS As Single)
	Declare Operator Cast() As Single
	Declare Constructor (ByVal RHS As Double)
	Declare Operator Let(ByVal RHS As Double)
	Declare Operator Cast() As Double
	Declare Constructor (RHS As String)
	Declare Operator Let(RHS As String)
	Declare Operator Cast()  As String
	Declare Constructor (ByVal RHS As Const WString Ptr)
	Declare Operator Let(ByVal RHS As Const WString Ptr)
	Declare Operator Cast() As WString Ptr
	Declare Constructor (RHS As tagVariant)
	Declare Operator Let(RHS As tagVariant)
	Declare Operator Cast()  As tagVariant
	Declare Constructor (RHS As vbVariant)
	Declare Operator Let(RHS As vbVariant)
	#ifdef __FB_64BIT__
		Declare Function Call cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ByVal Arg0 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg1 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg2 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg3 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg4 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg5 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg6 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg7 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg8 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg9 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg10 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg11 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg12 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg13 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg14 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg15 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg16 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg17 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg18 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg19 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg20 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg21 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg22 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg23 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg24 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg25 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg26 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg27 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg28 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg29 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg30 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg31 As Any Ptr = 0) As vbVariant
		Declare Function  Get cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ByVal Arg0 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg1 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg2 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg3 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg4 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg5 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg6 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg7 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg8 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg9 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg10 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg11 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg12 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg13 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg14 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg15 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg16 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg17 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg18 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg19 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg20 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg21 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg22 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg23 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg24 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg25 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg26 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg27 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg28 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg29 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg30 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg31 As Any Ptr = 0) As vbVariant
		Declare Sub       Put cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ByVal Arg0 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg1 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg2 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg3 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg4 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg5 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg6 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg7 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg8 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg9 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg10 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg11 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg12 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg13 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg14 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg15 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg16 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg17 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg18 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg19 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg20 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg21 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg22 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg23 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg24 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg25 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg26 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg27 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg28 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg29 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg30 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg31 As Any Ptr = 0)
		Declare Sub       Set cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ByVal Arg0 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg1 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg2 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg3 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg4 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg5 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg6 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg7 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg8 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg9 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg10 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg11 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg12 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg13 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg14 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg15 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg16 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg17 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg18 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg19 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg20 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg21 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg22 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg23 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg24 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg25 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg26 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg27 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg28 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg29 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg30 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg31 As Any Ptr = 0)
		Declare Function Call cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ...) As vbVariant
		Declare Function  Get cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ...) As vbVariant
		Declare Sub       Put cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ...)
		Declare Sub       Set cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ...)
	Declare Function  vbV() As vbVariant
End Type
Function vbVariant.vbV() As vbVariant
	Return This
End Function
Constructor vbVariant()
	'we dont't do anything here in the base constructor currently
End Constructor
Destructor vbVariant()
	'MsgBox "Destructor of: " & TypeName
	If V.VT Then VariantClear @V
End Destructor
Sub vbVariant.Clear() 'usable on the Outside, e.g. to dereference an Object "early"
	If V.VT Then VariantClear @V: VariantInit @V
End Sub

Function WCacheValue(BSTR2Copy As BSTR) As WString Ptr 'a little Helper, to avoid leaking with the WString-DataType (in the User-Code)
	Const  CacheSize As Integer = 1024
	Static Cache(0 To CacheSize-1) As WString Ptr, NxtIdx As Integer
	NxtIdx= (NxtIdx + 1) Mod CacheSize
	If Cache(NxtIdx) Then Deallocate Cache(NxtIdx)
	Cache(NxtIdx) = BSTR2W(BSTR2Copy)
	Return Cache(NxtIdx)
End Function

Function vbVariant.VarType() As vbVarType
	Return V.VT
End Function
Function vbVariant.TypeName() As String
	Dim T As String
	Select Case V.VT And Not (vbArray Or vbByRef)
	Case vbVarType.vbEmpty:    T = "Empty"
	Case vbVarType.vbNull:     T = "Null"
	Case vbVarType.vbInteger:  T = "Integer"
	Case vbVarType.vbLong:     T = "Long"
	Case vbVarType.vbSingle:   T = "Single"
	Case vbVarType.vbDouble:   T = "Double"
	Case vbVarType.vbCurrency: T = "Currency"
	Case vbVarType.vbDate:     T = "Date"
	Case vbVarType.vbString:   T = "String"
	Case vbVarType.vbObject:   T = "Object"
	Case vbVarType.vbError:    T = "Error"
	Case vbVarType.vbBoolean:  T = "Boolean"
	Case vbVarType.vbVariant:  T = "Variant"
	Case vbVarType.vbDecimal:  T = "Decimal"
	Case vbVarType.vbByte:     T = "Byte"
	Case Else:                 T = "UnsupportedType(" & Hex(V.VT) & ")"
	End Select
	If V.VT And vbArray Then Return T & "()"
	Return T
End Function
Function vbVariant.IsEmpty() As Boolean
	Return V.VT = vbEmpty
End Function
Function vbVariant.IsArray() As Boolean
	If V.VT And vbArray Then Return True
End Function
Function vbVariant.IsObject() As Boolean
	Return V.VT = vbObject
End Function

Constructor vbVariant(ByVal RHS As Boolean)
	This = RHS
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(ByVal RHS As Boolean)
	If V.VT <> vbBoolean  And V.VT <> vbEmpty Then VariantClear @V
	V.VT =  vbBoolean: V.boolVal = CShort(RHS)
End Operator
Operator vbVariant.Cast() As Boolean
	If V.VT = vbBoolean Then
		Return CBool(V.boolVal)
		Dim VV As tagVariant
		HandleCOMErr VariantChangeTypeEx(@VV, @V, DefaultLocale_VariantConv, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP Or VARIANT_ALPHABOOL, vbBoolean), "SimpleVariant.Cast_Boolean"
		Return CBool(VV.boolVal)
	End If
End Operator

Constructor vbVariant(ByVal RHS As UByte)
	This = RHS
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(ByVal RHS As UByte)
	If V.VT <> vbByte  And V.VT <> vbEmpty Then VariantClear @V
	V.VT =  vbByte: V.bVal = RHS
End Operator
Operator vbVariant.Cast() As UByte
	If V.VT = vbByte Then
		Return V.bVal
		Dim VV As tagVariant
		HandleCOMErr VariantChangeTypeEx(@VV, @V, DefaultLocale_VariantConv, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP, vbByte), "SimpleVariant.Cast_UByte"
		Return VV.bVal
	End If
End Operator

Constructor vbVariant(ByVal RHS As Short)
	This = RHS
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(ByVal RHS As Short)
	If V.VT <> vbInteger  And V.VT <> vbEmpty Then VariantClear @V
	V.VT =  vbInteger: V.iVal = RHS
End Operator
Operator vbVariant.Cast() As Short
	If V.VT = vbInteger Then
		Return V.iVal
		Dim VV As tagVariant
		HandleCOMErr VariantChangeTypeEx(@VV, @V, DefaultLocale_VariantConv, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP, vbInteger), "SimpleVariant.Cast_Short"
		Return VV.iVal
	End If
End Operator

Constructor vbVariant(ByVal RHS As Long)
	This = RHS
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(ByVal RHS As Long)
	If V.VT <> vbLong  And V.VT <> vbEmpty Then VariantClear @V
	V.VT =  vbLong: V.lVal = RHS
End Operator
Operator vbVariant.Cast() As Long
	If V.VT = vbLong Then
		Return V.lVal
		Dim VV As tagVariant
		HandleCOMErr VariantChangeTypeEx(@VV, @V, DefaultLocale_VariantConv, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP, vbLong), "SimpleVariant.Cast_Long"
		Return VV.lVal
	End If
End Operator

Constructor vbVariant(ByVal RHS As LongInt)
	This = RHS
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(ByVal RHS As LongInt)
	If V.VT <> vbCurrency  And V.VT <> vbEmpty Then VariantClear @V
	V.VT =  vbCurrency: V.llVal = RHS * 10000
End Operator
Operator vbVariant.Cast() As LongInt
	If V.VT = vbCurrency Then
		Return V.llVal / 10000
		Dim VV As tagVariant
		HandleCOMErr VariantChangeTypeEx(@VV, @V, DefaultLocale_VariantConv, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP, VT_I8), "SimpleVariant.Cast_LongInt"
		Return VV.llVal
	End If
End Operator

Constructor vbVariant(ByVal RHS As Single)
	This = RHS
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(ByVal RHS As Single)
	If V.VT <> vbSingle  And V.VT <> vbEmpty Then VariantClear @V
	V.VT =  vbSingle: V.fltVal = RHS
End Operator
Operator vbVariant.Cast() As Single
	If V.VT = vbSingle Then
		Return V.fltVal
		Dim VV As tagVariant
		HandleCOMErr VariantChangeTypeEx(@VV, @V, DefaultLocale_VariantConv, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP, vbSingle), "SimpleVariant.Cast_Single"
		Return VV.fltVal
	End If
End Operator

Constructor vbVariant(ByVal RHS As Double)
	This = RHS
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(ByVal RHS As Double)
	If V.VT <> vbDouble  And V.VT <> vbEmpty Then VariantClear @V
	V.VT =  vbDouble: V.dblVal = RHS
End Operator
Operator vbVariant.Cast() As Double
	If V.VT = vbDouble Then
		Return V.dblVal
		Dim VV As tagVariant
		HandleCOMErr VariantChangeTypeEx(@VV, @V, DefaultLocale_VariantConv, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP, vbDouble), "SimpleVariant.Cast_Double"
		Return VV.dblVal
	End If
End Operator

Constructor vbVariant(RHS As String)
	This = RHS
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(RHS As String)
	If V.VT Then VariantClear @V
	V.VT = vbString: V.bstrVal = S2BSTR(RHS)
End Operator
Operator vbVariant.Cast() As String
	If V.VT = vbString Then
		Return BSTR2S(V.bstrVal)
		Dim VV As tagVariant
		HandleCOMErr VariantChangeTypeEx(@VV, @V, DefaultLocale_VariantConv, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP Or VARIANT_ALPHABOOL, vbString), "SimpleVariant.Cast_String"
		If V.VT = (vbArray Or vbByte) Then
			Dim S As String = String(SysStringByteLen(VV.bstrVal), 0)
			memcpy StrPtr(S), VV.bstrVal, Len(S)
			Operator = S
			Operator = BSTR2S(VV.bstrVal)
		End If
		VariantClear @VV
	End If
End Operator

Constructor vbVariant(ByVal RHS As Const WString Ptr)
	This = RHS
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(ByVal RHS As Const WString Ptr)
	If V.VT Then VariantClear @V
	V.VT = vbString: V.bstrVal = W2BSTR(RHS)
End Operator
Operator vbVariant.Cast() As WString Ptr
	If V.VT = vbString Then
		Return WCacheValue(V.bstrVal)
		Dim VV As tagVariant
		HandleCOMErr VariantChangeTypeEx(@VV, @V, DefaultLocale_VariantConv, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP Or VARIANT_ALPHABOOL, vbString), "SimpleVariant.Cast_WString"
		Operator = WCacheValue(VV.bstrVal)
		VariantClear @VV
	End If
End Operator

Constructor vbVariant(RHS As tagVariant)
	If @This = @RHS Then Exit Constructor
	If V.VT Then VariantClear @V
	V=RHS '<- we go with a shallow copy here (to not mess-up RefCounts - e.g. when normal tagVariants come in from Function-Results)
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(RHS As tagVariant)
	If @This = @RHS Then Exit Operator
	If V.VT Then VariantClear @V
	VariantCopy @V, @RHS
End Operator
Operator vbVariant.Cast() As tagVariant
	Dim Dst As tagVariant
	VariantCopy @Dst, @V
	Return Dst
End Operator

Constructor vbVariant(RHS As vbVariant)
	If @This = @RHS Then Exit Constructor
	If V.VT Then VariantClear @V
	VariantCopy @V, @RHS.V
End Constructor
Operator vbVariant.Let(RHS As vbVariant)
	If @This = @RHS Then Exit Operator
	If V.VT Then VariantClear @V
	VariantCopy @V, @RHS.V
End Operator

#ifdef __FB_64BIT__
	Function vbVariant.Call cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ByVal Arg0 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg1 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg2 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg3 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg4 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg5 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg6 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg7 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg8 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg9 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg10 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg11 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg12 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg13 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg14 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg15 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg16 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg17 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg18 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg19 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg20 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg21 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg22 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg23 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg24 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg25 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg26 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg27 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg28 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg29 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg30 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg31 As Any Ptr = 0) As vbVariant
		Dim tv As tagVariant
		tv = CallByName(V, MethodName, DISPATCH_METHOD Or DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, TypeChars, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7, Arg8, Arg9, Arg10, Arg11, Arg12, Arg13, Arg14, Arg15, Arg16, Arg17, Arg18, Arg19, Arg20, Arg21, Arg22, Arg23, Arg24, Arg25, Arg26, Arg27, Arg28, Arg29, Arg30, Arg31)
		Function = tv
	End Function
	Function vbVariant.Get cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ByVal Arg0 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg1 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg2 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg3 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg4 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg5 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg6 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg7 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg8 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg9 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg10 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg11 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg12 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg13 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg14 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg15 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg16 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg17 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg18 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg19 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg20 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg21 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg22 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg23 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg24 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg25 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg26 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg27 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg28 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg29 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg30 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg31 As Any Ptr = 0) As vbVariant
		Return CallByName(V, MethodName, DISPATCH_METHOD Or DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, TypeChars, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7, Arg8, Arg9, Arg10, Arg11, Arg12, Arg13, Arg14, Arg15, Arg16, Arg17, Arg18, Arg19, Arg20, Arg21, Arg22, Arg23, Arg24, Arg25, Arg26, Arg27, Arg28, Arg29, Arg30, Arg31)
	End Function
	Sub vbVariant.Put cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ByVal Arg0 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg1 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg2 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg3 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg4 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg5 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg6 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg7 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg8 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg9 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg10 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg11 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg12 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg13 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg14 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg15 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg16 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg17 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg18 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg19 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg20 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg21 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg22 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg23 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg24 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg25 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg26 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg27 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg28 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg29 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg30 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg31 As Any Ptr = 0)
		CallByName(V, MethodName, DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, TypeChars, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7, Arg8, Arg9, Arg10, Arg11, Arg12, Arg13, Arg14, Arg15, Arg16, Arg17, Arg18, Arg19, Arg20, Arg21, Arg22, Arg23, Arg24, Arg25, Arg26, Arg27, Arg28, Arg29, Arg30, Arg31)
	End Sub
	Sub vbVariant.Set cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ByVal Arg0 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg1 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg2 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg3 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg4 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg5 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg6 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg7 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg8 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg9 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg10 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg11 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg12 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg13 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg14 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg15 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg16 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg17 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg18 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg19 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg20 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg21 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg22 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg23 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg24 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg25 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg26 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg27 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg28 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg29 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg30 As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal Arg31 As Any Ptr = 0)
		CallByName(V, MethodName, DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF,  TypeChars, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7, Arg8, Arg9, Arg10, Arg11, Arg12, Arg13, Arg14, Arg15, Arg16, Arg17, Arg18, Arg19, Arg20, Arg21, Arg22, Arg23, Arg24, Arg25, Arg26, Arg27, Arg28, Arg29, Arg30, Arg31)
	End Sub
	Function vbVariant.Call cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ...) As vbVariant
		Dim tv As tagVariant
		tv = CallByName(V, MethodName, DISPATCH_METHOD Or DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, TypeChars, va_first)
		Function = tv
	End Function
	Function vbVariant.Get cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ...) As vbVariant
		Return CallByName(V, MethodName, DISPATCH_METHOD Or DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, TypeChars, va_first)
	End Function
	Sub vbVariant.Put cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ...)
		CallByName(V, MethodName, DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, TypeChars, va_first)
	End Sub
	Sub vbVariant.Set cdecl (ByVal MethodName As LPOLESTR, TypeChars As String = "", ...)
		CallByName(V, MethodName, DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF,  TypeChars, va_first)
	End Sub
'finally a MsgBox-OverLoad, which accepts a vbVariant as the Msg-Parameter
Function MsgBox cdecl (ByVal Msg As vbVariant, ByVal Flags As Long = MB_ICONINFORMATION) As Long
	If Msg.V.VT = vbString Then
		Return MessageBoxW(GetActiveWindow, Msg.V.bstrVal, AppName, Flags)
		Dim VV As tagVariant
		HandleCOMErr VariantChangeTypeEx(@VV, @Msg.V, DefaultLocale_VariantConv, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP Or VARIANT_ALPHABOOL, vbString), "SimpleVariant.MsgBox"
		Function = MessageBoxW(GetActiveWindow, VV.bstrVal, AppName, Flags)
		VariantClear @VV
	End If
End Function

#define Set
#define Nothing 0
Last edited by Xusinboy Bekchanov on Aug 04, 2020 4:49, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 988
Joined: May 05, 2017 19:59
Location: Germany

Re: COMWrapperBuilder tool

Post by UEZ »

I'm still getting error with latest

Code: Select all

FreeBASIC Compiler - Version 1.08.0 (2020-05-12), built for win32 (32bit)
Copyright (C) 2004-2019 The FreeBASIC development team.
target:       win32, 486, 32bit
backend:      gas
compiling:    C:\...\Excel Example.bas -o C:\...\Excel Example.asm (main module)
C:\...\Excel Example.bas(14) error 18: Element not defined, WorkBooks in 'xlApp.WorkBooks.Add'
C:\...\Excel Example.bas(15) error 18: Element not defined, Visible in 'xlApp.Visible = True'
C:\...\Excel Example.bas(17) error 18: Element not defined, ActiveSheet in 'Dim xlSheet As vbVariant = xlApp.ActiveSheet, CellValue As vbVariant'
C:\...\Excel Example.bas(19) error 18: Element not defined, Range in 'With xlSheet.Range("A1") 'let's operate from the TopLeft-cell'
C:\...\Excel Example.bas(23) error 265: Symbol not a CLASS, ENUM, TYPE or UNION type, before 'Offset' in '.Offset(0, i).Value = SArr(i)'
C:\...\Excel Example.bas(26) error 265: Symbol not a CLASS, ENUM, TYPE or UNION type, before 'Offset' in 'CellValue = .Offset(0, 1).Value '<- should return "COM-calls"'
C:\...\Excel Example.bas(30) error 18: Element not defined, Parent in 'xlSheet.Parent.Saved = True 'let's suppress the "Save Document" Dialogue ...'
C:\...\Excel Example.bas(35) error 18: Element not defined, Quit in 'xlApp.Quit '...  before we "call it quits" here'
Xusinboy Bekchanov wrote:Maybe you haven't saved your code. Or not set as main (in VisualFBEditor you need to set as main).
After the message, shows the form, there will show the path to the Main file. If there is no main file, then does not find either.
Maybe you chose another file by mistake?
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Xusinboy Bekchanov
Posts: 789
Joined: Jul 26, 2018 18:28

Re: COMWrapperBuilder tool

Post by Xusinboy Bekchanov »

I found my mistake. I only opened files in UTF8, so I didn't open ANSI files. Now I've fixed it, I'm trying to open it in several formats.
I updated: ... 0ca80dfc69
Posts: 988
Joined: May 05, 2017 19:59
Location: Germany

Re: COMWrapperBuilder tool

Post by UEZ »

Xusinboy Bekchanov wrote:I found my mistake. I only opened files in UTF8, so I didn't open ANSI files. Now I've fixed it, I'm trying to open it in several formats.
I updated: ... 0ca80dfc69
ANSI is still not working, getting the same error message as described above but UTF-8 (BOM) works properly (x86 and x64).
Xusinboy Bekchanov
Posts: 789
Joined: Jul 26, 2018 18:28

Re: COMWrapperBuilder tool

Post by Xusinboy Bekchanov »

UEZ wrote:
Xusinboy Bekchanov wrote:I found my mistake. I only opened files in UTF8, so I didn't open ANSI files. Now I've fixed it, I'm trying to open it in several formats.
I updated: ... 0ca80dfc69
ANSI is still not working, getting the same error message as described above but UTF-8 (BOM) works properly (x86 and x64).
After this update, the problem was resolved on my computer.
I will open the files like this:

Code: Select all

Result = Open(.txtPath.Text For Input Encoding "utf-8" As #Fn1)
			If Result <> 0 Then Result = Open(.txtPath.Text For Input Encoding "utf-16" As #Fn1)
			If Result <> 0 Then Result = Open(.txtPath.Text For Input Encoding "utf-32" As #Fn1)
			If Result <> 0 Then Result = Open(.txtPath.Text For Input As #Fn1)
			If Result = 0 Then
The last item is by default ANSI without specifying the encoding.
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