pcg32rr.bi - minimal PCG32_random_r implementation ( (c) Melissa E. O'Neill )

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pcg32rr.bi - minimal PCG32_random_r implementation ( (c) Melissa E. O'Neill )

Post by MrSwiss »

Hi all,

The 32 bit minimal C code from Melissa E. O'Neill translated to FreeBASIC.
Only the really necessary procedures added, to deal with issues like:
- Initialization (random initial values, Mersenne Twister based, FB's CRT lib.)
- Initialization (user supplied initial values), user controlled init
- returning a [0, 1) interval, as Double (as the 'built in' randomizers do)
- returning a positive range (can easily be converted to other ranges)

Main aim is a simple way, to use it ... preferably, with FBC 64, due to GCC's
optimization options, without which, even Mersenne Twister is faster!
(Above by comparing 'Apple with Apples', the inverval [0, 1) procedure! And
NOT the raw ULong output!)
By contrast, to try and implement all the maybe needed, possible variants.

GCC optimisation options -O 2, should be used as minimum, for speed!
(I've NOT tested the -O 1 option! Nor any FBC 32 bit tests made!)
Optimal speed results are with -O 3 (and above, like -O max).
Above -O 3 there are only insignificant changes seen ...
Additional adjustments like -fpu sse, did not seem to have a impact.

For modularisation purposes, the namespace 'pcg' is used.
Include guards (FB style) in place.
A header only implementation (all the code is in the 'pcg32rr.bi' file).

I'm not interested, in making a lot of comments about it, since others have
done so, who are in a far better position, to do so.
If you want to know more about it, use the provided links below.

Random Numbers Generation Basics (M.E. O'Neill)
PCG32 Minimal C Implementation (M.E. O'Neill) the actually translated C-code
Testing the PCG random number generator (John D. Cook)
Information about *true-random* vs. *pseudo-random* generated values
PCG Passes PractRand (M.E. O'Neill)

PCG seems to have passed, just about all the existing tests, such as:
- TestU01 (by original author), initial testing
- DIEHARDER (extended from DIEHARD, Marsaglia et.al.)
- NIST (not certain, their site is currently down, due to 'lockdown')
- PractRand (by original author), up to 32 TB

The 'pcg32rr.bi':

Code: Select all

    pcg32rr.bi -- Copyright (c) 2019, MrSwiss (except, as noted in comments)
    Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (NO WARRANTY, etc. see: pcg-random.org)
    The same, as the original C-code by Melissa E. O'Neill (for simplicity)
    Instead of translating every used variable, I've used type alias(es).
    The only other translation is therefore, the translation of operators.
    Apart from that, the addition of: 'Dim As' which isn't needed in 'C'.
    Removed all semi-colon's (C's line end marker). 

#Pragma Once                            ' FB style include guard

Namespace pcg                           ' for modularity

Type uint16_t As UShort                 ' substitute the FB specific data-types
Type uint32_t As ULong                  ' make type alias(es)
Type uint64_t As ULongInt

' internally used constants
Const As ULong  ULmax = &hFFFFFFFFul    ' used by Mersenne Twister (initializers)
Const As Double DmulF = 1.0 / (ULmax + 1ull)    ' ULong-range multiplier factor _
                                                ' used by pcg32dbl() Function

'// *Really* minimal PCG32 code / (c) 2014 M.E. O'Neill / pcg-random.org
'// Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (NO WARRANTY, etc. see ebsite)
'// translated C-code - start
Type pcg32_random_t
    As uint64_t state
    As uint64_t inc
End Type

Function pcg32rr( _                     ' pcg32_random_r renamed (shorter)
    ByVal rng   As pcg32_random_t Ptr _
    ) As uint32_t                       ' aka: ULong
    Dim As uint64_t oldstate = rng->state
    ' Advance internal state
    rng->state = oldstate * 6364136223846793005ULL + (rng->inc Or 1)
    ' Calculate output function (XSH RR), uses old state for max ILP
    Dim As uint32_t xorshifted = ((oldstate Shr 18) Xor oldstate) Shr 27
    Dim As uint32_t rot = oldstate Shr 59
    Return (xorshifted Shr rot) Or (xorshifted Shl ((-rot) And 31))
End Function
'// translated C-code - end

' just for demo purposes, because unlikely to be used, otherwise ...
' probably better explained as: pcg32x2rr (calling the same sequence
' twice or at your otion, using two different sequences), 64 bit result
Function pcg64rr( _                     ' 64 bit, using: 2 x 32 bit
    ByVal pt1   As pcg32_random_t Ptr, _    ' mandatory
    ByVal pt2   As pcg32_random_t Ptr = 0 _ ' optional
    ) As uint64_t                       ' aka: ULongInt
#Ifdef __FB_64BIT__                     ' FBC 64 (no type-cast's required)
    If pt1 = pt2 OrElse pt2 = 0 Then    ' depending on: provided parameter's
        Return (pcg32rr(pt1) Shl 32) + pcg32rr(pt1) ' same sequence (twice)
        Return (pcg32rr(pt1) Shl 32) + pcg32rr(pt2) ' diff. sequence's
    End If
#Else                                   ' FBC 32 (with required type-cast's)
    If pt1 = pt2 OrElse pt2 = 0 Then    ' as above
        Return (CULngInt(pcg32rr(pt1)) Shl 32) + pcg32rr(pt1)
        Return (CULngInt(pcg32rr(pt1)) Shl 32) + pcg32rr(pt2)
    End If
End Function

' fastest method of returning a [0, 1) interval as double (32bit granularity)
' (result of performed speed test vs. the below 'commented out' implementations,
' with various GCC optimisation options applied, averaged = 5 executed tests
' a single testrun is 1 Billion call's, aka: 1'000 * 1'000'000, see testcode)
Function pcg32dbl( _
    ByVal pt1   As pcg32_random_t Ptr _
    ) As Double
    Return pcg32rr(pt1) * DmulF
End Function

'' for spped tests only, as well as FBC 64 only!!! (just delete leading ')
'Function pcg32dbl2( _
'    ByVal pt1   As pcg32_random_t Ptr _
'    ) As Double
'    Dim As uint64_t u64 = (&h3FF Shl 52) + (pcg32rr(pt1) Shl 20)
'    Return (*cptr(Double Ptr, @u64) - 1)
'End Function
'Function pcg32dbl3( _
'    ByVal pt1   As pcg32_random_t Ptr _
'    ) As Double
'    Union ULL2DBL
'        As uint64_t u
'        As Double   d
'    End Union
'    Dim As ULL2DBL conv
'    conv.u = (&h3FF Shl 52) + (pcg32rr(pt1) Shl 20)
'    Return (conv.d - 1)
'End Function
'' surprisingly, with most GCC optimisation options: pcg32dbl() is fastest!
'' equally, with unoptimized GCC, Mersenne Twister is fastest! (FBC's CRT)

Function pcg32range( _
    ByVal pt1   As pcg32_random_t Ptr, _
    ByVal l_lim As uint32_t, _
    ByVal h_lim As uint32_t _
    ) As uint32_t
    Return Int(pcg32dbl(pt1) * ((h_lim + 1) - l_lim) + l_lim)   ' round to floor
End Function

' used internally by init_pcg_rnd() and/or init_pcg_user()
Private Sub init_MT( _                  ' initializer for Mersenne Twister
    ByVal size As UShort = 8000 _       ' 1000 x 8 call's
    Randomize(Timer, 3)
    For i As UInteger = 1 To (size Shr 3)   ' size \ 8 (fast)
        Rnd() : Rnd() : Rnd() : Rnd() : _
        Rnd() : Rnd() : Rnd() : Rnd()
End Sub

Private Function MT64() As uint64_t     ' 2 x 32 bits combined (MT)
#Ifdef __FB_64BIT__                     ' FBC 64 (no type-cast's required)
    Return ((Rnd * ULmax) Shl 32) + (Rnd * ULmax)
#Else                                   ' FBC 32 (with required type-cast's)
    Return (CULngInt(Rnd * ULmax) Shl 32) + CULng(Rnd * ULmax)
End Function

Private Sub init_pcg32_t( _
    ByVal pcg_t As pcg32_random_t Ptr, _
    ByVal size  As UShort = 8000 _
    For x As UInteger = 0 To (size Shr 3)   ' size \ 8 (fast)
        pcg32rr(pcg_t) : pcg32rr(pcg_t) : _
        pcg32rr(pcg_t) : pcg32rr(pcg_t) : _
        pcg32rr(pcg_t) : pcg32rr(pcg_t) : _
        pcg32rr(pcg_t) : pcg32rr(pcg_t)
End Sub
' end: used internally by init_pcg_rnd() and/or init_pcg_user()

Sub init_pcg_rnd( _                     ' initializer (uses random values)
    ByVal pcg_t As pcg32_random_t Ptr, _
    ByVal init  As Boolean = TRUE, _    ' manual switch-off option (initializer)
    ByVal isize As uint16_t = 8000 _
    Static As Boolean   _once_
    ' init_MT() is run once only
    If _once_ = FALSE Then
        init_MT(isize) : _once_ = TRUE
    End If
    ' get random uint64_t's (ULongInt)
    pcg_t->state = MT64()
    pcg_t->inc   = MT64()
    If init Then init_pcg32_t(pcg_t, isize) ' run initializer (default: yes)
End Sub

Sub init_pcg_user( _                    ' initializer (uses user defined values)
    ByVal pcg_t As pcg32_random_t Ptr, _
    ByVal state As uint64_t, _
    ByVal inc   As uint64_t, _
    ByVal init  As Boolean = FALSE, _   ' manual switch-on option (initializer)
    ByVal isize As uint16_t = 8000 _
    pcg_t->state = state
    pcg_t->inc   = inc
    If init Then init_pcg32_t(pcg_t, isize) ' run initializer (default: no)
End Sub

End Namespace                           ' pcg -- end
' ----- EOF -----
Two little tests (showing use in code):

Code: Select all

    pcg32rr.bi -- copyright (c) 2019, MrSwiss (except as noted in comments)
    For additional information and/or details read: pcg32rr.bi

' testing code - start - pcg32rr_test1.bas (with 'using' directive)
#Include "pcg32rr.bi"

Using pcg                               ' include pcg-namespace into 'global-namespace'

Dim As pcg32_random_t   pcgt1, pcgt2    ' use two instances (for 64/2 x 32 bit only needed!)

init_pcg_rnd(@pcgt1)                    ' initialize the type (random values, default init = TRUE)
init_pcg_user(@pcgt2, 123456789, 987654321, TRUE, 16000)   ' user suppled init values (incl. init)

' ----- user code start
For i As UInteger = 0 To 59
    Select Case As Const i Mod 4
        Case 0
            Print Tab(11);
            Print pcg32rr(@pcgt1)       ' @ = type ptr = MANDATORY!
        Case 1
            Print Tab(11);
            Print Str(pcg32dbl(@pcgt2)) ' returns: ULong converted to Double [0, 1)
        Case 2
            Print Tab(11);              ' return range: a signed byte (modified from ubyte)
            Print pcg32range(@pcgt1, 0, 255) - 128  ' any positive range (incl. 0) _
                                        ' however, easy to convert to +/- or -/0 etc.
        Case 3
            Print Tab(11);
            Print pcg64rr(@pcgt1, @pcgt2)   ' using both sequences (2 x 32 bit)
    End Select
' ----- user code end

' testing code - end    ' ----- EOF -----

Code: Select all

    pcg32rr.bi -- copyright (c) 2019, MrSwiss (except as noted in comments)
    For additional information and/or details read: pcg32rr.bi

' testing code - start - pcg32rr_test2.bas (without 'using' directive)
#Include "pcg32rr.bi"

Dim As pcg.pcg32_random_t   pcgt1, pcgt2  ' use two instances (for 64/2 x 32 bit only needed!)

pcg.init_pcg_rnd(@pcgt1)              ' initialize the type (random values, default init = TRUE)
pcg.init_pcg_user(@pcgt2, 123456789, 987654321, TRUE, 16000)  ' user suppled init values (incl. init)

' ----- user code start
For i As UInteger = 0 To 59
    Select Case As Const i Mod 4
        Case 0
            Print Tab(11);
            Print pcg.pcg32rr(@pcgt1) ' @ = type ptr = MANDATORY!
        Case 1
            Print Tab(11);
            Print Str(pcg.pcg32dbl(@pcgt2))   ' returns: ULong converted to Double [0, 1)
        Case 2
            Print Tab(11);              ' return range: a signed byte (modified from ubyte)
            Print pcg.pcg32range(@pcgt1, 0, 255) - 128    ' any positive range (incl. 0) _
                                        ' however, easy to convert to +/- or -/0 etc.
        Case 3
            Print Tab(11);
            Print pcg.pcg64rr(@pcgt1, @pcgt2) ' using both sequences (2 x 32 bit)
    End Select
' ----- user code end

' testing code - end    ' ----- EOF -----
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Joined: Jun 02, 2013 9:27
Location: Switzerland

Re: pcg32rr.bi - minimal PCG32_random_r implementation ( (c) Melissa E. O'Neill )

Post by MrSwiss »

Here is the code I've used for the above mentioned tests.

- only for FBC 64 bit (otherwise, undefined results)
you'll have to FIRST uncomment the following two procedures in 'pcg32rr.bi':
- pcg32dbl2() and
- pcg32dbl3()
It's best to comment them after speed test(s) is/are run.


Code: Select all

    pcg32rr.bi -- copyright (c) 2019, MrSwiss (except as noted in comments)

' testing code - start - pcg32rr_speed-test.bas
#Include "pcg32rr.bi"

Using pcg

Dim As pcg32_random_t   pcgt1, pcgt2, pcgt3 ' use three instances
Dim As Double t, tt1, tt2, tt3, tt4

init_pcg_rnd(@pcgt1)                    ' initialize the type's

' ----- user code start
Print "Speed test running, please wait ..."

For j As UInteger = 1 To 1e3            ' 1 to 1'000
    ' using multiplier const
    t = Timer
    For i As UInteger = 1 To 1e6        ' 1 to 1'000'000
    tt1 += Timer - t
    ' using bit-shift & ptr cast
    t = Timer
    For i As UInteger = 1 To 1e6
    tt2 += Timer - t
    ' using bit-shift & union
    t = Timer
    For i As UInteger = 1 To 1e6
    tt3 += Timer - t
    ' Mersenne Twister (built in)
    t = Timer
    For i As UInteger = 1 To 1e6
    tt4 += Timer - t

Print "Times taken ... 1'000 x 1'000'000 run's each"
Print "pcg32dbl(@pcgt1)  "; tt1; Tab(40); "using multiplier const"
Print "pcg32dbl2(@pcgt2) "; tt2; Tab(40); "using shift's & ptr cast"
Print "pcg32dbl3(@pcgt3) "; tt3; Tab(40); "using shift's & union"
Print "Mersenne Twister  "; tt4; Tab(40); "(FBC built in)"
' ----- user code end

' testing code - end    ' ----- EOF -----
a typical result wrote: Speed test running, please wait ...

Times taken ... 1'000 x 1'000'000 run's each
pcg32dbl(@pcgt1) 1.161500201094896 using multiplier const
pcg32dbl2(@pcgt2) 1.162808296037838 using shift's & ptr cast
pcg32dbl3(@pcgt3) 1.165347297443077 using shift's & union

Mersenne Twister 5.043453700141981 (FBC built in)

(GCC options: -O max [difference to -O 3 is insignificant])
Posts: 3910
Joined: Jun 02, 2013 9:27
Location: Switzerland

Re: pcg32rr.bi - minimal PCG32_random_r implementation ( (c) Melissa E. O'Neill )

Post by MrSwiss »

Another example, using four instances of pcg32_random_t, with the DrawRhomb() Sub
See: Tips & Tricks/DrawRhomb() Sub ..., using Mersenne Twister (built in).
To demonstrate the use of multiple (differently seeded) random generation.

Code: Select all

' DrawRhomb_Sub-test1.bas -- (c) 2019-02-26, MrSwiss
' compile: -s gui
#Include "pcg32rr.bi"   ' https://www.freebasic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=27343
Using pcg               ' include pcg namespace

Sub DrawRhomb( _                        ' draw a rhomb(us) (aka: diamond, lozenge)
    ByVal xc    As Single, _            ' X-axis rhomb center
    ByVal yc    As Single, _            ' y-axis rhomb center
    ByVal wid   As Single, _            ' width of rhomb
    ByVal hei   As Single, _            ' height of rhomb
    ByVal ang   As Single=0.0, _        ' rhomb angle of rotation (optional)
    ByVal bcl   As ULong=&hFFFFFFFF, _  ' border color (optional)
    ByVal fcl   As ULong=0, _           ' fill color (optional)
    ByVal fll   As Boolean=FALSE _      ' fill flag (default: none)
    #Ifndef Pi                          ' only if not externally defined
    Static As Double    Pi  = 4d * Atn(1d)      ' semi circle (rad)
    Static As Double    d_r = Atn(1d) / 45.0    ' deg to rad mul. factor
    Dim As Single   SinAng, CosAng, Theta, D_Theta, _   ' angles
                    x, y, rx, ry        ' position points
    ' initialize local variables
    ang *= d_r : SinAng = Sin(ang) : CosAng = Cos(ang)
    Theta = 0.0 : D_Theta = Pi * .5     ' 90° in RAD
    ' calculate the first point (2D vector)
    x = wid * Cos(Theta) : y = hei * Sin(Theta)
    ' rotate it
    rx = xc + x * CosAng + y * SinAng
    ry = yc - x * SinAng + y * CosAng
    ' set start point (aka: graphics cursor)
    PSet (rx, ry)                       ' doesn't change anything visible!
    ' draw the rhomb
    For i As UInteger = 0 To 3          ' four points
        Theta += D_Theta                ' add delta, 90° RAD
        x = wid * Cos(Theta)            ' new pos.
        y = hei * Sin(Theta)
        rx = xc + x * CosAng + y * SinAng   ' rotate it
        ry = yc - x * SinAng + y * CosAng
        Line -(rx, ry), bcl             ' draw line (relative, border color)
    If fll Then Paint (xc, yc), fcl, bcl' fill if requested (fill color)
End Sub

' demo code (uses: PCG32rr.bi & it's namespace, see: at top)
ScreenRes(1024, 800, 32)

Dim As pcg32_random_t   p1, p2, p3, p4  ' 4 instances of pcg32 (type)
' user defined initializers (instead of: randomly picked)
init_pcg_user(@p1, &h0, &h00FF00FF00FF00FF, TRUE)   ' TRUE = run it 8000 times
init_pcg_user(@p2, &h1000, &h0000FFFF0000FFFF, TRUE)
init_pcg_user(@p3, &h1000000, &h7F007F007F007F00, TRUE)
init_pcg_user(@p4, &h1000000000, &h007F007F007F007F, TRUE) 

Dim As ULong    angle = 180, x = 511, y = 399, _    ' max. angle | center/center
                w = pcg32range(@p3, 180, 300), _    ' random width
                h = pcg32range(@p2, 100, 200), _    ' random height
                bc = &hFFFF3F00, fc = &hFF007FFF    ' preset colors
Dim As Boolean  clsf = FALSE, fllf = TRUE           ' Cls-/fill-flags

' MAIN-Loop
    If clsf Then Cls : clsf = FALSE
    DrawRhomb(x, y, w, h, angle, bc, fc, fllf)
    angle -= 5                          ' smaller angle = CW rotation!
    If angle = 0 Then                   ' reset condition and new init
        angle = 180 : clsf = TRUE : fllf = Not fllf
        bc = pcg32range(@p1, &hFF000000, &hFFFFFFFF)    ' 24 bit RGB only
        fc = pcg32range(@p4, &hFF3F3F3F, &hFFBFBFBF)
        x  = pcg32range(@p2, 199, 823)
        y  = pcg32range(@p3, 199, 599)
        w  = pcg32range(@p2, 180, 320)
        h  = pcg32range(@p3, 180, 320)
    End If
    Sleep(16, 1)                        ' approx. 60 Hz (aka: FPS)
Loop Until InKey() = Chr(255, 107)      ' [Alt]+[F4] press or a [X] click
' ----- EOF -----
Tested: FBC 64 - WIN, 1.06.0
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