monte-carlo weights

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Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

monte-carlo weights

Post by dafhi »

weight randomizer - 2018 Oct 21

Code: Select all

'' you can find the source to 'rand' and 'util' at the link

#include "rand.bas"
#include "util.bas"

#undef rnd
#define rnd csg_ii

#include "pathtracer.bas"

/' -- weight randomizer ---

 ! ! ! W A R N I N G ! ! !  -  lots of flashing here!

this demo renders spheres and one small, super-bright light ..
a difficult path tracer scene

test loop
  randomize weights
  if better, save
  else restore

weights are saved to "res.txt"


Making heavy changes to my path tracer.  When I envision a new variable for experimentation,
things happen in several locations:
 1.  "pathtracer .. .bas"

A. 3 places, starting at line 362 (all bunched up in one section)
B. how the variables relate w/ path tracer algorithm (can apply to any project)
 2.  weight randomizer (this file)

A. printout()
B. index_from_probability()
C. new_weights()
  1. change ubound time_spent_randomizing()
  2. adjust select case
D. main() - 2 sections


type tEVS
  as eval_vars ptr  p
  as double         s
  as string         kstr
End Type

sub printout(temp as tEVS, best as tEVS)
  locate 33,1
  ? round(temp.s), round(best.s)
  #define pr(parm) *temp.p. parm, *best.p. parm, "   "; #parm
  ? pr(parm0)
  ? pr(parm1)
  ? pr(parm2)
  ? pr(parm3)
  ? pr(parm4)
  ? pr(parm5)
  ? pr(parm6)
  ? pr(parm7)
  ? pr(parm8)
  ? pr(parm9)
  ? pr(parm10)
  ? pr(parm11)
  ? pr(parm12)
  ? pr(parm13)
  ? pr(parm14)
  ? "Allow randomization for at least a few seconds."
  ? "Press any key to render using new weights."
end sub

function index_from_probability(a() as single, not_value as integer = -1) as integer
  dim as integer ret
  if rnd < .5 then not_value = -1
    dim as single s = rnd
    select case s
    case is < a(0):  ret=0
    case is < a(1):  ret=1
    case is < a(2):  ret=2
    case is < a(3):  ret=3
    case is < a(4):  ret=4
    case is < a(5):  ret=5
    case is < a(6):  ret=6
    case is < a(7):  ret=7
    case is < a(8):  ret=8
    case is < a(9):  ret=9
    case is < a(10):  ret=10
    case is < a(11):  ret=11
    case is < a(12):  ret=12
    case is < a(13):  ret=13
    case else:       ret=14
    end select
  loop while ret = not_value
  return ret
end function

sub norm_squash(a() as single) '' a general-purpose sub
  dim as single s = a(0)
  for i as integer = 1 to ubound(a):  s += a(i):  Next: a(0) /= s
  for i as integer = 1 to ubound(a)
    a(i) = a(i)/s + a(i-1)
End Sub

sub new_weights(byref ev as eval_vars)
  'dim as single   time_spent_randomizing(14) = {1,1,2,2,2,0,0,0,3,3,3,5,2,0,0}
  dim as single   time_spent_randomizing(14) = {1,1,4,4,4,2,2,5,4,4,4,4,4,3,2}
  'dim as single   time_spent_randomizing(14) = {0,0,0,0,0,3,2,5,0,0,0,0,0,3,2}
  norm_squash time_spent_randomizing()
  for i as integer = 0 to ubound(time_spent_randomizing) * .35
    select case index_from_probability( time_spent_randomizing() )
                                            '' ranges become more obvious w/ experience
    case 0:  ev. parm0 = .03 + rnd*.9       'srate          - importance map threshold telling a pixel to render
    case 1:  ev. parm1 = .3*(.3+rnd)        'qrate          - enforced sampling density
    case 2:  ev. parm2 = rnd                'imap fi        - importance map recalculate every i-th frame
    case 3:  ev. parm3 = .33*(2+rnd)       'imap sus       - importance map sustain
    case 4:  ev. parm4 = .07*(1.5+rnd)      'imap           - star filter coefficient
    'case 5:  ev. parm5 = .00*(1.3+rnd)      'blur           - blur amount
    case 5:  ev. parm5 = .03*(1.0+rnd)      'blur           - blur amount
    case 6:  ev. parm6 = rnd                'blur fi        - calculate every i-th frame
    case 7:  ev. parm7 = rnd*.8              'blur f0        - blur wait frame
    case 8:  ev. parm8 = rnd                'grid fi         - grid jitter every i-th frame
    case 9:  ev. parm9 = 8 * (.2+rnd)      'ipix_trig      - baseline for pixel size frame trigger, and blur_f0, blur_fi, imap_fi
    case 10:  ev. parm10 = 8 *(.2+rnd)      'ipix trig mul  - actual pixel trigger increment gets its own multiplier
    case 11:  ev. parm11 = 0.9*(.7+rnd)      'ipix trig exp  - pixelsize trigger-frame increment decay
    case 12:  ev. parm12 = .1*(.5+rnd)      'qexp          - enforced sampling decay
    case 13:  ev. parm13 = .2*(.2+rnd)      'blur_thresh  - blur if importance >=
    case 14:  ev. parm14 = .03*(1+rnd)      'blur_exp     - blur decay
    end select
end sub

sub render_test(byref tr as tracer ptr, byref sc as scene ptr, x as ushort = 0, y as ushort = 0)
  var r_time = 20
  var update_interval = .15
  dim as double t, t_info=t, tsum
  while tsum < r_time
    var t0 = timer
    tr->render *sc
    t = timer:  tsum += t-t0
    if t >= t_info then
      t_info = t + update_interval
      sc->image_out x, y
      screenlock: screenunlock
      dim as string s="render test " & round((tsum)/60,2) & " / " & round(r_time/60,2)
      windowtitle s
      sleep 1
    if inkey<>"" then exit while
  sc->image_out x,y
  screenlock: screenunlock
end sub

function calc_score(sce as scene ptr) as double
  'One pixel of high importance will hog most of cpu.
  'A simple score calculation could well be:  pixels iteration sum ..
  'i.e., the more spread out the importance, the better the result
  var score = 0!
  with *sce
    'var mult = 1 / (.ub+1)'# 'double, 
    for i as integer = 0 to .u
      score += .a(i).a.iter '* mult
    next:  end with
  return score '/ (sce->ww * sce->hh)
End function

dim shared as double gdt

sub evaluate_render(byref evs as tEVS, byref tr as tracer ptr, byref sc as scene ptr)
  var update_interval = .9
  var t = timer, t0 = t
  var t_info = t + update_interval
  var r_time = gdt
  var border = 2, xw = sc->w+border, x0=xw*0
    tr->render *sc
    t = timer
    if t >= t_info then
      t_info = t + update_interval
      sc->image_out x0, 0
      'locate 22, 1: ? sc->frame, sc->pixel_size, sc->pix_size_frame_trig; "  "
      screenlock: screenunlock
      sleep 1
      evs.kstr = inkey
      if evs.kstr<>"" then exit do
    r_time -= t - t0
    t = t0:  t0 = timer
  loop while r_time > 0
  if gdt < update_interval then  cls:  sc->image_out x0, 0
  evs.s = calc_score(sc)
end sub

' ------ scene -----------

const BASE_RAD = 50

dim shared as tMatte    mat
dim shared as single    ior
sub sphere_as_ground(byref sce as scene, col as v3=type(1,1,1), k as single=.1, fresnel as single=0)
  mat.quick_solid col, k, fresnel, 0
  sce.add_sphere 0,-BASE_RAD,0, BASE_RAD, sce.add_material(mat.refl, mat.refr, mat.em)
End sub

sub create_lights(byref sce as scene, num as integer=3, brightness as single=1, size_min as single = 1, y as single = .5, size_variance_mult as single = 2.5)
  var size_avg = size_min * (1+size_variance_mult) / 2
  for i as integer = 1 to num
    var a = i / num
    mat.quick_light hsv(a*6,.5,1)*brightness
    var rad = size_min + rnd * size_variance_mult*size_min, dist=.8, angle = twopi*a
    dim as v3 v=type( dist*cos(angle), y, dist*sin(angle) )
    sce.add_sphere v.x,v.y,v.z, rad, sce.add_material(mat.refl, mat.refr, mat.em)
End Sub

sub mat_random
    var k = rnd*rnd, fresnel = 2*(rnd-.5), refr_amt = rnd: refr_amt=1
    mat.quick_solid hsv(rnd*6,rnd*rnd,.67*(.5+rnd)), k, fresnel, refr_amt
    ior = 1.05 + rnd*.67
End Sub

sub create_spheres(byref sce as scene, num as integer = 10, size_min as single = .02, variance_mult as single = 1)
  dim as single spread = 1-cos(pi/270)
  dim as v3 yvec = type(0,1,0)
  for i as integer = 0 to num-1
    var rad = size_min * (1 + rnd * variance_mult)
    dim as v3 v=yvec.rand((rnd)*spread)*(base_rad+rad)
    sce.add_sphere v.x,v.y-base_rad,v.z, rad, sce.add_material(mat.refl, mat.refr, mat.em, ior)
    for j as integer = 0 to -1'+int(rnd*rnd*1.5)
      sce.pobjects->obj(sce.pobjects->ub_obj).mat_layer sce.add_material(mat.refl, mat.refr, mat.em, ior)
  next: ?
end sub

sub Main

  dim as imagevars  buf
  buf.screen_init 640,480

  /' ----- scene with a small, bright emitter.  firefly heaven.  '/
  var seed = 1

  for i as long = 1 to seed
    dim as single f = rnd
  var image_scale = .4
  dim as scene      sc=type(buf.w*image_scale,buf.h*image_scale)
  sc.pobjects->bgcol = hsv(.7,.17,.18)
  sphere_as_ground sc, hsv(.5,0,.8)*2 - sc.pobjects->bgcol, 0.4, .0
  dim as tMatte mat
  mat.quick_solid hsv(0,0,.8)       ,.00, .5
  '                   num, brightness, size_min,    y, size_vari_mult
  create_lights sc,   5,         210,     .004,  .35
  '                   num, size_min, size_vari_mult
  create_spheres sc, 48,    .0023,              9
  mat.quick_light hsv(-.15, .6, 1) * 2500
  '             x  y  z   rad
  sc.add_sphere 0,.02,0, .004, sc.add_material(mat.refl, mat.refr, mat.em)
  var a = .577
  sc.pobjects->obj(sc.pobjects->ub_obj).desc.ori.x = -.38 + 0.6*a
  sc.pobjects->obj(sc.pobjects->ub_obj).desc.ori.z = 0.1 + .2*a
  sc.pobjects->cam.zoom = 1.1
  var pos_scalar = .6
  sc.pobjects->cam.o.z = (-2.5 + .5*a) * pos_scalar
  sc.pobjects->cam.o.y = (.4 - .1*a) * pos_scalar
  sc.pobjects->cam.o.x = (-0.1 + 1.3*a) * pos_scalar
  sc.look_at .02, -.05, .00
  ' ---- scene end -------
  sc.render_target buf 
  var sc0 = sc, sc1 = sc

  'image_scale = .25
  sc0.dimensions buf.w * image_scale, buf.h * image_scale
  sc1.dimensions sc0.w, sc0.h

  sc.scene_to sc0
  sc.scene_to sc1
  dim as tracer   tr

  'render_test @tr, @sc0, sc.w+2 + sc0.w+2
  ? "done.":  ?
  ? "next, weights adjustment"
  'sleep 1400

  dim as eval_vars  weights_best = gEV
  dim as tEVS       best, temp
  temp.p = @gEV
  best.p = @weights_best
  #define b *temp.p      '' part 1/2 - make changes here when u craft a new weight
  dim as string strfile = exepath & "\" & "res.txt"
  var min_time = .7 '' 1. start with short render
  var max_time = 2.7  '' 2. refinement achieved over gradually increased render times
  gdt = min_time
  while gdt <= max_time
    dim as string     kstr
    var loop_add = 8 / gdt
    for test_pass as integer = 1 to 2.45 + loop_add
      windowtitle  "pass "& str(test_pass) & "  best " & str(best.s)
      evaluate_render temp, @tr, @sc
      printout temp, best
      screenlock: screenunlock
      if temp.s >= best.s then
        best.s = temp.s
        '*best.p = b
        weights_best = gEV
        if test_pass > 1 then
          open strfile for output as #1
            write #1, "srate", b. parm0
            write #1, "qrate", b. parm1
            write #1, "imap fi", b. parm2
            write #1, "imap sus", b. parm3
            write #1, "imap", b. parm4
            write #1, "blur", b. parm5
            write #1, "blur fi", b. parm6
            write #1, "blur f0", b. parm7
            write #1, "grid fi", b. parm8
            write #1, "ipix trig", b. parm9
            write #1, "ipix trig mul", b. parm10
            write #1, "ipix trig exp", b. parm11
            write #1, "qexp", b. parm12
            write #1, "blur thresh", b. parm13
            write #1, "blur exp", b. parm14
          close #1
        *temp.p = *best.p
      new_weights *temp.p
      sleep 1
      kstr = inkey
      if temp.kstr <> "" then kstr = temp.kstr
      if kstr <> "" then exit for
    gEV = weights_best
    if kstr <> "" then exit while
    gdt *= 1.23
  sc0.image_out sc.w+2

  'printout temp, best
  'gEV = weights_best
  render_test @tr, @sc1, sc0.w+2

  draw string(0,sc.h+11), "done!"
  windowtitle "done! "
end sub

link to pathtracer.bas


Code: Select all

' rand.bas
function CSG as double
  const mul = 6364136223846793005ull '' Knuth's LCG
  const add = 1442695040888963407ull
  static as ulongint state = 1
  state = mul * (state shr 9) + add
  return (state and 4294967295) / 4294967296

End function

function CSG_ii as double '' 2018 Oct 22
  const mul = 6364136223846793005ull
  const add = 1442695040888963407ull
  static as ulongint a, state = 1
  a += 1 - (state = 0) ''2018 Sep 13
  state = (mul * (state shl 52 or state shr 12) + add) xor a '' Oct 22
  return (state and 4294967295) / 4294967296

End function

#Ifndef floor   ''
  #Define floor(x) (((x)*2.0-0.5)shr 1)
  #define ceil(x) (-((-(x)*2.0-0.5)shr 1))

function round(in as double, places as ubyte = 0) as string
  dim as integer mul = 10 ^ places
  return str( floor( in * mul +.5 ) / mul )
End Function
Last edited by dafhi on Oct 23, 2018 0:22, edited 4 times in total.
Posts: 1645
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: monte-carlo weights

Post by dafhi »

short animation

Code: Select all

/' code smashed together for a quick ..

 ----- test scene ------


#include "rand.bas"

#undef rnd
#define rnd csg_ii

#include "pathtracer.bas"

#include "../"
#include "util.bas"

' ------- material demo
const BASE_RAD = 50

dim shared as tMatte    mat
dim shared as single    ior
sub sphere_as_ground(byref sce as scene, col as v3=type(1,1,1), k as single=.1, fresnel as single=0)
  mat.quick_solid col, k, fresnel, 0
  sce.add_sphere 0,-BASE_RAD,0, BASE_RAD, sce.add_material(mat.refl, mat.refr, mat.em)
End sub

sub create_lights(byref sce as scene, num as integer=3, _
  brightness as single=1, size_min as single = 1, _
  y as single = .5, size_variance_mult as single = 2.5)
  #define r csg
  var size_avg = size_min * (1+size_variance_mult) / 2
  for i as integer = 1 to num
    var a = i / num
    mat.quick_light hsv(a*6,.5,1)*brightness
    var rad = size_min + r * size_variance_mult*size_min, dist=.8, angle = twopi*a
    dim as v3 v=type( dist*cos(angle), y, dist*sin(angle) )
    sce.add_sphere v.x,v.y,v.z, rad, sce.add_material(mat.refl, mat.refr, mat.em)
End Sub

sub mat_random
  #define r csg
  var k = r*r, fresnel = 2*(r-.5), refr_amt = r: refr_amt=1'int(r+.78)'r*r
  mat.quick_solid hsv(r*6,r*r,.67*(.5+r)), k, fresnel, refr_amt
  ior = 1.05 + r*.67
End Sub

sub create_spheres(byref sce as scene, num as integer = 10, size_min as single = .02, variance_mult as single = 1)
  dim as single spread = 1-cos(pi/200)
  dim as v3 yvec = type(0,1,0)
  for i as integer = 0 to num-1
    var rad = size_min * (1 + rnd * variance_mult)
    dim as v3 v=yvec.rand((rnd)*spread)*(base_rad+rad)
    sce.add_sphere v.x,v.y-base_rad,v.z, rad, sce.add_material(mat.refl, mat.refr, mat.em, ior)
    for j as integer = 0 to -1'+int(rnd*rnd*1.5)
      sce.pobjects->obj(sce.pobjects->ub_obj).mat_layer sce.add_material(mat.refl, mat.refr, mat.em, ior)
end sub

sub Main

  var seed = 4

  for i as long = 1 to seed
    dim as single f = rnd
  var base_dim = 440
  base_dim = 280
'  base_dim = 160
  dim as imagevars  buf:  buf.screen_init base_dim*16/9, base_dim
  var image_scale = 1
  dim as imagevars  img:  img.create buf.w*image_scale, buf.h*image_scale
'  #define record

  var passes_per_frame = 60
  ' scene ===========
  dim as scene      sc=type(img.w,img.h)
  sc.pobjects->bgcol = hsv(.78, .15, .62)

  sphere_as_ground sc, hsv(.78, .06, .84)*2 - sc.pobjects->bgcol, 0.4, .0
  dim as tMatte mat
  mat.quick_solid hsv(0,0,.8)       ,.00, .5
  'sc.obj(0).mat_layer sc.add_material(mat.refl, mat.refr, mat.em), .2
  '                   num, brightness, size_min,   size_vari_mult, y
  'create_lights sc,   5,         100,     .004,  .35
  '                   num, size_min, size_vari_mult
  create_spheres sc, 148,    .0011,              14
  mat.quick_light hsv(-.3, .6, 5) * 200
  sc.add_sphere 0,.02,0, .004, sc.add_material(mat.refl, mat.refr, mat.em)
  sc.render_target buf
  ' =================
  windowtitle "-"
  dim as double tp = timer, times(4)={0,0,0,0,0}', tp0 = tp
  ' ========== render settings
  chdir exepath
  var file = ""
'  rand_filename file, "avi"
  file = str(seed) + ".avi"

  var anim_fps       = 26
  var anim_seconds    = 6
  dim as integer frame_end = anim_seconds * anim_fps
  dim as integer steppa = 1
  dim as single   fm = (frame_end+1)/2
  dim as integer  FE = fm+(fm-1)*steppa
  dim as integer  FS = frame_end+1 - FE
  #ifdef record
    const as integer iQuality  = 100
    dim as integer xvid_fps = anim_fps
    'const as integer iChannels =  0
    'const as integer iBits     = 8
    'const as integer iRate     = 11025'22050
    if OpenVideoStream(file,buf.w,buf.h,xvid_fps,iQuality)=0 then
    'if OpenVideoAudioStream("test03.avi",w,h,iFPS,iQuality,iChannels,iBits,iRate)=0 then
      print "error: OpenVideoStream() !"
      beep:sleep:end 1
    end if
  dim as string kstr
  dim as tracer tr
  #ifdef record
  for frame as integer = fs+steppa*0 to Fe step steppa*1
  for frame as integer = 84 to 84
    var a = frame / frame_end
    sc.pobjects->obj(sc.pobjects->ub_obj).desc.ori.x = -.38 + 0.6*a
    sc.pobjects->obj(sc.pobjects->ub_obj).desc.ori.z = 0.1 + .2*a
    sc.pobjects->cam.zoom = 1.1
    var pos_scalar = .55
    sc.pobjects->cam.o.z = (-2.5 + .5*a) * pos_scalar
    sc.pobjects->cam.o.y = (.4 - .1*a) * pos_scalar
    sc.pobjects->cam.o.x = (-0.1 + 1.3*a) * pos_scalar
    sc.look_at .02, -.05, .00
    var update_mul = 10
    dim as double t=timer, t_info=t, tsum
    dim as integer k
    while k < passes_per_frame
      var t0 = timer
      tr.render sc
      t = timer:  tsum += t-t0
      if t >= t_info then
        t_info = t + update_mul / sc.pixel_size ^ 2
        locate 1,1
        dim as string s = "frame time (mins): " & round((tsum)/60,1)
        #ifdef record
          ? "Recording animation"
        screenlock:  screenunlock
        windowtitle round(k / passes_per_frame,2)
        sleep 1
      kstr = inkey
      if kstr<>"" then exit while
      k += 1
    #ifdef record
      #if 0
        var num = format(frame,"000")
        bsave exepath & "\bmp\" & num & ".bmp", 0
        var flipRB = true
        sc.image_out ,,,,,flipRB

        select case buf.bpp
        case 32 : Write32BitPixels(ScreenPtr)
        'case 16 : Write16BitPixels(ScreenPtr)
        end select
    screenlock:  screenunlock
    if kstr<>"" then exit for
    sleep 1
    tp = t
    t_info = t + update_mul / sc.pixel_size ^ 2
    var s = (FE - frame) / (FE - FS)
    var pct = int((1-s)*100 + .5)
    var mid_elem = (ubound(times)+1)\2, td = times(mid_elem)
    var time_remain = (frame_end-1)*s*td/3600
    time_remain = int(time_remain * 100 + .5) / 100
    windowtitle "frame " & str(frame) & " ... " & str(pct) & "% .. " & str(tsum) & " render time"
  #ifdef record
  draw string(0,80), "done!"
end sub

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